Danil Smirnov writes:

 > Well, this was just a question and not a request or a claim.

For future reference, "any hope ... soon?" is typically a deliberately
offensive way to make a claim.  "Just ... question(s)" is also a good
way to get yourself blocked by native English speakers, because I
don't think I've ever seen it used in good faith by a native speaker.
(That's not a threat; if I meant it that way I'd just do it.)  Write
as you like, but be aware that many people will think poorly of you if
you use idioms like these, unless they assume you're not native in
English and make efforts to account for that.

 > I'm actually thinking about establishing my own Docker-based
 > releases from master branch, but in this case I would skip
 > participation in beta/pre-release testing due to having my own
 > schedule.

Up to you.  master does get quite thorough unit testing, usually fixes
when tests fail, and a certain amount of integration testing and
fixing leading up to a release -- that's why it takes a while to
release.  It might be a good basis for your releases.  But that
depends on your purposes and how much work you want to put in


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