[help] ISO file too large

2006-12-31 Thread Ken McAllister

Hoping to make use some old 486s for fun, I downloaded an iso of  
Peanut Linux as was (now aLinux).  It's 760 MB and my Mac Mini won't  
burn it.

Apple people:  is overburning what I should keep looking for help  
screens on?

Linux people: is Peanut serviceable on 486s or is there a better distro?

Anybody:  What's the point of a 760 iso?  Does anyone make 800 mb CDs?

Kind regards and a happy New Year to all

Ken McAllister

Ubuntu and OSX

2006-04-09 Thread Ken McAllister
(1) Fifteen assorted Ubuntus just arrived from Europe; they're  in  
the letterbox at 125 Sparks Road for the  first comer [note A]

(2)  I've abandoned the simple command-line process of, for example,  
obtaining sound by  doing no more than gurgulating the necrotiser and  
running zxcvb on the palimpsest while un-commenting the Vim files at  
lines 2500 to 48 735, twice, and replacing  axolotl 3.0.99 with the  
retrospective updates before  recompiling the backwards compatible  
heat death of the universe.  [note B]

 I bought a Mac Mini.  OS X just works.  I love it.

(3)  Thank you to Clug members for help and advice.

Ken McAllister

[A]  I can post the discs if wished; please  supply an address
[B]  There are better parodies, I know. 

Re: Publishmentification (was Entirely OT, still is)

2006-03-19 Thread Ken McAllister
Lulu's OK.

Anyone can publish anything, which led the Guardian (UK) to say unkindly
that the authors outnumber the buyers.   However, Author A's work is not
disadvantaged by Author B's less tidy work because Lulu provides each
author with an individual storefront or website.  For example,
www.lulu.com/AnnEnglish .

Lulu doesn't do editing, proofreading, or censorship, although the first
two services are available from Lulu associates at a price.  The website
is free.  The paperbacks, hardbacks, E-books, CDs, and calendars are in
fixed formats at fixed base costs. The author must upload finished work.
OpenOffice is  better than Microsoft Word, partly because it
exports PDF files.   A dial-up connection is unsatisfactory. Get
broadband.  The quality of the books is good.

The author sets their own profit margin on top of the base cost.  Lulu
takes only 25% of that margin - and  purchases by the author have no
margin, so if you want to buy a dozen copies for your friends you get
them at cost.  I would be surprised if Lulu didn't take a small
commission on printwork.

The help forums, paid staff, and response times are good.  An ISBN
number - or should I say an international standard ISBN book number -
can be arranged for a fee.

The thing to do oneself is publicise, publicise, publicise.  If one
isn't a speaker with captive audiences, one acquires skills in
sending unsolicited emails.

Re: Outlook style stationary image for background on emails

2006-03-18 Thread Ken McAllister
It's spelled STATIONERY.  Standing still is stationary.  Of course it
matters, just as it matters how you spell the unmount command.

Re: Reminder: Freenix Workshop tonight

2006-03-01 Thread Ken McAllister

Regards, Rik
  Who else here is from Nelson?
 is that the one in Lancashire?

Nay, lad.  'Tis  10k from Pontypridd, half way to Merthyr Tydfil, well
away from the daft English. 

Re: Dubious securuty?

2006-03-01 Thread Ken McAllister
On Thu, 2006-03-02 at 19:04 +1300, jd wrote:
  Could anyone give me 
 recommendations ...?
 Thank you again,

I like Ubuntu.  I have a few CDs to give away but they're out of date.
Are people in general receiving the latest mail-out of free discs?

OOo, Ubuntu, fonts

2005-05-26 Thread Ken McAllister

OOo 1.1.3 and Ubuntu 5.01 freshly upgraded (30 hours);

need fonts from previous incarnation;

expect Fonts button on 'spadmin' programme;

no button; 

Help screen says GOTO line 3;

apropos fonts leads me to defoma;

man defoma leads me to man defoma-font;

ugh. My vision is clearing now and I can move my head without needing a

Has anyone travelled this road recently? Ian?

Re: Learning curves

2004-04-14 Thread Ken McAllister
I purchased the April 2004 issue of A(ustralian) P(ersonal) C(omputer) 
because it had a gratifying report on Linux and because its two CDs 
included Omnis Studio RAD tool for ... Linux.

Mozilla can't see anything in or above the directories shown in 
/mnt/cdrom, and shows only the words and a few boxes of 
/mnt/cdrom/default.htm, no pictures or links.

Galeon does the same.  Nautilus detours through Quanta and shows the 
code, which when previewed does the same: can't find second-level 
files or directories.

Konqueror, bless it, came up with a message that I needed frames.  No 
doubt recent correspondence refers.  I cannot get this message to appear 
again.  Perhaps it wasn't while trying Konqueror that I saw it.

Any advice on which FM to R will be gratefully followed.  Have I said 
goodbye to my $9.95?

Re: Learning curves

2004-04-14 Thread Ken McAllister
Thanks, Nick.  I've adjusted my clock, too.

Nick Rout wrote:
it seems you can probably download from 


Also I think apc has a website where you might be able to complain about
a faulty cd.

Re: OT - IE reject messages

2004-03-04 Thread Ken McAllister
anton wrote:
 Hi, I am about to block IE users from my website ... give me your
 opinion [messages]
Shorter suggestion below.  Use or discard at will.

 Your Insecure Browser Not Supported, sorry.

 Because of security flaws in the Microsoft Internet Explorer, you
 may not browse this site.
Click on any link below to obtain a reliable and secure replacement at 
no charge.

** My thoughts are that the simple message MS IE Flawed  is easier to 
get across than MS IE Flawed, MS OS Should Also Be Replaced.  It is 
also easier for the reader to implement:  browsers can be replaced in 
minutes.  OSes take longer.

Re: Internet Literacy - Knowledge Society

2004-02-24 Thread Ken McAllister
Brad Beveridge wrote:
Survey doesn't appear to work with Moz1.4 (boxes don't get ticked)
It's okay with Mozilla 1.1

200 messages a day

2004-02-24 Thread Ken McAllister
someone  wrote

 I've had 60 messages into my mailbox already today and if you
want to be on a list that gets 200 messages a day good for you because I 

You don't have to unsubscribe.

I can read a top-post and hit delete 200 times in about 200 seconds, or 
less if I sort by header.

(flame suit on)
Bottom posts more than 18 lines down don't exist at that speed.  Or any 
speed.  Sorry.  The loss is mine, I know.

(flame suit retained)

Re: PayPal... Is there a NZ version?

2004-01-05 Thread Ken McAllister
We sent our daughter overseas with a low-limit Visa (minimum limit 
possible is $500) and loaded it with money here:  that is, it's in 
credit and they owe us money.  She's doing an exchange-student 7th form 
year.  She has instructions to open a local account and make one big 
Visa transfer.  She has instructions not to use the card for purchases 
or to use its  credit  (where we owe them money).

The cost was $45 up front (with photo) plus cash advance fee(s) $5 or so 
 and arbitrary exchange rates (unspecified).

Kiwibank do a pocket money for students cash card  but the fees are 
higher,  the service is contracted out, and it's not a Visa card.

Of course, this is no help to CLUG people in New Zealand.

Once I bought sterling notes from a bank.  It's cheap enough, even with 
the $6 standard fee up to $nz250, percentage thereafter, but its still 
risky to post.

Re: clearing out CDs ...

2003-12-10 Thread Ken McAllister

Jim Cheetham wrote:
Anyone want a set of the three Mandrake 9.1 Bamboo CDs? Free to a good

Yes, please, Jim.   Please snail-mail to Box 33 194 Barrington, 
Christchurch.  Please accept in return your choice of (a) classic Giles 
cartoon annual  (b) block of chocolate (c) three blank CDs  (d)  all of 
the above

Kind regards
Ken McAllister

Re: New Critical Update

2003-09-21 Thread Ken McAllister

MS Network Security Department wrote:
MS Customer

this is the latest version of security update, 

allow an malicious user ...

Ken McAllister says:  Is the olfactory piscatorialness terrific?  Do M$ 
themselves write English quite this badly?

Re: Saving an image from OpenOffice

2003-09-14 Thread Ken McAllister
Vik Olliver wrote:
 Ctrl-C Ctrl-V doesn't work
 between The Gimp and OpenOffice.


Ken McAllister says:
I have found with the  Klipper clipboard that multiple  repeats of 
several or more of these techniques twice or three times in any order 
over and over again  usually gets stuff into and out of Open Office and 
other programmes

(1)	Clear clipboard history

(2)	Use right button and Copy  from written menu

(3)	Allow left-click to linger on Copy for a beat

(4)	Look at Klipper and tick the correct item out of many

(5)	Use right button and Paste from written menu

... but I haven't tried it with images.  Sorry, Vik.

I think we are in art country, not science country here.  Comments 
on wind in the East and position of tongue welcomed.

Re: Keyboard Repeat Rate

2003-09-05 Thread Ken McAllister

Daniel Fone wrote:
Hi guys,

Where is the best place to change my _global_ keyboard repeat rate? I am using 
KDE but it is also slow in a standard tty.
Do I need to change it an XServer level?



Ken McAllister says  I found this at 
but I haven't tried fixing my keyboard because it isn't broken


Did you by any chance recently install XFree 4.0? The keyboard rate code
changed and I found my repeat rate had also dropped to the lowest. Make
sure you've got the line:
Option AutoRepeat 250 30

in the InputDevice/Driver keyboard section of your XF86Config.



Re: Silly names (was Distro choice not easy for Windows people...)

2003-09-02 Thread Ken McAllister
Ken McAllister says: Mozilla and Konqueror at first sight I took to be 
the addictive gorilla game and the 
star wars game.

 Programming and teaching in DOS, years ago, I tried to warn people 
that silly names haunt you.  Name an object CASHBOOK and it is 
gratifying to type the word.  Name it CSHBK01 and it is a constant 
irritation.  I discarded an entire language because every one of its 
scores of commands was  ugly, for example page break default, which 
could have been PAGEBREAK DEFAULT, was PG_BRK DFLT.

Re: su root - replies appreciated

2003-08-26 Thread Ken McAllister
Thank you Julian  and Greg for sudo and fakeroot

su root before setup -net Open Office

2003-08-24 Thread Ken McAllister
I have OOo1.1, thanks to helpful advice from the group re. wget.  (4 
hours 30 minutes and 7 interruptions).

I have setup.
I have setup -net  for a good reason (which I forget) dating from last 
years installation of OOo1.0.

I am told by setup -net that I need root privileges.
My fingers hover over the keys su root.
Is this wise?  Is it elegant? Is it advisable?  Is it a good habit?
What should I be reading, in order better to understand a very recent 

Re: wget

2003-08-21 Thread Ken McAllister

Timothy Musson wrote:
I tend to use my browser to d/load stuff under about 3Mb, then switch to
wget for anything bigger.

Ken  says, Thank you, Tim.

Re: OpenOffice (not a useful reply to Joshua, sorry)

2003-08-20 Thread Ken McAllister
Joshua Collins wrote:
Up until now OpenOffice has been fine, the fonts were all fine. But just
now I opened it up and it's all gone to a Teletype font (menus, cell
entries, etc), all I've done since I last used it was to install XSPIM.
How do I fix this?

Ken McAllister says:  Something similar used to happen to me with date 
fields imported from M$.docs.  I now use RTF for sending documents to my 
friends with M$, and I ask for a similar courtesy from them.


This email is to inform you about the release of version '1.1 RC3' of
'OpenOffice.org' through freshmeat.net. All URLs and other useful
information can be found at  http://freshmeat.net/projects/openoffice/
The changes in this release are as follows:
Many bugs were fixed, and various new features  were added.
/ end snip

Question 1: If I turn up at eCafe with five dollars can I have this 
latest OOo 1.1 on a cd?

Question 2: What does RC3 mean?

Question 3:  I'm using Mozilla 1.1 and Mandrake 9.0.   The Download 
Manager screen in Mozilla shows progress in downloading a file. 
Sometimes there is an interruption.  I have tried to read the manual.  I 
have tried left and right clicking on everything intuitive. (a) is there 
a way of re-starting the download where it left off? (b) is there 
another utility - perhaps a command line  utility - which offers this 

Re: Fwd: Re: It does get cold in Tomsk .....

2003-07-24 Thread Ken McAllister
/top post  This message received at 22.20  (Mozilla on Mandrake 9.0)

The image http://koti.mbnet.fi/jahuusko/kuvat/hauskat/ruslinux.jpg; 
cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

/end top post

Wesley Parish wrote:
Just thought people might like to know what the Russian Penguin is wearing 
this winter...

Wesley Parish

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: It does get cold in Tomsk .
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 20:22
From: Waite, Dick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Grand Day,

A friend in Tomsk sent me this one 



Dick Waite
Senior RD Consultant (Special Projects),
Software AG,
64297 Darmstadt, Germany
Email:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fwd: Re: It does get cold in Tomsk .....

2003-07-24 Thread Ken McAllister
Luuk Paulussen wrote:
It worked for me... and it was classic
Ken says: Nope!  At 09.09 NZT Friday,
The image ?http://koti.mbnet.fi/jahuusko/kuvat/hauskat/ruslinux.jpg? 
cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

/top post  This message received at 22.20  (Mozilla on Mandrake 9.0)

The image 
â??http://koti.mbnet.fi/jahuusko/kuvat/hauskat/ruslinux.jpgâ?? cannot 
be displayed, because it contains errors.

/end top post

Wesley Parish wrote:

Just thought people might like to know what the Russian Penguin is 
wearing this winter...

Wesley Parish

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: It does get cold in Tomsk .
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 20:22
From: Waite, Dick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Grand Day,

A friend in Tomsk sent me this one 


Re: another article

2003-07-01 Thread Ken McAllister
G. M. Bodnar wrote:
This one's almost local.  I'm still up in the air on it, though.  The
language kinda reminds me of a moron talking to children.  This should
have taken another pass through the editorial department.

--- -
Ken McAllister comments:

It's a cleverly written - and well-written - piece aimed at the general 
public with a reading age of 12, in the style of a religious convert.  I 
say well-written  because the author has avoided the pitfalls of true 
religious enthusiasm, two of which pitfalls are, if I may say so, (1) 
assuming that everyone knows what is obvious to the writer, and (2) 
using a kinda language which is off-register.

When enthusiasts write, people think They are really enthusiastic about 

When professionals write, people go out and try Linux.

Re: Molten Media (was Old hardware .... )

2003-06-26 Thread Ken McAllister
Carl Cerecke  and Christopher Sawtell wrote:
 ... they are trading retail ...  They donated some stuff ...
Ken McAllister comments:  I am prejudiced in Molten Media's favour 
because they gave some equipment to Larry Ross for  Nuclear Free NZ; I 
am possibly prejudiced against them because in a couple of visits I 
couldn't get a feeling for exactly whom they intended to benefit.  If 
Molten Media is a charity, does anyone know who the trustees are?  If 
Molten Media is not a charity, can anyone tell me its legal set-up?  I 
don't wish them harm;  I'm just curious.

Oh, I remember.  This was ages ago and I am sure that things have 
changed.  Can I buy one without paying for Windows?  I remember 
asking. Can I put Linux on one of these machines?   The sensible 
answers (I know now!) were: yes, of course, and, no, most of these 
mavchines are too old to run both Linux and a modern office suite like 
StarOffice; the customer is better off with Windows and Word.

What they actually answered was, as I recollect, Of course not - we 
have to stay legitimate - we must sell Windows or else you would copy 
your existing Windows and  we would be in trouble.

Publicise open source?

2003-06-08 Thread Ken McAllister
I haven't the experience to help this advertiser into OpenOffice running on
/choice of flame war/ version of Linux,
but I'd like to get the experience by helping someone else help her.
The advert below is from the Spreydon Baptist newsletter today, 8 June 
2003.  Alison is Alison Ford, manager of the Spreydon Pre-school, 239 
Lyttelton Street.

Preschool have a need of licensed copies of Windows 98 and Microsoft 
Office software.  We have been given 5 computers for children and staff 
but lack the software.  Can you help?  Please contact Alison on 338 5468

Once they're happy, I'll pop a photo into the local newspapers.

[Fwd: OpenOffice Help] Look! No address!

2003-06-08 Thread Ken McAllister
This is an email with no from address and no reply-to address.

 Original Message 
Subject: OpenOffice Help
Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2003 11:53:03 -0400
From: John Winter 
Hi there,

/helpful message/
John Winter

I cannot see how to eliminate those addresses from an email done in 
Mozilla.  Is it important that I don't??

Ken McAllister

Re: FileCompare equivalent diff

2003-03-31 Thread Ken McAllister
Nick Rout wrote:
diff file1 file2  file3
Ken McAllister says thank you.  Question 17:02, reply 17:07.  Wow.

Re: OpenOffice Writer, also FileCompare equivalent?

2003-03-30 Thread Ken McAllister
John Williams wrote a couple of weeks ago
2. The OO address book does not seem to me to have flexible address fields. Is there a 
way to add another address line, for example? 
Ken McAllister asks: Sorry if this is something I should have seen, but 
(1) was there any joy, and (2) if I missed a reply, is there an archive 
which I can search, apart from my own rubbish tin of deleted messages, 
and (3) on a completely different topic, is there a Linux command-line 
equivalent of FC (file compare) filename1 filename2  filename3, which 
in my previous operating system produced a list filename3 of the 
differences between two Ascii or binary files?  It was  clever and 
useful, and stayed in synch for disparities of hundreds of  keystrokes.

Re: Linux Audio Article

2003-03-28 Thread Ken McAllister
Jason Greenwood wrote:

is a great article  ... might be especially helpful for newbs.
Ken McAllister  says:  Halleluja! I was going to  plead for help on 
Monday.  Now I don't have to.  Linux found my sound card.

Use the BIOS setup to disable the  on-board sound chip, advised the 
article, and let Linux detect the PCI card.   I did, and it worked.

In ninety seconds I was playing music, after months of frustration, 
installing every new Linux and reading every HOWTO.  Once only did I get 
ten seconds of clear sound under one of the Red Hats.

Windows annoyed me by plugging and playing every time, of course.
Thank you, Jason, and thank you to all contributors to a valuable and 
always-interesting LUG.

Re: Padlocked drives and other frustrations

2003-01-11 Thread Ken McAllister
I am using OO 1.0.1 and Mandrake 9 on a Pentium 450 with 384 Mb,

(1) 	While looking one by one at a number of floppies, and successfully 
opening in OO some of the StarOffice 5.2 files on them to save 
immediately AS themselves on the hard disc,  I found abruptly that each 
floppy did not exist, even ones which had previously been OK
	In Konqueror, the icon for /mnt/floppy had a padlock on it, and every 
property was greyed out.

	In a shell, as non-root I had no access and as root, trying chmod 777 
/mnt/floppy  I got an Input/Output error.

	Back in Konqueror the CDROM /mnt/cdrom  had also acquired a padlock.

	My reference books, the 192 page  Linux in Easy Steps by David Nash 
published by ComputerStep and the 1189 page Mastering Linux by Arman 
Danesh, published by Cybex are not helpful, I am afraid.  Even if they 
were intelligently indexed, their text does not contain the error 
messages which are the users only point of reference.

	The challenge was successfully met in the Windows way: close down all 
programmes and re-start (no luck), log out and log in again (no luck), 
re-boot.  What do real Linux people do?  I should be glad to have 
guidance about which M to RTF.

(2)	How do I configure Konqeror to display in list form, not icons?

(3)	I have tried to get sound using the GUI tools without success.  What 
command line tools are peoples favourites?

(4)	For historical reasons I have two mice.  Linux once did not 
recognise the Microsoft USB three-button mouse, so I bought a serial 
mouse.  Why should Linux sometimes upon re-booting recognise both and 
sometimes not?  Why should the USB mouse occasionally hang, requiring a 
re-boot?  Again, I should be glad to have guidance about which M to RTF.

Sorry about being long-winded.  I have probably left out important 
clues, alas.