Re: Leading/trailing whitespace in inline

2018-08-25 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
 that is why your patch to _DoCodeSpans is wrong.

Now, it might be possible to salvage your proposal by introducing an
exception, that trimming spaces from code spans only applies when more
than a single backtick is used as the delimiter. But that would make the
rules more complicated, and it only allows you to use your workaround,
which is pretty cruddy anyway – you’re writing multiple code spans where
there really is only one piece of code.

Write it with HTML tags.

That’s really your answer.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <>
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Original v1.0.1 Script (Anno 2004) Unzipped and Archived for Easy Browsing on Github

2017-03-20 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
Hi Gerald,

* Gerald Bauer <> [2017-03-20 14:48]:
> Anyone knows if the original [1] script by John Gruber
> has a home on GitHub (or similar service) for easy browsing?

some time ago I set up a repo which has each release as
a commit on master:

Or rather, every release I could still find. The release tarballs and
zips are all committed in the `sources` branch, together with a script
to generate the `master` branch history from them, plus a README to
explain the whole conceit:

I have been intending to ping John about this, as well as to put out
a public call for anyone who happens to still have other releases,
but that hasn’t happened yet. Nevertheless, what’s there is at least
a start.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <>
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: does fireball markdown support anchor links?

2015-07-09 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Michel Fortin [2015-07-09 16:20]:
 I'm not providing this function out of the box for a few reasons: 1.
 any specific algorithm to generate the id to is going to make some
 people complain about non-compatibility with another implementation,
 and 2. it's quite hard to come with something that'll work well with
 non-english text.

There’s also another important reason:

Markdown is used for document fragments that get combined into a single
web page, much more often than it is used for standalone, single full
page documents. E.g. the front page of a weblog with excerpts from
multiple articles; comments in a thread on Reddit, or on GitHub; etc.

But anchors must be unique.

The Markdown processor alone does not have enough information and state
to generate sufficiently unique anchors in such an environment. So, if
automatically generated anchors are desired, their derivation *must* be
performed by code from the environment which has sufficient information
to be able to do that.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Opinions on in-band variation signaling

2014-11-11 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Sean Leonard [2014-11-12 00:50]:
 At least one commentator (Larry Masinter) specifically requested that
 the variant identifier be included in-band in the Markdown content,
 rather than as part of the metadata. I disagree with in-band signaling
 (as has been registered earlier on this list).

Both have value.

Ruby’s postulate:
The accuracy of metadata is inversely proportional to the
square of the distance between the data and the metadata.

That is to say, a value signalled in-band will be correct much more
often than one signalled via MIME/HTTP headers.

Also, in-band vs out-of-band simply address different scenarios.

An in-band signal travels with the data automatically, without any
special measures taken, whereas out-of-band metadata has a fair chance
of getting lost somewhere in transit. How is a user agent supposed to
store the variant parameter from the content-type after downloading
a Markdown file to disk?

But if you want to make decisions about the data during transit, having
to parse the payload to find the signal is prohibitively expensive. An
out-of-band signal is cheap, and is visible to a lot of infrastructure
that would never implement such specialised parsing of payloads such as
Markdown. (I mean, that is the exact same reason for having a MIME type
separate from text/plain in the first place.)

It’s nonsensical to portray this as a binary choice between two options.
Those are two separate choices and discussions.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown within block-level elements

2014-09-19 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* [2014-09-19 13:15]:
 For easy copy pasting, backwards compatibility etc (as others just
 pointed out), markdown=0 should imo be default for any HTML element.
 As in PHP markdown, let markdown=1 interpret inline stuff inside that

 Then let markdown=2 make the child element inherit markdown=1 and so on, eg.:

 div markdown=2
 Inline markdown *here*.
 .divfirst level child: markdown is *on*
 ..divsecond level child: markdown is emoff/em again.

 So the concept is, that the number given will be counted down before
 inheriting it.

I think there is a Markdown converter that supports something like that
already. I saw someone mention it on this list a while ago, anyway. It
seems like a smart solution.

 Markdown=all (or similar) would inherit through all levels. To escape
 inheritance, put markdown=0 there again.

That one I hadn’t seen before. Makes a lot of sense too.

 To simplify things, one could also leave out the counting down thing
 and only have three States: off, on*, all levels*.

That’s certainly how you want to introduce it in the syntax description.
I’m not sure if it would cover enough ground without supporting counted
levels. Still, you don’t lose any use cases by not supporting them, you
just make some documents more noisy. So the best approach is probably to
just try the simple form and see if you miss counted level support.

 If you want to have an all markdown document, wrap it into an element
 with markdown=all (or all-block). However, there might be situations
 where you don't want to output any extra element; I'm not sure whether
 a pseudo-element like markdown (or !-- markdown -- ?) would be
 a good solution to this.

In the spirit of “the simple form is probably enough” I would just punt
on that.

Great, now you just need to convince some sufficient number of Markdown
converter authors/maintainers to support this extension. :-)

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown within block-level elements

2014-09-18 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Alan Hogan [2014-09-18 03:10]:
 I do not understand why the rule existed in the first place.

Which implies that it must not make sense?

The rule allows you to retroactively introduce Markdown to any system
that was designed to handle HTML, without breaking any existing content.
And if the Markdown processor needs to be jammed at multiple different
layers, you can do that, because the HTML rendering of a Markdown source
is always wrapped in block-level elements, so you can pass the output of
a Markdown converter back through it (or through another converter, if
you happen to be stacking plugins in a CMS, say) without destroying it.

Without the rule, you would have to choose between Markdown and HTML.
The rule makes Markdown embrace-and-extend.

 Break things. Bump the major version. Be part of an ecosystem that
 actually works.

Markdown is Gruber’s and not anyone else’s. There is no “ecosystem”
about that.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: It's a Markdown processor, right?

2014-09-07 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Andrei Fangli [2014-09-07 10:45]:
 When I hear Markdown processor I think of a specialized word/text

That is not what it generally mean in RFCs. The XML specs speak of an
XML processor, the Atom RFCs speak of an Atom processor, etc. So I think
the terminology here is correct for an RFC.

(To me what you refer to is a “Markdown word processor”, esp considering
that a word processor is called a *word* processor rather than, say, an
RTF processor or a DOC processor.)

I’ll also defend the term on grounds of its meaning later, but let me
first address the proposed alternatives:

 For me, Markdown implementation sounds a bit odd. Markdown is not
 standardized nor is its specification clear enough


 I’d simply name the specification (or flavour) and append “Translator”
 at the end (e.g.: Github flavoured Markdown Translator, Common
 Markdown Translator etc.).

That is specific to a use case. E.g. multiple MacOS X QuickLook plugins
for Markdown preview exist; these are not translators, all they can do
is display the document (or a portion of it). Internally they may use
a translator, as most probably do, but they may just as well be written
on top of a Markdown parser that merely creates an AST rather than any
kind of output; either way it’s an implementation detail.

* Andrei Fangli [2014-09-07 17:00]:
 Parsing is all about syntactic analysis, a parser may well just return
 true and false depending on whether the input is syntactically correct
 or not.

Yes, agree: “parser” is not the right term.

It’s also not the right term because a translator need not necessarily
parse the document. doesn’t. So actually, “Markdown parser”
in fact excludes the canonical Markdown… processor.

 I’m not very comfortable about calling them libraries if they are
 actually executables or scripts.

Agree here also.


Ultimately, to come back to the beginning of my mail, what you want to
express is “a piece of software that will take Markdown and do something
with it in some Markdown-rules-informed way”. You want to cover any kind
of doing something, be it translating to another format or displaying
the document or extracting something from it (e.g. indexing or counting
words or whatever) or anything else. You want to cover any form in which
software comes, be that a library, an executable, or just an incidental
part of some larger library or application. And you want to allow for it
implementing any fraction of the total Markdown rules (e.g. a Markdown
word counter could ignore most inline formatting as punctuation without
it making a difference in the result), and in whichever form it chooses
(it could use parsing, or not).

I would argue that the only sufficiently generic term that will apply to
software in all of these cases is, in fact, “processor”.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: It's a Markdown processor, right?

2014-09-07 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Waylan Limberg [2014-09-08 03:55]:
 How about some of the verbs used by libraries as a method on a class
 instance: render or convert. Of course we want the nouns:
 renderer or converter. They are very similar to translator, but
 unlike translator are actually used by the existing implementations.

That would exclude parsers, indexers, etc. whose output is not another
form of the document.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown validity Re: Agreeing on Historical Markdown

2014-07-12 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Sean Leonard [2014-07-12 16:35]:
 However, if you have Markdown in the HTML content with markdown=1 as
 with PHP Markdown Extra, it is necessary to parse the HTML with
 something other than a straight HTML parser since the straight HTML
 parser will misinterpret the Markdown (e.g.,  will be a validation

That parser is Markdown itself. You can already put Markdown inside
HTML tags, it’s just that normally Markdown will only parse the content
of inline tags like EM and SPAN, not block tags like P or DIV. This was
an explicit design choice. The markdown=1 attribute does nothing more
than turn off this distinction temporarily.

(The block tag rule allows you to write portions of your document as
plain old HTML when Markdown is insufficient, and also allows you to
pass stuff through Markdown several times (e.g. fragments in a CMS
getting passed through Markdown at various stages of page assembly)
without screwing up the document. I consider it the smartest choice in
the design of Markdown: the reason it has been adopted where other
syntaxes have remained confined to niches. It means almost any HTML
fragment is also a Markdown fragment, so it’s easy to add Markdown to
any publishing workflow that involves HTML somewhere even if it wasn’t
designed for that at all, and the content can then be ported piecemeal
instead of boil-the-ocean. Classic embrace-and-extend.)

 Markdown has no concept of markdown validity.


 Markdown may have a concept of HTML validity.

Not really. Individual processors may, but Markdown itself has nothing
to say about that. The original implementation of course is implemented
as a text substitution system, which means if you give it Markdown that
contains invalid HTML then you’ll simply get HTML that’s invalid in the
same way, to then be interpreted by the browser however the browser may.
My guess is that the majority of implementations behave equivalently to
this, though depending on their design they could differ completely.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown internal metadata Re: Markdown validity

2014-07-12 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Alan Hogan [2014-07-10 23:00]:
 You are entirely correct that there is a strong chance that this API
 call would actually send an updated copy of a JSON object including
 fields such as “title”, “date”, “url”, and “body”, the last of which
 may implicitly or explicitly be Markdown data. (And the MIME type on
 that call would be application/json or whatever.) But perhaps the most
 RESTful way to do this would be to send a plain Markdown file (as

Perhaps, yes, but not actually.

As far as ReST is concerned, either approach is equally valid.

However, it is nicer if you can use a wide-spread MIME type that is more
specific than something ultra-generic like application/json, since these
generic MIME types tell you essentially nothing about the application-
level meaning of the data, which weakens the utility of intermediaries.
(I.e. a reverse proxy in front of your app might try to do clever stuff
based on the MIME type of a request; if your data is overly generically
labelled then the proxy must parse the response body to figure out what
type of data it is dealing with. Conversely for the same reason you also
don’t want to invent ultra-specific one-off MIME types, because existing
infrastructure will have no idea what type of thing that might be.)

But it is totally feasible for a few standard rules to be applied by the
server to extract metadata from the content of a Markdown document.

That is in fact exactly what my own hack for serving a directory full’a
Markdown files as a static site does. Furthermore,

* Sean Leonard [2014-07-13 02:30]:
 I tried to do some head stuff, as in:*myself*%3C%2Fdiv%3E%0A%0AThe+end.

 And not surprisingly, the results are all over the place. Clearly this
 is not an effective way to communicate HTML metadata, since Markdown
 is designed to process HTML block-level content.

… I use a hacked Markdown processor that treats head-level elements just
like block-level elements (I find it a missed opportunity that at least
this much is not part of standard Markdown), then I run a HTML5 parser
over the output to normalise it and finally, I use an XSL transform
against the DOM from that to pull any remaining head elements up into
the head, before re-serialising the whole shebang.

(The H1-as-title extraction is only a fallback. So I can give documents
an explicit title different from their first heading, or even provide
a title when there are no headings present.)

(I have designs for releasing this thing someday but its current form is
cobbled together too hackily to work for anyone else.)

Which leads me to:

* Waylan Limberg [2014-07-13 03:30]:
 I should also point out that a number of projects will use the first
 h1 Header in the document as the title. And if the file is stored on
 the file system, the creation and modification date may be pulled from
 the file system.

a) Yup, exactly.

* Waylan Limberg [2014-07-10 17:55]:
 Why do we need a Mime Type?

b) I find the need for a MIME type trivially evident because I already
   have directories full of files with nothing but Markdown in them.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: text/markdown effort in IETF (invite)

2014-07-10 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Carl Jacobsen [2014-07-10 12:50]:
 So, you might have:  content-type=text/markdown flavor=tables+titleblock 

That’s very nice, except it will never happen.

• No user is going to annotate their files in such a way that this MIME
  type would ever show up in the wild in such specificity, unless they
  use special software which automatically records the relevant metadata
  (rather than just a text editor + file system workflow).

• No implementor is going to write a Markdown processor that is actually
  capable of dealing with this MIME type. (Except of course the author
  of floobity 1.2.3 itself, in this example, of course – which is not
  for any attempt at making it work in a generic way.)

• If the flavours refer to existing syntax extensions and modifications,
  those are all only vaguely specified, and the implementations that
  offer them are not likely to be changed to follow a more rigorous spec
  of the respective syntax extension any time soon. So in practice these
  flavour specs are no more well-defined than saying the document is
  (some kind of) Markdown.

• Documents are generally written for a specific processor, not for some
  particular combination of syntax extensions in the abstract. There are
  a number of processors which implement half a dozen separate syntax
  extensions. Documents written for these processors notionally employ
  all of these syntax extensions. Will documents in e.g. GitHub-Flavored
  Markdown always have to list the entire enchilada in their MIME type
  (instead of just saying “GFM”)? Or do you force whatever part of the
  infrastructure picks the MIME type to parse the document (and contain
  knowledge of all possible syntax extensions) to figure out which of
  them are actually used?

• I won’t make a separate bullet point for the endless effort of keeping
  track of all the possible syntax extensions, which is going to be
  a cat herder job, because that should be an obvious problem. But what
  if someone wants to implement a new syntax extension – what process do
  they have to go through before they can assign a truthful MIME type to
  their documents?

Metadata is hard. Let’s go shopping.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: text/markdown effort in IETF (invite)

2014-07-10 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Fletcher T. Penney [2014-07-10 18:30]:
 I suppose it's debatable as to how non-local that effect is

I do consider that local. “Local-enough” at least. Tellingly though it’s
also the most common single reason for “how do I” user inquiries on this

 A less debatable example is fenced code blocks

Yes, true.

The annoying thing is, while I was against them when the proposal was
brought up for Markdown in general, after spending some time using them
(by way of GitHub), I do find them convenient as a user. So now I have
a dilemma.

— • —

Still though – because fenced code blocks are an extension, they don’t
much change the principle of what I said: if you use a fenced code
block, then try to render the document using some other processor which
doesn’t support them, you get a garbled code block and then the rest of
the document after that looks fine.

Conversely a documents written for processors that do not support fenced
code blocks are rather unlikely to contain something that looks as if it
were – which would then lead to large-scale botch if you tried to render
them using a processor that supports fenced code blocks. (I feel this is
especially so for backtick fences. Tilda fences seem to have some remote
likelihood of being used as an innocuous part of a non-fenced-code-block

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: text/markdown effort in IETF (invite)

2014-07-09 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Sean Leonard [2014-07-09 22:10]:
 Markdown has no way to communicate the character set in the document
 (other than the Unicode Byte Order Marks, which is a generalized
 property about text streams, not specific to Markdown)--and it would
 be counterproductive to invent one. So that is a perfect example of
 relevant metadata. And the second one, is how to turn it into
 something else that the author wants. If it's not communicated, it's
 going to be implied. Implied means guessing and likely guessing

Yet guessing wrong is largely without consequence.

There are really no syntax features that affect the document’s rendering
non-locally. If part of a document is written with unsupported syntax,
only that part will render incorrectly, but the other parts will come
out fine.

And there are no large overlapping surfaces among the syntaxes of the
various extensions (esp. those for very different document features),
which makes unsupported syntax unlikely to appear to have been intended
to be rendered as some completely dissimilar feature.

So you will get a document that differs from the author’s intent in some
way. But it will be clear *where* the differences are and you will still
get all of the data in *some* form, quite possibly fully intelligible if
not pretty.

And because of the primary goal of Markdown to be human-readable in its
source form, there is always an easy and cheap last resort: view source.

Bottom line, misrendering a document due to wrong choice of flavour is
annoying but inconsequential, due to the very nature of Markdown.

Therefore the flavour parameter ought to be considered nothing more than
loosely informative, and the processor should just render the document
to the best of its ability regardless of the flavour specified. It MAY
use the parameter value to adapt to the document, in RFC 2119 lingo, but
ought not be bound by it.

Furthermore, an absent flavour parameter ought to mean that the flavour
is unspecified, not that it is any particular default flavour; i.e. the
choice of flavour in that case ought to be up to the processor.

Lastly, the spec should mention (as informal guidance to implementors)
that applications containing Markdown processors which have any chance
of being exposed to source documents of unknown flavour should, if at
all possible, provide a means for the user to view the source Markdown
document in unformatted form.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: attribute blocks for definition lists

2013-07-01 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Andy Lee [2013-07-01 18:55]:
 Out of curiosity, do I understand correctly that

 : definition

 is already in common usage when people write plain text?  I was not
 aware of that, so if so, I may start adopting it in my own emails etc.

I’ve never seen it in email.
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Styling Markdown approaches

2013-05-02 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Sherwood Botsford [2013-04-20 16:20]:
 It's actually worse than that, because for me MMD is actually a module
 in Template Toolkit. So my information is MD markup wrapped in
 a preface and epilog of template toolkit.

[% FILTER replace('[^/][^]*\K', ' markdown=1') # Perl 5.10+ required for 
\K %]
[% END %]
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Styling Markdown approaches

2013-04-19 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Sherwood Botsford [2013-04-18 17:20]:
 (I wish that this was a toggle that could be set in a .mmdrc file.
 There are a lot of things that I wish I could set in an .mmdrc file.)

That would be bad for Markdown.
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: ToDo List Notation

2011-12-11 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Clint Laskowski [2011-12-11 16:15]:

You are looking for orgmode. Markdown is the wrong tool.
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: fuck yeah markdown

2011-10-16 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* [2011-10-15 22:00]:
 brett has accomplished more in the last three months than this
 listserve accomplished in the last three years.

Well, we can agree he has achieved more in three months than you
have in a decade of talking.
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: doesn't that make you wonder?

2011-10-16 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* [2011-10-16 21:40]:
 how will i ever be able to manage without your valuable input?

You don’t need it. You’ll take the world by storm same as you did
the last five times you created a revolution. With or without my
participation, the outcome won’t differ.
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: An Observation

2011-05-15 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Michel Fortin [2011-05-14 23:40]:
 Le 2011-05-14 à 15:55, Aristotle Pagaltzis a écrit :
 An anatomy of a loss of interest:

2004  279
2005  153
2006   78
2007   25  (21 in the first half of the year)
20086  (2 in Feb; 4 in a row in mid-March)
20094  (in row in late Feb)

 It’s not uncommon. Most of my own projects look like this…

 I just wish we’d get one last release out of him that takes
 the beta label off the last version and fixes the couple of
 small things Gruber himself already agreed years ago should be
 changed in certain ways. (Eg. not triggering emphasis on
 word-internal underscores.)

 You should add a new column for the total number of posts.

2004   279 / 938
2005   153 / 856
200678 / 542
200725 / 479  (21 in the first half of the year)
2008 6 / 508  (2 in Feb; 4 in a row in mid-March)
2009 4 / 235  (in row in late Feb)
2010 0 / 203
2011 0 / 141

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: An Observation

2011-05-14 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Fletcher T. Penney [2011-05-14 16:50]:
 I was looking at the original Markdown syntax specification,
 and became curious as to the last time Gruber posted anything
 to this discusion list.  According to some searches of the
 archives using some Google tricks, the last post I could find
 from him was in 2009.

 Just thought that was interesting.

An anatomy of a loss of interest:

2004  279
2005  153
2006   78
2007   25  (21 in the first half of the year)
20086  (2 in Feb; 4 in a row in mid-March)
20094  (in row in late Feb)

It’s not uncommon. Most of my own projects look like this…

I just wish we’d get one last release out of him that takes the
beta label off the last version and fixes the couple of small
things Gruber himself already agreed years ago should be changed
in certain ways. (Eg. not triggering emphasis on word-internal

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: What does Markdown do with HTML comments? Recommendation on Markdown file extension?

2011-05-06 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Waylan Limberg [2011-05-05 03:25]:
 However, most projects I'm aware of use '.md' or '.markdown'.

`.mkd` and `.mkdn` are also popular. I’ve seen `.mdwn` also,
and I think even `.mdn` though I’m not sure about that one.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: ol start with a specific number?

2011-04-06 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Waylan Limberg [2011-04-07 04:15]:
 I'm not opposed to adding this, but I noticed that no other
 implementation (of those on Babelmark) implements this by
 default (not counting Pandoc's extended mode). I haven't
 checked if other implementations offer this as an option.

John’s reason was that the `start` attribute was deprecated
in HTML 4 Strict. He has since said at least once that this
reasoning was flawed and the decision a mistake.

 My question is: should this be an option to turn on and off,
 and if so, should it be on or off by default?

Bitter as it may be I think you would need to leave it off by
default. Interoperability is important.

 Given that statement, it would seem that on by default and
 without an option to turn if off would be fine.

I wish John would make another release to straighten out these
handful of known tiny niggles… since his is the implementation
that everyone else’s will follow.

 But what is the reality in the real world? If I did that, would
 a bunch of documents suddenly start rendering incorrectly - or
 at least different that expected? I guess the real question is:
 has everyone been ignoring that piece of advice in the docs and
 if so, is this something we should care about as implementors?

It’s not that simple. Consider what happens if some user writes
a document while previewing it with your implementation, which
advertises itself as Markdown, then pastes it into the textarea
in some web app, which also advertises Markdown support.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Any way to get syntax-highlighted code blocks with Text::MultiMarkdown?

2010-12-06 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Dr. Drang [2010-12-06 17:10]:
 I just added syntax highlighting to my blog by wedging a call
 to Pygments into my fork of PHP Markdown Extra (yet another
 abuse of Michel's code). You could do a similar thing with
 MultiMarkdown by changing the _DoCodeBlocks function.

Markdown spits out HTML. Any highlighter that can fish `pre`
and `code` out of HTML and highlight it will work on the
Markdown’s output. There is no need to wedge any of this into
Markdown itself.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: markdown do not support Strikethrough ?

2010-07-24 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* John MacFarlane [2010-07-23 17:50]:
 But using HTML isn't a great solution for pandoc, which
 supports many output formats.

IMO separating Markdown from HTML is the wrong approach. Likewise
everyone who filters out `em` but allows asterisks for emphasis
is doing it wrong.

Markdown is an alternative syntax for HTML. The right thing to
do with a Markdown document is convert it to regular HTML, *then*
optionally apply a tag white list, *then* optionally convert this
HTML (subset) document to other formats. If there are HTML tags
you cannot (easily) support in your target formats, just omit
them from your supported subset of HTML. That way you support
real Markdown, not a crippled Markdown-lookalike syntax.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: using markdown in a forum?

2010-05-05 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Louis-David Mitterrand 
[2010-05-05 16:05]:
 What would be a reasonable defaults whitelist for html tags
 in a forum context?

All the tags Markdown has syntax for:

em strong a img code br
p ul ol li blockquote pre h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6

Plus a few very reasonable extras:

i b cite del ins
dl dd dt

Attributes that should be allowed:

a: href title
img: src alt title
ol: start
blockquote: cite

That’s the minimal reasonable set, I think.

You may or may not want to also whitelist the table-related tags:

table tr td th
tbody tfoot thead caption

Most of their possible attributes should be allowed in that case.

For those, you’ll need to tidy the HTML, not just scrub it, else
people will be able to break your layout in malicious ways.

You ***DON’T*** want to whitelist the `style` attribute under any
circumstances, unless you also have a very very very careful CSS
scrubber, because otherwise it’s possible to inject Javascript
that way.

You’ll also want to validate `...@href` values to keep people from
putting `javascript:` URIs or similar foolishness in there. If in
doubt, allow too little.

That’s the main considerations out of the way.

Personally I’d also whitelist `small` and `big`, much like `i`
and `b`. You need the latter because `em` and `strong` are wrong
to use for some well-reasoned formatting that isn’t emphatic
(such as italicising names in citations) – likewise, if you only
leave the header tags for smaller/bigger text, people will abuse
them for setting large or small text that’s not a headline.

For similar reasons, I’d also whitelist `tt`.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-25 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Seumas Mac Uilleachan [2010-03-24 01:30]:
 Elastic tabstops would certainly make my pseudo-table much
 cleaner. Would make creating such a table a breeze without
 requiring special markup. Is this idea actually catching on

Yeah, elastic tabstops solve this problem in a fundamental way.
The problem is they’re a boil-the-ocean solution, they require
support in almost all tools that will touch the document in
question. That’s a very high activation energy barrier… you’ll
need a catalyst to get them adopted, eg. a new OS/platform that
fully supports them from the get-go – essentially you need an
Apple to throw their weight behind it.

 like Sony Beta - a better solution that no one will buy into?

Myth. Betamax was inferior to VHS in significant ways, even if
it had an obvious advantage in picture quality and cassette size.
The market decided that people prefer VHS’ mix of good and bad to
Betamax’ mix of good and bad. End of story.

It’s like saying webmail is inferior to desktop mail clients.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-21 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* David E. Wheeler [2010-03-20 23:05]:
 I'm pretty happy with MMD definition lists (with s/:/~/g)

I tried to like them.

 and with psql-style tables (mostly implemented in
 Markdent::Dialect::Theory. I find them both esthetically

They look OK but are a pain to edit. (I haven’t seen a table
syntax that I find easier to edit than raw HTML. Well, the fact
that Markdown won’t touch the contents makes them still a pain.)

I think this editing|reading tension is fundamental, therefor not

* Sherwood Botsford [2010-03-20 23:35]:
 G. K. Chesterton commented, If something is worth doing, it's
 worth doing badly

Only within limits.

 I like MMD's table syntax. Not perfect. Still a pain to
 construct, especially if you want to keep the notion of having
 to look reasonable as plain text.  But it *really* beats

To look at? Beats it. To write? Not hardly.

Esp. if you leave off the closing tags, as I do these days when
I write tables in Markdown documents.

 At this point I can do it with template toolkit and include
 files, but it's more than a bit rube-goldbergish. In the league
 with programmable candle powered hydralic peanut butter

Actually include files are how I would suggest you do that.
Better yet use a Markdown implementation where you can pass
a prepopulated table of link references (so that the Markdown
formatting won’t have to parse the same 1,400 link references
over and over).

 Easy way to modify the behaviour with certain tags.

One of the things I want is some way to make it easier to tell
Markdown to re-engage inside block tags, in a less klunky fashion
than Markdown Extra’s (I think?) markdown=1 pseudo-attribute.
I don’t have a good idea for this, though.

I wouldn’t want any configurable behaviours, though. To me it is
a very important point that you can take a Markdown document from
one environment to another without breakage.

* Seumas Mac Uilleachan [2010-03-21 00:45]:
 I hear constantly about needing Gruber's blessing for any
 overhaul or changes to Markdown. Why?

In case you are referring to my own recent mail, I never said it
needs *Gruber*’s blessing specifically. What it does need is one
central voice. If you think it doesn’t, then ask yourself why all
of the reimplementations have added their own features, yet none
of them have copied each other.

Except that several of them have copied Markdown Extra. As it
happens, Michel Fortin had some blessing from Gruber on several
of his efforts. Coincidence?

No one needs permission or blessing to fork Markdown. Many people
have done it.

But that’s the point. To get more than Just Another Fork, it neds
to have weight of voice to bring all the other forks together
behind it.

 The goal of markdown is readability. There is no such thing as
 a readable html table. I would argue that tables are a useful
 enough feature to include. Whether it is done badly or well is
 often subjective. At the minimum a simple table format would be
 important to me (not requiring spanning cells or complex table
 layouts). Tables are the easiest way to list corresponding
 values or data that they really should be somehow included.

The problem with tables as I see it is as above: I think that
tables fundamentally cannot be both easy to edit and easy to read
within the constraints of plaintext.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-20 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Lou Quillio [2010-03-20 00:55]:
 Markdown's dead? Absurd.

Obviously. That’s why no one said that.

Markdown *development* is dead.

(Straw men are easy to clobber.)

 Markdown's huge, and in the form of PHP Markdown Extra is
 basically done. Done != dead, done == problem solved.

Fact: the latest Gruber release is a beta.

Fact: the latest official Gruber release is missing features
that Gruber himself uses.

You can argue about whether this means “done” – I see “scratches
my itch so I lost interest” –, but you cannot argue the facts.

Personally I think Markdown is still missing a lot of fit and
polish that could make it much (subtly) nicer still. (Eg. I’m
tired of using `!-- --` lines as a crutch to force consecutive,
separate blockquotes and lists to be recognised as such.)

What it’s not missing is big constructs. (I believe tables and
definition lists can only be done badly, and so should not be
done at all.)

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Media type for markdown?

2010-03-07 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Dietrich Epp [2010-03-06 22:40]:
 I think it's about time that markdown had its own IANA media

Most people just use text/x-markdown, I think.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-06 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* david parsons [2010-03-06 05:25]:
 In article,
 John MacFarlane wrote:
 `` a```a ``
 should render as

 Now that's a defect all right. It looks like the reference
 matches any run of ticks, not just the one or two that I read
 from the standard.

According to the spec it *is* supposed to match any number of
ticks – but they are supposed to be the *same* number on both

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-06 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Fletcher T. Penney [2010-03-06 00:00]:
 The point is that each of these variant forms of Markdown
 evolved to scratch someone's particular itch.

As indeed did Markdown himself. Once it scratched John’s own
itch well enough, he lost the compulsion to improve it. Which
I can relate to very well – a lot of my personal projects end up
this way.

The problem we are having is that by virtue of being the
principal designer of Markdown, he is also the only one with the
authority to set a direction and have all implementations
unilaterally follow it. Michel Fortin is probably the only one in
an at all comparable position.

Personally I find most extensions to Markdown lacking in that
ineffable spirit that ties Markdown together. But I’m pretty
sure that the designers of these extensions disagree, and would
in turn find my proposals lacking.

And if that is the case, then I’d be even less likely to want
anything that any likely committee would cook up.

This is why the fact that Gruber himself no longer participates
causes a problem for everyone else who is invested in Markdown:
there is no longer a central voice.

But Gruber created what he did, and shared it, and he marketed it
(and very successfully, as we all are proof of) for what it was.
That no one else has had the same success in pushing their own
evolution of the format does not oblige Gruber to anything.

If Markdown is to evolve, this is the problem that needs to be
solved: it needs a principal designer with a good enough sense
for its spirit and enough of a voice to gain the authority to
have his or her mandates followed.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: multiline header

2010-03-04 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Waylan Limberg [2010-03-02 18:25]:
 To be honest, I can't think of any elegant way to do multi-line
 setext headers,


 but multi-line hash headers should be easy.

I’ll agree with that.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: multiline header

2010-03-01 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
Hi Alexandre,

* Alexandre Leray [2010-03-01 22:35]:
 I have a document with quite long titles and I was wondering if
 it was possible to hard-break them:


 This is a veeery long title

 would be

 This is a veeery
 long title

 Right now it produces two h1/ tags.

you could always fall back on HTML:

h1This is a veeery
long title/h1

If you need inline formatting inside the header, then hopefully
your implementation supports the `markdown` pseudo-attribute:

h1 markdown=1This is a very, very, very, *very*
long title/h1

* Waylan Limberg [2010-03-02 00:05]:
 And that's the problem, lazy authors have been relying on the
 existing behavior for so long that changing it now could break
 thousands of existing documents.

This sort of laziness seems like a design goal of Markdown, not
a bug in its users.

* Tim Visher [2010-03-02 02:30]:
 If you're desperate for a multi-line header in markdown, you
 have a few options.

 1. Use Non-semantic markup directly in the document:

 h1This is line one of abr /
 very long header!/h1

That's not recommended simply on the grounds of it not being
semantic and no one likes non-semantic markup. ;)

Non-semantic, says who?

More importantly, the problem was not to display a header across
two lines in the rendered document, it was being able to write
the header across several lines in the source document (and still
have a single tag in the rendered document), so your solutions

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: tables with Unicode box drawing characters?

2009-09-09 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Suraj Kurapati [2009-09-09 06:20]:
 What if Markdown used Unicode characters to express tables
 in this manner?

Then I would still write my tables using HTML tags.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: A Modest Definition List Proposal (David E. Wheeler)

2009-02-28 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Aristotle Pagaltzis [2009-02-28 16:18]:
 You can make a lot easier to write with a very simple tweak:

Sorry for the noise. Someday I’ll consistently remember to read
the whole thread before following my impulse to respond.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: A Modest Definition List Proposal

2009-02-18 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* David E. Wheeler [2009-02-19 02:00]:
 Yeah, okay. […] D’oh! Oh yeah!

Told you it is a thorny problem. :-(  It *looks* simple, yeah…

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: use re 'eval' error

2008-10-23 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Louis-David Mitterrand [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-10-23 13:55]:
 What is the fix?

You have to patch Text::Markdown to add that line to the block
the regex is in. I see you have already filed a bug against
Text::Markdown, excellent.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: list corner case

2008-09-09 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-09-09 07:45]:
 jacob said:
This entirely contradicts Markdown's purpose and philosophy.
 and aristotle agreed:
That is my opinion too.
 it _might_not_ (or might) be in alignment with the purpose and
 philosophy of markdown, but hey, it does not contradict it,
 _certainly_ not entirely.
 this is what gruber says under markdown philosophy:
 Markdown is intended to be as easy-to-read and
 easy-to-write as is feasible. Readability, however, is
 emphasized above all else.
 he continues:
 A Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is,
 as plain text, without looking like it's been marked up
 with tags or formatting instructions.
 if the intent is ambiguous -- and it _clearly_ is ambiguous,
 since no one here can state unequivocally what was meant, which
 is why there are competing interpretations at work -- then the
 document certainly will not be _readable_, let alone
 publishable as-is. so it's out of the realm of the

With due respect I have to say it seems to me you are utterly
misinterpreting the second paragraph you quoted. My reading is
that “publishable as-is” refers to it not “looking like it’s been
marked up with tags or formatting instructions.” Simply put, all
it says is that Markdown documents should not look like code –
unlike HTML, which does.

Furthermore, regardless of whether you are claiming that a
document is readable or not, I know that as a human I have no
trouble extracting some meaning from any of the examples given
in this thread. Certainly if they contained real text, I would
have even less trouble to understand what the author meant, based
on contextual cues like, oh I dunno, *what the text says*.

My interpretation of the Markdown philosophy is that plaintext
documents have inherent meaning to humans, and the rules of the
syntax should be designed to infer that meaning correctly. You’ll
recall [1] that John’s motivation for designing Markdown was the
tedium of the common tasks in writing HTML by hand – putting in
tags for paragraphs, emphasis, quoting, etc. “It’s 2004.
Shouldn’t your computer be able to determine where you’ve written
paragraphs and sub-heads?” Obviously, the formatter should try
its best to reflect the structure of the written prose with the
appropriate means of HTML.

Imagine that someone was nice enough to buy you a gift: an
original typewritten manuscript for a classic novel. Let’s
say Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”. You could sit down with
this manuscript and read it, straight through, and get pretty
much the same reading experience as you would when reading it
in the form of a nicely bound and typeset book. Yes, it would
all be set in the typewriter’s smudgy fixed-width
Courier-esque typeface, with underlining instead of italics,
etc. — but the words would still flow, from page to mind,
just as Fitzgerald intended.

Is there such a thing as an invalid classic novel? So how can
there be such a thing as an invalid Markdown document?

The quote from Stanley Kubrick I used to start this article
is one of my very favorites. When you write and read text
that’s marked-up with HTML tags, it’s forcing you to
concentrate on the *think* of it. It’s the *feel* of it that
I want Markdown-formatted text to convey.

I can find no way to reconcile the above with your claim that
ambiguous writer’s intent puts a source document outside the
realm of Markdown’s philosophy of publishability.


Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: list corner case

2008-09-08 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Jacob Rus [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-09-08 22:00]:
 if one can do all those things another way, then i wouldn't
 treat this as _any_ of them. just leave it as-is, so people
 get channeled into doing each of those things correctly.


 i think, in the long run, that makes it easier for people,
 because it demands that they be clear in their thought.

 if they are ambiguous about what they want, do nothing!

 This entirely contradicts Markdown’s purpose and philosophy.

That is my opinion too.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: list corner case

2008-09-08 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Waylan Limberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-09-08 17:15]:
 On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 10:14 PM, Aristotle Pagaltzis [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Any inferred nesting would have to subordinate them to an implied
 3rd item in the surrounding unordered list that is not written
 out in these examples – semantically equivalent roughly to this:

 -  foo
 -  bar
   1. baz
   1. quux
 -  qux

 Not necessarily. Take the following example (with 4 spaces
 before item two):

 -  one
2. two

 With the exception of Maruku (which falls flat on it's face
 here), every implementation consistently renders this:

 lione ol

 While I hate to deflate any argument against option B, the fact is,
 there doesn't have to be any implied 3rd item in the surrounding
 unordered list.

I am not sure where you have argued anything at all?

My entire point is that as a human reader I see the last item in
my example lists as really belonging to the same list as the
first two items, even though there’s another list in the middle.
I don’t think there’s any strong argument to be made that this is
not the case.

Actually I see *all* the items as belonging to the same list. The
two numbered ones just happen to have a relationship to each
other that the others don’t share.

But there is no way to express that in Markdown. Because there is
no way to express that in HTML. Lists can only be ordered or not
as a whole.

The example I gave with the implied 3rd item in the impliedly
outer list is just an attempt to convey roughly the same
semantics in HTML and Markdown as what I see, but it is not an
argument that this is how it should actually be rendered, since
it wasn’t written that way by the author.

The only available option in HTML, which is what Markdown should
do IMO, is simply render this as three distinct lists.

 However, without the indentation, I don't think it's clear to
 the casual reader that that should be a nested ordered list -
 which I've already discussed in my previous comment.

Honestly I don’t care. If you insist on more indentation for a
nested list, then imagine that I had used more indentation. It
doesn’t matter for the purpose of the argument.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: list corner case

2008-09-08 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Yuri Takhteyev [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-09-08 19:40]:
 Between A and C it seems that A wins the popularity contest 7:3
 ((John skipped markdown.lua's  vote for A).  So, A also wins
 the plurality vote even if B is not eliminated.  So, I would
 declare it the right behavior.

Sure, but the implementors never talked about this. They just had
to resolve this case individually. And what do you do when you
don’t feel strongly about it? You look at what does.
Which does A. It doesn’t at all seem surprising to me that A wins
in that contest.

But in actual discussion here on list, as far as I saw, with the
exception of “Bowerbird” who made up option D, everyone voted for
C, with some of us calling A a reasonable secondary option. (Did
I misread the discussion?)

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: list corner case

2008-09-08 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Waylan Limberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-09-08 15:30]:
 Although I seem to recall talk in the past about the following:
 1. foo
 - bar
 - baz
 Where the first item sets the list as ordered, and the rest
 just defines the items. The argument made was that the author
 could then reorder, insert or delete any random item without
 feeling the need to renumber the items.

I thought this was attractive, but it occured to me that whenever
you want that, you can get it just as well by instead writing the
list this way:

1. foo
1. bar
1. baz

 Personally, I'm the type that's going to renumber the items

If you kept Markdown documents in a version control system, you
would avoid that. :-)  (Renumbering items when shifting them
around can cause a lot of noise in diffs from spurious changes.)

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: list corner case

2008-09-07 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* John MacFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-09-08 03:25]:
 I'm curious how people think the following *should* be interpreted:
 -  one
 2. two

For the purpose of the argument I’ll expand a little with more
realistically likely examples:

*  foo
*  bar
1. baz
2. quux
*  qux

-  foo
-  bar
1. baz
1. quux
-  qux

In those examples I see the 3rd and 4th items as having an
implied relationship that is stronger than among the rest of the
items, but I do not see those two as subordinate to the 2nd item.
Any inferred nesting would have to subordinate them to an implied
3rd item in the surrounding unordered list that is not written
out in these examples – semantically equivalent roughly to this:

-  foo
-  bar
   1. baz
   1. quux
-  qux

Therefore, I would say these should be rendered as either three
separate lists or as a single unordered list, but definitely not
as an unordered list with an ordered list nested inside its 2nd

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Syntax Questions

2008-07-22 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Michel Fortin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-07-22 12:40]:
 Have you considered what will happen to code blocks with

That can be fixed by *replacing* newlines with break tags so
there aren’t any literal linebreaks. View Source won’t be pretty
but the browser rendering will be correct.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Syntax Questions

2008-07-21 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Jurgens du Toit [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-07-21 09:05]:
 I don't think that if something is difficult to test, it
 shouldn't be implemented.

You mean it’s fine for people to give you software that might or
might not work, and they don’t know which? What happens if you
report a bug and they can’t test whether their bugfix breaks
previously working stuff?

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: writing HTML documents in Markdown

2008-06-08 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Kragen Javier Sitaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-06-08 18:00]:
 On Sat, 7 Jun 2008 17:42:53 +0200, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
  * Kragen Javier Sitaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-06-07 09:40]:
   Stylesheeting comes naturally. I just put a `style`
   element at the top with a few lines inside of it to format
  Note that Markdown ends up wrapping `link` and `style` in
  `p` tags, arguably erroneously.
 What, is Markdown supposed to know that those elements are
 neither block-level nor span-level markup?

In fact it is – or to phrase the statement more appropriately, it
is supposed to know that wrapping such elements in `p` tags is
not a useful thing to do. It already avoids wrapping block-level
tags in paragraphs; there is no reason not to extend that list to
also contain all the elements that may appear in the head of an
HTML document, even though they are nominally invalid in the body.

  Of course, neither tag has any business being in the HTML
  body; they should both be in the head. Since you’re loading
  BeautifulSoup anyway, you probably want to include that as
  fix-up step in your postprocessing.
 Yeah, I've been planning to do that, but didn't get around to
 doing it before sending it out.  (I also have this theory that
 I'll be a happier person if I don't spend too much time on
 inventing private markup languages, and that makes me perhaps
 unreasonably reluctant to add extra postprocessing steps, even
 when the alternative is ill-formed HTML.)

I agree with that theory, which is why I use Markdown despite the
minor (and a few less minor) things I dislike about it. Attaching
some light postprocessing to Markdown to add support for small
missing bits seems like a much better approach to achieve both
satisfaction and an absence of unhappiness.

I try to write code only when I can’t help it…

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: writing HTML documents in Markdown

2008-06-07 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
[Note to markdown-discuss readers: for context see]

* Kragen Javier Sitaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-06-07 09:40]:
 Stylesheeting comes naturally. I just put a `style` element
 at the top with a few lines inside of it to format nicely.

Note that Markdown ends up wrapping `link` and `style`
in `p` tags, arguably erroneously. Weirdly, it looks like
Python-Markdown should avoid that mistake:


But at the top of the
problem shows up anyway.

Of course, neither tag has any business being in the HTML body;
they should both be in the head. Since you’re loading
BeautifulSoup anyway, you probably want to include that as fix-up
step in your postprocessing.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Optional features (was: Markdown Extra Specification (First Draft))

2008-05-24 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Yuri Takhteyev [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-05-23 08:35]:
 * Aristotle Pagaltzis [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-05-23 05:40]:
  I also agree with your opposition to them; if anything, one
  should filter the *output* of a Markdown-to-HTML conversion
  so that it won't matter whether people write literal `em`
  tags or use asterisks.
 This is true in theory... I actually just recently write
 something along those lines in Lua [1] to use with my Lua wiki.
 The idea is to do as you suggest: Convert from MD to HTML
 first, then filter the HTML. To make it safe, I parse HTML as
 XHTML and complain if it doesn't parse. Hence a problem: if the
 user screws up with their HTML (and my filter is pretty
 unforgiving), it becomes hard to communicate to them what went
 wrong. I can tell them where there is a problem in the overall
 HTML, but this doesn't help much, since the user didn't know
 there was all of this HTML to begin with.

It seems to me that filtering is a red herring in your case. If
you want to allow users to enter literal tags, you will have this
problem whether you filter the ultimate output or not.

 There is no easy way to show them where the problem occurred
 relative to the input that they provided, or to show them the
 content with just _their_ HTML escaped. So, a good solution in
 Markdown itself actually would be a good thing.

If your XHTML parser has a streaming input mode, you can couple
your Markdown converter directly to the XHTML parser and feed the
HTML output to it as you go. If the XHTML parser throws a well-
formedness error, you can then relate it to the vicinity of the
last Markdown chunk you converted to HTML and passed into the
XHTML parser.

It will sometimes be an earlier chunk; eg. if the user writes
`nbsp` (notice the missing semicolon) and this is exacly at end
of string in the HTML chunk you pass to the XHTML parser, then
the XHTML parser will have to wait until the next chunk before
it can decide that that entity is broken.

If you don’t want to couple the Markdown converter with an XHTML
parser that closely, it’s still possible to do this, but the
Markdown converter will have to be able to accept streaming input
itself and will need to generate output sufficiently frequently
that you can track the correlation of input and output with a
useful amount of precision. The glue code that combines the
Markdown converter with the XHTML parser will have to do some
relatively hairy (tho not very complex) bookkeeping in that case.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Optional features (was: Markdown Extra Specification (First Draft))

2008-05-24 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Yuri Takhteyev [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-05-24 21:35]:
 * Aristotle Pagaltzis [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-05-24 11:15]:
  If your XHTML parser has a streaming input mode, you can
  couple your Markdown converter directly to the XHTML parser
  and feed the HTML output to it as you go. If the XHTML parser
  throws a well-formedness error, you can then relate it to
  the vicinity of the last Markdown chunk you converted to HTML
  and passed into the XHTML parser.
 I am not quite sure what you mean, but Markdown documents can't
 always be processed on a chunk by chunk basis. Consider:
 Here is a [link][id].
 ... 100KB of text...
 [id]:  Optional Title Here
 This document cannot be processed correctly unless it's
 considered all at the same time.

Good point, so streaming the Markdown input is not possible. But
that doesn’t mean you can’t generate the output piecemeal and
also feed it to the XHTML parser that way.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Optional features (was: Markdown Extra Specification (First Draft))

2008-05-22 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Sherwood Botsford [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-05-07 22:10]:
 THAT said, however, maintaining perfect backward compatibility
 slows down progress.

I don’t know. It seems to me perfect backward compatibility is
not even possible, considering that is not set in
stone (John takes bug reports and writes fixes, every so often)
and yet is not formally defined anywhere. As such, there is no
way to say what is backward compatible and what isn’t. I think
at most, backcompat for the purposes of a spec for Markdown can
only be defined as targetting a particular feature set, but not
an exact implementation of it.

That is, after all, the entire reason for the spec effort in the
first place.

 Can markdown extra have a configuration file:
 The default behaviour is to emulate markdown.
 The configuration file allows for new features that don't fit
 well into the old set.

Optional features are dangerous and impede interoperability.

Everyone who ever thinks about chipping in on the design of
a spec should read [section 5 of RFC 3339][1]. That RFC is
a spec for a particular datetime format, but section 5 is
largely agnostic of the nature of the format, and lays down
the principles according to which the design decisions for
this format were made. [Section 5.3][2] is the part with
direct relevance to your stipulation, but the entire section
is readworthy.


One problem is that every new option leads to a geometric
increase in the number of feature combinations that have to be

Another issue is that Markdown is a document format. If it has
many optional features, what are the chances that if I send you
a document ostensibly written in Markdown that will work in your
implementation of Markdown exactly as it did in mine? You really
really don’t want to have to wonder.

This was a major reason why SGML mostly failed, f.ex., and only
gained traction when it was restandardised as XML. SGML had
legions of optional author-friendly features that it made it an
extreme amount of work to implement a parser that correctly
implemented the entire spec. The XML working group sat down and
basically chucked out 95% of the optional features and made the
rest mandatory. The rest is history.

Optional features in a document format are an invitation for
interoperability problems. Since the entire point of the Markdown
spec effort was to reduce existing interoperability problems,
I strongly advise that as little as possible in the spec be made
optional. Ideally, nothing would be.

It is, mind, perfectly fine to have two (or maybe three?) specs
of which one is a superset of the other, as seems to be Michel’s
current thrust with Markdown vs Markdown Extra. Assuming that no
feature in either spec is optional, that means you would be able
to expect Markdown Extra documents to work in all Markdown Extra
processors, and all Markdown documents to work in all Markdown
and Markdown Extra processors. The scope of the problem is much
smaller in such a scenario, enough so to be perfectly tractable.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

On ampersands in query strings (was: HTML entities in URLs and urlencoding)

2008-03-31 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Waylan Limberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-04-01 03:50]:
 As far as I can tell, the amp; breaks the query string.

No, it doesn’t, as you found out.

However, on a tangential note: if you write web apps, *please*
make sure that you support the semicolon as a query parameter
separator as well as the ampersand:

More importantly, please **please** make sure that the URIs your
code generates use semicolons rather than ampersands. Semicolons
need not be escaped in HTML and XML, which makes copy-pasting
users much less likely to produce invalid markup regardless of
the context they’re working in.

Even though this W3C recommendation is over a decade old, use of
ampersands in query strings persists. (In fact, PHP not only does
not emit URIs with semicolon-separated query strings, by default
it cannot even parse them! You need to set an unbreak-me config
option to make it recognise the semicolon.)

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: [ANN] Babelmark

2008-03-23 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Tomas Doran [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-23 13:10]:
 I've got [Devel::Cover] to measure coverage, and it (on [my
 trunk], which is close to 1.0.17) says that my coverage is
 almost perfect:

 Filestmt   bran   condsub   time  total
  -- -- -- -- -- --
 blib/lib/Text/  99.8   94.2   72.0  100.0  100.0   87.0   

 Which is *just wrong* - as I know there are piles of corner
 cases that my tests don't adequately cover. :(

 Probably a lesson to point out that automated coverage analysis
 isn't too useful in some cases...

 [my trunk]:

Yes, well. If you write one test case that causes the code to
perform a particular pattern match, then the match expression is
considered covered… even if uses a 500-line regex that parses an
entire file format.

This problem basically occurs whenever a separate language is
embedded into the main code: SQL queries, XPath expressions,
templates in some template mini-language, whatever. If the
coverage metric doesn’t cross the language barrier right along
with the code, it breaks down at these points.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: forking

2008-03-18 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Tomas Doran [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-18 13:15]:
 My preferred solution would be for the 'original' (i.e.
 daringfireball brand) Markdown to have most of the code in a
 module called Text::Markdown, but to supply a script wrapper
 called which provides the original functionality.
 This is what I've done in Text::Markdown currently so that
 people get the best of both worlds.

Note that this doesn’t mean giving up ease of installation that
people currently get. (Ie. non-Perl people, which is basically
every end-user, for whom it is admittedly a burden to install a
CPAN distribution, can just drop a file in some directory and
maybe +x it and that’s it.)

The model here would be Andy Lester’s _ack_ utility (an awesome
grep replacement for trees of source code): it’s available from
CPAN as the App::Ack distribution written in the regular way, as
a module using several other modules and invoked from a small
script. Anyone familiar with Perl who knows how to install
modules can install this just like any other CPAN distro.

But the distro’s build script also has a target that rounds up
all the necessary modules and pastes them into the script file,
producing a program that needs just perl itself preinstalled on
a machine; this is available as `ack-standalone` from Andy’s
site for ack. That way, people who don’t know about modules and
CPAN and all that can just copy a single file onto their machine
and be off to the races.

That seems like a perfectly suitable model to handle

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: on the philosophical aspects of a specification

2008-03-07 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
Hi Yuri, Weylan and Seumas,

* Yuri Takhteyev [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-07 08:50]:
   *hello **dear* boy**
  That's a very good question. Here's a counterquestion: what
  does a human reader see in that text?
 When I try to look at this with my normal-person eye, what I
 see here is incorrect markup

Sorry, but if you see “markup” (much less “incorrect markup”)
you’re not looking at it with a normal-person eye. :-)

 So, the user will type in something like this and get
 emhello **dear/em boy**. Not much of a tradegy. They will
 say, oh, silly me, must have screwed something up. (They did!)
 Then they'll go and fix it. I am all for flexibility, but not
 to the point of trying to divine the meaning of ambiguous or
 ill-formed markup.

Only a small minority will do that. Most people most of the time
don’t care enough about that particular piece of text to actually
fix any small nits in it, any more than they’ll care to fix all
of their small spelling and grammar mistakes. (Less, actually.)
That has certainly been my experience on wikis and weblogs that
use shorthand markups like Markdown.

Hence my bias in favour of trying to divine *some* meaning from
anything that looks like markup somehow, as long as there is any
chance at all that the result won’t be actively contrarian to the
user’s wishes.

 I think any rule would be ok, as long as it satisfies the
 following criteria:
 1. It's _simple_

I think the full rule needn’t be simple; as long as edge cases
don’t produce actively contrarian results, it’s OK not to mention
how they’re resolved in the interest of simplification.

 My reg-exp eye says: strong before em (longer pattern
 first), starting from the right for each. I am pretty sure this
 rule satisfies 1, 2, and 3.

So the spec is going to make assumptions about the method of

 Let's stop this non-sense and get back to defining a spec for
 the _normal_ markdown.

What’s the point? We already have one; John Gruber wrote it.
Interoperability problems crop up in the edge cases, not the
unproblematic stuff. That is what’s important to specify.

* Waylan Limberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-06 17:00]:
 Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
  a human reader see in that text? Based on the visual
  apperance I think I would make it translate to this:
  emhello strongdear/strong boy/em
 Ah, so your assuming the parser should automatically close
 unclosed tags much as a browser in quirks mode does.

No, a browser in quirks mode would not interpret such a
construction in the way I proposed at all.

 Sure, you and I understand how that works, but should we expect
 authors who are unfamiliar with html to get that?

I was precisely trying **not** to think about it in terms of
HTML. What I proposed was, as explicitly said, purely based on
visual apperance:

   ,-,-- “dear” is enclosed in emphasis markers
   v v
*hello **dear* boy**
^  ^
`--`- the whole phase is also enclosed in
  emphasis markers

And that’s why I prosed the translation in question.

It’s funny that everybody assumed I was thinking in terms of some
kind of error-correcting parser. I didn’t even consider how this
would be implemented while I was mulling over what to do with
that fragment.

   emhello strongdear/em boy/strong
 Yeah, we could give them output that displays as they expect
 and fix it under the hood by doing:
   emhello strongdear/strong/emstrong boy/strong
 But, the output **I** would expect is one of:
 emhello /ememdear/em boy**
 emhello **dear/em boy**
 *hello strongdear* boy/strong

I could live with that one:

emhello **dear/em boy**

That makes the least non-sense, of them all. But it would mean
that a lot of people will leave visible slop in their
Markdown-formatted text because they won’t care enough to fix it.

Remember that even with the output I proposed, it’s not hard for
someone to get *any* of these other interpretations, as long they
actually care enough to explicitly write their markup so as to
produce that.

 In my mind I keep going back and forth between the three and
 can never decide which the author intended. Finally, I cringe
 as I realize they probably intended what Seumas suggested.

Well, clearly, they meant to nest a few kinds of emphasis.

They probably wrote it that way either because they were thinking
in terms of markup and wanted overlapping regions, in which case
they can still do that with a bit more effort.

Or they wrote it hastily without caring a whole lot about the
output; in which case my proposal would at least keep markup slop
out of the output.

 To me, that is an important factor that seems to be ignored by
 some here. Sometimes, IMO, the best thing to do is to pass the
 markup through as literal text and give the author a clue that
 his formatting is unclear!

Again, that works if the author cares. If they don’t, it means
the output will be ugly

Re: on the philosophical aspects of a specification

2008-03-05 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-03 23:45]:
  Is it possible for everyone to agree in all cases about how
  the user’s intent should be teased out? Clearly it is
  conceivable that enough effort could be made to write all
  agreements down.
  And if you write down what intent should be teased out of
  particular inputs, what have you created but a spec? And if
  the effort has been made to agree on all possible cases,
  would this spec not be unambiguous? And is it not yet
  obviously the case that such a spec would not need to be
  inflexible about the syntax it admits?
  Why then does the fallacious argument that a spec would
  represent a loss for the user continue?
 aren't you loading the dice by labeling it as fallacious?

No. The reasoning I outlined in questions [I’ve taken the liberty
to re-insert the quotation you elided] shows that the premises do
not support the argument. That means, like it or not, that the
argument is fallacious.

Sorry. I can’t change that.

 i'm not necessarily arguing that _any_ spec would do that.
 but some might...   most especially by some implementers...

Then those specs would not describe Markdown. As I understand,
the current discussion is about writing a specification for
Markdown, not for some other markup language.

If those “some” implementors want to write a specification for
something other than Markdown, they are welcome to do so, but
they and their spec are irrelevant to the ongoing discussion.

 and according to markdown, users can't be wrong, can they?

Users can very well be wrong according to Markdown. As John has
said, if a human would have trouble figuring out what structure
some piece of text is supposed to signify, the computer can be
forgiven for likewise failing to infer a useful meaning.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: on the philosophical aspects of a specification

2008-03-05 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Michel Fortin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-05 05:10]:
 A better question is what to do with this:

 *hello **dear* boy**

That’s a very good question. Here’s a counterquestion: what does
a human reader see in that text? Based on the visual apperance I
think I would make it translate to this:

emhello strongdear/strong boy/em


Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: spaces and newlines before list markers (was: evolving the spec)

2008-03-03 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Yuri Takhteyev [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-03 02:20]:
 What about setting value on each li instead?

Equally deprecated.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: on the philosophical aspects of a specification

2008-03-03 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-03 07:00]:
 i would prefer that implementers get more sophisticated
 about teasing out the user's intent in ambiguous cases.

If every implementor teases a different intent out the same
document, the user loses.

Is it possible for everyone to agree in all cases about how the
user’s intent should be teased out? Clearly it is conceivable
that enough effort could be made to write all agreements down.

And if you write down what intent should be teased out of
particular inputs, what have you created but a spec? And if the
effort has been made to agree on all possible cases, would this
spec not be unambiguous? And is it not yet obviously the case
that such a spec would not need to be inflexible about the syntax
it admits?

Why then does the fallacious argument that a spec would represent
a loss for the user continue?

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: spaces and newlines before list markers (was: evolving the spec)

2008-03-02 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Yuri Takhteyev [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-01 00:20]:
 My suggestion would be to actually restrict the range of what
 is turned into ordered lists, either by requiring that ordered
 lists start with 1., or that they have at least two items
 with consecutive numbers, or even to require both.

Not both, but lists not starting at 1. having to have more than
one item is a nice idea for solving the problem.

 I frankly don't see a point in allowing the user to number
 their list items starting with an arbitrary number if those the
 list will start with 1. when displayed to the viewer anyway.

This is actually my second biggest complaint with Markdown. As I
understand, John was originally going to allow numbered lists to
start at numbers other than 1, but then discovered that the HTML4
WG labelled the `start` attribute of lists deprecated, so he
removed this feature.

I find the WG’s decision utterly baffling and wrong-headed. *How
on Earth* is that information presentational?!

So while I don’t disagree with the basic desire to output valid
HTML, I think John’s decision in this one case was mistaken. IMO,
in this one case Markdown should do what is sensible, validation
be damned.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: evolving the spec (was: forking

2008-02-29 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Waylan Limberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-02-29 17:00]:
 As implementors, we want a strict spec because it's easier to
 implement, but that does not always result in easier to read
 and/or write.

You have “strict” and “simplistic” confused. If the spec for the
syntax is rigorous that does not mean the syntax has to be rigid.

It just means it is well-defined how an implementation of
Markdown should parse particular constructs. That has nothing
whatsoever to do with the flexibility in the syntax.

The current syntax summary leaves a lot of grey areas where you
could reasonably do any of several things. The upshot is that the
whenever someone implements Markdown from scratch, most likely
his implementation *does* do something other than the reference
implementation for that case. And experience confirms this.

Therefore, I don’t quite follow this argument:

 Now, before you all write me off as insane, this is actually
 why I think Markdown 2.0 is a good idea. By moving to 2.0, we
 don't have to worry about backward compatibility (Markdown 2.0
 should not allow those 3 spaces).

You *already* can’t move documents from one implementation to
another without expecting breakage. Heck, you can’t move them
from one version of an implementation to a newer version of the
same implementation without expecting some breakage.

The question is, how much breakage would conformance to the more
rigorous spec cause?

If it isn’t much: do you think any users will care about the
subtleties of Markdown 1.0 vs Markdown 2.0? Don’t you think
they’ll blithely grind their Markdown 1.0 documents through a
Markdown 2.0 processor if this works most of the time?

If it would cause a lot of breakage: isn’t that maybe because
a lot of people actually like this “unintended feature”? Does
that not possibly mean that it’s worthwhile to try preserving
as an actual feature in the spec? (If several implementations
have the same accidental feature, particularly?) Remember, it’s
always easier to change the spec to fit existing fact rather than
the other way around. (Cf. HTML5.)

Now if you insist on causing so much breakage that people
*cannot* just grind their 1.0 documents through a 2.0 processor:
what do you expect does this imply for the adoption of 2.0? Don’t
you think it would rather cause a lot of people not to “upgrade”
the way they did with XML 2.0 and Windows Vista? Some upgrades
those were.

Now turn around and consider the two calls you make in relation
to each other. I don’t know about you, but it seems contradictory
to me that first you argue for a spec that allows documents to be
written in a very lax syntax, then turn around and backward
compatibility should be abandoned so that we can have the freedom
to reduce the flexibility of the syntax.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: forking

2008-02-28 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Joseph Lorenzo Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-02-28 00:40]:
 As many of you know, when a piece of open-source software
 languishes with bugs for 3 years it's often forked

No, that’s not what I know.

What I know is that projects get forked if they have developers
who irreconcilably disagree with the current maintainer about the
future direction of the project. (If the current maintainer has
gone AWOL, that’s merely a special case of this scenario.) But
the new maintainer comes first, and the decision to forks comes
afterwards, because without a new maintainer, there is no fork.


 I'm not volunteering (I'd be horrible)... just seeing if it's
 time to have that discussion.

If you’re not volunteering and no one else does, then “having
that discussion” is pretty pointless.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Syntax for extensions

2008-02-15 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Florian Lindner [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-02-13 20:35]:
 Is there any special syntax that should be used for such 3rd
 party extensions? How would you do it?

I’ve found that if you don’t mind a somewhat nasty-looking
syntax, plain links are a nice extension point that can be used
for simple functionality without adding any new syntax to
Markdown. F.ex. to support abbreviations, I invented an `abbr:`
link scheme, so that I could write

[RDF](abbr: Reality Distortion Field)

which Markdown would then translate to

a href=abbr: title=Reality Distortion FieldRDF/a

which a trivial bit of XSLT would turn into

abbr title=Reality Distortion FieldRDF/abbr

Pretty? Not at all… but it worked, it was completely independent
of Markdown as such, and also completely independent of any one
particular Markdown implementation.

In your particular use, the use of the URI would not even be a
hack the way it was for mine. Just write your image tags
something like so:


and then use script to replace any `img src` URIs in the output
that have the `replace:` scheme with whatever post-determined URI
is appropriate.

You don’t need to meddle with Markdown at all.

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown MIME type?

2008-02-04 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Thomas Nichols [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-02-04 14:10]:
 When this came up on the list before I think there was a
 consensus that `text/x-markdown` is usable -- possibly with a
 URI to identify the Markdown syntax used.

 Did I understand that correctly?

Yes, you did. Using a type with a subtype starting with `x-` is
permissible, and in absence of a registered MIME type, the only
thing that third parties can do.

Note [RFC 4288, section 3.4][1], though:

However, with the simplified registration procedures
described above for vendor and personal trees, it
should rarely, if ever, be necessary to use unregistered
experimental types. Therefore, use of both x- and x.
forms is discouraged.


Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown MIME type?

2008-02-03 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* Petite Abeille [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-02-03 17:55]:
 What MIME type do people use for Markdown?

Regrettably, there still isn’t one registered for Markdown. If my
reading of [RFC 4288] is correct, John shouldn’t have any trouble
registering eg. `text/vnd.daringfireball.markdown` using the
application form at
(Most of the “mandatory” fields in that form apply only to MIME
types registered in the standards tree, not the vendor tree.)

Hint hint, nudge nudge.

[RFC 4288]:



I end up using `text/plain` most of the time because browsers
throw up a download box whenever they encounter an unknown MIME
type, even though [RFC 2046] explicitly says they should treat
any unknown `text/*` MIME type as `text/plain`.

[RFC 2046]:

Aristotle Pagaltzis //
Markdown-Discuss mailing list