[Mailman-Users] Re: Outlook blocked again, but strange response

2024-03-12 Thread Jayson Smith


Update: Sometime in the night, my IP was silently removed from 
Microsoft's block list. I've never had that happen, but all's well that 
ends well, at least for now.


On 3/11/2024 10:18 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:

On 3/11/24 6:28 PM, Jayson Smith wrote:


So it's happened again and I have no idea why, though I suspect some 
of my IP neighbors may have been put on Microsoft's naughty list as 
my subnet with Linode was recently listed on Uceprotect level 2. 
Anyway, I go to send an Email to an Outlook user, and get the typical 
thing, Unfortunately, messages from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX weren't sent. 
Fill out the support request, expect to get conditionally mitigated 
in a few hours…nope. Instead, I get this:

UCEPROTECTL2 and even more egergious, UCEPROTECTL3 are IMO 
scam/extortion lists. They list entire netblocks and then offer to 
whitelist your specific IP **temporarily** for a fee. Unfortunately 
some ESPs do use them.

Hi ,

Thanks for your patience, we are currently experiencing technical 
difficulties and our engineers are working to resolve the issue at 
the earliest.

Dealing with Microsoft support about issues like this is a pain. My 
experience is it's difficult to tell whether their chatty, friendly 
responses are actually written by a human or a robot and you have to 
keep repeating stuff as they ask for things which were provided 
earlier in the thread, but if you are patient and persistent, you 
eventually get the result you want.

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[Mailman-Users] Re: Outlook blocked again, but strange response

2024-03-12 Thread Julian H. Stacey
> From: Lindsay Haisley 

> On top of this, MS Outlook servers are, and have been for a long time,
> a real PITA, notorious for long time for blocking emails on very flimsy
> grounds. To the best of my knowledge, there's no fix for this at the
> list-server level.
> The bottom line seems to be that the only email services which work
> consistently with all recipients are those with deep pockets - Gmail,
> Yahoo, Microsoft email, etc. If you have the money, you can buy a
> better reputation for your IP addresses are address group, but it's a
> money game.

Gmail is a major PITA last 12 months, (& yahoo etc long before)

Greedy google forces all senders to @gmail to use DKIM/SPF so google
can make more profit by reducing their staff admin cost. At cost
of wasting time extorted from admins of all senders, forced to
research advisability of adding SPF/DKIM to smtp (eg in my case
sendmail) configs.

I'm an unpaid admin with no free time to be stolen to profit google, I
recall articles way back such as "SPF considered bad" but no free
time to research now (as major personal events in train).
gmail are literaly wasting my time & degrading my mailman lists.

All @gmail addresses on berklix.org mailman lists have received
nothing for a long time, blocked by google, & of course I can't
email @gmail recipients to say why.

If I get time, I'll write & post a small diff to hack the front page
of generic Mailman source to add to Welcome pages such as
a note such as:
The above is a generic welcome to all global instances of
Mailman.  To see if there are notes specific to this server
click here ___

I'm interested what independent mailman-users@ think on technical
issues of DKIM/SPF, but `advice' from fined monopolist google Not wanted.
http://www.berklix.net/search/#google ->

Julian Stacey.  Gmail & Googlemail Fail http://berklix.org/jhs/mail/#bad 
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Arm Ukraine.Contraception V. Global warming & resource wars. 
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[Mailman-Users] Re: Outlook blocked again, but strange response

2024-03-12 Thread Dmitri Maziuk

On 3/12/24 11:40, Julian H. Stacey wrote:

I'm interested what independent mailman-users@ think on technical
issues of DKIM/SPF, but `advice' from fined monopolist google Not wanted.

Search RISKS archives around the time SPF was introduced, that's about 
the earliest discussion I know of.

Non-technically it's snake oil, obviously: nothing is stopping me from 
buying a domain (in "national alphabets", too, so there's no shortage of 
names) using a stolen credit card number, "protect it" so noting comes 
up in whois, add all the DMARC/DKIM/SPF records imaginable, and start 
spamming like there is no tomorrow. Once it's blacklisted by everyone: 
ditch it and buy another. Rinse, lather, repeat.

It's only stopping the small mom-and-pop spammers. And mailman users.


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