---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Danielle Kreb" <danielle.kr...@gmail.com>
Date: May 27, 2013 1:38 PM
Subject: need information successful beached whales rescues
To: <MARMAM@lists.uvic.ca>

  Dear Colleagues,

Together with my colleagues here in Indonesia and the national government
we have been developing a protocol for stranded cetaceans. However we do
not have a SOP for saving larger whales (> 10m in size) and therefore would
like to ask you if you have any information available on reliable methods
for saving larger whales, which have been proven to work succesfully in
practice (where the whale did not get beached again). Please send us any
succesful case files although unsuccesful attempts may also be helpful for
better understanding on which methods should better not be applied.
Many thanks for sharing!

Best wishes,

Danielle Kreb

Danielle Kreb (Ph.D.)
Scientific Program Advisor/
Marine Mammal Researcher
Yayasan Konservasi RASI
Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia
Komplek Pandan Harum Indah
(Erlyza) Blok C, No. 57
arinda 75124
Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
Tel/ fax: + 62.541.744874
Mobile: 081346489515
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