Re: evangelist users- the other key note from LCA marketing BOF

2005-05-20 Thread Dave Neary
Luis Villa a écrit :
On 5/19/05, Marcus Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Some major flaws in current gnome marketing:
There are many :)
The major one at this stage is that we are spending lots of time talking 
about what we want to say, how we want to say it, and who we want to say 
it to, but we are spending a lot less time actually saying it :) Luis 
pimping LiveCDs is great, toady distributing over 1000 Ubuntu CDs (I 
only found out about this yesterday) in his college, to friends, family 
and colleagues, is amazing as well. We need more of this.

The Gnome website is - what? It exists. But from a marketing point of
view it is not much. The navigation is sub optimal. And the layout is
sub optimal. Some good information is now on gnomefiles but unless you
know what you are looking for it is far from perfect.
It should be totally redone. Any suggestions on how are welcome.
We can at least replace the front page more or less immediately.
Reorganising and rewriting content inside the front page will take quite 
a while - perhaps we can plan to have that done at a certain date, and 
coincide a rebranding/relaunching of the GNOME brand at the same time?

reality is, though, that it is a large task and until we agree on some
bigger-picture stuff (like markets, themes, goals, etc.) it is hard to
rework the whole thing consistently.
Yeah. We need a leader to say OK, that's our market, let's not talk 
about it any more.

David Neary
marketing-list mailing list

Re: evangelist users- the other key note from LCA marketing BOF

2005-05-20 Thread Sriram Ramkrishna
On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 09:36:25AM +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
 Yeah. We need a leader to say OK, that's our market, let's not talk 
 about it any more.

I agree.   Less talk, more action. ;)

marketing-list mailing list

Re: evangelist users- the other key note from LCA marketing BOF

2005-05-19 Thread Claus Schwarm
On Thu, 19 May 2005 21:15:31 +0200
Marcus Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some major flaws in current gnome marketing:
 Gnome does not really promote its ease of use. Havoc's README that
 comes with the metacity package simply needs to be polished up into a
 press-printable form (shorter, less rant, less technical).

I already pointed out a GNOME agenda (a paper on goals) would be useful to
attract more developers, and use it as a kind of reference for design

Maybe you could move the README into the wiki so it could be polished?

 KDE embraces Gnome apps where there is no equivalent (gimp,inkscape)
 as well as technology (gnome-volume-manager). These apps are often not
 perceived as Gnome apps from KDE users. So one just needs to tell
 them ;-)

With an application that allows configuration of KDE apps, we'd be able
to do the same. There was once somebody who wanted to do something alike
but he probably stopped his efforts.

 The Gnome website is - what? It exists. But from a marketing point of
 view it is not much. The navigation is sub optimal. And the layout is
 sub optimal. Some good information is now on gnomefiles but unless you
 know what you are looking for it is far from perfect.

I already pointed this out several times. However, the problem is the
infrastructure: You don't get many Python hackers for web design, and
all PHP hackers have lost interest a long time ago. There's even a sort
of official decision not to deploy _any_ web 'application'.

You can even find people complaining about the wiki even
on the foundation mailing list, suggesting to use MediaWiki. But since
it's PHP, it was probably not even considered in the beginning.

I also tried two times to get a gnome application listing site
'accepted' - the first mockup presented roughly two month before
gnomefiles started - but all I recieved was a simple 'No, we want
something else'. No explanation what they wanted, and no hint what to
improve to get your own solution accepted.

Right now there's another guy on the web-hackers list trying to solve
the problem but I guess it will end in a similar 'decision' to do

One simply looses interest when you get such 'feedback'.

marketing-list mailing list

Re: evangelist users- the other key note from LCA marketing BOF

2005-05-19 Thread Marcus Bauer
On Thu, 2005-05-19 at 22:15 +0200, Claus Schwarm wrote:

 Maybe you could move the README into the wiki so it could be polished?

Basically it says:

* the question whether or not to include a new feature isn't Why not
but Why? Is it really necessary to have that?
* instead of giving the user the choice between six options it is better
to have directly a reasonable default.
* don't bother the user with stuff he doesn't care for
* kiss - keep it simple stupid

some quotes (keep in mind that's all not intended to be marketing

 - Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers
   are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios.

 - Does not expose the concept of window manager to the user.  Some
   of the features in the GNOME control panel and other parts of the
   desktop happen to be implemented in metacity, such as changing your
   window border theme, or changing your window navigation shortcuts,
   but the user doesn't need to know this.

Q: Will you add my feature?

A: If it makes sense to turn on unconditionally, or is genuinely a
   harmless preference that I would not be embarrassed to put in a
   simple, uncluttered, user-friendly configuration dialog.
   If the only rationale for your feature is that other window
   managers have it, or that you are personally used to it, or
   something like that, then I will not be impressed. Metacity is
   firmly in the choose good defaults camp rather than the offer 6
   equally broken ways to do it, and let the user pick one camp.

   This is part of a no crackrock policy, despite some exceptions
   I'm mildly embarrassed about. For example, multiple workspaces
   probably constitute crackrock, they confuse most users and really
   are not that useful if you have a decent tasklist and so on. But I
   am too used to them to turn them off.  Or alternatively
   iconification/tasklist is crack, and workspaces/pager are good. But
   having both is certainly a bit wrong.  Sloppy focus is probably
   crackrock too.

   But don't think unlimited crack is OK just because I slipped up a
   little. No slippery slope here.

Q: Why no XYZ?

A: You are probably getting the idea by now - check rationales.txt,
   query/search bugzilla, and read

   Then sit down and answer the question for yourself.  Is the feature
   good? What's the rationale for it? Answer why not just why not.
   Justify in terms of users as a whole, not just users like
   yourself. How else can you solve the same problem? etc. If that
   leads you to a strong opinion, then please, post the rationale for
   discussion to an appropriate bugzilla bug, or to

   Please don't just me too! on bugzilla bugs, please don't think
   flames will get you anywhere, and please don't repeat rationale
   that's already been offered.

Q: How about adding viewports in addition to workspaces?

A: I could conceivably be convinced to use viewports _instead_ of
   workspaces, though currently I'm not thinking that. But I don't
   think it makes any sense to have both; it's just confusing. They
   are functionally equivalent.

marketing-list mailing list

Re: evangelist users- the other key note from LCA marketing BOF

2005-05-19 Thread Murray Cumming
On Thu, 2005-05-19 at 16:10 -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
  I really like the 'heart of the desktop' :)

Isn't it also a mixed metaphor?

Murray Cumming

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