Hello MARMAM community,

On behalf of my coauthors, I am excited to share our latest publication:

Sousa, A., Alves, F., Arranz, P., Dinis, A., Fernandez, M., González
García, L., Morales, M., Lettrich, M., Encarnação Coelho, R., Costa, H.,
Capela Lourenço, T., Azevedo, N.M.J., Frazão Santos, C., 2021. Climate
change vulnerability of cetaceans in Macaronesia: Insights from a
trait-based assessment. Science of The Total Environment 795, 148652.

ABSTRACT: Over the last decades global warming has caused an increase in
ocean temperature, acidification and oxygen loss which has led to changes
in nutrient cycling and primary production affecting marine species at
multiple trophic levels. While knowledge about the impacts of climate
change in cetacean's species is still scarce, practitioners and
policymakers need information about the species at risk to guide the
implementation of conservation measures.

To assess cetacean's vulnerability to climate change in the biogeographic
region of Macaronesia, we adapted the Marine Mammal Climate Vulnerability
Assessment (MMCVA) method and applied it to 21 species management units
using an expert elicitation approach.

Results showed that over half (62%) of the units assessed presented Very
High (5 units) or High (8 units) vulnerability scores. Very High
vulnerability scores were found in archipelago associated units of
short-finned pilot whales (*Globicephala macrorhynchus*) and common
bottlenose dolphins (*Tursiops truncatus*), namely in the Canary Islands
and Madeira, as well as Risso's dolphins (*Grampus griseus*) in the Canary
Islands. Overall, certainty scores ranged from Very High to Moderate for
67% of units.

Over 50% of units showed a high potential for distribution, abundance and
phenology changes as a response to climate change.

With this study we target current and future information needs of
conservation managers in the region, and guide research and monitoring
efforts, while contributing to the improvement and validation of
trait-based vulnerability approaches under a changing climate.

The publication is available at:
https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1dNRuB8ccqy6y, and you can download it for
free until August 28.

Andreia Sousa


*Whale watching and climate change project (WHALES CLIMATE

*Climate Change Impacts Adaptation and Modelling* *(CCIAM
*Centre for Ecology Evolution and Environmental Changes*
*(CE3C <http://ce3c.fc.ul.pt/>)Associação para a Investigação e
Desenvolvimento de Ciências* *(FC.ID <http://www.fciencias-id.pt/>)*

Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal Phone: +351 217 500
000, line 21403

Skype ID: andreiagsousa
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