Dear all at MARMAM

I am very happy to announce that our paper on the ontogeny of echolocation, 
diving, and communication in sperm whales has just been published in Behavioral 
Ecology and Sociobiology.
Below you can find the abstract and a link to the full text.
I am very happy to answer any questions or send out a pdf version of the paper, 
just contact me at:
Pernille Tønnesen
Aarhus University, Denmark

First year sperm whale calves echolocate and perform long, deep dives
Pernille Tønnesen1, Shane Gero1, Michael Ladegaard1, Mark Johnson2, and Peter 
T. Madsen1,3
1 Zoophysiology, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Aarhus 8000, 
2 Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews KY16 8LB, 
Scotland, UK.
3 Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, DK-8000 Aarhus 
C, Denmark

Deep diving sperm whales have a complex social structure and the biggest brains 
on the planet, but very little is known about the ontogeny of their diving, 
foraging, echolocation, and communication skills. In large brained terrestrial 
species, social skills develop earlier than locomotor abilities; but this may 
not be feasible for sperm whales, which require locomotor skills from birth to 
breathe, swim, and suckle. Here we show the first evidence in any wild toothed 
whale for the relative development of social and locomotor capabilities. Sound 
and movement recording tags deployed on three first-year sperm whale calves for 
a total of 15 hours revealed that these calves rarely produced codas for 
communication with adult whales, but likely tracked the ample passive acoustic 
cues emitted by clicking adults. The calves' diving capabilities were well 
developed (maximum dive depth: 285, 337, and 662 m, maximum dive time: 11, 31, 
and 44 min) and they all produced clicks in a way that is consistent with 
echolocation. The calf performing the longest and deepest dives additionally 
emitted two echolocation buzzes, suggesting that it attempted to forage. Thus, 
sperm whales calves may supplement their milk diet with food caught 
independently at depth much earlier than previously believed. Contrary to 
terrestrial mammals, we propose that the maturation of locomotor, diving, and 
echolocation skills are favored over investment in developing social 
communication skills at an early age in sperm whales.

Link to full text:
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