Re: [maemo-devel] List emails subject prefix

2010-01-19 Thread Mike Lococo

I have been very concerned about a general tenor of this list.  It
seems like some are suggesting that if you haven't been on the list
long enough, if you don't use the right email client, and several
other comments I've heard recently, then you aren't good enough to be
on this list.  Instead, we need to be welcoming old and new, people
using pine, elm, modest, Outlook or whatever email client.

While I know that you're referring to other threads as well, and while 
the responses to Edward's post weren't all as kind or thoughtful as they 
could have been, it should be noted that subject prefixes are a 
well-known hot-button topic (on many lists, not just this one). 
Furthermore, they've been discussed and rejected here:

Among the litany of good reasons against subject tagging [1], we have 
the added reason that screen real-estate on mobile devices is precious 
and long subject-lines are especially problematic for the many 
individuals reading this list on small-screened maemo-devices.

While we as a community can always aim to improve our tone and focus 
energies better, I don't think this was a case of jump on the 
newcomer.  It's a FAQ for mailing list administration in general, an AQ 
for the maemo-* lists, and an issue both sides tend to feel strongly 
about.  With the tremendous influx of new users right now, there are 
bound to be some growing pains.  That's not an excuse for bad-behavior, 
we still need to police ourselves, but it's worth keeping in mind.

S... welcome aboard Edward.  Thanks for your suggestion, please 
consider checking the archives before posting next time because this was 
discussed already.

Mike Lococo

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Fremantle won't run on N800/N810?! (was Maemo for commercial development (was Re: N810 RIP) )

2009-01-30 Thread Mike Lococo
 Whoa! backup.
 Would someone else please confirm that freemantle will NOT run on the
 N800 or N810? This is the first that I have noticed this.

I don't have links handy, but as a lurker on planet and the dev-list I 
know it's been mentioned several times.  It's been a while since I've 
looked at projected specs for the new device, but significantly 
increased CPU horsepower, hardware 3D, and accellerometers all vaguely 
ring bells for me, any of which could be deeply integrated into 
Fremantle in such a way as to make backporting to older hardware a 
significant amount of work.

I don't recall if there was talk about a Nokia-provided hacker edition 
of Fremantle.  I suspect there won't be, as it didn't gather a lot of 
community development on the 770 and with projects like Mer creating a 
community-supported build already, I suspect Nokia will focus on getting 
them the resources they need to improve their offering.

Mike Lococo
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Application Manager and Extras-devel: Dealing with unstable software

2008-11-26 Thread Mike Lococo
 what can we do to protect users from the full fury of Extras-devel
 while still giving them reasonable access to some of the stabler
 applications in the repository?
 Another ugly trick would be to have dynamic repositories.

There be dragons, similarly with a package whitelist for extras devel.
  By adding another layer of abstraction which is outside of the user's
control you're asking for additional confusion when a package that
someone wants is masked out by some other package's whitelist/dynamic
repo function.

If we really want to do this right, look at how Smart Package Manager
[1] handles multiple repositories.  It uses a combination of:

- Repository labeling while browsing for packages, so that when you're
looking at a package you might want to install, you know where it's
coming from.
- Repository preference weights to ensure that packages are always
preferred from your stable core repository, even if newer packages are
available from less preferred repos.
- Package by package preference weights, to ensure that you can resolve
any corner cases that arise in repository preferences.
- Package pinning, so you can just lock something down from changing if
you've got a stable combo for a tricky set of packages.

Because App Manager currently deals with a small number of packages
(compared to most of the desktop distros, anyway), I think we could get
away with simply labeling the repository source in the various package
views (but especially the upgrade view) and simply leveraging App
Manager's existing capability to upgrade packages one at a time to allow
users to pick and choose which ones they want.  The Alpha/Beta color
scheme could add additional context as to how stable users should expect
a package to be, as long as the debtags were compatible with upstream.

Mike Lococo


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Beware 'Personal launcher'

2008-11-21 Thread Mike Lococo
 The answer is not testing of things being put into Extras snip /
 The answer for the community repository is a feedback mechanism, both for 
 packages themselves, and for contributors.  We need to create an easy way for 
 people to provide feedback on the apps they install from Extras and for 
 people to see the feedback level of both the app and the contributor before 
 they install it.

Agreed that individual testers gatewaying extras is a bad idea.  Some 
alternate proposals...

1) Require an application to spend some period of time in extras-devel 
without a major bug submission before promotion.  This wouldn't require 
technical enforcement, just a clear guideline for package-owners to 
follow.  If package-owners behave irresponsibly, the bug-wrangler or 
some similar role could chastise them and point them to the promotion 

2) Create a guideline for when a package should be demoted to 
extras-devel based on negative user feedback.  Using the recent personal 
launcher thread as an example, if an applet really does have a 
crash/reboot bug, it's filed in bugzilla, confirmed, and ignored for 
some period of time, that applet probably shouldn't be in extras. 
That's an extreme example, and in order to prevent frustration the 
guidelines for demotion must be very clear, and very strictly adhered 
to.  Leaving garbage, buggy, unmaintained apps in the end-user repo is 
bad juju, but so is pulling well-maintained apps just because they have 
a serious bug that happens to be found by a high-profile community 
member (not to pick on Eero who a huge amount of amazing work, but if 
someone else had found that bug demoting the app would never have been 
considered at all).

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: What category should network filesystems like OpenAFS go under?

2008-11-08 Thread Mike Lococo
 Since there's a requirement to use the terminal to configure it, it is
 no extra step to require the user to use apt-get to install it.

 I don't think we really want to be encouraging people to use apt-get, 
 particularly while apt-get upgrade can break your system.

Absolutely agree.  While I understand the impetus to save users from 
having to wade through lots of apps that don't interest them, handling 
the installation of some applications very differently than others is a 
non-scalable approach to the problem.

 But I do think that there should be a category specifically for command line 
 tools so that people who do not use the command line don't have to waste time 
 on them.  And I also agree that a GUI configuration dialogue for a system 
 tool is much better than expecting someone to edit a config file.

This stikes me as a similarly flawed approach.  Terminal-based 
applications have the same range of functionality that graphical 
applications have, so you either need to duplicate your category list in 
two places (and force users interested in both types to look twice), or 
you stop categorizing terminal-apps altogether (and leave users that use 
them with the bad categorization problem we have now).

Some alternate approaches...

- Standard labels: A -cli suffix at the end of each app name would allow 
users to quickly recognize and skip terminal apps if they aren't 
interested in them.  Even just including a note in the description would 
be sufficient in my mind.

- Debtags-based searches: Give AppMgr a real search facility, and ship 
canned-queries like graphical apps, terminal apps, etc.

- Advanced-Browsing mode: With proper package classification and the 
existence of extras-devel to hide truly dangerous apps, red-pill (or 
something similar) could be made into a more discoverable advanced 
browsing mode that hides end-user apps that are likely to be 
uninteresting to grandma-types that folks seem so concerned about.  Give 
it a normal preference checkbox, and have it do some debtag or other 
magic to hide complicated stuff, while making it easy and safe for users 
who want to see the full range of available software.  I do think any 
binary solution like this which is aimed at hiding apps that are too 
hard will ultimately prove to be unscalable and unhealthy for the 
community, which depends on folks discovering challenges which interest 
them and choosing to learn something new.  If the binary filtering is at 
least easy to disable/ignore, as proposed above, the damage will be 
minimal though.

Mike Lococo
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: where might this old version be coming from

2008-10-01 Thread Mike Lococo
 I'm sorry. I thought extras-devel was a testing area of sorts. Upload
 something try it out, see how it goes. Then tweak and go through the
 process again. Then when I'm finally satisfied, promote to extras. But
 it seems that extras-devel has many of the same rules as extras. Oh
 well, I appreciate the information.

There's nothing peculiar to extras-devel about this rule, it's true of 
all package management systems.  If you fail to update the version 
information, the package manager on your tablet/other-client doesn't 
know there's a new version to install and so it doesn't install 
anything.  This isn't enforced by the repo, and the repo can't enforce 
any different behavior, the client just doesn't know what you want it to 
do because you haven't told it what you want it to do.

Many folks use version numbers like 1.2.3-1, 1.2.3-2, 1.2.3-3 to 
indicate that each release is of the 1.2.3 version, and only the 
packaging info has changed (description fixed, files moved, etc).

Mike Lococo
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Documentation for Downloads section?

2008-09-16 Thread Mike Lococo
 Of course, you might want to keep your repository available for creating 
 packages used by your testers before you want to release to the wider community.

Is there a reason not to use extras-devel for this kind of thing? Simply 
upload the experimental packages there with no intention of promoting 
them until they've evolved/been-updated enough to be ready for a wider 

Mike Lococo
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Remove Darius?

2008-09-06 Thread Mike Lococo
David Greaves wrote:
 As a member of this list I am finding Darius' postings unacceptable for a
 -developer list.
 If he continues to post in this manner I would support his removal.

Right now there isn't (to my knowledge) any published set of appropriate 
use guidelines for the list by which one can judge the behavior of any 
particular member.  In the absence of such guidelines, and moderators 
empowered to enforce them, banning a particular email address seems like 
bad mojo (not to mention likely ineffective).

That said, in the past I've found his posts more inflamatory than 
contributory and I've killfiled him long ago.  I've been much happier 
since, the whole tone of the list feels much less combative and negative 
without his posts (I've even left in threads and responses to his posts, 
which are generally fine without his contributions).

My recommendation is to trash his messages without reading them, and 
don't feed him.

Mike Lococo
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Announcing the Internet Tablet Talk Software Section

2008-05-20 Thread Mike Lococo

 1. Developers can optionally list alphas of their apps at itT so users 
 can be notified about them out and suggest features as well as report bugs
 2. Developers get it in extra-devel repos
 3. Post .install at itT for further discussion as well as 

I'm afraid that I still don't see the distinction between the itT 
software section and the downloads section.  Maemo/Downloads 
offers all the same functionality and is in a better position to 
integrate with Garage, with memo-hosted auto-builder/packaging 
infrastructure, and with any maemo-extras software taxonomy that emerges 
(the itT software section has yet another software classification 
taxonomy that isn't related to any of the other taxonomies in a way that 
I can identify).

 The main intention is to make apps more visible to end users and have 
 them join in with the development by providing feedback. This would 
 hopefully help developers more improve their apps as well as offer 
 better IT software to the IT community in the long run.

This is an admirable goal, but I think a better way of pursuing it would 
be to contribute functionality to Maemo downloads and look for ways to 
integrate the itT community with the developer resources offered at, rather than create yet another unintegrated space to watch 
and monitor for feedback.

Mike Lococo
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Beta Testers needed for a n800/n810 ezine....

2007-12-09 Thread Mike Lococo
 Nevertheless, i want to publish an ezine called ATARASHI,
 specially designed for the n800 and n810 display at 800x480.
 So my question is: please test out this link to see whether the maemo system
 and n800 specs work out with the flash application i have written:

Please take this thread to maemo-users.  It isn't related to application 
or platform development, and so isn't appropriate for this list.

Mike Lococo
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: extras: tracking bugs

2007-11-10 Thread Mike Lococo
 We should discuss if is *required* to have a garage package for pushing 
 packages to the autobuilder. This way we have bug tracking, a more 
 direct contact (even for teams)and (the potential for) a far more 
 integrated and simpler system. And there is no real problem in creating 
 a garage page only for packaging, isn't it?

This issue has come up as a tangent a lot in this discussion, but hasn't 
been fully explored so I'm starting a fresh thread to see if it gains 
any traction.

IMO, what is needed is a single garage project and bug-tracker for the 
extras repo, rather than a separate project for every app in the repo. 
As much as garage is a wonderful resource for new projects that 
specifically target maemo, many projects are very much cross-platform 
and have established developer communities elsewhere.  Forcing them to 
duplicate resources on isn't productive and isn't necessary. 
If all the package maintainers are required to have a garage account, 
and there is a project/bug-tracker for the repo, we get all the benefits 
that you outline above with much less overhead.

I get the impression that folks want to shy away from this solution 
because it will lead to duplicating bugs that may already have been 
submitted upstream.  The alternatives are clearly worse, though: either 
requiring upstream to maintain a project presence on or 
requiring to integrate with every upstream project 
infrastructure in the world.  I think it's telling that every successful 
Linux distro in existence uses this model, maintaining a unified project 
infrastructure for the distro/repo/aggregate-object and coordinating 
with upstream for bugs that are most appropriately fixed there.

Mike Lococo
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: extras: autobuilders

2007-11-09 Thread Mike Lococo
 8) Although I don't think anyone is suggesting that the autobuilder should 
 an autotester, it could at least install the generated packages into an 
 environment that also has everything else already installed.
 What kind of conflicts are possible, though?  One that I can think of
 - library version 1.1 is built, and published to the repository
 - application1 is built, with Depends: library = 1.1; build is
   successful, application1 is published, and the test-install passes
 - application2 needs library = 1.2, so library 1.2 is uploaded and
   built; does the system somehow know, at this point, that
   application1 is now broken?
 Is this a valid problem, and/or are there other kinds of conflict?

This is a problem that can/should be fixed, and should be discovered by 
the autobuilder.

If application1 has Depends: library = 1.1; because an inexperienced 
package builder didn't know they should be using =, that bug should be 
fixed.  If library genuinely changed something in the 1.1 to 1.2 upgrade 
that breaks apps, and some apps need 1.1 while others need 1.2, there 
should be two packaged versions of library that don't conflict 
(lib-compat-1.1 and lib-1.2).

Basically, if there are conflicts in the repo they're bad and the 
autobuilder should squeal about them.

Mike Lococo
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Maemo security longterm roadmap?

2007-11-07 Thread Mike Lococo
 I was maybe not so clear in my last message; What I mean is:
 We can trust software that come from trusted source and that is
 'signed'. But other software, that the end user still want to install
 can't be trusted.

Actually bitfrost is aimed at an entirely different problem than 
containing third-party malicious software installations.  The _only_ 
solutions to that problem are warnings or disabling third-party software 
entirely.  You _cannot_ install software on your device from untrusted 
sources and not expect them to be able to abuse your device.

Bitfrost addresses a different problem, limiting the effects of 
exploitation of legitimate software, much like SELinux.  From the 
Software installation section of the document you linked to in your 
first message:

The protection of benign software is a keystone of our security
model. We approach it with the following idea in mind: benign
software will not lie about its purpose during installation.

It's similar to SELinux.  It's an interesting idea, although it a 
_tremendous_ amount of work to write good security policies, and it's 
also reasonable to wonder about performance costs on a resource 
constrained device.

If you want to see progress made on this front, you should start porting 
the infrastructure and writing maemo policies for vulnerable apps (like 
email or the web browser).  It's extremely unlikely that Nokia is going 
to pick up the torch on this one, though, since it's a huge project with 
very speculative benefits.  My suspicious is that it will take several 
years for this concept to fully bake on the Desktop before it is 
appropriately applied to resource-constrained devices.

Mike Lococo
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Welcome to the maemo-developers mailing list

2007-10-10 Thread Mike Lococo
 Please add me to the mailing-list.

I assume you've already received scores of private replies explaining 
that list subscriptions are not managed by emailing the list, but it's 
good to have one reply to the list so that folks don't see this in the 
archives and get confused.

You can subscribe, unsubscribe, and manage your list options from
this website:

 From the title of your message, I suspect that you are already 
subscribed, but in either case change requests are managed through the 
website and not by emailing the list address.

Mike Lococo
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Ideas for Diablo and Elephanta

2007-09-25 Thread Mike Lococo
Graham Cobb wrote:
 On Monday 24 September 2007 05:14, Quim Gil wrote:
 Hi, until now we have gathered some ideas about *platform* improvements,
 but nothing about the *developer platform* itself: are you totally happy
 about the SDK and the developer tools? Enhancement proposals for
 repositories, documentation,, etc, are welcome as well.
 One area I find the SDK lacking is support for packaging and releasing.
 I have spent a LOT of time on working out how best to build and test packages 
 for GPE.  My goal is to support all the releases people are likely to have 
 installed and all the devices.

I think it's also notable that most packagers don't even attempt this 
kind of methodical support for each release.  I'm not sure if the place 
to fix this is in the SDK or in a proper build system for garage and the 
official maemo repository (since after the packages are built 
consistently the next step is to get them into the hands of users in a 
consistent way).  The lack of an easy way to consistently build packages 
for all the flavors of maemo in the wild is definitely hurting the 
platform, though.

Mike Lococo
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Testing applications on the device

2007-07-18 Thread Mike Lococo
 In which way i can try one of the tutorial's example on my N800?
 For example i tryed with hildonprogram.c this work inside i386 but if i 
 want try it on device
 what can i do ?

 Install xterm and and start the executable from the terminal

 Thanks , i used the procedure that you suggest using usb cable to transfer
 executable on memory card and from xterm i tryed to launch but nothing 

Writing proper thread titles isn't hard, and it is _very_ helpful to 
people to subscribe to many lists.  Please continue this discussion off 
of this posting, or start another with a sensible title.

Mike Lococo
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: browser on startup

2007-06-27 Thread Mike Lococo
 Is it possible to launch on start up the browser in full screen mode?
 If yes, is it possible to lock the device in this condition?

This is a FAQ.  There is no bundled functionality to do this for you, 
and no step-by-step instructions on how to do it manually.  However, it 
may be possible to hack something acceptable together, depending on your 
specific needs.  Start by reading the following post, which gives a high 
level overview of the tasks that need to be accomplished:;#22352

Then search the mailing lists for 'kiosk' to see what others have tried. 
  Then experiment on your own and report your results back.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Excel on Nokia N800

2007-04-13 Thread Mike Lococo

Please could someone tell me what should I download to
read excel and word files on my N800, and the give me
the appropriate link.

I typically work in PDF and text, and so don't have a good answer for 
your question.  I'd like to point out that this thread would be _much_ 
more appropriate in maemo-users, though.  I can't see how it even 
brushes up against a software development issue.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: PyGTK CellRendererToggle

2007-03-25 Thread Mike Lococo

I am trying to write a small ToDo app in PyGTK, and though it seems to work
fine on my PC, it does not on Maemo.
The Checkboxes do not reflect the corresponding values in the TreeStore;
instead always the checkbox in the currently selected line is active,
while all others are not.
Since I am new to PyGTK and Maemo, I might be missing something obvious -
could someone please have a look at my code and tell me what's wrong? 

Actually this is their normal behavior in maemo. You have to set the
'allow-checkbox-mode' property of the treeview to false. See [1].

Ah, that did it. Now it works. :-)

There are a number of places where the default behavior of a widget in 
maemo is different from that of stock GTK.  There are bugs filed against 
many of these misbehaviors in bugzilla, but so far the answer has been 
that the bad behavior is implemented according to Nokia spec and won't 
be fixed.

It's not a big deal if you're writing an application from scratch 
(except that it can be confusing debugging across platforms), but does 
increase the effort involved in porting existing apps.

You can find the known bugaboos regarding gtkcellrenderer by searching 
for it in maemo's bugzilla.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Security Guidance for N800 OS development

2007-02-20 Thread Mike Lococo
This thread should really be put to bed.  The only concrete action item 
that has emerged from it is a request for the inclusion of iptables, 
which is duly noted.  Iptables is one clearly useful tool for limiting 
access to a daemon based on source IP.  Since none of the devices ship 
with any daemons running by default, this is likely to be a low priority 
for Nokia engineers.  It is, nonetheless, worth noting that it would 
provide 3rd party developers and and power users with options for 
limiting access to user-installed daemons.

If this is important to someone, they should build a kernel package with 
the feature enabled.  If it generates interest, we'll be in a much 
better position to petition Nokia for the feature than by discussing it 
in a vacuum as is currently happening.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] New list spin-off?

2007-02-05 Thread Mike Lococo

I'm ok with the current setup. Maybe just change the default reply-to
or i'll always have to use reply-to-all..

Search the lists for reply-to, many people are vehemently against this 
change.  It's not currently on the table for this discussion and if 
reply-to mangling is to be considered, it should be as a separate and 
distinct question from the other mailing list changes being discussed.

To respond to Quim's question as to whether all this list rejiggering is 
necessary, I think the answer is no.  I've pointed out before, and will 
point out one last time that application development discussions become 
API proposal discussions very fluidly and there's a benefit to keeping 
both discussions in the same arena.  That said, if it's decided that 
there *must* be more lists, app/platform is the most sensible place to 
make a split.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] New list spin-off?

2007-01-31 Thread Mike Lococo
I think more lists produce more confusion than single one. In fact I'd 
vote for joining maemo-users and developers as there is no really 
significant difference in topics posted to them. Developer questions get 
posted to maemo-users and vice versa and sometimes topics are duplicated 
since people don't read the other list.

The original intention for maemo-developers was for discussing
development of the platform itself (think gtk-devel-list) and
maemo-users for developing applications to run on maemo

We haven't really been pushing people to other lists, though. It may or
may not have been a good idea.

I would be wary of too much splitting, especially without _very_ clear 
delineations between the lists.  I wouldn't suggest creating more than 
three areas, one for end users, one for application developers, and one 
for platform developers.  But I think two lists is even more 
appropriate.  Application development questions often evolve into 
platform api discussions and bug reports, and the line between the two 
is fluid.

Mainly, I think people need to be meaner on maemo-developers about 
pushing non-development discussion over to the users list.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Unreliable Large Network Transfers

2006-12-15 Thread Mike Lococo

Hi Folks,

I'm finding that large (200MB) transfers of data via the wifi network 
are extremely unreliable.

Are you sure network is a problem? Are you writing data somewhere? Both 
MMC card and iternal flash are really slow when writing.

This is the issue.  I can reproduce both the slow write speed (~150KB/s) 
and the GUI unresponsiveness with (from memory, please forgive any typos):

dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/mmc1/test.file bs=1M count=250

which doesn't involve the network at all.

I may do some playing with multiblock write kernels at this point, 
although it's not so much the (average) speed that's the problem.  I 
think the real issue is that the CPU doesn't seem to be able to service 
requests from other subsystems in a timely manner once the write cache 
fills up.  Userspace programs are getting regularly starved for CPU time 
for several seconds at a time, which causes the wildly fluctuating 
transfer rates, the unresponsive GUI, the Unison sessions dropping, and 
possibly the reboots (as programs aren't responding to the watchdog 

The Unison failures, in particular, are disappointing.  It is such an 
awesome program for syncing the 770 to a desktop system, but if you have 
a large MMC (and you change its contents regularly) it isn't usable at all.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Should I change my Repo's settings?

2006-12-06 Thread Mike Lococo
So, should I had another instance for the maemo repos (maemo and extras) 
withe the scirocco distro or should I just change the existing ones 
(mistral) to scirocco?
i.e.: If I add a new instance for the same repos with diferent distro 
(scirocco) - will it break the device?

I don't manage any repos and you're getting outside my realm of 
expertise.  My expectation is that you shouldn't need both mistral and 
scirocco selected, and that doing so might break things.  The way it 
_should_ work is that you should select the dist that corresponds to the 
OS image installed on your device.  Folks using 2.01.2006.26-8 should 
select mistral, folks using 2.2006.39-14 should select scirocco.

Since that's not always possible, I've been selecting the correct dist 
(scirocco for me) when it is available, and mistral when that's all 
there is.  This has been working well for me.  It is always possible for 
a bad repo to bork your device but many folks are using the config 
described above and will report such breakage as a bug.

I am confised. Does 2.2006.39-14 = scirocco?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Should I change my Repo's settings?

2006-12-05 Thread Mike Lococo

Hi Folks,

Should I change all mistral occurrences to scirocco? 
My questions is a general one - not specifically for the Canola


If you have  IT2006 v2.2006.39-14 installed...
snip good advice about repo settings

There is no good general answer for this question yet.  What I've been 
doing is checking the repo to see if they have packages available for 
scirocco and using those if they do.  You can check if a scirocco dist 
is available by visiting the repo URL in your web browser and going into 
the /dists/ directory.  For example, is:

The only repos I've found that currently offer scirocco packages are, extras, and the canola repo.  Tableteer, 
for example, does not... although they do offer a bora dist (ooh, ahh).

maemo-developers mailing list