Re: [OzMOSS] RE: VS Project type for feature - a few questions

2008-11-27 Thread sezai komur

On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 12:46 PM, Paul Noone 

  Thanks Jeffrey and Caroline.

 So what do people recommend for solution generation? STSDEV or WSPBuilder.

 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf
 Of *Jeffery Tsui
 *Sent:* Friday, 28 November 2008 1:58 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [OzMOSS] RE: VS Project type for feature - a few questions

 You can add the instruction in manifest.xml that controls whether WSS will
 run IISRESET on each front-end Web server after the output solution package
 has been deployed, upgraded, or retracted.

 sample manifest.xml





   !--TEMPLATE files--



   Location=IMAGES\HelloWorld\AfricanPith32.gif /



 STSDEV is very useful in terms of building sharepoint solution,


 On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 1:38 PM, Caroline Specker (AU) 

 Hi Paul,

 I will have to skip your first question about wsp builder, but i'm sure
 someone else will answer that one for you.

 As for the rest:

 To clarify, a solution is a collection of features that you install onto a
 SharePoint farm.

 Once you have your solution file (eg whatever.wsp) you install it by
 running the stsadm command addsolution (  You can run
 this on a server that has central admin on it.  Because you are installing a
 solution it will automatically install each feature in the solution onto
 every web front end on the farm.

 When you create a feature you can set the scope for the feature to Web,
 Site, WebApplication or Farm.  Look at this link to see what elements in a
 feature can be scoped at different levels:  (  A custom action
 can be scoped at any of these levels.

 Why do you want to copy the files manually when you can run a simple
 command line to do it properly for you?  If you were to go down the path of
 installing individual features that were not wrapped up in a solution you
 would have to copy the files to their destination manually, and then run a
 command on each WFE to install the feature, but solutions remove that

 I believe that installing a solution will do an iis reset automatically for
 you.  Sombody please correct me here if I am wrong.

 Other things you should know:  Once you have installed the solution that
 means it is available in Central Admin.  You still need to deploy the
 solution to sites.  This effectively makes the features inside the solution
 available to the areas you deploy it do.  You can deploy the solution either
 through stsadm deploysolution (, or from Central
 AdminOperationsSolutions Management.

 Hope this helps.


 *Sent:* Friday, 28 November 2008 11:43 AM
 *Subject:* [OzMOSS] VS Project type for feature - a few questions

 Hi all,

 I finally have some developer questions! This is my first foray into
 creating a feature for MOSS so please be gentle. J

 I have created a custom list action and a 'copy item' command for the ECB
 and would now like to deploy them with a single feature.

 I now have the following files and folder structure:





 So far so good.

 I would now like to wrap everything up in a solution but WSPBuilder
 Extensions expects a project file.



 -  What type of  project file should I start with for something like
 this? I have the VSeWSS for VS 2008 installed.

 -  Do I install on the application server or (one of) the web front

 -  Can I set the scope to Site?

 -  Is there anything preventing me from just copying the files to
 their destination manually?

 -  Does this require an IIS reset?

 -  Is there anything else I should know?

 Thanks in advance,


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Re: [OzMOSS] Sharepoint Object Modal to server 2

2008-11-12 Thread sezai komur
Tommy and Brendan are correct.
 but I thought you could on same network/domain?

I think the servers need to be part of the same SharePoint Farm - not 100%
sure if you can instantiate an SPSite object on a server if it doesn't have
the site explicitly extended or running on the server. If they're in the
same farm and you still can't create an SPSite then you can extend the same
web app to both servers to be able to run OM code on both servers that will
affect the same site collection.

If that still doesn't work then Brendan's suggestion regarding web services
is the way to go.


On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 9:50 AM, Trent Allday [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:


 I think that you can only use the object model to access web apps within
 the same farm...  (Correct me if I'm wrong devs)  You may have to bite the
 bullet here and use the web services.

 I know you cant use the object model to remote servers but I thought you
 could on same network/domain? I have done it before using one server – I
 just made the two sites use the same application pool (in this case that's
 not possible).

 I can ping the server and the telnet GET command returns this.



 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf
 Of *Daniel Brown
 *Sent:* Thursday, 13 November 2008 11:20 AM
 *Subject:* RE: [OzMOSS] Sharepoint Object Modal to server 2

 Hi Trent,

 Really silly question, but can Server2 ping Server1? If so, can it connect
 to Server1 via telnet on port 80? (start-run-cmd-telnet server1 80)?

 From the look of the error message, it's more of a connectivity issue that



 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf
 Of *Trent Allday
 *Sent:* Thursday, 13 November 2008 10:42 AM
 *Subject:* [OzMOSS] Sharepoint Object Modal to server 2


 Hoping someone can help me out here after endless googling.

 I have two sharepoint MOSS environments (2 separate servers) both are on
 the same internal network using the same Active Directory.

 I am trying to lookup a sharepoint list on server 1 from server 2's
 sharepoint site. Below is the code snippet from the webpart on server 2.

 Using mysite As New SPSite(http://server1/;)

 Using ElevatedSite As SPWeb = mysite.OpenWeb()

 Dim List As SPList = ElevatedSite.Lists(Associations)

 Dim query As SPQuery = New SPQuery()

 Dim items As SPListItemCollection = List.GetItems(query)

   'print first column of first row


 ElevatedSite.AllowUnsafeUpdates = False

 End Using

 End Using

 I am getting the following error:

 *The Web application at http://server1  could not be found. Verify that
 you have typed the URL correctly. If the URL should be serving existing
 content, the system administrator may need to add a new request URL mapping
 to the intended application.*

 I have tried chaning the identity user for the application pool on server 2
 but has failed to do anything. Maybe the identity user doesn't have
 permissions to server1 db, but from I can see the user should!??

 I could try using web services but I saw articles on the net with perople
 experiencing issue with that aswell…

 If anybody could shed some light on this it would be great.



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Re: [OzMOSS] RE: SharePoint Custom Edit Form ASCX using GAC based assembly

2008-10-28 Thread sezai komur
Check these:
1.  The .ascx file should contain something like this in its first line

%@ Control Language=C# AutoEventWireup=true
CodeBehind=YourUserControl.ascx.cs %

2.  The namespace of your code file needs to match the namespace specified
in the .ascx
3.  You code file needs to inherit from System.Web.UI.UserControl

probably more to it - but that's all I can think of at the moment.


On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Trevor Andrew [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

  Hi All,

 I've got a custom edit form ASCX which includes an SPDataSource and
 SPGridView control. We have a number of methods that respond to the OnInit
 method of the SPDataSource originally ...

 We've got all this going using a codefile distributed with the ASCX, but
 we'd obviously prefer to distribute the code as a GACable assembly ... We've
 been able to create the class, reference it using an Assembly directive
 within the ASCX control, but we don't seem to be able to directly reference
 the methods in the assembly from the inline event attributes within the
 markup of the ASCX control. For example, in the SPDataSource definition, we
 have an OnInit attribute:

 OnInit= onDsImagesOnInit

 When the code was in the codefile associated with the ASCX this all worked
 fine. We've tried a number of combinations such as qualifying the method
 name with the assembly name, the namespace qualified assembly name ... but
 we always get the same sort of error message:

 'ASP.editxxx_ascx' does not contain a definition for 'assemblyName' and no
 extension method 'assemblyName' accepting a first argument of type
 'ASP.editxxx_ascx' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an
 assembly reference?)C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
 Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\template\layouts\SPControls\xxx.ascx

 Any thoughts on the correct approach for this would be much appreciated


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Re: [OzMOSS] Sending documents to Published Document Libraries

2008-10-28 Thread sezai komur
See -
By default, you can use the *Send To* command to copy files to libraries
within a site collection. If you copy files from a client computer that has
a program that is compatible with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0,
such as Microsoft Office Word 2007, and a browser that supports Microsoft
ActiveX Controls, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, you can use the *Send
To* command to copy files not only between libraries within a site
collection, but also between different Web applications. If you copy files
from the browser of a client computer that does not support ActiveX
Controls, you will be able to copy files only to libraries within site
collections that share the same domain name (top-level site name) as the
source library.
If you need to copy files to a site that either has forms authentication
enabled or is a secure site (for example, a site with a URL that begins with
https://), you must add the copy destination to the list of trusted sites in
your browser.
I was attempting the exact same 'copy to' as you recently and I could
not get the copy to function correctly between web applications on the same
SharePoint server !   it works fine copying docs within the same site
collection though.

See this - Amanda states that it works
between web apps - but the first comment to the blog post states that they
can't get it to function between web apps.

So in the end I -

1. Developed a custom 'Edit Control Block' item to add my own Copy to
blahblah link which would redirect the user to a custom application page I
developed, passing in the list guid and list item id to my custom Copy page.
2. My custom Copy page implements a button and custom code to copy the
3. I made use of the SPListItem.CopyTo() method to do the copy the document,
and I recall I had to set the source SPWeb to AllowUnsafeUpdates=true.  and
I was able to get this to copy the documents to different web apps!
4. It seems quite a lot of people have problems with even using the
SPListItem.CopyTo() method -

In the end after all this custom dev I got it to work fine and can now copy
docs between web apps, and by implementing a custom copy page you have more
control over functionality to lock down parts of it as needed. ie. I check
if the source and destination documents are not checked out before allowing
the copy - and I have locked down the destination copy location from
specific source libraries to specific destination libraries.

The best part is I not only needed to copy the docs but also modify word
document contents. I used the OpenXml SDK and on copying the document I
implemented code to change the document content. ie. swap out text and
images automatically on the copy to keep the same document content but
rebrand it for another business unit.


My custom Copy page then had a copy

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 11:30 AM, Kristopher Currie [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

  Hi guys,

 I am hoping someone can point me out in the right direction.

 I am working with a client at the moment using WSS 3.0. My client deals
 mostly in writing reports and collaborating with other customer departments.
 I have created various Team Sites with attached Document sites..

 I have also created a Published Document Library on the Top Level Site.

 What I want to do is when a team has finished their collaborated documents
 in their team sites, they can send those documents to the Published
 Documents library, and from there attach these documents to their reports.

 When I use the Send To option in the Team libraries, it says to state the
 URL that I want to send them to.
 I use the URL of the Published document library, but when I hit okay, an
 error message appears:

 There were errors copying to this location, ensure the location exists,
 you have write permissions to it and the destination file is not in use.

 The sticking point is that when I test the URL, it comes up with my desired

 I am a junior developer and I wasn't present for the initial build on the
 site, has anyone experienced this before, and if so, what area should I be
 looking at?

 Thanks in advance.



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Re: [OzMOSS] MOSS 2007 Application Development Exam

2008-10-11 Thread sezai komur
That's so true - which is why I don't ever take exam scores as an indication
of a good developer - which is a shame because some people do the exams
without getting trial exams off the web - ie. they study the usual 'honest'
way and go into the exam without seeing the questions previously.
Some people are good at exams and do well - but the same people when working
on real world projects they 'aren't so good'

Some people can also FAIL exams badly, but they can be quite good developers
when working on actual projects for work...

On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Arjan Paauw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The biggest problem I have is that the questions where identical to the
 trial exams you can find on the web.

 I have 3 SharePoint certifications with 100% score..

 But I don't feel they are worth anything because I knew all the questions
 already. It feels like a scam.



 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf
 Of *sezai komur
 *Sent:* Friday, 10 October 2008 8:02 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [OzMOSS] MOSS 2007 Application Development Exam

 Yep I did it last year - and the biggest problem with the exam is yeah -
 such a broad range of topics to study. It's also common for people to only
 work with a few aspects of MOSS 2007 and people don't end up getting
 experience in BDC, Excel Services and other parts of the pie.

 Just do your best to cover EVERYTHING mate.

 On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 5:20 PM, Uzma Naz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 My company have asked me to sit an exam to get certification, it is for
 exam 70-542.

 I'm pretty confident with the material, just wanted to seek some advice on
 where to source information, how best to practice material.

 Areas that I must work on is the BI, BDC, SSO areas, as I have not worked
 on these for a while.

 Wondering how many of us have passed this exam!



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Re: [OzMOSS] RE: Some broken links after port change

2008-09-17 Thread sezai komur
I think this Changing a sites URL / Moving a site to a new farm issue
really needs to be sorted out for SharePoint VNext
This is related to the 'incorrect page layout url' issue that was posted
here a day or two ago. Absolute URLs are stored within a SharePoint content
database and there is no simple straightforward way to update all the
references correctly. To the point where only STSADM Export / Import (which
uses the PRIME / Content Deployment API) is the only supported method for
migrating sites between farms (ie. Dev -- Test -- Prod)

The problem is that the majority of people out there (including myself)
still heavily utilise 'unsupported method' for moving sites between farms -
Site Collection Backup / Restore or  via SQL Content Database backup /
restore because they are faster and simpler than the supported method.

So if a site is created in the farm that it will eventually end up 'living'
in then no worries - but if you want the flexibility to 'MOVE' your sites
around between farms or utilise different urls or host names then you
constantly run into time wasting and problematic issues like this.

There really needs to be a more simple, proven, documented and SUPPORTED
manner to do this sort of thing

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Paul Noone 

  Quick update: although nothing is displayed in code view in SPD, when
 selecting a delegatecontrol a large range of properties become visible in
 the Tag Properties pane.

 I can see the PageUri here and have changed it to reflect the new port
 number but this also adds  the value to the control in code view.

 e.g. SharePoint:delegatecontrol ControlId=GlobalSiteLink1 Scope=Farm
 runat=server PageUri=http://mydomain:999/_vti_bin/webpartpages.asmx;

 Is this the right way to go about changing these? I can't seem to find any
 other means through Central Administration and these hard coded changes are
 bound to get carried across to our production environment.



 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf
 Of *Paul Noone
 *Sent:* Thursday, 18 September 2008 3:10 PM
 *Subject:* [OzMOSS] Some broken links after port change

 Hi all,

 We recently had to change the port for our dev environment. Almost
 everything seems to have gone off without a hitch with the exception of a
 few broken links in master page controls.

 -  Search form

 -  My Site

 -  My Links (sub links only)

 All point to the old port number.

 Is this a caching issue, or are absolute URLs set in some of the config
 files when these things were initially setup?

 Kind regards,


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Re: [OzMOSS] SharePoint output cache breaks the navigation menu

2008-09-16 Thread sezai komur
Did you backup this site from another URL and then restore with a different
name? Or possibly moved this site between SharePoint Farms?

I've seen this before in a site - pretty nasty error - basically your Page
Layout URL is incorrect and referencing an older site.
Luckily - as on many other ocassions Gary Lapointe comes to the rescue

Fixes the Page Layout URL property of publishing pages which can get
messed up during an upgrade or from importing into a new farm.

This is just a guess by the way - but I am suggesting this as we experienced
a similar thing - ie. a menu item that renders as Error and hovering over
the item displays the nasty error message Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.

Also - i've seen a number of varying problems in the past throwing an
exception on - 
and it's not always the same reason - so googling this stuff can be

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 5:45 PM, Ajay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am turning on MOSS output cache. (This is working fine on some other

 When I check the option

 Page layouts can use a different page output cache profile

 Click Okay.. the navigation menu disappears, only top site tab remains
 in navigation and a new tab called Error appears.
 When I hover over the error tab.. it displays
 title=An error occured while rendering navigation for requested URL:
 /. Exception message: Value does not fall within the expected range.
 Stack trace:at

 bstrUrl, Int32 METADATAFLAGS, Guidamp; pgListId, Int32amp; plItemId,
 Int32amp; plType, Objectamp; pvarFileOrFolder)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetMetadataForUrl(String
 bstrUrl, Int32 METADATAFLAGS, Guidamp; pgListId, Int32amp; plItemId,
 Int32amp; plType, Objectamp; pvarFileOrFolder)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.GetMetadataForUrl(String relUrl,
 Int32 mondoProcHint, Guidamp; listId, Int32amp; itemId, Int32amp;
 typeOfObject, Objectamp; fileOrFolder)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.GetFileOrFolderObject(String strUrl)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.CommonUtilities.GetFileFromUrl(String
 url, SPWeb web)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingPage.get_Layout()
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.CachedPage..ctor(PublishingPage
 page, SPListItem altItem, String id, String parentId, String title,
 String url, String description, CachedObjectFactory factory,
 List`1amp; fieldInfo)
 page, SPListItem altItem, CachedObjectFactory factory, List`1amp;
 adminPage, PublishingPage readerPage, List`1amp; fieldInfo)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.CachedArea.GetChildPageIds()
 includedTypes, NodeTypes includedHiddenTypes, OrderingMethod ordering,
 AutomaticSortingMethod method, Boolean ascending, Int32 lcid)
 node, NodeTypes includedHiddenTypes)
 id=zz1_TopNavigationMenun1table class=ms-topnav
 zz1_TopNavigationMenu_4 ms-topnavselected zz1_TopNavigationMenu_10
 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%

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Re: [OzMOSS] MediaWiki migration to SharePoint

2008-09-15 Thread sezai komur
If there are none out there then you could build your own migration tool -
that's if you can programmatically get to the MediaWiki data using custom
.NET code - you could then create Wiki pages in SharePoint using SharePoint
OM Code.
BUT - if it's just 100 pages and this is the only MediaWiki migration you
are ever likely to do then I would tell the client to do it manually as it
will likely take less time and effort then developing a tool to migrate the

OR - you can build the MediaWiki to SharePoint Wiki migration tool and put
it up onto CodePlex for others to share :)

2008/9/15 Michael Nemtsev [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Did someone try to migrate MediaWiki to sharepoint?!

 Client has about 100 pages in mediawiki and going to start manual
 page-by-page migration all pages to sharepoint wiki sites.

 I tried to find any tools, but everything I found were FlexiWiki import
 tool from CKS, albeit there were mention that these guys are working on
 other wiki engines tools (including mediawiki) to export them.

 But I found nothing else except those proposals.

 *Michael Nemtsev  *|* *WSS MCTS, MS MVP

 B: T: +61 424 184 978 E:

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RE: [OzMOSS] RE: 64-bit versus 32-bit for MOSS Environments

2008-09-10 Thread Sezai KOMUR

Sent: Wednesday, 10 September 2008 11:35 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: 64-bit versus 32-bit for MOSS Environments

Thanks Sezai - good to know that it's not a deal-breaker.

Sent: Wednesday, 10 September 2008 11:08 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: 64-bit versus 32-bit for MOSS Environments

 I'm concerned about support for developer tools in a 64-bit environment

I've worked on projects where all our DEV environments are 32-bit but the 
production environment is 64-bit and this has caused no issues. You can develop 
the same Features+Solutions in a 32-bit environment and they should deploy fine 
to a 64-bit environment. I've also backed up sites from 32-bit farms and 
restored to 64-bit farms with no problems at all.
Sezai Kömür   BEng, BSc
Senior Developer  - Vivid Group
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Crabbe, David
Sent: Wednesday, 10 September 2008 11:00 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] 64-bit versus 32-bit for MOSS Environments

I'm looking for some advice on MOSS 2007 server environments and how it might 
effect development.

The Microsoft Best Practices for SharePoint Server 
( recommend a 64-bit 
architecture throughout, which is fine.  I'm concerned about support for 
developer tools in a 64-bit environment.  AFAIK, VSeWSS still doesn't work on a 
64-bit O/S.  Are there any other gotchas that I should be aware of?


David Crabbe
Asia-Pacific Web Solutions Centre
Fujitsu Australia Ltd
T: +61 8 9268 1505

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RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Production upgrade - user redirect - best practice?

2008-09-09 Thread Sezai KOMUR
Interesting -
What happens with Solutions that are scoped as Global - Do they trigger an IIS 
or Solutions that target multiple web applications instead of a single one?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Witherdin, Nigel
Sent: Tuesday, 9 September 2008 3:21 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Production upgrade - user redirect - best practice?

I think (though could be wrong) that it recycles the application pools of the 
Web Applications the solution is being deployed to, rather then a complete 
IISReset, which gives you the option of redirecting to another web 
application/web site on the same server that is under a different app pool.

Can anyone confirm this?


Nigel Witherdin
Senior Support Analyst

Direct Dial: +44 (0) 84 549 754 17
Mobile: +44 (0) 7738 553256


Sent: 09 September 2008 07:01
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Production upgrade - user redirect - best practice?
As far as I know an UpgradeSolution triggers an IIS Reset on your web server - 
so while the Solution Upgrade and IIS Reset is executing users will temporarily 
have no access to any IIS websites on the server, even after the upgrade users 
need to wait for the site to warm up, which can take ages for SharePoint sites. 
In a single server farm I'm afraid there isn't much you can do in the way of 
redirecting users. In that case it's probably best to execute the 
UpgradeSolution after hours over night if site availability is a high priority.
In a backup/restore scenario then IIS should still be operational and you could 
temporarily redirect users to another IIS website containing a page with a The 
System is being upgraded type message.
I must admit most of the time it's simply easiest to let users know that the 
site is being upgraded and they may experience problems connecting to the site 
in that time. For a MOSS 2007 WCM Internet website that's not possible so it's 
best to schedule upgrades in non-peak times - even though the site could 
possibly be accessed in non-peak times by some users.
What do others do in the case of solution upgrades and system maintenance to 
ensure availability of sites to keep users happy?
Sezai Kömür   BEng, BSc
Senior Developer  - Vivid Group
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wampers, Wilson 
[Talent International]
Sent: Tuesday, 9 September 2008 11:42 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] Production upgrade - user redirect - best practice?
Hi All,
Just a quick reflection:
On a small single server farm - production,  (WFE, SPS, Search all on one 
machine), what would be best practice in the communities opinion to redirect 
the user(s) during a solution upgrade? (backups, solution updates etc...)
Any thoughts, recommendations?
Kind Regards,

Wilson Wampers
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RE: [OzMOSS] Setting Library View Programmatically

2008-08-28 Thread Sezai KOMUR
Feature Event Receivers sounds like the 'proper' approach (SharePointy) to this 
except they are less trivial to develop, setup, deploy, and debug when you hit 
problems with them in comparison to a quick console app or using powershell 
that list out exception messages and callstack. Depends how much time you have 
and whether you do need the ability to activate the feature across many web 
apps - Features can easily be activated and deactivated on sites via Site 
Settings - so once the feature receiver is deployed then all it requires is 
activating a feature to create the views programmatically for you.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Witherdin, Nigel
Sent: Thursday, 28 August 2008 3:13 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] Setting Library View Programmatically

I would do it as a feature (so it could be turned off again, be applied to 
other web applications, acted on a site by site or on entire site collection, 
packaged nicely in a solution etc.), and put the code in the feature event 

But then I haven't played with powershell much, and if it was to be a run-once 
operation, a console app or a script can often be the easiest thing

Nigel Witherdin
Senior Support Analyst

Direct Dial: +44 (0) 84 549 754 17
Mobile: +44 (0) 7738 553256


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Culmsee
Sent: 28 August 2008 02:35
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] Setting Library View Programmatically
This is probably best done with powershell perhaps, as these sorts of coding 
efforts tend to be quick and dirty and the whole overhead of compiled app in 
visual studio is a little overkill.
I find powershell really useful for 'smallish' little batch operations like 
this that are typically performed by a system administrator.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Farnhill
Sent: Thursday, 28 August 2008 9:18 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] Setting Library View Programmatically
Well you would need to do it in code somewhere, so that really depends on what 
your preference is - you could easily put together a windows application that 
would do this.
To copy the view around your code would basically be finding the view object 
from the source document library and then add it to each other document 
library. So for example, to get the view use something like this:
SPList sourceDocumentLibrary; // I'm assuming this already exists - get the 
list from the appropriate place though
SPView newView = sourceDocumentLibrary.Views[My View Name];
And then to add it get the new library as an SPList object and parse the 
properties of the newView object into the SPList.Views.Add() method.
That should get you started in the right direction.
Brian Farnhill
Technical Consulting

Mobile:   0408 289 303
Fax:  02 8001 7778
Web: www.uniqueworld.net
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anthony Lee
Sent: Thursday, 28 August 2008 11:10 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] Setting Library View Programmatically
Which file would you create the SP View object in? Would you know the steps for 
doing this and how to use code to copy the view around?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Farnhill
Sent: Thursday, 28 August 2008 10:03 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] Setting Library View Programmatically
It is possible to create views from code. There are a few ways of going about 
it but basically you create the SPView object and then add it to the Views 
collection of each document library. I'm pretty sure you could create the view 
in one spot and then use code to copy it around (I don't think there would be 
any issues as long as each document library had the required columns for the 
Brian Farnhill
Technical Consulting

Mobile:   0408 289 303
Fax:  02 8001 7778
Web: www.uniqueworld.net
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anthony Lee
Sent: Thursday, 28 August 2008 10:05 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] Setting Library View Programmatically
If we have a number of existing sites that has a document library which has the 
same views, and one day we decide to add an additional view to the document 
library, is it possible to replicate that view across all the existing sites' 
document library? i.e. programmatically add that view to the document library 

RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Site Templates!!!

2008-08-24 Thread Sezai KOMUR
Save Site as Template is not supported for Publishing sites :   The supported method to create 
templates for publishing sites is to use site definition templates.
Unfortunatelly the answer for this question is: saving publishing enabled sites 
as a template is not supported and it does not work. You cannot use this option 
to create new sites. Instead you should create site definitions (..\web server 
extensions\12\template\SiteTemplates) and provision the new site based on such 
a site definition.
Update April 24th, 2008: The same statement applies if you save the template 
from SharePoint Designer. Also not supported.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Reddy, Anand
Sent: Monday, 25 August 2008 1:33 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Site Templates!!!

I am using customised layout pages.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Monday, 25 August 2008 2:44 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Site Templates!!!

Are you using custom, or customised, layout pages (with custom content type 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caroline Specker 
Sent: Monday, 25 August 2008 2:41 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Site Templates!!!

Is the first page of your site using a Welcome Page page layout?  If not then 
that could be the problem.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Reddy, Anand
Sent: Monday, 25 August 2008 12:17 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] Site Templates!!!

Hi Guys

I am trying to save Publishing Portal and Collaboration Portal sites as 
templates. When I create a new site using the new template, I am getting the 
following error:

This page is not using a valid page layout.  To correct the problem, edit page 
settings and select a valid page layout.

A colleague mentioned there are problems with the publishing  and collaboration 
portal sites. Just wondering if there is any solution for this problem.


Anand Reddy
(Web/DB Systems Administrator - DET)

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RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Hit count for list items...

2008-08-07 Thread Sezai KOMUR
That's a nice implementation because chances are a list item could be viewed 
tens of thousands of times and you may face scalability issues, so storing it 
straight in another database is a good idea. It's good that the data can then 
be accessed in a SharePoint site via a custom list item menu option and other 
ways in SharePoint sites.
I've found I've been approaching some development in a similar way, ie. Don't 
store the data in SharePoint directly instead store it in another system and 
you can still surface the data in SharePoint, so it looks like SharePoint, 
smells like SharePoint but it isn't 100% SharePoint J
This depends on whether users want a SharePoint List interface to manage the 
data though, and whether they need the other good stuff lists provide such as 
versioning, security, workflow etc.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Crabbe, David
Sent: Friday, 8 August 2008 10:19 AM
To:; Hinson, Brad
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Hit count for list items...

I've seen something similar done with an HTTP Module that records hits on the 
DispForm.aspx for a particular type of list.  The viewing statistics are stored 
in a database rather than on the list itself and then made available by a 
feature which adds a new Viewing History option to the context menu for the 
list item.  The viewing statistics are also made available on a dashboard page 
via Excel Services.

Just a thought,

David Crabbe
Web Solutions Team
Fujitsu Australia Ltd
T: +61 8 9268 1505

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthew Cosier
Sent: Friday, 8 August 2008 6:47 AM
To:; Hinson, Brad
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Hit count for list items...
Actually, what you could probably do if you wanted to get tricky, would be to 
edit the javascript (or perhaps change the list template to use a new set of 
JS), such that it performs a client side script method call to a web service 
hosted under the same web application, which looks up the current item that you 
clicked, and performs the same increment on the column as mentioned below - but 
we're getting very hacky, and maintenance would be a concern.  But it's just 
ASP.NET, so there's always a way around these things.

Matthew Cosier
Readify | Dev Centre Lead
M: +61 401 932 250 | E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Blog: 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthew Cosier
Sent: Friday, 8 August 2008 8:43 AM
To: Hinson, Brad;
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Hit count for list items...

Hi Brad,

You could have achieved this using an eventsink or a workflow attached to the 
list - however, there isn't a hook for when an item is opened, only when it's 
edited (correct me if i'm wrong there though).  Does that suffice?
This means a user would actually have to save the list item back into the list 
- aka, open a document, change it and save it, for instance.

Once you have the entry point, you can write some code against the API which 
simply grabs the edited list item, takes the current value out of the custom 
field (column) and increments it, and shoves it back in.
Matthew Cosier
Readify | Dev Centre Lead
M: +61 401 932 250 | E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Blog: 

From: Hinson, Brad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 8 August 2008 3:29 AM
Subject: Hit count for list items...

Does anyone have a strategy for recording hits for individual items on a list?  
Ideally, I'd like a custom column that automatically increments (+1) each time 
someone opens the list item.  That's it.  Sounds simple, but I can't figure 
this one out.  Any help would be appreciated.


Brad  Hinson
Open Learning Coordinator
MiraCosta College

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RE: [OzMOSS] Diplay pages in hierarchy

2008-07-09 Thread Sezai KOMUR
MOSS publishing sites intrinsically use subsites as a level in hierarchy with 
one pages library per subsite representing a grouping of pages.

It's tough when you want to work outside of this structure as the 
SiteMapProviders are built/optimised to run off the above assumption.

I like Bill's suggestion - you could add an extra site column to your page 
layouts and use that for extra grouping within one subsite.
Then build all your menus to make use of that page field.

You may find that such a solution could cause performance issues as you now 
need to read the extra field from EVERY page when building the nav - so the 
sitemap providers do not return all the data which you need to build the menu, 
as you now need to loop through every page and get the field value from its 
SPListItem object.

But WSS guys who've built custom Nav controls will have experienced these 
issues as you don't have the same Navigation providers that MOSS does - there's 
many ways you can implement custom menus.

Sezai Kömür   BEng, BSc
Senior Developer  - Vivid Group
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Williamson
Sent: Wednesday, 9 July 2008 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [OzMOSS] Diplay pages in hierarchy

We have this issue as well, and are looking into a tagging solution
with customized display rendering instead.

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Paul Noone
 Has anyone here managed to group pages into a hierarchy so that they display
 in tree view (navigation and breadcrumbs) in the manner of a traditional web

 I'm looking for a solution to port our existing website to a MOSS publishing
 site that doesn't involve creating subsites every time I want to create a
 hierarchy or grouping of pages, and it doesn't look like an OOTB one exists.

 Any tips, tricks or leads to custom web parts appreciated.



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RE: [OzMOSS] Custom Menu text appearing in search results

2008-07-03 Thread Sezai KOMUR
Forwarded this on to an old friend who works overseas now who has experience 
building this sort of thing.

 His reply

Yeah I remember this stuff - bad memories mate :)  Another option might be
to use JavaScript to build navigation menu items - the crawler wouldn't be
able to interpret the script. It kinda sucks to do this and it might break
accessibility requirements, screen readers and a bunch of other things.

The solution you describe works, but you still need to provide some sort of
index of all site content if there's no other way for the crawler to follow

MondoSearch (remember that?!) used to support a noindex.../noindex tag
that told the crawler to ignore a chunk of HTML. That's nice because links
can still be followed and the content is not indexed, but the tag is not
conformant to any HTML standards and wouldn't validate.

A nice idea would be to add an attribute to an existing tag. Something like:
div rel=noindex.../div. I *think* this is standards compliant but
would have to check. Certainly Google are pushing a rel=nofollow attribute
and some other search engines are catching on. It would be nice if the
SharePoint search could support these. I haven't looked into it, but it
might be possible to extend (or replace) the existing iFilters for HTML to
add this behaviour.

I guess hiding the navigation controls is the best approach right now. Even
though that still kinda sucks!

I'll stop with the ranting. You shouldn't have brought back those memories

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Culmsee
Sent: Thursday, 3 July 2008 4:25 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] Custom Menu text appearing in search results

Nice work Sezai. I find WGET excellent for this purpose also (for what it's
worth many sites abuse google crawls using UserAgent methods like this)

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, 3 July 2008 3:22 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] Custom Menu text appearing in search results

See this :

You could possibly implement your own exclusion system by building in
cloaking for your navigation controls.

1. Implement code in your navigation control to detect the User Agent string
of the current request which will determine if the page is being indexed by
the Enterprise Search Crawler. You can get the crawler user agent string
from the following registry key.

Server\12.0\Search\Global\Gathering Manager]

UserAgent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT; MS
Search 5.0 Robot)

2. If the user agent matches the above than this.Visible = false; in your
navigation control will hide it completely and the text will not be indexed.

It's quite complicated to test and implement this sort of thing - Firefox
has a User Agent Switcher add-on which you can use to test your code is
working correctly.

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RE: [OzMOSS] Custom Menu text appearing in search results

2008-07-03 Thread Sezai KOMUR
 I am thinking if it has already indexed the text of the menu than what will 

That should be fine - if you clear your content index completely and then 
re-crawl. SSP -- Search Settings -- Reset all crawled content

 Has anyone idea if this kind of thing also happens with the menu controls 
 which come with MOSS or is it a problem only for custom menus..

Not sure about that, and I too am curious if the OOTB menus also cause this 
search index relevancy problem. Does anyone else experience these search 
relevancy problems caused by ootb navigation controls?

Sezai Kömür   BEng, BSc
Senior Developer  - Vivid Group
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ajay
Sent: Thursday, 3 July 2008 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: [OzMOSS] Custom Menu text appearing in search results

Thanks a lot mates.. so this means in my custom menu control.. I need
to check at pre-render if the request is coming from MOSS Search and
in this case hide the navigation control...
I am thinking if it has already indexed the text of the menu than what
will happen...
My problem is that my knowledge of Sharepoint search is non-existant

Has anyone idea if this kind of thing also happens with the menu
controls which come with MOSS or is it a problem only for custom

Many thanks

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 8:32 PM, Sezai KOMUR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Forwarded this on to an old friend who works overseas now who has experience 
 building this sort of thing.

 His reply

 Yeah I remember this stuff - bad memories mate :)  Another option might be
 to use JavaScript to build navigation menu items - the crawler wouldn't be
 able to interpret the script. It kinda sucks to do this and it might break
 accessibility requirements, screen readers and a bunch of other things.

 The solution you describe works, but you still need to provide some sort of
 index of all site content if there's no other way for the crawler to follow

 MondoSearch (remember that?!) used to support a noindex.../noindex tag
 that told the crawler to ignore a chunk of HTML. That's nice because links
 can still be followed and the content is not indexed, but the tag is not
 conformant to any HTML standards and wouldn't validate.

 A nice idea would be to add an attribute to an existing tag. Something like:
 div rel=noindex.../div. I *think* this is standards compliant but
 would have to check. Certainly Google are pushing a rel=nofollow attribute
 and some other search engines are catching on. It would be nice if the
 SharePoint search could support these. I haven't looked into it, but it
 might be possible to extend (or replace) the existing iFilters for HTML to
 add this behaviour.

 I guess hiding the navigation controls is the best approach right now. Even
 though that still kinda sucks!

 I'll stop with the ranting. You shouldn't have brought back those memories

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Culmsee
 Sent: Thursday, 3 July 2008 4:25 PM
 Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] Custom Menu text appearing in search results

 Nice work Sezai. I find WGET excellent for this purpose also (for what it's
 worth many sites abuse google crawls using UserAgent methods like this)

 -Original Message-
 Sezai KOMUR
 Sent: Thursday, 3 July 2008 3:22 PM
 Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] Custom Menu text appearing in search results

 See this :

 You could possibly implement your own exclusion system by building in
 cloaking for your navigation controls.

 1. Implement code in your navigation control to detect the User Agent string
 of the current request which will determine if the page is being indexed by
 the Enterprise Search Crawler. You can get the crawler user agent string
 from the following registry key.

 Server\12.0\Search\Global\Gathering Manager]

UserAgent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT; MS
 Search 5.0 Robot)

 2. If the user agent matches the above than this.Visible = false; in your
 navigation control will hide it completely and the text will not be indexed.

 It's quite complicated to test and implement this sort of thing - Firefox
 has a User Agent Switcher add-on which you can use to test your code is
 working correctly.

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RE: [OzMOSS] How to programmatically get the Date, Time Location from the Meeting Workspace

2008-07-01 Thread Sezai KOMUR
Is there a need for your own GetListDataSet method?  SPListItemCollection 
already has a GetDataTable method.
SPWeb oWebsite = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPList oList = oWebsite.Lists[List_Name];
SPListItemCollection collListItems = oList.Items;

DataGrid1.DataSource = collListItems.GetDataTable();

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ed Richard
Sent: Tuesday, 1 July 2008 3:19 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] How to programmatically get the Date, Time  Location 
from the Meeting Workspace

Found some old code Haris, it's toitally taken out of context so it does not 
make any sense but I had to quickly test and see what happens.
Anyway, you can access a list called Meeting Series  in a Meeting Workspace, 
this contains the info you want.


  static void Main(string[] args)
DataSet ds = listmeetinginfo();
static DataSet listmeetinginfo()
DataSetds ;
using (SPSite oSPsite = new SPSite(http://spdev2008/RandD;))
ds = GetListDataSet(Meeting Series, oSPsite);
return ds;

 static DataSet GetListDataSet(string cList, SPSite mySite)
DataSet ds = new DataSet(cList);
SPWeb site = mySite.OpenWeb(/RandD/MS1);
SPList list = site.Lists[cList];
// Add a DataTable for each List
DataTable dt = new DataTable(list.Title);
// Add the columns based on List definition
SPFieldCollection fields = list.Fields;
int n = 0;
foreach (SPField field in fields)
// Why, I don't know, but it seems to work when I skip this 
if (field.InternalName != InstanceID)
n = n + 1;
DataColumn dc = new DataColumn(field.Title + _ + 
n.ToString()); //field.InternalName);
// Add the data
foreach (SPListItem Item in list.Items)
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
//  dt.Columns.Count-2
for (int i = 0; i = n - 2; i++)
if (Item[i] != null)
dr[i] = Item[i].ToString();
dr[i] = NULL;

return ds;

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Haris Siakallis
Sent: Tuesday, 1 July 2008 4:46 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] How to programmatically get the Date, Time  Location 
from the Meeting Workspace

I thought about this, however there can be multiple events with the same 
MeetingInstanceID on the calendar list? But I will look into it again.

Thanks for the help.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ed Richard
Sent: Tuesday, 1 July 2008 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] How to programmatically get the Date, Time  Location 
from the Meeting Workspace

Haris, I think an option is to use the MeetingInstanceID  and SPQuery to query 
the Calendar list for items related to the meeting workspace. Sorry, I'm doing 
this from memory haven't got any source code for you.

Ed Richard
Senior Consultant, SharePoint MVP
M:  04 06385559  P:  03 97623155
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Haris Siakallis
Sent: Tuesday, 1 July 2008 3:11 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] How to programmatically get the Date, Time  Location from 
the Meeting Workspace


I am wondering how to programmatically retrieve the Date, Time  Location from 
a meeting workspace using or C#.

I have been surfing the internet for the last few hours with no success. 
However I came across two identical questions, in which no answer was provided.

RE: [OzMOSS] SharePoint designer crashes

2008-06-19 Thread Sezai KOMUR
You may want to try out the SharePoint Developer Explorer on codeplex, it's a 
Visual Studio plugin which allows you to view and open files from a SharePoint 
site in Visual Studio for editing.
Sezai Kömür   BEng, BSc
Senior Developer  - Vivid Group
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Crabbe, David
Sent: Friday, 20 June 2008 10:43 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] SharePoint designer crashes

Okay, thanks.

Well I've discovered a workaround to my own problem with editing web part pages 
using SPD on a remote site.  In SPD you can choose to Open With... when trying 
to edit a page.  When you edit in an application like Visual Studio, your 
changes are committed back to SharePoint successfully, unlike SPD.

Just in case anyone else experiences a similar issue.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig Stevens
Sent: Friday, 20 June 2008 10:33 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] SharePoint designer crashes
I have given up at the moment. I don't have enough knowledge on how to fix it. 
I strongly suspect it is due to a setup error. I had a similar problem in the 
past .It went away after I re-installed wss after a server re-install. I hadn't 
used SPD used it for a while, and it has come back. Between times, I have 
restored SP from a backup, and have had a lot of little problems that I have 
fixed by mucking around with wss.
I have been tracking down all the errors in my event log, and hoping that 
fixing all of these might eventually fix the problem with SPD.
Previously I had to save the page I was working on after any change to avoid a 
I think the culprit is either permission on my database server, or .net. I 
strongly suspect it is .net
When I am less busy, I will do a complete re-install, and check if SPD is 
working, and then restore from backup top see if it works after that.
During my research, I found a suggestion that if it was the SPD installation, 
there might be an issue if you have several versions of office, i.e. 2003.

I will post if I have success.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Crabbe, David
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 12:15 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] SharePoint designer crashes

Did you ever resolve this issue?  I'm having severe problems with SPD falling 
over regularly any time I modify a web part page.  I installed SP1 and still 
the problem persists.


David Crabbe
Web Solutions Team
Fujitsu Australia Ltd
T: +61 8 9268 1505

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig Stevens
Sent: Wednesday, 4 June 2008 1:31 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] SharePoint designer crashes
I am still having this problem, and can now devote some time to tracking it 
down. I don't know whether it is my installation of SPD, or my setup of WSS. 
Does anyone use SPD, and is willing to help me? If you could log onto a test 
site on my server, and do a couple of simple things to it, please reply off 
list to me and I will give you login details.

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[OzMOSS] Automatic SP1 Patch?

2008-06-18 Thread Sezai KOMUR

I am looking at a MOSS 2007 farm which was setup over a year ago and has not 
had Service Pack 1 installed yet.

BUT - when attempting to restore a site collection backup of a site in the farm 
to a pre-SP1 development VPC it wouldn't restore and reported that it was of a 
newer version. So I restored to a SP1 development environment and it worked.

So we double checked the version number for the farm and it's - and 

This suggests the Farm has had SP1 applied, but it was not applied by anyone!

So my question can a MOSS 2007 farm environment automatically patch itself to 
SP1 with a Windows update or KB.

Is this possible? I am concerned if there are any manual steps that must be 
taken as well that have been missed? Has anyone else experienced this?

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer - BEng, BSc
Vivid Group
Level 57, MLC Centre
Martin Place
Sydney, NSW, 2000

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Melbourne, Vic, 3000

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RE: [OzMOSS] RE: C# Help

2008-06-12 Thread Sezai KOMUR
If it were a custom site definition you could set that option via the 
Navigation Properties Feature

Feature ID=541F5F57-C847-4e16-B59A-B31E90E6F9EA
!-- Per-Web Portal Navigation Properties--
Properties xmlns=;
Property Key=InheritGlobalNavigation 
Property Key=IncludeSubSites Value=true/

But I'm not sure how to set it with a site created using an .stp?
Sezai Kömür   BEng, BSc
Senior Developer  - Vivid Group
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Grist
Sent: Friday, 13 June 2008 12:39 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: C# Help

Template is fine as manually it works.

The GUI Option is Display the same navigation items as the parent site by 
default it is Display the navigation items below the current site

Changing this manually fixes the problem but just need to know how to do the 


Chris Grist
Network Support Officer Limited

Level 1, 182 Fullarton Road

p +61 8 83343291
f  +61 8 83343211


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Friday, 13 June 2008 2:02 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: C# Help

It seems more likely that your custom template is missing the requiried content 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ishai Sagi
Sent: Friday, 13 June 2008 2:02 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: C# Help

What do you mean the navigation is not right? your code has nothing to do 
with navigation - it just creates a sub site.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Grist
Sent: Friday, 13 June 2008 13:27 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] C# Help

Hi Guys,

Ive jumped in at the deep end creating some programmatic sharepoint solutions 
and need a tiny bit of help J

I am creating a sub-site using the following code:

SPSite site = new SPSite(http://chris-laptop/sites/home;);//http://MySite:12345
SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();//makes connection and opens the site to 
allow modification
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;//Security setting that allows you to 
add to / modify the site
SPWebCollection subsite = web.Webs;//creates context in the site to 
create a new subsite
SPWeb newSubWeb = subsite.Add(CRM/ + OrgName,//subsite URL
  OrgName,//subsite Title
  ,//subsite Description
  1033,//subsite Language code
  crm-template.stp,//subsite Template
  false,//true to create with unique permissions, false to inherit 
parent permissions
  false);//true converts existing folder with same name to a SP 
site, false throws exception if site name exists.

However the navigation is not right, I have done some digging online and found 
an example but I couldn't seem to get it to apply to my code, I was wondering 
if someone can help fix up the navigation with the code required for whats 

i.e. the breadcrumbs are absent, and so is the top navigation bar for the 

Any help would be appreciated. J

Chris Grist
Network Support Officer Limited

Level 1, 182 Fullarton Road

p +61 8 83343291
f  +61 8 83343211


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RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Content Types and Content Type Hierarchies

2008-05-13 Thread Sezai KOMUR
 I assume best practice would suggest creating all Content Types once and 
 once only and distributing them as features to all of the Site Collections 
 that need them. Is this the best approach?

Yes you need your base/parent content type deployed to all site collection 
which will make use of content types that inherit from your base content type.

By deploying content types as features you can activate the same content type 
feature on all your site collections which need to use them, so the same 
Content Type IDs will be used in all site collections which should avoid issues.

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Trevor Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, 14 May 2008 10:29 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Content Types and Content Type Hierarchies

Hi All,

Can I confirm my understanding of the correct use of Content Types across 
multiple site collections?

My understanding is that the moment you create a content type that inherits 
from one of the base SharePoint content types (say Content Type A), via the 
user interface, a Content Type ID is created which is a concatenation of the 
parent Content Type ID and a GUID. Now if you create an attribute / column 
equivalent content type in another site collection, it will acquire a different 
Content Type ID.

If you then create a further content type that inherits from Content Type A in 
one of the site collections, my understanding is that these child content 
types will not be deployable to the other site collection, even as features, 
because they won't recognise the other version of Content Type A as a valid 
parent. Is this correct, or will it link up correctly?

I assume best practice would suggest creating all Content Types once and once 
only and distributing them as features to all of the Site Collections that need 
them. Is this the best approach?

Kind Regards,
Trevor Andrew
p: (03) 9323 5246
m: (0407) 535 615

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RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Content Types and Content Type Hierarchies

2008-05-13 Thread Sezai KOMUR
 manually create these identical parent content types across multiple site 

The problem with manually creating content types is that you cannot control the 
Content Type ID used it is generated when you create the content type in 
different site collections. When deploying content types as features you 
specify the content type id your custom content types should use and the same 
content type id you specified is always used.

It depends on what you are trying to do really, you can get away with manually 
creating content types in all site collections, but by developing and deploying 
the same content types using features you can ensure the same content type ids 
are used for the same common content types across all site collections, 
therefor avoiding issues you mentioned earlier regarding linking to parent 
content types and deploying to multiple site collections.
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Trevor Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, 14 May 2008 10:54 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Content Types and Content Type Hierarchies

Hi Sezai,

Thanks for that ... So it sounds like I should very much be expressing my 
concern with a plan to manually create these identical parent content types 
across multiple site collections?

Thanks for your very quick response.

Trevor Andrew

Sent: Wednesday, 14 May 2008 12:44 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Content Types and Content Type Hierarchies

 I assume best practice would suggest creating all Content Types once and 
 once only and distributing them as features to all of the Site Collections 
 that need them. Is this the best approach?

Yes you need your base/parent content type deployed to all site collection 
which will make use of content types that inherit from your base content type.

By deploying content types as features you can activate the same content type 
feature on all your site collections which need to use them, so the same 
Content Type IDs will be used in all site collections which should avoid issues.

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Trevor Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, 14 May 2008 10:29 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Content Types and Content Type Hierarchies

Hi All,

Can I confirm my understanding of the correct use of Content Types across 
multiple site collections?

My understanding is that the moment you create a content type that inherits 
from one of the base SharePoint content types (say Content Type A), via the 
user interface, a Content Type ID is created which is a concatenation of the 
parent Content Type ID and a GUID. Now if you create an attribute / column 
equivalent content type in another site collection, it will acquire a different 
Content Type ID.

If you then create a further content type that inherits from Content Type A in 
one of the site collections, my understanding is that these child content 
types will not be deployable to the other site collection, even as features, 
because they won't recognise the other version of Content Type A as a valid 
parent. Is this correct, or will it link up correctly?

I assume best practice would suggest creating all Content Types once and once 
only and distributing them as features to all of the Site Collections that need 
them. Is this the best approach?

Kind Regards,
Trevor Andrew
p: (03) 9323 5246
m: (0407) 535 615

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[OzMOSS] RE: FullTextSQL query help

2008-05-01 Thread Sezai KOMUR
Yes I think you may be able to get a document icon as a managed property.

Navigate to your SSP search settings to the Metadata Property Mappings  

There are managed properties for -


Hopefully they return the path to the image you need. Just use them in your 
enterprise search query - Select url, PictureUrl, PictureThumbnailURL from 

You may need to investigate further. Also, I suggest trying out as many Managed 
Properties in your query and look into the data returned by each, you can get 
quite a lot of data out of Enterprise Search, more than you expect.

Have fun!
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Friday, 2 May 2008 10:36 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] FW: FullTextSQL query help

Hi All,
Can anyone offer any suggestions for Shirley?
She basically wants the icons associated with the results to appear as part of 
the search results..
If the item is a word document, she wants a word icon to appear next to it. 
That kind of thing.

(see her email below)


From: Shirley Lee
Sent: Friday, 2 May 2008 10:33 AM
Subject: FullTextSQL query help

Hi All,

I have created a custom web part which executes FullTextSQL query and displays 
results in a datagrid
I want to replicate the behaviour of SearchCore Results web part by displaying 
file-type specific icons.

The only way I could think of  determining the file type is from the query 
Select url from Scope() and get the file extension from the urlIs there 
any other better way of determining the file type?

Please let me know your comments/ suggestions...


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RE: [OzMOSS] Moving site content

2008-04-21 Thread Sezai KOMUR
Wow! I was not aware of this  -
Be aware that backup/restore of MOSS content databases between server farms are 
not fully supported! Official documentation of this support limitation is 
currently in the works. The supported way to transfer content between server 
farms is to use STSADM -o export/import or content deployment. Backup/restore 
is only supported for the same server farm.
So the only fully supported manner of transferring content between farms is 
STSADM -o export/import or content deployment

... I've been using SQL Backup/Restore OR STSADM -o backup/restore all this time

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Tuesday, 22 April 2008 11:34 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] Moving site content

Hi Anthony,
I had this problem recently and found that an export and import works the best.
Check out:

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anthony Hughes
Sent: Tuesday, 22 April 2008 12:18 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] Moving site content

Hey All,

Just wondering on the best course of action for the following.

I will be be moving content from my testing domain to a production domain I've 
read around that I should use stsadm backup and restore commands. Will this 
migrate all of the sites within the specified site collection and style 
libraries etc (will I loose the master page customisation)?

To do this should I use a different procedure. Also wondering how it goes 
joining the new domain as it will have no way of authenticating against the old 


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[OzMOSS] RE: Object Disposal in Feature Receivers

2008-03-25 Thread Sezai KOMUR
Michael is right, at times you don't need to dispose of SharePoint objects is 
if you are writing code that will run in-context of a SharePoint Site, so a web 
part or control added to a sharepoint site which may programmatically access 
SPWeb as a shared resource you don't need to dispose the object.

On the other hand if you are creating a SharePoint Context programmatically, 
say in a console app or a winforms app then your MUST remember to dispose of 
objects correctly as SharePoint won't do it for you.
If you create an SPWeb object, you can use the Dispose method to close the 
object. However, if you have a reference to a shared resource, such as when the 
object is provided by the 
 method, do not use the Dispose method to close the object, but instead allow 
Windows SharePoint Services or your portal application to manage the object.

A page with links to other related resources discussing memory issues caused by 
custom SharePoint development -

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Nemtsev
Sent: Wednesday, 26 March 2008 10:10 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Object Disposal in Feature Receivers

AFAIK it's not the case where u should dispose your resources. There are a few 
cases to dispose SPWeb, but feature not the case

Michael Nemtsev
Readify |  Senior Developer
Microsoft MVP [.NET/C#]
Tel: +61 424 184 978 | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lee Marriage
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 11:26 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] Object Disposal in Feature Receivers

A question on object disposal which has sparked a little debate. When calling 
the FeatureActivated method, the object to the parent site can be found at 
'properties.Feature.Parent'.  Best practices for using objects which implement 
the IDisposable interface say to call the Dispose() method when finished using 
the object.

For example:
using (SPWeb web = (SPWeb)properties.Feature.Parent)
// Do something here
or this way:
SPWeb web = (SPWeb)properties.Feature.Parent

However having read this article and seen many examples 
on the www where the 'properties.Feature.Parent' isn't explicitly disposed a 
debate has been sparked as to whether or not getting the web (or site) using 
'properties.Feature.Parent' requires disposal in the aforementioned manner?

So what says you; to dispose or not to dispose?

Lee Marriage
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[OzMOSS] RE: Object Disposal in Feature Receivers

2008-03-25 Thread Sezai KOMUR
Yes it's confusing for Feature Receivers.

Read the first comment here, someone states its appropriate to use dispose on 
SPWeb in a SPFeatureReceiver, because you're getting a new instance of SPWeb

Although, the example on that page does not use dispose. Still I am not 100% 
sure or convinced you have to dispose in case of using 
properties.Feature.Parent in a Feature Receiver.

To determine for sure try setting up a test involving deployment of many 
Feature Receivers that don't dispose the SPWeb, fire all the receivers 
continuously and then monitor the memory usage on your server. It might take a 
while to setup a test like that, and you would want to run it on a fresh farm 
in case other custom object model code is causing memory leaks.
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lee Marriage
Sent: Wednesday, 26 March 2008 2:16 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Object Disposal in Feature Receivers

Thanks guys, I understand the basic concepts that you outline of when to 
dispose and when not to dispose but I guess what I was after was more detail to 
understand this specific 'FeatureReceiver' scenario; so to recap.

SPWeb web = siteCollection.OpenWeb();
//Do Some stuff with web
* or by wrapping the code with the using() { } statement.

Not Good
SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;

This article
 states that the objects returned by methods 'GetContextSite' and 
'GetContextWeb' as well as the properties 'SPContext.Current.Site', 
'SPContext.Site', 'SPContext.Current.Web'  'SPContext.Web' do not require 
explicit disposal. All good I won't go disposing those. However, the article 
also shows another example where a call to the 'ParentWeb' property of a web 
returns an SPWeb object that does require disposing.

So going back to the question; does the object returned by the call to the 
SPFeature's 'Parent' property require disposal? In the following sample

SPWeb myweb = (SPWeb)properties.Feature.Parent;

An SPWeb object is created (myweb) by calling the SPFeature.Parent property and 
casting it as SPWeb. So as we are creating the SPWeb object (myweb) best 
practices states that we should close this object using myweb.Dispose() method.

But if my understanding of Michael and Sezai's responses is correct then I 
shouldn't myweb.Dispose() because the SPFeature is a shared resource (like 
SPContext or SPControl) so SharePoint will take care of the disposal? Is this 
correct or am I confusing myself further J

Sent: Wednesday, 26 March 2008 1:22 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Object Disposal in Feature Receivers

Michael is right, at times you don't need to dispose of SharePoint objects is 
if you are writing code that will run in-context of a SharePoint Site, so a web 
part or control added to a sharepoint site which may programmatically access 
SPWeb as a shared resource you don't need to dispose the object.

On the other hand if you are creating a SharePoint Context programmatically, 
say in a console app or a winforms app then your MUST remember to dispose of 
objects correctly as SharePoint won't do it for you.
If you create an SPWeb object, you can use the Dispose method to close the 
object. However, if you have a reference to a shared resource, such as when the 
object is provided by the 
 method, do not use the Dispose method to close the object, but instead allow 
Windows SharePoint Services or your portal application to manage the object.

A page with links to other related resources discussing memory issues caused by 
custom SharePoint development -

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Nemtsev
Sent: Wednesday, 26 March 2008 10:10 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Object Disposal in Feature Receivers

AFAIK it's not the case where u should dispose your resources. There are a few 
cases to dispose SPWeb, but feature not the case

Michael Nemtsev
Readify |  Senior Developer
Microsoft MVP [.NET/C#]
Tel: +61 424 184 978 | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


[OzMOSS] RE: SharePoint Exam : 70-542 (Application Development)

2008-03-24 Thread Sezai KOMUR
I've passed that exam, did it so I could add MCTS in my email signature. The 
toughest thing about the MOSS exam is that the questions span ALL of MOSS 2007, 
and compared to the WSS exam, this exam only covers MOSS specific topics.

So you need to be across all of it Enterprise Search, the BDC, Excel Services, 
Content Management, Records Center, Information Management Policy, InfoPath 
etc. This is such a large amount of content to cover, and chances are most MOSS 
application developers in real life haven't worked on every single part of MOSS 

The best advice I can give is to make sure you cover every area of MOSS 2007 
even if it's just a basic understanding. eg. If you completely ignore BDC and 
Excel Services because you've never used those components, then that's a large 
chunk of marks you won't get, if that's the case then you better get a near 
perfect score for the rest of the questions or you will probably fail.

Good luck and all the best with the exam Anand.
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Reddy, Anand
Sent: Tuesday, 25 March 2008 1:07 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] SharePoint Exam : 70-542 (Application Development)

Hi Guys

I intend to sit for this exam in couple of weeks time. Just wanted to know what 
is the best way to prepare for this exam. Currently there is no classroom 
training or e-learning course for this exam. The only resource available is the 
book Microsoft is recommending  Inside Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 
2007. Not sure if this book is sufficient to pass the exam. Any ideas/tips 
will be very much appreciated.


Anand Reddy
Web/DB Systems Administrator
Regional ICT Services Unit
   P: 02 9829 0675
   F: 02 9605 4972

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[OzMOSS] RE: Thesaurus / Did you mean

2008-03-13 Thread Sezai KOMUR
 did you mean seems to automatically work, and the thesaurus suggestions are 
actually other words that have been indexed by the SSP.

Eg. If I search for sezi I get a did you mean of sezai and I didn't do 
anything to set that up. My first name would have been indexed by the SSP and 
therefore exists in the search index.


I am unaware of how to specifically add extra words to display in did you 
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris O'Connor
Sent: Friday, 14 March 2008 12:00 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] Thesaurus / Did you mean


Has anyone done much with the Thesaurus aspect to SEARCH within SharePoint ?

From some Google'ing, I've been able to determine that you need to :
   * Update XML file - buried within the SharePoint hive - TSNEU.XML (neutral) 
- TSENU (english), etc
   * Have to re-start OSEARCH service (net stop/start)

That's all that's needed - supposedly.But - can't get any of these to be 

The premise is to have this as part of the DID YOU MEAN function - ie. 
SpellingSuggestion - when doing FullTextSqlQuery...

Anyone have any comments / suggestions / examples ??

Chris O'Connor
Senior Technical Product Specialist

Strategic Data Management   |   Mobile : 0410 407 207

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[OzMOSS] RE: Page Refresh Rate

2008-02-21 Thread Sezai KOMUR
That's definitely a much 'nicer' way to do it, and using AJAX will be a lot 
faster because it doesn't require the entire page to be downloaded each time. 
The users will also love it too.

But Mike asked for a 'semi-easy way for a non developer' J  It took me a while 
to get my first AJAX page going in sharepoint, it takes some time to get your 
head around the concepts and how to set it up, but I love ASP.NET AJAX, it's by 
far the easiest and simplest AJAX framework I have had to use so far.
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Nemtsev
Sent: Friday, 22 February 2008 5:53 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Page Refresh Rate

Why not not implenete ICallbackEventHandler (AjaxtToolking update + timer if u 
have Sharepoint SP1 installed) and update the specific part of info, not the 
whole page.

I don't think that users will like the page blinking each 5 secs and restoring 
everything what they maybe typed or scrolled

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MacDonald, Mike
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 2:03 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] Page Refresh Rate

Has anyone come across as semi easy way (ex for a none developer) to make a 
page in sharepoint do a auto refresh say every minute or less.  I realized it 
will probably negatively affect the performance, but I have a page that 
multiple people will be inputting information into and potentially could be 
accessing at the same time.  So I need the page to display updated information 
as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Mike MacDonald

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RE: [OzMOSS] External access SharePoint 2k7

2008-02-21 Thread Sezai KOMUR
The account your are logging in with externally might not have been added to a 
SharePoint Group in the site collection, so it doesn't have access to the site.
Login to the internal site and check Site Settings à Users and Permissions à 
People and groups, and make sure that the account you are logging in with 
externally has been added to a site group.
Did you 'extend' your internal site to create the extranet site?  If you are 
using the same account that does work when logging in to the internal site, 
then it should work externally too.
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anthony Hughes
Sent: Friday, 22 February 2008 12:57 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] External access SharePoint 2k7

Hey all seems it was host header now another issue when i go to i get the following error.
Access denied.

You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource.

anyone got any ideas???

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anthony Hughes
Sent: Friday, 22 February 2008 1:16 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] External access SharePoint 2k7
Hey all,

This pretty much follows up from yesterday we've made the site external 
accessible but I get the same error as when I tried to access via IP page under 
construction. Although everything is working when I access via name I.e. 
http://dmzsharepoint and I know the external mapping is working as when I make 
changes to the default error page there copied.

Any ideas and I've already done the alternate mapping.


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RE: [OzMOSS] Auditing viewing information within SharePoint (MOSS 2007)

2008-02-21 Thread Sezai KOMUR
 Obviously we'd be reluctant to give the people who would use these reports 
 this level of access, is there a way around this?

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeremy Thake
Sent: Friday, 22 February 2008 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [OzMOSS] Auditing viewing information within SharePoint (MOSS 2007)

Our biggest request is for stats on the portal other than just SharePoint List 
Items being viewed. So basically functionality similar to that you would expect 
from a good log analyser or analytics program such as Google Analytics. What 
are other peoples experiences with Web site statistics of this kind? Not just 
Auditing ones?

Also, it appears that the only way to access the Audit Reports is if you are a 
Site Collectoin Administrator. Obviously we'd be reluctant to give the people 
who would use these reports this level of access, is there a way around this?

Thirdly...they are XML there any standard XSLT files that can 
transform this into something pretty for the business?

Thanks again,
Jeremy Thake

On 2/22/08, Minutillo, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

We have a requirement to record details of items being viewed on some sites, in 
particular discussion boards, however the requirement is likely to be expanded 
to encompass viewing statistics on a number of lists and/or document libraries. 
 The original requirement for discussion boards has been met by using a custom 
HTTP Module that records requests for views of discussion board threads 
(Discussions) and individual messages (Messages).  However as the requirement 
is likely to expand, I'd like to examine the built-in auditing options.

I've used the Site Collection audit settings (site 
collection/_layouts/AuditSettings.aspx) and this seems to work okay.  
Unfortunately it's probably too indescriminate for our requirements.  Does 
anyone know if there are performance problems with auditing everything at this 
broad a level?

Alternatively I've created a Site Collection policy (site 
collection/_layouts/Policylist.aspx) and applying it to a discussion board 
results in no auditing information at all.  The only thing audited is the 
change in audit policy.

Does this experience ring true with anyone else?  What is the consensus for 
recording audit information within SharePoint sites?


David Crabbe
IT Consultant
Information Systems
Woodside Energy Ltd.
Woodside Plaza
240 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
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[OzMOSS] RE: Source control with MOSS 2007

2008-02-10 Thread Sezai KOMUR
VSS 2005 will be fine if you only have 2 developers. I've worked in much larger 
teams with VSS and it runs fine.

It depends on what you need. TFS has a lot more features apart from simple 
source control, such as it creates team sites for each project, and you get 
nice reports and statistics on development and a many other features.

If you will only ever have 2 developers it's probably best to stick with VSS 

This white paper was recently released on the 25th January, it's worth a read -
SharePoint Products and Technologies White Paper: Implementing Microsoft Office 
SharePoint Server 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Solutions
Brief Description
This document outlines a methodology for team SharePoint development combining 
custom code and content, with the aim of accelerating implementation and 
mitigating production risks.

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Zelda Leung
Sent: Monday, 11 February 2008 1:10 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] Source control with MOSS 2007

Hi All,

We currently have a very small team environment (2 developers), developing for 
MOSS 2007.  In the past, we have used Visual SourceSafe for our source control, 
but I've heard some not so flattering things about it in the past (such as 
degradation on large projects).

We're at a point now where we need to decide to either upgrade to VSS 2005 or 
to TFS, or do away with it for something else (being a Microsoft Shop, that's 
not really the best solution here).  Does anyone have any thoughts regarding 
the use of VSS 2005 or TFS for MOSS 2007 development?  What have you used, and 
has it worked?


Zelda Leung
Principal Developer
Legal Aid QLD |  IT Services
Ph: 3238 3626 | 44 Herschel St, Brisbane 4000

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RE: [OzMOSS] Source control with MOSS 2007

2008-02-10 Thread Sezai KOMUR
STSDEV is also worth checking out.

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon Cropp
Sent: Monday, 11 February 2008 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [OzMOSS] Source control with MOSS 2007

SmartTemplates is actually built on top of WSPBuilder. So you can plug
into all of the WSPBuilder features.

WSP builder handles the creation of a MOSS wsp file.

SmartTemplates gives you project templates that make use of WSPBuilder.

On Feb 11, 2008 3:40 PM, Ishai Sagi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Check out WSPBiulder on codeplex. good platform for features and web parts 
 and the like, with support for VS2008 in the latest release.

 Unlike smarttemplates it has more than just a template for web parts...

 Sent: Monday, 11 February 2008 3:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [OzMOSS] Source control with MOSS 2007


 You really need to separate this question out into two.

 1.   What version of Visual Studio (2205 or 2008) should we use
 for MOSS development?
 2.   What source control system should we use for MOSS development?


 1.   Unfortunately there is no template support from MS (At the
 moment) for MOSS in Visual Studio 2008. The current WSS extensions
 for Visual Studio 2005, as they state, are specifically for Visual
 Studio 2005.
 I understand that MS is looking into this at the moment.
 This means it is a little harder to create webparts and deployment
 projects for MOSS when using 2008. But not impossible. There are also
 a number of tools that are currently filling this gap. One, I am
 using, is SmartTemplates ( It
 works seamlessly for simple scenarios. It is also fairly easy to
 extend for more advance scenarios. So I would say Yes move over to
 2008. The new feature provided outweigh the minor problems you may
 have integrating it with MOSS.

 2.   This is really not a question about MOSS. Source control is a
 decision an organization should make across the board. It is not
 affected by what technology your projects are based on.
 My recommendation (based on the source control systems I have used).

 Don't use VSS. It is old clunky and a simply pain in the butt.

 TFS is good. Still has a few wrinkles to iron out but for a large
 enterprise it is a good fit. Features like workitems, bug tracking,
 integration with MS Project and MS outlook, and many free addins
 available make it a great tool.

 Source control and nothing else. It can integrate with both VS 2005
 and VS 2008 or be controlled externally of the dev environment. Great
 at what it does but has none of the advanced features of TFS. It has
 no work items, no office integration, no bug tracking. So this is
 better for smaller teams.

 The other option - TFS with SVNBridge
 MS has recently release a new project called SVNBridge
 ( This allows you to use SVN tools
 like TortoiseSVN and VisualSVN to talk to TFS. What this means is that
 instead of using the Source control binding built into VisualStudio
 you use SVN style integration. This gets rid of many of the bugs and
 problems that people have with the Visual Studio bindings. I would
 recommend this option. Note: you can still use all of the advanced
 features of TFS though

 I will leave it to other people to comment on other source control systems.

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RE: [OzMOSS] custom site definition question

2008-02-06 Thread Sezai KOMUR
ONET.xml is used for PROVISIONING new sites, but if the site definition 
contains .aspx files then these are actually read from the file system every 
time (unless customised)

Changes in ONET.xml are read from the XML file the next time you create a site.

So you are stuck if you want your existing site to make use of changes in 
ONET.xml. You will need to 'magically' export out the content from your 
existing site, then re-create the site (provision a new site) using the updated 
site definition, then 'magically' re-import it in.

'magically' - using a custom built or third party content import/export tool
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Clayton James
Sent: Thursday, 7 February 2008 1:18 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] custom site definition question

Site Definition ONET.xml
Changes to the Site Definitions ONET.XML file won't be reflected in sites that 
have previously been created. Changes will only be reflected only when you 
create new sites.

Site Definition .aspx pages modified using notepad or VS.Net
If these pages are modified with notepad or (not SPD) and existing sites 
haven't customised these pages using SPD then yes existing sites will take on 
these changes.

Site Definition .aspx pages modified using SPD
 If the .aspx pages have been customised using SPD then they are stored in the 
content database so changes to the original files on file system won't change 
existing sites.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ishai Sagi
Sent: Thursday, 07 February 2008 01:53 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] custom site definition question

Depends what changes...changes to aspx pages will affect the existing ones.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hodges, Kristen
Sent: Thursday, 7 February 2008 2:43 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] custom site definition question

Sadly no it won't pick up the changes automatically... but you can force it to 
reset to the Site Definition on a per site basis in site settings.  This is 
MOSS 2007 I'm talking about here of course.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Thursday, 7 February 2008 2:41 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] custom site definition question

Dear All,
I am having a mental blank at the moment and I can't remember for the life of 
me how this works.
If I create a custom site definition, create a new site based on that 
definition, make changes to the original site definition. Will the changes be 
reflected in my sites based on that definition, or do I need to recreate the 
Can you refresh my memory.

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RE: [OzMOSS] custom site definition question

2008-02-06 Thread Sezai KOMUR
Reset to site definition resets customised files in the site to the site 
definition, but it doesn't 'pick up' ONET.xml changes, which are only read 
during provisioning. It resets all customised pages.


ONET.xml contains my custom feature -

MyCustomActions --
ID=3B9E163E-BE5F-4df7-8A16-556F2FCD59F5 /

It also contains some Publishing Settings

Property Key=ChromeMasterUrl 
Property Key=WelcomePageUrl 

Now if I edit the ONET.xml file, such as commenting out the MyCustomActions 
feature and change the ChromeMasterUrl setting or the WelcomePageUrl setting to 
different values.
Then do an IIS reset, and then access the /_layouts/reghost.aspx page and 
select the Reset all pages in this site to site definition version option.
My site still has my Custom Actions feature enabled and it still has the old 
ChromeMasterUrl and WelcomePageUrl it hasn't 'picked up' ONET.xml changes.

Of course if you need to make these sorts of changes, you can easily 
activate/deactivate features separately as suggested by Clayton, you can also 
manually switch the Welcome Page and the Master Page for the site in site 
settings etc.

ONET.xml is only read when you provision a new site.
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peter Vranich
Sent: Thursday, 7 February 2008 1:50 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] custom site definition question

If you haven't customised the site from the Site Definition.  You can reset to 
site definition which should pick up the new changes. Right?

Sent: Thursday, 7 February 2008 3:29 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] custom site definition question

ONET.xml is used for PROVISIONING new sites, but if the site definition 
contains .aspx files then these are actually read from the file system every 
time (unless customised)

Changes in ONET.xml are read from the XML file the next time you create a site.

So you are stuck if you want your existing site to make use of changes in 
ONET.xml. You will need to 'magically' export out the content from your 
existing site, then re-create the site (provision a new site) using the updated 
site definition, then 'magically' re-import it in.

'magically' - using a custom built or third party content import/export tool
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Clayton James
Sent: Thursday, 7 February 2008 1:18 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] custom site definition question

Site Definition ONET.xml
Changes to the Site Definitions ONET.XML file won't be reflected in sites that 
have previously been created. Changes will only be reflected only when you 
create new sites.

Site Definition .aspx pages modified using notepad or VS.Net
If these pages are modified with notepad or (not SPD) and existing sites 
haven't customised these pages using SPD then yes existing sites will take on 
these changes.

Site Definition .aspx pages modified using SPD
 If the .aspx pages have been customised using SPD then they are stored in the 
content database so changes to the original files on file system won't change 
existing sites.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ishai Sagi
Sent: Thursday, 07 February 2008 01:53 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] custom site definition question

Depends what changes...changes to aspx pages will affect the existing ones.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hodges, Kristen
Sent: Thursday, 7 February 2008 2:43 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] custom site definition question

Sadly no it won't pick up the changes automatically... but you can force it to 
reset to the Site Definition on a per site basis in site settings.  This is 
MOSS 2007 I'm talking about here of course.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Thursday, 7 February 2008 2:41 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] custom site definition question

Dear All,
I am having a mental blank at the moment and I can't remember for the life of 
me how this works.
If I create a custom site definition, create a new site based on that 
definition, make changes to the original site definition. Will the changes be 
reflected in my sites based on that definition, or do I need to recreate the 
Can you refresh my

RE: [OzMOSS] MOSS V-Motion

2008-02-05 Thread Sezai KOMUR
This isn't the first time I have heard bad things about running SQL Server 
virtualised in general. A few people I have met swear that it should be 
avoided, something about the rate at which SQL Server needs to read and write 
from disk.

Does anyone else have any more opinions/comments on this or any online 
references you can provide discussing the problems with running SQL Server in a 
virtualised environment?

Also, what's Microsoft's official guidance for this ?
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Porter
Sent: Wednesday, 6 February 2008 1:55 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] MOSS  V-Motion

I have seen several issues with MOSS when you virtualize SQL.  It is not 
recommended. You can virtualize the WFE's, but I have not seen SQL do well in a 
virtual environment.
What are the specs on the virtual environment?

Dave P.

Subject: [OzMOSS] MOSS  V-Motion
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 10:03:08 +1100
Hi all,
We currently have a client who has a virtual SharePoint environment. Virtual 
Web/Application Server and a virtual SQL Server.
We are seeing, when the web/application server is v-motion, a whole stack of 
database connectivity errors appear in the event log, the SharePoint logs bloat 
to massive size and owstimer.exe is peaking out.
My initial investigation has revealed that while v-motion is happening, network 
connectivity between the web/application server and the SQL server is lost.
Has anyone encountered this before, as this seems like a common setup and if 
so, is there a work around for this (we have currently set the web/application 
and SQL server not to v-motion and be static).
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[OzMOSS] RE: MCMS - MOSS migration question

2008-02-03 Thread Sezai KOMUR
 Are connected posting supported by MOSS?


 My guess is that they are unsupported and ignored by the migration process.

I think they’re ignored, not sure if the content is copied/migrated into 
multiple pages or not? You’ll probably get a warning message in the migration.

Logically one page can only live in one sub web location in a single Pages 

There is the Reusable Content functionality, 
but its not really the exact same thing as connected postings, although it 
allows entering content into one place to be reused over and over.

Another option is to manually add a navigation link (via the Modify Navigation 
tool) to the sub web where you want the “connected” behaviour, this isn’t ideal 
though as clicking the menu link takes the user to the single page which is in 
a whole different sub web, so it unexpectedly throws them off because they 
aren’t in the same section of the site hierarchy they thought that they 

I miss mcms connected postings, they were cool.
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Monday, 4 February 2008 2:07 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] MCMS - MOSS migration question

Dear All,
Quick question about MCMS 2002 to MOSS 2007 migration.
Are connected posting supported by MOSS? How does the migration process in MOSS 
treat these? What kind of info does the CMS assessment tool report about these 
types of postings?
My guess is that they are unsupported and ignored by the migration process.

Can someone verify or shoot me down in flames as required J


Aaron Saikovski
Senior Solutions Specialist – Information Worker
M: +61 (0) 410 480 971  P:  02 9276 2728 F: 02 9276 2799
A: Level 7, 15-17 Young Street, Sydney NSW 2000
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RE: [OzMOSS] Portal Page content

2008-01-30 Thread Sezai KOMUR
Here's some ideas...

Links to prominent/important subsites or pages in your portal.
Links to commonly used documents/forms.
RSS Feed of News from an external news provider
RSS Feed (or some other way) of the Weather
Your Share Price
Random or selected Staff profiles sourced from a list or from content in a 
Random or selected Site/Location profiles sourced from a list or from content 
in a sub-site.
Random or selected News stories sourced from a list or from content in a 
Some pretty Flash.
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Doyle
Sent: Thursday, 31 January 2008 8:24 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] Portal Page content


I am currently looking for some more idea's as to what content to put on our 
portals home page (accessible only internally) as I've hit a wall.
So I thought I would send out this email and hope to get some replies to what 
people have done with thier own portal and such

Thanks :)
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RE: [OzMOSS] Portal Page content

2008-01-30 Thread Sezai KOMUR
Check out this MOSS 2007 internet website as an example -

The home page randomly displays a staff profile under Spotlight On Our 
People, and it's linked to the individual staff member's profile page.

It features a different person with every refresh, only a subset of 3 have been 
selected to be featured randomly on the homepage though, all configurable via a 
site list.

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Williamson
Sent: Thursday, 31 January 2008 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: [OzMOSS] Portal Page content

I think a random staff profile is honestly a REALLY good idea.
Perhaps even write a web part that picks one per day.  Depends on your
corporate culture, obviously.

On 1/31/08, Sezai KOMUR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's some ideas…

 Links to prominent/important subsites or pages in your portal.

 Links to commonly used documents/forms.

 RSS Feed of News from an external news provider

 RSS Feed (or some other way) of the Weather

 Your Share Price

 Random or selected Staff profiles sourced from a list or from content in a

 Random or selected Site/Location profiles sourced from a list or from
 content in a sub-site.

 Random or selected News stories sourced from a list or from content in a

 Some pretty Flash.

 Sezai Kömür
  Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

 Bill Doyle
  Sent: Thursday, 31 January 2008 8:24 AM
  Subject: [OzMOSS] Portal Page content


  I am currently looking for some more idea's as to what content to put on
 our portals home page (accessible only internally) as I've hit a wall.

 So I thought I would send out this email and hope to get some replies to
 what people have done with thier own portal and such

  Thanks :)

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[OzMOSS] RE: second level navigation menus in MOSS

2008-01-22 Thread Sezai KOMUR
A custom control its the way to go, you can render out what you like so 
you can develop a more light weight and faster menu 
(, or any other fancy menu you want.

I'm not a big fan of the MOSS ootb top drop down menu, it renders ugly html and 
significantly increases page size, so replacing the standard menus with your 
own custom ones is a sure fire way to make a MOSS site run faster.

Here's some code to investigate :

SiteMapDataSource.SiteMapProvider = GlobalNavSiteMapProvider

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski [EMAIL 
Sent: Wednesday, 23 January 2008 8:05 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] second level navigation menus in MOSS

Hi All,

We have a client who wants second level navigational menus created. (See 
attached image)
Basically we have the top level navigation which contains Home, Products and 
services etc. Then when you select one of the Top level sites, It has to 
display a second level navigation menu showing all their second level sites and 
not the standard drop down menus we all have come to love.
I was thinking of writing a type of control to do this but thought I 
would reach out to the community before embarking on this.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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RE: [OzMOSS] programmatically add items to be crawled

2008-01-09 Thread Sezai KOMUR
 the index service will only look at the change log of the sites/site coll in 
 question (SPSite.GetChanges(...))

Thanks for the info Mick, I've always wondered how an incremental sharepoint 
site crawl works in V3.

But what happens with a BDC incremental crawl ? Can I set them to 5mins too?

I was just about to set incremental crawls to 5 mins on a BDC content source as 
a test, but then realised it obviously can't use SPSite.GetChanges to get the 
delta, so I googled bdc incremental crawl and found the following -

You would need some column on your table/view/or Stored-Proc to indicate the 
last modified time of that entity instance 


this property needs to be called __BDCLastModifiedTimestamp and should be of 
type string

So if your lob application doesn't store the last modified time for each 
individual row, incremental crawls won't work for a BDC content source
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mick Badran
Sent: Thursday, 10 January 2008 1:04 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] programmatically add items to be crawled

Hi Roger - (sorry for coming in late)

Are your sites v2 or v3?

If they are v3 the index service will only look at the change log of the 
sites/site coll in question (SPSite.GetChanges(...)) so only the changes are 
indexed for that last schedule interval.

I generally use every 5 mins for the crawl interval (incremental) on large 
sites with no worries (even if the V3 sites are on other boxes/farms)

A good place to get a handle on all this is the Enterprise Search Resource 
Kit - bunch of goodies on there from the prod team.

15 min intervals is what we used to do for V2 sites.

Mick Badran (MVP - BizTalk) | mb: +61 404842833 | im:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Breeze Training | Training + Integration Specialist | Microsoft Readiness 

Sent: Wednesday, 9 January 2008 4:43 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] programmatically add items to be crawled
Ok, that sounds like a good place to start.
Thanks for your help!

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hodges, Kristen
Sent: Wednesday, 9 January 2008 4:11 PM
Subject: [SPAM] - RE: [OzMOSS] programmatically add items to be crawled - Found 
word(s) list error in the Text body

Yeah that's correct.  Recommendations we were given from Microsoft was 15 
minute intervals - and we have a large ContentDb + same server for search and 
hosting.  I have to admit though we don't do 15 minutes because we didn't have 
any need.  That said, MOM alerts have been configured if CPU usage exceeds 80% 
- it never happens even when search is running. That's on a 64-bit box with 4 
CPUs and 4Gb memory.

You could prove the performance baseline if you create a dummy copy and run  5 
minute incrementals on that?  See what PerfMon shows.  Then you'll know for 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roger Noble
Sent: Wednesday, 9 January 2008 4:32 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] programmatically add items to be crawled

Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding of how an incremental crawl works 
is to crawl the site in full an do a hash compare on each item to look for 
changes. So the concern is the load on the servers hosting the sites and the 
time it would take to do the crawl (depending on the amount and size of the 

(but I agree that it doesn't make a whole load of sense)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hodges, Kristen
Sent: Wednesday, 9 January 2008 3:56 PM
Subject: [SPAM] - RE: [OzMOSS] programmatically add items to be crawled - Found 
word(s) list error in the Text body

That doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense...  If the search server is on a 
separate server there are no performance implications???  You're only talking 
about an incremental crawl right?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roger Noble
Sent: Wednesday, 9 January 2008 4:23 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] programmatically add items to be crawled

Hi All,

I have a question regarding search.
I'm trying to see if it's at all possible to programmatically add items into 
the search index. I have a situation where the client wants documents to be 
searchable almost immediately after they have added them.
I've suggested that the only solution is to schedule an incremental crawl every 
5min or so, but they are not happy with that solution. Mainly due to 
performance concerns (they are running a separate search server).

Any help / comments are appreciated.

RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Moving pages programmatically within a web - sub web whilst maintaining versioning

2007-11-29 Thread Sezai KOMUR
 I find it hard to believe that they would not allow developers to write code 
 for automating the publishing process

There is no Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingPage.Move(destination) 
 ) there should be and it should do exactly what the manage content and 
structure tool's MOVE operation does, because moving a publishing page seems 
like a core/standard publishing task that should be provided in an API.

Although, there seems to be a 
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.CopyTo(destination) method 
 and it might work for a publishing page, here's a blog post where someone uses 
it for moving publishing pages, 
not sure if this works well (haven't tried this myself) or if there are any 
metadata issues or problems with lost version history using SPListItem.CopyTo()

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt Lynch
Sent: Thursday, 29 November 2007 4:03 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Moving pages programmatically within a web - sub web 
whilst maintaining versioning

WOOT! It's WSS friendly...

WSS Site + custom master pages + custom web parts + custom CSS = Happiness and 

Sent: Thursday, 29 November 2007 5:52 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Moving pages programmatically within a web - sub web 
whilst maintaining versioning

You may be right Matt, the internal classes seem to eventually end up using 
SPExport so even though there are many layers of internal classes, if you 
follow the trail through to the end of the implementation using reflector you 
may be able to work out how to do it.

I found this which may help :

Move a wiki page with code

The guy developed a simple GUI with two textboxes, enter the source and 
destination and then click a button to run SPExport
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt Lynch
Sent: Thursday, 29 November 2007 3:42 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Moving pages programmatically within a web - sub web 
whilst maintaining versioning

Are you sure there is no Façade for accessing the internal classes?  Normally 
when MS or another company release private/internal classes, they also expose a 
API which allows you to work with the classes indirectly.

2c: I'm more of a WSS fan and I have my own publishing engine, so I'm can't be 
counted as a authority on this, but MS normally follow convention (be it good 
or bad).  Sharepoint is a flagship product and I find it hard to believe that 
they would not allow developers to write code for automating the publishing 



Sent: Thursday, 29 November 2007 5:21 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Moving pages programmatically within a web - sub web 
whilst maintaining versioning

The Manage Content and Structure tool in Publishing Sites has a move command, 
and it seems to move an Page across to a new SPWeb and preserves version 
history of the page and meta data.

Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal.WebControls.MoveItems is an internal 
class that is used by the manage content and structure tool to move pages 
between spwebs

Loading this class into reflector, it seems that the code first copies across 
the item to the destination first, then checks if the copy was successful, it 
then deletes the source item.

How is the copy done?
DeploymentWrapper wrapper = new DeploymentWrapper(base.Site);
wrapper.PrimeExportProgressUpdated += new 
  wrapper.PrimeCallBack += new 
  wrapper.PrimeImportError += new 
  objectSerializer = ObjectSerializer.GetObjectSerializer(base.Site, 
  string str = Convert.ToString(this.sourceSmtObjectIds.Length, 
  base.StatusDescription = 
Resources.GetFormattedString(SmtMoveWrapperStart, new object[] { str });
  wrapper.MoveItems(this.sourceSmtObjectIds, this.destSmtObjectId

RE: [OzMOSS] Event management modules for MOSS?

2007-11-26 Thread Sezai KOMUR
You can try out the Event Planning application template here -

I'm not sure if the Event Planning Application Template is designed to run 
anonymously over the web to allow people to register as users. It might only 
work in a collaboration type scenario internal to an organisation. There don't 
seem to be any sign-up or register options in the template.

I think this is the very same reason why the SharePoint Community Kit was 
developed, none of the out-of-the-box SharePoint templates provide nice 
Anonymous user functionality.

 It will be a website (ie public facing) and needs to handle people 
 registering as a user on the site, and then registering for events.

The website is a great example for an Australian 
public anonymous MOSS 2007 website where an anonymous user can register as a 
user online (

As far as I know all the anonymous registration functionality was custom built.

If you don't need to provide the handle people registering as a user on the 
site functionality then your job will be a lot simpler.

Of course if you are ready for a ton of custom development you can of course 
build pretty much anything you want on SharePoint !
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2007 2:11 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] Event management modules for MOSS?

Hi Craig,
The following might help.

it is part of the fantastic 40 templates


Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2007 3:37 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] Event management modules for MOSS?
Hi folks,

I was wondering if anyone had come across or could recommend an Event 
Management product that slots into MOSS.
We have a client who needs to manage events (Eg training courses, networking 
events, etc), take registrations, report on how many have registered etc.
It will be a website (ie public facing) and needs to handle people registering 
as a user on the site, and then registering for events.
Ideally it will be flexible enough to allow the client to add unlimited number 
of new fields to the events (Eg for location, dietary requirements, special 
instructions, etc).

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance,

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RE: [OzMOSS] RE: HTTP 403 Access problems

2007-11-21 Thread Sezai KOMUR
We have also found recently that using Integrated Window Authentication over 
the web can also cause strange connection issues and problems depending on 
where you are connecting to a site from.

On a few occasions now we have setup external domains for sites and tested 
them, with everything functioning nicely.

BUT then we go on-site for a Sharepoint demo, and try to access our SharePoint 
sites from other internal Corporate networks, then BAM we either get connection 
issues or other errors occurring when logged in, seems anonymous access 
functions nicely regardless, but when logged in strange things start to occur.

It seems switching the web application to use Basic Authentication fixes these 
connection issues and the site seems more robust and can be used from more 
external networks. Although Basic Auth sends login and password in clear 
text So it should be avoided, or apply a Certificate over your site to 
secure it further.

It's nice that you can now use Forms Authentication and custom authentication 
stores with MOSS !!! It's a pitty that it's tough to setup and is the 
non-default authentication/security configuration, good luck getting external 
SharePoint Hosting which will allow you to setup and use Custom Forms 
Authentication for your site though, you need to mess around in central admin 
to get it going, so its only an option if you do all the Server hosting and 
configuration yourself.
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  - BEng, BSc - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist  -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mick Badran
Sent: Thursday, 22 November 2007 8:30 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: HTTP 403 Access problems

Hi Jeremy - the SLK won't have an effect on your site.

It looks like you're getting a 403 as a result of something on one of your 
pages - a webpart? or page field control.
(or a web.config file error)

Can you go to http://server  and see if you get redirected to 

Also check the Sharepoint logs under - \12\logs
(there is a 'log file' viewer under central admin to make life easier for you)

Check (if you can) the IIS logs

Create another site collection and see if you have the same erorr - basic team 
site (eliminates any non-std webparts)

From first impressions it doesn't look like an auth/routing/security issue at 
all. (all your other sites work no probs.)

Let me know how you go

Mick Badran (MVP - BizTalk) | mb: +61 404842833 | im:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Breeze Training | Training + Integration Specialist | Microsoft Readiness 

Sent: Thursday, 22 November 2007 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: [OzMOSS] RE: HTTP 403 Access problems
I actually get this when I try and hit my sharepoint hosted site via my 
corporate proxy. They've not been too helpful on fixing this because I have 
already proved it works fine via my ADSL home connection. Although it times out 
a lot when submitting new items. Currently looking to rehost to a more 
SharePoint friendly hoster...any suggestions? Sorry I know off topic...

Jeremy Thake
On Nov 22, 2007 6:55 AM, Aaron Saikovski [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL 

Hi Peter,

I have seen this before and the way i got around it was to create a new 
application pool in IIS and to ensure that the service accounts I am using in 
central admin,SSP , site collections are correct. I had to create a new account 
and re-assign the services to use the newly created account and the problem 
went away.

It worked for me and it might solve your problem.

Good luck.


Aaron Saikovski
Readify - Senior Consultant


+61 410 480 971



PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Peter Milliner
Sent: Thursday, 22 November 2007 8:40 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] HTTP 403 Access problems

Hello All,

Require some assistance with following problem

 - I have started getting HTTP 403 message when trying to access main portal 
site.  I can access central admin, SSP and another top level site I have 

The only thing I can think of that could have changed configuration is that I 
installed SharePoint Learning Kit and Microsoft SharePoint training

The message I am getting in event log is as follows:

Event Type:Information

Event Source:ASP.NEThttp://ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0

Event Category:Web Event

Event ID:  1314

Date: 22/11/2007

Time: 8:26:34 AM

User: N/A

Computer:  BSP1


Event code: 4011

Event message: An unhandled access exception has occurred.

RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments

2007-11-08 Thread Sezai KOMUR
There is always the option of Build Your Own Tool for migration.

This offers the best flexibility because you have full control over what is 
migrated and how its migrated. You will also understand the entire migration 
process intimately.

The problem with some tools on the market is flexibility, if a specific thing 
is not migrating across as you like you can't alter the migration code or 
migration process at all. An example is the MCMS to MOSS migration tool built 
into Central Admin (which I wrote the migration white paper on) it works 
alright for simple websites, but for larger complex mcms sites it isn't 
flexible enough so people have been developing their own migration tools for 
the job.

There is of course the phenomenal amount of work (TIME) required to build your 
own tool, but if your organization has plans for many future migration projects 
it may be the best option, better than using a third-party tool.

Here's an MVP opinion on it, a reply I received when asking what people in the 
USA are doing regarding MCMS to MOSS migrations :

Pretty common... people don't like the OOTB and Metalogix is pricy. One 
approach I like is to dump everything - HTML pages via something like 
PowerShell and then add them to document libraries, leveraging custom doc 
converters to get them into the site.

Not much of a market for this though because every MCMS instance is so damn 
custom J

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  -  Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments

ah yes metalogix..the html - MCMS product rocked!

Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 2:23 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments
Ishai - metalogix did a great (any HTML) to MCMS/Sharepoint 'converter' also.

Great product!

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ishai Sagi
Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 2:10 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments

It is just for content. I saw a demo here in Vegas yesterday and it was very 
impressive. But I understand there is also a company\product called metalogic 
who should be very good.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Thursday, 8 November 2007 2:48 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments

Thanks Ishai.
Does tzunami move everything? Site defs, features, dataview webparts etc?

Ideally it moves only the deltas from dev, to staging then onto prod. Does it 
provide any rollback?


Sent: Wednesday, 7 November 2007 7:30 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments
It is aweful for moving between environments, not to mention it is heavy and 
requires installing a mysql database+apache web server to run. I would not 
recommend it. Besides, it just moves content - nothing else. If you are looking 
for something to move content, look at tzunami.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Wednesday, 7 November 2007 1:38 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments

I found this tool:
I haven't tried it but it might solve some of the problems.

I might have to come up with my own tool and post it up on codeplex J

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adriaan Grobler
Sent: Tuesday, 6 November 2007 7:26 AM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments

I totally agree.

We have a lot of problems with content deployment... Things got worse after the 
DST change.

MOSS is still full of bugs,  have a look at the list of hot fixes released.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, 5 November 2007 7:41 PM
 Subject: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments

 It's great you ask Aaron, because my opinion is that the whole deploying 
 between environments story in MOSS is overly complicated and has severe 
 problems, see this video - . This 
 was all a lot easier to do with MCMS ! You could export content from Site 
 Manager to an SDO file, and easily setup a new MCMS web application, and move 
 the SDO content to the new environment

RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments

2007-11-08 Thread Sezai KOMUR
 Not so good for Microsoft Licensing J

True, no need for an Internet CAL, you would only need licenses for content 
authors internal to the organization.

I actually remember being asked about this from a few people at SPC APAC, they 
mentioned how their MCMS websites run via site staging and they are interested 
in running MOSS sites that way, their primary reasoning behind it was to save 
on licensing.

I told them that would be 'non-standard' and they should instead utilise MOSS 
content deployment.

This starts to get into grey areas though, murky waters, but it is technically 
possible, good luck getting Microsoft to support you through this!
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  -  Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hodgson, John
Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 2:12 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments

Yes I remember that tool too Mick; it was called Site Stager I think, 
customers loved it. They could run the generated HTML on LINUX if they wanted.

Not so good for Microsoft Licensing J

John Hodgson
Lead Solution Consultant
HP Consulting  Integration
0411 242 880 mobile | [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mick Badran
Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 3:57 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments


You could then even argue - why sharepoint at this stage?

Why not build a custom tool that converted your 'staging' MOSS WCM site(s) into 
a bunch of HTML and publish that to the web.

This is the approach we took when I was working on a MS internal MCMS system. 
Publishing to '' is a pretty locked down process (in terms of what 
you can/can't run)

Also things like the 'Site Deployment Tool' in MCMS v1.x/2.x did exactly this - 
you could even embed script in pages that ran during the 'deployment' process. 
It produced *.htm pages that you could drop onto a CD to give to clients etc.

Needless to say here in WSS 3.0/MOSS deployment is not a trivial task.. 
let's try and crack that rubiks cube :)

Mick Badran (MVP - BizTalk) | mb: +61 404842833 | im:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Breeze Training | Training + Integration Specialist | Microsoft Readiness 

Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 3:39 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments
There is always the option of Build Your Own Tool for migration.

This offers the best flexibility because you have full control over what is 
migrated and how its migrated. You will also understand the entire migration 
process intimately.

The problem with some tools on the market is flexibility, if a specific thing 
is not migrating across as you like you can't alter the migration code or 
migration process at all. An example is the MCMS to MOSS migration tool built 
into Central Admin (which I wrote the migration white paper on) it works 
alright for simple websites, but for larger complex mcms sites it isn't 
flexible enough so people have been developing their own migration tools for 
the job.

There is of course the phenomenal amount of work (TIME) required to build your 
own tool, but if your organization has plans for many future migration projects 
it may be the best option, better than using a third-party tool.

Here's an MVP opinion on it, a reply I received when asking what people in the 
USA are doing regarding MCMS to MOSS migrations :

Pretty common... people don't like the OOTB and Metalogix is pricy. One 
approach I like is to dump everything - HTML pages via something like 
PowerShell and then add them to document libraries, leveraging custom doc 
converters to get them into the site.

Not much of a market for this though because every MCMS instance is so damn 
custom J

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  -  Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments

ah yes metalogix..the html - MCMS product rocked!

Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 2:23 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments
Ishai - metalogix did a great (any HTML) to MCMS/Sharepoint 'converter' also.

Great product!

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ishai Sagi
Sent: Friday, 9 November 2007 2:10 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments

It is just for content. I saw a demo here in Vegas yesterday

[OzMOSS] RE: Deploying between environments

2007-11-05 Thread Sezai KOMUR
It's great you ask Aaron, because my opinion is that the whole deploying 
between environments story in MOSS is overly complicated and has severe 
problems, see this video - . This 
was all a lot easier to do with MCMS ! You could export content from Site 
Manager to an SDO file, and easily setup a new MCMS web application, and move 
the SDO content to the new environment.

 provision/manage releases between environments?

Use a Solution to deploy a custom site definition and its features to the new 
server, but when you create a new site collection on the new server, this 
simply creates a new empty shell of a site with none of your content, so you 
then need to do a Site Collection Backup / Restore over it to get your latest 
content in.
If your site has un-published items then they won't make it across to the new 
server. Andrew Connell just released an update to his custom STSADM commands,
 one of the commands is PublishAllItems, you need to run this over your site 
before backup otherwise items not checked-in will mysteriously disappear.

 customised site with custom features and custom site defs

Deploy your custom site definition and features using a SharePoint Solution.

 How do you move site content between these environments as well?

Site Collection Backup and Restore, it's not fool proof and I don't trust it 
most of the time, but it does the job. I try to minimize this process as much 
as possible because I find files and items seem to go randomly missing from the 
site, you then have a team of content authors complaining about their lost 
images and screwed up content.

 Any tools etc you use ? Any tips etc?

We developed a nice WinForms tool(Object Model Code) in-house with a simple 
Wizard interface. You specify an existing Web Application, the tool deletes the 
top level site collection in the web app, it then retracts the previous 
solution, removes/uninstalls Features, redeploys the new Solution, including 
Custom Site Definition Files and All Features, then it creates a fresh new Site 
Collection on the Web App for you.

This roles-up half-a-dozen steps into one single installer application that is 
quick and easy to run.

A Batch file(STSADM Commands) works just as nicely, it's worth having something 
like this to run to automate the whole process and help cut-down the number of 
steps and time taken to run through it all.

That's it... Not a great story, very messy, but that's what we all have to work 
with I guess, it would be great to hear other opinions and stories on this, I 
want to learn more to stream-line our deployment processes here.

Just like Aaron, I too would like to learn how others managed all of this in 
their environment(s).

So Everyone Please Share!

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  -  Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Monday, 5 November 2007 3:32 PM
Subject: [OzMOSS] Deploying between environments

Dear All,
I have a question more out of curiosity than anything else.
How do you (as in you in your're organisation) provision/manage releases 
between environments? Ie dev - stage - prod
Also if you have a customised site with custom features and custom site defs 
manage the deployment between environments?
How do you move site content between these environments as well?
Any tools etc you use ? Any tips etc?

I wanted to get an idea on how others managed this in their environment(s).

I have been getting asked this by many people of late and wanted to see how 
others tackled this problem.


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RE: [OzMOSS] How to change font size on MOSS Intenet Site on the fly

2007-11-01 Thread Sezai KOMUR
The MOSS WCM site we launched at Vivid last week has font switching and also 
print mode.

Check the controls in the top right hand corner on this page -
Print Mode -

Font switching is implemented with JavaScript, clicking the text re-size images 
simply changes the font size of specific HTML elements by checking the existing 
font size and setting to a different font size accordingly . A whole set of if 
else statements to handle changing the font size is used. 
if( == medium)  fontSize = large; There are many 
other examples of JavaScript on the internet which will provide you font 
switching functionality, they should all work in MOSS.

Print Mode works with a query string parameter, if Print=true an alternate 
Master Page is loaded, the Master Page has different CSS and layout.

Providing Print Mode was tough initially, it was implemented by extending the 
PublishingLayoutPage class for all Page Layouts in the site -

So on loading the page, check for the query string parameter and if present, 
load an alternate Print.Master instead of the regular site Master page. You can 
then put different CSS in your print master and even completely change the 
layout to provide a nice clean print mode.

So You can use either method to provide font switching, either with pure 
JavaScript, OR a custom PublishingLayoutPage with query string parameters. I 
think JavaScript is nicer because of no post-back.
Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  -  Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of srk Jag
Sent: Friday, 2 November 2007 8:45 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] How to change font size on MOSS Intenet Site on the fly

Hi Folks,

I want to change the font size (increase or decrease) on my SharePoint 2007 
Internet Site, when the user click on the increase font or decrease font 
buttons. This is a critical requirement to meet the site accessiblity 
specifications. I came across a Sharepoint site ( which has this 
functionality. All they did was to change the CSS file (with new font  size) 
for the site when a user clicks on the buttons. They achieved this by passing 
  to the page. this changes the CSS file used.

Ok now my questions are;

1. how to change the CSS file for a site on the fly?
2. do you know of any other way to achieve this functionality (changing the 
font size)? Any pointers will be of great help.
Thanks in advance.

Jag Sri Raja Kakarlapudi
SharePoint Solution Specialist,
Strategic Data Management,
Adelaide, South Australia

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[OzMOSS] RE: MOSS Bible on PDF

2007-10-31 Thread Sezai KOMUR

You may actually be referring to a book US $44.99

There are SharePoint Bible PDFs online, but you need to visit a Torrent site to 
get a torrent for it and then download the PDF illegally, which maybe explains 
why it isn't an easy download ;o)

Your best (legal) option is to purchase the hard copy and support the authors.

One of my colleagues here purchased this book, I am flicking through it at the 
moment. It's great and contains a ton of detail, not only does it provide a 
high-level conceptual overview, it also has detailed step-by-step instructions 
on HOW to do things, it's a massive book and a good read, I recommend it to 

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  -  Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Prior, David
Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2007 8:35 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] MOSS Bible on PDF

Hi all,

Rumour has it that there is a nice big SharePoint Bible PDF document out there 
for download from Microsoft, problem is I can't find it.

Has anyone heard of this document and can point me in the right direction?


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RE: [OzMOSS] RE: MOSS Bible on PDF

2007-10-31 Thread Sezai KOMUR

I am disappointed you did not read my whole message correctly.

Did you read this following line I wrote?

Your best (legal) option is to purchase the hard copy and support the authors.

Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  -  Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sundeep R
Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2007 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: [OzMOSS] RE: MOSS Bible on PDF

I am very disappointed, Sezai.

I think it is very irresponsible recommending someone to download sharepoints 
pdfs from bit torrent sites. It's not like downloading last weeks episode of 
Dancing with the Stars.

Your job is in sharepoint and these guys work very hard to come up with these 
resources which allow you to do your job and earn a living. The very least you 
could do is pay them to encourage them to keep up the good work.

Also you can claim it off tax or as a work expense, so you don't really have an 

On 11/1/07, Sezai KOMUR  [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You may actually be referring to a book US $44.99

There are SharePoint Bible PDFs online, but you need to visit a Torrent site to 
get a torrent for it and then download the PDF illegally, which maybe explains 
why it isn't an easy download ;o)

Your best (legal) option is to purchase the hard copy and support the authors.

One of my colleagues here purchased this book, I am flicking through it at the 
moment. It's great and contains a ton of detail, not only does it provide a 
high-level conceptual overview, it also has detailed step-by-step instructions 
on HOW to do things, it's a massive book and a good read, I recommend it to 


Sezai Kömür
Senior Developer  -  Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Prior, David
Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2007 8:35 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] MOSS Bible on PDF

Hi all,

Rumour has it that there is a nice big SharePoint Bible PDF document out there 
for download from Microsoft, problem is I can't find it.

Has anyone heard of this document and can point me in the right direction?




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