dean allen is gone

2018-01-23 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss

dean allen slipped the bonds last week.

allen was one of the pioneers of light-markup,
in the form of his 2002 entry "textile", which
he billed as "a humane web-text generator"
that would enable a person to "simply write".

lots of people took part in the invention, yes,
but if you had to point to one single individual,
there's little argument that it'd be dean allen.

(unless you would prefer to credit ian feldman,
who invented "setext" in 1991 for "tidbits" and
even argued for its use as the default markup
for the thing that eventually became the web.)

textile was used by the seminal "movable type".

oh, and those who write for wikipedia?...
you might wanna fix this little omission:


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an interesting throwaway line

2017-07-27 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
gruber posted about markdown
on his daringfireball blog, which
is rare enough to be noticeable.

but it became fully remarkable
when its final sentence made a
passing reference to a possible
"update to markdown" event --
as if such a revision isn't a thing
he's always steadfastly refused.

this isn't a reading of tea-leaves.

it is a sudden jarring appearance
of tea-leaves in a place they have
never ever appeared before now.


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re: Feed.TXT - A Free Feeds Format in Plain Text w/ Structured Meta Data and Markdown ;-)

2017-06-06 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss

gerald said:
>   May I highlight the latest (and greatest) feed format

aaron swartz in 2002 said:

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beaker-browser supports light-markup sites

2017-05-26 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss

beaker-browser is an interesting experiment.

and it's one of the pioneers of something that
i suggested some time ago here, that the web
should support light-markup in a native way,
by allowing people to simply mount such files,
which are then auto-converted by the browser.



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re: markdown rules / recommendations

2016-03-08 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss

gerald said:
>   If you know another
see what the brett terpstra says:


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re: New Static Site Theme for World (Literature) Classics in Markdown e.g. A Tale of Two Cities, The Trial, etc.

2016-02-16 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss


congratulations on the new wrinkle...


speaking of meet-ups


congratulations to kramdown for being
selected the github-approved converter.

which means it'd sure be nice to have a
javascript implementation of kramdown.

because i can now say, unequivocally,
that commonmark excels in this arena.

the javascript converter is here:


i've shown conversion-time in the title-bar.

when you can convert a file like moby dick
(1.2 megs) in under a second, you've got
awesome client-side power working for you.


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organizational bloat

2016-01-31 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
you can pretty much tell how much organizational bloat
a company has by the complexity of its url structure



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re: markdown wiki for compiling documentation

2016-01-06 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss

alan said:
>   take a look at the much-respected Pandoc project. 

good suggestion.

and along those lines, perhaps go all the way, and 
use a wiki app coded by pandoc's john macfarlane.


a running demo, with a sandbox, is at:



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commonmark is used in the swift compiler

2015-12-03 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss


> The source code for CommonMark, 
>  which is used in the Swift compiler.


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crowd-sourcing for a new javascript browser-based prose editor

2015-08-04 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
marijn haverbeke said:
   Sometimes I lie awake at night, 
   feverishly searching for new ways to 
   load myself down with more 
   poorly-paying responsibilities. 
   And then it comes to me: I should 
   start another open-source project!

crowd-sourcing for a browser-based rich-text editor
based on markdown and/or commonmark, whatever.

one of marjin's earlier projects created _codemirror_,
which is targeted at code. and he now attacks prose.
he also wrote eloquent javascript, so he might be
one of the best people to write this javascript code.



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re: does fireball markdown support anchor links?

2015-07-09 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
aristotle, your mockery entertains me immensely.


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markua -- a new flavor for long-form documents

2015-07-09 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
some of you probably know that has been creating
a new flavor targeted at books,
which they are calling markua.

their in-progress documentation:

here's a little javascript thing to
pull all of the chapters together:

that uses marky, brett terpstra's
rad web-based converter, which
in turn uses multimarkdown, so
the resultant .html will _not_ be
accurate according to markua...
but it will give you a rough idea.


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

re: does fireball markdown support anchor links?

2015-07-08 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
david said:
   an option, though not a pretty one.

it's ugly, yes, but that's not the worst part.

the worst part is that it is a lot of work --
especially if you want a table of contents.

and then it's obstacle-clutter while editing.

it's really something that should be handled
by the converter, not something in the text.

which, by the way, many of the flavors _do_.

but not to the extent that they could or should.

in addition to headers, there should be anchors
at significant places, such as tables and figures.

and again, some flavors do indeed go that far...

however there do remain coordination glitches,
as different flavors create the anchors differently.

some turn spaces to dashes, others to underbars,
and some even delete them entirely, meaning that
they didn't learn that old expertsexchange lesson.

some use camel-case, others go all-lower-case...

some include punctuation as-is, others delete it,
and still others keep anything allowed in filenames
(which varies across platforms, and on the web)...

and of course there's the usual utf-8 complication.

so, as is typical in this coordination-plagued sphere,
users have to actually _look_at_ the anchors to see
what they are, which defeats some of the purpose
of auto-generating them in the first place. oh well...

i'm not even going to suggest that the flavor-makers
try to come to an agreement, because we all know
that they aren't gonna change what they already do...


p.s.  i guess beamer has an appeal for some people,
but reveal.js is so darn rad, especially its visual editor,
that i would really recommend that you check it out...
there are also other great web-based presentation-tools,
but i can't get at the file with my notes on them right now.

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that's an endorsement

2015-06-01 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
interesting to see
has this quote from linus torvalds...

   Use AsciiDoc for document markup. 
   Really.  It's actually readable by humans, 
   easier to parse and way more flexible than XML.
   — Linus Torvalds


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re: people are doing interesting stuff (more)

2015-05-13 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss

and here's someone who's done something similar,  
only it displays inside a 2-pane markdown editor.

it is probably not difficult to imagine how this  
might become a collaborative editing environment,  
albeit one with the trait that it left no traces.

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kudos and major props

2015-05-13 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
david said:
   I made something similar a few years ago

yes, you did indeed.

and i remember now thinking back then that it was brilliant.

you even anticipated the url-too-long problem by using bitly,
as well as combining several hashify into a single longer one.

and this reminds me that other people have also been using
the store-the-document-in-the-query-string approach recently.

but as far as i know, you were one of the first. so kudos for that.

do you know of any previous usage? if not, then major props...

and now that you've had some years to ponder this technique,
have you come up with any ideas for slick and inventive uses?

not that it needs any, it stands on its own just for being clever,
but if it has any additional functionality, i'd love to hear about it.


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markdown in a medium editor clone

2015-05-12 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
markdown in a medium editor clone:


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pandoc fully exposed online

2015-05-08 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss


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re: Awesome Books (in Markdown)

2015-05-07 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
gerald said:
   Again thanks for the great comments.

sure thing. thanks for creating the resource.

one thing i forgot. the most interesting thing
about project gutenberg these days comes
not from that project itself, but from an effort
that calls itself project gitenberg, which is
putting the p.g. e-texts into github, or rather
a customized iteration of github that had to
be created when the number of repositories
(one/book) overwhelmed the regular system.

of course, the entire github infrastructure is
ridiculously complicated overkill for a task
as simple as managing the very small edits
that are typical of a finished p.g. e-text, but
someone had a hammer they wanted to use.

and sure enough, someone else had money
to fund grants for people to use hammers, so
-- you know -- the effort now has some legs.

the reason it's interesting, however, is that
one of the first goals gitenberg set out was
to transform the e-texts into .html and then
e-book formats, which is the very thing that
was my intent when i focused on p.g. in 1999.

(what i've learned, over the last 35 years, is
that i'm exactly 16 years ahead of my time.)


last i heard, gitenberg is leaning to asciidoc.

that's a good plan, but they'll need to mod it.

so, in the end, they'll have something that is
exactly like z.m.l., light-markup for long-form.!forum/gitenberg-project


p.s. gitenberg could also be using markua,
which is scheduled to release an update on
the alpha version of itself sometime _today._
markua is to be a markdown-inspired flavor
that will be specially modified for long-form.
so i guess you can say we have a trend now.
for the record, asciidoc predated markdown,
and it always had some focus on long-form.
so did restructured-text, per its status as the
light-markup used for python documentation.
thus, once you start talking about _books_,
markdown is lagging the field, considerably.
but hey, it's never to late to muddy the waters!

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re: never to late

2015-05-07 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
i  said:
   hey, it's never to late to muddy the waters!

see? if this listserve were stored in github,
i could correct that error to never too late.

thank goodness for github...


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re: Awesome Books (in Markdown)

2015-05-06 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
gerald said:
   the idea is to have the source 
   AND the rendered book in hypertext

aha! great point. i see the utility now...

   For Project Gutenberg you get the source 
   (but not a rendered book)

which is where i entered this thread...  :+)

as, indeed, for some time, p.g. has offered
.html versions of all its newly-done books,
and even .epub and .mobi/kindle versions...

once you understand the p.g. conventions,
it's relatively easy to leverage them and
generate .html at will. indeed, it was my
effort to do that, at scale, for the whole
library -- as it approached 10,000 books
at the time -- which led me to first make
z.m.l., during the period of 1998-2003...

_however!_ the .html versions over at p.g.
are usually _not_ auto-generated from their
plain-text file... no, instead, the process
by which the .html file is created is left
to the individual in charge of the book, so
that means each book is its own snowflake,
similar to each other, but unique, in ways
that are not apparent without close analysis.

so inconsistencies in the e-text versions
have been doubled in the .html versions!

as you can imagine, this makes updating the
library extremely difficult, virtually impossible.

even the generation of the e-book formats
has been fraught with problems due to that.

back in 2003, i was unsuccessful in getting
the p.g. powers-that-be to grok the power of
z.m.l. to create and maintain a cyberlibrary.

they constantly informed me a light-markup
system won't work and mocked me for it.

they wanted to use t.e.i. instead, while
the minions who were doing the real work
preferred to create their own snowflakes,
and rolled their eyes at complex t.e.i.

the conflict would've been comical, but
their mistakes led to the decline and fall
of the world's very first great cyberlibrary.
50,000 e-texts now, but a shadow of itself.

   and for Leanpub you get the rendered book 
   but not the source.

yeah, i've often thought that that's very ironic.

you don't get the most useful version of the book.


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re: Awesome Books (in Markdown)

2015-05-06 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss

gosh, i think that's the second time i've called you
gerard, instead of _gerald._ my apologies, again!


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re: Awesome Books (in Markdown)

2015-05-06 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
gerard said:
   Might be great to get some classics 
   (in the public domain) 
   e.g. Shakespeare, Dickens and friends.

your other page, gerard, gave a nod to
other forms of light-markup, including
restructured-text, asciidoc, textile, etc.

so i'm unclear if this page now means
markdown in the john-gruber sense,
or a more-generic light-markup way.

because project gutenberg was using
light-markup -- i.e., a structured form
of plain-text -- since its start in 1976...

the structure was often a bit wobbly,
as you would expect, given progress -- 
the earliest e-texts had no lower-case,
originating on key-punch machines --
and it was only lightly enforced upon
volunteers who comprise the project,
and it was terribly inconsistent as well;
_but_ it was solid enough, advanced
enough, and consistent enough, that
i used it as the foundation for my z.m.l.,
a light-markup that _targets_ long-form.

so, you know... if you want examples,
project gutenberg has 40,000-50,000.


p.s. has a bunch as well.
and the guys over there are, right now,
developing markua, their own flavor of
markdown/light-markup for long-form...

p.p.s. columbus didn't discover america.


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js syntax highlighting for markdown (not for codeblocks in markdown)

2015-04-24 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
honest question: why specifically is it
that you would like syntax highlighting?

i can imagine benefits, but am uncertain
exactly which one(s) you're looking for.

the reason i ask is that i believe that it
might be possible to get what you want
via easier means. but i'm just not sure
what it is -- precisely -- that you want...


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2015-03-25 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
i keep thinking everyone has seen sites like this:

but then yet another one pops up, and a new
group of people say this is such a good idea!

contrary to its claim, isn't collaborative,
and isn't even particularly well-done, to be honest.
but the parents seem to be fairly excited about it,
so i think they are going to continue working on it.

i'd still say that is the best of the bunch,
although is also great. but i'd welcome
any comparative reviews by actual hardcore users.


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wrapping it around

2015-03-06 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
i thought when i made z.m.l. 
that we were at the very end. 

now, though, the new york times 
has wrapped it back around with 
the debut of archieml, or aml.

i worry that this means we
are destined to go through
the entire alphabet again?


p.s. i appreciate how the times
has agreed with my shift from
an emphasis on readability
to one on writeability instead.

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re: serving markdown directly : any suggestions?

2015-02-04 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
converting light-markup to .html ain't rocket-science.  really.

you can use any language to do it.  specifically including perl.

and besides, i think it's kinda cute that some perl people would
look down on php, ruby, and python.  good for the gander, eh?

but if i had to place a bet, it would be on client-side javascript...


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mou makes its funding goal for a 1.0 release

2014-11-09 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss

mou, as you may know, is a markdown editor.

with its second $5,000 company sponsorship,
mou has reached it's $20,000 indigogo goal...

albeit, the effort engendered some resistance:

the big thorn is that, because mou's developer
has lost interest in the project, trying to sell it,
a mou user stepped up to code an equivalent.

that led the mou developer to resume his effort,
issuing proclamations about the crappy clones
in his campaign to raise $20,000 to release 1.0.
(in all the time it's been out, mou's been beta;
the goal to open-source the code is $100,000.)

i take no side in this dog-fight.

i have no argument with developers getting paid.

and i am not religious on the open-source sauce.

i even think open-source/proprietary tension can
-- in some cases -- create benefits for both sides.

i also believe in supporting developers who have
built a tool that i use constantly, like my text-editor.

i've paid the mere $15 asked by the tex-edit guy
several times, because i appreciate it that much.
i just paid it again, because i appreciate the app.

i'm curious, however, if anyone cares to voice any
opinion about how such tension should shake out.

because it's certainly possible to release code that
lets people have a light-markup editing environment.
i'm about to do that, on the way to doing other stuff,
just because it is nearly an inevitable consequence.

i'm sure you've all realized that there are a ton of
free web-based markdown editors out there today.

it's gonna be harder and harder, it seems to me, for
any app developers to add value to what's coming,
in a sufficient way so many users will end up paying.

but maybe i'm wrong?


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2014-10-31 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
virgil said:
   Is  there any way that the developers can come
   together on this very small part of the Markdown world?

i'd have to say it looks like your answer is no, virgil.

if it's any consolation, it's not you; it's always like this.

have a nice weekend.

have a nice november.

have a nice 2014...


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re: Using fragment identifiers with Markdown docs

2014-10-24 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss

sean said:

  It is useful to say things like
  So that a Markdown editor
  could scroll to the right content.

yes. indeed, that's a useful feature
in many contexts, including ones
where no such id exists in the .html.


a little bit of javascript can go a long way.


  Do any such editors exist?

some of my tools have this type of sync functionality.

and even if none _do_ exist, they certainly _could_.

so i don't really see the usefulness of such a question.

  MultiMarkdown (and others) already offer
  automatic label generation (for HTML, LaTeX, others)
  that allow linking within the output document.

unfortunately, however, there is some disagreement
on the format that is used for such automatic labels,
so neither users nor developers can depend on them.

does this sound like a familiar type of problem?

and is it any surprise the developers themselves
seem not to know about these inconsistencies?

  I'm not aware of any editors that do this (directly)
  on the raw text side, but MultiMarkdown Composer
  (and others) offer the Table of Contents approach,
  and Composer allows you to accurately synchronize
  scrolling between the HTML and raw text, so internal
  links can be used to navigate the document already.

more or less, kind of, yes. but not exactly that, not really.

but there's no reason such functionality can't be offered.

indeed, it's easy. john macfarlane asked, a while back,
how to do it, and i gave him the 4-point pseudo-code...


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re: let us not discuss that here

2014-10-03 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss

i sent jakov a reply backchannel.
take it all backchannel please.

here's a post i made elsewhere,
but i think it's relevant here too,
in case anyone has any feedback.


call me crazy if you like, i don't mind, but...

there's no need to plan for 20 to 40 years.

by then, there will be no need for markup,
markdown, or mark-all-around-the-town.

it's not that difficult even now to figure out
fairly unstructured text, so once we humans
make slightly smarter programs and accept
a responsibility to write in a structured way,
with no room for ambiguous interpretation
-- which really isn't as hard as you think --
we'll be able to leave explicit markup behind.

it will be zen.

i say this because i was able to ascertain
the structure of project gutenberg e-texts
without too much difficulty in most cases.

likewise, you can scan a print-book and
do o.c.r.. on the scans, and get output
which also reveals the structure of the
underlying text in a straightforward way.

if you want to see that on a large scale,
examine google books, which offers stuff
which it ascertained, like header markup
and a respective linked table of contents.

that stuff certainly wasn't marked up in
the print-book, but it just isn't that hard to
figure out either, from the data available,
if you ponder it a while, and apply yourself.

in fact, i wouldn't be the least bit surprised
if google can already grok unstructured text,
because they have the firepower to solve it.

heck, i'm merely a garage hacker, and i have
achieved much of the solution all by myself.

this light-markup stage is just a little path,
meant to show us the way to a bright future.


p.s.  but since i'm here now anyway,
i might as well tell you part 5 is up:
  beyond markdown -- part 5 -- shining a spotlight on sections and 


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re: let us not discuss that here

2014-09-30 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
i got a chuckle out of the fact that jeff atwood
instructed me that i was not allowed to point to
the beyond markdown series on,
on the commonmark forum and then proceeded to

i considered my comment to be an on-topic reply to
an on-topic post (by someone who also posts here),
but, heck, i'm not a moderator, so what do i know?


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re: let us not discuss that here

2014-09-30 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
oh, crap, i forgot to mention that
beyond markdown -- part 4
is now available for your perusal. ;+)

if you'd like to discuss anything,
send me an e-mail.  thank you.


p.s.  and if you know jeff atwood,
feel free to share the link with him.

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money for mou

2014-09-29 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss

interesting to see if there is any demand:


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let us not discuss that here

2014-09-29 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss

ubi said:

  shouldn't this be moved to some other mailing list?

i sent only one notification, of the series, and
that was because i did not want to be seen as
dissing markdown without giving a fair notice.

and, for the record, i'm _not_ dissing markdown.

i'm doing what john gruber has always suggested,
which is to make my own thing, with its own name.

and, just for the record once again, i didn't need his
instruction or permission to do that, because i was
working on z.m.l. for many years before markdown.

and i've continued to work on my system long after
he pushed markdown out of his nest to make it fly.


  I guess Markdown purists (is there such a thing?)
  may be annoyed.

if markdown purists want to be annoyed at something,
i'd suggest they read my medium article from last year:

  markdown considered harmful

that article is eminently fair, but the internet knows that
has never stopped some people from being annoyed.


i don't want to discuss any of the specifics of my system
on this listserve, for various reasons, but i think i must
correct a few misimpressions from the feedback here.

  I don't know how I feel
  about having to add a 
  (which by your convention is
  a placeholder for [space][space])
  for every line.

you don't have to put aon every line;
putting it on the first line will be sufficient...
thanks for showing me i should've said that.

  what if the block-quote text is not poetry?

z.m.l. offers two different block-quote tags:
one retains the linebreaks, the other doesn't.

even in the form where lines are rewrapped,
there is a way to specify a specific linebreak
should be retained. (it is the method that is
used across the whole of z.m.l., so i didn't
want to discuss it there in that one context;
i will discuss it as a general rule, later on.
but thanks for showing me it is confusing.)


mofo said:

  I do wonder if people would be willing to
  use the [space][tag][space] system though.
  E.g. when typing '', will I be willing to
  tolerate having to add an extra space?
  Will be interesting to see how tolerable it is.

um, ok.  if that is my biggest problem, i'll have
huge problems and no problems, simultaneously.

  Also what is a chunk anyway?

  beyond markdown -- part 2 -- z.m.l. is built to be easy to 


any set of non-blank lines bordered by blank lines
is a chunk. (though there will be a future wrinkle,
in that there'll be occurrence of empty chunks,
a result of splitting the file on double-linebreaks.)

  Does that include header?

most definitely.

headers will be fully discussed in part 4 or part 5.

  I might find having to do that space thing
  to be annoying for headers

you always have the comfort of markdown as a fallback.


ok, now let us not discuss this any more here...


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september is still the cruelest month

2014-09-25 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
maybe perhaps it's time to go beyond markdown.

i don't want to talk about you behind your back...

and do please let me know if i get anything wrong!

subsequent parts should come relatively quickly...

hey, the background graphic for part 2 is a photo
i took last night out at chavez ravine, shortly after
kershaw tripled in a run to tie the game in the 5th;
clayton went on to get his 21st win of the season,
as the dodgers clinched the national league west.

in other news, the yankees were eliminated from
the playoffs.  nontheless, re2pect to the captain...


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clarification of terms would be a good thing

2014-09-23 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
fletcher said:
   this is NOT Markdown when you do this.

thanks for your guidance on this, fletcher.

today's world seems to be confused about
what markdown _is_ and what it is _not._

perhaps a good explanation would be useful?
you know, one that defined markdown explicitly,
so we knew what it _is_ and what it is _not_...

lacking that, perhaps some good examples
might help.  for instance, _this_ is markdown,
but _that_ is not, nor are _those_other_things_.

maybe draw a line down the middle of a sheet
of paper, and on one side write the things that
_are_ markdown, and the other side _are_not_.

start with commonmark.  markdown?  or not?


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big companies and bloated code

2014-09-16 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
so i'm finishing up my latest example
of a working light-markup system, and
it's running under 45k at the moment.

i thought i'd include embedding in it;
you know, the typical stuff from youtube,
and twitter, vimeo, vine, instagram, etc.

my word.

embedding from these big companies
involves some extremely bloated code,
ranging anywhere from 150k up to 950k
for every single one of 'em. i kid you not.

excuse me?

after i've worked so hard to cut my code
to the bone to make it as small as i can?

i even did the grunt work of converting to
vanilla javascript, so i could drop jquery.

and guess what?

an instagram embed downloads jquery!
it's version 1.7.2, so it only weighs 95k,
but by itself it's twice the size of my code.

(an instagram embed is 750k, which does
_not_ include the featured media itself.)

worst is the fact that some of this bloat
is for tracking users, and my preference
is to not even include such invasive code
for my own useful purposes, let alone the
probably-evil aims of these corporations.

and, on top of all that, their complex code
sometimes screws up the understanding
and execution of my _simple_ code. argh!

so if i do end up offering such embedding,
it'll be with a big dose of warning to users.


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

re: wysiwyg and light-markup are oil and water

2014-09-12 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
mofo said:
   I think a mark down wysiwyg would still
   be very useful, even if not perfect

except it wouldn't be anywhere near perfect.

i'm saying that it is, in the end, _unworkable._

   Take for instance Adobe dreamweaver.
   It can edit both in output mode and in source code.

except that's explicitly _not_ wysiwyg.  not at all.

rather, it's a multi-mode environment, where you
_switch_ between fully different representations.

(again noting wysiwyg means _so_ many things.)

   The ability to switch between two views
   is a lifesaver.

right. because sometimes what you do in one view
screws up stuff in the other, and it cannot be fixed
without switching to work in that other environment.

thus, what you end up with when you try to mush the
two environments together is the worst of both worlds,
where you can't tell for sure whether it's right or wrong,
and -- if it's wrong -- you don't know how you can fix it.

this example upholds my point, it's not a counter to it.

   Plus this is a good opportunity to push the idea
   of separation between presentations and text
   for typical non tech savvy office workers.

yet another case of not choosing your battles carefully.

for all of these issues, a much better solution is the
two-up interface with both your input and the output,
in the form almost all the good implementations use
(i.e., edit on one half the screen, display on the other):
dillinger, ghost, mmd-composer, stackedit, markable,
and a host of other tools, not to mention

if you can show me any wysiwyg implementation that
works anywhere near as well as any of those tools, do.

or any tool that tries to mush together input and output.

even medium, with all of evan william's money, cannot
work it well for more than a meager handful of features.

i'm not going to review the attempts, because it would
be overly cruel and i sincerely wish 'em good luck, but
as far as i can see, it will take some big breakthroughs.


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

re: wysiwyg and light-markup are oil and water

2014-09-12 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
mofo said:
   Yea, but I want to see more of the actual output
   rather than the markdown representation.
   But I don't want to lose track of what parts of
   the output can be seen in the now 'smaller' input

i'm not following you.

but i'm sure it's just a simple matter of terminology.

when the _input_ field is showing any specific paragraph,
users should be able to summon that spot in the output,
i.e., automatically scroll (or sync) to that paragraph.

or, in cases where they prefer to do it the other way,
when the _output_ field is showing a specific paragraph,
users should be able to summon that spot in the input,
i.e., automatically scroll (or sync) to that paragraph.

i think both of those are very straightforward.

now, as i've said before, doing sync between the fields
at any other time (or, indeed, on a continuous basis)
is not as simple a matter as you might suppose at first.
(per the example i just gave, which way do you sync?)

   I do hope somebody does give
   'editable' output view, a shot.

me too. and people are, to be sure.

   Maybe it might not be too stupid an idea in practice.

i never said the wysiwyg markdown idea was stupid.

what i said is that my research/thinking indicates it is
_unworkable_, which is a very different thing entirely.

so if someone proves me wrong and makes it workable,
it _might_ be a great idea. (or, we must say, it might not,
because it still mashes content in with presentation, but
i'm not one of those people for whom this is sacrilegious.)

but, until someone makes the idea work, it's all irrelevant.


michael said:
   I just added a toggle for source view,
   so one can check and edit the source.

that's a good addition.

i was perplexed when i pasted in markdown text
and it wasn't recognized and formatted correctly.
that was a serious violation of my expectations...
and i still don't know if that should work, or not.

   Actually I don't think it is the goal that
   people learn or type Markdown.

we -- you, me, everyone -- choose our own goals.

live and let live.

   Why should a person who only wants to
   write down some content switch to Markdown.
   They are used to WYSIWYG editing, and with
   Markdown hidden in the back end they get
   the Markdown publishing environment for free.

make it work. i wish you luck. i'm rooting for you.

   imagining the output from the input is hard
   for many people, have both next to each other
   seems the current way to go, but be honest
   that is a crutch and not end user ready.

i'm not sure i agree with your bottom line there,
but it's not worth disputing.   :+)

   What if the output determines the input?

then we will need to switch the terminology we use.

plus your level of complexity will increase significantly.

   One has to formalize and parse the user input
   and that is hard.

that's not why i say that combining the views is hard.

it's because if you show all of the input characters,
then you will have compromised the wysiwyg value.

but if you do _not_ show all of the input characters,
then you will have compromised the ease of editing.

some apps try to escape this dilemma by showing
the invisible input characters in a gray font, but
-- in my opinion -- that is the worst of both worlds.

   One has to have in mind, that
   not all formatting and content
   can be resembled in Markdown and
   Marko Editor only takes from a paste
   what it can handle, so again what you see
   after a paste in the editor is what you get

right there you will have violated one of the main
expectations that people have for a wysiwyg tool.

(and, again, wysiwyg means _so_ many things!)

but as the saying goes, i don't want to interrupt
your success by telling you that it can't be done.

so go do it! prove me wrong!   :+)


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

the basic gruber markdown basics

2014-09-11 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss


### an adaption from text by John Gruber


A paragraph is simply one or more consecutive lines of text,
separated by one or more blank lines.

Normal paragraphs should not be indented with spaces or tabs.

Now is the time for all good men to come to
the aid of their country. This is just a
regular paragraph.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog's back.


Markdown offers two styles of headers: setext and atx.

Setext-style headers for `h1` and `h2` are created by
underlining with equal signs (=) and hyphens (-), respectively.

A First Level Header

A Second Level Header

To create an atx-style header, you put 1-6 hash marks (#)
at the beginning of the line -- the number of hashes
equals the resulting HTML header level.

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
 Header 4
# Header 5
## Header 6

so much for headers.


Blockquotes are indicated using email-style angle brackets.

This is a blockquote.


Markdown uses asterisks and underscores to indicate spans of emphasis.

Some of these words *are emphasized.*

Some of these words _are emphasized also._

Use two asterisks for **strong emphasis.**

Or, if you prefer, __use two underscores instead.__


Unordered (bulleted) lists use asterisks, pluses, and hyphens (*, +, 
and -)

as list markers. These three markers are interchangable.

* Candy1
* Gum1
* Booze1

+ Candy2
+ Gum2
+ Booze2

- Candy3
- Gum3
- Booze3

* Candy4
+ Gum4
- Booze4


* Candy5
* Gum5
* Booze5


+ Candy6
+ Gum6
+ Booze6


- Candy7
- Gum7
- Booze7


* Candy8
+ Gum8
- Booze8

Ordered (numbered) lists use numbers followed by periods as list 

1. Red1
2. Green1
3. Blue1

1. Red2
1. Green2
1. Blue2

9. Red3
9. Green3
9. Blue3


1. Red4
2. Green4
3. Blue4

1. Red5
1. Green5
1. Blue5

9. Red6
9. Green6
9. Blue6


1. Red7
2. Green7
3. Blue7


1. Red8
1. Green8
1. Blue8


9. Red9
9. Green9
9. Blue9

If you put blank lines between items,
you'll get `p` tags for the list item text.
You can create multi-paragraph list items
by indenting the paragraphs by 4 spaces or 1 tab:

* A list item.

   With multiple paragraphs.

* Another item in the list.


Markdown supports two styles for creating links: inline and reference.
With both, use square brackets to delimit the text to turn into a link.

Inline-style links use parentheses immediately after the link text:

This is an [example link](

Optionally, you may include a title attribute in the parentheses:

This is an [example link]( With a Title).

Reference-style links allow you to refer to your links by names,
which you define elsewhere in your document:

I get more traffic from [Google][1] than from [Yahoo][2] or [MSN][3].

[1]: Google

[2]: Yahoo Search

[3]: MSN Search

The title attribute is optional. Link names may contain
letters, numbers, and spaces, but are not case sensitive:

I start my morning with a cup of coffee and
[The New York Times][NY Times].

[ny times]:


Image syntax is very much like link syntax.


![alt text]( optional 


![alt text][id]

[id]: optional title


In a regular paragraph, you can create code span by wrapping text
in `backtick` quotes. Any ampersands () and angle brackets ( or )
will automatically be translated into HTML entities. This makes it easy
to use Markdown to write about HTML example code:

I wish SmartyPants used named entities like `mdash;`
instead of decimal-encoded entites like `#8212;`.

pI wish SmartyPants used named entities like
codeamp;mdash;/code instead of decimal-encoded
entites like codeamp;#8212;/code./p

To specify an entire block of pre-formatted code,
indent every line of the block by 4 spaces or 1 tab.
Just like with code spans, , , and  characters
will be escaped automatically.

   To specify an entire block of pre-formatted code,
   indent every line of the block by 4 spaces or 1 tab.
   Just like with code spans, , , and  characters
   will be escaped automatically.

# for use in doing first-line basic testing of markdown systems

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

wysiwyg and light-markup are oil and water

2014-09-11 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
there is a lot of surface appeal to a system
which combines wysiwyg and light-markup.

and one can do a few simple combinations.

but before long, and certainly once you try
to tackle some more-complicated features,
you find yourself torn by an inherent conflict.

starkly put, there is a _difference_ between
what you put in, and what you get out, and
the question is which one you want to see.

by definition, wysiwyg pictures the output.

but an inability to see your input means it
can become very difficult to edit that input.

the inclination, upon that realization, is to
attempt to show enough of the input that
it becomes possible to do your editing, but
that just turns the wysiwyg into cruel illusion.

i'm not gonna say that it's impossible, but
i will advise anyone who is tempted to try it
to carefully map everything you need to do
before you even start to think about coding.

if you want to take on the hardest thing first,
figure out how to successfully allow a paste
from an arbitrary ms-word file...  good luck...


p.s. even if you solve that fundamental gap,
you will also discover that wysiwyg carries
excess baggage, in that some people think
it entails one thing, and other people another,
so you're never gonna make everyone happy.

p.p.s.  all this also applies to contenteditable,
in case anybody is mulling that as a solution.

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

the trains are already leaving the station

2014-09-08 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
i said:
   and get on board this new, better model, with a good algorithm.
   maybe the way you did it before was good enough for back then,
   but the future _will_ leave you behind if you do not get on board.

   _however_, you might want to wait, for maybe a month or two.
   because macfarlane's _model_ isn't yet as clear as it should be...

well, maybe just maybe you shouldn't wait after all.

i'm sure the model will change, perhaps quite a bit,
but programmers are already stepping up to bat and
there are only so many converters that need coding.

in addition to official converters from john macfarlane
-- one of which is written in c, the other in javascript --
commonmark already has two more in other languages.

in php:

in c#:

hopefully the commonmark team will vet these converters,
to ensure they're currently accurate and will be maintained
-- not just to give correct results, but also _work_ correctly --
and prevent a flock of me-too forks muddying the waters...
a solid line of converters, sleek but complete, is all we need.


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

on the curve

2014-09-07 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss

john macfarlane said:

  When you try to fit a curve to a bunch of data points
  (which is what writing more precise rules for Markdown involves),
  the best fitting curve will probably not pass through all of the 


you have shown a great ability to fit a curve to some disjointed points,
befitting the mental gymnastic flexibilities of a professor of 

now wipe that clean and do it again, with the object of plotting a curve
which is _simple_, and beautiful, and lean, and elegant, and graceful.


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

fast sailing on the way to a clearer model

2014-09-06 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
john macfarlane said:
   CommonMark, which provides two implementations
   that use the same parsing algorithm,
   one in portable C and one in 1540 lines of javascript


   The javascript implementation doesn't use any unusual
   javascript features and should be straightforward to port
   to other dynamic languages: perl, python, ruby, PHP.

double bingo.

   (Or you could just use the javascript library client-side
   and skip the server-side rendering.)


   The parsers are both fast and accurate.

accurate is assumed.  so, for fast, let's have the numbers.

(i'm ostensibly writing this reply to john, but really to michel,
and to everyone else on this list, because i know macfarlane
already recognizes this, and i know some of you others don't.)

   without changing the algorithm, has managed to make
   it about as fast as sundown, which is very fast indeed
   (0.01 seconds to parse a 1MB document, for example).
   When optimization is complete, it should be even faster.

first of all, let me just say that, from a user's perspective,
any conversion that happens in one second is fast enough.
so if you're talking 100 times faster than that, you're good.

now let's put this into perspective.

a 1-megabyte document is a book, and not a small one.

a small book -- alice in wonderland -- runs at about 150k.

a medium-sized book is anywhere between 400k and 600k.

and a _big_ book weighs in at around the 1-megabyte range.
(moby dick is 1.2-megs.  war and peace is 3.2-megs huge;
but then again, it was also split up into 15 different books.)

so let's say that, as a general rule-of-thumb, you can assume
that 99.9% of your needs are gonna fall under the 1-meg mark.

so if you can keep it under a second, or even two, you're good.

   The javascript parser is also very fast  (0.28 seconds for the
   above-mentioned 1MB document, running in the Chrome browser).

so, you're good. takes 250 seconds on the same input

really really really bad.  but you knew that before you started.

   and pandoc takes 3.19 seconds.

not good.  not really bad, on a 1-meg file.  but room to improve.

ok, actually, considering that pandoc runs in a batch modality,
3.19 seconds is fantastic.  but nobody really wants to do batch
when they could instead be doing on-the-fly immediate reactive.
so you're gonna have to have an editor, and a web-app, wherein
a 3.2-second turnover will seem pokey to today's spoiled users.
so you're gonna need a definite improvement.


and you _have_ definite improvement, thanks to a better model,
to the point that performance metrics are no longer your concern.

you're way past fast enough, even on huge files, so you can now
shift your focus to all of the other things you should be prioritizing.

and now i'll say it a third time, so everyone besides macfarlane
understands exactly what i'm saying:  throw away your flavors,
and get on board this new, better model, with a good algorithm.
maybe the way you did it before was good enough for back then,
but the future _will_ leave you behind if you do not get on board.

_however_, you might want to wait, for maybe a month or two.

because macfarlane's _model_ isn't yet as clear as it should be...

and now i will speak to macfarlane.  (but y'all should listen too.)

this is the point where i basically throw all this back in your lap.

because i now respect you as a worthy competitor to my system.
and i don't need to be giving free advice to a worthy competitor.

(and not to put too much stress on the competitor aspect, since
i think it's a win-win situation, and nobody's extracting any cash.
besides, you might not even see me out here on the playing field,
let alone think that i could be capable of giving _you_ any advice.)

but i also imagine you are getting lots of advice from elsewhere.
and i don't feel any big need to be a part of that bellowing chorus.

but there's a definite weakness in your approach, and i suspect that
you know it yourself, so here goes: it is too complex for the users.

yes, you've improved gruber's system by eliminating ambiguities,
but you did it by creating additional rules on how to handle them,
via what, 159 examples?, which is a very heavy burden for users.
you need to lighten the load for them, or you don't stand a chance.

specifically, stop retaining the backward compatibility with gruber.

instead, ditch the aspects that are _causing_ all those edge cases,
so you can boil things down into a cleaner mental model which is
conducive to giving your users a more transparent understanding.

i know, i know, you've spent years and years trying to fit yourself
into his mental model, so it's very difficult now to let yourself out
of that fenced area to run free, suffering as much as you have from
stockholm syndrome, but gruber had a very inferior understanding.
if you toss out _everything_ from him, and start over from scratch,
first you will experience a remarkable feeling of freedom, and then

on syndromes and naming and promotion

2014-09-06 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
michel said:
   I have some doubt it'll be fast enough in PHP.

i don't enjoy telling you that you are wrong.

certainly not when i know that it engenders your resistance.

but i say it anyway, because you need to know when you are wrong.

and i don't enjoy saying i told you so.

certainly not when the things i am saying are so darn obvious.

but i say it anyway, because you need to know when i was right.

so let me call this one out loudly and clearly: you are wrong.

if you use john's algorithm, it _will_ be fast enough.

and when you discover that it is, i will say i told you so.

it might well end up being faster than your current version.
i'm not predicting that, but i would be surprised if it wasn't.
but what is most important is that it will be fast enough.

   regardless of performance, I can't swap my algorithm
   with your algorithm and still call it PHP Markdown
   if it gives significantly different results.
   CommonMark does not pass the PHP Markdown test suite,
   neither does it pass the original test suite made by John Gruber.

so not only do macfarlane and commonmark have to conquer
their own case of stockholm syndrome, but also that of others.

oh well, challenges make success that much sweeter.

but lord knows the world will be stronger when people discard
that rickety framework that markdown has been saddled with...

   My understanding is that CommonMark is
   a different flavor of Markdown that chose to diverge
   in a couple of small ways from the original.

i don't know if that is an accurate characterization.

_but_ i would highly recommend that commonmark _should_
take that approach, even to the point of intentional divergence.

commonmark should refuse to offer any compatibility mode
with gruber-markdown. force the choice to be crystal-clear.
after all, isn't that precisely how gruber wanted things to be?
he forced the issue.  so now users deserve a clear choice.

   I could obviously fork  it and fix things
   so they can pass my test suite and John Gruber's test suite
   and behave more like the original Markdown behave

no no no no no no no.

don't you understand, even at this late point in the game,
that this forking behavior is what _causes_ the problem?

if you wanna support gruber-markdown, use your old code.

if you choose to be the php point person for commonmark,
your job is to execute the algorithm faithfully, not fork it.
if you're unwilling to do that, let someone else take the job.

same for all you other developers with different languages.

we need greater _clarity_, not forks that muddy the water.

   if I do port CommonMark to PHP
   I'd probably call it PHP CommonMark

oh, absolutely.  you _must_ change the name, because
users deserve to know that they are making a _choice_.

   and promote it as an alternative, better defined,
   Markdown-like syntax.

you don't have to do any promotion.  none at all.

if there was anything good that came out of this _mess_
when the announcement was botched so incredibly badly,
it was the realization that a huge number of people were
more than willing to blame gruber for being the asshole.

um, sorry, folks.  but gruber was being perfectly reasonable
insisting that the new effort not use _his_ markdown name.


gruber has a way of being an asshole, sometimes, yes
-- such as calling atwood a dicknose -- but markdown
as a _name_ is something that _is_ his, so his insistence
was utterly understandable and perfectly reasonable.

a lot of people credit gruber for inventing markdown.
pure bullshit. he stole the idea redhanded from textile,
_and_gave_it_another_name_.  but that name is _his_.

and even on his recent podcast, he was good-humored
when insisting the new effort use a different name too.

indeed, that was the one-and-only-thing he asked for.

and then atwood-and-company went and used the name.

which, yeah, is really a dicknose thing to do.

and then atwood-and-company went with another name
that had the same problem as the first name.  dicknose.

so atwood-and-company had to surrender completely.
(why cause that ugly war if you were gonna surrender?)

but in spite of the fact that he was the reasonable one,
lots of people still ended up calling gruber an asshole.

why?  because they're mad at him for the way he has
ignored the problems with markdown and its flavors.
they suffer from those problems, and want a solution.
to the point that they are willing to denigrate gruber
and take the side of dicknose atwood-and-company.
unfair, sure, but it reveals the depth of resentment.

lots and lots of people.  and they _want_ a solution.

i knew that resentment would manifest _eventually_
-- as y'all know, since i've predicted it right here --
but not even i realized that it's already very strong.

so people were willing to excuse the belligerence
of atwood-et-al to get some markdown solutions.

give people those solutions and you won't need to
do promotion. they will knock your doors down.

when rational discussion was still a possibility

2014-09-05 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
michel said:
   If you want to start a discussion about that new
   Markdown-related thing making rounds on the internet

i don't want to start such a discussion.

but i find it very perplexing that so many of the people here --
who i assume are here because they _care_ about markdown
-- would allow themselves to be diverted by a topic as trivial
as _tables_ when the internet at large is more-or-less talking
about the evolution of the future of this format/tool/whatever.

   how about asking for opinions about it?

anybody who wanted to express an opinion about the new
thing could have done it here last month, when john posted it
to this listserve, and rational discussion was still a possibility.

which is certainly not true in the zoo which has since ensued.

   instead of writing poetic elephant analogies

i am a poet, so if you meant that as a dig, well, it didn't work.

   and subtle meta-complains

what exactly was subtle about my complaint?  nothing at all.

i mean, it's certainly possible that the initial poster was unaware
of the large kerfluffel surrounding markdown out on the internet,
because a healthy disregard for the social media is... healthy...
but certainly _some_ of you had to have some knowledge of it.

and yet everybody is just going about your business as usual.

No one bothered announcing the news here

yes, that was one of my points.

   so no one is discussing it here.

yes, that was another one of my points.

   If you think it's worth a discussion, start one.

i think there are a whole raft of questions that are
being obscured by this battle of personalities which
are worthy of discussion and -- indeed -- _should_
be discussed in a healthy dialog involving all sides.

but i also have _more_ than enough experience to
know that such a discussion will never happen here.

i am also aware that even if it _could_ happen here,
it'll never be the case that _i_ would be permitted to
start it. that's not something an outsider is allowed.

(but hey, if you want to play, chew on this for a bit:
could we eliminate ambiguities and inconsistencies,
while still retaining the flexibility that gruber desires?
and if so, how exactly would we go about doing that?
here's a good hint: do not let atwood lead the effort.)

   But please don't start it by complaining
   how unacceptable it is that it isn't already
   being discussed, it's quite uninviting.

i didn't say it was unacceptable.

i accepted, a long time ago, that _nothing_ of substance
will ever happen on this listserve.  and i'm fine with that.

but when _nothing_ happens in such a noticeable way,
i'm gonna notice it, and i'm also gonna comment on it.
because that's what an outsider does.


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

that's pretty close to what i've done

2014-08-29 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
# that's pretty close to what i've done

gerald said:

   I'd say using a webcomponent (custom HTML element)
   with an HTML import should get you (almost) there.

yes, that's pretty close to what i have done:


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

what i meant by simple

2014-08-27 Thread bowerbird via Markdown-Discuss
# what i meant by simple

## table of contents

what i meant by simple
table of contents
about the message i posted
what gerald said
what john said
what i mean by simple
my general responses
my code was also less than perfect
and now no framework required
what this code facilitates
on the matter of doing sync
determining the line the cursor is on

## about the message i posted

first let's look at what people said about my post.

### what gerald said

gerald said:

 I published a simple single static HTML page
 side-by-side markdown editor about a year ago.

### what john said

john said:

 the dingus I linked to before
 has side-by-side editing

## what i mean by simple

i realize that i neglected to mention my operationalization for
the word simple in the context of that sample code i posted.

my goal was to demonstrate that an .html file -- by itself --
is sufficient. the absence of any framework is thus crucial.
most people prefer to use the framework of _their_ choice.


### my general responses

gerald, your code will be simple in a ruby-on-rails setting.
but anyone who doesn't know ruby-on-rails is gonna be lost.

and john, your dingus has a lot of bootstrap dependencies.


### my code was also less than perfect

of course, as i noted, the code i posted required jquery, so
it wasn't completely pure in terms of my now-stated goal.

so, as an exercise, i reworked the example just a little bit:

### and now no framework required

you can verify this new code requires no framework at all.

i eliminated the jquery by converting to vanilla javascript.
in a real editor, there are enough wrinkles that jquery is
more-or-less a requirement anyway, but this is an exercise.

i also hand-coded a very crude conversion routine, so that
there is no need to call a converter from the internet either.
the conversion routine is embedded right there in the page.

### what this code facilitates

this allows a person to download the light-markup text itself,
and have it converted to .html _client-side_ for display there.

it also allows the .html file to be used in an offline context,
provided that you grok the resultant complications of saving.

but the cool thing is client-side conversion of the light-markup.

in this sense, similar rad stuff has been done by strapdown:

for the strapdown version of this message, see here:


## on the matter of doing sync

john said:

 It should be possible to add some degree of syncing,
 since the stmd parser includes source position information
 in the syntax tree, and this could (with some changes
 to the HTML writer) be included in the HTML output

one could enable syncing in that way, most definitely.

i do it another way, but whatever works is worthwhile.

### determining the line the cursor is on

john said:

 I never did figure out how to determine using js
 which line of the input source the cursor is on,
 but presumably this is possible.

1. get location of the editfield cursor.
1. get copy of text up to the location.
1. put the copy in a dummy textarea.
1. use dummy height to compute line.


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