Re: /proc/pid/mem not working?

2008-05-02 Thread Adam Morrison
On Fri, May 02, 2008 at 03:13:13PM +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm having some strange time with /proc/pid/mem. The manual page says:
   This file can be used to access the pages of a process's 
 memory through open(2), read(2), and lseek(2).
 Some digging through the internet reveals that that is, indeed, the 
 case, but the process doing the reading must be attached to the process 
 whose memory is being accessed as a debugger. Well, so far so good.
 However, when I go out to actually try it out (program at end of mail), 
 I can access the file as neither read nor write. Any attempt to read 
 from the file OR mmap it (PROT_READ or otherwise) results in invalid 
 I am running Debian Lenny with kernel 2.6.22-3-686.
 Any help appreciated.

Gcc sign-extends the memory pointer into a possibly-wrong value when
casting to off_t, which is signed.  The subsequent read() therefore
tries accessing an unmapped area in the victim process and fails.

It also seems that /proc/pid/mem only supports read().  You need to
change an #ifdef in fs/proc/base.c to support write(), and mmap() isn't
supported at all.

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Re: ptrace help

2007-12-09 Thread Adam Morrison
On Sun, Dec 09, 2007 at 07:59:59AM +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

 You are leaving out the last two arguments of ptrace() in the parent,
 The man page says I'm allowed to do so in case the other arguments are 
 not used.

But they are.

 they take garbage values, causing an unknown signal to be sent to the
 child.  Try it with 
  ptrace(PTRACE_SYSCALL, ret, 0, 0);
 Yes, that worked. What I don't understand, however, is why it worked. 
 While the man page for PTRACE_SYSCALL mentions that addr is ignored 
 (implying that data isn't), it does not actually tell me what the 
 content of data is.

For PTRACE_CONT, the man page says ``if data is non-zero and not SIGSTOP,
it  is  interpreted  as  a  signal  to  be  delivered to the child''.
It goes on to say that PTRACE_SYSCALL ``restarts  the  stopped child as

 When I tried writing 5 into data (i.e. - SIGTRAP) the next wait 
 returns with Process exited with signal 5. It seems to be that when 
 the data field is non-empty, the signal number I write there is actually 
 delivered to the debugged process, but that is not documented in the 
 manual, as far as I could see.

See above.

 That's because ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME) does not stop the process.  If you
 want it stopped immediately after the ptrace() call, you need to do it
 yourself; e.g. send yourself a STOP signal.
 Is it being traced in any other reliable point? I now understand that 
 the point it stops is when the first signal is being received, but I'm 
 not sure whether exec guarantees that such a signal actually happens, 
 or whether I should really send one myself.

It's being traced, it's just not stopped.  exec() is a special case, as
documented: ``all subsequent calls to exec() by this process will cause
a SIGTRAP to be sent to it''.

If you want to catch system calls made before the exec() (like anything
that printf() you added does), you need to explicitly stop the process.

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Re: ptrace help

2007-12-08 Thread Adam Morrison
On Sat, Dec 08, 2007 at 11:50:17PM +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

 In the parent I do:
pid_t ret=waitpid(first_child, status, 0);
ptrace( PTRACE_DETACH, ret );
ret=waitpid(first_child, status, 0);
 Instead of DETACH I already tried PTRACE_CONT and PTRACE_SYSCALL.
 What I expect to happen is that the child should run what I tell it to 
 (I tell it to run echo hi), and be caught with both waits. Instead, 
 the first wait catches a signal 5 (TRAP, as expected), but the second 
 wait hangs forever AND THE ECHO DOES NOT RUN!!

You are leaving out the last two arguments of ptrace() in the parent, so
they take garbage values, causing an unknown signal to be sent to the
child.  Try it with 

ptrace(PTRACE_SYSCALL, ret, 0, 0);

 Also of interest is that when I added the printf after the TRACEME, 
 that printf gets executed (output goes to the console) before the first 
 wait at the parent. In other words, the program is not being traced 

That's because ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME) does not stop the process.  If you
want it stopped immediately after the ptrace() call, you need to do it
yourself; e.g. send yourself a STOP signal.

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Re: Quickest way to list content of directory(s)

2007-02-15 Thread Adam Morrison
On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 04:06:42PM +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

  BTW, certain operations (atomic operations/counters/etc) -require- asm

 In an age where GCC, probably the least optimizing compiler among all
 popular compilers, is able to unroll loops and submit them, in parallel,
 to a vector processor (such as the MMX and its successors), I highly
 doubt that the above statement is true.
 I will also point out that some atomic operations are, actually, old
 legacy from the 8080 and 8086 days, and actually perform *slower* than
 their multi-instruction counter parts (the command loop is one example
 that comes to mind).

Um, he was talking about operations like test-and-set or fetch-and-add.
Even on architectures where they can be implemented purely in C, such
implementations come at the cost of both performance and robustness.

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Re: Binding a process to a certain memory bank. (NUMA)

2007-01-13 Thread Adam Morrison
On Fri, Jan 12, 2007 at 03:32:08PM +0200, Gilboa Davara wrote:

 I know that I can bind an application to certain CPU set (in this case
 core0,1) using taskset.
 How can I make sure the same process only (as far as possible) allocates
 memory from the CPU0 memory bank?


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Re: Login problem

2006-09-23 Thread Adam Morrison
On Sat, Sep 23, 2006 at 07:18:38PM +0300, guy keren wrote:

  foo / # chroot /chroot /bin/bash
  bash-3.1# ./bar
  foo / # ls
  bin  boot  chroot  dev  etc  home  lib  lost+found  mnt  opt  proc  root  
  sys  tmp  usr  var
  foo / #
 your program is flawed, and you didn't see it because you didn't check
 any errors in it, neither have you read the man page of 'chroot(2)'.
 according to the man page, chroot does NOT change the directory. you
 need to change it explicitly in your code. so your program did not
 create the so-called root jail properly. if you had added a 'chdir'
 into the new directory, and then did 'chroot .', then you'd have done
 your job (more) properly.

Sigh.  His program didn't create a chroot() jail, IT WAS BREAKING OUT OF
ONE.  Precisely as described in the chroot(2) manual page.  Chroot jails
are not safe against root.

 if you add error printings to your code, you'll see that your last execl
 fails with 'no such file or directory'.

Huh?  He showed you the output of his program.

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Re: udp question

2006-09-05 Thread Adam Morrison
On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 11:58:39AM +0300, Erez D wrote:

 i did listen on both sides,
 if i use send, or write (from the server) i get :
  write: Transport endpoint is not connected
 if i use sendto, i get:
   sendto: Cannot assign requested address

If you want to use send() or write(), you first need to use connect() on
the socket, and specify the other side's address and port.  Since this
is on a datagram socket, the connect() just sets an association to the
other side in the kernel, and doesn't cause any packets to be sent.

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Re: diff regexps

2006-07-12 Thread Adam Morrison
On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 12:23:44PM +0300, Ehud Karni wrote:

  Last time I checked, $ in regexp meant match end of line. '$Id'
  would mean, if I understand this correctly, an Id coming AFTER the end
  of the line (an impossible combination, I know, but still). If I want
  grep to understand a literal $, I need to pass it a \$, which I can
  do either by doing \\\$Id or '\$Id'.
  I stand by my original statement.
 You are right.
 I'll say it again: YOU ARE RIGHT !  I take my statement back.

Not quite.  There are basic regular expressions and extended regular
expressions.  The $ means end of string only when used as an anchor.
In basic regular expressions, the $ is an anchor only if used at the
end of the regular expression.  For extended regular expression, what
Shachar said is essentially correct.

Apparently, diff uses basic regular expressions.

bash-3.00$ cat t1
$Id:,v 1.27 2006/07/10 08:30:21 olegg Exp $;
bash-3.00$ grep '$Id' t1
$Id:,v 1.27 2006/07/10 08:30:21 olegg Exp $;
bash-3.00$ grep -E '$Id' t1

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Re: How can i tell if another process is writing to a file?

2005-09-28 Thread Adam Morrison

 here's the situation:
 i have a file, and i want to open it only when no other process is
 writing to it. but i don't have control over the possibly writing
 process, so i can't do advisory or mandatory locking.
 basically, i want to treat a file received by scp only after the
 download is complete.

 of course i can write the file to /tmp or somewhere and then mv it to
 its destination directory when it's complete. but i was wondering if
 there's a more elegant soultion.

If the temporary directory and the destination directory are not
on the same filesystem then the mv won't be atomic.  So for this to work
you need to process the file after mv terminates, or you have the same
problem all over again.

Which begs the question, if you can mv the file after it's complete, why
not just do your processing instead?

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Re: [OT] The people's salary survey

2005-06-18 Thread Adam Morrison

(This is the last message about this topic, thanks for your patience.)

Last week I wrote:

I want to create a detailed salary database, allowing people to see
what others like themselves are earning.  If you've ever looked for a
job or even wanted to know where your current terms stand compared to
the rest of the market, I'm sure you needed something like this.

The link to the database (which is currently empty), and to more
information is at

Since then there were approximately 300 visits to the site, but only 12
people sent in their data (I only got around to updating the site with 9
of them).

For this site to have any value more people need to send their data, so
if you think this sort of information would be useful, please
contribute!  If you don't want to bother with sending an email, you can
do it via a form on the site (just remember that this isn't quite

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[OT] The people's salary survey

2005-06-11 Thread Adam Morrison
I want to create a detailed salary database, allowing people to see
what others like themselves are earning.  If you've ever looked for a
job or even wanted to know where your current terms stand compared to
the rest of the market, I'm sure you needed something like this.

The usual salary surveys are insufficient.  They don't differentiate
between the wide varieties of skill sets: you are either a C++
programmer or an RT engineer.  They also cater to the mediocre
and not to highly skilled people.  

Asking friends and coworkers is also problematic.  Most people don't
have many clone friends with useful salary data.  Worse, people don't
like discussing what they earn.  There is too potential for

To overcome these problems, I propose an anonymous salary
database.  You submit your salary data using an ANONYMOUS REMAILER.
No one reading the mail (including me) will know anything about you
except for what you choose you tell.  If enough people send detailed
enough data, we will have a database that should allow Linux device
driver developers with 3 years of experience to find out how much
they can expect to earn working at a startup, and many other questions.

This will only work if enough people submit data.  So if you like this
idea, please send in your data!  And forward this mail to wherever you
think is relevant.

The link to the database (which is currently empty), and to more
information is at

I will also explain how to submit data here, in case people are
worried that statistics are collected on those who access the above web
page.  Email your data to [EMAIL PROTECTED] using an anonymous remailer
like  You don't HAVE to say
anything except your salary, but in order for things to be useful please
try to be as detailed as you can comfortably be.  If you want, you can
include a secret pass phrase which will not be displayed in the database;
this will allow you update your entry.

Here is a template of a detailed submission (of course you can provide
even more information if you want):

Salary: 15K plus car plus phone
Hours: 160/month
Job-Description: administering 30 Linux boxes, firewall and router
Experience: 5 years
Education: BSc in CS
Skills: Linux, C, sh, python, perl, excellent knowledge of TCP/IP and 
Organization-Type: startup
Organization-Location: Tel-Aviv
Secret: Supercalifragilisticexpialidociuos

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Re: Kudos! [was Looking for an experienced Linux system administrator]

2005-02-27 Thread Adam Morrison
On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 12:05:21PM +0200, Jonathan Ben Avraham wrote:
 The average NIS58/hour + socials (which translates to NIS 81 total with 
 socials factored in) is very low, also. Ouch. Poor samins.
 :-) I beg you to reconsider... Well... I know, I know. I saw worse, 
 actually, but not by far.
 Look at the Horaat Shaa of the Chaskal. The prices that they are 
 paying for Linux and other non-MSCE sys-admins is between NIS 92 and NIS 
 190. If that's what the contractor is getting, then the employee is 
 getting a bruto of between NIS 46 and NIS 95 at most, including benefits 
 but not car. That's how the majority of the market is working.

There's a different way to look at this; according to these numbers, the
system administration service is worth 17,020 to 35,520 NIS/month to the
employer (taking your 185 hour work month).  So when there is a direct
employee on the receiving end --- not a contractor --- they can expect
to receive anywhere between 13,500 and 28,000 NIS, gross, per month.
(This is an approximation done by taking 25% employer overhead, instead
of just the 20.33% of social benefits.)

 I admit that the majority of the readers of this list would probably 
 command much higher pay, but they are not representative of the people out 
 there actually doing sys admin.

But it would seem that anyone here who is doing system administration
work for a contractor and is out of their useless stage should do some
thinking and see if they can find an organization that is regularly in
need of 185 hours/month of system administration.

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Re: threads question

2001-11-27 Thread Adam Morrison

 To tell you the truth, I was counting on you, choo, specifically, when
 posting the message ;-). This solved the problem indeed. I did not invent
 passing a NULL pointer to pthread_create() - I lifted it from UNP as
 well. Apparently the thread library became less permissive since then.

No, you stumbled upon a coding error which is corrected in the 3rd
printing of UNP.  See

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Re: sprintf, not sscanf, incompability

2000-07-25 Thread Adam Morrison

  On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Ury Segal wrote:
   char * sprintf( s, format, va_list);
 Oh.  Yet another ANSI incompatibility from Sun Microsystems?  You
 should probably forgive these guys.  They were born before ANSI C
 and before POSIX.  Modern BSD systems return int, as expected.

This behavior exists in SunOS 4.x (and presumably earlier versions).

Sprintf() returned `int' as far as the Seventh Edition release of UNIX
from Bell Labs.  This is noted in the documentation of SunOS 4.x,
and indeed its stdio.h contains the following comment

/*  @(#)stdio.h 1.16 89/12/29 SMI; from UCB 1.4 06/30/83*/

The committee to standardize the C language was commissioned by ANSI on
1983.  The work wasn't published until 1990.  So what did you expect
them to do, exactly?  They chose one behavior and everyone followed.
(Looking at CVS histories of BSD systems, they appear to have had
`int' returning sprintf() at the early 1990s.)

Historical artifacts not withstanding, there are many
inter-operability problems that are caused because the standard bodies
are too slow or confused (e.g. snprintf()) and so implementors just
go ahead and do their own thing.

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Re: The IGLU Cabal

2000-07-23 Thread Adam Morrison

   I've heard that there is something called the IGLU cabal, which controls
   IGLU, and makes all decisions. Who is on that cabal?
  The people on the cabal include myself, me, moi, men'ya, and min.
 Marc,, stop harassing the poor fool. There is no IGLU cabal.

Oh my God, they got to Zadka as well!

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Re: Alan Cox left to *BSD camp ?!

2000-07-09 Thread Adam Morrison

 I just read Bezroukov guy article about Linus being bad boy
 And the sad thing is what he predicts becomes reality.
 As of 23-Feb-1999 Alan Cox is FreeBSD committer for VM.

Um, it's not the same Alan Cox.

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Re: The Myth of Open Source Security

2000-06-15 Thread Adam Morrison

 AM Because they fixed so MANY holes, it isn't practical.
 What isn't practical, sending CC of CVS diff fixing the hole to
 maintainer of the tool? Or to bugtrack? Or publishing it on some page?

If you seriously think that, then you don't have a clue as to the
extent of the work the OpenBSD developers performed.

The appropriate thing to do when you're generating large volumes of
traffic is to set up a mailing list.

Do you think that the bugtraq moderator would allow bugtraq to become
a mirror for [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

This information was always freely available; those who truly cared
about security tracked it.  Others apparently didn't -- so you believe
that it was the responsibility of the OpenBSD people to flood them
with it?

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Re: The Myth of Open Source Security

2000-06-13 Thread Adam Morrison

"Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo" wrote:

 What I don't like in OpenBSD is when someone discovers security hole they
 pop up and say "we've fixed it yet back in 1997". So why didn't you share
 it? Just to keep the claim of "most secure OS" or just because they don't

Because they fixed so MANY holes, it isn't practical.

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Re: (no subject)

2000-04-24 Thread Adam Morrison

 Don't hold your breath; Contrary to kernel-based solutions (mainly
 Solar's Linux Kernel Patch from Openwall Project - ), this one deals only with some
 specific functions (e.g. strcpy) so it is not a general solution
 against buffer-overflows.

In fact, it is even less general than the stack smashing portions
of Solar Designer's Linux patches.

 Before you argue, let me say that by writing "general" I didn't mean
 that the kernel-based solutions *solve* the problem; You still can
 garbage the stack, but you can't execute it, so in the worst case,
 the victim process will fail, but no *real* damage will be caused to
 the system. What I meant was that it doesn't protect only specific
 functions, but ANY function.

As was pointed here by Guy Cohen, there are ways to defeat the 
kernel level protections.

To summarize, libsafe is as much a workaround as is Solar Designer's

Furthermore, its heuristics may prevent overwriting a function's stack
frame, but they don't prevent overwriting sensitive data in local
variables using a buffer overflow.  (Similar techniques were used to
exploit Sendmail a long time ago, only using global variables.)

 Linus and Alan Cox claim that preventing the stack from being
 executed is not a real solution but only a workaround, so they don't
 agree to insert it into the standard kernel. This is also why most of
 the distributions (I think except for Mandrake in its highest
 security level and Definite-Linux, as well as some security-focused
 distros) don't include the kernel-based solutions, but plan to
 include Lucent's solution.

I think that this simply reflects their lack of technical sense,
compared to Linux et. al.  They are simply going for the most 
simple and unintrusive band aid.

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Re: Linux Firewall.

2000-04-05 Thread Adam Morrison

 Another thing, If i have IP class 192.168.XXX.XXX no one can access to it
 from outside, right ?
 Isn't it secure by itself ? No one can access my workstations (or private
 servers) unless he is on the same network with the same ip class, right ?

If you have a network that is not connected to the Internet, then no one can
access it from the outside as well.

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Re: Microsoft Invents Symbolic Links

2000-03-08 Thread Adam Morrison

Sigh.  I tried to make two basic points, both of which were apparently missed
by most of the people who replied.

"Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 AM What most of you are missing in your zealotness is that the discussed
 AM service is based on reparse points, a new technology in Windows 2000.
 What you missing in your zealotness is that I'm not zealot and never was.
 So please hold you tongue and avoid sticking labels.
 AM This is a MUCH cleaner solution than using kernel modules that trap
 AM file-related system calls.  It also, by design, allows several such
 AM modules to be loaded concurrently.
 In fact, it *is* using NT kernel modules to trap file-related calls,
 AFAIK. Only those modules are integrated.

I am not interested in defending a technology I know very little about; that
would be silly.

In fact, it would be as silly as ATTACKING a technology I know nothing
about.  Yet, when the Microsoft press release was forwarded here, most of
the posters here did just that.  

I was trying to show that any groundless attack can be countered by a
different speculative argument.  Only I took the time to read up a little
about SIS, so what I said had something to do with reality.

So these discussions, technically, are worthless; the act of starting such a 
useless discussion can be attributed either to cluelessness or zealousness.

The following is a good example for this.

 AM That's a stupid assertion to make if you don't know what sort of
 AM hash they're using.  Do you?
 Didn't they learn you in your math class that *any* hash that isn't equal
 by length with hashed objects will collide objects? It's called Dirichlet
 principle, IIRC - if you have 3 objects and 2 signatures, 2 objects must
 have identical signature. Think about it.


Can you even precisely DESCRIBE the following

  1) the SIS file comparison algorithm
  2) any other SIS algorithm
  3) the exact usage they make of the ``fingerprint''
  4) the size of the ``fingerprint''

Or are you using a press release as the basis for your speculations?

As it happens, the answer to 4) seems to be 128 bit.  Without knowing
the answers to 1), 2) and 3), you still can't assert that SIS is ``unusable
for any serious data storage''.


 Please learn basic combinatorics. It doesn't matter what kind of hash they 

Please learn to read.  Of course collisions are possible; that's not a matter
of opinion.  To assert based on this that SIS is ``unusable for any serious
data storage unless it compares files bit-bit every time'' without knowing
the kind of hash, and how it's used, is stupid.

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Re: Microsoft Invents Symbolic Links

2000-03-03 Thread Adam Morrison

 OE storage of just one instance is something else. If you just symlink
 OE some files to a single file, and the owner of that file deletes it,
 OE you're screwed. What this thingy does is take care of all of that (again,


What most of you are missing in your zealotness is that the discussed
service is based on reparse points, a new technology in Windows 2000.

I'm not a Windows guy, but the way I understand it is that a reparse
point is a new file attribute which allows you to associate a kernel
module with that file, so that this module is called when that file
is accessed.  Reparse points are also used by Microsoft in e.g. their
distributed filesystem.

This is a MUCH cleaner solution than using kernel modules that trap
file-related system calls.  It also, by design, allows several such
modules to be loaded concurrently.

I couldn't find information as to whether a file can be associated
with more than one module; if this is indeed the case, then this is cool 
technology -- mainly because it works in a shipping product, compared to
UNIX filesystem stacking implementations.  Otherwise, it would greatly 
diminish the technical usefulness of this idea, and turn it into something 
of a system call trapping look-alike.  

 Also, not that if hash is less than filesize, there's non-null chance that
 the signature will bind files that arem't identical - which means, it's
 unusable for any serious data storage unless it compares files bit-bit
 every time.

That's a stupid assertion to make if you don't know what sort of
hash they're using.  Do you?

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Re: File Access Notification?

2000-02-06 Thread Adam Morrison

 Let's say I want to know who (what process) accesses my .plan file. Or I
 want to know every time some process accesses my /etc/passwd. Every time
 a file, any file on my system, is accessed, I want to be notified. In
 what way can I accomplish this under linux?


 The only way I see thus far is writing a kernel module which will fit in
 the VFS (Virtual File System) layer. The module will wrap all file
 access function calls with my own logging functions. Can anyone
 recommend a better, preferably user space solution?

I doubt you can do it in user space.  But it sounds like what you actually
want it to wrap the open() system call.

 (If you're wondering what practical use this little project might have-
 I'm not really sure. But it seems like a fun excersise...)

Security vendors and hackers have been doing this for years.  I'm sure
you can find sample code on the web.

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Re: Exploit (t666.c) breaking chroot()

2000-01-11 Thread Adam Morrison

 This exploit for the latest Bind holes (hope you
 all upgraded to P5 already) promises to break chroot().
 As I know, chroot shouldn't be returnable from by anyone.
 In many cases chroot is treated as a major security feature
 (think of linuxconf demo site, when they run their demo
 linuxconf from a chroot()ed environment) and many docs
 suggest running named chrooted.
 So how come it can be skipped?

named is a root process; root can usually break from chroot()
jails.  The method used in that exploit is somewhat system specific --
they note, in fact, that is does not work against NetBSD -- but
regardless, even if a root process is confined (from a directory 
tree perspective) to a restricted tree, it can still do a lot of

Summary: chroot() is not safe to use against a root process.

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Re: Legal stuf, GPL, ...

2000-01-05 Thread Adam Morrison

 What I heard (and please note, this was from a programmer, not a

Just a note:  I don't think that anyone's being a lawyer or not is
relevant.  AFAIK -- and I'd love to hear otherwise -- the GPL has not
been tested in court.  Thus, there are no REAL precedents on what can
or cannot be done with GPLed software.  So we can argue as much as 
we want, our opinions are more or less equally important.

   about the GPL in such matters is that contrary to popular
 belief, if I use GPLed code *I need not make my code GPL*. What I
 *do* need to do is to make the code *freely available*, under any
 free license. This of course does not mean that I can change the
 license of GPL components I am using; it means *my* portions of the
 code need not be GPL (but do have to be free).

I don't see that at all.  To wit:  

If identifiable sections of that work are not derived
from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent
and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its
terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them
as separate works.

(Where ``work'' is defined as ``either the [GPLed] Program or any
derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing
the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications
and/or translated into another language.'')  So far, so good...

BUT when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole
which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the
whole must be on the terms of THIS LICENSE.  [emphasis added]

It then goes on to exclude completely unrelated programs which are
merely distributed on the same media as a GPLed program.

In another message, wrt to an application using a GPLed component you
claimed that the ``app as a whole could be distributed, say, with the BSD
license''.  That's specifically incorrect for the BSD license which
has the great benefit of NOT requiring you to make copies of the source
code available.  It is further incorrect, I believe, because of the following
clause from the GPL:

You may not copy, modify, SUBLICENSE, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License.  [emphasis added]

It does indeed seem that if you only use a GPLed interface without 
actually including it in your program, you don't have to publish your
source code.  This will often look unprofessional, if not be impossible;
but OpenBSD does something similar to keep GNU bc(1) from printing the
announcement required by the GPL for interactive programs.

 The reason I am writing this post, though, is that the point I bring
 is often overlooked, and lots of Stallman-haters out there tend to
 yell about the viral tendencies of the GPL while these don't really
 exist (at least not in this sense).

Even if what you claim were true, there would still be a reason to,
um, disagree with Stallman.  The GNU GPL essentially claimed the word
``free'' to itself, while in fact it isn't.  If someone wants to keep
modifications of a GPL'd program to themselves, they can't.  That's not
very free.

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Re: sparc linux/solaris binary compatibility

2000-01-04 Thread Adam Morrison

 1) They named the new version of their operating system Solaris 2, and
retroactively named SunOS: Solaris 1;


 By the way: Sun noticed that the confusion that arose from step #1 was
 not enough, and that some managers in the install base world still
 thought they knew what was going on. Appropriately, all versions of
 Solaris 2 are also (tada!) SunOS 5 (That is, Solaris 2.4 == SunOS

Sorry, but that's incorrect.  

Sun's operating system was ALWAYS named SunOS.

When Sun changed their kernel to an SVR4-derived one, they bumped the
major version of SunOS to 5.  Justifiably, I think.

The ``Solaris'' name refers to to SunOS 5.x, OpenWindows 3.x, ToolTalk, and 
some other stuff sold together.  Solaris 1 IS a retroactive name for 
SunOS 4.1.x along with OpenWindows 3.0.

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Re: Legal stuf, GPL, ...

2000-01-04 Thread Adam Morrison

 Interesting issue IMO. I'd like to pursue this a bit further...
 You all mentioned that I 'must' publish the source code if I use a GPL
 source code in my app. How hard must I work to publish this code? Is it
 enough to:
 1. Write 'if you want the source code e-mail me' in the installation file or
 the docs?
 2. Bury a statement like 'the sources are available in:' deep on
 the web site in nearly invisible letters?
 3. Not say anything at all (but if someone asks, supply them the sources)?
 Remember the GPL is a legal document. I know the 'spirit' of GPL is
 different, but I'm curious about the formal part of it...

Um, I think it's pretty clear:

 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,

c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)

I don't see how this matters, anyhow; if you don't want to publish your
source code, it doesn't matter just exactly how you publish it.

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Re: Vulnerability in certain WU-FTP (versions up till 2.6.0) configurations(fwd)

1999-12-22 Thread Adam Morrison

Ely Levy wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - the dangers of ftp conversions on misconfigured systems/ftpd 
(specifically wu-ftpd)

[useless advisory deleted.]

Is this really necessary?  

People interested in this should subscribe to bugtraq, or whatever.

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Re: Masquarading on a dialup connection

1999-12-22 Thread Adam Morrison

 I'm almost sure and dont' kill me if I'm wrong that ssh works above the
 telnet protocol and not replacing it..

Uh, it works ``above the telnet protocol'' in as much as FTP, SMTP, or
HTTP work ``above the telnet protocol''.

 maybe one day ssh would replace telnetd but meanwhile for comptibilty with
 the rest of the world telnted is still needed not mention that sniffing
 ssh isn't that impossible as you make it sound (altough I agree it is
 safter than telnet)

Good observation; Internet traffic can be easily sniffed.

Which is why implementing strong cryptographic measures is needed in order
to protect Internet traffic from such passive attacks.  For example, see
e.g. IPSEC and oh, wait... SSH.

Unfortunately, SSH v1 is vulnerable to some active attacks, SSH v2 suffers
from licensing problems and IPSEC has its own problems.  Is that what you
were trying to say?

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Re: Vulnerability in certain WU-FTP (versions up till 2.6.0)configurations(fwd)

1999-12-22 Thread Adam Morrison

 Part of linux is its security believe it or not,
 almost everything we talk about I can find you some other mailing list
 that talk about it
 if it's about hardisk Ip masquarting ssh and even hebrew in linux has its
 own mailing list.
 You might want to read all those security news groups and screen them all
 but when there is a security bug or even normal bug relating subject
 that is my opinion anyhow..
 and maybe we should discuss it over the list
 what people expect to see on this mailing list?
 and btw although that I'm sure part of the things we mail about doesn't
 interst you you shouldn't be that sure about them not interst others..

I don't that security is off-topic on this list.  

But I think that mindlessly reproducing material from other mailing
lists is not very productive.  

What about kernel release announcements?  Release news of popular new Linux
software?  Gatewaying the various Linux newsgroups here?  They're all ``part
of Linux'' but dumping all those sources here would swamp the mailing list
to the point of uselessness.

The fact that this mailing list is about Linux does not mean everything
about Linux should be dumped here.

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Re: Interface status detection

1999-12-22 Thread Adam Morrison

 True. It's a bug. KDE fires up licq automatically so I have never
 noticed this bug. Now how do we fix it (without checking for a process
 named 'licq' or anything like that. How do you make sure a fifo has
 someone on the other end?)

OPEN(2) Linux Programmer's Manual OPEN(2)

   open, creat - open and possibly create a file or device



 ENXIO   O_NONBLOCK | O_WRONLY is set, the named file id a FIFO and no
process has the file  open  for  reading.
   Or, the file is a device special file and no corresponding
device exists.

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Re: 15th Century French Castle for Sale (fwd)

1999-12-01 Thread Adam Morrison

  This ``spam'' was sent to the mailing list on Sun, 21 Nov 199
  16:20:37.  An apology explaining that the message was sent here
  by mistake followed 1:06 minutes later.
 Yes.  Apology is not enough.

The point was that the vast majority of spam is not followed immediately
by an apology from the spammer.  So that message might not have been

  The ``spam'' was sent using Mozilla, not the world's most
  popular bulk mail software.
 Yes.  If you pay attention to headers of spam, you probably know
 that some spam messages are sent by using standard UNIX or
 Windows mailers and newsreaders.

True.  15% of 1847 email spam sightings on were for spam that included an
X-Mailer: header.  (This figure can't account for spamware that tries
to make its output look like a legitimate message, though.)

So there's a good chance that message was not spam.

  It was sent by a subscriber; in fact, a quick archive search
  shows that this subscriber has posted ~11 message to the mailing
  list in the last year.  (I.e. this is not a spammer who subscribed
  in order to bypass the posting restrictions.)
 Yes.  Again, if you pay attention to headers of spam, you
 probably know that some spam has perfectly valid sender

I also pay attention to the BODY of spam.  Spammers don't spam to piss
YOU off, they spam for a purpose; usually to make money.  Their schemes
are arguably stupid (e.g. MLM, or ``buy my product'' kind of crap), but
that's why they spam -- the larger the target audience, the larger the
chances of the spammer seeing measurable profit.

That ``spam'' advertised a castle for sale for $1,100,000.  How many
people in the world are interested in a castle in France for that price?
How many of them subscribe to linux-il?  

Hmm, perhaps that message wasn't spam.

It's generally not very courteous or helpful to cc NATO like you did on
a first spam complaint, even if it's legitimate; given the question
marks on this one, do you really think it was appropriate?

  This sort of hysterical bullshit does not help the fight against
 My opinion differs here.  One of the reasons is that he probably
 sent this message to other people, who did not want to receive

When you receive spam, you have good reasons to believe it was sent
to others.  After all, you don't know the sender and the spam's
nature is usually obvious.  But in this case, the sender was not
anonymous and in fact indicated that the message was sent in error.  

So, what evidence do you have to support your conclusion that he also
sent this message to ``other people, who did not to receive it''?

Aside from that, I'm curious as to what other reasons exist for
your apparent belief that complaining loudly about something that is
probably not spam helps the fight against spam.

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Re: mail problem (recreating original error)

1999-11-12 Thread Adam Morrison

This, of course, shows that is blocking email
from addresses in the DUL. 

The cause for confusion here is that YOUR machine seemed
to believe that it was, and thus the
bounce you received was from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To wit, notice the headers from your message which bounced:
 Received: (from doritb@localhost)
   by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id RAA00693
   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 10 Nov 1999 17:52:06 -0500
 Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 17:52:06 -0500

Compare these to the headers from your current message:

Received: from (IDENT:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id DAA06790
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 11 Nov 1999 03:47:57 +0200 (IST)
Received: from (doritb@localhost [])
by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id SAA00898
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 10 Nov 1999 18:04:39 -0500

Notice that they are both running the same version of Sendmail in
the same timezone, whereas the actual NetVision hosts are running a
different version of Sendmail in a different timezone.

So, DUL issues aside, I suggest that your machine is somehow misconfigured.

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Re: mail problem

1999-11-10 Thread Adam Morrison

Nadav Har'El wrote:

   hours in the mail queue waiting to be sent. Anyway, when you send email
   directly from your dynamic IP, and the remote server does not answer, what
   do you do? You shouldn't give up, because the server may be temporarily
  The solution is to queue the mail and try again the next time you connect.
 Really? This is not an acceptable solution to me, and probably not to most
 people. I don't want to have to wait until the next time I log in (maybe
 only a day later) for the message to be sent!
 Of course, if someone deliberately *wants* to do that, then it's his choice,
 but at least don't tell me it's a useful thing to do :)

In a world using the DUL, it would no longer be ``his choice''.

 Organizations should have a permanent and well-known IP, not one listed on DUL,
 which is exactly what the DUL phylosophy is: mailers should be accountable,
 and not completely anonymous. 

This is really poorly defined.

1) What's a ``mailer''?  There are SMTP senders and there are SMTP receivers,
   and they are not always equal.

2) What's ``accountable''?  Dynamic IP addresses for e.g. ISDN connected outfits
   can be first class Internet citizens for the duration of their connection by
   utilizing dynamic DNS.  In such a configuration, incoming mail for such an
   outfit would be received at a directly connected host advertised via MX, and
   the queue would be drained when the outfit's mail host gets connected to the
   network (e.g. using ETRN).

That aside, I find your point pretty upsetting.

Configurations such as I describe are possible, in use where current
technology allows, and otherwise are in demand.  There are Internet Drafts
dealing with exactly these issues.  This was the also the case before the
DUL; i.e. there is no technical argument as to why these setups are wrong.

The DUL breaks such setups, and possibly others.  And your justification is
that this is ok, because organizations should not have IP addresses listed
in the DUL?  

That's circular reasoning.  ``The DUL says so'' is not a convincing argument.

   It means that if you choose to be anonymous,
 you're welcome to be on the Internet, but not to send *me* mail, because
 someone who sends *me* anonyumous mail is most likely a spammer. It's my
 choice to think that way and use DUL, and it may be your choice not to
 think that way, and continue to get a dozen spams per day.

I'm not trying to convince YOU of anything.  Had I been doing that, it
wouldn't have been in a public forum.

I'm trying to show that the DUL, as a technology to deal with spam, is
broken and a bad design which -- if it becomes widely spread -- may impede
the development of the Internet.  This is bad.

I know of people who reject any email with Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. addresses.
It greatly reduces the amount of spam they send.  Do you believe that this
is a proper solution to spam?  Would you advocate it?  I hope not; it may
be useful to one individual or another, but IT DOES NOT DEAL WITH THE
PROBLEM.  Neither does the DUL.  

 As a sidenote, I use DUL,RBL,and ORBS for some time now and keep all
 discarded messages for research, and I never had a non-spam message
 discarded because of DUL - I.e., nobody ever seems to have sent me a
 message from a dailup-line without going through their ISP's SMTP server.
 So DUL false-positives are not as bad or as common as you make them sound.

Uh, that's not very scientific.

Do you usually make conclusions based on one data point?

 It's a nice touch using my own words agains me :)
 There's an important difference between Netvision and a government: if
 you feel Netvision's policies are too restrictive, you're free to use
 another ISP who doesn't block port 25. On the other hand, If you feel
 Israel's policies are too restrictive then, well, you're out of luck...

Where would I go in a world where everyone blocked port 25?
 This is similar to the following: in a country with free speach, you're
 free to create your own newspaper, perhaps even by photocopying it yourself
 and delivering it to your subscribers. However, free speach does not
 imply that if you want to write something in, say, Yediot Achronot, then
 they *have* to let you write it there. They may charge you for it,
 place limits on it, or whatever they feel like. If you feel they are
 too restrictive, go to Maariv or open your own newspaper as described above.

I really don't want to get into THIS.  So think for yourself; if what
you say is true, how exactly do you explain the brouhaha that happened
when HADASHOT was closed?  With all the Nimrodi scandals?  We live in a
world where NOT everyone can publish a newspaper.  It is therefore the
public's right (and duty) to protest when its watch dogs become corrupt,
or when pluralism is at risk.

 Of course if the limits are arbitrary and too restrictive, the clients
 should protest to the ISP and threaten to leave. If all ISPs form a cartel
 and put limits 

Re: Is Linux on the way of getting too complicated?

1999-11-09 Thread Adam Morrison

  I wonder what is the figure for Linux if I would take into account the Xwindows 
interface and/or various libraries that meant to hide it. And what about the various 
window managers ?
 This figure is misleading anyway. Pure Unix has 5 system calls - open(),
 read(), write(), close() and fcntl(). And fcntl() hides 700 different

Uh, no.  (Btw, what's ``pure Unix''?)

I'll ASSUME that you meant that you can abstract anything as a file, and
thus lose most of the API; you'd still be wrong, since you've missed many
file-related system calls (e.g. lseek(), truncate(), unlink(), etc.)

The `everything is a file' architecture is present in the Plan 9 operating
system from Bell Labs, and even that OS has a lot more than 5 system calls.

I can imagine how you'd implement much of the UNIX API in terms of open()
and friends, but that would not only be a very complex implementation, it'd
in a very ugly API.  That API wouldn't be any less complex than the 
`standard' UNIX API.

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Re: mail problem

1999-11-09 Thread Adam Morrison

  Actually, it's more of a philosophical question; the MAPS RBL only
  lists IP addresses which are associated with `hard' network abusers,
  e.g. bulk friendly ISPs, etc.  So sites choosing to block traffic (or
  SMTP) from IP addresses listed on the RBL know fairly well that they
  won't lose real email.
 Not necessarily true -- bulk friendly ISPs can also have legitimate

I think you're wrong there.  

In spam-fighter lingo, a ``bulk friendly ISP'' is an ISP willing to
tolerate its users sending unsolicited bulk email, which is one of the
more common definitions for spam.  (Although not all spam fighters
agree on that definition.)

The RBL lists such ISPs, if they have shown that they will tolerate
customers who use their infrastructure to abuse the net.  Web hosting
outfits that host pages for spammers and refuse to remove them are also
listed on the RBL, and I'm sure they have ``legitimate'' customers as

The whole point of the RBL is to show pro-spam outfits that being pro-spam
HURTS.  The idea is that when the non-spamming customers notice that
they've lost connectivity to large parts of the net, they will pressure 
the outfit to get out of the RBL.  (Either explicitly or implicitly, by
switching ISPs.)  Getting out of the RBL means showing MAPS that the ISP
no longer tolerates spammers.  

This is exactly why it is so HARD for an outfit to get on the RBL.  The
RBL is not as much a mechanism to protect your mailbox as it is an attempt
to STOP spam.  Spamming outfits don't get plonked into the RBL immediately;
only after education attempts fail and an outfit is proven to be totally
rogue will it be listed in the RBL.

 So when everyone and their wristwatch have their own IPv6 addresses we
 can stop using it. (For whatever reason.) It's wrong to force users to
 use their ISP's mail hubs, but having your mail server crumble under
 the load of spam isn't exactly right either, so each administrator
 decides on some compromise. I don't use either of these three systems,
 but I don't get a lot of spam. For some people it's better even to
 reject a legitimate e-mail once in a long while than to be unable to
 read it anyway because of all the spam.

The right solution, IMHO, it to complain.

Spam can be stopped if people complain.  Otherwise, with all the black lists
and filters in the world, you're just burying your head in the sand.

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Re: mail problem

1999-11-09 Thread Adam Morrison

  that isn't what always happens.  Theoretically, users of the DUL accept
  the fact that they won't receive email from dynamic IP addresses.  But,
  as we've just seen, not all dynamic IP users are spammers.  I think the
  DUL is an inferior solution.  Who says dynamic IP email is bad?  What
 Someone has already posted here the correct explanation for why dynamic
 IP email *IS* bad, even when not considering the spam accountability issues
 described above: it is very often the case that remote mail servers suffer
 from lapses of inavailability: either because of network connectivity
 problems, because of shutdowns, and so on. Mailing list administrators are
 well aware of the fact, and you usually see messages hanging around for
 hours in the mail queue waiting to be sent. Anyway, when you send email
 directly from your dynamic IP, and the remote server does not answer, what
 do you do? You shouldn't give up, because the server may be temporarily
 down, but you can't retry later because the user may disconnect the connection
 to the ISP in a minute! The solution is to send the message through your
 ISP's server, which is connected to the Internet 24/7.

The solution is to queue the mail and try again the next time you connect.

I'm obviously not suggesting that every end-user send their mail directly from
their node.  But there is no technical reason NOT to do so, and moderately
sophisticated users -- not to mention non directly connected organizations --
often choose do it.

The DUL philosophy implies that doing this is in some way wrong, which is

  will happen with IPv6?  I also think that it's wrong to force users to
  use their ISP's mail hub.  (Or worse; invisibly redirect SMTP traffic
  to that host.)
 What does IPv6 have to do with these issues?

IPv6 addresses obtained using stateless address autoconfiguration are as
anonymous as dynamic IPv4 address.  Should they be blacklisted as well?

That sort of defeats the purpose for one the IPv6 design goals.

 Blocking direct port-25 traffic is a very interesting anti-spam measure
 that I haven't seen implemented before, and while it may sound "bad" and
 anti-freedom, I can't see what harm it can actually do to "normal" users,
 not spammers.

It does not just ``sound "bad" anti-freedom''; it IS.

... forcing law-abiding citizens a method of communication
between themselves is completely contradictory to the freedom of
speech principle.

Sound familiar?  It's an excerpt from message
[EMAIL PROTECTED] which you sent to this list
with regards to the Israeli encryption laws as you perceived them.

I see absolutely no difference between that, and forcing people to go through
an ISP's smarthost for mail.

  will get listed.  The ORBS database also lists some hosts which relay
  mail only for e.g. the ORBS test machine, and so are NOT really a risk
  to the Internet.  Sites using the ORBS database implicitly choose not
 This is not true. 

It is true.  Have you any evidence that the ORBS testing methodology can
discern whether a host is relaying just for them, or for the entire world?

   A machine cannot "accidentally" relay mail only for
 ORBS's test machines, and not to any other machine on the Internet. How
 can this happen???

Did I say ``accidentally''?  

I can configure my machine to relay mail only when that mail is submitted by
the ORBS testing machine, in order to demonstrate that the ORBS technology is
broken.  My machine will get listed in the ORBS database, although it isn't a
risk to the rest of the net.

Btw, this has been done, and that machine got listed in the ORBS database.

 There's a different issue, of second-hand relaying, e.g., some ISP may
 have a client using their mail server (smarthost) and that client's
 mail server has an open relay: but this issue is solvable too if the ISP
 cared to solve it.

It is the fact, that the ISP's smarthost is NOT an open to third-party
relay.  ORBS will still list it.  (Though they now give the ISP some time
to fix the problem before listing them.)

ORBS has also listed ISPs who failed to receive their warning message 
because the ORBS robot sent it to the incorrect address.

ORBS will list any open SMTP relay that uses other methods to protect from
abuse (e.g. rate limiting).

ORBS is as broken as the DUL, if for different reasons.  (Btw, there are
convincing arguments that the ORBS testing essentially amounts to spamming.)

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Re: mail problem

1999-11-09 Thread Adam Morrison

  In spam-fighter lingo, a ``bulk friendly ISP'' is an ISP willing to
  tolerate its users sending unsolicited bulk email, which is one of the
  more common definitions for spam.  (Although not all spam fighters
  agree on that definition.)
 What about solicited bulk email? A customer may quite legitimately
 send bulk emails to a gazillion people who specifically requested
 them. A non-commercial example: what if I run a mailing list on my
 computer and am connected through an ISP?

Yeah, so?  I said ``unsolicited bulk email''.  I didn't say that mailing 
lists were bad.

 Just about any good thing in this world can be abused. The fact that
 there are people who abuse good ideas (good technology, good anything)
 shouldn't lead to prevention of legitimate use of the ideas
 (technology, etc). IMHO.

That's sad but true, which is why if you run a mailing list and don't
take the basic precautions to protect yourself from abuse then you're
part of the problem.  

FWIW, outfits that run more traditional mailing lists (i.e., periodical
newsletters telling you about their latest cool stuff) are considered to
be spammers if they don't specifically request permission from people to
send them email.

 Think about really bad cases - being spammed by an ISP, for instance.
 For quite some time I was being spammed by GeoCities (not a GeoCities
 account - the GeoCities themselves). Whom do you complain to about
 this? I complained to GeoCities many times, they never as much as
 acknowledged my emails. It stopped only after GeoCities were bought
 up. ;-)

The question is, did they keep spamming you while you were complaining?

Merely lack of response is not a crime, as long as the spam stops.

Otherwise, it's a case for an RBL nomination.

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Re: äðãåï: Re: What did I do right?

1999-10-10 Thread Adam Morrison

Alex Shnitman wrote:

 I don't know how exactly his configuration works, but FWIW if you're
 using shadow passwords from a Solaris server, a user cannot ypcat
 passwd.adjunct, only root can. And if you're going to authenticate
 users from a central service on the network, be it NIS or anything
 else, how can you prevent the sniffing problem? Short of using
 something totally different a la Kerberos, you can't. (Am I right that
 Kerberos uses a challenge-response scheme that alleviates the sniffing

No, Kerberos is vulnerable to dictionary attacks against encrypted
passwords as well.

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Re: How to block telnet access.

1999-09-29 Thread Adam Morrison

  To give an example, you don't need to know a lot to run OpenBSD.  But
  the security people at OpenBSD do know what they're doing.  (Notethat
  I'm NOT saying that OpenBSD is 100% secure.)
 then in your own words, openBSD is insecure (i.e. anything less then 100%
 is insecure)?

See  Every OpenBSD release has had
new vulnerabilities discovered in it.

  Sorry, I disagree.  When something is properly designed and small
  enough, it is quite possible.  (Like I noted earlier, these days
  ``properly designed'' probably means little reliance on vendor
  libraries and other possibly insecure software.)
 next thing you'l tell me that you can write a program that has 0 bugs...

Stop being silly.  There's no reason for a simple program to have bugs,
unless the programmer was incompetent.

 and that you can 'inspect and secure' each and every line of source code
 in a system that runs a few internet services? that is, each and every one
 of the few 100K source lines (sorry - the kernel itself is over 1M lines
 today, thought most are for drivers you do not use).

How do you get that idea?  I said that it is possible to verify a program
that is ``small enough''.  

This isn't magic.  It's computer science and mathematics.  The process of
proving that a program is correct is impossible because the actual
verification procedure will be complex enough to have bugs; in other words,
as we've figured out already, we can't inspect the entire system.

So, the solution is to implement the network services using applications
that are ``small enough'' so we can comfortably review them.  In practice,
this means separating the ``service'' into smaller ``tasks'', each of which

1) Is coded securely.

2) Is small, so it can be inspected.  (Which btw, also means that
   it is less error prone, because it's small.)

3) Does not trust the other tasks.

Apart from the advantage gained in code complexity and the ability to
analyze it, there's also the significant fact that if one of the tasks
does get compromised, it does not affect the rest of the system.

Finally, it is true that to be able to inspect the program, you have to
replace much of the system-related fluff.  Since a lot of system libraries
are not coded securely, this is actually a win.  (I already said this a
couple of times, but then again I already said most of the stuff above.)

  Second, I'm trying very hard NOT to use terms like ``95% secure''.
  Partial security isn't.  In other words, I don't believe that 95% or
  50% are ``not the same thing''.  They are.  Insecure.
 but in a world where you cannot achive the 100%, still 95% is better then
 50% (or you don't beleive in statistics of the chance of being attacked by
 a cracker that happens to land exactly on the security holes that exist in
 your specific system).

What exactly is this ``world where you cannot achive[sic] the 100%''?  

What's the threat model?

I specifically stated that I was dealing with a case where internal
threats are not an issue; i.e. THERE ARE NO UNTRUSTED USERS.  The design
above works for this case, because 

1) The application interacts with the attacker only through 
   the network, making that relevant code the ``critial

2) The attacker cannot influence the flow of the program 
   except by using networked input, which was dealt with
   in (1).

In this case, it is possible to achieve ``%100'' security.

Compare this to the case of a setuid application, where verification
is a much more complex and difficult process, since the attacker
has much more control over the program's execution environment.  In
that case there is indeed no chance for a reliable solution, so we
have to fall back to the `minimizing damages' approach, i.e. keeping
abreast of new vulnerabilities and keeping our fingers crossed.

But in mathematical terms, that isn't reliable; we are in a race
that we can lose.  I'm saying that in this specific threat model,
it IS possible to design a reliable solution.  The reasons this
usually isn't done are not technical.  They are either economical,
in that it's cheaper to deal with the occasional break-in than to
design and implement a secure solution, or that the threat model
used (even if unintentionally) excludes sophisticated attacks.

Like I previously wrote, if your threat model is that you are only
facing unlucky script kiddies then what you're saying is fine.  I'll
just point out, for completeness, that your threat model has high
chances of breaking.

 and remember - the system is secure if it was never broken to - not if it
 is impossible to break into it (because this second option is never true).

This statement is false any way you look at it.

1)  I have a FreeBSD box at home.  It's not connected to the
Internet.  I have considered and rejected the possibility of
the CIA breaking into my 

Re: How to block telnet access.

1999-09-27 Thread Adam Morrison

In [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander L. Belikoff) 

 So?! Just make all SUID binaries mode 4750 belonging to some
 designated group (suid) and make only _trusted_ users members of that
 group. Of course, the untrusted guys will have problems changing
 passwords / running a mail queue on their own, but that is not such a
 big deal as having someone playing with a most recent root shell

What about setgid programs?

Assuming you count them as well, your blanket suggestion also makes
it impossible to do lots of other things beside ``changing passwords / 
running a mail queue''.

And it doesn't deal with security holes that don't stem from setuid

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Re: How to block telnet access.

1999-09-26 Thread Adam Morrison

 The problem is that they are several teen agrees that will probably give away
 their passwords and very soon i will have the whole hacker world in my server.
 Since i must give them telnet (ssh actually) access and i can't restrict the
 servers witch the ssh will be from (they are using dailup) then i'm pretty
 much sure that my security will be broken.
 I will install the shadow system ASAP, and will change the passwords(in case
 they used a John the ripper on my old passwords) but still.
 Is there a way to control the server time and process that they are using ?
 So they could not simply run something that will crush my system ?
 Can i limit their access to the network ? So they could not use sniffy in
 order to sniff my passwords ?

Sorry, but you are in trouble.  If you have untrusted users on your system,
then your security is broken by definition (and in practice).

Theoretically, you could try to build a chroot() jail for them.

Unfortunately, doing this correctly isn't quite trivial and does not protect
you from all the threats.  Worse, assuming these people need to get some work
done, they'll need access to (potentially vulnerable) applications and
directories and the `security' of the jail gets even worse.

FreeBSD has a jail(2) facility for similar purposes, but even that isn't

This appears to be a political problem, not a technical problem.  Untrusted
users on your system will lead to a security breach; the decision needs to
be made as to what is more important.

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Re: How to block telnet access.

1999-09-26 Thread Adam Morrison

Or Sagi wrote:

  So if you don't trust your internal users - DON'T give them accounts. Going
  from regular user to root is trivial and only a matter of time (even if
  you're superadmin).
 *every* computer connected to the net, or with users on it can be

That's misleading.

For any security discussion not to become silly, the relevant threat model
must be defined.  The threat model in this case, as I see it, has one main
assumptions, namely that attacks will only be carried out over the Internet.
Thus, we implicitly assume that the following are irrelevant:

1) Physical access.  (This deals with all the armed guards related

2) Specific identity and/or aggression of the attackers.  (This
   deals with arguments like ``what if the CIA threatens to rape
   and kill all your kids unless you tell them the root password'').

Given this, I do NOT agree that a system that is adequately protected from
the network and has TRUSTED users ``can be compromised''.  

``Adequately protected'', in this case, refers to allowing a very specific
(and minimal) set of services to be reachable from the network.  Because of
their small numbers, they can be inspected and secured.

 the question is how hard is it. Assuming a decent OS, a decent sysadmin
 (Keeping himself *very* updated with security alerts (Bugtraq advisories,
 etc ... (I'd say cert, but cert hasn't been releasing anything worth
 reading for quite some time)), and a good enough setup --- compromising
 the security (even from the inside), 

The question in this case was specifically about ``from the inside''.

So, in your scenario, what happens when someone exploits a newly announced
problem before the admin manages to fix it?

What happens when someone exploits a problem before it is even posted to
bugtraq and friends?  (You know, not everyone gets their information from
bugtraq and the CERT.  Especially hackers.)

 damage can be confined (Assuming you _do_ have other machines on your

Confined in what sense?  It's generally accepted that once attackers gain
root, you've lost.  (Even if root is gained in a jail of some sort.)

  But why give them shell accounts? Give them FTP access if you need file
  transfer. If they INSIST on having shell accounts, set up a special computer
  for them which will be sacrificial.
 Take for example a university setting. You need to give students accounts,
 and you most certainly don't trust them ..

Funny, I was about to write something about how the risks of untrusted users
can be minimized if they are so restricted that they become useless.  But
that isn't the case with students; they need to compile stuff, to use the
network, etc.

So in other words, university computers are not secure.  In real life, this
usually leads to one of the following scenarios:

1) The university's network is Swiss cheese.

2) The university's admins are constantly fighting hacker-related

3) The university enforces strict usage rules (e.g., no external
   logins) thus reducing the number of potential attackers.

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Re: How to block telnet access.

1999-09-26 Thread Adam Morrison


  ``Adequately protected'', in this case, refers to allowing a very specific
  (and minimal) set of services to be reachable from the network.  Because of
  their small numbers, they can be inspected and secured.
 They can be inspected and secured ?
 Take SSH, for example. (I'm assuming that some form of outside login is
 wanted. The main two alternatives are SSH, and various OTP schemes (be it
 s/Key, SecurID ..)). What about the recent Kerberos SSH hole ? I'm not
 aware of anyone exploiting it, but given sufficient time, trust someone to
 find a hole.

The operative word being ``can''.

You can't make a system secure as is, because it contains too much
code and too much dependencies in the code to inspect.  But if you
minimize and compartmentalize the services you offer, you are in a
position to inspect them and secure them.

SSH is a good example for a bad program; it's bloated and buggy, just
like Sendmail.  No one is forcing you to use Sendmail, though; qmail
does exactly what I said: it's designed securely, and it takes the
system-related bloat out of the equation by implementing those
functions itself.  That's arguably not very pretty, but in light of
software quality, that is what (sadly) has to be done.

There's no public qmail-like replacement for SSH, but that's because
nobody has released one; people apparently accept the risks involved.
(Plus, in all honesty, SSH is not a security disaster like Sendmail
is.  It's just too big to comfort.)

The point being, again, that you probably can't rewrite you entire
system securely.  But you can implement and verify a few select

 Assuming sufficient skill on the intruders part, there isn't much you can
 do. There are precautions you can take to make things harder, and to help
 you analyze things after the event happened (Tripwire/ the likes).

Again, this relies on underestimating the attacker.  Once root is
broken, anything (Tripwire included) can be fooled.

 However, the basic issue here (IMHO), is - Compare the percentage of
 people able to compromise the security of a vanilla RH5.0/Irix 5.3/insert
 favorite insecure OS here from the inside, to the percentage of people
 able to compromise a Secure OS, properly set up ?

That works for the specific case of dealing with unlucky losers.  The
moment your attacker is either skilled, or just plain lucky
(i.e. manages to use the latest exploit in the small window of time
before you patch your system) then you've lost.  That's fine, but I
just wanted to pointed out that you can have something more reliable.

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Re: FreeBsd

1999-09-05 Thread Adam Morrison

In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Vadim Vygonets [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Well, ITYM "non-compliant". In fact, just yesterday I've read an article
  that says BSD is better because in Linux you have just Alan and Linus in
  full control of code, while in BSD it's full team. 
 In most BSD systems, there is a "core team" which has write
 access to the source code, and other coders, whose only chance
 to submit their code to the OS is to give it to the member of the
 core team.  Sounds nice to me, actually.

Actually, most developers in BSD systems are not part of the ``core''
group.  They are people who have proven to be willing, trustworthy and 
talented and were therefore granted access to the projects'
development machines and CVS repositories.  The ``core'' group is more 
like a board of directors, or technical management.  FreeBSD, for
example, has 177 people with commit privileges, but only 16 members 
in the ``core'' team.  NetBSD has approximately 102 commiters
and 6 ``core'' group members.  There is some overlap in these numbers, 
plus not every committer is actually a developer.  (Since these
projects include documentation as well, FreeBSD at least has people
who are only allowed to touch the documentation parts of the tree.)

Only OpenBSD does not have a core group.  In fact, OpenBSD came to
life because of `violent disagreements' between Theo de Raadt and the
NetBSD core group.

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Re: FreeBsd

1999-09-02 Thread Adam Morrison

Yaron Zabary wrote:

   I've been using FreeBSD for a couple of years now. IMO, its strong
 points (compared to Linux) are:
  . Its networking code is better.

This seems to be an argument flogged about greatly, but it REALLY depends
on what you mean by ``better''.

Performance wise, I don't know.  It's hard to do good benchmarks and I
haven't performed any.  Plus, results change all the time.

Cutting edge wise?  I'd say that Linux appears to adopt changes faster
than BSD does.  But what does this really say?

For example, in traditional BSD stacks, every TCP timing activity (RTO,
delayed acking, etc) are based on heartbeat timers and are therefore
coarse grained.  Just a few days ago, FreeBSD commited changes to their
tree that replaced these timers with callout wheel based timers,
increasing the TCP timer granularity.  Linux, IIRC, has had fine-grained
timers forever.  On the other hand, it's not exceptionally clear how big
a win this is.  In fact, some research indicates that fine granularity
clocks may not be so great.

I think the appropriate line is that BSD code is more stable than the
Linux networking code.  It is definitely more mature.

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Re: FreeBsd

1999-09-02 Thread Adam Morrison

"Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo" wrote:

 YZ   I've been using FreeBSD for a couple of years now. IMO, its strong
 YZ points (compared to Linux) are:
 I'm a bit surprised how many myphologized is a mind of an average
 advocate. What you say is "standard 'Linux sucks' advocate kit". As most
 "standart advocate kits", it's built on myths that or were true 5 years
 ago, or were always false.

Sheesh, a question was asked and answered.  No need to jump down anybody's

 YZ  . The development cycle contains all major OS parts. This means that when
 YZ you say FreeBSD 3.2, you are refering not only to a kernel, but also to
 YZ libc and most system binaries (such as ln, awk, grep etc).
 I know yet another system which has almost all system binaries intergated
 into the OS. I do not like that OS.


Developing an OS and developing awk is
 different things.

I believe his point was that the kernel as a separate entity means very little.
In most OS development models, development of the kernel and userland
utilities are tightly coupled.  This isn't the case in Linux.  Linus Torvalds
ONLY maintains the kernel.

What was your point?

 YZ  . Its UFS is more stable than ext2fs which optimizes like hell. See SGI's
 YZ initiative of donating XFS sources to Linux.
 Which one does optimize? 

Ext2fs uses asynchronous writes for metadata updates.  This makes it very fast,
but at expense of reliability (in case of a crash).

   And why donating XFS means UFS is better than
 ext2? I think I've lost your point here.

It means that to SGI's mind, XFS is better than ext2fs.  SGI is marketing XFS
as fast, reliable, and scalable.  Therefore SGI believes that ext2fs is missing
one or more of these features.

 P.S. Could we bury this holy war now? If you want to promote BSD, get
 beyond pack of myths and *promote* it, not demote Linux. Saying "X is
 worse" is not the same as saying "Y is better". Think positive.

Yes, exactly the approach Linux advocates use when advocating Linux as an
alternative to Microsoft OSes.

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Re: PPP over an Ethernet connection.

1999-08-29 Thread Adam Morrison

"Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo" wrote:
 s As it seems to me now, I will either have to start learning the
 s PPP source, or get myself another router.
 Router would be not bad :) If you can't or won't, you will have to make
 some PPP - or fool pppd into thinking that you have serial line (like
 writing gateway from /dev/ptyXX to your network card) or write your own
 PPP implementation...

People, THINK.

Suppose you managed to hack something like that, what good would it do?

What would these ethernet frames look like on the wire?  What would
their `type' field contain?  How would the PPP implementation know who
it should send these PPP-over-ethernet frames to?  

Obviously, you can't just replace the point to point link the PPP 
implementation thinks it is using with a multi-point link and have it
just work.  RFC 2516 is an informational RFC published by UUNET and
other companies involved with a similar setup to the one described in
the original message.  (In their case, they're interested in using 
PPPoE between customer' PC and *DSL devices on.)

Regardless, from reading the original message, I seriously doubt this
is what [EMAIL PROTECTED] is looking for.  (I also doubt
whatever device he's using supports PPPoE.  It was published on
February '99.)

To comment on the original question, that setup as described looks 
rather convoluted to me.  Has the ISP in question stated they offer 
such a service?

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Re: PPP over an Ethernet connection.

1999-08-29 Thread Adam Morrison

Valentin Ossman wrote:

  Obviously, you can't just replace the point to point link the PPP
  implementation thinks it is using with a multi-point link and have it
  just work.  RFC 2516 is an informational RFC published by UUNET and
  other companies involved with a similar setup to the one described in
  the original message.  (In their case, they're interested in using
  PPPoE between customer' PC and *DSL devices on.)

 PPP stands for Point to Point Protocol.
 This protocol can not be run on a shared bus network like Ethernet. It can
 only run on an interface like RS232 or other serial link.

That might come as quite a surprise to the authors of RFC 2516, the
companies offering PPPoE based products and the providers utilizing PPPoE.

 I don't see why you need PPP to run over Ethernet. If you will be more
 specific, I may be able to give you other solution then using PPP over

If you've been following this thread, you should have all the specifics
you need.  Specifically, go read

FTR, I don't think PPPoE has anything to do with the question that 
started this thread.  I was just correcting some people here.

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Re: [Re: Linux on SunSparc]

1999-08-25 Thread Adam Morrison

Gal Goldschmidt wrote:

 I am not here to start an Holy war, but what so good about Solaris7?
 I just had to configure 7.2 and compered to RH6 it sucks.
 Just to configure the network I had to do unconfigure system
 and then reboot.

Then you don't know what you are doing.

 Then somehow it desided to call itsellf %M, we serched and searched and found
 it ... /etc/nodename...

That sounds like it was misconfigured.

Sorry about this.  Discussions about Solaris vs Linux may be
appropriate, but groundless bashing (of any system) is never appropriate, imho.

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Re: Info about auditing

1999-08-22 Thread Adam Morrison

  we are looing for information about auditing in  linux esepcially the
  following topics:
  audit deamon
  audit file structure
 there is no audit daemon in linux (or in unix systems in general) in the
 full sense of the word - however, there is 'syslogd' - the system logger
 daemon. this daemon accepts messages from other processes, using the
 syslog() C library function (man syslogd, man syslog...), and writes them
 into log files, or prints them on the system's console, or dumps them -
 all this, based on the syslog.conf file, found in the /etc directory (man
 syslog.conf). the log files are traditionally kept in the /var/log
 directory (or /var/adm on some unix systems), but this may be changed by
 modifying the syslog.conf file.
 read the mentioned manual, and you'll get the full info (including the
 structure of the log files' records).

Syslog is hardly an auditing facility.  As a matter of fact, many systems
have auditing capabilities.  (Any system claiming to be `C2 complaint' has
to have them, for example.)  

To answer to original question, the stock Linux kernel has no auditing
capabilities.  FWIW, there's an independant package to add auditing to
Linux at:

It includes kernel mods to some 2.0.x kernel (don't remember the exact
value of `x') and an audit daemon.  It's not very robust, though.

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Re: NFS and IP filters

1999-08-17 Thread Adam Morrison

Alex Shnitman wrote:

 I'm setting up IP filters on a firewall, and I need to add rules that
 allow NFS mounting to pass through (don't worry, not from outside,
 between two parts of the network here). What ports do I need to open?

You usually can't tell.

 I inherited the firewall setup from the previous admin with the
 following ports open: sunrpc, nfsd, 769  778. Now if I disable the
 filters, mount, and then enable them again -- it continues to be
 mounted and it works. However I can't do the mount without disabling
 the filters for a moment. What ports am I missing? And does anyone
 know what are ports 769 and 778?

You're missing the mountd port.  Mountd (like most RPC daemons) does
not pick a specific port to listen on, but gets one assigned to it
on each run by the system.  It then registers that port with the
portmapper (which always listen on the `sunrpc' port).  When a client
wishes to mount a filesystem, it consults the server's portmapper to
obtain the port of its mountd, and only then calls mountd.

Stateful firewalls (case in point: FW-1) typically solve this by
parsing the portmapper traffic that goes through them and allowing
traffic to ports returned in portmappers requests.  (Note the 
tunneling opportunity here if the portmapper isn't trustworthy.)

Some people rely on their systems being deterministic.  That is,
since mountd runs from the boot scripts, and the boot sequence is
well known, then all things being equal it will always get the same
port number assigned to it.  That happens surprisingly often (e.g. the
`secret' rpcbind port security problem), but can't be counted on.
(And obviously it can't be counted on with systems that randomize
port numbers like OpenBSD does.)

I suspect that the entries you inherited for 769 are 778 are attempts
to rely on mountd having these port numbers.  That's obviously broken.

The real solution is system dependent.  Some versions of mountd allow
you to set their port from the command line.  Some will notice an
entry for `mountd' in  services(4) and use that.  Some will do both.
And conversely, some clients allow you to specify a mount(1) option
with the server's mountd port.  Unfortunately, this isn't a
standardized area, so this really depends on how modern a system you're
using.  If you can wire down the mountd port in this manner, you can
safely filter it.  Otherwise, you need stateful filtering.

If neither is available, you'll have to resort to non robust
solutions, such as counting on the port number being the same across
reboots, or opening up a port range.

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Re: NFS and IP filters

1999-08-17 Thread Adam Morrison

Ariel Biener wrote:

 It just occured to me that one could run a script immediately after the
 portmapper and the rpc services are up to create a dynamic firewalls


 Now, assuming you have a static ruleset, you concatenate the ruleset from
 that awk command I did above at the beginning of the ruleset file before
 running /etc/rc.d/init.d/ipfw start

Of course this breaks if you don't rerun it whenever the portmapper
or mountd is restarted.

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Re: Short question

1999-08-11 Thread Adam Morrison

In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ariel Biener 

   Does anybody know a shell command that allows me to run something in the
   background immediately?
  Use nohup if you're using a Bourne shell (sh) descendant.
  Just use `' if you're using a C shell (csh) descendant.
 Both will terminate as soon as they are detached from the controlling
 terminal. Backgrounding jobs using `' require that the job be configured
 (compiled in that way) to ignore some signals from the controlling
 terminal, in order for them not to terminate when the controlling terminal
 is killed.

Oh, really?

A ``job'' is a process group.  When a session leader (e.g. a shell)
exits, the kernel checks whether there is a controlling terminal
associated with its session.  If so, the foreground process group of
that terminal is signaled with exactly one ``signals'', SIGHUP.

Shells without job control don't deal with process groups at all, and
so all their children get SIGHUP'd when they exit.  For these cases,
nohup(1) simply invokes commands with SIGHUP ignored.  (Obviously, if
you run a program that independently installs a SIGHUP handler with
`' under sh, that handler will get called when the shell exits, which 
may or may not be alright.)

Shells with job control (csh descendants, bash, some incarnations of
sh, etc) have, well, JOB CONTROL.  Jobs are started in their own
process groups, and the shell changes the terminal's foreground
process group whenever a job is brought into the foreground (e.g. with 
`fg').  Therefore, the kernel won't send a SIGHUP to background jobs.

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Re: Short question

1999-08-11 Thread Adam Morrison

In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ariel Biener 

 Most things you run in the backround (like ftp, irc, and such) install
 their own handlers.

``Oh, really?''

% find /usr/src/usr.bin/ftp/ | xargs grep SIGHUP

And as for IRC, it EXITS on a SIGHUP.

% find ircii-2.8.2 | xargs grep SIGHUP
ircii-2.8.2/source/irc.c:   (void) MY_SIGNAL(SIGHUP, irc_exit, 0);
ircii-2.8.2/ChangeLog:  handlers for SIGHUP/SIGTERM that call 

 In fact, you have to know for sure that the job you run has not installed 
 a signal handler.

What are you talking about?  In my previous message, I explained why
any program that deals with SIGHUP won't exit when executed from a
shell without job control.  If it was run with nohup(1), it will
ignore the SIGHUP sent by the kernel and continue running.  If it
installs its own signal handler, that handler will be run; the program 
will exit only if its handler causes it to exit, e.g. IRC.

With jobs run from shells with job control, the SIGHUP isn't sent in
the first place.  That's the correct way to do things, btw; why kludge 
around and disable a signal (nohup) when the kernel offers job control 
primitives to do what you want?  Fortunately, modern shells have job

 So, practically, the job must:
 1). not be interactive.

Depends.  If you expect to run something in the background and still
be able to type input into it, that (of course) won't work.  But
expecting that is as reasonable as expecting a ^C you type to the
shell to interrupt background jobs as well.  As for output, as long as 
the terminal is there you'll see the output (unless the program
notices its in the background and stops producing output).  When the
terminal goes away, the program will start getting errors on write()s
to the terminal.  Whether it exits or not at that point depends on how 
well it is written.

 2). not install it's own handler.

That has nothing to do with anything, unless the handler causes the
program to exit.  Which is why nohup is evil, imho.  USE A SHELL WITH

 If you can make sure that it answers these criteria, then it will work.
 (like backgrounding a matlab job).
 If you can't, then you'd better use nohup or screen.

You said jobs run with nohup will ``terminate as soon as they are
detached from the controlling terminal''.

 P.S.  Notice that I am more concerned in giving practical answers, than
   theoretical ones.

Notice that I am more concerned with giving answers that are based on
reality than incorrect ones.

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the word "unsubscribe" in the message body, e.g., run the command
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Re: Short question

1999-08-11 Thread Adam Morrison

In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ariel Biener 

 Second, ftp WILL exit when it loses the control terminal. Try it, from
 bash or tcsh.

I explained this behavior previously.

When the terminal goes away, the program will start getting
errors on write()s to the terminal.  Whether it exits or not
at that point depends on how well it is written.

Simply, if ftp attempts to receive input from the user and fails, it
exits.  This is correct behavior, why should it stick around?  

Therefore, when using a shell with job control, it's quite
straightforward to do the following:

ftp get big-file
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for big-file (lots of bytes).
% bg
[1] ftp
% exit

When ftp finishes the transfer, it'll exit by itself because of the
above mentioned condition.  (It doesn't try reading from the terminal
while transferring the file.)  Come to think of it, I've been doing
this forever!

Because ftp is run in a background process group, the kernel doesn't
send it a SIGHUP when the shell exits.  Had you run something similar
from a shell without job control (which isn't as simple as the example 
above, since you can't suspend and `bg' jobs in a shell WITHOUT job
control!), then ftp would die immediately when the shell exited.

 In fact, most Unix utilities will exit when losing the control terminal.

If the application expects to get input, and it can't do so (because
it lost its terminal), I'd expect it to exit.  Like I said, that's
correct behavior.

To decide based on observing this behavior that job control doesn't
work, which is basically what you were saying... that's quite a

 You are welcome to prove me otherwise, and this way I might learn

I explained what's going on, twice.

Which part were you disputing, exactly?

The fact that background jobs started from a shell with job control
don't die when the shell exits?

bash$ sleep 666 
[1] 31187
bash$ exit
Connection to linux-box closed.
% ssh linux-box
Last login: Wed Aug 11 19:00:46 1999 from vortex
You have new mail.
bash$ ps -p 31187
31187 ?00:00:00 sleep

Or my explanation of how job control works?

$ cat wrapper.c
#include sys/types.h
#include unistd.h
#include stdio.h

main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc  3) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: wrapper path args\n");
return (1);
if (setpgid(0, getpid()) == -1) {
return (1);
if (execv(argv[1], argv[2]) == -1) {
return (1);
$ gcc -o setpgid wrapper.c
$ ./setpgid /usr/bin/sleep sleep 666 
$ exit
Connection to solaris-box closed.
% ssh solaris-box
Last login: Wed Aug 11 11:23:52 1999 from vortex
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.6   Generic August 1997
You have mail.
$ ps -p 9616
  9616 ?0:00 sleep
$ sleep 666 
$ exit
Connection to solaris-box closed.
% ssh solaris-box
Last login: Wed Aug 11 11:33:52 from vortex
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.6   Generic August 1997
You have mail.
$ ps -p 9624
$ exit

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the word "unsubscribe" in the message body, e.g., run the command
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Re: Short question

1999-08-11 Thread Adam Morrison

In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ariel Biener 

 I was referring to something else completely, and thus this
 To better explain.
 If you try backgrounding a process why it waits for input:
 host:~ ftp host
 ftp ^Z
 host:~ bg
 [1]ftp ftp 
 host:~  newline
 [1]  + Suspended (tty input) ftp ftp
 host:~ exit
 There are suspended jobs.
 host:~ kill -9 $$

Just remember, this has nothing to do with the kernel sending anyone
signals.  A stupid process can continue trying to read from its
nonexistent terminal forever.  This is an application issue, not a
system issue.

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the word "unsubscribe" in the message body, e.g., run the command
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Re: sh script Q

1999-05-19 Thread Adam Morrison

Ariel Biener wrote:

 To all the helpfull people:

I don't care to participate in religious wars, which is basically what this
thread is about.  But factual mistakes need to be corrected.

 I believe that when you create shell scripts, they'd better be generic,
 unless there is a special reason, and if there is, it should be documented
 in the script. (like using functions, which work in bash/ksh, but not in
 the generic /bin/sh on many OSs.)
 I know "$variable" works on bash/ksh.


As long as we're trying to be ``generic'', how about consulting the original
sh(1) manual from the Seventh Edition release of the Unix OS, from (then) Bell
Telephone Laboratories.  You know, the sh written by Steve Bourne.

Blank interpretation.
 After parameter and command  substitution,  any  results  of
 substitution  are scanned for internal field separator char-
 acters (those found in $IFS) and split into  distinct  argu-
 ments  where such characters are found.  Explicit null argu-
 ments ("" or '')  are  retained.   Implicit  null  arguments
 (those  resulting  from  parameters that have no values) are

 So just treat Vadik and I as purists.

The suggestions made here have been anything but ``pure''.  The answer to the
original question is in the man page.

 If parameter is not set or is null set it to word;  the
 value  of  the  parameter  is  substituted.  Positional
 parameters may not be assigned in this way.

This is from a SunOS 5 man page, with the following heritage.

.\" @(#)sh.1 1.68 97/05/09 SMI; from SVr4
.\" Copyright 1989 ATT
.\" Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
.\" All Rights Reserved.
.\" Portions Copyright (c) 1992, X/Open Company Limited
.\" All Rights Reserved

(It's also in the Open Group UNIX 98 specification.  But the use of the colon,
which adds the null test is missing in the original Bourne shell.)

I think most people can settle for this.  If you want to be outrageously
``generic'' you can use "$VAR" or x$VAR.  Using them both works too, but since
we're analyzing the ``best'' way to do something, it's just plain...

Re: sh script Q

1999-05-18 Thread Adam Morrison

Ariel Biener wrote:

 Which will result in the script fo fail if $PARAM is undefined.
 Vadim's suggestion wasn't just a matter of semantics.
  Vadim Vygonets [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
[ "$PARAM" != "SOMETHING" ] || {
   I think that it's better to do:
   if [ "X$PARAM" != "XSOMETHING" ]; then .
  Yes you right it's more unix, but i usually use the "$PARAM" !=


$ test "$FROB" != "" || echo "frob!"


Re: I'm probably missing some c headers, but what ?

1999-05-11 Thread Adam Morrison

Orr Dunkelman writes:

 Oded, I strongly recommend on using other function the the given crypt
 function. In unix there are two crypt functions - one uses ENIGMA, the
 german rotor machine used in the second world war, the second uses a
 variant of Date Encryption Standard (DES).

There's a command, crypt(1) which implements an algorithm designed along
the lines of Enigma.  This functionality is not available in a library
function, AFAIK.
 Enigma was broken in the 40's, and is very unsecure (UK and USA could have
 broken the enigma encrypted messages without computers... today it's more
 the trivial).

There remain still unbroken Enigma messages.

Enigma is vulnerable to known-plaintext attacks, and this is how most messages
were broken.  (This is also the attack that CBW, the Crypt Breakers Workbench
implements.)  There are published ciphertext-only attacks against it, but they
are practical only against long (i.e. longer than the ones in WWII) only.

Don't get me wrong though, because of the known-plaintext vulnerability and
the otherwise requirement for short messages, Enigma is not a good choice for
a cipher today.

 DES is considered to be a  very weak encryption function. It uses 56 key
 bits (you give it up to 8 byutes - 64 bits), and therefore considered
 weak. Last time I've checked a DES mmachine broke DES in about 22 hours.
 Just to give you a ratio, 64 bits encryption is passe, it is considered on
 the edge of safty (each new key-bit, multiply the time needed to the
 breaking phase by 2).

Just so there's no mistake, this is simply a problem with DES key size that 
makes it vulnerable to brute force searches using advanced hardware and high
parallelism.  In fact, 3DES (which is roughly ``encrypt 3 times using DES'', 
establishing a 168 bit key) is the currently recommended encryption method by
the IETF and banking standards.

Regardless, standard crypt(3) implements a modified algorithm, which changes
slightly depending on the password.  One of the main reasons behind this
``salting'' of the hash was to defeat hardware attacks.

The problem with crypt() is general is not in the strength of the algorithm,
but the fact that users tend to choose weak passwords.

Re: [Fwd: Re: Please, put a fscking bullet in my head!]

1999-04-04 Thread Adam Morrison

Vadim Vygonets wrote:

  I've always thought that it was quite distasteful of the Hebrew University's
  sysadmins to quote user emails they receive on asr to mock them, but that can
  probably be attributed to the basic problem I have with asr.
 The user e-mails we quote have their names replaced with
 something meaning{less,ful}.  

That's inaccurate at best, but also irrelevant for this list.  I'm taking
this off the list.

 Apart from that, the ASR FAQ
 mentions that if you don't like admins bashing you in public,
 don't read ASR.

 And yes, I agree that many people feel bad about this group.  And
 yes, I agree that the bashing that happens there is not nice.
 And yes, I agree that this posting of mine was not nice, either.

That really goes without saying.

Don't get me wrong, though; I couldn't care less what you think of me. 
However, since no one was in that thread for the girlies and the money, I
think it was worthwhile pointing out that arguing with you was essentially

 Maybe it will.  Flame wars do lead to something sometimes, as I
 said in the message I posted to the list several minutes ago
 (subject "Admin: proposal").  BTW, please read it, maybe you'll
 like this proposal.

Yeah, it works for me.  Too bad about the negative vibes this issue has

Re: Administrivia (was Re: äöòä äòöä)

1999-03-30 Thread Adam Morrison

Vadim Vygonets wrote:

  Another suggestion: make submissions allowed only to the list subscribers.
 Of course I'll do it.

Please reconsider.  Spam does suck, but there are other methods of dealing
with it, and this prevents several common configurations from using the

Re: Administrivia

1999-03-30 Thread Adam Morrison

Evgeny Stambulchik wrote:

   Please reconsider.  Spam does suck, but there are other methods of
   with it, and this prevents several common configurations from using the
 Which configurations? BTW, the restriction should be based on the "From:"
 header (not "From", as it used to be for a short period of time when Ariel
 enabled it).

Any configuration in which the address that eventually gets stuck in the
From: header differs from the one used to subscribe to the list (or to
generally receive email).

Think about it, are you really not interested in what non subscribers have
to say?  What about the (admittedly somewhat farfetched) case in which Linus
Torvalds wants to tell the list something but can't because he isn't
subscribed?  And what about a non subscriber who was cc'd to a message sent
to the list but can't reply back to the list?

Like I said, to defeat spam there are other methods.  No need to kill a fly
with a sledgehammer.

Re: FTP access for users ?

1999-03-28 Thread Adam Morrison

Alex Shnitman wrote:

   PS. I hope you're aware that enabling non-anonymous ftp access not inside a
   firewalled network is basically equivalent to putting all your users'
   passwords in the plain text format and sending it to a ... er ... mailing
   list :)
 Do you mind elaborating on this issue?

Unless the users are chrooted, they can grab your password file.  And
regardless, eavesdroppers can sniff their passwords when they ftp in.

Re: mail problem

1999-01-04 Thread Adam Morrison

 Just like MAPS RBL and MAPS ORBS. 

ORBS is not related to MAPS.

   You just choose which level of spam
 protection you want on your mail server. For low risk you can do none
 or just MAPS RBL, if you want more protection you can use ORBS, and if
 you're really desparate you also use DUL. You're sending e-mails
 directly from your dialup-line because *most* hosts aren't desparate
 enough to use DUL. Some are, though, so you better configure your
 mailer to use your ISP's mail relay.

Actually, it's more of a philosophical question; the MAPS RBL only
lists IP addresses which are associated with `hard' network abusers,
e.g. bulk friendly ISPs, etc.  So sites choosing to block traffic (or
SMTP) from IP addresses listed on the RBL know fairly well that they 
won't lose real email.

The DUL lists dynamically assigned IP addresses.  It's supposed to list
only address blocks which were submitted to MAPS by their owner, but
that isn't what always happens.  Theoretically, users of the DUL accept
the fact that they won't receive email from dynamic IP addresses.  But,
as we've just seen, not all dynamic IP users are spammers.  I think the
DUL is an inferior solution.  Who says dynamic IP email is bad?  What 
will happen with IPv6?  I also think that it's wrong to force users to
use their ISP's mail hub.  (Or worse; invisibly redirect SMTP traffic
to that host.)

Lastly, the ORBS database lists open SMTP relays.  Even if a relay has
never been used for net abuse purposes but ORBS finds out about it, it
will get listed.  The ORBS database also lists some hosts which relay
mail only for e.g. the ORBS test machine, and so are NOT really a risk
to the Internet.  Sites using the ORBS database implicitly choose not
to receive email from such hosts, and thus can lose mail.

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