Re: [ILUG-BOM] problems with installing ubuntu on an intel ggc based machine Please help.

2007-01-26 Thread Harsh Busa

On 1/25/07, krishnakant Mane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I had the shock of my life today.
I had previously mentioned about a server installation I have to do.
I don't find it will be any problem after the feedback I got about
however there is another case which is really very interesting.
I am trying to install gnu/linux on a machine with a seluron 2.8
processor and an intel ggc 2 motherboard with ati radeon display (the
board is the latest intel mobo) if the case was a very streight
forward case I would never have a problem in changing the distro.

does this link help u



[ILUG-BOM] Re:Core2Duo v/s Pentium D

2007-01-26 Thread C.E. Hariharan

Use Ubuntu 6.10 as it boots live and then gives an 'install' icon on the
live desktop itself. Use your last windows partition eg. F: or E: When
you come to the disk setup part, choose 'Manual Install'. Delete your
last partition so that it converts into Free space. From that total free
space, subtract 2 GB and create a new partition of that subtracted size.
Use Ext3 or Reizerfs as your partition type (file system). Label it as a
slash '/'. Convert the balance free space into a swap partition. Then
let the installation proceed further. Don't touch partition 1 as it is
your C: drive.

I have only two partitions,C: and D: 37.27 GB each

You have a lot to learn in the linux world. Don't go by what the big

names say. More oft than not they are wrong. AFAIK 101 board has no
problems with Ubuntu. If ever in doubt, google is your best friend. I
googled ( Linux + Intel + 101 + board + problems ) and in about 2 mins
I found out that 101 works well with FC4/5/6. So Ubuntu must
definitely support it. Try it out and see if it works. If it doesnt
then the community will surely help you out. Same story with my
DG965RY board.

I googled the same thing you did and took the kerneltrap result,the last
post is depressing coz i have the same combo drive he hasie TSSTCorp

In the end a little tweaking, searching and community help went long

way in getting my system working smoothly and I am ECSTATIC that Linux
runs my system! :)


Re: [ILUG-BOM] Daylight Saving Time

2007-01-26 Thread Devdas Bhagat
On 25/01/07 07:24 -, Mangesh V Rakhunde wrote:
 The United States Congress passed an energy policy act 
 which will change the start and end dates for daylight 
 savings time (DST).  The changes go into effect March 2007.  
 Microsoft has released patches for this. 
 Is there any requirement to do anything on Linux boxes ?  
Unless you have applications which deal with DST issues, no. Otherwise
upgrade your tzdata package.

Running on UTC and using TZ is far more sensible on servers.

Devdas Bhagat


Re: [ILUG-BOM][OT] Re:Core2Duo v/s Pentium D

2007-01-26 Thread mehul

On 1/26/07, C.E. Hariharan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I googled the same thing you did and took the kerneltrap result,the last
post is depressing coz i have the same combo drive he hasie TSSTCorp

Is that Samsung? Then I would suggest you to return it ASAP. Samsung are the
worst optical drives I have heard from. I have seen so many complaints from
lots of users at different forums and experienced it myself too. Either the
problem is with tray - it doesn't open or doesn't close properly, or with
the laser - doesn't read the media.
Get something like LiteOn or maybe even Sony.
PS: - I have marked OT as it seems topic has gone way too OT for the list.

Re: [ILUG-BOM] problems with installing ubuntu on an intel ggc based machine Please help.

2007-01-26 Thread Rony

Harsh Busa wrote:

does this link help u 

Other than Mandriva 2007, noe of the other compatible distros exist, 
especially the Chinese ones.

Anyone on this list has Mandriva 2007 (that works)?



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Re: [ILUG-BOM] Console based movie player

2007-01-26 Thread Mrugesh Karnik
On Wednesday 24 January 2007 01:54, Sarfaraz Kazi wrote:

 I am looking for a console based movie player similar to mplayer. I'm
 running Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) and facing problems in compiling
 mplayer on my system.

 I googled for an alternative solution but couldn't find anything useful.
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You can use mplayer with DirectFB on the console. mplayer has to be compiled 
with DirectFB support though. Are the mplayer packages referred to by other 
posters on this thread compiled with DirectFB support?

Of course, DirectFB is not a necessity. I've had problems with svga though.


Mrugesh Karnik
GPG Key 0xBA6F1DA8
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Description: PGP signature

Re: [ILUG-BOM] Sun Ultra SPARC T1

2007-01-26 Thread Devdas Bhagat
On 19/01/07 18:50 +0530, Vihan Pandey wrote:
 With Apple its the Aqua GUI interface(and a certain apps with come with the
 O.S that are closed) which comes to about 30%-40% of the system. The rest
 is, G N U + Python + Apache + TeX + etc etc etc
After all, it is the interface which defines the Mac experience.

 The main complaint is with the way they support DRM to sell music on their
 iTunes music store and how they react when someone violates it(remember the
 entire episode). In fact they kind of set a trend(like always)
 of DRM in digital music and video.

But Apple has never been a big FOSS supporter. They have usually been
more closed than Microsoft.

 However i have to make one statement here. i LOVE Apple. Surprised? i'm not
 ashamed to admit it. Its their creativity and artistic brilliance which is
 UNPARALLELED. The way they take care of every single thing that is needed
 for a good user experience is simply beautiful and VERY inspiring. It is
 also probably the only company that only stole an idea(GUI from Xerox PARC)
 JUST once in its life - and that's it since then they have ALWAYS been
 original.  Its hard to find such a culture in today's world.

Lets see, they attempted to sue Microsoft into not shipping a GUI (one
of the earliest look and feel lawsuits).

Microsoft and Apple took two entirely different routes into the market.
Apple is primarily a hardware vendor, and they attempt hardware lockin.
Microsoft is a software vendor, and they attempted to run on as many
systems as possible. They got lucky with the price of the x86 system.

The PC revolution was driven by Compaq, who beat IBM in the
reverse-engineering lawsuit of 1984. The PC world adopted fairly open
standards while Apple was closed. This kept the price of Macs high,
while the prices of PCs kept falling, and performance increasing. 

Today, by running on a locked down PC, Macs are essentially competing
with midrange to top of the line PC hardware in laptops, but they still
aren't all that competitive in desktops. Again, you can get cheaper
laptops by avoiding brand names, and then Apple is suddenly not
competitive. Hardware will just work, as long as it is Apple approved
hardware, or USB (Intel invented USB and PCI, PCIX, Bluetooth, 
Sun opened the Sparc architecture and NFS amongst other things). Solaris
runs on Sun hardware, Intel, and Fujitsu hardware.

Apples are nice toys, but they don't even come close to Sun. As for
desktops, those are being turned into thin clients in corporate
environments again, so about the only place where Apple is making any
headway is in tech circles, where Unix geeks are moving to Macs because
they need something to run MS Office and would rather not run the even
more broken Microsoft Windows.

Devdas Bhagat


Re: [ILUG-BOM] problems with installing ubuntu on an intel ggc based machine Please help.

2007-01-26 Thread krishnakant Mane

hello all.
if some one has mandriva 2007 plese contact me off the list asap.
mean while I had a long discussion with rajeev our display and 3d
master as many know.
he provided me with the fedora core 6 dvd.  he is pritty confident
that fc6 would just do fine.
although not on the list of intel but I would just try fc6 on rajeev's
word and if insha alla! it works I will let the list know.
thanks rajeev for the dvd.


Re: [ILUG-BOM] is fedora suitable for server, any experienced users?

2007-01-26 Thread Dinesh Joshi

On 1/25/07, krishnakant Mane wrote:

but if at all I were to setup a server, will fedora suit the server
requirements?  there will be only gnome installed and that too wont
run by default because I am going to set the machine to init level 3.
we are supposed to run a ftp server which will mostly be proftpd and
also apache server with php support.
mysql5 will also be installed on the server.

Try Core 6. Its amazing. I've always been a Redhatter. I've found
their distros ( except Core 3 ) to be very stable and bug free. FC6 is
rock solid. I can vouch for it. But beware support is short lived and
limited. Fedora has a short development and release cycle of almost 6
months so your distro will likely be unsupported by about a year! :(
While Debian is a totally different story...

so since the customer wants fedora I wont be ready to start a distro
flame war as long as fedora can handle the needs of a secured stable

Check out SELinux! It is so secure that it'll make your life a living
HELL. Forget about crackers! They dont even stand a chance! hehehe...

Dinesh A. Joshi


[ILUG-BOM] Core2 Duo on Linux.

2007-01-26 Thread Rony

Hello All,

I came across this article on linux for Core2 Duo.

What does the author mean by the statement thats quoted below?

Since we have a new core in this review, I decided it was prudent to 
pull out both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Linux. We wanted to find out 
where Core 2 shows the most performance and how it did versus AMD in 
each mode. The table below shows the compile options for each OS and 
processor type. I didn't go all out and be over-aggressive here. It was 
important to compile the applications for each specific processor type 
but not be too aggressive and cause instability.

What compilation has he done? Is he actually compiling the kernel or 
packages or does he give the specific commands at boot prompt? Could 
someone briefly explain the process?



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Re: [ILUG-BOM] problems with installing ubuntu on an intel ggc based machine Please help.

2007-01-26 Thread Mrugesh Karnik
On Friday 26 January 2007 19:31, Rony wrote:
 Harsh Busa wrote:
  does this link help u

 Other than Mandriva 2007, noe of the other compatible distros exist,
 especially the Chinese ones.

Excuse me? I've posted this before. Sabayon worked out of the box, even 5.1 
channel sound.


Mrugesh Karnik
GPG Key 0xBA6F1DA8
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Description: PGP signature

Re: [ILUG-BOM] Core2 Duo on Linux.

2007-01-26 Thread mehul

On 1/26/07, Rony [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What compilation has he done? Is he actually compiling the kernel or
packages or does he give the specific commands at boot prompt? Could
someone briefly explain the process?

The table given below the paragraph, are options set in /etc/make.conf in
And since he's using Gentoo, I guess he will be compiling the whole system
from scratch.

Gentoo has so much to learn but it's such fun with great documentation and a
lot of people
who are ready to help out. :)

Re: [ILUG-BOM] Core2 Duo on Linux.

2007-01-26 Thread Mrugesh Karnik
On Saturday 27 January 2007 01:05, Rony wrote:
 What compilation has he done? Is he actually compiling the kernel or
 packages or does he give the specific commands at boot prompt? Could
 someone briefly explain the process?

He has used Gentoo to optimise each install for the specific hardware. That's 
one of the advantages of Gentoo.

This is something you won't ever face on a binary distro. The packages in 
these distros are compiled with generic flags that would work on most of the 
hardware. That's the difference the 386 or 586 or 686 makes in the package 
versions. These are the GCC flags used to optimise for a specific 

Consider this for example:
-march=athlon64 -msse3 -O2 -pipe

Notice the -msse3. SSE3 instruction set isn't available for, say 32 bit 
Semprons (Correct me if I'm wrong here.) It IS implemented in Sempron64 
processors. So if I'm compiling some software for a Sempron64, I can 
use -msse3 but not for 32 bit Semprons. The generic build process of binary 
distros doesn't allow this flexibility, Gentoo does. The downside is, that 
you actually compile each and everything on a Gentoo machine. So, for 
example, as we speak, I'm starting a compilation cycle for KDE 3.5.6 right 
now, which I expect to be completed by tomorrow night. Compare that to, say 
Ubuntu, which would take around 10-15 minutes for installation. The point is 
though, that I have these packages optimised for my processor and not a 
generic family of processors. So if I'm using a distro, compiled without 
msse3 on a Sempron64, which supports SSE3, I'm losing out on the feature.

Did you ever read the release notes for FC4? It said something about being 
compiled for Pentium 4? I suppose they used -march=pentium4 instead of 
something like -march=i686 (If that's valid. I'm giving just an example.), 
which would support P3s and all.

Now coming back to the link given, check this out:

Intel Pentium Extreme Edition 965 -march=prescott -O2 -pipe
AMD Athlon 64 FX-60 -march=athlon64 -msse3 -O2 -pipe

Does that tell you anything now? Clearly, the optimisation flags are set 
according to the processor and the architecture used.

Hope this is clear enough. I suppose you should ask people like Pradeepto and 
Vihan about GCC flags and all.


Mrugesh Karnik
GPG Key 0xBA6F1DA8
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Description: PGP signature

Re: [ILUG-BOM] Core2 Duo on Linux.

2007-01-26 Thread Mrugesh Karnik
On Saturday 27 January 2007 02:25, Mrugesh Karnik wrote:
 Now coming back to the link given, check this out:

 Intel Pentium Extreme Edition 965 -march=prescott -O2 -pipe
 AMD Athlon 64 FX-60 -march=athlon64 -msse3 -O2 -pipe

 Does that tell you anything now? Clearly, the optimisation flags are set
 according to the processor and the architecture used.

Quoting the article:
``Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any new optimizations for the Conroe 
in GCC yet. For 32-bit, I chose the Pentium M architecture as the closest 
match, and I added SSE2 support via a secondary compiler flag. For 64-bit, I 
has only one option for Intel 64-bit processors which was for a “Nocona” 

Hope its perfectly clear now. :)


Mrugesh Karnik
GPG Key 0xBA6F1DA8
Public key on

Description: PGP signature

Re: [ILUG-BOM] Core2 Duo on Linux.

2007-01-26 Thread mehul

On 1/26/07, Mrugesh Karnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Quoting the article:
``Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any new optimizations for the
in GCC yet. For 32-bit, I chose the Pentium M architecture as the closest
match, and I added SSE2 support via a secondary compiler flag. For 64-bit,
has only one option for Intel 64-bit processors which was for a Nocona

Hope its perfectly clear now. :)

So will adding some flag for Conroe make any difference then, as and when it

[ILUG-BOM] Today! Creativedot Community Streaming: Jan 27 3-4pm

2007-01-26 Thread Frederick Noronha

-- Forwarded message --
From: Vipul Mathur [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Creativedot Community Streaming event

Timing: January 27, 2007 Live Streaming 3pm to 4pm. IST.

Streaming Location:

Venue: SOM Foyer (near entrance to SOM), with the Creative Commons
display. IIT Bombay.

All are invited to participate. If you play a musical instrument, sing,
write poetry, or do anything creative which can be recorded as sound,
then be at the venue (SOM, IIT Bombay) 2:30pm onwards! Details below.

If you can't make it to the venue in time, listen in on the URL above!

-Creativedot Team

Vipul Mathur wrote:
Hi all,

Creativedot [1] in association with, Creative Commons
India [2] and Kandalaya [3] will conduct its first community streaming
event at IIT Bombay on 27th January 2007.

We invite you to perform anything which can be recorded in audio
format. Your performance will be available live through
Creativedot. This means world will be able to listen to your
performance live on the Internet.

So, if you can sing, recite poetry (poem should be written by you)
or can play any instrument, please visit us at IIT Bombay on
27th January 2007 afternoon.

Exact time and venue will be posted soon.
At the launch [4] of Creative Commons India on 26th January 2007 at
IIT Bombay, Creativedot will be distributing CDs of photographs and
other imagery posted under a Creative Commons license at Creativedot
and flickr.

--Creativedot Team

[1] What is Creativedot?, affectionately
   called creativedot, is a momentary, delicate experiment, that
   explores whether creatively-inclined people in India are willing
   to share their creative artworks such as photography, calligraphy,
   illustrations, graphics, designs, sounds, music, video clips,
   poetry and more, under a Creative Commons or copyleft license.

[2] Creative Commons India,

[3] Kandalaya,

[4] Launch of Creative Commons India,

FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)


[ILUG-BOM] Re: Linuxers Digest, Vol 45, Issue 121

2007-01-26 Thread C.E. Hariharan

C.E. Hariharan wrote

Use Ubuntu 6.10 as it boots live and then gives an 'install' icon on the
 live desktop itself. Use your last windows partition eg. F: or E: When
 you come to the disk setup part, choose 'Manual Install'. Delete your
 last partition so that it converts into Free space. From that total free
 space, subtract 2 GB and create a new partition of that subtracted size.
 Use Ext3 or Reizerfs as your partition type (file system). Label it as a
 slash '/'. Convert the balance free space into a swap partition. Then
 let the installation proceed further. Don't touch partition 1 as it is
 your C: drive.

I have only two partitions,C: and D: 37.27 GB each

You have a lot to learn in the linux world. Don't go by what the big
 names say. More oft than not they are wrong. AFAIK 101 board has no
 problems with Ubuntu. If ever in doubt, google is your best friend. I
 googled ( Linux + Intel + 101 + board + problems ) and in about 2 mins
 I found out that 101 works well with FC4/5/6. So Ubuntu must
 definitely support it. Try it out and see if it works. If it doesnt
 then the community will surely help you out. Same story with my
 DG965RY board.

I googled the same thing you did and took the kerneltrap result,the last
post is depressing coz i have the same combo drive he hasie TSSTCorp

I googled the same thing you did and took the kerneltrap result,the last
 post is depressing coz i have the same combo drive he hasie TSSTCorp
Is that Samsung? Then I would suggest you to return it ASAP. Samsung are
worst optical drives I have heard from. I have seen so many complaints
lots of users at different forums and experienced it myself too. Either
problem is with tray - it doesn't open or doesn't close properly, or with
the laser - doesn't read the media.

These problems are in Linux?

Get something like LiteOn or maybe even Sony.

PS: - I have marked OT as it seems topic has gone way too OT for the list.

Well it is Toshiba Samsung Storage Technology Corporation and in India,it's
supported by samsung.what's OT?

PS:When I wrote that I wouldn't like to experiment,I meant BOSS and not

[ILUG-BOM][OT]Core2Duo, Pentium D and Other hardware queries

2007-01-26 Thread mehul

On 1/27/07, C.E. Hariharan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

These problems are in Linux?

No. In the Samsung drive, be it any OS doesn't matter. Though there are
lucky few who escape this tragedy.

Well it is Toshiba Samsung Storage Technology Corporation and in India,it's

supported by samsung.

Yeah that's a samsung drive.

what's OT?

Off Topic. This  whole discussion has gone OT for the LUG list.

And I checked the intel's website yesterday, the URI that was given, they
have not even listed any recent distros there. There's no mention whatsoever
of Ubuntu, Fedora Core, OpenSuse. I see only enterprise distributions or
others which are unknown to me. So, atleast I wouldn't trust that page at