Re: GLUG Funds.

2002-10-15 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Fair enough comment Peter.  And probably a very timely one.
The donor of the $100 is welcome to contact CLUG though me if he wishes.  My 
understanding was that he donated the $100 when it appeared that the install 
fest was running at a loss knowing full well that we hadnt at that stage 
sorted out all of our installfest income.  As far as I am aware he knew that 
CLUG as a whole was running in credit as well.  
He clearly indicated to me when he handed the money over to CLUG  that the 
money should be used either for CLUG directly or for the the linux movement 
in any other way that we should see fit, at any time.

Nick E
primary email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wednesday 16 October 2002 10:02 am, you wrote:
 I think that $100 should be returned to the anonymous* donor, or at least
 his thoughts sought, since he made the donation following the Install Fest
 when it appeared that CLUG was financially in dire straits. You’re all now
 trying hard to give his money away.
 (*Not strictly ‘anonymous’ as he was known to at least one person.)


CLUG funds update (balance as of 15th October 2002)

2002-10-14 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

$366.60 Balance from 29th August 2002 meeting

$+65.25 collected at Wednesday 2nd October meeting
$-15.00   Hall hire for Octobers
$-07.25   Supper expenses
$409.60  Balance as of 15th October 2002.
Two points:

Although I have these funds locked in a secure place.  I think this money is 
building up to a lot for one person to be responsible for.  Should we look at 
putting it in a bank ( I was wondering if kiwibank might be a cost effective 
place to put it?)

Or do we spend it on assets of some kind.?

Nick E

Re: CLUG funds update (balance as of 15th October 2002)

2002-10-14 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 10:22 am, Nick Elder CLUG wrote:
 $366.60 Balance from 29th August 2002 meeting

 $+65.25 collected at Wednesday 2nd October meeting
 $-15.00   Hall hire for Octobers
 $-07.25   Supper expenses
 $409.60  Balance as of 15th October 2002.
 Two points:

 Although I have these funds locked in a secure place.  I think this money
 is building up to a lot for one person to be responsible for.  Should we
 look at putting it in a bank ( I was wondering if kiwibank might be a cost
 effective place to put it?)

 Or do we spend it on assets of some kind.?

third point:  can we use some of these funds to promote linux, or to help the 
linux community perhaps?

 Nick E

Re: CLUG meeting Thursday the 14th of November-correction

2002-10-13 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

On Sunday 13 October 2002 4:35 pm, Nick Elder wrote:

**  My dad accidently recorded a 20 minute interview with Linus Torvald 
talking about linux on the BBC 

(Sorry about that mind didn't connect to the fingers typing, hopefully it 
makes sense now, Nick E)
(was on late one night apparently) and has lent me the tape.  I could bring 
that along
 along with a VCR and a TV if anyone is interested in seeing it?

 Nick E

  On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 19:15, Christopher Sawtell wrote:
   On Fri, 11 Oct 2002 11:44, Nick Elder CLUG wrote:
The extra meeting we booked is for Thursday the 14th of November at
the Sydenham community centre.  Mahesh was hoping to do a talk on
distro's (Chris Sawtell was going to do a complementary talk on
Gentoo along with it).
   Unfortunately was is the correct tense of the verb. Now that I've got
   this Avonmre thingie on Tues and Thurs evenings and as it's actually a
   for pay situation, there is most unfortunately a genuine reason for
   me not to be at the CLUG meeting. Please excuse me?
But now Mahesh finds that he is most likely going to be absent.
Anyone else want to take up the reins on this talk or do we have any
other suggestions please? Reply in list please!
Thursday 5th December meeting is still booked in as well of course! 
Do we have a practical workshop for that one?  Could we do something
different in the hall for the end of the year pehaps?  Any ideas?
   A traditional type of end of year social do of some kind might be
   quite a good idea. Why don't we combine this with some emergency
   fixups for Christmas to folks' Linux boxes during the first hour or
   so. What about something like that. Bring your rescue disks, those who
   know how to use them.
   There is sufficient warning of this one, so I'll swap the day so I can
   get to this meeting.
   Meeting in Jan?
Again suggestions in list please   taa
   Sincerely etc.,
   Christopher Sawtell

Re: Test

2002-10-13 Thread Nick Elder CLUG


On Monday 14 October 2002 4:36 pm, Martin Baehr wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 04:32:25PM +1300, Nick Rout wrote:
  real sorry about this paople, mail system snafu being worked on right
  now :-)

 hmm, one misspelled word, and one word that's not in the dictionary,
 the content is not very creative and you failed to keep to the suggested

 can't give this a better grade than a D, sorry.

 greetings, martin.

CLUG meeting Thursday the 14th of November

2002-10-10 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

The extra meeting we booked is for Thursday the 14th of November at the 
Sydenham community centre.  Mahesh was hoping to do a talk on distro's (Chris 
Sawtell was going to do a complementary talk on Gentoo along with it).  But 
now Mahesh finds that he is most likely going to be absent.  Anyone else want 
to take up the reins on this talk or do we have any other suggestions please? 
Reply in list please!

Thursday 5th December meeting is still booked in as well of course!  Do we 
have a practical workshop for that one?  Could we do something different in 
the hall for the end of the year pehaps?  Any ideas? 

Again suggestions in list please   taa

Re: Personal accounting program

2002-10-03 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

On Friday 04 October 2002 4:13 pm, Nick Rout wrote:
 Nick Elder looked seriously at some accounting apps recently for his
 business, but he may not have been looking at the sort of program you
 are after.

In the end I settled with konto ( )  
but it is a tracking and invoiceing program.  We are about to use it properly 
next week.  We needid a simple program that any of the staff could use and it 
did'nt need to be a full blown accounting pack.  I searched for hours on 
google, rpmfind and freshmeat etc and there is sql-ledger open source, and a 
hand full of commercial packages that may fit your requirments. I can't 
recommend any at the moment off the cuff at the moment though sorry Carl.  
At a recent meeting of the Christchurch Computer society that a few of our 
CLUG members attended, the speaker Neil Urwin mentioned that the linux 
community was missing a descent accounting package.  A view our Dave Lane 
agreed with if I remember rightly.  
As usual with open source it seems, eventually some kind and clever sole/s 
will get around to writing a usefull application so we can all benifit!

Nick Elder

 On Fri, 04 Oct 2002 15:05:00 +1200

 Carl Cerecke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Any recommendations for a good personal accounting program for Linux?
  I want something with good support for recurring transactions (i.e. I
  want to say transaction X happens on the nth of every month etc., and
  not have to re-enter it all the time)
  gnucash didn't have this feature last time I looked.

Re: Trouble shooting evening

2002-10-02 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Thanks for the help men,
Cool I can burn CDs now.  Yahooey,  650megs burned in less than 8 minutes too
Nick E

On Thursday 03 October 2002 9:06 am, Nick Rout wrote:
 I got the impression that last night's meeting was a success. I hope it
 becomes a regular event as its an opportunity for a different sort of
 interaction from the other presentation style meetings.

 I think we fixed most peoples problems, except perhaps Barry's, and he
 does have some weird problems :-)

Re: Trouble shooting evening

2002-10-02 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

On Thursday 03 October 2002 2:44 pm, Nick Rout wrote:
 don't tell me you needed assistance at the meeting??
I shouldnt neet to have to tell you.  Actually I don't know half as much as 
you all think I do!


 On Thu, 03 Oct 2002 13:11:07 +1200

 Nick Elder CLUG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks for the help men,
  Cool I can burn CDs now.  Yahooey,  650megs burned in less than 8
  minutes too cheers,
  Nick E
  On Thursday 03 October 2002 9:06 am, Nick Rout wrote:
   I got the impression that last night's meeting was a success. I hope it
   becomes a regular event as its an opportunity for a different sort of
   interaction from the other presentation style meetings.
   I think we fixed most peoples problems, except perhaps Barry's, and he
   does have some weird problems :-)

Re: CLUG Meeting Wednesday 2nd October

2002-09-25 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

So far I have one name  Graham Barnett registered to bring his problem 
linux boxem to our meeting!  Looks like we have plenty of room for more!  
Please register by emailing me at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  so I dont miss 
your email amongst all my other mail.  

Nick Elder

On Wednesday 25 September 2002 9:18 am, Nick Elder CLUG wrote:
 Matt and members,
   The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 2nd October in the Sydenham hall. 
 (  )  The idea is to have a problems
 workshop. I suggest that anyone with a machine that needs looking at,
 should email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we can make a list of expected
 machines, for this meeting.  I think we could probably only have about
 eight machines in the hall. Participants bringing their linux boxes/ems
 will be required to bring all thier relavent PC stuff including monitors
 mouse and keyboard etc. A mains multi box and possible extension cord would
 also be advantages.

 Nick Elder
 ( I unfortunetly will be away from my PC for the rest of today)

 On Wednesday 25 September 2002 1:09 pm, Matt Agnew wrote:
  There was talk at the last meeting of a troubleshooting session for the
  next meeting - is this still on, and is there a signup sheet?  I've
  installed Mandrake alongside Win2k and Win98 and can't get into the
  Linux partition.
  Alternatively, is someone willing to come to my house and help me in
  exchange for free beer?  This would be ideal as my monitor won't fit in
  my car (Hillman Imp).
  BTW - I'm a newbie here, both in Linux and in residency (since July).
  So far I love Chch but y'all talk funny and drive on the wrong side of
  the road (yeah, I'm a Yank).  I see there is at least one more
  recovering American on the list...

CLUG Meeting Wednesday 2nd October (Re: 2/10 meeting - t-shooting workshop?)

2002-09-24 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Matt and members,
The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 2nd October in the Sydenham hall.  (  )  The idea is to have a problems workshop.  
I suggest that anyone with a machine that needs looking at, should email 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and we can make a list of expected machines, for 
this meeting.  I think we could probably only have about eight machines in 
the hall. Participants bringing their linux boxes/ems will be required to 
bring all thier relavent PC stuff including monitors mouse and keyboard etc.  
A mains multi box and possible extension cord would also be advantages.

Nick Elder
( I unfortunetly will be away from my PC for the rest of today)

On Wednesday 25 September 2002 1:09 pm, Matt Agnew wrote:
 There was talk at the last meeting of a troubleshooting session for the
 next meeting - is this still on, and is there a signup sheet?  I've
 installed Mandrake alongside Win2k and Win98 and can't get into the
 Linux partition.

 Alternatively, is someone willing to come to my house and help me in
 exchange for free beer?  This would be ideal as my monitor won't fit in
 my car (Hillman Imp).

 BTW - I'm a newbie here, both in Linux and in residency (since July).
 So far I love Chch but y'all talk funny and drive on the wrong side of
 the road (yeah, I'm a Yank).  I see there is at least one more
 recovering American on the list...


Re: Next two CLUG meetings

2002-09-12 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

With sincere appologies to Chris Sawtell for clashing with the Avonmore Linux 
course I will book in 14th of November for our extra meeting at the Sydenham 

Nick E

On Thursday 12 September 2002 3:34 pm, Nick Elder CLUG wrote:
   The next meeting is booked for Wednesday 2nd October, I propose we go
 ahead with our workshop idea for that meeting.  And a little nearer the
 time book eight computers belonging to our mailing list members, for our
 technical experts to help out with.  Also we will of course have supper and
 a general chin wag.
   I have contacted the Sydenham Hall bookings officer and asked for a list
 of evenings in November when the Hall is available to us to have an extra
 meeting.  I half remembered that the linux course at Avonmore was on
 Wednesdays and Thursdays so asked for days other than these week days if
 possible.  Janet the bookings officer, has come back to me with with a
 reply saying that the only evening in the whole month available is Thursday
 the 14th of November.  I propose we accept this date as we don't have much
 choice, and have our usual style meeting that night.  I am wondering if
 Mahesh could do a talk then, on Linux Distros ?
   Your comments invited!

 Nick Elder
 (Anachaic CLUG member at large)

 On Tuesday 03 September 2002 10:20 am, Nick Elder CLUG wrote:
   A show of hands was asked for, for those interested in holding monthly
   instead of bi-monthly meetings.  Overwhelming majority were in favour
   of monthly meetings.
   The idea of having our usual kind of meeting one month and a trouble
   shooting workshop the next month was suggested.  There was a general
   consensus in favour of this idea.  It was suggested booking eight or so
   computers prior to the workshop, so as not to have to many machines for
   the venue or trouble shooters.
  I see the next meeting scheduled for the Sydenham hall is about a month
  away since it it at the beginning of the month this time ( Wednesday 2nd
  October ).  I wonder if we can try squeezing eight computers in and have
  our trouble-shooter/workshop in there, next meeting?   I think we could!
  Nick E

Next two CLUG meetings

2002-09-11 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

The next meeting is booked for Wednesday 2nd October, I propose we go ahead 
with our workshop idea for that meeting.  And a little nearer the time book 
eight computers belonging to our mailing list members, for our technical 
experts to help out with.  Also we will of course have supper and a general 
chin wag.
I have contacted the Sydenham Hall bookings officer and asked for a list of 
evenings in November when the Hall is available to us to have an extra 
meeting.  I half remembered that the linux course at Avonmore was on 
Wednesdays and Thursdays so asked for days other than these week days if 
possible.  Janet the bookings officer, has come back to me with with a reply 
saying that the only evening in the whole month available is Thursday the 
14th of November.  I propose we accept this date as we don't have much 
choice, and have our usual style meeting that night.  I am wondering if 
Mahesh could do a talk then, on Linux Distros ?  
Your comments invited!

Nick Elder
(Anachaic CLUG member at large)

On Tuesday 03 September 2002 10:20 am, Nick Elder CLUG wrote:
  A show of hands was asked for, for those interested in holding monthly
  instead of bi-monthly meetings.  Overwhelming majority were in favour of
  monthly meetings.
  The idea of having our usual kind of meeting one month and a trouble
  shooting workshop the next month was suggested.  There was a general
  consensus in favour of this idea.  It was suggested booking eight or so
  computers prior to the workshop, so as not to have to many machines for
  the venue or trouble shooters.

 I see the next meeting scheduled for the Sydenham hall is about a month
 away since it it at the beginning of the month this time ( Wednesday 2nd
 October ).  I wonder if we can try squeezing eight computers in and have
 our trouble-shooter/workshop in there, next meeting?   I think we could!

 Nick E

Re: New to NZ, Uni Linux (sort of)

2002-09-11 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Welcome to NZ and our mailing group.
Nick E

On Thursday 12 September 2002 1:32 pm, Alan Greenstreet wrote:
 Hi 2U all

 Well... from the title you could guess that being new to everything is a
 nightmare in the making.

 I'm new to NZ (2 months here so far and liking it) having come from the
 I'm new to the University having returned to study after 12 years in the
 rat race.
 I'm relatively new to linux (put it this way I don't send kernel patches
 to Linus! - yet  :0)  ).
 What better way to find out who is out there than starting a
 conversation with those with a common interest - Linux.

 I currently run a Mandrake distro (v7.?) on a Toshiba P166 laptop, a
 SuSe distro (v6.?) on a P120 desktop and a version of Small Linux on a
 very old Dell 386 laptop which runs in Ram Disk (under 4Mb!). I am also
 about to install BeOS on another Dell laptop.

 I read with interest some comments about home networks and this will be
 the next stage in my attempt to teach myself all that is computing.
 Initially with two or three desktops.

 So, I guess I'm introducing myself to CLUG...



Re: IRC Chat Invitation

2002-09-10 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

At the risk of starting a client war, I would like to recomend xchat for any 
newbies to IRC or mIRC if you are still useing windows. (xchat has also been 
ported to windows so you could get used to it, ready for when you switch to 
linux (noticed I said when))  Bitchx is for the command line user I think.

see:   for a list of clients  (I know xchat is 
on Redhat 7.3 and on Mandrake 7.x/8.x install disks, and may have been 
installed by default)

One reason why I like xchat is because I can open a new server window and be 
on two networks at once.  That way I can be in #clug on the 
network and in #nzlinux channel on the undernet network at the same time!

Nick Elder

On Wednesday 11 September 2002 4:10 pm, Paul wrote:
 Hi all .. you can use any irc client to get to the #clug channel on the network - its actually hosted on

 open the client then use /server  ... upon connection use
 /join #clug

 see you there .. bring your tales of woe .. maybe someone will care
 (oops!) uh might have an answer ...

 Paul Swafford

 (Manager, E-caf@The Arts Centre)
 (Level 2/28 Worcester Boulevard, Christchurch, NZ)
 (ph/fax +64 3 3656480

Re: IRC Chat Invitation

2002-09-10 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

On Wednesday 11 September 2002 5:41 pm, Nick Elder CLUG wrote:
 At the risk of starting a client war, I would like to recomend xchat for
 any newbies to IRC or mIRC if you are still useing windows. (xchat has also
 been ported to windows so you could get used to it, ready for when you
 switch to linux (noticed I said when))  Bitchx is for the command line user
 I think.

 see:   for a list of clients  (I know xchat
 is on Redhat 7.3 and on Mandrake 7.x/8.x install disks, and may have been
 installed by default)

 One reason why I like xchat is because I can open a new server window and
 be on two networks at once.  That way I can be in #clug on the network and in #nzlinux channel on the undernet network at

correction make that not net! *
 the same time!

 Nick Elder

 On Wednesday 11 September 2002 4:10 pm, Paul wrote:
  Hi all .. you can use any irc client to get to the #clug channel on the network - its actually hosted on
  open the client then use /server  ... upon connection use
  /join #clug
  see you there .. bring your tales of woe .. maybe someone will care
  (oops!) uh might have an answer ...
  Paul Swafford
  (Manager, E-caf@The Arts Centre)
  (Level 2/28 Worcester Boulevard, Christchurch, NZ)
  (ph/fax +64 3 3656480

Re: Rute Manual

2002-09-09 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

While on the subject of printing rute manuals.  It was sugested to me at the 
last meeting that we should take Craig up on his offer and get one or two 
more manuals printed with the CLUG funds and have another one or two door 
prizes at the next and subsequent meeting/s?  Any thoughts?


On Tuesday 10 September 2002 12:35 pm, C Falconer wrote:
 Don't forget I can print you one at cost for $19.

 Thats bound in a spiraly plastic binding, with laminated covers.

 (and it is within the terms of the RUTE licence, because you are
 instituting the printing of the book.)

 On Tue, 2002-09-10 at 12:13, Christopher Sawtell wrote:
  On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 11:24, Tim Wright wrote:
   Well, I'm back..and unfortunatly didn't find a bookstore that stocked
   it. However, their RRP (they could have ordered it) was US$40.
  So the Amazon cost of $86nz looks pretty good.
  btw, Has anybody had a chance to have a good look at this yet?
  A paraphrased comment from a newby was that it's Completely over my
  head, total waste of money. I've been at this Linux game for a fair
  while now so tend to disagree with the newbie's feelings on the subject,
  but I am wondering what other folks think? The reason for the question is
  that I would be grateful for the list's wisdom so that I can give these
  Avonmore students a wider opinion than just my own, which btw is Good
  reference and learning resource, possibly too deep too soon. It seems to
  go from computing sub-basics to pretty solid stuff in just a page or two.
  Sincerely etc.,
  Christopher Sawtell

Re: IRC anyone?

2002-09-08 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Sounds good enough for me, c u there!

On Monday 09 September 2002 1:10 pm, Paul wrote:
 well on .. #clug looks ok .. I've registered it .. so pop in
 and give it a try ... undernet is a really awful network - even is a bit slow .. part of the reason I suggested my own was to
 cut down international traffic ..

 anyway -

 See you on  ... use /join #clug  on connection


 Paul Swafford

 (Manager, E-caf@The Arts Centre)
 (Level 2/28 Worcester Boulevard, Christchurch, NZ)
 (ph/fax +64 3 3656480

 On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Nick Elder CLUG wrote:
  May I suggest we try it, but use one of the openprojects servers such as or  these can be found in most linux
  clients menus.  I particularly like xchat that comes with most distros
  now days.  Click on the first button on the top menu called simply xchat
  then select server list.  And all the servers are listed there.
  I suggest we call the channel #clug-nz as clug is used by the calgary
  lug I think from memory!
  Nick E
  On Monday 09 September 2002 12:09 pm, C Falconer wrote:
   Yes - but whats the address?
   Or simply join the #clug or #nzlinux channels on undernet.
   On Mon, 2002-09-09 at 11:31, Gareth Williams wrote:
And excellent idea IMO :-)
On Monday 09 September 2002 11:20, Paul wrote:
 Just a starter for 10 ..

 is there an IRC channel where some clug members can be found.

 I was wondering about hosting a #clug channel on my IRC server.

 it might help take some of the spam element out of the list...

 thoughts ??

 Paul Swafford

 (Manager, E-caf@The Arts Centre)
 (Level 2/28 Worcester Boulevard, Christchurch, NZ)
 (ph/fax +64 3 3656480

Re: CLUG Meeting Notes 29th August 2002

2002-09-02 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

 A show of hands was asked for, for those interested in holding monthly
 instead of bi-monthly meetings.  Overwhelming majority were in favour of
 monthly meetings.

 The idea of having our usual kind of meeting one month and a trouble
 shooting workshop the next month was suggested.  There was a general
 consensus in favour of this idea.  It was suggested booking eight or so
 computers prior to the workshop, so as not to have to many machines for the
 venue or trouble shooters.

I see the next meeting scheduled for the Sydenham hall is about a month away 
since it it at the beginning of the month this time ( Wednesday 2nd October 
).  I wonder if we can try squeezing eight computers in and have our 
trouble-shooter/workshop in there, next meeting?   I think we could!

Nick E

Installfest finances update 2

2002-08-27 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Every one owed for expenses for the install fest have been reimbursed.  
Except for Leo, of whom I have put aside his eight dollars.  
Chris Hellyar has three install fest tea shirts left, he can sell if you ask 
him nicely. If they are not sold he is happy to keep them for his own use.  
Mean while all CDs have been sold and paid for.  All tea shirts have been 
paid for that have been sold (as far as I am aware) 

With the help of the $100 dollar donation and by making a small profit on CD 
sales.  We now have a profit of $144.25 from the install fest.

CLUG funds held at the moment are:
$159.90 Money collected from the bi-monthly meetings
$144.25 from installfest (including donation)
$304.15 Balance I am holding for CLUG (locked away in a safe place)

c u at the meeting tomorrow night. (On Thursday)
Nick Elder

(if you are new to the list, meeting details are at:  )

On Tuesday 23 July 2002 10:37 am, Nick Elder CLUG wrote:
 $422.60 takings
 -$10.00  Mrs Sawtell for the lovely baking.  Thank her please Chris.
 -$75.70  100 floppy disks, ream of paper, paper cups
 -$ 3.34  Milk, tea spoons

 the following members have not yet been reimbursed (but will be)

 -$8.00 Leo for blue balloons
 -$351.22  Chris Hellyer  for hundreds of CDs, tea shirts.
 -$56.00  Mahesh DeSilva more CDs

 **$81.66** Loss at the moment.   I understand however that some CLUG
 members owe us for tea shirts.  ( Please confirm who you are to me at
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] )  I am also in the process of selling a few more
 distros to people we couldnt supply to on Saturday.  Also we have five tea
 shirts left @$10 ea.  So if you want one of these souvenirs then please
 bring $10 to the next meeting. (and Chris the shirts please)

 Stock unsold/held:
 80 floppy disks (boxes if 25)  (These can be sold to raise some funds)
 Now 30 floppy disks 
 ream of paper (Can be sold to raise some funds)
 40 paper cups
 5 tea shirts (new entry)
 80 blue balloons approx'

 Nick Elder

 Installfest mailing list



2002-07-31 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

With regard to the next meeting Thursday 29th of August, presently planed to 
be held in the Sydenham Community Hall.  Due to some concerns on the size of 
this venue it is thought that we should check how many plan to attend.  

Please write YES in the subject line of a blank email if you think you WILL 
be attending the meeting and send to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] so we can 
make a count.

Nick E

Thursday 29th of August Meeting
Zane Gilmore will be chairman/MC for this meeting.
There will most likely be General business
A talk by Carl Cerecke on Linux Fundementals including the following:
Files and directories.
File/directory permissions.
Some common unix utilities.
And the opportunity to ask questions.

Re: nVidia video cards

2002-07-23 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

On Wednesday 24 July 2002 2:19 pm, Nick Rout wrote:
 someone on installfest day was asking me about these cards, I said I
 would get a price.

 Who was it again? Sorry I had so many conversationsI just cannot
 remember who it was.

I saw you talking to yourself Nick  ;-)

Re: $100 Donation for installfest/CLUG expenses

2002-07-23 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

When we sell the remaining T shirts and if we had of sold those floppys we 
would have pretty well have broken even.  But if we end up, up due to the 
donation that is OK also.  As the benefactor has given us the money as a good 
will gesture in support of LINUX and CLUG.  We can put it toward the next 
'fest or meetings.  
But still I personally think that perhaps a $3 charge each for a burned CD 
would be a good bet next time!  But I agree that better budgeting would'nt go 
astray either!


On Wednesday 24 July 2002 3:35 pm, Tim Wright wrote:
 On Wed, 24 Jul 2002, Nick Elder CLUG wrote:
  I got an email from a person of whom would prefer to stay anonymous
  yesterday. Offering to donate $100 to CLUG in exchange for 50 floppy
  discs that we have left over from the installfest.  I took the liberty of
  accepting his kind generousity, and thanking him very much on our behalf.

 I'm *guessing* he's on the list, so big thanks :)

 I guess next time we should do a little budget beforehand.


 Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

Installfest finances update.

2002-07-22 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

$422.60 takings
-$10.00  Mrs Sawtell for the lovely baking.  Thank her please Chris.
-$75.70  100 floppy disks, ream of paper, paper cups
-$ 3.34  Milk, tea spoons

the following members have not yet been reimbursed (but will be)

-$8.00 Leo for blue balloons
-$351.22  Chris Hellyer  for hundreds of CDs, tea shirts.
-$56.00  Mahesh DeSilva more CDs

**$81.66** Loss at the moment.   I understand however that some CLUG members 
owe us for tea shirts.  ( Please confirm who you are to me at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] )  I am also in the process of selling a few more distros 
to people we couldnt supply to on Saturday.  Also we have five tea shirts 
left @$10 ea.  So if you want one of these souvenirs then please bring $10 to 
the next meeting. (and Chris the shirts please)

Stock unsold/held:
80 floppy disks (boxes if 25)  (These can be sold to raise some funds)
ream of paper   (Can be sold to raise some funds)
40 paper cups
5 tea shirts (new entry)
80 blue balloons approx'

Nick Elder

Installfest mailing list


Songs of praise

2002-07-21 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

To all that helped at the installfest,
I just want to say that in between serving punters with disks and getting 
them tables and an installer to help them my observations were all very 
possitive on Saturday .  The installers did a brilliant job!  The burners 
also were also rushed off of their feet, and rose to the occation!  And we 
all got through a public onslaught with no bad incidents.  Every one showed a 
professional attitude.  And worked very well under presure.  Well done to 
all.  I was very proud to be a member of our LUG!
Granted we can learn by this our first installfest.  And the odd person went 
home with out linux on their machine.  But we tried to get it on everyones 
machine.  I spoke to one old Gent that we couldnt get linux on his boxem.  He 
was smiling ear to ear because the installer gave him his best shot., and 
spent alot of time with him.  Giving him advise on how to get his boxem up to 
scratch and explaining things about linux, a phenominal operating system.  
Infact I didnt see anyone leave with any sign of dissapointment on their 
faces.  WELL DONE ALL,  and we can do this even better next time.  (after a 
well earned rest)

Nick Elder

P.S It was quite a site being able to look around the room and be able to see 
nearly every machine flashing away installing LINUX!

Re: Installfest post mortem

2002-07-21 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Hi again,
The Amature radio club rooms has alot going for it.   Large, phone, 
teamaking facilities, adjacent rooms (for burning maybe), own car parking.  
On the other side of town from the uni.  The only possible downer is that it 
is tucked away off retreat rd in one of the Avon loops.  But then room 101 
wasnt that easly to find either but that worked out!  My dad is the caretaker 
for the rooms, so we can have a look through anytime.

Nick E

On Monday 22 July 2002 1:20 pm, Zane Gilmore wrote:
 On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 12:46, Nick Rout wrote:
   Maybe if we try to match up installers to installees before the day.
   Now we have some idea of space requirements etc we can also plan here
   too. I have been racking my brains for a room on campus bigger than the
   ones we had and able to accomodate us.
   Anybody got any ideas?
  Not sure that we need to be on campus, although the net connection was
  Something like a church hall? may have to make do with a dialup
  connection though? Or if someone has a wireless account?

 The advantage there would be that everything is in the one room.

  What about the place in Manchester Street behind the MED where we had
  the meeting at which we heard about Roxen. They had facilities for
  connecting to the net there?

 Didn't they want to charge quite a lot?
 (i could be wrong here)
 The middle of town could be good.

  Or the UCSA Ballroom? (Free for clubs? some of you uni students could
  from a linux club and affiliate to the UCSA??)

 They have connections to the university network too.
 Unfortunately I am not a student.
 might ask around some of the executive and management people there tho.

 What about the Polytech?
 Is there anyone on the list from the Polytech?
 Are they likely to want to have a go at hosting an Installfest?


Re: Installfest post mortem

2002-07-21 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

On Monday 22 July 2002 2:13 pm, Christopher Sawtell wrote:
 Nick Elder CLUG wrote:
 Hi again,
  The Amature radio club rooms has alot going for it.   Large, phone,
 teamaking facilities, adjacent rooms (for burning maybe), own car parking.
 On the other side of town from the uni.  The only possible downer is that
  it is tucked away off retreat rd in one of the Avon loops.  But then room
  101 wasnt that easly to find either but that worked out!  My dad is the
  caretaker for the rooms, so we can have a look through anytime.

 That is an excellent idea. Is it possible for us to have our meetings
 there too?

There is every possibility of having our nightly meetings there as well!  I 
will find out the prices.  The amature radio club is dwindling and the rooms 
are hardly ever used.  So we can easily get it.  It is a purpose built 
facility and is funded in part by the civil defence people.  Whom have a four 
wheel drive locked up in a garage there.   
It is quite a bit bigger than the Sydenham hall.  Actually we are going to 
be in deep water if half of the installfest newbys go to our next meeting in 
Sydenham as well as our regulars.  We wont get everyone in to the hall !  
More food for thought I think!


Installfest installers

2002-07-18 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

The install fest is still scheduled for tommorow. (see
There could be up to 80 installs to be made! !   There are vacancies for 
confident installers.  If you feel you can help, please turn up tommorow and 
make your self known to one of the  ornanizers at the fest.

We are in the News

2002-07-10 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Just wanted to say it was cool to see the  installfest mentioned on the 
connected page of this mornings chch press.  ( I had nothing to do with it) 
We had a head line half way down the page, that was very noticeable.  The 
venue, time and web site were all clearly stated.  
It will be interesting if Chris notices an increase in traffic to the 
installfest site today.

Nick Elder

CLUG Meeting Notes 26th June 2002

2002-06-29 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Brief meeting report
Door takings balance
URLs mentioned during the meeting

Meeting was opened by Chris Hellyar with approximately 35 present.  Venue 
being the Cashmere Club

General Business:

The intallfest (9am to 5pm of Saturday 20th, Room 101 of the Maths and 
Computer Science Building) was discussed with various ideas and questions 
being raised.  The general consensus was that the organization so far was on 

(Several points were raised that I made note of:  One being the need to bring 
along our own heating for the room being used at the uni'. Also that modems 
will be of little use for internet connection updates, as this will be done 
over a network.  (ie network cards will be needid).  The need of a 'hand out 
sheet' that included email addresses of CLUG members willing to give after 
install support.)

Break for refreshments

Nick Rout gave his presentation on Midnight Commander and helped answer 
general questions on LINUX.

Meeting closed at 10pm. 

CLUG thanks all those of whom bought along equipment and contributed to the 

Door takings:

$124.50 balance carried over from the last meeting (29th April 2002)
$+35.40 collected at this meeting
$159.90 Balance
(There was no hall hire or supper expenses this meeting)


The following web sites were mentioned at the meeting:

Installfest 2002 address:  (not mentioned)

Re: Next CLUG meeting

2002-06-26 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

This morning I have spoken to the bookings officer for the Sydenham hall and 
gone back through my correspondence with her.  It appears that I was in error 
with the dates.  My appologies to everyone for last night.  Sorry for the 
We won't be charged for the hall this month as the account will be carried 
over to the August meeting.  29th August ( I have double checked that this is 
the correct date)

Nick Elder

On Thursday 27 June 2002 9:20 am, you wrote:
 And a big thanks to the Cashmere Club for putting us up at such short

 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew J Sands

 Good meeting last night. Big round of applause in finding a venue to
 relocate to.

 The  contents  of  this  e-mail  message  may   be  privileged  and/or
 confidential. If you are not the  intended recipient please delete the
 message and notify the sender.

 Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author, and do
 not necessarily represent the official  position of the Selwyn District

Re: CLUG meetings

2002-06-25 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

I found the labels and put them in to the car to bring along tonight.  (along 
with a felt pen).  However Roberts idea of people introducing themselves when 
addressing the rest ot the meeting is a good idea as well I think. 

Nick E

On Tuesday 25 June 2002 9:42 pm, Zane Gilmore wrote:
 In the past Nick had some Hello my name is labels.

 I think they are a good idea for just what you're talking about.

 On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 18:11, Fisher Family wrote:
  I like to put names with faces when I have the opportunity. At the last
  CLUG meeting I was the only person who admitted who he was.
  How about each speaker stating their name for the others who do not know

Re: Next CLUG meeting 26th June

2002-06-24 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Andrew and all,
The meeting is still on for tommorow night.  Chris Hellyer is chairman/MC. 
There will be general business and no doubt some planning about the up 
comeing install-fest.  Nick Rout is going to talk on MC (midnight commander).

Bye the way.  I recently mistakingly mentioned the wrong date for the August 
meeting in this list.  The correct date for the August meeting is: Thursday 
29th August.

See you tommorow night, regards,
Nick Elder
Map etc at:

On Tuesday 25 June 2002 12:14 pm, Andrew J Sands wrote:
 Sorry for the slightly off-topic post

 Is it just me or is the list rather quiet? Being only a day away from
 another meeting! Oh well maybe its just me.
 later, Andrew

 :~ -Original Message-
 :~ From: Nick Elder CLUG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 :~ Sent: Wednesday, 19 June 2002 17:21
 :~ Subject: Next CLUG meeting 26th June
 :~ Hi,
 :~Just thought I would post a reminder that our next meeting
 :~ is in seven days
 :~ time being on: Wednesday the 26th of June. At 7.30pm, Sydenham
 : commnunity ~ centre, 23 Hutcheson st.
 :~ General Bussiness (some talk about the installfest no doubt)
 :~ Talk on Midnight commander
 :~ All welcome, gold coin entry.
 :~ cheers,
 :~ Nick Elder

Next CLUG meeting 26th June

2002-06-18 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Just thought I would post a reminder that our next meeting is in seven days 
time being on: Wednesday the 26th of June. At 7.30pm, Sydenham commnunity 
centre, 23 Hutcheson st.  

General Bussiness (some talk about the installfest no doubt)
Talk on Midnight commander
All welcome, gold coin entry.

Nick Elder

Re: Trapped Mouse

2002-06-11 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

I am wondering if running one of the X config tools such as xf86config and 
resetting up the mouse as part of that  would sort out your problem.

But I am certainly no expert on such matters, but thats my 2cents worth 

Nick Elder

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 1:50 pm, Carl Cerecke wrote:
 stringer wrote:
  The point is that it still works ok under windows, so the plug isn't the
  ALSO the buttons work fine under Linux, its just that the pointer won't
  move across the screen in either direction. That's to say that the
  pointer 'flinches' as expected when I left click, and the screen menu
  appears when I right click.
  Never had the problem before.
  Oh, I should have mentioned:
  Red Hat 6.2, two button serial mouse

 You may be using the incorrect mouse driver. My 3 button serial mouse
 uses the MouseSystems driver. If I select an incorrect driver on
 install it goes haywire when I move the mouse, or doesn't work at all.
 Haven't ever come across buttons working but no movement though.



2002-05-27 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Only three people replied to me saying they were interested.  I emailed back 
to them and sugested that we shelve it due to lack of interest.  

Nick E

On Tuesday 28 May 2002 4:33 pm, Zane Gilmore wrote:
 Have I missed something?
 From what I can see there doesn't appear to be a LUG-PUB gathering
 arranged for tonite.

 It looks as though we have either let it lapsed or we could postpone it
 till later in the week.

 On Sat, 2002-05-25 at 17:44, Nick Elder CLUG wrote:
  Hi fellow CLUG members,
  I have noted down, this Tuesday the 28th as the possible social CLUG
  meeting in a Pub somewhere.  The last meeting was at the Valley Inn and
  although there was a disappointing number attending.  Nick Rout, Zane
  Gilmore and I had a pleasant evening sipping beer in the lounge bar and
  talking about linux (Nerdy I know!).  I might add the venue wasn't noisy
  or smoky!  (Well as we were making the most noise I guess we couldn't
  hear any other noise!)
  Any way I propose we meet in a pub that is more central this time.  All
  those intending to be there on Tuesday please let me know at:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will keep a rough count of how many are going
  so I can report back to list.  Any suggestions on a pub with a quiet
  lounge bar that is reasonably central would be welcomed.
  cheers, and cheers,
  Nick hick Elder

xwc correction

2002-05-25 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Correction xwc= X WinCommander

Re: Meeting Wednesday 26th June-Hall

2002-05-25 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Theres one way to find out! :-)  


On Saturday 25 May 2002 6:20 pm, Nick Rout wrote:
 I would do mc, but i'm sure there are people who know more about it
 than me. :-)


2002-05-24 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Hi fellow CLUG members,
I have noted down, this Tuesday the 28th as the possible social CLUG meeting 
in a Pub somewhere.  The last meeting was at the Valley Inn and although 
there was a disappointing number attending.  Nick Rout, Zane Gilmore and I 
had a pleasant evening sipping beer in the lounge bar and talking about linux 
(Nerdy I know!).  I might add the venue wasn't noisy or smoky!  (Well as we 
were making the most noise I guess we couldn't hear any other noise!)

Any way I propose we meet in a pub that is more central this time.  All 
those intending to be there on Tuesday please let me know at: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will keep a rough count of how many are going so I 
can report back to list.  Any suggestions on a pub with a quiet lounge bar 
that is reasonably central would be welcomed.

cheers, and cheers,
Nick hick Elder

Meeting Wednesday 26th June-Hall

2002-05-24 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Hi again,
With regard to the next meeting in the hall.  There seems to be a concensus 
that we should try and have a more 'newby' oriented meeting next time. 
(Wednesday 26th June )  Two linux programs have been recommended to newbies 
at our meetings.  One being xwc (x wing commander I think it is) (do a search 
for xwc at for details) and the other is mc (midnight commander). 
I am wondering if anyone in our group would be prepared to do a talk on 
either of these programs at our next meeting?

regards from a Newby turning gray,
Nick Elder

CLUG Install Fest

2002-05-03 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

At the meeting a note book was handed around collecting names and addresses 
of those interested in organizing and helping with an install fest this year. 
Below is the list so far.  It is open to anyone on the CLUG mailing list 
who want to contribute to this project.  If you wish to be included please 
email me at my primary address (so I don't miss seeing it) at:  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will make sure you are kept included in this lists.  



Mahesh De Silva  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Chris Hellyer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Walter Logeman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Meeting reminder

2002-04-27 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Just a reminder of the meeting tomorrow night (Monday 29th of April).  In 
case you may have forgotten or are new to the CLUG list. Main part of the 
evening: Talk and demo on Networking-Chris Hellyar.

Nick E

All meetings are held at 7:30 PM in the Sydenham Community Association Hall, 
25 Hutcheson Street, Sydenham.
A gold coin donation is asked for at each meeting to cover costs.

Re: kde failure(and gnome)

2002-04-27 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

I find myself in gnome sawfish about 99% of the time these days.  But twice 
now including today (just now in fact) it has screwed up. (seems to be when I 
'halt' out of gnome without closing all the open applications).  
Luckily I made a directory called gnome-backup in my home directory a while 
back and chucked a copy of every directory in my home directory that started 
with .gnome-'whatever', and .gconf, .gconfd, and .gnome_private  in it.  I 
just had to copy all the files in this directory back in to my home directory 
and hey presto my desktop is restored.  I have actually backed up kde like 
this also and had to use it when kde has let me down in the past!

BTW my restored gnome desktop can be viewed at: 
Nick E

On Friday 26 April 2002 3:25 pm, Julian Carver wrote:

 I had something very similar just recently when I tried to upgrade to
 kde3.  I use gnome, but wanted to have a look at what kde3 was like. I'm
 using Mandrake 8.1

 Unwisely I did a nodeps install because I couldn't be bothered dealing
 with the depedencies.  I just installed everything from the kde3 ftp
 directory.  I have now learned my lesson about nodeps...

 Firstly kde3 wouldn't start properly, and secondly it munted gnome.
 Gnome would start, but was very slow in starting, and sawfish wouldn't
 start at all.

 I managed to resolve this by getting rid of all the kde3 and associated
 new rpms, moving my .gnome and .sawfish user directories, and logging in
 again.  This fixed everything up.  Not very scientific, but it worked.

 Not sure if this helps, but maybe a similar cause?


  I run Redhat 7.2.  Whenever I login (run level 3) and startx, gnome
  appears to load up but I end up with a blank blue screen without any
  icons etc - absolutely nothing.  I can crash back into level 3 without
  a problem using the keyboard.
  I really need to know what's failing, I got an error message the very
  first time it happened but like the pro I am I ignored it and now I
  don't get it anymore.  Where do I find the log that the errors are
  sent to?
  This fault ocurred out of the blue - there was no reason, like cold
  reboot, to blame.  Basically I want to resurrect the machine without
  having to reinstall Redhat all over again.

Re: ADSL modem and IPCOP-Volker

2002-04-20 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Thanks for your input.  All though I hope you haven't started a debate again 
that will fill everyones mail box, as we all went over the Telstra verses 
Telecom issue here in list a few weeks ago.
Actually I contacted TelstraClear and because the front of my works premises 
is over 6metres from the foot path and the street has underground wiring.   
And because there is a tarsealed carpark between the building and the 
footpath they are not very interested in us as cable customers.
The criteria we would have to meet is for us to spend over $300 per month 
with them.  If we changed our complete telephone system over to them then we 
would actually meet this criteria.  However our business is not prepared to 
commit to a different communications company at this time.

cheers and regards,
Nick E

On Saturday 20 April 2002 6:38 pm, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
 On Sat 20 Apr 2002 17:44:21 NZST +1200, Nick Elder CLUG wrote:
  I am looking hard at that very modem-router (Dynalink RTA 020) for
  jetstart for my work,

 Personally, I can not overstress the advice to go with Telstra/Saturn if
 at all possible. The hassle is absolutely zero. Silch. As in, nothing.

 Pick a spare NIC in any of your PCs, ifconfig it with your personal
 global static IP given to you by Telstra/Saturn/Clear/Whatevertoday and
 you're off. Your system config tool does this for you.

 You wouldn't have had to deal with this kind of rubbish, nor setup
 anything else like dhcp.

 This all for the price of at most, less last time I looked, a jetstart
 connection. Plus you don't aid Telecom in ripping off your ISP, and do
 something positive for competition in the ISP market. (And if you
 personally feel so inclined, you can, after having listened to Telecom
 telling you where to go for many a year, now return the favour.)

  though the list or at least carbon copied to me as well please. As I am
  eager to hear any advise anyone may have on this subject.

 See above :)


I am looking hard at that very modem-router (Dynalink RTA 020) for 
for my work, I havent purchased it yet though.  And figured that I would try 
and use it though a dedicated firewall such as smoothwall or IPCOP, like you. 
My point here is that I hope any advise people have, can be directed 
though the list or at least carbon copied to me as well please. As I am eager 
to hear any advise anyone may have on this subject.

Nick Elder

On Saturday 20 April 2002 1:42 pm, Shaun wrote:
 I have had an IPCOP box active as a firewall for my dial up connection
 for a  few weeks now but have just purchased a Dynalink RTA 020 and
 subscribed to Jetstart and cannot figure out how to configure IPCOP
 and the RTA 020 to allow me to use them together.  The RTA 020 works
 fine with its default settings when connected directly to the hub but
 when trying to go out via the IPCOP machine I cannot seem to get it to

 Any light thrown on this would be appreciated.
 Subject: RE: Adsl modems
 From: Craig Falconer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 09:21:38 +1300

 Dynalink RTA 020 is a beauty wee router, and not a lot more expensive
 than a

 A 3com dual link is good, but they haven't been made for 6+ months
 Alcatel ST Home is quite cheap, and does PPTP to the firewall linux
 box who
 is then responsible for NAT.

  From:   Simon Hansman[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Monday, 4 March 2002 07:35
  Subject:    Adsl modems
  Hi all,
  I'm about to get JetStart and was wondering on peoples experience with
  modems. What I want to do is run Smoothwall or IPCop on an old P133, then
  have two networks in it, one to an 8 Port 10/100mbps switching hub and
  other to an external adsl modem (I was thinking of getting an Asus
  AAM-6000EV). Any suggestions? I see you can get pci adsl
  modems...what's the support for these like under linux?
  Anything else I should be thinking about?

Re: ADSL modem and IPCOP

2002-04-20 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

On Saturday 20 April 2002 11:11 pm, Shaun wrote:
 Thanks for the swift response Simon. After getting the green and red
 interfaces on different subnets I can now ping the router and open up
 its web interface through the ipcop box.  A huge step forward but...

 Enabling DHCP on the router and setting the red interface to DHCP
 gives me a connected (time...) in the Home AW but I can not ping
 anything outside the lan.

 At no time has the Data light come on to indicate that traffic is
 travelling out or in.

Strangely I was thinking about this in the night.  (Bit more interesting 
than trying to count sheep!) Does the cable between the modem/router and your 
firewall box need to be a cross over one? Maybe someone can answer this for 

Nick E

 In the Control Panel for the router the PPPoA connection info shows
 absolutely nothing. When connected without going through ipcop box
 there was a line here showing the status of the connection -
 establishing/connected etc

 Perhaps 1/2 a nights sleep will help. Any other thoughts will be


 On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 13:55:30 +1200, you wrote:
 Yeah I had a similar problem...I got it working in the end, although my
  hard drive on the ipcop machine has just died :(.
 Anyway there were a couple of things I changed to make it work.
 First you need to make sure your green and red interfaces are on different
 subnets. I think the default ip address for the router is usually, so you could make your internal network 192.168.1.x.
 Secondly, I fiddled around the the dhcp settings on my router (an asus
  one), and set the time for one session down to an hour, I don't know why
  this was an issue but it seemed to work after this.
 Finally, when configuring ipcop (login as setup), the red interface (the
  one connected to the modem) should be using DHCP and you'll need to give
  it a name (eg, ipcop).
 Anyway hope that helps,
 On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 13:42, Shaun wrote:
  I have had an IPCOP box active as a firewall for my dial up connection
  for a  few weeks now but have just purchased a Dynalink RTA 020 and
  subscribed to Jetstart and cannot figure out how to configure IPCOP
  and the RTA 020 to allow me to use them together.  The RTA 020 works
  fine with its default settings when connected directly to the hub but
  when trying to go out via the IPCOP machine I cannot seem to get it to
  Any light thrown on this would be appreciated.
  Subject: RE: Adsl modems
  From: Craig Falconer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 09:21:38 +1300
  Dynalink RTA 020 is a beauty wee router, and not a lot more expensive
  than a
  A 3com dual link is good, but they haven't been made for 6+ months
  Alcatel ST Home is quite cheap, and does PPTP to the firewall linux
  box who
  is then responsible for NAT.
   From:Simon Hansman[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:Monday, 4 March 2002 07:35
   Subject: Adsl modems
   Hi all,
   I'm about to get JetStart and was wondering on peoples experience with
   modems. What I want to do is run Smoothwall or IPCop on an old P133,
   then have two networks in it, one to an 8 Port 10/100mbps switching
   hub and the
   other to an external adsl modem (I was thinking of getting an Asus
   AAM-6000EV). Any suggestions? I see you can get pci adsl
   modems...what's the support for these like under linux?
   Anything else I should be thinking about?

Re: back in two months

2002-04-12 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Thanks Volker,
I will take a note of that.  Lucky the time is ahead to make up for the out 
of date mistake!  I never have been able to get the time right on that boxem! 
Despite many attempts.  I am over due to upgrade the version soon that will 
fix it when I reinstall, hopfully.

Nick E

On Friday 12 April 2002 5:33 pm, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
   I just remembered I need to unsubscribe :)  Since the big hard drive
  crash I've lost the address to do this; could someone in the know

 (Nick, your addresses are technically speaking out of date.)


CLUG Install fest Sydenham community hall June/July??

2002-03-23 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Last meeting it was decided that we should have an install fest this year.  
As you can see the following Saturday's and Sundays are still available for 
the hall.  (cost $30 a day)

Discussion on the fest is invited in list and at the pub this Monday night. 

Nick Elder

On Saturday 23 March 2002 10:46 pm, :
 The hall is available
 June 29th all day June 30th until 6pm
 July 27th all day July 28th until 6pm


CLUG social chin wag-Mon 25th March 2002-see you there!

2002-03-22 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Dear CLUG,
The social meeting at the Valley Inn is still ON, for monday night.  7:30pm
(cnr of Marsden and Flavell streets, Heathcote.  (ph 3841124))

Nick E

Dear CLUG,
We have Monday the 25th of March (next Monday) marked down as the date for
our first pub social for the year.  We had the Heathcote Hotel suggested at
the last meeting as the possible venue.  I presume this is the Valley Inn.
If we all meet there at say 7:30 we could always move on to say the
Ferrymead perhaps, if the valley in doesnt work out?

Nick Elder

 Sydenham community centre meetings:
 Thu 28th February 2002
 Mon 29th April
 Wed 26th June
 Thu 29th August
 Wed  2nd October
 Thur  5th December ---NOW WED THE 4TH DECEMBER!

 As we thought we would have a social meeting in a public house some where
 in between the hall meetings I propose the following dates:

 Mon 25th March
 Tue  28th May
 Wed 31st July
 Thu 12th Sepember
 Fri  1st November


CLUG Meeting Report 28th February 2002

2002-03-02 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

-CLUG Meeting Report 28th February 2002

+Minutes (unofficial) of the meeting
+Door takings balance

Meeting started at 7:30 Nick Elder MC for the evening.
Approximately 40+ present.

Apologies: Nick Rout, Dave Lane

General business:

The offer for CLUG to use the facilities offered to us by the the Aoteroa
Multimedia centre was discussed and the majority consensus was that we remain
using Sydenham Community Centre.

Install Fest.  It was agreed that we should have an install fest this year.
Most likely three to four months from now, so as to make enough time for
organization and more importantly advertising.  ie inBusiness IT magazine, Buy
sell Exchange, Newspaper.  The offer to the club using a school (I am sorry I
didn't note which school) for a future demonstrations was made by one of our
members.  The possibility of using Sydenham Community Hall one weekend day
was suggested The issue of the risk of wrecking someones data while doing an
install on their computer was raised.  It was generally agreed that we should
put some kind of disclaimer on the our web site nearer the event.  Along with
how to prepare a machine for a linux install.  Be it defraging a windows
drive or adding another HDD.  The option of having bootable CD distros that
run linux off of the CD for demonstration was also suggested. 

A hands up of those likely to attend next months social meeting at a hotel
was asked for.  Approximately 10 people at the meeting thought they would
most likely go along.

Suggestions for a likely venue was asked for.  One suggestion was submitted:
Heathcote Hotel  (so lets go there!)  (Did you mean the
Valley Inn Brian?)

The idea of having a help phone list on the web site for newbies was
suggested.  With the idea of suitable times to phone those on the list, was 
suggested.  (topic for further discussion in CLUG mail list no doubt!)

There was no further general bussiness.

supper break 8:20PM

Carl Cerecke then kicked of the Hints and Tips talk part of the evening.
With a description on how X works. And how to use one machine to display X 
and a window manager ,while using another to run linux and its programs.  
Carl continued to address the meeting while others in the meeting asked and 
answered various questions.

meeting ended 10:20PM

CLUG thank those that bought equipment, and/or donated time to the meeting.

Door takings

$56.90 balance left from last meeting (Dec 6th 2001)
+50.60 collected at this meeting
- 1.65 supper expenses
-15.00 hall hire
$90.85 Balance  


Peanut linux 9.2 Discs available

2002-02-22 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Just thought I would let the group know that I have the latest peanut linux 
'small' iso downloaded and can burn anyone a disc if they want to try it. The 
so called small iso unzips to the hard drive to about 350 megabytes.
Has KDE2 and E v16.5, X Windows 4.2.0, Kernel 2.5.0 with USB support (Sawfish 
should install and use Es librarys but I haven't tried it yet) .  It now 
comes with ReiserFS and Ext3 file systems option. For full details see I have installed this version and it is 
interesting to play around with a different setup system. You just type: 
'setup' in console mode which then opens a menu for x86config, sndconfig,  
etc, etc. 
BTW I recommend the two floppy boot discs that can be made of of the install 
CD or downloaded directly from the peanut site.  Documentation is there how 
to make them using DOS or linux. With these two discs one can boot in to any 
distro you may have on your HDD.  Great if you have removed lilo or lost 
your normal bootup utility.  On these two discs you can run fdisk and Cfdisk, 
mkdosfs and mke2fs, and most likely there are others utilities that I haven't 
found yet.
If anyone is interested get back to me off list before the next meeting so I 
can bring a disc along for you.  Or you could pick one up from my work in 
Sydenham, but let me know you want one first.  ($5 )

Nick Elder

Promise of things to come!

2002-02-09 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

Just thought this was interesting, and wanted to share it.

Nick Elder

Re: CLUG Meeting 28th February-Topic and speaker required

2002-02-05 Thread Nick Elder CLUG

OK lets just see if there are any requests for a certain topic first. 
Anyone have any requests for a topic?  

I personally was wondering about having a linux boxem on hand and 
then have 
a question and answers session? Having both the questions asked and answered 
from anyone that volunteers that question or answer from the 'floor' ? 
(hopefully someone has the answer).
Any comments are welcomed on this idea !

Nick Elder

On Saturday 02 February 2002 8:17 am, nickelz wrote:
   With our next hall meeting just four weeks away I think we should now
 organize a topic and speaker for it.   Any topic requests?  Any volunteers
 to do a talk?

 Nick Elder

 Hall is booked for:
 Thu 28th February 2002
 Mon 29th April
 Wed 26th June
 Thu 29th August
 Wed  2nd October
 Wed 4th December