Hi all

Applications for GSoC 2023 are open and I would like to apply.
Program details: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2023
You may need to log in with a Google account.

We could go under the PSF umbrella again (they've applied already), or
we could go it alone.  The advantage to the PSF is we can possibly
borrow a mentor from them as we did in 2022 and they'll do some of the
org admin stuff, the advantage to a separate Mailman org is money and
tickets to the Mentor Summit if they do that.  There may be other
stuff I haven't thought about.  If we decide to apply ourselves but
get cold feet, I suppose we can withdraw without penalty and go with
PSF if we do so a reasonable time before deadline (Feb 8).

I need some backing from core devs (at least one backup mentor, which
is light work if I'm healthy), but I plan to post to the lists to see
if any of the usual suspects would like to be mentors, too.


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