[REBOL] Re: imanXwin kludge

2002-08-09 Thread whip

iamanXwin kluge:

This came about because for some reason, under X windows, the
font layout engine in REBOL View needed to go through once or
else the text came out confined to a narrow strip running top
to bottom.  We haven't tracked down the cause yet, but it
turns out that by doing a throwaway layout ( ie.:
 layout [text iamanXwin kludge] ) 
the problem was solved.  Apparently evidence of this little
throwaway kludge has been discovered. :-)

To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with unsubscribe in the 
subject, without the quotes.

[REBOL] REBOL and the unix shell

2000-06-12 Thread whip

Say folks: I put up an article I wrote this weekend on using
REBOL with the unix shell.  It's a part of some other domain specific
REBOL materials I've been assembling.  Have a look and please feel
free to send me any feedback you have.



If your mailer is configured to be able to DO emails, then hopefully
this will take you there:  

REBOL [] browse http://www.cs.unm.edu/~whip/rebol-unix-shell.html

[REBOL] Dangerous (use of) Secure Re:(5)

2000-06-12 Thread whip

  Wow, that mail must have gotten delayed along the way.  That arrived
a day late.  Once, I actually received an email from a friend that was
over a month late! Strange but true..


  Howdy, Ladislav:
  There is an equally simple effective defense to such an attack:

[REBOL] Dangerous (use of) Secure Re:(8)

2000-06-11 Thread whip

  it's much worse. If Untrusted doesn't have Do, it can use If, Else,
 Use, While,...lots of other possibilities.
  Instead of load Untrusted can use:
  ld: get to word! "load"
  Moreover, Replace is not enough to clear Untrusted.
  The moved System is a higher obstacle.
 foreach  nope ["load"  "bind"  "do"][   replace/all script nope
  "none"  ] 

Well, after the replace/all the untrusted script would be
doing this:

ld: get to word! "none"

But granted, you could always do:

ld: get to word! trim/all "l o a d"

So, moving away the system object is probably the thing to do if
you're worried about tracking the impact of executing an untrusted
script :-) Of course, there's also load/next and do/next which will
let you incrementally determine when a script is going to modify the
environment, which can be combined with query of the system/words.
There is a good deal of fine grained control options for dealing with
a random script.

Modules are definitely the eventual real answer here though.. 


[REBOL] Dangerous (use of) Secure Re:(4)

2000-06-11 Thread whip

Howdy, Ladislav:

  There is an equally simple effective defense to such an attack:

;- dump-it disposes the untrusted script

check-object: :query
unset 'query 
if error? try [do %untrusted.r][dumpit]
if not ok-changes? check-object/clear system/words [dump-it]

As long as the untrusted script doesn't know where query has been
moved it'll have a much harder time clearing the modified status of
the system words. 

There are some other more sneaky methods for hiding QUERY from an
untrusted script..  Beyond that, untrusted scripts can be analyzed
initially using LOAD/next to look for mischief.


 For additional security, point another word at QUERY first, 
 check-object: :query 

  There is a simple effective attack against this:
  1) somewhere in %untrusted.r use the statement:
  query/clear system/words
  Regards Ladislav

[REBOL] rebol for dummies Re:(2)

2000-06-10 Thread whip

   Well, it  looks  like  REBOL is finally   going  to hit  the big
  time. There  is going to be a "Dummies" book out in September.  
  There is? Well, since the cat is out of the house  so to speak, yes
 there is going to be one.g I just finished  it literally today and
 emailed the final parts to my editor.
  --Ralph Roberts

  Hats off to Ralph! 



[REBOL] Dangerous (use of) Secure Re:(4)

2000-06-10 Thread whip

Howdy, Ladislav:

Woops, an even simpler defense:

if error? try [
   do func [/query/system/rebol] compose/deep [
do [(load %untrusted.r)]
if not ok-mods? query/clear system/words [dump-it]

  There is a simple effective attack against this:
  1) somewhere in %untrusted.r use the statement:
  query/clear system/words
  Regards Ladislav

[REBOL] Dangerous (use of) Secure Re:(2)

2000-06-09 Thread whip

Howdy, Gabriele: 

...  it's  better to  quit REBOL  just after  running an untrusted
 script, because you  can't know if it  has changed every word in the
 global context to do evil things.

  Using the new ability to QUERY objects, you can do the following:

 protect 'query

 query/clear system/words

 do %some-script.r

 new-or-modified-words: query/clear system/words

  Then you can tell if something's messed with any of the system
  words. For additional security, point another word at QUERY first,

 check-object: :query 

  Note: New words may show up in the return that are not necessarily
new global words, but were defined in another context.  To determine
which are new globals you can iterate over the contents of the
returned block and test them with VALUE?

   If you find the word SECURE in the block you can assume the
script's up to no good. 


[REBOL] set in object 'variable string Re:(8)

2000-06-07 Thread whip

  Gee whiz my message sounded negative, wasn't meant to, was meant to
 be constructive. Sorry.  Brett.

REBOL's the funnest language on the planet as are the REBOL
programmers and this is one of the funnest lists I've ever been a part
of.. :-) (there's that silly smilee again (-: and again... )


 -   Original  Message   -  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   To:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday,   June 08, 2000  10:14  AM Subject:
 [REBOL] set in object 'variable "string" Re:(6)

  Where did you derive   that definition from? ... 

[REBOL] parsing by period and newline Re:(3)

2000-06-07 Thread whip

Howdy, Allen:

   You can always  filter away empty  strings from your  body block:
   obj/body: difference [""] obj/body

  BIG  BIG Caution with  this method. If  any strings have duplicates
 you will lose them too!
  d: difference/only  ["^/" "P" "Tea for   two, please." "P" "But
 you're  alone now" ""  "Tea for  two, please."  ][""] == ["^/" "P"
 "Tea for two." "But you're alone now"]  ...  See the second "P" is
 lost!!  and looks likes it just tea for one now...  Cheers,
  Allen K
  (*Slaps*) Jeff for the  time lost when using his  tip ;-) OK Jeff I
 know the chances of duplicates  across paragraphs is slim, but there
 is still a chance and it is a hard thing to find when your code goes

Ahhh ... touche' mon frare' or however it is said-- my pardons
to the French in the audience, and my pardons to Ryan and Allan and
anyone else I led astray. That's good-- keep me honest :-) but hey--
no one caught my error a while back when I told Petr that there were
commercial SSH modules for apache... uh that would be SSL
modules.. how are you going to SSH into apache, jeff?? Haha. Oh
whatever.. I'm babbling now. (-:

  That doesn't address your question about parse, but I'm running
  out of time.. :) 

Serves me right for mailing off a tip when I'm running out of
time. "Complexity is immediate, simplicity takes time" (quoted from a
sign that Dan has on his wall at REBOL.  One of the earliest and best
articulations of the REBOL philosophy that struck me when I first got


[REBOL] FTP Problem Re:

2000-06-05 Thread whip

  Howdy, fellow allumn:

  Sometimes FTP has problems if it's not in passive mode.  Set it my
doing the following:

  system/schemes/ftp/passive: on

  Then try your upload. If that doesn't clear it up, do the following:

   trace/net on
   echo %ftp.log
   write ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/test.txt "test"
   echo off
   trace/net off

That will produce a bunch of raw transaction output helpful for
debugging.  After it's done, mail the resulting ftp.log to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject indicating a problem with the
messiest protocol known to the web: FTP.

   Good luck!


  Hello, folks.
  I'm having a major FTP problem.
  write ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/test.txt "test"
  works fine, but
  write ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/test.txt "test"
  bails with this message:
  ** Script Error: pick expected series argument of type: series pair
 event money  date time object  port  tuple any-function.  **  Where:
 pick server-said 4
  Anyone know what  the problem  could be?   It's something with  the
 azorius.com server, but is there anything in particular that I could
 talk to the server manager about?
  Justin Smith

[REBOL] hash! Re:

2000-06-05 Thread whip

  Howdy Brett:

  Hash's are good for scripts which have a bunch of block data in
memory that they want to do many searches on.  For instance, if you
had something like this:

   associations: [ 
jeffrey  giraffe
snoopy   dog
garfield cat
... and on and on

with say more than a few hundred of such pairs and you was
doing a bunch of things like:

   select associations 'garfield
then you'd want to HASH your block, and your script would then
be a lot faster.  

h-assoc: make hash! associations

You'd still do select on the new hash:

select h-assoc 'snoopy

..the selection with a block ends up being a linear search for
'snoopy, but with the hash it's a constant time search.  Creating the
hash takes some amount of time for large block data, so it's only
worth it if the hash will be sticking around in memory for some time
(ie. not as useful for things like CGI.)  Of course, you can insert
and remove items into a hash! in the same way you work with blocks.


  From the user guide:
  "Hash is  a storage method  that makes finding  data in large files
 faster.  The   hash datatype is  useful  for  converting data into a
 binary table format that is readily searchable. "  Cool.
  and: "Hash values  are identical in  operation to block values. See
 blocks values for detail on the format of block values. " Excellent.
  Umm..,  but the  examplesthere seem  counter-intuitive   to  me
 (probably  because   I have waytoo much experience   in relation
  So can someone show  me how and when  hash! is most optimally  used

[REBOL] Self is mysterious Re:(4)

2000-05-29 Thread whip

  Howdy, Ladislav:

  If I understood correctly, the work of make "could" (with a big
  simplification, of course) be described in Rebol like this:

  make-object-sim: func [
  initializer [block!]
  /local words
  ] [
  words: copy [self]
  foreach item :initializer [
  if set-word? :item [
  append :words to word! :item
  words: union :words []
  use words [
  bind words 'self
  self: compose/deep [[(:words)]]
  do bind/copy initializer 'self

  Hey, that's neato.  I always think describing REBOL in REBOL has a
high coolness factor.  For this rendering, also there are the parent
object's words (or more appropriately called the template object's)
that have to be included in the word block.  Additionally, values from
the template object have to be carried over into the new object.

  And, my question is as follows: wouldn't it be better (for the
  sake of preventing some strange effects and to simplify things) to
  change that to:

  make-object-sim: func [
 [  . . .   snip ]
  result: self: compose/deep [[(:words)]]
  do bind/copy initializer 'self

  ,which is more in a direction of representing any context (with
  any Self value)

   That could be argued.  (-: The cases where the "strange effects"
show up are pretty oddball cases though.  SELF is supposed to refer to
the self same object. If you decide to make self be something else
besides an object while making an object, then the result probably
shouldn't be an object. It's a little messy there and probably needs
to stay simple. Interesting stuff, though.. :-)


[REBOL] hidden variables in objects? Re:(13)

2000-05-29 Thread whip

  Howdy, Larry:

  Everything is peachy about all this, but  object words shouldn't
  ever be END. They should be UNSET in these conditions-- A minor
  little  bug. ;)

  So what is END?

A non-datatype, like unset! but it shouldn't normally be
encountered while using REBOL.  If you do encounter one, report it to
the authorities ([EMAIL PROTECTED], that is (-:).  Not that it's at
all dangerous, it's just one of those odd things floating at the
fringe of the REBOL universe.


[REBOL] hidden variables in objects? Re:(13)

2000-05-29 Thread whip

 The trick here is what does  SELF evaluate to  when you set 'x to
 it?  SELF at that time is an object, containing the words C and D,
 but those words haven't yet been assigned anything at the time you
 assign the word X to SELF.  

  I would assume they're unset in that stage (even if perhaps setting
 them to NONE  could make more sense  for an object,  like  it is for
 function contexts).

  Which makes me consider what are the real distinctions between NONE
and UNSET?  I tend to think that NONE, in REBOL, is closer to a
logical state, where as UNSET is more of an existential state.  For a
function, local variables defaulting to NONE eases a common question
function writers will ask in their code:

   if local-variable [do-something-with local-variable]

  I tend to think that words in the global context or in an object
context are more in an existential state. Once they are mentioned in a
given context the word exists but with no value.  They either are
filled in by the person mentioning that word in that context or not.
A word at the global context or in an object context isn't like a word
in a function context which may be changing all the time, being passed
in or not.  Those non function context variables seem more
existential. At least, that's how it all strikes me.  But. of course,
that's just my own formulation, and not necessarily the most in
keeping with REBOL's philosophy.  I wonder what Carl's thinking is
about why words default to NONE in functions, and UNSET at the global
and object contexts.  What's the deeper meaning?  There always is a
deeper purpose with most things in REBOL.  (-:



[REBOL] Self is mysterious Re:(2)

2000-05-28 Thread whip

  That's essentially the way it works, Gabriele.  :-) Yours is a
better, simpler explanation than my was.  

  One extra note, just to state the obvious: the set-word SELF is
first bound into the newly created object context making it refer to
THE SELF of the object before evaluating its assignment.  The stages
of an objects creation are sometimes important. (-:


  On 27-Mag-00, you wrote:
  d x: make object! [a: 1 b: 2 self: 3] d == 3 d type? x d ==
  d Mystery abounds,
   obj: make object! [a: 1 b: 2]  obj/self: 3 == 3  probe obj
  make object! [ a: 1 b: 2 ]
  I think it's just  that MAKE OBJECT! returns the  value of SELF, so
 if you modify it, you get the modified value as a result.
  Regards, Gabriele.
 --  Gabriele   Santilli  

[REBOL] hidden variables in objects? Re:(11)

2000-05-28 Thread whip

 Howdy, Gabriele:

 make object! [
   set 'x make self [
a: 1 b: 2
   c: 3 d: 4

   Being C and D duplicated in the "inner" object, using them as
   hidden variables may be tricky; surely that would make someone
   who's PROBEing the object to see how it works go crazy. :-)

  There will only wind up one C and one D in either object.

  The trick here is what does SELF evaluate to when you set 'x to it?
SELF at that time is an object, containing the words C and D, but
those words haven't yet been assigned anything at the time you assign
the word X to SELF.  An object begins its creation by first collecting
all the words within the block that makes up its body, and adding them
into the new object context.  The determination of what words are
included in an object's context precedes the evaluation of an object's
body.  What's really happening above is we're taking a snapshot of an
incomplete object. So, moving the SET X later:

make object! [c: 3 d: 4 set 'x make self [a: 1 b: 2]]

  ..all the assignments happen before self is evaluated and no words
wind up being UNSET or END.

   Everything is peachy about all this, but object words shouldn't
ever be END. They should be UNSET in these conditions-- A minor little
bug. ;)

Fun chatting with you about esoteric object stuff-- (-:


[REBOL] multithreaded cmd, ports Re:

2000-05-27 Thread whip

  Howdy, Pawel:

  Dear list,

  I'm new to Rebol, and I'm sorry if I'm asking about anything that has been
  already discussed.
  Here are two scripts (attached) which allow me to run a Rebol script via

Neat stuff.

  1. I need to check if there is any data to read from non-listen port without
  waiting for it (functions: 'check-cgi? and 'read-cgi). I wonder if there is
  any simplier, WORKING method, than changing the default timeout.

   By not waiting for it you mean not using something like the following?: 

 if port? wait reduce [cmd-port .5] [fetch-stuff from port]

   The wait will return after half a second with either NONE or your
port if there's data in it.  Also, once you have a talk port connected
(not a listen port), you should also be able to use query to determine
when there's data within the port.

  2. If the scripts are worth uploading them to rebol.org, what should be
  their category?


 [advanced web]


[REBOL] hidden variables in objects? Re:(9)

2000-05-27 Thread whip

Not a follow up, but for those that are interested in little
REBOL "hacks", hidden object variables, etc, try playing around with

x: make object! [a: 1 b: 2]
x/self: make object! [a: 11 b: 22]

  And now there's some hidden vars in X.


   Nothing truly mysterious here.  Self is a word, that by default
refers to the self same object.  The word can be used to point to
another object as well.  If self instead points somewhere else, that's
okay, but self won't be copied if you clone that object.

  Now for some mysterious stuff:

x: make object! [self: make self [a: 1 b: 2] c: 3 d: 4]

  What do you suppose is happening here? :-) It's a little
  mystery. (-:


[REBOL] Self is mysterious Re:

2000-05-27 Thread whip

  Howdy, Don:

  SELF is a word in every object which by default refers to the object
itself.  By setting, in the process of making an object, the word SELF
in the object's context to something other than that object, in
effect, whatever you are assigning that object to will instead be
assigned to what you set SELF to.  The same is not true after you've
made the object. 


  Perhaps "self" can NOT be used as a regular? Rebol word:
   x: make object! [a: 1 b: 2 ]  type? x == object!
   x: make object! [a: 1 b: 2 sel: 3]  type? x == object!
   x: make object! [a: 1 b: 2 self: 3] == 3  type? x == integer!
  Mystery abounds,

[REBOL] Will REBOL Lead or Mislead? Re:(2)

2000-05-26 Thread whip

  Howdy Petr:

 /Apache, REBOL/Serve ... can be licenced, no problem here, although
 all other Apache modules are free IIRC   

  There are commercial pay for SSH modules for apache, for instance.

 threading, async messaging, shell access should become part of /Core
 imho ...  -pekr-

  Shell can't be in /Core without destabilizing the cross platform
nature of most REBOL scripts.  For instance, most PERL scripts I've
ever seen that send mail typically shell out and use the unix mail
command. Ugg. :-)


[REBOL] CGI problems... Re:

2000-05-19 Thread whip

  Howdy Malte:

  Perhaps you might know: How does macintosh deal with cgi request
data?  Where does it put the data from a GET or POST request?


  Fellow rebels!
  Im writing a cgi-script over here,  to be run  from a AppleShare IP
 server (MacOS). Now, when I try to run these cgi's.. all I get is an
 error like:
  500 Internal Server Error
  The server encountered an  internal  error: Host header is  missing
 from an HTTP 1.1 request.
  So,  I tried adding a  "Host:  the-ip-number" to the http header,
 without success. I don't know if  anyone out there has experienced a
 similar problems, but any comments are welcome. :)
  Cheers Malte

[REBOL] Text to CW !!! Re:(2)

2000-04-28 Thread whip

  If brevity is what you're going for, you can use issues for all
strings that don't contain spaces: 

  ask #

  prin #

  I guess I forgot the ultra-ultra short version which doesn't handle
 space= s or strange  chars: REBOL[]foreach cask{}[l:  index?
 find{%etinamsdrgukwohblzfcp=F6vx=E4q=FCy=   j=E756%7=E9%%8%/
 94%=E5%3%%=F12%10}c until[prin pick{-=B7}odd?  l(l: l /  2)
 2]prin= { }]
  (152-153 bytes, may require deletion of  the / at  the end of first
 line on= some systems)
  Or  ifwe   skip numbers:  REBOL[]foreach  c ask{}[l: index?
 find{%etinamsdrgukwohblzfcp=F6vx=E4q=FCy=j}c until[ prin
 pick{-=B7}odd? l(l: l / 2) 2]prin{ }]
  (120-121 bytes)
  --=20 /Johan R=F6nnblom, Team Amiga

[REBOL] Text to CW !!! Re:(6)

2000-04-28 Thread whip

   Howdy Johan:

 I stand corrected. :-)

  In each possible case the length is longer or the same, eg: [ask{}]
 [ask #] (same length!)
  [ask{bla}] [ask #bla] (same length!)
  [prin{bla}] [prin #bla] (again, same length!)
  [prin #] (useless, this is a no-op!)
  [print #] [print{}] (same length)
  --=20 /Johan R=F6nnblom, Team Amiga

[REBOL] what's Carl's autograph worth? Re:

2000-04-21 Thread whip

  Cool Ralph!  We're just going to have to run off a million copies of
Carl's picture and get a pen in his hand! 

  Oh, and to see what Carl's autograph is worth  (and this will be in
 the next book), search for Sassenrath, Carl.
  Best to all,
  --Ralph Roberts

[REBOL] open/allow Re:(2)

2000-03-17 Thread whip

Howdy Brian:

  There   is no way  to  _set_  unix  permissions  from  within REBOL
 whatsoever. That  functionality  will  probably  be accessable  from
 REBOL/Command, when it comes out.

Not true.  Try WRITE/allow %test.dat "test" [read write execute]

  No, I don't know when REBOL/Command will come out :(

   It'll be at least a day sooner ever day! :-)


[REBOL] newnews Re:(2)

2000-03-10 Thread whip

Ryan said:
   I would like to use  the NNTP client  command "newnews" with the
  REBOL   nntp protocol  to retrieve  new  messages since a specified
  Hi Ryan,
  'newnews' is not currently implemented in the NNTP dialect.
  I don't know  Jeff's exact reason for  not implementing  it, but it
 could  be due   to the  high  number  of  servers that have  newnews
 administatively disabled.

Howdy Kevin:

   Pretty much.  NNTP only supports what could be determined as
commonly found features.  The exception is xhdr which though not
standard seemed to be too useful not to include.

   Ryan, if your server supports it, you could use nntp.r's xhdr
feature to get the date headers from a newsgroup, determine which
articles are new (greater than your start date) and download those.

   Of course, adding newnews to the nntp dialect shouldn't be too hard
either.  Check out how nntp does xhdr for instance.

   Hopefully when the next version of core comes out with block
parsing abilities, nntp's dialecting engine can be upgraded to use
that much cleaner approach instead of its present mini interpreter.
That would also make it easier to extend nntp's capabilities. Maybe I
can steal some time somewhere along the way to get that one done.. :-)
The list never ends... (-:


[REBOL] getting Rebol OK Re:(2)

2000-03-10 Thread whip

  The only problem I have had is with a bad script. It spawned a copy
 of  rebol.exe and it  never went away  until I stopped and restarted
 the web  server. If I knew  of a way to  stop this happening I would
 happily host REBOL for everyone.
  Melvin Mudgett-Price Director ofDevelopment

Howdy Melvin:

If REBOL is invoked with -c or -qw command line switches then
any error that occurs in the script should cause REBOL to fully exit
(after printing out the error).  If you've found otherwise, please
send in a feedback with information about your set up and we'll try to
figure out why.  Thankya kindly. :-)


[REBOL] newnews Re:(4)

2000-03-10 Thread whip

  Howdy Ryan:

  I have been working on a script  which will retrieve newsgroup news
 and then output only a single day (the previous day) to an HTML file
 so that I can post the messages on a web page.   If I grab more than
 one day's worth of messages, the web page becomes too large (as much
 as 1MB.)

  Unfortunately,  REBOL does not understand  the date formats.  There
 are at least three date formats used by newsgroups, as follows:

  Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:33:09 GMT
  Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 16:49:03 +0100
  Date: 22 Feb 2000 16:00:52 GMT

  REBOL can understand those dates, if fed in after the comma:

  get-news-date: func [
  date-str [string!] "One of the above date strings"
  date-str: any [find/tail date-str ", " date-str]
  to-date date-str


[REBOL] nntp limited by date Re:

2000-03-06 Thread whip

  I would like to use the nntp.r protocol to retrieve messages from a
 newsgroup limited by date.  Is there any way to do this with nntp.r?

Sure.  Read up on using nntp.r's xhdr functionality.  You can
retrieve just the date headers of a given news group and then
determine which range of messages you want before downloading them.


[REBOL] Mail Re:

2000-02-21 Thread whip

  Howdy Matos:

You can specify a proxy for each individual protocol.  I
believe the following should work for you:

(In your user.r, or at the top of your script:)

   set-net [[EMAIL PROTECTED] mail.host.dom]
   system/schemes/http/proxy/host: "your.proxy.host"
   system/schemes/http/proxy/port-id: some-number

  (Of course, substituting in all your information..)

  You probably want ftp and others too.  I believe you can also just
set a by-pass for individual protocols as well -- which might be a
cleaner way to do what you want...


  Hello all...
  I'm having this  problem: I can  access my e-mail server without  a
 proxy  se= rver, but if  i try to  access it with  the  "help" of my
 proxy server then i can't reach it (it is not the objective = of the
 proxy server). But if I want to access web pages, the only way to do
 that is using the proxy server.
  My problem is that when  we configure the proxy  server in REBOL he
 assumes=  that the  proxy should be  used  also to   access the mail
 server. Is there a way to correct this excluding the hipo= thesis of
 doing a set-net every time i want to access the web or the mail?!

[REBOL] REBOL/View Re:(9)

2000-01-29 Thread whip

  View, View it's new, it's new! View, View, it's good for you!!
  - jim

 I think the pressure's gettin Jim a little sock eyed.. :) 
 ignore the little dancing leprechans around your computer.
 They're just a sign of shipping madness... (:


[REBOL] UDP Re:(7)

2000-01-09 Thread whip

  Whomever you ask, I  hope they'll reply here  on the list so we all
 can benefit from the info!   This is something  I've wanted to  know
 more about (as well as UDP with REBOL) for some time.  Thanks, /Russ

 - At 02:22 PM  1/9/2000 +0200, you   wrote: snip BTW, I  have
 spent some time  over  the  last  holidays studying  how   protocol
 handlers  work,  because I need  to  write one.  I  still need some
 clarifications on the port flags, and the  meaning of the fields in
 port/state... this could  save me some time. :-)  Can I ask to you,
 Jeff, or should I ask to Sterling?  Regards,  Gabriele. 

  Well, lessee.. generally, the state object relates to presenting the
data a port contains or fetches as a serialized set of values.
state/tail is the end of the data, what should be reported when you do
LENGTH? on a port.  Similarly, state/index is like a series
index. This value gets bumped when you call NEXT on the port.  When
the state/index = state/tail then the port is at the tail, and TAIL?
port will return true.  The state/flags there correspond to the
capabilities of the port.  At some point the doc team will cover ports
and clarify the other fields.  The time I've written handlers I never
really needed to touch most of the values in the state object.
(Sometimes you can't set these field when with some protocols you
can't know what the tail of the data is...)  To look at a protocol
that messes with the tail and index members of the state object check
out pop.  Typically, the open sequence will set the state variables.

  Now the port flags change the functional properties of the ports.
With network ports it generally comes down to either pass-thru ports
or direct-ports (all the built in protocol port handlers are one or
the other).  To see the differences in behavior try playing with the
script listed below. I know that's hand waiving, but I didn't
implement the port mechanism so I don't want to say anything incorrect
about them.  Give this a play, though.  Hope I've been helpful. (-: 



Title: "Port Tester"
Purpose: {
Illustrates the different port mechanisms of
"direct ports", vs. "pass-thru" ports.
Discover the differences by playing with
two dummy ports.

tst-port: make root-protocol [
init: func  [port spec][print "Init" 1]
open: func  [port][
print "open" 
port/state/flags: port/state/flags or port-flags 2
close: func  [port][print "close"3]
write: func  [port][print "write"4]
read:  func  [port][print "read" 5]
copy:  func  [port][print "copy" 6]
insert: func [port][print "insert"   7]
pick: func   [port][print "pick" 8]

foreach [flags name] reduce [
system/standard/port-flags/pass-thru 'pport
make tst-port compose [
port-flags: (flags) 
scheme: (to-lit-word name) 
;-arbitrary port number assigned below
net-utils/net-install (name) self (2000 + random 1000) 


print #DP dp: open dport://
print #PP pp: open pport://

;- Now notice the different results of
;  using COPY, INSERT, PICK, and CLOSE on 
;  the above ports.
;- also, try: read dport:// 
;   vs:   read pport://
;- and:   write dport:// # 
;   vs:   write pport:// #
; Pass-thru ports return results from different
; phases.  Pass-thru goes directly to named function
; with out buffering... 

[REBOL] REBOL puzzle/challenge

2000-01-08 Thread whip

   Here's a couple small REBOL puzzles for those of you who enjoy that
kind of thing:

   1. Can you simulate a static local variable in REBOL?  The variable
should be local to a function, but each time the function is called,
the variable has the same value it had at the end of the last function
call.  The variable should be modified in some way in the function
(incremented for instance) and it should have the modified value on
subsequent calls.  I have one solution, but I think there could be

   2.  Can you create a line of REBOL code, including two or more
functions of arity one or more (that take one or more parameters),
that results in the same result forwards or backwards?  To verify, put
the code in a block, and try:

(do block) = do reverse block

   And it's no fair padding either side of the block! ie: 
[1 1 print 1 print 1 1]

(Okay that one's convoluted...)

   3. Can you make a function which takes one argument, unless called
with a refinement in which case the function takes no arguments?

   4. Can you create a parse rule that recognizes whether a string of
numbers is from the Fibonacci sequence?  

   5. Can you think up more puzzles? 



[REBOL] UDP Re:(4)

2000-01-08 Thread whip


  Aha,  so I  missunderstood you, is   it  possible to  udp talk with
 current version of port implementation?


  close insert open udp://somewhere:9090 "something"
  and "something" will, infact, be sent via udp to somewhere's 9090
udp port (which I verified earlier today).  For some reason it doesn't
seem possible to create a udp listen port, though.  I don't think, or
at least never heard that anyone had ever really verified the udp
stuff before (due to udp's lack of popularity I suppose) so I thought
I'd take a peek it at.  I think the problem with the udp listen ports
is in the port interface.  Perhaps they can be fixed before the next

  As  for refinements,  I've   never  tried  to  use  /custom   /mode
 refinements. Do they actually work?

  Not sure about /custom... I'll add that to my ever growing poke
list.. but /mode works like this:

 file: open/mode %test.txt [binary new]

  That's the same as:

   open/binary/new %test.txt


[REBOL] RFF: empty? for blocks Re:(5)

1999-12-12 Thread whip

   Wow. You may  never know just  how right  on  the money the above
  statement is!  It is  a very good analogy.In fact, in the  same
  sense, all of REBOL is a movie, and all variables are frames of the
  big REBOL movie. :-)
  There isone  painful exception  that  doesnot  fit in  this
 metaphor. That is the reported case:
   list: [1 2 3 4]  list2: next list  clear list  list2 == [2
 3 4]

 Looks like a bug to me.

 [ . . . ]

  I  believe that the "cheapest" way  for handling it correctly is to
 have every  word that references  a series negotiate the legality of
 its offset before  it attempts to  access the series at  that offset
 and it should report some indication that its offset into the series
 is illegal whenever that is the case.

Maybe so.  It's sad an extra layer of logic has to be added
across the board to deal with outlying cases.

[REBOL] Linux different? Re:(3)

1999-11-13 Thread whip

Howdy Fleet:

  Assuming you are trying to be helpful; it didn't work.  Now I don't
 know what the   heck *you* are talking   about.  I thought I   *had*
 specified the file (readme.txt) on the command line.

 file:  to-file system/options/args ;name of file to send 

  In the code you sent the list the above line read:

file: %mailer.r

  followed by the function to send FILE to you.  Sterling above takes
the file from the command line arguments.  What's more surprising is
that that script is sending you readme.txt under windows.  The code
you sent should ONLY ever send you %mailer.r. 



[REBOL] Test message and benchmark Re:

1999-11-12 Thread whip

  Howdy John C:

  I submitted this benchmark to rebol.org, but it must have gotten
 lost in the mail.  On my machine, this runs at 6.8 seconds per
 iteration.  REBOL [ Title: "Count Change Benchmark" Date: 11-11-1999

It's in there. It was choking on your hotmail signature that
was being appended to the mail.


[REBOL] Removing obsolete scripts from REBOL.ORG Re:

1999-11-08 Thread whip

  How   does one   go  about   removinga  obsolete scriptfrom
 http://www.rebol.org ?  I would like to  remove my %Append.r script,
 as the   'append word  in  REBOL  2.2   now comes  with  the  needed
 enhancement that this script provided.
  AndrewMartin  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  No automated way right now, but I'll remove it later on


[REBOL] [REBOL] Removing obsolete scripts from REBOL.ORG Re:

1999-11-08 Thread whip

  How   does one   go  about   removinga  obsolete scriptfrom
 http://www.rebol.org ?  I would like to  remove my %Append.r script,
 as the   'append word  in  REBOL  2.2   now comes  with  the  needed
 enhancement that this script provided.
  AndrewMartin  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  No automated way right now, but I'll remove it later on


[REBOL] Using REBOL With Microsoft Personal Web Server Re:

1999-11-01 Thread whip

  Howdy Paul:

 I'm trying to use Microsoft Personal Web Server to run my REBOL/CGI scripts; 
 but I can't get them to run. Instead I keep getting the download dialog box.
 Could someone please help me setup PWS to use REBOL/CGI scripts?

Here's a recent post from sterling on setting up PWS/IIS.
Apparently this rigamorole is necessary for most scripts:


We will be adding this info to the CGI How-to soon:
Please let me know if you find you had to do something else to get it
to work, what that was, and why.

Here's the basic Win**, PWS/IIS setup info... thanks to the folks
working on PHP who took the time to figure this all out. :)

Windows NT and IIS 4:

1.  open Internat Service Manager (MMC) and choose the website or
starting directory of an application

2.  Open the directories property sheet (right click - Properties)
and choose the Home Directory, Virtual Directory, or Directory tab

3.  Click Configuration and choose the App Mappings tab

4.  Click Add and i nthe Executable box type the path to REBOL.exe
like c:\REBOL\rebol.exe %s %s (the two %s are important and must be

5.  In the Extension box, type the extension you want associated with
REBOL like .r  Repeat the last two steps for each extension you want.

6.  Set the security (done in Internet Service Manager)

7.  If you use the NTFS filesystem, add execute rights for I_USR_ to
the directory that has the REBOL executable.


Windows 95/98/NT  PWS/IIS 3:

1.  Run Regedit

2.  Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /System /CurrentControlSet /Services /W3Svc
/Parameters /ScriptMap

3.  Menu: Edit - New - String Value

4.  Type the extension you want to use for your REBOL scripts: .r

5.  Double click the new string value and select the path to REBOL.exe
like this: c:\REBOL\rebol.exe %s %s
The two %s are important and must be there.

6.  Repeat for any other extensions you want.


8.  Menu: Edit - New - Key

9.  Name the extension from the earlier step

10.  Highlight the new key and in the right pane double click the
"default value" and enter rebolscript

11.  Repeat last step for each extension created earlier

12.  Create another New - Key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and call it

13.  Highlight the new key and i nthe right pane double click the
"default value" and enter "REBOL script"

14.  Right click on the rebolscript key and select New - Key and call 
it Shell

15.  Right click on Shell and select New - Key and call it open

16.  Right click on open and and select New - Key and call it command

17.  Highlight the new key command and i nthe right pane double click
the "default value" and enter the path to REBOL.exe like
c:\REBOL\rebol.exe -cs %1 (the %1 (numeral one, not L) is important
and required)

18.  Exit Regedit

Hope it all works and you never have to do this again. ;)



[REBOL] Colors Re:(6)

1999-10-30 Thread whip

 X-REBOL:  "TheInternet  Messaging  Language(TM)
 WWW.REBOL.COM" Precedence: bulk X-SELMA: [REBOL] 41741

  Myresponse was only  intended   with  the  pinnacle  of
 lightheartedness.  No grievous feelings, ol' chap!

As were mine, you old dog! My comments were intended to be as
light as the thinnest wisp of a feather floating on the sweetest
shimmering winds of frivolity! Ho ho! Don't take it rough, ol' boy, my
chumaroo!! Be not dismayed! It was all in good fun! No harm done! Do
bring your light pinnacles to work with you on Monday and we'll have a
great uproarious laugh! 


[REBOL] Colors Re:(2)

1999-10-29 Thread whip

Howdy johnkenyon:

Bo said:

  How 'bout this:

 color-text: func [intensity text][
rejoin [
 {FONT color="#}
copy/part tail form to-hex to-integer intensity * 2.55 -2
{8000"} text /FONT]

 Here's another approach, a little less string-concatenatey:

;- You get back a block with two tag!s surrounding whatever 'text is

color-text: func [intensity text][
compose [ (build-tag [FONT COLOR 
(mold join # [enbase/base form to-char intensity * 2.55 16 8000])])
(text) /FONT

ENBASE is a pretty cool function.  It lets the above code use less
conversions which lends it some efficiency.  (An implicit integer
round off occurs with to-char by the way.) The real efficency win,
however, comes from doing less copying.

Lets see:  The first example does a decimal to integer to hex to
string to a copy of part of that string joined to copies of other
strings, including the passed in text.

The second example does a decimal to a char to a string, joined (which
copies) with an empty issue made into a tag, which is dropped into a
block with the text and another tag, with out copying the original
passed in text.

Generally speaking the second example will do less copying especially
if the text passed in grows large. Also, the second example treats
numeric data in a more numeric way. Finally, the result of the second
example maintains its distinct datatypes, which could be useful if you
want distinguish tags from text in the result later on without having
to parse it. The second takes a more symbolic approach.

Not to cast any hint of aspersion on Bo's solution! (-: It certainly
suffices for your purposes just fine, and it may be more intuitive to
some. I only mean to suggest that in REBOL, as in all languages, there
is always room for optimization. REBOL is a symbolic language, so
symbolic approaches to problem solving will generally be more
efficient in REBOL than approaches based largely on string

But of course I don't imagine that my approach is the most optimal
either!! :-)

Just trying to be helpful


[REBOL] [REBOL] Need a Script Re:(5)

1999-10-29 Thread whip

-original Message-
Subject: [REBOL] Need a Script Re:(2)

Russ thanks for the help. I am trying to make a script to check a site
every xx:xx minutes and see if a specific word on a page exists. if
not send me email... and do this forever...

Philip M. McDonnell

 Title: "WebSiteCheck"
 File:  %webchk.r
 Date:  22-Oct-1999
 Purpose: {Check a set of sites every 5 minutes 
   mail an error response only once}
 Author: "Andre Venter"
 secure none 
 sites: [
  "Site 1" http//www.site1.com "1"
  "Site 2" http//www.site2.com "1"
  "Page2" http//www.site1.com/page2.htm "1"
 while [ true ][
  foreach [name url status] sites [ 
  start: fourth now
  either error? try [read url][
  if status = "1" [ 
  message: reform ["Rebol Alert:" name "is down!"]
  send [EMAIL PROTECTED] message 
  change status "0"]
  [change status "1"]
  stop: fourth now
  if stop - start = 0:00:45 [ 
  if status = "1" [
  message: reform ["Rebol Alert:" name "timed  out!"]
  send [EMAIL PROTECTED] message ;
  print reform [fourth now "Pausing for 5 min"]
  wait 0:05:00 ;   //change to suite your needs

 Another approach:

sites: [

total-no-go: copy [] 

forever [
no-go: copy []
foreach site sites [
all [not exists? site append no-go site]
if not empty? no-go: difference no-go total-no-go [
send [EMAIL PROTECTED] reform ["These sites down:" no-go]
total-no-go: union total-no-go no-go
wait 00:05:00

 EXISTS? works for urls.  The UNION and DIFERENCE functions let you
see pretty quickly when something new has entered a set of items, in
this case the set of missing sites. Like Andre's code, the above will
only send mail the first time a site goes down (but the above code
doesn't deal with time out errors, as Andre's does (-:).  Using
DIFFERENCE you can also then restrict further checking of urls to only
those sites you haven't found to be down previously.

(ie: sites: difference sites total-no-go).

  There's so many ways to do things in REBOL. It's just t00 k00l! :)


[REBOL] Use of - in prefix notation. Re:(7)

1999-10-29 Thread whip

  Howdy Martin:

  also with parenthesis
 + 3 ( 4 + 5 )  == 13 
 + 2 ( 3 + 4 )  == 10
  This is no wierd Pentium bug, isn't it? ;-)

  That's a pre 2.2 beta bug.

  BTW: Not in the upcoming 2.2 release, but soon afterwards we're
eliminating the prefix behavior of + and -.  There'll still be ADD and
SUBTRACT as prefix, but as some of you have experienced, having + and
- be both infix and prefix causes some ambiguity, and inconsistency
when you throw in - unary.  Just a heads up. :)


[REBOL] Colors Re:(4)

1999-10-29 Thread whip

  I knew Jeff would jump all over my example grumble grumble ;-)

  Hey-- You told me I'm the script cop.  Just doing my job. Ha ha
just kidding.

  But no reason to grumble there, Bo.  It wasn't my intention to "jump
all over" your example. Just trying to point out a different way to do
it and to rant about efficiency. But there's no "right" answer.

  I also toyed with  enbase, but it  wasn't as straightforward from a
 user's standpoint in my opinion as the method I chose.

  ENBASE was put there to be used! (-;

But mine still uses less bytes to store the function so there!

  You got me there. Leaner and slower. ;-) 



[REBOL] New bot at rebol.org

1999-10-23 Thread whip

   Howdy ladies and gentlemen, 

   New to the chat room at rebol.org: Pundit.

   Pundit likes to talk politics. 

   Sometimes he's evasive, sometimes he's redundant, but he's
   often moderately coherent and on topic. Here's a short
   transcript ("pundit:" is how you address pundit, ie. those are
   the questions I'm asking him):

  pundit: What do you think about congress? 
  jeff: Life is unfair. 
  pundit: No really, what is your opinion of congress? 
  jeff: He makes no value judgments. 
  pundit: Do you like congress? 
  jeff: I don't miss being in politics. 
  Pundit: Aren't you still in politics? 
  jeff: I wasn't obsessed with politics, dance! 
  pundit: Would you like to be a senator? 
  jeff: Senator from New York, this august body and all of us
  who...deserve the title of Senator, my God!
  pundit: so you would like to be a senator?
  jeff: It is perhaps accurate for Senator Gramm and myself to
  describe the Daschle proposal as being Sex, little boy as
  individuals rather than Senator So-and-So from Minnesota or
  Senator So-and-So from Alabama.
  Pundit: That was weird. 
  jeff: George didn't go for that. 
  Pundit: You're crazy. I'll talk to you later. Bye! 
  jeff: You have to stop kidding about this. 

  He really is a typical politician. You gotta grill him to get

  It's fun writing these bots. If anybody else wants their bot
  added to the room (Allen?) , give me a holler and I'll hook it
  up when I can.  Try to make the bot pretty well self contained,
  a single script with maybe with one additional datafile, and not
  tons of globals sticking out. Also provide a calling function
  which takes a string of something someone said, and returns the
  response in a string. Also provide a response string that is
  said if the bot has an error.  Lastly provide it a name that it
  is addressable by in the chat room.

  Holler at me about your bot at this account or [EMAIL PROTECTED]



[REBOL] Command Sneak Preview Re:(4)

1999-10-22 Thread whip

  Howdy Robert:
 Hi, yes, I have written a Rebol LRWP protocol function, so no need for CGI
 ;-)) just let your Rebol instance running. However, what I would like to do
 is use Reblets inside my HTML pages (this even won't be HTML pages, as I
 would use Andrew's and mine HTML dialect). To do this, Rebol should be
 directly coupled into the process of the web-server.

Well, since Carl and Dan have sprilled the beans... :-)

  ...we're talking Apache embeded interpreter, REBOL custom phase handlers,
 support for stacked content handlers, cgi emulation, and SSI.  Sorry, no
 plans for Xitami right now. :(


[REBOL] send-selma

1999-10-08 Thread whip

[REBOL] New listing at rebol.org

1999-10-08 Thread whip

   Howdy folks,

   Today I added a link from the script archive to a comprehensive
   list of the scripts in the archive in no particular order.
   This list will be updated on the fly like the rest of the site
   per submission. 

   Currently we have 67 scripts. 

   Everything should be operating fine now with the submission
   engine as well.  If you notice any problems send me some mail
   and I'll see what I can see when possible.

   More features coming soon to rebol.org. Stay tuned.


[REBOL] Mac Core 2.2? Re:

1999-01-03 Thread whip

   Howdy Ron:

  When are the Mac versions of Core 2.2 going to be available?

Very soon, like as soon as today.  You lucky mac kids. You
guys get a brand new console, courtesy of code wizard extraordinaire
Jim Goodnow. :)


[REBOL] Dates Re:(3)

1999-01-03 Thread whip

 Maybe  in a pre-emptive  strike,
 you could add it to the faq ?

  from-idate: func [i-date [string!]][to-date skip i-date 5]
  Allen K

Howdy Allen:

The faq certainly needs another revision.  There's a good many
FAQs (including above) that should be added to the faq. Hopefully next
week some time I can get to it.  No rest for the wicked.. :)


[REBOL] CGI-Hit Counter Re:

1999-01-03 Thread whip

  Does anyone know how I could use REBOL to return a gif hit counter.
 I did see  and example of how to  return a text  number but I really
 need it to be in an img tag.  I've faked it using a script let but
 that only works with IE browsers.  Any help is apprecitated.

Howdy Jim:

Check out Allen Kamp's script that shows how a cgi-bin program
can return an image called from an IMG tag:


or colorized html version:


Now, that method can only return a single image each time, so
for a counter you have to do some image compositing.  Can this be
done? Sure it can, by directly modifying an image file.  I made some
code to suck in .bmp files available at:


Never have had the time to get to adding some function to
composite, but it shouldn't be too tough.. you got a bunch of same
sized image files of numbers, you choose a color for an alpha channel,
you run through a background image sticking painting on the right
numbers (skipping the alpha of course).

Of course, some ambitious person might want to build gif or
jpeg handling routines.  Weren't you going to do jpeg Bo? 
