Index and Search question in Lucene.

2004-08-07 Thread Dmitrii PapaGeorgio
Ok so when I index a file such as below
Document doc = new Document();
doc.Add(Field.Text(contents, new StreamReader(dataDir)));
doc.Add(Field.Keyword(filename, dataDir));
I can do a search as this
+contents:SomeWord  +filename:SomePath
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Benchmark of filesystem cache for index vs RAMDirectory...

2004-08-07 Thread Kevin A. Burton
I'm not sure how Solaris or Windows perform but the Linux block cache 
will essentially use all avali memory to buffer the filesystem.

If one is using an FSDirectory to perform searches while the first 
search would be slow, remaining searches would be fast since Linux will 
now buffer the index in RAM.

The RAMDirectory has the advantage of pre-loading everything and can 
keep it in memory if the box is performing other operations.

In my benchmarks though RAMDirectory is slightly slower.  I assume this 
is because its Hashtable based even though it only needs to be 
synchronized in a few places.  IE searches should never be synchronized...

Would a HashMap implementation of RAMDirectory beat out a cached 

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