Dear lutenists,

I just got the Lute News number 68, December 2003 by the Lute Society (UK).

It had a very nice music supplement: 24 Preludes and Recercars from
"early renaissance" ("early" means here the first half of 16th 
century, so not so very early... ;-)

But it is a very good compilation of not too complicated music:
nice for beginners, good enough also for more advanced players,
nice repertoire for "quick gigs" and sight reading, good etydes...

It contains music from Basel F.IX.56, Pesaro 1144, Spinaccino, 
Bossinensis, Dalza, dall'Aquila, Paris 429, Thibault, Braye, etc.

The compilation and the (French tab) edition are by John H. Robinson
of Univ. Newcastle upon Tyne.

Thanks to The Lute Society and John!


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