Re: single staff poliphony

2009-05-23 Thread Marc Hohl

Federico Bruni schrieb:

Hi Marc,
thank you so much, the code you've suggested works fine.

Marc Hohl wrote:

As I have written some guitar music in lilypond, I find it easier to do
so with seperate
voices for upper and lower notes. It's easier to read and to correct,
and all the
 { } \\ { }  stuff can get really annoying when you code more than a
few bars.

you're right, much better


Thank you for giving the new tablature features a try!

Thanks to you for freeing the tab numbers from stems' slavery ;-).
The clef moderntab works fine as well (I found out that - to make it
working -I should put the code \clef moderntab in both voices of my

Just a question:
which effects are supported by the tablature? I mean slide,
hammer/pulloff, acciaccatura/appoggiatura..
As far as I can see, glissando (=slide) is supported. (of course, also
dead notes and palm mute).

What about the others?
For examples, I've tried the slurs to get hammer-on/pull-off but
nothing is shown on the tablature. I'm doing something wrong or this
feature is still missing?
I would guess the second, as I can't see any other effects in your
tablature-test.pdf...can you confirm it?


Yes, I simply made slurs invisible - we have to provide commands for
hammer-on/pull-off and bendings, but that seems to be more

Anyway, thanks for your nice job! I'm very happy to have stumbled upon
this great software.
I should thank Tuxguitar version 1.1, whose double voicing support
encouraged me to leave some tab freeware/shareware and just use Free
I couldn't imagine Lilypond was so cool. A good tablature support
would be wonderful, I'll do my best to help testing..

Great! Welcome on board!





lilypond-user mailing list

Re: single staff poliphony

2009-05-22 Thread Jonathan Kulp

Federico Bruni wrote:

I'm trying to write a bar for fingerstyle guitar (I'm using the file, I'd be glad to test it...but I'm at the beginnings
with lilypond, please help).

Could you please tell me what's wrong here?

melody = \relative c {
   \time 4/4
   \key g \major
   { d g4 d g8 e a f b4 g4 } \\ { g,2 g }

\score {
  \new Staff { \clef G_8 \melody }
  \new TabStaff   { \tabNumbersOnly \melody }

I've used the information found here:

But I guess I'm doing a trivial error, probably related with basic
knowledge of Lilypond.
I went through the doc but I couldn't find the right page.
Any help much appreciated..

Thanks in advance,

Hi Federico,

It's failing to compile (at least on my end) because you have an 
undefined variable \tabNumbersOnly, which from what I can gather is 
something in an \include file.  I found the reference to it, as well as 
the include file code, in an archived mailing list posting, and when I 
included this file, the score compiled but I got a blank tabStaff.

Anyhow, if you get ride of the \tabNumbersOnly command then it should 
compile.  I believe this file is something that's in 
development and not quite into the latest Lilypond source files yet. 
I'm running Lilypond straight from the source files and it didn't find when I tried to include it.  I had to create the file 



btw here's a link to the thread where this is discussed:,-second-attempt-td2336.html

Jonathan Kulp

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: single staff poliphony

2009-05-22 Thread Marc Hohl

Jonathan Kulp schrieb:

Federico Bruni wrote:

I'm trying to write a bar for fingerstyle guitar (I'm using the file, I'd be glad to test it...but I'm at the beginnings
with lilypond, please help).

Could you please tell me what's wrong here?

melody = \relative c {
   \time 4/4
   \key g \major
   { d g4 d g8 e a f b4 g4 } \\ { g,2 g }

\score {
  \new Staff { \clef G_8 \melody }
  \new TabStaff   { \tabNumbersOnly \melody }

I've used the information found here: 

But I guess I'm doing a trivial error, probably related with basic
knowledge of Lilypond.
I went through the doc but I couldn't find the right page.
Any help much appreciated..

Thanks in advance,

Hi Federico,

It's failing to compile (at least on my end) because you have an 
undefined variable \tabNumbersOnly, which from what I can gather is 
something in an \include file.  I found the reference to it, as well 
as the include file code, in an archived mailing list posting, and 
when I included this file, the score compiled but I got a blank tabStaff.

Anyhow, if you get ride of the \tabNumbersOnly command then it should 
compile.  I believe this file is something that's in 
development and not quite into the latest Lilypond source files yet. 
I'm running Lilypond straight from the source files and it didn't find when I tried to include it.  I had to create the file 
I posted this file to the list today for testing purposes, so it will 
eventually become part

of one of the next releases.

Anyway, when you delete the \tabNumbersOnly, I doesn't compile right 
here with version 2.13.0
(with and without including It puts the TabStaff notes in 
the normal staff, therefore

all notes are doubled and the tab staff is empty.

So the error has nothing to do with the file.

A possible solution would be to use different voices, like this:

\version 2.13.0

upper = \relative c {
  \time 4/4
  \key g \major
  d g4 d g8 e a f b4 g4

lower = \relative c {
  \time 4/4
  \key g \major
   g2 g

\score {
 \new Staff = guitar 
  \context Voice = upper guitar { \clef G_8 \voiceOne \upper }
  \context Voice = lower guitar { \clef G_8 \voiceTwo 
\lower } 

 \new TabStaff = tab 
   \context TabVoice = upper tab { \clef tab \voiceOne \upper }
   \context TabVoice = lower tab { \clef tab \voiceTwo \lower } 

This looks fine without giving any error messages.

When you include, make sure to get the version I posted today.
You don't have to write \tabNumbersOnly explicitly, this is the default 
when including

the file.

As I have written some guitar music in lilypond, I find it easier to do 
so with seperate
voices for upper and lower notes. It's easier to read and to correct, 
and all the
 { } \\ { }  stuff can get really annoying when you code more than a 
few bars.

Thank you for giving the new tablature features a try!




btw here's a link to the thread where this is discussed:,-second-attempt-td2336.html

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: single staff poliphony

2009-05-22 Thread Federico Bruni
Hi Marc,
thank you so much, the code you've suggested works fine.

Marc Hohl wrote:
 As I have written some guitar music in lilypond, I find it easier to do
 so with seperate
 voices for upper and lower notes. It's easier to read and to correct,
 and all the
  { } \\ { }  stuff can get really annoying when you code more than a
 few bars.

you're right, much better

 Thank you for giving the new tablature features a try!

Thanks to you for freeing the tab numbers from stems' slavery ;-).
The clef moderntab works fine as well (I found out that - to make it
working -I should put the code \clef moderntab in both voices of my

Just a question:
which effects are supported by the tablature? I mean slide,
hammer/pulloff, acciaccatura/appoggiatura..
As far as I can see, glissando (=slide) is supported. (of course, also
dead notes and palm mute).

What about the others?
For examples, I've tried the slurs to get hammer-on/pull-off but
nothing is shown on the tablature. I'm doing something wrong or this
feature is still missing?
I would guess the second, as I can't see any other effects in your
tablature-test.pdf...can you confirm it?

Anyway, thanks for your nice job! I'm very happy to have stumbled upon
this great software.
I should thank Tuxguitar version 1.1, whose double voicing support
encouraged me to leave some tab freeware/shareware and just use Free
I couldn't imagine Lilypond was so cool. A good tablature support
would be wonderful, I'll do my best to help testing..



lilypond-user mailing list