Re: standalone markdown

2012-12-13 Thread Thomas Humiston
I put a copy of the basic perl script in TextWrangler's 'Unix filters' folder*, 
renamed it as 'Convert Markdown to', and assigned it a keyboard 
shortcut of Ctrl-H.

So, when I type Markdown-style text** in TextWrangler and hit Ctrl-H, it 
immediately converts to HTML. If I have selected a portion of the text, only 
that portion gets converted; otherwise everything. No server involved. And 
subject to Undo.

In like manner, I use (renamed as 'Convert HTML to' 
and assigned Ctrl-M) to convert in the other direction.

- Tom

*I'm using an old version of TextWranger, v3.5.1. I think in v4 this 
arrangement got changed; see the documentation.

On Dec 13, 2012, at 5:40 PM, mike wrote:

 Is it possible to run Markdown the app standalone, that is, not as part of a 
 webserver.  So the model would be write a file in Markdown and then use the 
 Markdown app to convert the file into (x)html for local browsing in a browser.
 I want to learn Markdown before I have to go through the pain of setting up a 
 webserver.  I have been trying to get jetty working on Fedora 16 but keep 
 getting errors.  For the moment I would just need a webserver on my 
 development machine that the Internet doesn't see.
 Thanks in advance for any help.
 Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: horizontal space/indent and HTML/PDF

2012-10-30 Thread Thomas Humiston
My short answer is CSS. I haven't used Pandoc, so the example below may need 
modification for use in that environment.

Poetry can straddle the line between semantic structure (HTML) and presentation 
(CSS), particularly when it attaches semantic meaning to indentations and the 
like, but let's keep things simple. Below I've added br / elements for the 
basic structural breaks, and then, for styling, wrapped certain lines within 
span elements with IDs:

The CSS:

#ranup, #struck { display: block }
#ranup { margin-left: 1.5em }
#struck { margin-left: 3em }


hickory dickory dockbr /
span id=ranupthe mouse ran up the clock/spanbr /
span id=struckthe clock struck one/spanbr /
the mouse ran down

- TH

On Oct 30, 2012, at 11:57 AM, Chris Lott wrote:

 What is the best method to introduce horizontal space in text in a
 Pandoc document? Preferably something that would work for both HTML
 and PDF output?
 I need this for some poetry that has indented lines, ala the 2nd and 3rd 
 hickory dickory dock
the most ran up the clock
 the clock struck one
 the mouse ran down
 Chris Lott

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Definition list as image caption

2012-06-22 Thread Thomas Humiston
It's a good idea, Jakob. Despite the name of this HTML element (which HTML5 
moves to rename as description list), it exists for exactly the sort of 
purpose you suggest -- or, as I like to say, DT is some object, DD is 
something *about* that object.

No matter which implementation of Markdown (or anything else) one uses to wrap 
content in HTML, the question is, What HTML element is appropriate for the 
job? The answer isn't always stark, and DL has long been undervalued, 
misunderstood, and largely forgotten, but it is indeed the best choice in this 

And in situations where the text includes discrete bits, such as a photograph's 
copyright info and the name of the photographer in addition to the caption, we 
see that it indeed becomes list-like, so that the appropriateness of using DL 
becomes even more apparent.

Here's an example of styling for a photo and caption info in a DL element. 
(Note: I made up the copyright info. If Wikipedia even allows hotlinking to 
their photos, I'd first look up the correct way of doing it before using this 
on a real site.)

div#example {
  max-width: 20em;
dt {
  padding: 5px;
  border: 1px solid gray;
  margin-bottom: 5px;
dt img {
  width: 100%;
  height: auto;
dd {
  margin-left: 0; /* removes the indent */
  color: gray;
  font-size: small;
dd.maker, dd.copyright {
  font-style: italic;
  font-size: x-small;
  margin-top: 1em;
dd.maker {
  float: left;
  margin-right: 2em;
dd.copyright {
  float: right;

div id=example
alt=Foxy Freddy, from Wikipedia
ddFox is a common name for many species of omnivorous mammals belonging to 
the Canidae family.
dd class=makerPhoto by Rob Lee
dd class=copyrightcopy;2012 Wikimedia / GPL


On Jun 22, 2012, at 7:00 AM, Jakob wrote:

 recently though about image captions, then i realized that this could be 
 achiebed by Markdown Extra's definition list feature:
 : here goes the *caption*
 What do you think?
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: so, seumas

2012-01-31 Thread Thomas Humiston
Remarks like that are not appropriate for this list. I think I speak for just 
about all the list's members. Please stop.

On Jan 30, 2012, at 4:48 AM, wrote:

 so seumas, what is it _you_ want to discuss?
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: let's get this established, one way or the other, once and for all

2011-12-07 Thread Thomas Humiston
The list's moderator can be reached by following the link below each message. I 
believe the mod acted on a request to remove a person who posted disruptive 
messages between May and November. If so, thanks, Mod!

On Dec 4, 2011, at 11:50 PM, Richard Caldwell wrote:

 I've created an email filter to discard emails

I set mine to flag them with color.

- TH
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Proposed table specification (long!)

2011-05-11 Thread Thomas Humiston
Notes from a writer who makes occasional light use of Markdown and is  
not involved in implementations at all (nor especially familiar with  
other -down table syntaxes):

I view my plain-text emails in a proportional font (Verdana). Simon's  
tables look ragged that way, but readable and not terribly unpleasant.

Such decoding of occasional monospace-intended bits is, in my view, a  
fairly conventional matter in email, and thus congruent with  
Markdown's inspiration. Perhaps the matter of mono vs. proportional is  
not such a bugbear after all, at least for small-to-medium tables (and  
for the rest, there's always HTML).

But wait -- Given 2.1.b's handling of empty cells, it seems the  
proposal still assumes some degree of monospace involvement.  
Similarly, 3.1.a speaks of omitting a space-denoted column break from  
between two columns, a break that is between in a sense (either  
visual or numeric) that's likely obvious in monospace only.

So in the proposal, colspans do depend on character counts, and thus  
on monospace writing tools (except in tables simple enough for manual  
counting). Well, I suppose most authors of Markdown texts use such  
tools anyway.

A confusing bit for me: Section 2.3.b leaves me thinking that the  
compact form is usable only for single-row bodies, and NOT for, say,  
three rows and three columns as indicated in Section 1.1. Also, I'd  
suggest instructing authors to use blank lines as Gruber does  
instead of line breaks (as the latter connotes carriage returns and/ 
or newline characters).

- TH

Simon Bull wrote:



 Elves Rivendell,  Quenya,
   Mirkwood,   Sindarin,
   Lorien  Nandorin

 Dwarves   Erebor  Khuzdul

 Hobbits   The Shire,  Westron


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Consecutive code blocks

2011-04-13 Thread Thomas Humiston
Wondered what you were talking about until I switched over to viewing  
the message as HTML. In the plain-text portion, the trailing spaces  
were not present.

Not safe to assume people don't read their plain-text. Especially on a  
Markdown discussion list. (Nor, if they do, that they'll see what you  
intend, since there's no standard specification for how to include  
HTML in email anyway.)


On Apr 13, 2011, at 8:59 PM, David Chambers wrote:

   h1TXJS 2011 Speakers/h1
 lispanBrendan Eich/span/li
 lispanAlex Russell/span/li
 lispanDouglas Crockford/span/li
 lispanPaul Irish/span/li

   ul {
 list-style: square outside;
 color: #ccc;

   lispan {
 color: #000;

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: RFC: Lazy syntax for paragraphs, blockquotes and lists

2010-09-03 Thread Thomas Humiston

On Sep 3, 2010, at 1:55 PM, david parsons wrote:

78 character line length is an artifact of ttys traditionally being  
80 columns wide, as well as an artifact of the annoying habit of  
some ttys to force a newline if you write a character into the last  
cell on the screen.

According to Ken Spreitzer at Tiger Technologies, word wrap is not  
just an artifact:

Actually, the official Internet email specifications (RFCs) still  
require outgoing messages to be broken. Please see this page for an  
interesting discussion of this:

The above URL provides links to the relevant RFCs. Below is a larger  
portion of my conversation with Ken, which began with a question about  
a webmail program called Mailman:


Regarding word wrap in Mailman -- I like email messages without a  
hard wrap (at, say 70 characters per line). This limit is no longer  
necessary, is it? I'm trying out Mailman and I like everything about  
it except this. (Plain text -- yeehah!)


Mailman doesn't change the word wrap on any message it distributes.

Your mail program (Apple Mail) is sending out messages with lines  
wrapped at 70 characters. This is actually the way that email is  
supposed to be done, and the receiving mail program should then re- 
flow the text so that it doesn't look like it was word-wrapped. What  
mail program was being used to view the received mailing list message?


I'm afraid that is outdated info. I have verified that Apple Mail is  
not inserting wraps.

That email is _supposed_ to contain wraps is, AFAIK, an old  
convention that evolved because of server and/or software  
limitations, limitations that no longer exist. Remember when you  
could only attach one file per message? Similar case.


Actually, the official Internet email specifications (RFCs) still  
require outgoing messages to be broken. Please see this page for an  
interesting discussion of this:

What's happening in this case is that Apple Mail is doing something  
a little smarter than the average mail program. It's fully  
compliant, but not every other mail program out there supports it.  
Basically, Apple Mail adds a format-flowed to the Content-Type  
mail header. This acts as a hint that the receiving mail program can  
remove the line breaks and re-flow each block of lines into a word- 
wrapped paragraph. This is a standard, but not every mail program  
supports it when displaying messages. Apple Mail does, of course,  
which is why it probably looks like the paragraph isn't broken up  
when you view a message in Apple Mail.

You can easily see this in practice. Send yourself a test message  
using Apple Mail. Then view the received message's raw source (View   
Message Raw Source). You'll see that the received message has been  
split into multiple lines.

So this is all standards-compliant. The other thing to mention is  
that the version of Mailman we're using does not pass that  
format=flowed header through. A later version of Mailman does pass  
it through, which would definitely help with your problem, but we  
don't have any specific plan for when we will be installing the  
newer version.

I hope the above is helpful regarding this Markdown-dev question.

- Thomas
Markdown-Discuss mailing list