[Mailman-Users] Block attachments before testing for non-member

2004-08-31 Thread Ed Greenberg
Many things show up as mail from non-member which contain nothing but a 
forbidden attachment. Can we run through the content filter BEFORE testing 
for membership so that this cr*p just gets discarded?

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[Mailman-Users] Investigating Bounces

2004-08-23 Thread Ed Greenberg
I have several list owners with large lists.  They get a bunch of bounces 
each time they mail. Occasionally, they get lots more bounces than they 

Is there any way to get Mailman to save the reason for the bounce?
The bounce log contains only the list name, email address and the bounce 
score. I can infer whether the bounce was hard or soft by whether the score 
increased by 1.0 or 0.5. There is no way to tell if the bounce was mailbox 
full or no such user or perhaps horrors my SMTP server was refused 
because it's become blacklisted somewhere.  It's not even possible to tell 
if the bounce came from the distant SMTP server or my local one.

How do others deal with this situation?
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Code for allowing web-based delete and create lists

2004-06-27 Thread Ed Greenberg
I just went through this...
Mailman allows for creation of lists by going to 

If you enable the proper variable, you can delete a list from it's admin 

For postfix, there is some good integration between mailman and postfix.
Note that for sendmail, you need to do a manual process to enable the list 
addresses in the alias file.   There is an automation in the contrib 
directory which permits the integration you would expect, but it has 
several caveats. Read carefully.

I recently did a hack to give postfix-style automation to the 
mailman/sendmail interface and posted a procedure here, requesting 
feedback. Didn't get any, so I'm not sure if it's got serious problems. I 
don't create lists very often, but it works for me and for one customer for 
whom I installed it.  Check the archives for a posting called Please 
review this procedure for sendmail integration which was posted on 


--On Saturday, June 26, 2004 10:04 PM -0400 Paul L. Della Maggiora 

Hello, we run a non-profit server that includes mailman for our users.
Is there a web interface for allowing the creation or deletion of lists?
Couldn't find anything except the ~mailman/bin commands.  TIA
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[Mailman-Users] Please review this procedure for sendmail integration

2004-06-23 Thread Ed Greenberg
Since many people cannot use David Champion's mm-handler due to shared use 
of domains, I've worked this up. I'd appreciate some constructive comments, 
yea or nay, on this procedure.

Using the postfix MTA functionality to do automatic sendmail alias handling
In order to add a list to mailman on a sendmail based system, you need to
add a bunch of aliases for that list to the alias file. In this 
we implement a second alias file and teach sendmail about it.

We use a mailman feature that was designed for the postfix mail program - a 
replacement for sendmail.  This feature creates /home/mailman/data/aliases

1. We have a script that will copy the alias file and then process it. We 
need to do this
since sendmail doesn't like alias files to be in directories that don't 
meet very
specific permission requirements.  /home/mailman/data doesn't meet this 
requirement. Our script will copy the alias file from /home/mailman/data to 
/etc. It uses a different name in order not to clash with the existing 

Create /usr/local/sbin/mailman.aliases with these commands:
/bin/cp /home/mailman/data/aliases /etc/mailman.aliases
2. We have to tell mailman that it is using postfix. We lie.
Add these to mm_cfg.py:
POSTFIX_ALIAS_CMD = '/usr/bin/sudo /usr/local/sbin/mailman.aliases'
3. We have to tell sendmail about the new alias file.
in /etc/mail/sendmail.mc find this line:
define(`ALIAS_FILE', `/etc/aliases')dnl
and change it to:
define(`ALIAS_FILE', `/etc/aliases,/etc/mailman.aliases')dnl
Run a make (or otherwise refresh sendmail.cf and then restart sendmail
Now when we run newaliases, it will rebuild both alias files.
4. We need permission for apache and mailman to run our script from step 1.
In the /etc/sudoers file (use the command /usr/sbin/visudo) we need two 
apache ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/local/sbin/mailman.aliases
mailman ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/local/sbin/mailman.aliases

Note that your web server may not run as 'apache' It may run as 'www' or 
Whatever it runs as is what you need where it says apache.

5. As mailman, run /home/mailman/bin/genaliases
Check for a file /home/mailman/data/aliases and
also TWO files /etc/mailman.aliases and /etc/mailman.aliases.db
6. Test creating a list using /home/mailman/bin/newlist
Check for the appearance of aliases for that list in /etc/mailman.aliases
Add some users and test the list
7. Test for creating a list using http://domain.com/mailman/create
Check for the appearance of aliases for that list in /etc/mailman.aliases
Add some users and test the list
Ed Greenberg
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mass Add digest members

2004-05-18 Thread Ed Greenberg
Thanks to all for the suggestions. On most of my lists, on my own server, I 
would just use the command line. The list in question is on somebody else's 
server. I talked him into moving from ezmlm to mailman, and I don't want to 
bother him more than necessary.

--On Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:16 AM -0400 Todd [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hash: SHA1
Ed Greenberg wrote:
I know that I can add a file-full of digest members from the command
line, but can I do so from the web GUI? I don't see how, on the Mass
Subscribe page. Am I missing something?
Nope.  There's no option for this now that I know of.  Rod's technique
is the most viable if you don't have command line access.  If you do
this a lot and want to add an option like this to the web gui, it'd be
pretty easy.  Something like the below patch would get you an option
to do this.
- --- mailman-2.1.5/Mailman/Cgi/admin.py~   Wed Dec 24 12:27:45 2003
+++ mailman-2.1.5/Mailman/Cgi/admin.py  Mon May 17 23:31:53 2004
@@ -1158,6 +1158,15 @@
 table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, bgcolor=GREY)
 table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 1, bgcolor=GREY)
+Label(_('Subscribe these users for digest delivery?')),
+ (_('No'), _('Yes')),
+ mlist.digest_is_default,
+ values=(0, 1))
+table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, bgcolor=GREY)
+table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 1, bgcolor=GREY)
 table.AddRow([Italic(_('Enter one address per line below...'))])
 table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
@@ -1307,7 +1316,7 @@
 # Default is to subscribe
 subscribe_or_invite = safeint('subscribe_or_invite', 0)
 invitation = cgidata.getvalue('invitation', '')
- -digest = mlist.digest_is_default
+digest = safeint('subscribe_as_digest', mlist.digest_is_default)
 if not mlist.digestable:
 digest = 0
 if not mlist.nondigestable:
- --
ToddOpenPGP - KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
I do not believe in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.
-- Thomas Carlyle
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: When crypto is outlawed bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Question

2004-05-17 Thread Ed Greenberg
I'm not sure how this would protect members who had opted out from being 
added again though.

--On Monday, May 17, 2004 8:32 PM +0200 Hilton J Ralphs 

Quoting Randy Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I would like to see it work like this:
1.  I download file from CRM software of emails.
2.  I upload them or cut an paste to mailman
3.  if the email is already in the list it does not add them again and if
they chose to opt out before it would not add them again as well.
4.  Also if the email is bad it would be nice if it would not add it to
mailman as well.
Would mailman be able to accommodate the above?
Mailman has a program called sync_members that will do exactly what you
require. You could get clever and automate the CRM extraction to the same
file  every time, conveniently placed on a share accessible to mailman.
Then set-up a crontab job to sync that file with the mailman database. It
will  remove mailman users that don't appear on the list and add new ones
Should work to the tee.
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[Mailman-Users] Mass Add digest members

2004-05-17 Thread Ed Greenberg
I know that I can add a file-full of digest members from the command line, 
but can I do so from the web GUI? I don't see how, on the Mass Subscribe 
page. Am I missing something?

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] True anonymous list?

2004-05-09 Thread Ed Greenberg
You could deliver the mail to a script that extracts the subject and body 
and then reposts it to the list, coming from a generic user.

If you want to restrict posting to members, you could look up the actual 
from address in the list before forwarding the post.

Would that meet your needs?


--On Friday, May 07, 2004 1:10 PM -0400 Michael Balamuth [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hello list,
We have been using Mailman 2.0.13 for quite some time, but never with the
intention of creating a genuinely anonymous mailing list.  Now, we have a
reason to do so, but I have been unable to completely hide the originator
(poster's) email address from the headers of the sent mail.  Obviously,
anyone knowing how to read the headers will find the address of the
poster. So, is there a way to make a list anonymous even at this level?
Any help appreciated.  For completeness, I believe I have followed the
FAQ's and help and set explicit-reply to and hide posters address etc.
correctly... Maybe not?
Michael Balamuth
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[Mailman-Users] Changing the web_page_url parameter

2004-05-06 Thread Ed Greenberg
Is it possible to change the web_page_url parameter using the 
mailman/admin/listname website?

If so, where... I don't see it.

If not, how do I change it?


Ed Greenberg
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Weird domain action

2004-05-04 Thread Ed Greenberg
Check your configuration, on the General page. Down toward the bottom 
you'll find Domain this list prefers for email.  Make sure that doesn't 
have www in it.


--On Tuesday, May 04, 2004 1:09 PM -0500 Brian O'Connor 

We have a web and mail server set up with the domain name osdlc.org.  We
are also trying to set up a mail list, but the server keeps adding www.
to our mail list address.
For example, i want to set up a mail list entitled
[EMAIL PROTECTED], but the list comes out with the address,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I have two questions:
How do I get that www off the list address?

If that can not be done:  how can I alter my DNS to account for the www
that is added?
Thanks in advance.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Modifying Listinfo page for one list

2004-01-11 Thread Ed Greenberg
Many thanks to Dan and Todd. I knew this was hiding somewhere, but couldn't 
figure out where.


--On Saturday, January 10, 2004 12:37 PM -0800 Ed Greenberg 

One of my listowners raises a valid question. She has a list that is used
for publishing a newsletter. No posting is allowed by anybody but the
When one visits the listinfo page, one sees the usual  to post a message
to all members send an email to  info.
I'd like to create a separate templates/en/listinfo.html for her list.

Is there a good way to do this, other than redefining one of the
languages (or adding a new language)?
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[Mailman-Users] Modifying Listinfo page for one list

2004-01-10 Thread Ed Greenberg
One of my listowners raises a valid question. She has a list that is used 
for publishing a newsletter. No posting is allowed by anybody but the 

When one visits the listinfo page, one sees the usual  to post a message to 
all members send an email to  info.

I'd like to create a separate templates/en/listinfo.html for her list.

Is there a good way to do this, other than redefining one of the languages 
(or adding a new language)?

Ed Greenberg
San Jose, CA
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[Mailman-Users] Messed up list, want to transfer the users

2003-02-09 Thread Ed Greenberg
I have a messed up list and I can't figure out how it got messed up, but it 
is. The symptom is that messages held for moderation are being lost, and 
the list is sending uncaught bounces with the admin messages in them.

I've been over the permissions, the settings, the contents of config.db, 
all to no avail. I've posted here, also to no avail.

What I'd like to do is to delete the list and recreate it, then add the 
users back. I can extract a list of users and re-add them, but I cannot 
figure out how to save their settings (such as digest and nomail).

Is this possible, or should I just tell them that their options are going 
to be lost.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Messed up list, want to transfer the users

2003-02-09 Thread Ed Greenberg
This is excellent advice. Thank you. I'm using Mailman 2.1, and plan to u/g 
to 2.1.1 as well.

You stated, do what you wish with the nomail people. I suppose I have to 
add them as mail-recipients and then set nomail by hand. There shouldn't be 
too many of them :)



--On Sunday, February 09, 2003 10:53 PM -0500 Matthew Davis 

* Ed Greenberg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

What I'd like to do is to delete the list and recreate it, then add the
users back. I can extract a list of users and re-add them, but I cannot
figure out how to save their settings (such as digest and nomail).

Is this possible, or should I just tell them that their options are
going  to be lost.

The easy way would be to tell them all options will be lost.  But if you
want a bit more work, you could save that info.  Just will take a few
extra steps.  You didn't say which mailman you use, which only means the
-f option won't be availiable on mailman 2.0.x (which is to preserve the
full name), so this information is based on mailman 2.0.13

This gives you all the regular (non-digest) members in a file called
# bin/list_members -rpo regular.members LISTNAME

This will put the digest members in digest.members
# bin/list_members -dpo digest.members LISTNAME

If your using mailman 2.1 then you can get the nomail users
# bin/list_members -npo nomail.members LISTNAME

Then you can readd them using bin/add_members  And I'll give you mailman
2.1.1 examples since now would be a good time to upgrade if your redoing
the list.  Highly recommended upgrading to 2.1.1

# bin/add_members -r regular.members LISTNAME
# bin/add_members -d digest.members LISTNAME

And you can do what you wish with the nomail people.

Matthew Davis

Freedom defined is freedom denied. -The Illuminatus

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[Mailman-Users] Uncaught Bounce Notifications

2003-01-26 Thread Ed Greenberg
Since upgrading to 2.1, I've been receiving this Uncaught Bounce 

It says:

The attached message was received as a bounce, but either the bounce
format was not recognized, or no member addresses could be extracted
from it.  This mailing list has been configured to send all
unrecognized bounce messages to the list administrator(s).

For more information see:

The attachment says:

The [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list has 4 request(s) waiting
for your consideration at:

Please attend to this at your earliest convenience.  This notice of
pending requests, if any, will be sent out daily.

Pending posts:
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon Jan 20 18:46:02 2003
   Cause: Too many recipients to the message

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon Jan 20 19:14:01 2003
   Cause: Too many recipients to the message

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon Jan 20 19:15:02 2003
   Cause: Too many recipients to the message

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Sat Jan 25 12:27:01 2003
   Cause: Post by non-member to a members-only list

There are no posts pending.

Since there is no header info in the bounce I can't tell what's 
generating this. Any clue? 

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[Mailman-Users] List-* headers

2003-01-13 Thread Ed Greenberg
Now that 2.1 has -subscribe and -unsubscribe addresses as well as a 
-request address shouldn't the headers of the lists carry an appropriate 
List-Subscribe and List-Unsubscribe header? Mine (and this list's) still 
show the older format of 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

How do I fix?

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[Mailman-Users] RedHat 7.3, Python 1.5 and Mailman 2.1

2003-01-08 Thread Ed Greenberg
Mailman 2.1 requires Python 2, and RedHat 7.3 has only 1.5. There is a 
Python2 package on my RedHat 7.3 installation, so how can I make Mailman 
use it?

Documentation states that I can use --with-python to control the actual 
mailman operation, but that the command line scripts will always use the 
first python on the path. Both python and python2  live in /usr/bin.

Has anybody been down this path, and how did you get the command line 
scripts to use python2?

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: RedHat 7.3, Python 1.5 and Mailman 2.1

2003-01-08 Thread Ed Greenberg

--On Wednesday, January 08, 2003 11:28 AM -0600 David Gibbs 

Ed Greenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

Mailman 2.1 requires Python 2, and RedHat 7.3 has only 1.5. There is a
Python2 package on my RedHat 7.3 installation, so how can I make Mailman
use it?

It's pretty easy ...

Documentation states that I can use --with-python to control the actual
mailman operation, but that the command line scripts will always use the
first python on the path. Both python and python2  live in /usr/bin.

This is the key ... add '--with-python=/usr/bin/python2' to the configure
command line.  Then 'make clean  make  make install'.


Works. The scripts even find the python2 executiable, just fine. The doc 
intimated that the command line scripts wouldn't run.

Well, off to configure...


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Re: [Mailman-Users] AOL subscriber bounces

2003-01-08 Thread Ed Greenberg

I have this problem too, though it's not severe, and frankly, the guy being 
blocked is moderately awful, so would be pretty bad to a less insensitive 
person than myself :)

I prefer that they can block each other, since it keeps them from 
responding to each other and flaming. I also would rather though that the 
sender got the bounce, so that he would know he was being dissed :)

So I'm also interested in the answer. Currently running 2.0.?? but 
migrating to 2.1 as we speak :)


If it was my list, I would just write the AOL users and ask them to
remove the block, and if they don't you'll have to unsubscribe them.


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[Mailman-Users] Posting from a web form

2002-04-09 Thread Ed Greenberg

Is there a way to implement posting from a web form (for list members 
authenticated with their passwords)?

Some of my members are asking for this.

The list is an Recreational Vehicles list, and they want to read archives, 
and post message, from public Internet stations in cafes and libraries.

Has anybody done this?


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