Re: BibTex problem with Lyx 1.4.3

2006-12-28 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
lamikr wrote:
 That was it, thank you very much. Actually I need to fill a bug both to
 the gbib and kbibtex as both of them allowed me to make the same mistake.
 Would there be any changes that Lyx could catch errors like these and
 give some kind of warning in a situations like this?

I think LyX should catch bibtex errors in the same way it catches LaTeX errors 
and report them via the LaTeX error dialog. This is a request we are aware of 
(I think there's also a report on bugzilla).


Re: BibTex problem with Lyx 1.4.3

2006-12-28 Thread lamikr
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
 lamikr wrote:
 That was it, thank you very much. Actually I need to fill a bug both to
 the gbib and kbibtex as both of them allowed me to make the same mistake.
 Would there be any changes that Lyx could catch errors like these and
 give some kind of warning in a situations like this?

 I think LyX should catch bibtex errors in the same way it catches LaTeX 
 and report them via the LaTeX error dialog. This is a request we are aware of 
 (I think there's also a report on bugzilla).
Yes, actually I think that it would be nice if Lyx could check some of
the errors like invalid keyword even earlier when the bibtex database
is added to
Lyx document or when the references with invalid keyword are itself created.


external file conversion fails

2006-12-28 Thread Gunnar
I have made an external template (or converter for external files as it is 
with the new lyx versions, i use 1.4.2)

I get the error message: An errror occurred whilst running
highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName -o

The command in the converter in the preferences menu is:
highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName -o $$FName.tex

I'm not really sure what is going on here. I thought I had it working.
Any ideas, anyone?

Regards Gunnar.

Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread Nick Hopton

Friends All,

I've been experimenting with the current alpha releases of LyX for 
Windows, just at present I'm using the latest one, LyX Version 1.5.0svn 
(Sat Dec 23 01:34:44 2006). For most of what I want to do this works 
well, for which thanks to the team, the work you guys put into this 
project is above and beyond the call of duty.

One thing I have noticed with the latest version is that if I move the 
cursor to immediately before a footnote, LyX dies instantly. Here is a 
test file, I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this phenomenon?


Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England

#LyX 1.5.0svn created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 255
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\font_roman default
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_default_family default
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\use_esint 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\author Nick Hopton 


\begin_layout Standard
Besides what I myself have seen, I have learnt a great many particulars
 from my neophytes, several of whom work in porcelain, while others do a
 great trade in it.
 I also confirmed the truth of the information they had given me by a study
 of the Chinese books on the subject, so that I believe I have obtained
 a pretty exact knowledge of all that concerns this beautiful art, so that
 I can talk about it with some confidence.
 Among these books I examined the history of Fuliang
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard
Jingdezhen was in Fuliang county.


, and I have read carefully, in the fourth volume, the article on porcelain.


Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Günter Dannoritzer
Shawn Willden wrote:
 To use LyX to produce the sort of engineering/requirements documentation used 
 by my group, I need to see if I can find/produce a document class that 
 replicates the structure of our Word documents.

Hi Shawn,

I started a couple of weeks ago creating a LyX template for OpenCores
and posted the document and its pdf version on this page:

I haven't worked on it further. One thing, I thought was a problem, but
learned it is normal style, is that on each first chapter page the
header and footer are not displayed. There is a workaround to that,
which someone posted in this list. I haven't gotten around adding it yet.

Maybe it is of any help for you.



Re: external file conversion fails

2006-12-28 Thread Gunnar
Part two of this mess.
Now I have LyX 1.4.3 and an external template that looks like this

Template CppKod
GuiName [C++ $$Basename]
Snyggar till C++ kod
InputFormat cpp
FileFilter *.{cpp,h,hpp,c}
AutomaticProduction true
Format LaTeX
Product {\\small \\input{$$FPath$$Basename.tex} }
UpdateFormat latex
#UpdateCommand highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName 
UpdateResult $$FName.tex
Format PDFLaTeX
Product {\\small \\input{$$FPath$$Basename.tex} }
UpdateFormat latex
#UpdateCommand highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName 
UpdateResult $$FPath$$Basename.tex

And the result is a file that lacks some of the images that are used.
In the console I get:
dvips: Could not find figure file /home/gunnar/Skola//int_area.eps; continuing

and that file really exists in the current directory.
This picture is included with ERT by \includegraphics{int_area.eps}

I'm very confused now.

On Thursday 28 December 2006 11:50, Gunnar wrote:
 I have made an external template (or converter for external files as it is
 with the new lyx versions, i use 1.4.2)

 I get the error message: An errror occurred whilst running
 highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName -o

 The command in the converter in the preferences menu is:
 highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName -o $$FName.tex

 I'm not really sure what is going on here. I thought I had it working.
 Any ideas, anyone?

 Regards Gunnar.

Re: Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread icebna

I have open the file in lyx to linux version and give the next error :
failed convert lyx2lyx. Can you help ?.



Nick Hopton wrote:

Friends All,

I've been experimenting with the current alpha releases of LyX for 
Windows, just at present I'm using the latest one, LyX Version 1.5.0svn 
(Sat Dec 23 01:34:44 2006). For most of what I want to do this works 
well, for which thanks to the team, the work you guys put into this 
project is above and beyond the call of duty.

One thing I have noticed with the latest version is that if I move the 
cursor to immediately before a footnote, LyX dies instantly. Here is a 
test file, I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this phenomenon?


#LyX 1.5.0svn created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 255
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\font_roman default
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_default_family default
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\use_esint 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\author Nick Hopton 


\begin_layout Standard
Besides what I myself have seen, I have learnt a great many particulars
 from my neophytes, several of whom work in porcelain, while others do a
 great trade in it.
 I also confirmed the truth of the information they had given me by a study
 of the Chinese books on the subject, so that I believe I have obtained
 a pretty exact knowledge of all that concerns this beautiful art, so that
 I can talk about it with some confidence.
 Among these books I examined the history of Fuliang
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard
Jingdezhen was in Fuliang county.


, and I have read carefully, in the fourth volume, the article on porcelain.


Re: Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread Bo Peng

One thing I have noticed with the latest version is that if I move the
cursor to immediately before a footnote, LyX dies instantly. Here is a
test file, I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this phenomenon?

This problem has been fixed yesterday.

Thank you very much for testing.


Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Daniel Lohmann


Siterer Shawn Willden [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Each page also needs a footer, containing the file name, page number
(e.g. Page n of m), version number and last revision date.

Would it be difficult to make something like this? Is there something
out there that's close that I could use as a starting point?

I cant see anything impossible in what you have described above.

How would one do the Page n of m thing? We needed it once (quite some 
time ago) and after trying and fiddling around with counters for a couple 
of frustrating hours we eventually ended up with setting the value of m by 


Re: external file conversion fails

2006-12-28 Thread Gunnar
 And the result is a file that lacks some of the images that are used.
 In the console I get:
 dvips: Could not find figure file /home/gunnar/Skola//int_area.eps;

 and that file really exists in the current directory.
 This picture is included with ERT by \includegraphics{int_area.eps}

 I'm very confused now.
I'm less confused now. This clearly has nothing to do with the templates. But 
still, the images are ignored.

Re: Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread Nick Hopton
In a recent message 

One thing I have noticed with the latest version is that if I move the
cursor to immediately before a footnote, LyX dies instantly. Here is a
test file, I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this phenomenon?

This problem has been fixed yesterday.

Thanks for this. I have another problem with View - HTML, but I'll 
start another thread on this one (to keep things neat).


Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England


2006-12-28 Thread Nick Hopton
Still with LyX for Windows Version 1.5.0svn (Sat Dec 23 01:34:44 2006). 
For me, LyX works pretty well straight out of the box, with a few 

However, one problem I have is with View - HTML. When I do this I get 
the following (I've shortened this to the last 25-odd lines of output):


(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/unicode/lm/lm-ec.htf)
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec/ecsx2074.tfm)
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/alias/ec/ec.htf)
Searching `lm-ec.htf' for `ecsx2074.htf'
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/unicode/lm/lm-ec.htf)
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec/ecrm1095.tfm)
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/alias/ec/ec.htf)
Searching `lm-ec.htf' for `ecrm1095.htf'
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/unicode/lm/lm-ec.htf)
[1 file C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1636a01692/lyx_tmpbuf0/entrecolles.htm
] [2] [3] [4]
[5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
[15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
Execute script `C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1636a01692/lyx_tmpbuf0/entrecolles.lg'

C:\documents and settings\nick hopton\my documentst4ht 

t4ht.c (2006-09-13-14:28 Windows MiKTeX)
t4ht C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1636a01692/lyx_tmpbuf0/entrecolles.tex
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/base/win32/tex4ht.env)
Entering C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1636a01692/lyx_tmpbuf0/entrecolles.lg


Then a box pops up informing me that:

LyX: Cannot view file
File does not exist:

Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.


Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England

Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Richard Heck
Daniel Lohmann wrote:
 How would one do the Page n of m thing? We needed it once (quite
 some time ago) and after trying and fiddling around with counters for
 a couple of frustrating hours we eventually ended up with setting the
 value of m by hand...
See the lastpage package.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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LyX and cp1251

2006-12-28 Thread V.Yumashev
Hello lyx-users,

I have a problem using LyX in Win32 environment:

After I import an existing LaTeX document
written in Russian using cp1251 encoding,
LyX displays the document in KOI8-r encoding
which looks like garbage.

I do not know how to make LyX to use cp1251
encoding to display (and also to insert
modifications into) documents. Note that
cp1251 is standard encoding in Win32 for
presenting texts in Russian.

Best regards,
Vladimir Yumashev

Re: Equations display improperly on x86-64 linux build

2006-12-28 Thread Paul A. Rubin

James wrote:

OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4

uname -srv gives:
  Linux 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp #1 SMP Mon Sep 25 17:24:31 EDT 2006

Forgive my lack of Linux prowess, but I don't know what X fonts I have
installed, or which latex package I am using.  It is whatever comes as the
default latex rpm for red-hat linux.

Have a look at  I believe you can download 
the fonts as an RPM.


Re: Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread Georg Baum
On Thursday 28 December 2006 14:46, icebna wrote:
 I have open the file in lyx to linux version and give the next error :
 failed convert lyx2lyx. Can you help ?.

Yes. That file is in the new format of LyX 1.5.0svn. The last released 1.4. 
version (probably 1.4.5) will e able to read this format, but for now the 
conversion to older formats can only be done with LyX 1.5.0svn, and only 


LabelCounter behaves strangely

2006-12-28 Thread Jan Willemson
Hi all,

I am writing a new layout for my document class and I need several
styles of parts that would display like this:

Part 1
Part title 

Plain text ...

Since several LyX standard layouts support Chapter style that does
exactly this, I was optimistic when I started reading LyX documentation
and experimenting with different layouts provided with LyX. I tried to
define my own counters and do something like:

Name   mypartcounter

Style MyPart
Margin  Dynamic
LatexType   Command
Align   Center
Series  Bold

Style MyPart
LabelType   Counter
LabelString MyPart \arabic{mypartcounter}

This is a direct translation of Chapter definitions from LyX layout
files. However this produced something different than the Chapter
definition -- it refused to type the part name on the next line. I
played for some time and then found out that I can achieve the desired
behavior if I rename the counter ('mypartcounter') to be 'chapter'!
Which is very strange, since my layout knows nothing about LyX standard
layouts and 'chapter' should be just an arbitrary string. So does LyX
have a hard-coded behavior based on which strings are used as counter

I also found the following from the LyX documentation (Customizing LyX:
Features for the Advanced User, Section 5):

LabelCounter [Chapter, Section, Subsection, Subsubsection, Paragraph,
Subparagraph, EnumI, EnumII, EnumIII, EnumIV]

This hints that there are only those 10 counter names accepted. However
I have been able to define my own counters for other styles very well
and use them with LabelCounter as well. And on the other hand, Chapter,
Section, Subsection, etc. are themselves defined in standard layout
files and ideally, neither LyX documentation nor LyX itself should know
anything about those a priori. 

But apparently they do.

So I have the following questions. Is the display of Chapter style
really hard coded into LyX? Is is possible to define other styles with
the same behavior?  And why should a counter name influence the display?
Or am I reading something very wrongly?

I wouldn't really mind using the chapter counter, the only trouble is
that I need several different styles like that and I can not use the
same counter name for all of them.

I'd be grateful if someone from the developers could answer this
problems and I hope that they read lyx-users list, too. Or is another
mailing list better?
Best regards,

Telli Päevaleht ja võida 4 Nissani maasturit!

Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Shawn Willden
On Wednesday 27 December 2006 11:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess this could be done in several ways. The best and easiest in the
 long run would be to hire someone to craft a new LaTeX class, lyx
 layout and template. However, this would not be gratis and might be a
 bigger investment than you are willing to do at the moment.

Yeah, and it would have to be an investment out of my own pocket.  I'm going 
against the grain here suggesting migrating away from Word at all, and any 
hint that the company might have to pay money in order to make this move will 
shut it down instantly.  I could argue that the time savings will more than 
pay for it (people do spend an awful lot of time tweaking Word docs, and 
dealing with the lack of decent revision management), but I already have to 
use that argument to justify retraining time.

 starting with something that are already supported in LyX and live with
 some changes and warts until you are committed to LyX may be the
 easiest and best starting point.

Yes.  And if I can find something reasonably close, that will be good enough.  
The format isn't set in stone, I mostly just need to get all the data 
elements in place and layed out similarly to the existing template.

 Have you tried koma-skript article ? It has a lot more options out of
 the box, but might not have the look you want ?

I'll look at it, thanks.

 Another tip is that the label do not matter that much, institute can
 become copyright statement or document owner if it looks right on
 paper. And in LyX you can change the name from institute to copyright
 statement by changing the layout file.

That seems like it should be very easy.

 You can also remove styles from the layoutfile that are not used to make
 it even more userfriendly.

That's a good idea.  I do need to make this as much of a no-brainer as 
possible.  My colleagues are plenty smart, but I need to eliminate all 
possible obstacles.

 Well, as I said, some pointers to get you started. Do not hesitate to
 ask questions if you have some questions.

Rest assured that I will!

 PS do not forget to read the help-Customization chapter 5.

Doing it now.

Thanks again,


Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Shawn Willden
On Thursday 28 December 2006 03:28, Günter Dannoritzer wrote:
 I started a couple of weeks ago creating a LyX template for OpenCores
 and posted the document and its pdf version on this page:

That does indeed look very close to what I need.

 I haven't worked on it further. One thing, I thought was a problem, but
 learned it is normal style, is that on each first chapter page the
 header and footer are not displayed. There is a workaround to that,
 which someone posted in this list. I haven't gotten around adding it yet.

I'll need to fix that.  I suppose the fix is in the archive somewhere.  I'll 
look.  If I make this change, I'll send it to you.

 Maybe it is of any help for you.

Yes, I think it is!


Re: LyX and cp1251

2006-12-28 Thread Georg Baum
On Thursday 28 December 2006 18:10, V.Yumashev wrote:
 Hello lyx-users,

 I have a problem using LyX in Win32 environment:

 After I import an existing LaTeX document
 written in Russian using cp1251 encoding,
 LyX displays the document in KOI8-r encoding
 which looks like garbage.

 I do not know how to make LyX to use cp1251
 encoding to display (and also to insert
 modifications into) documents. Note that
 cp1251 is standard encoding in Win32 for
 presenting texts in Russian.

tex2lyx (which is used to import .tex files) does unfortunately not know 
anything about encodings, therefore some default encoding ill be used. 
Fortunately there is an easy workaround: Open the created .lyx file with a 
text editor, and search for a line

\inputencoding auto

(or koi8-r) instead of auto). It should be somewhere at the beginning of the 
file. Change that line to

\inputencoding cp1251

, and it should work. If it does not work, file a bug at 
http://bugzilla.lyx,org, and attach a minimal exmple .tex file along with the 
created .lyx file (unedited).


\includegraphics doesn't find pictures

2006-12-28 Thread Gunnar
Hi again.
I just created a new account, logged in, started lyx 1.4.3 and created the lyx 
file attached.

I try to view the file but all I get is
dvips: Could not find figure file /tmp//int_area.eps; continuing

I try lyx -e pdf  and  lyx -e ps  with the same result, but
lyx -e latex newfile1.lyx

and then 
latex newfile1.tex gives me a dvi file with the desired result.

Why can't I view it from inside lyx?

Description: application/lyx

Re: BibTex problem with Lyx 1.4.3

2006-12-28 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
lamikr wrote:
 That was it, thank you very much. Actually I need to fill a bug both to
 the gbib and kbibtex as both of them allowed me to make the same mistake.
 Would there be any changes that Lyx could catch errors like these and
 give some kind of warning in a situations like this?

I think LyX should catch bibtex errors in the same way it catches LaTeX errors 
and report them via the LaTeX error dialog. This is a request we are aware of 
(I think there's also a report on bugzilla).


Re: BibTex problem with Lyx 1.4.3

2006-12-28 Thread lamikr
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
 lamikr wrote:
 That was it, thank you very much. Actually I need to fill a bug both to
 the gbib and kbibtex as both of them allowed me to make the same mistake.
 Would there be any changes that Lyx could catch errors like these and
 give some kind of warning in a situations like this?

 I think LyX should catch bibtex errors in the same way it catches LaTeX 
 and report them via the LaTeX error dialog. This is a request we are aware of 
 (I think there's also a report on bugzilla).
Yes, actually I think that it would be nice if Lyx could check some of
the errors like invalid keyword even earlier when the bibtex database
is added to
Lyx document or when the references with invalid keyword are itself created.


external file conversion fails

2006-12-28 Thread Gunnar
I have made an external template (or converter for external files as it is 
with the new lyx versions, i use 1.4.2)

I get the error message: An errror occurred whilst running
highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName -o

The command in the converter in the preferences menu is:
highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName -o $$FName.tex

I'm not really sure what is going on here. I thought I had it working.
Any ideas, anyone?

Regards Gunnar.

Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread Nick Hopton

Friends All,

I've been experimenting with the current alpha releases of LyX for 
Windows, just at present I'm using the latest one, LyX Version 1.5.0svn 
(Sat Dec 23 01:34:44 2006). For most of what I want to do this works 
well, for which thanks to the team, the work you guys put into this 
project is above and beyond the call of duty.

One thing I have noticed with the latest version is that if I move the 
cursor to immediately before a footnote, LyX dies instantly. Here is a 
test file, I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this phenomenon?


Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England

#LyX 1.5.0svn created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 255
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\font_roman default
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_default_family default
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\use_esint 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\author Nick Hopton 


\begin_layout Standard
Besides what I myself have seen, I have learnt a great many particulars
 from my neophytes, several of whom work in porcelain, while others do a
 great trade in it.
 I also confirmed the truth of the information they had given me by a study
 of the Chinese books on the subject, so that I believe I have obtained
 a pretty exact knowledge of all that concerns this beautiful art, so that
 I can talk about it with some confidence.
 Among these books I examined the history of Fuliang
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard
Jingdezhen was in Fuliang county.


, and I have read carefully, in the fourth volume, the article on porcelain.


Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Günter Dannoritzer
Shawn Willden wrote:
 To use LyX to produce the sort of engineering/requirements documentation used 
 by my group, I need to see if I can find/produce a document class that 
 replicates the structure of our Word documents.

Hi Shawn,

I started a couple of weeks ago creating a LyX template for OpenCores
and posted the document and its pdf version on this page:

I haven't worked on it further. One thing, I thought was a problem, but
learned it is normal style, is that on each first chapter page the
header and footer are not displayed. There is a workaround to that,
which someone posted in this list. I haven't gotten around adding it yet.

Maybe it is of any help for you.



Re: external file conversion fails

2006-12-28 Thread Gunnar
Part two of this mess.
Now I have LyX 1.4.3 and an external template that looks like this

Template CppKod
GuiName [C++ $$Basename]
Snyggar till C++ kod
InputFormat cpp
FileFilter *.{cpp,h,hpp,c}
AutomaticProduction true
Format LaTeX
Product {\\small \\input{$$FPath$$Basename.tex} }
UpdateFormat latex
#UpdateCommand highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName 
UpdateResult $$FName.tex
Format PDFLaTeX
Product {\\small \\input{$$FPath$$Basename.tex} }
UpdateFormat latex
#UpdateCommand highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName 
UpdateResult $$FPath$$Basename.tex

And the result is a file that lacks some of the images that are used.
In the console I get:
dvips: Could not find figure file /home/gunnar/Skola//int_area.eps; continuing

and that file really exists in the current directory.
This picture is included with ERT by \includegraphics{int_area.eps}

I'm very confused now.

On Thursday 28 December 2006 11:50, Gunnar wrote:
 I have made an external template (or converter for external files as it is
 with the new lyx versions, i use 1.4.2)

 I get the error message: An errror occurred whilst running
 highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName -o

 The command in the converter in the preferences menu is:
 highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName -o $$FName.tex

 I'm not really sure what is going on here. I thought I had it working.
 Any ideas, anyone?

 Regards Gunnar.

Re: Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread icebna

I have open the file in lyx to linux version and give the next error :
failed convert lyx2lyx. Can you help ?.



Nick Hopton wrote:

Friends All,

I've been experimenting with the current alpha releases of LyX for 
Windows, just at present I'm using the latest one, LyX Version 1.5.0svn 
(Sat Dec 23 01:34:44 2006). For most of what I want to do this works 
well, for which thanks to the team, the work you guys put into this 
project is above and beyond the call of duty.

One thing I have noticed with the latest version is that if I move the 
cursor to immediately before a footnote, LyX dies instantly. Here is a 
test file, I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this phenomenon?


#LyX 1.5.0svn created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 255
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\font_roman default
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_default_family default
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\use_esint 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\author Nick Hopton 


\begin_layout Standard
Besides what I myself have seen, I have learnt a great many particulars
 from my neophytes, several of whom work in porcelain, while others do a
 great trade in it.
 I also confirmed the truth of the information they had given me by a study
 of the Chinese books on the subject, so that I believe I have obtained
 a pretty exact knowledge of all that concerns this beautiful art, so that
 I can talk about it with some confidence.
 Among these books I examined the history of Fuliang
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard
Jingdezhen was in Fuliang county.


, and I have read carefully, in the fourth volume, the article on porcelain.


Re: Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread Bo Peng

One thing I have noticed with the latest version is that if I move the
cursor to immediately before a footnote, LyX dies instantly. Here is a
test file, I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this phenomenon?

This problem has been fixed yesterday.

Thank you very much for testing.


Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Daniel Lohmann


Siterer Shawn Willden [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Each page also needs a footer, containing the file name, page number
(e.g. Page n of m), version number and last revision date.

Would it be difficult to make something like this? Is there something
out there that's close that I could use as a starting point?

I cant see anything impossible in what you have described above.

How would one do the Page n of m thing? We needed it once (quite some 
time ago) and after trying and fiddling around with counters for a couple 
of frustrating hours we eventually ended up with setting the value of m by 


Re: external file conversion fails

2006-12-28 Thread Gunnar
 And the result is a file that lacks some of the images that are used.
 In the console I get:
 dvips: Could not find figure file /home/gunnar/Skola//int_area.eps;

 and that file really exists in the current directory.
 This picture is included with ERT by \includegraphics{int_area.eps}

 I'm very confused now.
I'm less confused now. This clearly has nothing to do with the templates. But 
still, the images are ignored.

Re: Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread Nick Hopton
In a recent message 

One thing I have noticed with the latest version is that if I move the
cursor to immediately before a footnote, LyX dies instantly. Here is a
test file, I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this phenomenon?

This problem has been fixed yesterday.

Thanks for this. I have another problem with View - HTML, but I'll 
start another thread on this one (to keep things neat).


Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England


2006-12-28 Thread Nick Hopton
Still with LyX for Windows Version 1.5.0svn (Sat Dec 23 01:34:44 2006). 
For me, LyX works pretty well straight out of the box, with a few 

However, one problem I have is with View - HTML. When I do this I get 
the following (I've shortened this to the last 25-odd lines of output):


(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/unicode/lm/lm-ec.htf)
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec/ecsx2074.tfm)
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/alias/ec/ec.htf)
Searching `lm-ec.htf' for `ecsx2074.htf'
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/unicode/lm/lm-ec.htf)
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec/ecrm1095.tfm)
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/alias/ec/ec.htf)
Searching `lm-ec.htf' for `ecrm1095.htf'
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/unicode/lm/lm-ec.htf)
[1 file C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1636a01692/lyx_tmpbuf0/entrecolles.htm
] [2] [3] [4]
[5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
[15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
Execute script `C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1636a01692/lyx_tmpbuf0/entrecolles.lg'

C:\documents and settings\nick hopton\my documentst4ht 

t4ht.c (2006-09-13-14:28 Windows MiKTeX)
t4ht C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1636a01692/lyx_tmpbuf0/entrecolles.tex
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/base/win32/tex4ht.env)
Entering C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1636a01692/lyx_tmpbuf0/entrecolles.lg


Then a box pops up informing me that:

LyX: Cannot view file
File does not exist:

Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.


Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England

Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Richard Heck
Daniel Lohmann wrote:
 How would one do the Page n of m thing? We needed it once (quite
 some time ago) and after trying and fiddling around with counters for
 a couple of frustrating hours we eventually ended up with setting the
 value of m by hand...
See the lastpage package.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
Get my public key from
Hash: 0x1DE91F1E66FFBDEC
Learn how to sign your email using Thunderbird and GnuPG at:

LyX and cp1251

2006-12-28 Thread V.Yumashev
Hello lyx-users,

I have a problem using LyX in Win32 environment:

After I import an existing LaTeX document
written in Russian using cp1251 encoding,
LyX displays the document in KOI8-r encoding
which looks like garbage.

I do not know how to make LyX to use cp1251
encoding to display (and also to insert
modifications into) documents. Note that
cp1251 is standard encoding in Win32 for
presenting texts in Russian.

Best regards,
Vladimir Yumashev

Re: Equations display improperly on x86-64 linux build

2006-12-28 Thread Paul A. Rubin

James wrote:

OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4

uname -srv gives:
  Linux 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp #1 SMP Mon Sep 25 17:24:31 EDT 2006

Forgive my lack of Linux prowess, but I don't know what X fonts I have
installed, or which latex package I am using.  It is whatever comes as the
default latex rpm for red-hat linux.

Have a look at  I believe you can download 
the fonts as an RPM.


Re: Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread Georg Baum
On Thursday 28 December 2006 14:46, icebna wrote:
 I have open the file in lyx to linux version and give the next error :
 failed convert lyx2lyx. Can you help ?.

Yes. That file is in the new format of LyX 1.5.0svn. The last released 1.4. 
version (probably 1.4.5) will e able to read this format, but for now the 
conversion to older formats can only be done with LyX 1.5.0svn, and only 


LabelCounter behaves strangely

2006-12-28 Thread Jan Willemson
Hi all,

I am writing a new layout for my document class and I need several
styles of parts that would display like this:

Part 1
Part title 

Plain text ...

Since several LyX standard layouts support Chapter style that does
exactly this, I was optimistic when I started reading LyX documentation
and experimenting with different layouts provided with LyX. I tried to
define my own counters and do something like:

Name   mypartcounter

Style MyPart
Margin  Dynamic
LatexType   Command
Align   Center
Series  Bold

Style MyPart
LabelType   Counter
LabelString MyPart \arabic{mypartcounter}

This is a direct translation of Chapter definitions from LyX layout
files. However this produced something different than the Chapter
definition -- it refused to type the part name on the next line. I
played for some time and then found out that I can achieve the desired
behavior if I rename the counter ('mypartcounter') to be 'chapter'!
Which is very strange, since my layout knows nothing about LyX standard
layouts and 'chapter' should be just an arbitrary string. So does LyX
have a hard-coded behavior based on which strings are used as counter

I also found the following from the LyX documentation (Customizing LyX:
Features for the Advanced User, Section 5):

LabelCounter [Chapter, Section, Subsection, Subsubsection, Paragraph,
Subparagraph, EnumI, EnumII, EnumIII, EnumIV]

This hints that there are only those 10 counter names accepted. However
I have been able to define my own counters for other styles very well
and use them with LabelCounter as well. And on the other hand, Chapter,
Section, Subsection, etc. are themselves defined in standard layout
files and ideally, neither LyX documentation nor LyX itself should know
anything about those a priori. 

But apparently they do.

So I have the following questions. Is the display of Chapter style
really hard coded into LyX? Is is possible to define other styles with
the same behavior?  And why should a counter name influence the display?
Or am I reading something very wrongly?

I wouldn't really mind using the chapter counter, the only trouble is
that I need several different styles like that and I can not use the
same counter name for all of them.

I'd be grateful if someone from the developers could answer this
problems and I hope that they read lyx-users list, too. Or is another
mailing list better?
Best regards,

Telli Päevaleht ja võida 4 Nissani maasturit!

Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Shawn Willden
On Wednesday 27 December 2006 11:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess this could be done in several ways. The best and easiest in the
 long run would be to hire someone to craft a new LaTeX class, lyx
 layout and template. However, this would not be gratis and might be a
 bigger investment than you are willing to do at the moment.

Yeah, and it would have to be an investment out of my own pocket.  I'm going 
against the grain here suggesting migrating away from Word at all, and any 
hint that the company might have to pay money in order to make this move will 
shut it down instantly.  I could argue that the time savings will more than 
pay for it (people do spend an awful lot of time tweaking Word docs, and 
dealing with the lack of decent revision management), but I already have to 
use that argument to justify retraining time.

 starting with something that are already supported in LyX and live with
 some changes and warts until you are committed to LyX may be the
 easiest and best starting point.

Yes.  And if I can find something reasonably close, that will be good enough.  
The format isn't set in stone, I mostly just need to get all the data 
elements in place and layed out similarly to the existing template.

 Have you tried koma-skript article ? It has a lot more options out of
 the box, but might not have the look you want ?

I'll look at it, thanks.

 Another tip is that the label do not matter that much, institute can
 become copyright statement or document owner if it looks right on
 paper. And in LyX you can change the name from institute to copyright
 statement by changing the layout file.

That seems like it should be very easy.

 You can also remove styles from the layoutfile that are not used to make
 it even more userfriendly.

That's a good idea.  I do need to make this as much of a no-brainer as 
possible.  My colleagues are plenty smart, but I need to eliminate all 
possible obstacles.

 Well, as I said, some pointers to get you started. Do not hesitate to
 ask questions if you have some questions.

Rest assured that I will!

 PS do not forget to read the help-Customization chapter 5.

Doing it now.

Thanks again,


Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Shawn Willden
On Thursday 28 December 2006 03:28, Günter Dannoritzer wrote:
 I started a couple of weeks ago creating a LyX template for OpenCores
 and posted the document and its pdf version on this page:

That does indeed look very close to what I need.

 I haven't worked on it further. One thing, I thought was a problem, but
 learned it is normal style, is that on each first chapter page the
 header and footer are not displayed. There is a workaround to that,
 which someone posted in this list. I haven't gotten around adding it yet.

I'll need to fix that.  I suppose the fix is in the archive somewhere.  I'll 
look.  If I make this change, I'll send it to you.

 Maybe it is of any help for you.

Yes, I think it is!


Re: LyX and cp1251

2006-12-28 Thread Georg Baum
On Thursday 28 December 2006 18:10, V.Yumashev wrote:
 Hello lyx-users,

 I have a problem using LyX in Win32 environment:

 After I import an existing LaTeX document
 written in Russian using cp1251 encoding,
 LyX displays the document in KOI8-r encoding
 which looks like garbage.

 I do not know how to make LyX to use cp1251
 encoding to display (and also to insert
 modifications into) documents. Note that
 cp1251 is standard encoding in Win32 for
 presenting texts in Russian.

tex2lyx (which is used to import .tex files) does unfortunately not know 
anything about encodings, therefore some default encoding ill be used. 
Fortunately there is an easy workaround: Open the created .lyx file with a 
text editor, and search for a line

\inputencoding auto

(or koi8-r) instead of auto). It should be somewhere at the beginning of the 
file. Change that line to

\inputencoding cp1251

, and it should work. If it does not work, file a bug at 
http://bugzilla.lyx,org, and attach a minimal exmple .tex file along with the 
created .lyx file (unedited).


\includegraphics doesn't find pictures

2006-12-28 Thread Gunnar
Hi again.
I just created a new account, logged in, started lyx 1.4.3 and created the lyx 
file attached.

I try to view the file but all I get is
dvips: Could not find figure file /tmp//int_area.eps; continuing

I try lyx -e pdf  and  lyx -e ps  with the same result, but
lyx -e latex newfile1.lyx

and then 
latex newfile1.tex gives me a dvi file with the desired result.

Why can't I view it from inside lyx?

Description: application/lyx

Re: BibTex problem with Lyx 1.4.3

2006-12-28 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
lamikr wrote:
> That was it, thank you very much. Actually I need to fill a bug both to
> the gbib and kbibtex as both of them allowed me to make the same mistake.
> Would there be any changes that Lyx could catch errors like these and
> give some kind of warning in a situations like this?

I think LyX should catch bibtex errors in the same way it catches LaTeX errors 
and report them via the LaTeX error dialog. This is a request we are aware of 
(I think there's also a report on bugzilla).


Re: BibTex problem with Lyx 1.4.3

2006-12-28 Thread lamikr
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> lamikr wrote:
>> That was it, thank you very much. Actually I need to fill a bug both to
>> the gbib and kbibtex as both of them allowed me to make the same mistake.
>> Would there be any changes that Lyx could catch errors like these and
>> give some kind of warning in a situations like this?
> I think LyX should catch bibtex errors in the same way it catches LaTeX 
> errors 
> and report them via the LaTeX error dialog. This is a request we are aware of 
> (I think there's also a report on bugzilla).
Yes, actually I think that it would be nice if Lyx could check some of
the errors like "invalid keyword" even earlier when the bibtex database
is added to
Lyx document or when the references with invalid keyword are itself created.


external file conversion fails

2006-12-28 Thread Gunnar
I have made an external template (or converter for external files as it is 
with the new lyx versions, i use 1.4.2)

I get the error message: An errror occurred whilst running
highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName -o

The command in the converter in the preferences menu is:
highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName -o $$FName.tex

I'm not really sure what is going on here. I thought I had it working.
Any ideas, anyone?

Regards Gunnar.

Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread Nick Hopton

Friends All,

I've been experimenting with the current alpha releases of LyX for 
Windows, just at present I'm using the latest one, LyX Version 1.5.0svn 
(Sat Dec 23 01:34:44 2006). For most of what I want to do this works 
well, for which thanks to the team, the work you guys put into this 
project is above and beyond the call of duty.

One thing I have noticed with the latest version is that if I move the 
cursor to immediately before a footnote, LyX dies instantly. Here is a 
test file, I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this phenomenon?


Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England

#LyX 1.5.0svn created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 255
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\font_roman default
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_default_family default
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\use_esint 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\author "Nick Hopton" 


\begin_layout Standard
Besides what I myself have seen, I have learnt a great many particulars
 from my neophytes, several of whom work in porcelain, while others do a
 great trade in it.
 I also confirmed the truth of the information they had given me by a study
 of the Chinese books on the subject, so that I believe I have obtained
 a pretty exact knowledge of all that concerns this beautiful art, so that
 I can talk about it with some confidence.
 Among these books I examined the history of Fuliang
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard
Jingdezhen was in Fuliang county.


, and I have read carefully, in the fourth volume, the article on porcelain.


Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Günter Dannoritzer
Shawn Willden wrote:
> To use LyX to produce the sort of engineering/requirements documentation used 
> by my group, I need to see if I can find/produce a document class that 
> replicates the structure of our Word documents.

Hi Shawn,

I started a couple of weeks ago creating a LyX template for OpenCores
and posted the document and its pdf version on this page:

I haven't worked on it further. One thing, I thought was a problem, but
learned it is normal style, is that on each first chapter page the
header and footer are not displayed. There is a workaround to that,
which someone posted in this list. I haven't gotten around adding it yet.

Maybe it is of any help for you.



Re: external file conversion fails

2006-12-28 Thread Gunnar
Part two of this mess.
Now I have LyX 1.4.3 and an external template that looks like this

Template CppKod
GuiName "[C++ $$Basename]"
Snyggar till C++ kod
InputFormat cpp
FileFilter "*.{cpp,h,hpp,c}"
AutomaticProduction true
Format LaTeX
Product "{\\small \\input{$$FPath$$Basename.tex} }"
UpdateFormat latex
#UpdateCommand "highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName 
UpdateResult "$$FName.tex"
Format PDFLaTeX
Product "{\\small \\input{$$FPath$$Basename.tex} }"
UpdateFormat latex
#UpdateCommand "highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName 
UpdateResult "$$FPath$$Basename.tex"

And the result is a file that lacks some of the images that are used.
In the console I get:
dvips: Could not find figure file /home/gunnar/Skola//int_area.eps; continuing

and that file really exists in the current directory.
This picture is included with ERT by \includegraphics{int_area.eps}

I'm very confused now.

On Thursday 28 December 2006 11:50, Gunnar wrote:
> I have made an external template (or converter for external files as it is
> with the new lyx versions, i use 1.4.2)
> I get the error message: An errror occurred whilst running
> highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName -o
> The command in the converter in the preferences menu is:
> highlight -A -L -t 4 -I -S cpp -f -r -q $$FName -o $$FName.tex
> I'm not really sure what is going on here. I thought I had it working.
> Any ideas, anyone?
> Regards Gunnar.

Re: Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread icebna

I have open the file in lyx to linux version and give the next error :
failed convert lyx2lyx. Can you help ?.



Nick Hopton wrote:

Friends All,

I've been experimenting with the current alpha releases of LyX for 
Windows, just at present I'm using the latest one, LyX Version 1.5.0svn 
(Sat Dec 23 01:34:44 2006). For most of what I want to do this works 
well, for which thanks to the team, the work you guys put into this 
project is above and beyond the call of duty.

One thing I have noticed with the latest version is that if I move the 
cursor to immediately before a footnote, LyX dies instantly. Here is a 
test file, I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this phenomenon?


#LyX 1.5.0svn created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 255
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\font_roman default
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_default_family default
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\use_esint 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\author "Nick Hopton" 


\begin_layout Standard
Besides what I myself have seen, I have learnt a great many particulars
 from my neophytes, several of whom work in porcelain, while others do a
 great trade in it.
 I also confirmed the truth of the information they had given me by a study
 of the Chinese books on the subject, so that I believe I have obtained
 a pretty exact knowledge of all that concerns this beautiful art, so that
 I can talk about it with some confidence.
 Among these books I examined the history of Fuliang
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed

\begin_layout Standard
Jingdezhen was in Fuliang county.


, and I have read carefully, in the fourth volume, the article on porcelain.


Re: Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread Bo Peng

One thing I have noticed with the latest version is that if I move the
cursor to immediately before a footnote, LyX dies instantly. Here is a
test file, I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this phenomenon?

This problem has been fixed yesterday.

Thank you very much for testing.


Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Daniel Lohmann


Siterer Shawn Willden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Each page also needs a footer, containing the file name, page number
(e.g. "Page n of m"), version number and last revision date.

Would it be difficult to make something like this? Is there something
out there that's close that I could use as a starting point?

I cant see anything impossible in what you have described above.

How would one do the "Page n of m" thing? We needed it once (quite some 
time ago) and after trying and fiddling around with counters for a couple 
of frustrating hours we eventually ended up with setting the value of m by 


Re: external file conversion fails

2006-12-28 Thread Gunnar
> And the result is a file that lacks some of the images that are used.
> In the console I get:
> dvips: Could not find figure file /home/gunnar/Skola//int_area.eps;
> continuing
> and that file really exists in the current directory.
> This picture is included with ERT by \includegraphics{int_area.eps}
> I'm very confused now.
I'm less confused now. This clearly has nothing to do with the templates. But 
still, the images are ignored.

Re: Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread Nick Hopton
In a recent message 

One thing I have noticed with the latest version is that if I move the
cursor to immediately before a footnote, LyX dies instantly. Here is a
test file, I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this phenomenon?

This problem has been fixed yesterday.

Thanks for this. I have another problem with View -> HTML, but I'll 
start another thread on this one (to keep things neat).


Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England


2006-12-28 Thread Nick Hopton
Still with LyX for Windows Version 1.5.0svn (Sat Dec 23 01:34:44 2006). 
For me, LyX works pretty well straight out of the box, with a few 

However, one problem I have is with View -> HTML. When I do this I get 
the following (I've shortened this to the last 25-odd lines of output):


(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/unicode/lm/lm-ec.htf)
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec/ecsx2074.tfm)
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/alias/ec/ec.htf)
Searching `lm-ec.htf' for `ecsx2074.htf'
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/unicode/lm/lm-ec.htf)
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec/ecrm1095.tfm)
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/alias/ec/ec.htf)
Searching `lm-ec.htf' for `ecrm1095.htf'
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/ht-fonts/unicode/lm/lm-ec.htf)
[1 file C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1636a01692/lyx_tmpbuf0/entrecolles.htm
] [2] [3] [4]
[5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
[15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
Execute script `C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1636a01692/lyx_tmpbuf0/entrecolles.lg'

C:\documents and settings\nick hopton\my documents>t4ht 

t4ht.c (2006-09-13-14:28 Windows MiKTeX)
t4ht C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1636a01692/lyx_tmpbuf0/entrecolles.tex
(C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/tex4ht/base/win32/tex4ht.env)
Entering C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1636a01692/lyx_tmpbuf0/entrecolles.lg


Then a box pops up informing me that:

LyX: Cannot view file
File does not exist:

Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.


Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England

Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Richard Heck
Daniel Lohmann wrote:
> How would one do the "Page n of m" thing? We needed it once (quite
> some time ago) and after trying and fiddling around with counters for
> a couple of frustrating hours we eventually ended up with setting the
> value of m by hand...
See the lastpage package.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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LyX and cp1251

2006-12-28 Thread V.Yumashev
Hello lyx-users,

I have a problem using LyX in Win32 environment:

After I import an existing LaTeX document
written in Russian using cp1251 encoding,
LyX displays the document in KOI8-r encoding
which looks like garbage.

I do not know how to make LyX to use cp1251
encoding to display (and also to insert
modifications into) documents. Note that
cp1251 is standard encoding in Win32 for
presenting texts in Russian.

Best regards,
Vladimir Yumashev

Re: Equations display improperly on x86-64 linux build

2006-12-28 Thread Paul A. Rubin

James wrote:

OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4

uname -srv gives:
  Linux 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp #1 SMP Mon Sep 25 17:24:31 EDT 2006

Forgive my lack of Linux prowess, but I don't know what X fonts I have
installed, or which latex package I am using.  It is whatever comes as the
default latex rpm for red-hat linux.

Have a look at  I believe you can download 
the fonts as an RPM.


Re: Footnote crash...

2006-12-28 Thread Georg Baum
On Thursday 28 December 2006 14:46, icebna wrote:
> I have open the file in lyx to linux version and give the next error :
> failed convert lyx2lyx. Can you help ?.

Yes. That file is in the new format of LyX 1.5.0svn. The last released 1.4. 
version (probably 1.4.5) will e able to read this format, but for now the 
conversion to older formats can only be done with LyX 1.5.0svn, and only 


LabelCounter behaves strangely

2006-12-28 Thread Jan Willemson
Hi all,

I am writing a new layout for my document class and I need several
styles of parts that would display like this:

Part 1
Part title 

Plain text ...

Since several LyX standard layouts support Chapter style that does
exactly this, I was optimistic when I started reading LyX documentation
and experimenting with different layouts provided with LyX. I tried to
define my own counters and do something like:

Name   mypartcounter

Style MyPart
Margin  Dynamic
LatexType   Command
Align   Center
Series  Bold

Style MyPart
LabelType   Counter
LabelString "MyPart \arabic{mypartcounter}"

This is a direct translation of Chapter definitions from LyX layout
files. However this produced something different than the Chapter
definition -- it refused to type the part name on the next line. I
played for some time and then found out that I can achieve the desired
behavior if I rename the counter ('mypartcounter') to be 'chapter'!
Which is very strange, since my layout knows nothing about LyX standard
layouts and 'chapter' should be just an arbitrary string. So does LyX
have a hard-coded behavior based on which strings are used as counter

I also found the following from the LyX documentation (Customizing LyX:
Features for the Advanced User, Section 5):

LabelCounter [Chapter, Section, Subsection, Subsubsection, Paragraph,
Subparagraph, EnumI, EnumII, EnumIII, EnumIV]

This hints that there are only those 10 counter names accepted. However
I have been able to define my own counters for other styles very well
and use them with LabelCounter as well. And on the other hand, Chapter,
Section, Subsection, etc. are themselves defined in standard layout
files and ideally, neither LyX documentation nor LyX itself should know
anything about those a priori. 

But apparently they do.

So I have the following questions. Is the display of Chapter style
really hard coded into LyX? Is is possible to define other styles with
the same behavior?  And why should a counter name influence the display?
Or am I reading something very wrongly?

I wouldn't really mind using the chapter counter, the only trouble is
that I need several different styles like that and I can not use the
same counter name for all of them.

I'd be grateful if someone from the developers could answer this
problems and I hope that they read lyx-users list, too. Or is another
mailing list better?
Best regards,

Telli Päevaleht ja võida 4 Nissani maasturit!

Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Shawn Willden
On Wednesday 27 December 2006 11:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I guess this could be done in several ways. The best and easiest in the
> long run would be to hire someone to craft a new LaTeX class, lyx
> layout and template. However, this would not be gratis and might be a
> bigger investment than you are willing to do at the moment.

Yeah, and it would have to be an investment out of my own pocket.  I'm going 
against the grain here suggesting migrating away from Word at all, and any 
hint that the company might have to pay money in order to make this move will 
shut it down instantly.  I could argue that the time savings will more than 
pay for it (people do spend an awful lot of time tweaking Word docs, and 
dealing with the lack of decent revision management), but I already have to 
use that argument to justify retraining time.

> Therefore 
> starting with something that are already supported in LyX and live with
> some changes and warts until you are committed to LyX may be the
> easiest and best starting point.

Yes.  And if I can find something reasonably close, that will be good enough.  
The format isn't set in stone, I mostly just need to get all the data 
elements in place and layed out similarly to the existing template.

> Have you tried koma-skript article ? It has a lot more options out of
> the box, but might not have the look you want ?

I'll look at it, thanks.

> Another tip is that the label do not matter that much, institute can
> become copyright statement or document owner if it looks right on
> paper. And in LyX you can change the name from institute to copyright
> statement by changing the layout file.

That seems like it should be very easy.

> You can also remove styles from the layoutfile that are not used to make
> it even more userfriendly.

That's a good idea.  I do need to make this as much of a "no-brainer" as 
possible.  My colleagues are plenty smart, but I need to eliminate all 
possible obstacles.

> Well, as I said, some pointers to get you started. Do not hesitate to
> ask questions if you have some questions.

Rest assured that I will!

> PS do not forget to read the help->Customization chapter 5.

Doing it now.

Thanks again,


Re: Replicating a document layout

2006-12-28 Thread Shawn Willden
On Thursday 28 December 2006 03:28, Günter Dannoritzer wrote:
> I started a couple of weeks ago creating a LyX template for OpenCores
> and posted the document and its pdf version on this page:

That does indeed look very close to what I need.

> I haven't worked on it further. One thing, I thought was a problem, but
> learned it is normal style, is that on each first chapter page the
> header and footer are not displayed. There is a workaround to that,
> which someone posted in this list. I haven't gotten around adding it yet.

I'll need to fix that.  I suppose the fix is in the archive somewhere.  I'll 
look.  If I make this change, I'll send it to you.

> Maybe it is of any help for you.

Yes, I think it is!


Re: LyX and cp1251

2006-12-28 Thread Georg Baum
On Thursday 28 December 2006 18:10, V.Yumashev wrote:
> Hello lyx-users,
> I have a problem using LyX in Win32 environment:
> After I import an existing LaTeX document
> written in Russian using cp1251 encoding,
> LyX displays the document in KOI8-r encoding
> which looks like garbage.
> I do not know how to make LyX to use cp1251
> encoding to display (and also to insert
> modifications into) documents. Note that
> cp1251 is standard encoding in Win32 for
> presenting texts in Russian.

tex2lyx (which is used to import .tex files) does unfortunately not know 
anything about encodings, therefore some default encoding ill be used. 
Fortunately there is an easy workaround: Open the created .lyx file with a 
text editor, and search for a line

\inputencoding auto

(or koi8-r) instead of auto). It should be somewhere at the beginning of the 
file. Change that line to

\inputencoding cp1251

, and it should work. If it does not work, file a bug at 
http://bugzilla.lyx,org, and attach a minimal exmple .tex file along with the 
created .lyx file (unedited).


\includegraphics doesn't find pictures

2006-12-28 Thread Gunnar
Hi again.
I just created a new account, logged in, started lyx 1.4.3 and created the lyx 
file attached.

I try to view the file but all I get is
dvips: Could not find figure file /tmp//int_area.eps; continuing

I try lyx -e pdf  and  lyx -e ps  with the same result, but
lyx -e latex newfile1.lyx

and then 
latex newfile1.tex gives me a dvi file with the desired result.

Why can't I view it from inside lyx?

Description: application/lyx