Hi lute people -

  I recommend that when you compose a message to send to the 
lute list that you set the format to "plain" and avoid "rich 
text" and "HTML".  This will keep you from using formatting 
options that won't get past the mail list robot un-mangled.  

  The lute list robot converts every message to plain text because
there was a time, not long ago in lute builders time, when many
of the readers could not interpret the fancier HTML coding that
would appear in their mailbox, and they complained loudly about
it.  If it seems clear that now nobody is using a mail reader that 
doesn't understand HTML, I could start sending the mail on as 
HTML, which would allow people to use various fonts and colors
in their messages.  This would not be trivial for me to do, and
some small number of messages would still come through garbled,
but it is a possibility, if everyone on the list wanted things
to work that way.  I know a few people would be very excited
to see HTML messages passed on in their original form, but I need
to feel that everyone would prefer it.  So let me know, one way or
the other.


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