[REBOL] Ingestable Webcam?

2000-07-24 Thread bpaddock

Subject: A truly embedded camera...

Does any one *REALY* want to get *THIS* up close and
personal with the Rebol crew?  :-)  Beats Rebol on a Cell
Phone doesn't it?  :-)


...the investigational system consists of the:

M2ATM capsule, a patented, disposable video color-imaging
capsule, *WHICH IS SWALLOWED*, moves through the digestive
tract and is naturally excreted.

The next generation of gastrointestinal imaging devices is
the Given [TM] Diagnostic Imaging System.  Its manufacturer has
completed animal studies and is entering the stage of
conducting human studies of the system intended to support a
510(k) submission to the Food and Drug Administration later
this year.

[REBOL] REBOL on phones? [off topic reply] Re:

2000-07-21 Thread bpaddock

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], you wrote:
Hello there, could someone discuss how the REBOL core could be ported to 
actually run inside cellphones? by next year we are going to see some really 
interesting VMs being hosted by cell phones. 

If nothing else you'll find the 88 references of interest
if not the article it self, on the deleterious health effects
of things like Cell Phones, and BlueTooth (2.4 GHz Spread
Spectrum Wireless technology good for 10 meters or so for
those that don't know):



2000-07-10 Thread bpaddock

I never planed on buying it any place else, I had to look
there to passifiy my frugal wife.  I still keep hear about
the $15 I could have saved on "Embedded Systems Building
Blocks" if I'd done it her way.

I'll be placing my order with RebolPress just as soon as the
wife is not looking at the credit card statement... :-)

She is sleeping now.  I just put in my order but after I
clicked the "Record Order" button it popped up and said
"Script Error bla bla bla" then switched to the screen that
said "Thank you for ordering".  I tried to use the back
button to see what "bla bla bla" really said but it went
back to the "Record Order" button screen.  Didn't want to
hit the button again.  E-Commerce just isn't ready for
Prime Time yet... 

Some one might want to look into that, might be loosing
sales, or more importantly I won't get my Rebol book... :-)


2000-07-09 Thread bpaddock

I can't believe how ungrateful people are being. You get the language for
free, but when you have a chance to put a few extra dollars into RT hands,
you look for ways to avoid it.

Buy direct and pay the extra as a way of saying "Thank You" to Carl and the

Actually I'm kind of sorry I started this thread.  I simply
wanted to know about the "February" edition of the book, and
what those numbers on the book sites meant.

I never planed on buying it any place else, I had to look
there to passifiy my frugal wife.  I still keep hear about
the $15 I could have saved on "Embedded Systems Building
Blocks" if I'd done it her way.

I'll be placing my order with RebolPress just as soon as the
wife is not looking at the credit card statement... :-)

[REBOL] Fw: recursive RIP Re:

2000-06-22 Thread bpaddock

 I don't have it but Cal Dixon produced a-rip.r around April 13 2000. Here

I think this is what you are looking for:

Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 9:45:56 +
Subject: [REBOL] RIP

Well, RIP didn't have the ability to archive sub-directories, so I added 8 
lines and changed one slightly so it could.. I've tested it a bit and it 
seems to work well...  So here it is (attached)

Cal Dixon

Content-Type: text/plain; name="a-rip.r"; format=flowed
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="a-rip.r"

Title: "RIP - REBOL Binary Archiver"
Date: 22-Feb-2000
File: %rip.r
Author: "Carl Sassenrath"
Version: 1.0.1
Purpose: {
Gathers and compresses files into a self extracting
archive file that has a REBOL header.  Note that
resulting archive is BINARY for minimal size.
History: [
1.0.0 22-Feb-2000 "Carl Sassenrath" {Original code.}
1.0.1 24-Feb-2000 "Cal Dixon {Added subdirectoy support}

file-types: [%.r %.txt %.html %.htm %.bmp %.jpg %.jpeg %.gif]

path: to-file ask {
Enter the directory path.
Press RETURN key for current directory,
or type a path in the form: dir/dir/dir

Directory? }

if empty? trim path [path: %./]
if (last path)  #"/" [append path #"/"]
if not exists? path [print [path "does not exist"] halt]

file-list: []
archive: make binary! 32000

print "Archiving:"
foreach file (files: read path) [
if find file-types find/last file "." [
prin [tab file " "]
data: read/binary path/:file
prin [length? data " - "]
data: compress data
print [length? data]
append archive data
append file-list reduce [file length? data]
if dir? path/:file [
   append file-list reduce [file 'DIR ]
   foreach newfile read path/:file [ append files file/:newfile ]

print [newline "Total size:" length? archive "Checksum:" checksum archive 

filename: to-file ask "Output file name? "
if empty? trim filename [filename: %archive.rip]
if not find filename "." [append filename ".rip"]
if all [exists? filename not confirm reform ["Overwrite file" filename "? 
"]] [
print "stopped" halt

header: mold compose/deep [
Title: "REBOL Self-extracting Binary Archive (RIP)"
Date: (now)
File: (filename)
Note: (reform [{To extract, type REBOL} filename {or run REBOL and 
type: do} filename])
file: (filename)
size: (length? archive)
path: (path)
files: (reduce [file-list])
check: (checksum archive)
secure none
if not exists? path [make-dir path]
archive: read/binary file
archive: next find/case/tail archive to-binary probe join "!DATA" ":"
if check  checksum archive [print ["Checksum failed" check checksum 
archive] halt]
print "Reviving:"
foreach [file len] files [
print [tab file]
either len = 'DIR [
   if not exists? path/:file [ make-dir path/:file ]
   data: decompress copy/part archive len
   archive: skip archive len
   either any [
   not exists? path/:file
   confirm reform [file "already exists - overwrite? "]
   ][write/binary path/:file data][print "skipped"]

insert archive reduce [header newline "!DATA:" newline]
write/binary filename archive


[REBOL] teeny-bits-of-time/2 Re:

2000-06-19 Thread bpaddock

Any suggestions on how this might be implemented?

Can you make an use of 'read daytime://

That IP gives me the fastest response from Gaithersburg
Maryland north of Pittsburgh PA.  You'd probably get better
response from a server close to you.

[REBOL] An appeal to keep /Core Re:(5)

2000-06-14 Thread bpaddock

As an example, REBOL modules seem to want to reside in a single home
directory. Perl uses a mechanism where module naming structure and directory
structure are parallel.

Microware's OS9 embedded operating system uses a concept of
"Memory Modules".  Memory could be EPROM/FLASH/RAM in this

There is a "Module Directory" much like your standard "DIR".

You load memory modules as you need them, they get entered
in to the Module Directory so that other processes can locate
them (their contents are relocatable).

The header of a module has a Revision Number.  Say 8006 for
example.  At boot time the kernel searches out any modules
and links the one with the highest Rev in to the MDIR.
This allows you to burn in newer code in to EPROM with out
having to erase the old code.

There is also a link count of a module, as things need to
use the resources of that module the link count is
incremented (requested via MDIR search/link).  They
decrement the link count when done with what they needed. 
If the count becomes zero that memory is freed (when in

My system is set up so that normally every thing is running
from FLASH, but when debugging I can load a module with
higher Rev into RAM to debug it.

There is also a CRC 'wrapper' to check the integrity of the
module at load time.

Just some ideas to be pondered...

This mechanism evolved to meet the problem of
managing a growing body of standard modules - it wasn't gratuitous. While

[REBOL] Any one done a site downloader?

2000-05-15 Thread bpaddock

Has any one done a Rebol script that can go to a site like
http://www.egroups.com, and download all of the files in the
'file valut'? 

In the file valut it comes up with a web page that you
have to point and click on each thing that you download. 
Since I HATE pointclick I figured Rebol could easily do
this, but I didn't want to reinvent the wheel if I didn't
have to.

There could be many subdirectories in the 'file vault'.
You need to enter a password and email address to get access
to your areas.

[REBOL] TinyWeb Rebol?

2000-04-08 Thread bpaddock

Has any one ever tried to run rebol, under Windoze95, with 
http://www.ritlabs.com/tinyweb/ server?

It says it will run cgi's, and I like the looks of it
because it is only 53k, not many megs, like the others I've

I get "%1 is not a vaild win32 application" when I try to
run tictac.r from http://www.rebol.org/ .

For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
Chemical Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,
Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.

[REBOL] TinyWeb Rebol? Re:

2000-04-08 Thread bpaddock

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], you wrote:
Has any one ever tried to run rebol, under Windoze95, with 
http://www.ritlabs.com/tinyweb/ server?

It says it will run cgi's, and I like the looks of it
because it is only 53k, not many megs, like the others I've

I get "%1 is not a vaild win32 application" when I try to
run tictac.r from http://www.rebol.org/ .

I found the "%1" was comming from the registry :-( for view.

Cleaned out the registry of all the rebol stuff again, and
at least got the error message to change.

Now tinyweb says "error REBOL.com is a GUI application" what
ever that means.  It said the same thing about my DJPP port
of PERL 552 as well.

[REBOL] Newsletter via Procmail Re:

2000-04-07 Thread bpaddock

My web host supports REBOL and limited procmail but not SMTP (direct outgoing

Do a search in http://www.simtel.net/simtel.net/ .

I've seen a program there that will act as a SMTP server on
your local machine so that the ISP is not involved with
sending the mail on their server.

[REBOL] Set the file write time Re:(2)

2000-04-01 Thread bpaddock

Yes, ftp does not support setting time on remote files, which makes
synchronization somewhat difficult.

is the 'official' definition of FTP, if any one is

For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
Chemical Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,
Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.

[REBOL] FW: [REBOL] Newbie question #2 - Pattern making and using? Re:(9)

2000-03-29 Thread bpaddock

cat: [ [thru "cat " | thru " cat" | thru "kitty " | thru " kitty"] to end ]
sentence: "I have a dog and a cat"
print (parse sentence cat) and (parse sentence dog)

I've not been following this thread close enough to know
whats really going on, but to me it looks like your
reinventing the parser from an Adventure Game.

Why not port the needed section of the game Nethack, or
other text based adventure game, to Rebol?

[REBOL] Finding current dir? Re:(2)

2000-03-14 Thread bpaddock

If you want to use the directory of the bat file that launched the script
then technically it is the parent of the script.

You will find that path of that in system/script/parent/path

True, but if trim.bat and trim.r are both in the same
directory in the path, say N:\UTL, and I run from the
"current dir" say N:\C\410, don't I still get N:\UTL\ as the
path to the parent batch file, instead of the "current dir",

[REBOL] Finding current dir?

2000-03-13 Thread bpaddock

I have question about what is considered the "current

Under Windoze95, with rebol.exe in my path.  I can be in any
directory any place on my machine or Novell network type
"rebol" to start up Rebol.

I can do 'print what-dir' and get exactly what I expect, say
N:\C\410 for example, if I was in N:\C\410 when I started Rebol.

But if I run "rebol N:\UTL\trim.r" when I do 'print
what-dir' no matter where I am, I get N:\UTL\ as the
"current directory".

The user guide documents the latter behavior in
http://www.rebol.com/users/fildir.html by saying 'current
dir comes from system/script/path'.

Thats all well and good, that I know now the script path,
but how do I find out what the current directory is?  Rebol
knew it before I started a script.  Is this knowlage lost,
if not where is it?

I don't see the logic of this "current directory" behavior?

Any thing wrong with having a real "current directory" and
a "script path" both?

To actually get on with my job this is what I did in my
batch file:

copy N:\UTL\trim.r /y
start /w rebol -sqw trim.r...
del trim.r

A dumb solution, but one that works to get the current dir,
and lets me move on to more important issues of the project.

[REBOL] Command Line Args Re:(2)

2000-03-12 Thread bpaddock

system/script/args is only for arguments passed with DO/ARGS.
system/options/args is for arguments passed from the command

I was going by what was in section 
http://www.rebol.com/users/operunning.html of Core User Guide

system/options/ does not appear any place in that document
that I saw.

Doing a 'probe system' to see what might be in the system
object causes my Rebol, under Windoze95, to lock up.
Not a good thing.

[REBOL] Command Line Args Re:(3)

2000-03-12 Thread bpaddock

In article 02f401bf8a53$e4b74d40$7ac036d2@pavilion, you wrote:
It may help to write a little test program, like this:

Here is what I want to do:
From a DOS batch file that looks like this
rebol -sqw trim.r %1 %2

I want to run my script that trims the white space and
detabs the input file.  The input file would be %1 the
output file will be %2.

I did get the command line thing to work now, not sure how or
why tho.  Maybe some thing else was wrong in Windoze95 that

Is there a simpler way to read/load/write from a file name
that is in a variable that what I'm doing here?:

Title: "trim and detab file"
Date: "Fri Mar 10 13:50:06 2000:"

; Manual says to use system/script/args
; [EMAIL PROTECTED] says to use system/options/args
; seems to work the same under Windoze95 either way:

;args: parse system/script/args none
args: parse system/options/args none
file_name_in:   first  args
file_name_out:  second args

read_file:join "read ^(25)"file_name_in
print read_file ; for debugging

write_file: rejoin ["write ^(25)"file_name_out" data"]
print write_file ; for debugging

data: do read_file
detab data
trim data
do write_file

It does what I want but only as long is every thing is the
same directory.

I want to be able to run my trim.bat file from any place and
have it located in N:\UTL\ which is in my DOS Path.

If I put rebol.exe and trim.r in N:\UTL\, while I'm trying
to run from N:\C\ and my batch file reads, which is also
located in N:\UTL\:

N:\UTL\rebol -sqw N:\UTL\trim.r %1 %2

If I do "trim 00410/textfile.in 00410/textfile.out", while
located in C:\N\ (00410 is below me, ie. N:\C\00410).

I get "Access Error: cannot open /N/UTL/00410/textfile.in".  Of
course it can't because that file is not there.  Whats with
this behavior and how do I fix it?

Printing out the strings read_file and write_file show me
what I expect to see "read %00410/file.in" and
"write %00410/file.out data".

[REBOL] Command Line Args Re:(4)

2000-03-12 Thread bpaddock

I just returned back, so I don't know exactly what is the discussion all
about, but if you are looking for command line options, try:

You just missed the fact that the rebol.exe has never read
the rebol.doc file, specifically
http://www.rebol.com/users/operunning.html , where it says
use 'system/script/args/', when what it should really be is
'system/options/args'.  I'll send in a official feedback.r
bug report so hopefully it will get fixed.

If you want to see the structure of system object, use Bo's
%browse-system.r script  If you don't have it, I can send you a copy

Yes please.  In the case of 'simple things should be simple
to do':

probe system/options/args
 gets args

probe system/options
 shows the options object

probe system
 crashes rebol and requires me to use browse-system.r script???

[REBOL] Command Line Args Re:(5)

2000-03-12 Thread bpaddock

btw: %1 and %2 are substituted with real filenames at the command line,


 data: do read_file

data: read to-file first args

; above one line should be enough.

It would have been if I'd seen 'to-file' in the manual, I missed
it in there.  http://www.rebol.com/users/valfile.html  Time
to read it again I guess.

hmm, you have two options. You can change directory inside your .bat
file, or not? Typical DOS stuff: CD mydir

That assumes I know what directory I'm in, and know how to
return to it when I leave it.  I wonder if some thing like
SET HERE=CD would work?  Probably not.

or you can change directory in REBOL script:
change-dir mydir

Probably the better thing to do, if I can figure out where
the trim.bat was run from.

your script is run, place what-dir in the beginning of your script. Of
course run your REBOL session without -w parameter to see the output :-)
Hope this helps,

Yes, thank you.  Time for some more manual reading...

[REBOL] Command Line Args Re:(6)

2000-03-12 Thread bpaddock

I don't know why they changed it, but let's believe RT had reasons to do so,
while producing not so logical code, e.g.:

I assume that they did have good reason to change.  But
nothing that can be typed at the system console should crash
the system.  Doing 'probe system' or any thing similar,
should at least elicit at "you can't do that" with a
pointer to some documentation saying why it can't be done.

Looks like it locks up in some type of recursive loop...

[REBOL] Associative Arrays in Rebol? Re:(2)

2000-03-10 Thread bpaddock

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], you wrote:
I think select and paths should come close to what you're asking:

 select [ a "this is a" b "this is b" ] 'a
== "this is a"

I'll have to ponder that for a while but my first thought
is that doing it that way would make it difficult to
populate it from a data file of arbitrary data.

Here is a snipit from the Awk doc's that explains what I'm


Arrays in awk superficially resemble arrays in other
programming languages; but there are fundamental
differences. In awk, you don't need to specify the size of
an array before you start to use it. Additionally, any
number or string in awk may be used as an array index, not
just consecutive integers.

In most other languages, you have to declare an array and
specify how many elements or components it contains. In such
languages, the declaration causes a contiguous block of
memory to be allocated for that many elements. An index in
the array usually must be a positive integer; for example,
the index zero specifies the first element in the array,
which is actually stored at the beginning of the block of
memory. Index one specifies the second element, which is
stored in memory right after the first element, and so on.
It is impossible to add more elements to the array, because
it has room for only as many elements as you declared. (Some
languages allow arbitrary starting and ending indices, e.g.,
`15 .. 27', but the size of the array is still fixed when
the array is declared.)

A contiguous array of four elements might look like this,
conceptually, if the element values are eight, "foo", "" and

Only the values are stored; the indices are implicit from
the order of the values. Eight is the value at index zero,
because eight appears in the position with zero elements
before it.

Arrays in awk are different: they are associative. This
means that each array is a collection of pairs: an index,
and its corresponding array element value:

Element 4 Value 30
Element 2 Value "foo"
Element 1 Value 8
Element 3 Value ""

We have shown the pairs in jumbled order because their order
is irrelevant.

One advantage of associative arrays is that new pairs can be
added at any time. For example, suppose we add to the above
array a tenth element whose value is "number ten". The
result is this...

[REBOL] Money Trouble? Re:(2)

2000-03-06 Thread bpaddock

 Small fractions of the money datatype are now correctly rounded to two

Properly when dealing with money it is best to use Binary
Coded Decimal (BCD) math.  This removes all rounding issues.

On the other hand if your writing the accounting program
put all of the junk below $00.01 in to a accumulating
account, and make a with drawl from it after about a year.

[REBOL] read dns:// and dynamic ip Re:(3)

2000-03-05 Thread bpaddock

Windoze behaves the same way.  I keep getting the IP of my
network card instead of the address assigned by my ISP.

I posted a script a while ago that allowed you to set up a webserver on
a dynamic IP address.  The trick to obtaining your IP address is to read
an external page that gives you your ip address.

I needed it to be all done in Rebol because of other things
I was going to do with Rebol.  It was going to be used by
people that are not that computer literate so starting a
program for this, and a program for that, etc. would not be
a good thing.

[REBOL] .r to html monthly calendar prelude Re:(2)

2000-02-20 Thread bpaddock

them in a JForth program in 1992.  The epoch date seems to be   
that set by Joseph Scaliger in 1582, i.e., Jan 1 4713 BC, (that 
would be Julian day number 1), but as this algorithm takes the  

One thing to keep in mind is that a true Julian date based
on this style of calendar, is that the day beings a NOON,
not midnight.  Made sense to the astronomers that came up
with the idea.

Now we computer people just assume that the day starts at
midnight when we use the Julian Calendar.

It can make your day of the week off by one (actually a half)
of a day if your trying to look up events like eclipses
based on astronomical data.

[REBOL] .r to html monthly calendar prelude Re:(3)

2000-02-20 Thread bpaddock

REBOL is perfect for storing a wide range of data values, so can be used for
creating databases up to and beyond several thousand records. This is useful

Does any one know what the true limit is?  I've got a data
base of 23,000 records right now, growing at a rate of about
100 entries per week.

[REBOL] Doomsday Algorith / Day of the Week was bpaddocks revival of Zeller's congruence Re:(2)

2000-02-20 Thread bpaddock

"Doomsday Algorithm."  His algorithm is simple enough to perform in your head
for any date in history, with just a little practice.  Knocking out a Rebol
implementation is on my todo list.  A good starting point is


I don't know Doomsday but will take a look.

The problem with "any date in history" is that before the
year 1753 (Britain was the last hold out) there where many
different calenders in the world, the more you go back the
more there where.  So the same event, say a eclipse that
would happen on a global scale, can be recorded as
drastically different dates.

Working on a Time Machine has its uses...you get to learn
calenders...  :-)

[REBOL] .r to html monthly calendar prelude Re:

2000-02-19 Thread bpaddock

Title:  "day of the Week"
;figure out the number of days in this month and print
; figuring out how many days in month
; one way that seems intutive if I could do somthing like=20

The 'standard', if there is such a thing, for figuring out
the day of the week is "Zeller's Congruence".  His formula
might help you out.

Sorry that I didn't take the time to convert it to Rebol. 
Would like to see it that way if some one is so inclined.

/* Zeller's Congruence: From "Acta Mathematica #7, Stockholm, 1887.

Determine the day of the week give the year, month, and the
day of the month; which are passed in the structure 'utc'

return(  0 = Sunday...6=Saturday ) and also set utc-wday

J = Century (ie 19), K = Year (ie 91), q = Day of the month, m = Month

March = month #3December = month #12,
January = month #13, February = month #14 OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR.

[q + [((m + 1) * 26 ) / 10] + K + (K / 4) + (J / 4) - (2 * J)] % 7
 Because of the "% 7" term, -(2*J), and +(5*J) give the same answer.


UINT weekday( gmt )
struct utc *gmt;
 UINT  mth, year, cent;
 register UINT temp;
 year = gmt-year;
 mth  = gmt-month;

 if( mth  3 )
  mth += 12;

 cent = year / 100; /* 19th, 20th, or 21th etc century */
 year %= 100;   /* Tens of years (00-99) */
 temp  = gmt-day;  /* Start with the day of the month */

 temp += (((mth + 1) * 26) / 10); /* Advance to the start of the month */

 temp += year;  /* [K]   Add in the year */

 temp += (year / 4);/* [K/4] Correct for leap years */

/* Because of the "% 7" term, -(2*J), and +(5*J) give the same answer: */
 temp += (cent * 5);/* [J*5]  Correct for centuries  */

 temp += (cent / 4);/* [J/4] Give extra day ever 400 years */

 temp %= 7;  /* 7 days in a week */

 if( !temp )/* Wrap Saturday to be the last day of week */
  temp = 7;

 temp -= 1; /* 0 = Sunday...6=Saturday */

 gmt-wday = temp;

 return( temp );

[REBOL] Running from batch file? Re:(2)

2000-02-15 Thread bpaddock

 How do you start rebol  program from batch file?
start /w rebol -sq kurzy-seznam.r

Using the 'start' made it do what I expected it to do.

Nothing else did; I tried all of the suggestions that others
had made here.  Rebol is in my path, I have its home environment
variable set to it.  Both my home machine and my machine at
work acted the same way.

Didn't matter if I was in the C:\Rebol directory or out side
of it when I moved/ran my batch file.

With solution in hand its on to the next problem, even tho I
still don't understand the cause of this one.

The wonder of windoze,  I wonder why it did that

[REBOL] WebCam CGI script Re:

2000-02-14 Thread bpaddock

REBOL [ Title: "Camera On" ]

addr: join http:// [ read join dns:// read dns:// to-url ":8080" ]
save ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/WWW/webcam-addr.txt addr

I get the following error (with all the right stuff filled in):

** User Error: Server error: tcp 550 ./user/: The system cannot find
 the file specified. .
** Where: save ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/user/myip.txt addr

Any ideas?

[REBOL] WebCam CGI script Re:(2)

2000-02-14 Thread bpaddock

addr: join http:// [ read join dns:// read dns:// to-url ":8080" ]
save ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/WWW/webcam-addr.txt addr

I get the following error (with all the right stuff filled in):

** User Error: Server error: tcp 550 ./user/: The system cannot find
 the file specified. .
** Where: save ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/user/myip.txt addr

Any ideas?

Never mind, operator error.  If the message had been
"Directory not found" I would have known what it meant.

Turning on Trace helped.

The fun of learning a new language... :-)

[REBOL] Running from batch file?

2000-02-14 Thread bpaddock

If I do "Rebol dns.r" from the DOS prompt (DOS box of
Windoze 95) my dns.r program runs fine.

If I put the same thing in a batch file, then Rebol just
brings up the console, and dns.r is not loaded, just goes
right to the Rebol prompt.

How do you start rebol  program from batch file?

[REBOL] Running from batch file? Re:(2)

2000-02-14 Thread bpaddock

 How do you start rebol  program from batch file?

I've tried REBOL/View with a batch file and it works fine. Here's what's
inside the batch file:

"C:\Program Files\REBOL\View\REBOL.EXE" %ChorusLine.r

I'm trying to do with with Core

I've tried these variations, while being in the same
directory as rebol.exe:

rebol dns.r
rebol %dns.r
"rebol.exe" %dns.r
"rebol.exe" dns.r"

while being in a different directory:

"C:\REBOL\Rebol.exe" %dsn.r
"C:\REBOL\Rebol.exe" dsn.r

they all just go to the "" prompt.

Can type them manually and they work fine.

BTW, is the "%" required on the command line?  Seems to work
with or with-out it.


2000-02-12 Thread bpaddock

I wrote a paper on

  (Extensible Markup Language)


Why would we here care about a thing such as XML?  The article covers
such things as XML-RPC which is a Remote Procedure Calling system, and
Distributed Objects.

Any one want to run a big job on lots of computers using Rebol
maybe? :-)

Alas I wrote this paper in early December before I started using Rebol,
would have been good to get it in the article.

What is XML-RPC?

XML-RPC is a Remote Procedure Calling protocol that works over the Internet.

XML-RPC Specification:  Simple cross-platform distributed computing,
based on the standards of the Internet.

It's a specification and a set of implementations that allow software
running on disparate operating systems, running in different
environments to make procedure calls over the Internet. It's remote
procedure calling using HTTP as the transport and XML as the encoding.
It's designed to be as simple as possible, while allowing complex data
structures to be transmitted, processed, and returned.

An XML-RPC message is an HTTP-POST request. The body of the request is
in XML. A procedure executes on the server and the value it returns is
also formatted in XML.

Ken MacLeod has more about XML and Distributed Objects on his site.

SAX 1.0: The Simple API for XML

SAX 1.0: a free API for event-based XML parsing.

SAX is a standard interface for event-based XML parsing.

What is an Event-Based Interface?

There are two major types of XML (or SGML) APIs:

tree-based APIs; and

event-based APIs.

A tree-based API compiles an XML document into an internal tree structure, then
allows an application to navigate that tree. The Document Object Model (DOM)
working group at the World-Wide Web consortium is developing a standard
tree-based API for XML and HTML documents.

An event-based API, on the other hand, reports parsing events (such as the
start and end of elements) directly to the application through callbacks, and
does not usually build an internal tree. The application implements handlers to
deal with the different events, much like handling events in a graphical user

If your XML document were 20 MB large (or even just 2 MB), it would be
very inefficient to construct and traverse an in-memory parse tree just
to locate this one piece of contextual information; an event-based
interface would allow you to find it in a single pass using very little

You can find more at the link above.

For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
Chemical Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,
Electromedicine, Electronics, Explore!, Free Energy, Full Disclosure,
KeelyNet, Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.

[REBOL] EMAIL Job script?

2000-02-09 Thread bpaddock

In the past I saw a script that would read a POP mailbox
waiting for a command to it.  It was smart enough to not
rexecute the same command more than once.  If the command
was not to it, it didn't do any thing at all with the

Now that I need some thing like that, I can't find the
script again.  I've looked at rebol.com and .org, jobbot.r
and rebserv.r are similar but they are not the one that I'm

Can some one point me in the right direction please?

For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
Chemical Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,
Electromedicine, Electronics, Explore!, Free Energy, Full Disclosure,
KeelyNet, Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.

[REBOL] EMAIL Job script? Re:(2)

2000-02-09 Thread bpaddock

 In the past I saw a script that would read a POP mailbox
 waiting for a command to it.  It was smart enough to not
 rexecute the same command more than once.  If the command
 was not to it, it didn't do any thing at all with the

I think this is the one you are referring too. The remote email agent?
It's part of the Webtechniques Rebol Bot article Carl wrote. The article is
at http://www.webtechniques.com/archives/1999/09/junk/

Yep, thats the one, thanks.

[REBOL] C Snippits

2000-02-05 Thread bpaddock

You can find lots of "C" code fragments (don't yell at me :-)


Lots of code there that would be interesting to see in

For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
Chemical Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,
Electromedicine, Electronics, Explore!, Free Energy, Full Disclosure,
KeelyNet, Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.

[REBOL] Ping?

2000-02-03 Thread bpaddock

Has any one done a version of 'Ping' for Rebol?

Maybe there is a easier way to do what I want:

To keep peace in the family I hooked up a Ethernet
connection from my wifes machine to my own.  So now we can
share one MODEM and both be on Internet at the same time.
The software for this can be found at
http://www.pppindia.com .

Any way I want to 'ping' my machine from my wifes, if it
gets a response then I want to configure her machine one
way, if no response then use Dial Up Networking on her

Is there a way to do this with out running a special server
on my machine?

For that matter can the MODEM sharing thing be done using

For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
Chemical Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,
Electromedicine, Electronics, Explore!, Free Energy, Full Disclosure,
KeelyNet, Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.

[REBOL] REBOL/View Re:(6)

2000-02-03 Thread bpaddock

 b If any one every has simular problems and needs to clean out
 b their mailbox before downloading, there are POP3 cleaning

You can easyly clean up your mailbox with REBOL... didn't you know
that? :-)

Yes I knew it, but at the time expedience was more important
than my current limited skills with Rebol would allow me to do it
quickly using Rebol.

It is also important to avoid "If the only tool you have is
a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail".  Rebol does
look like a very nice hammer.  :-)

[REBOL] Ping? Re:(2)

2000-02-03 Thread bpaddock

 Has any one done a version of 'Ping' for Rebol?

The problem with ping is that it requires access to raw sockets, and on many
operating systems (including Unix) this requires superuser privileges, so the
REBOL binary would have to be run by root or with setuid root.

 Is there a way to do this with out running a special server
 on my machine?

You don't need *special* servers,  just *some* server to connect to.
You could e.g. install an ftp server and try to connect to it (using
tcp://), and see if you get a response.

Let me rephrase that.  If I do a PING from my wifes machine,
some thing on my machine is responding to the PING, but I'm
not running any specific service.

I'm assuming the response to PING from my machine is coming
from Echo 7/tcp or udp?  I'm assuming Echo is part of the
base TCP code.  I'm doing this in Windoze95.

So then I should be able to open tcp to echo to look for a

[REBOL] REBOL/View Re:(4)

2000-02-01 Thread bpaddock

Anyone still interested in Beta Testing REBOL/View should email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject line of "send view031.zip" without the

DON'T DO IT!!!  I get a copy every 5 minutes!  72 copies since 3PM.

Thank you to every one a Rebol for fixing the problem.

If any one every has simular problems and needs to clean out
their mailbox before downloading, there are POP3 cleaning
tools on the Simtel site.  http://www.simtel.net/simtelnet/
or ftp.simtel.net /pub/simtelnet/win95/email JBMAIL seems to
work well.

[REBOL] REBOL/View Re:(6)

2000-02-01 Thread bpaddock

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], you wrote:
Uhm, I mailed this morning, and still haven't recieved my copy. :)

Maybe I got EVERY ONES copy?  :-)

To Rebol's credit they did fix the problem as soon as they
found it.

 DON'T DO IT!!!  I get a copy every 5 minutes!  72 copies since 3PM.
 Thank you to every one a Rebol for fixing the problem.

For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
Chemical Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,
Electromedicine, Electronics, Explore!, Free Energy, Full Disclosure,
KeelyNet, Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.

[REBOL] REBOL/View Re:(3)

2000-01-31 Thread bpaddock

Anyone still interested in Beta Testing REBOL/View should email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject line of "send view031.zip" without the

DON'T DO IT!!!  I get a copy every 5 minutes!  72 copies since 3PM.


[REBOL] You're already on the list. (fwd)

2000-01-29 Thread bpaddock

I've got the following messages 15 times today so far.  WHY?

 Forwarded message 
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 9:01:22 -0800
Subject: You're already on the list.

You're already on the list.

-REBOL Technologies

[REBOL] You're already on the list. (fwd) Re:(3)

2000-01-29 Thread bpaddock

Me too. And since I haven't opened VIEW yet, there's been no dancing
here. There's a glitch somewhere in the Notice list.

I've even tried unsubscribing from the notice list and I'm
still getting the message.

As for View, I don't even know what it is.  I've yet to see
a description that tells me why I'd want it.  I see on the
web site a beta was released, but still no info on why I'd
want it, or what it does.  I've been ignoring the discussion
in the list here of what would be available in the future as I
have problems to solve today.  Only so much time to go around.

 I've got the following messages 15 times today so far.  WHY?
  Forwarded message 
 Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 9:01:22 -0800
 Subject: You're already on the list.
 You're already on the list.
 -REBOL Technologies

[REBOL] [REBOL] one file user guide ? Re:(2)

2000-01-28 Thread bpaddock

Is there a version of the user guide that is downloadable (and printable) in
ONE file ? 

Someone mentioned he made a pdf version from the beta docs ...
Maybe, he'll do this again (despite the lengthy discussion on
what format to be used ...

In http://www.rebol.org web section there is a script to
combine small web pages in to "one big one".  Maybe that
would do it?

I know I want some thing that I can feed my printer and go
away and come back when its done, not set here clicking on
each of the HTML files...

[REBOL] http:password\? Re:(2)

2000-01-25 Thread bpaddock

 I'm trying to loggin to a web page that needs a name and
 The problem is the name has a "\" in it. This cases the URL
 parsing to barf.
 http://my\name:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is this at all similar to my e-mail problem (subject - User Names),
where the user name included the @ symbol?  Translating the solution
would result in:

read [
 scheme: 'http
 user: "my\name"
 pass: "password"
 host: "www.webpage.com"

It sounds like it.  Maybe some more details will help
clarify the problem.

I'm trying to get data out of SQLServer database.  With
Internet Explore I connect to the host, enter
http://sqlsrv/vendor then I'm asked for my user name
(my\name), and password in a box that pops up.

What I want to do is use the html-batch.r script on
rebol.org to download the pages for me so I don't have to
click on each one of the links and get them one at time.

There server comes back with Error 401 Access Denied when I
try it with Rebol.

I'll try the suggestions I've been given here latter today
and see if they solved the problem.

Thanks all for the help.

For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
Chemical Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,
Electromedicine, Electronics, Explore!, Free Energy, Full Disclosure,
KeelyNet, Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.

[REBOL] http:password\?

2000-01-24 Thread bpaddock

I'm trying to loggin to a web page that needs a name and

The problem is the name has a "\" in it. This cases the URL
parsing to barf.

How do I do this?

http://my\name:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Asking the web master to change the name to get rid of the
"\" is not a option.

[REBOL] User Guide in PDF 8) Re:(8)

1999-12-18 Thread bpaddock

 My next project will involve realtime conversion of database
output to pdf..

"HTMLDOC" that you can get from http://www.easysw.com/ does
this, as well as comes with source code if you want it. 
Might give a start to converting to Rebol... :-)

So, if Acrobat were installed, and we could output to PDF, Acrobat
could be used it as a print/preview and print module. 

If you install GhostScript/GhostView and optionally Redmon (if
on Windoze95) you can output PDF with out Acrobat, at least
to a degree that is generally useful.


Source is available.

For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
Chemical Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,
Electromedicine, Electronics, Explore!, Free Energy, Full Disclosure,
KeelyNet, Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.

[REBOL] Rebol FTP Server?

1999-12-14 Thread bpaddock

Has a FTP Server been done in Rebol?