[Marxism] More thoughts on Gaza

2014-08-01 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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I watched the Jon Snow Channel 4 piece on Gaza last nite on Youtube and it
was magnificent.  It was simple decent outrage about what is happening.  I
also looked up Uri Avnery, of Gush Shalom, to see what he was saying.  I
was provoked into this by a Washington Post piece which claimed the Israeli
peace camp activists were behind Netanyahu.

I have been critical of Avery's dream of a respectable Zionism, but his
article was very good in its description of the 'mediators' 
http://www.avnery-news.co.il/english/.  They are an execrable bunch,
especially the loathsome Tony Blair.

There was also a discussion on Al Jazeera English that I sat through.  What
stuck with me most was the metaphor of 'mowing the lawn' to describe what
Israel was up to in Gaza. The metaphor describes perfectly the thinking
within Israel. It totally dehumanizes the Palestinians and positions them
as the Feared/Despised Other. More than anything else the metaphor speaks
to the moral bankruptcy of the Zionists.

It also masks only slightly a fear that the Palestinians cannot be beaten.
The grass will grow again and again and again. The political futility of
trying to destroy Palestine is obvious to all but the most depraved.

We now have a 72 hour truce. I hope that Netanyahu will have trouble in
getting the killing frenzy going again.  When the blood lust has cooled, I
believe that even within Israel the realization that they have
anathematized themselves will begin to penetrate. If nothing else they will
see it in the eyes of their biggest supporters. Obama and Kerry will
continue in public to speak in glowing terms of Israel, but when they leave
the obligatory meeting with Netanyahu et al, they will hasten to wash their

No one likes the butcher and the torturer - the performer of the dirty
business upon which all structures of oppression and exploitation
necessarily rest.  That is what Israel has become, an ever so eager peddler
of dirty deeds. Some light unto the nations!



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[Marxism] Iran and Hezbollah break with Assad to support Hamas (well, kind of)

2014-08-01 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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The title of course is a wild exaggeration, Hamas can only expect verbal 
support from Hezbollah and Iran (ie, like from everywhere else in the 
region) as they still prioritise killing Arabs and Muslims in Syria, but 
even a rhetorical difference with Assad is significant at this moment, 
brought on by Hamas' amazing show  of *actual* resistance (as opposed to 
the BS resistance front). At the same time, the fact that Assad would 
so openly damn Hamas in its very hour of real resistance and pretend 
that his regime (which didn't shoot a single bullet near the Golan for 
40 years) is ''real resistance simply demonstrates yet again how 
completely counterrevolutionary the regime is, not only within Syria but 

Assad spoke of the distinction between real resistance fighters, which 
we support, and amateurs who wear the mask of resistance according to 
their interests in order to improve their image or to consecrate their 

That really takes the cake.


Iran and Hezbollah break with Assad to support Hamas
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — The current war in Gaza has witnessed renewed 
contact between Hamas on the one hand, and Iran and Hezbollah on the 
other, following two years of a chill in relations.
Summary Hezbollah and Iran have publicly declared support for Hamas in 
the Gaza war against Israel, but Syrian President Bashar al-Assad 
remains critical of Hamas and is reluctant to reconcile.

Author Adnan Abu Amer Posted July 25, 2014
Translator(s)Rani Geha
A political official in Hamas confirmed to Al-Monitor that Khaled 
Meshaal, head of Hamas’ politburo, has recently received phone calls 
from Tehran initiated by Ali Larijani, chairman of the Shura Council, 
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and a senior Revolutionary Guard 
officer whose name he did not mention.
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah called Meshaal on July 20. 
This was the first official contact between Hezbollah and Hamas since 
April, a Hamas official informed Al-Monitor.
Hezbollah’s official website reported that, during his phone call with 
Meshaal, “Nasrallah praised the steadfastness of the resistance fighters 
in Gaza,” stressing that he “stands next to the Palestinian resistance 
and supports its conditions to end the battle.”
Al-Monitor contacted a Palestinian official in Lebanon who mediated 
Hamas’ troubled relationship with Hezbollah, who said, “It is no secret 
that the relationship between the officials has not been great because 
of the crisis in Syria. But Iran contacting Meshaal through the head of 
the Shura Council Ali Larijani, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and a 
senior Revolutionary Guard officer on July 7 encouraged Nasrallah to 
call Meshaal despite the Syrian boycott of Hamas. Therefore, Nasrallah 
contacting Meshaal has not had positive echoes in Damascus.”
The Palestinian official in Lebanon was probably alluding to the 
accusations of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against Hamas on July 
16, when Assad commented on the Gaza war and urged “the distinction 
between real resistance fighters, which we support, and amateurs who 
wear the mask of resistance according to their interests in order to 
improve their image or to consecrate their authority,” referring to the 
Hamas leadership.
A Hezbollah media official told Al-Monitor via phone from Beirut, “Syria 
has reasons that led it to have a rigid position when considering any 
reconciliation with Hamas, but we are confident that the Iranian 
diplomacy can find a formula between the two sides.”
Sources from Hamas and Hezbollah revealed that there were attempts made 
in the last couple of months — before the Gaza war — to restore the axis 
of resistance and restore communication between Hamas and the Syrian 
regime. However, these attempts failed as the conditions were not ripe.
A former member of the Iranian Shura Council and close associate of the 
decision-making circles in Tehran told Al-Monitor by phone, “Iran and 
Hezbollah’s contacts with Hamas did not find positive echoes in Syria, 
as Assad ‘vetoes’ the return of Hamas to the axis, which includes 
Damascus, Tehran and Beirut. However, Iran cannot remain idle as war 
rages in Gaza, while Hamas has made a remarkable military effort. 
Although Iran was absent from the current military scene — despite the 
training it offered — it wants to keep up with the political and 
diplomatic developments, even if this was to anger the Syrian 
In response to a question by Al-Monitor about whether Meshaal may be 
invited to visit Lebanon soon and meet with Nasrallah, he said, “The 
party welcomes every ally and opens its doors to everyone. The Gaza war 
will have 

[Marxism] Is there an 'anti-imperialist camp'? A debate (part 1)

2014-08-01 Thread glparramatta--- via Marxism
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Felipe Stuart and Michael Karadjis begin a debate on the concepts of the
'antimperialist camp.


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[Marxism] Fwd: For eastern Ukrainians, a growing doubt: Is Russia manipulating us? - CSMonitor.com

2014-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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“I was pro-Russia, but I changed in one day,” says one young native of 
Donetsk who asked not to be named. She studied in Moscow and describes a 
natural, brotherly feeling that prevailed for decades between eastern 
Ukrainians and Russia.

But two events in Donetsk changed her mind, because of how they were 
misrepresented on Russian television. In one case, she was in Moscow and 
shocked to see Russian state TV report that all residents of Donetsk 
marched on the streets with Russian flags, supporting Russian 
intervention to “protect” them. She knew it was not true.

And in mid-March in Donetsk she witnessed pro-Russian activists attack a 
small protest against Russian interference with knives and clubs, 
killing one. Russian channels reported the event “upside down,” she 
says, and claimed that it was a “peaceful” pro-Russian crowd that was 

After that, she says, she “understood that they are manipulating us.” 
The result shattered her faith in Russia and its narrative, she says. 
“It’s like someone very close to you – like your husband ­– does 
something terrible to you.”


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[Marxism] NEW FROM PLUTO PRESS: FREDRIC JAMESON: The Project of Dialectical Criticism

2014-08-01 Thread List Serve via Marxism
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[Marxism] Pollution and cancer

2014-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Dear George Johnson,

I am currently reading Cancer Chronicles and am really
impressed by both the elegance of your writing and your erudition.

I am a film critic and am doing some background research for a review of
Second Opinion: Laetrile at Sloan-Kettering that opens in NY on Aug.
29. I used to work as a database administrator at Sloan-Kettering in the
late 80s on patient registration systems and became interested in the
politics of cancer as Samuel Epstein puts it, mostly as a function of
my Marxist orientation. I read Epstein's book while there and Robert
Proctor's much later on.

I noticed that--unlike Epstein--Proctor was hesitant to make a link
between pollution and cancer. All this was in the back of my mind when I
began reading your account of Love Canal yesterday. I know that it is
hard to argue with the data but I wonder whether your case would have
been strengthened by a somewhat broader perspective.

I have been paying pretty close attention to China over the past 30
years ever since the country abandoned socialism (even a distorted
version) and plunged full speed ahead into capitalist development with
zero concern over health and safety. I seemed to have recalled many
reports on cancer clusters--so to speak--over the years.

Refreshing my memory, I did a quick search and came up with this:


Water Pollution and Digestive Cancers in China
author(s):  Avi Ebenstein
Following China’s economic reforms of the late 1970s, rapid industrialization 
has led to
a deterioration of water quality in the country’s lakes and rivers. China’s 
cancer rate has
also increased in recent years, and digestive cancers (i.e. stomach, liver, 
esophageal) now
account for 11 percent of fatalities (WHO 2002) and nearly one million deaths 
annually. This
paper examines a potential causal link between surface water quality and 
digestive cancers
by exploiting variation in water quality across China’s river basins. Using a 
sample of 145
mortality registration points in China, I find using OLS that a deterioration 
of the water quality
by a single grade (on a six-grade scale) is associated with a 9.3 percent 
increase in the death rate
due to digestive cancer, controlling for observable characteristics of the 
Disease Surveillance
Points (DSP). The analysis rules out other potential explanations for the 
observed correlation,
such as smoking rates, dietary patterns, and air pollution. This link is also 
robust to estimation
using 2SLS with rainfall and upstream manufacturing as instruments. As a 
consequence of the
large observed relationship between digestive cancer rates and water pollution, 
I examine the
benefits and costs of increasing China’s levy rates for firm dumping of 
untreated wastewater.
My estimates indicate that doubling China’s current levies would save roughly 
29,000 lives per
year, but require an additional 500 million dollars in annual spending on 
wastewater treatment
by firms, implying a cost of roughly 18,000 dollars per averted death.

Attachment  Size
Pollution_in_China.pdf  904.88 KB

I know that you were not trying to write a comprehensive study of 
pollution and cancer but I was left with a worry that you were giving 
too much credence to an analysis I have seen over the years from your 
colleague at the NY Times Gina Kolata who has downplayed environmental 
factors to the point where she seems like a pro-chemical industry hack.

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Re: [Marxism] Pollution and cancer

2014-08-01 Thread DW via Marxism
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An interesting, almost compelling review of Johnson's book:


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Re: [Marxism] Pollution and cancer

2014-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/1/14 10:07 AM, DW via Marxism wrote:

An interesting, almost compelling review of Johnson's book:


I should mention that despite my misgivings on the environment/cancer 
argument made by Johnson, the book is an amazingly powerful work of 
prose. If I had run into someone who wrote like this when I was in high 
school, I might have majored in biology rather than religion at Bard 

Chapter 1

Jurassic Cancer

As I crossed a dry, lonesome stretch of the Dinosaur Diamond Prehistoric 
Highway, I tried to picture what western Colorado—a wilderness of 
sage-­covered mesas and rocky canyons—­looked like 150 million years 
ago, in Late Jurassic time. North America was breaking away from Europe 
and Asia—­all three had formed a primordial supercontinent called 
Laurasia. The huge land mass, flatter than it is today, was drifting 
northward a few centimeters per year and was passing like a ship through 
the waters of what geographers would come to call the Tropic of Cancer. 
Mile-­high Denver was near sea level and lay about as far south as where 
the Bahamas are today. Though the climate was fairly dry, webs of 
rivulets connecting shallow lakes and swamps covered part of the land, 
and vegetation abounded. There were no grasses or flowers—­they had yet 
to evolve—­just a weird mix of conifers commingling with ginkgos, tree 
ferns, cycads, and horsetails. Giant termite nests soared as much as 
thirty feet high. Splashing and stomping through this Seuss-­like world 
were Stegosaurus, Allosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Barosaurus, 
Seismosaurus—­their bones buried far below me as I made my way from 
Grand Junction to a town called Dinosaur.

Occasionally one can glimpse outcroppings of the Jurassic past, exposed 
by erosion, seismological uplift, or a highway department road 
cut—­colorful bands of sediment that form a paleontological treasure 
house called the Morrison Formation. I knew what to look for from 
photographs: crumbling layers of reddish, grayish, purplish, sometimes 
greenish sediment—­geological debris piled up over some 7 million years.

Just south of the town of Fruita on the Colorado River, I hiked to the 
top of Dinosaur Hill, stopping for a moment to pick up a pinch of 
purplish Morrison mudstone that had fallen near the trail. As I rolled 
it in my fingers it crumbled like dry cookie dough. On the far side of 
the hill, I came to a shaft where in 1901 a paleontologist named Elmer 
Riggs extracted 6 tons of bones that had belonged to an Apatosaurus (the 
proper name for what most of us call a Brontosaurus). Alive and fully 
hydrated, the 70-­foot-­long reptile would have weighed 30 tons. Riggs 
encased the bones in plaster of paris for protection, ferried them 
across the Colorado on a flat-­bottom boat, and then shipped them by 
train to the Field Museum in Chicago, where they were reassembled and 
put on display.

After making my way north to Dinosaur (population 339), where 
Brontosaurus Boulevard intersects Stegosaurus Freeway, I stood at an 
overlook and watched Morrison stripes in a canyon reddening with the 
setting sun. But it was a little farther west, along the Green River in 
the western reaches of Dinosaur National Monument, that I saw the most 
beautiful example: a cliffside of greenish grays slumping into purples 
slumping into browns. It indeed resembled, as the woman at the park 
headquarters had told me, melted Neapolitan ice cream.

It was somewhere in these parts that a dinosaur bone was discovered that 
displays what may be the oldest known case of cancer. After the dinosaur 
died, whether from the tumor or something else, its organs were eaten by 
predators or rapidly decomposed. But the skeleton—­at least a piece of 
it—­gradually became buried by windblown dirt and sand. Later on, an 
expanding lake or a meandering stream flowed over the debris, and the 
stage was set for fossilization. Molecule by molecule minerals in the 
bones were slowly replaced by minerals dissolved from the water. Tiny 
cavities were filled and petrified. Several epochs later dinosaurs were 
long extinct, their world overlaid by lakes and deserts and oceans, but 
this fossilized bone, encased in sedimentary rock, was preserved and 
carried through time.

That hardly ever happened. Most bones disintegrated before they could 
become fossilized. And of the fraction that survived long enough to 
petrify, all but a few remain buried. The specimen, now labeled CM 72656 
and housed at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, was 
a survivor. Unearthed by a rushing river or exposed by tectonic 
forces—­somehow it was delivered to the surface of our world where, 150 

[Marxism] Fwd: Pan-European far right conferences - Searchlight Magazine

2014-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Was Boris Kagarlitsky there, I wonder.)

Within a month’s time, two conferences of pan-European right-wing 
radicals took place.

The first one took place in Vienna on the 31st of May and was hosted by 
Russian billionaire Konstantin Malofeev, the owner of the Moscow-based 
Marshall Capital. Malofeev is known for financing Russian right-wing 
extremists who are fighting against Ukrainian authorities in Eastern 
Ukraine: Igor Girkin, the former colonel at Russia’s Main Intelligence 
Directorate, and Aleksandr Borodai, a Muscovite businessman who is 
serving as “Prime Minister” of the virtual “Donetsk People’s Republic”.
Due to the clandestine nature of the conference, the full guest-list is 
unknown but Austrian-Swiss journalist Bernhard Odehnal who has revealed 
this conference argues that the following people were present:
Russian fascist Aleksandr Dugin; French National Front’s Marion 
Maréchal-Le Pen (granddaughter of Jean-Mari Le Pen) and Aymeric 
Chauprade; Austrian Freedom Party’s Heinz-Christian Strache, John 
Gudenus and Johann Herzog; Bulgarian Ataka's Volen Siderov; leader of 
the Spanish Catholic-monarchist Carlist movement Prince Sixtus Henry of 
Bourbon-Parma; and director of the Swiss financial company Edifin Serge 
de Pahlen.

Many of the participants hailed Russian current president Vladimir Putin 
as Europe’s “redeemer” from Americanism, liberalism, secularism and 

The second pan-European far right conference took place in Stockholm on 
the 22nd of June and was called “Identitarian Ideas VI”. It was hosted 
by the Swedish far right think-tank Motpol (Antithesis) and Swedish far 
right periodical Nationell Idag (National Today).

At this conference, Austrian identitarian ideologue Markus Willinger 
presented his new book Europa der Vaterländer (Europe of Fatherlands); 
Manuel Ochsenreiter, editor of the far right magazine Zuerzt! (First), 
was talking about geopolitics of the crises in Ukraine, Syria and 
Kosovo; while Patrik Forsén of the Swedish right-wing extremist Nordisk 
Ungdom (Nordic Youth), John Morgan of Arktos, Patrik Ehn from Nationell 
Idag, Eva Charlotta Johansson from Motpol, and Manuel Ochsenreiter 
discussed Ukraine, Russia and the United States.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Times of Israel Op-Ed Advocates Palestine Genocide FULL TEXT | Mediaite

2014-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Củ Chi tunnels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2014-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Hamas's inspiration?


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[Marxism] Hudson v Panitch

2014-08-01 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism
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Michael Hudson and Leo Panitch lock horns over the significance of the new 
'BRICS bank', Russia's role in the global economy, etc.,

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Re: [Marxism] Hudson v Panitch

2014-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/1/14 5:06 PM, Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism wrote:

Michael Hudson and Leo Panitch lock horns over the significance of the new 
'BRICS bank', Russia's role in the global economy, etc.,


Hudson wrote some good stuff on the world economy but he is a dyed in 
the wool Global Research type. On his website he has a transcript of an 
interview he did with RT.com, where he said that there was a 
Pinochet-type coup that took place in Ukraine 
(http://michael-hudson.com/2014/06/ukraines-gangster-state/). Even after 
Stephen F. Cohen downed 3 martinis, I doubt that he could come up with 
something more asinine than that.

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Re: [Marxism] Hudson v Panitch

2014-08-01 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism
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Agreed. And it's a shame because he has done very interesting work (on ancient 
economies for example), but he often intermixes it with conspiratorial 
Chossudovsky-style nonsense when it comes to contemporary analysis. 

 Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 17:34:35 -0400
 From: l...@panix.com
 To: mrpettymrsmo...@hotmail.com; marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Hudson v Panitch
 On 8/1/14 5:06 PM, Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism wrote:
  Michael Hudson and Leo Panitch lock horns over the significance of the new 
  'BRICS bank', Russia's role in the global economy, etc.,
 Hudson wrote some good stuff on the world economy but he is a dyed in 
 the wool Global Research type. On his website he has a transcript of an 
 interview he did with RT.com, where he said that there was a 
 Pinochet-type coup that took place in Ukraine 
 (http://michael-hudson.com/2014/06/ukraines-gangster-state/). Even after 
 Stephen F. Cohen downed 3 martinis, I doubt that he could come up with 
 something more asinine than that.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Film Review: Child of God

2014-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I can't think of anything worse, a film directed by James Franco based 
on a Cormac McCarthy novel.


James Franco wallows around in the backwoods muck with his latest 
directorial effort, Child of God, an adaptation of the 1973 Cormac 
McCarthy novel about a psychotic hick named Lester (Scott Haze) whose 
1960s Tennessee life is defined by ever-abhorrent behavior. An opening 
close-up of Lester, his eyes turned upward in a menacing glare that 
invokes memories of many animalistic Stanley Kubrick protagonists, 
immediately establishes the feral nature of the story’s main character, 
who is then shown wildly objecting to the sale of his father’s farm. 
Split into three chapters, and embellished with a few instances of 
onscreen text as well as occasional narration from a variety of 
unidentified speakers, Lester’s subsequent saga is one of amplifying 
madness, as he sets up new residence in an abandoned woodland cabin, 
spies on the man who bought his daddy’s home, and gets his rocks off 
peeping on kids having sex in remotely parked cars.

With spittle flying from his mouth, snot dangling from his nose, and 
slurry speech emanating from his filthy, beard-framed mouth, Lester 
exudes unhinged wildness, and his preference for groaning, growling and 
howling further solidifies him as more rabid dog than civilized man. 
Voiceover exposition reveals that Lester’s father abandoned him via 
suicide, though otherwise Child of God provides scant background on its 
center of attention, content to simply gaze with horrified fascination 
at Lester, whom Haze embodies with a full-throated lunacy that’s 
consistently captivating, at least until his screaming-crazy routine 
reveals itself to be one-note. At that point—which, admittedly, is about 
a third of the way through the story—the film turns monotonous, even as 
Lester indulges in increasingly wretched behavior that pushes the film 
into grim, sadistic territory.


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[Marxism] Correct link: Is there an 'anti-imperialist camp'? A debate (part 1)

2014-08-01 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Saudi Arabia joins the Axis of Resistance | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2014-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/1/14 8:23 PM, Michael Karadjis wrote:

Thanks for this. Great article. Trouble is, Saudi Arabia can't decide
which part of the anti-imperialist camp to join. You are writing here
about the Saudis immanent meeting with Iranian leaders.

I guess you can't keep track of the players without a scorecard.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Palestinian militants inflict substantial casualties on Israeli forces in Gaza - IHS Jane's 360

2014-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Closing of the Russian Mind: Four Snapshots

2014-08-01 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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Here are four reasons why, despite my affection for Kirill Medvedev's work,
I found his recent appeal to the intelligentsia, youth, and all people
of good will a little odd. He should be honest enough to know he is
appealing to what is, increasingly, thin air. Fifteen years of Putinism has
decimated public discourse and intellectual life in Russia, and now it
seems that the regime wants to finish the once-mighty Russian mind off once
and for all.

Which is not to say that the pro-Putin euphoria described in the first
two items is not a stage-managed affair to a huge degree, as obliquely
suggested by the fourth item.


According to a survey published this week by the respected independent
pollster Levada Centre, 82% of Russians believe MH17 was brought down by
either a Ukrainian army fighter plane or missile. Just 3% thought the
insurgents were to blame. Given these kind of figures, the prospect of
Putin facing a backlash of public anger over suspected weapons supplies to
separatist gunmen is virtually zero. Ironically, Putin probably faces more
danger from Russians disappointed by his failure to provide more assistance
to the rebels. “Many people feel cheated by his refusal to use military
force [in east Ukraine],” Alexander Dugin, an ultranationalist thinker
whose ideas are reported to have influenced recent Kremlin policy, told me

Western officials may be hoping economic sanctions will force Russians to
rethink their support for Putin, but in reality such measures will achieve
little more than an entrenchment of a growing fortress mentality. State
media’s routine and increasingly vitriolic attacks on the west’s “decadent”
morals mean Russians are likely to accept any economic and social hardships
brought about by US and European sanctions. Tellingly, in another Levada
Centre poll this week, 61% of Russians said they were unconcerned by the
threat of sanctions, while 58% were similarly unfazed by the looming
possibility of political isolation over the Kremlin’s stance on Ukraine.

These head-in-the-sand attitudes are bolstered by what the director of
Levada Centre, Lev Gudkov, calls a “patriotic and chauvinistic
euphoria”rooted in the almost bloodless annexation of Crimea in March,
which was popular among Russians across the political spectrum. It’s
alsoworth noting that many “ordinary” Russians are uninterested in politics
and have only scant knowledge of the issues at hand.



MOSCOW, July 31 (RIA Novosti) - Life satisfaction and social optimism
indices in Russia skyrocketed, reaching all-time highs despite political
challenges according to polls conducted by the Russian Public Opinion
Research Center (VCIOM).

“Within the last three months, indices of social well-being have shown
unprecedented growth, stabilizing at extremely high levels. In June the
satisfaction index reached its all-time high of 79 points and the indices
of financial self-assessment and social optimism, now at 76 and 77 points
respectively, have also risen and stabilized at new highs,” says the poll.

The economic sanctions imposed by the US and EU over the crisis in Ukraine
seem to have little effect on Russians. According to the polls, Russians
are now far less concerned with the future of their country than they were
last year.

The number of Russians who have not ruled out the possibility of a war with
neighboring countries is now 23 percent of the population, up from just 10
percent last year. However, the number of those concerned about a Western
military threat has held steady at 13 percent for the past eight years.

The VCIOM opinion poll was conducted in 2014, interviewing 1,600
respondents in 130 communities in 42 regions of Russia. Data are weighted
by gender, age, education, working status and type of settlement. The polls
have margins of error of no more than 3.4%.



It’s bad news for Russian bloggers, then, that starting today, anyone who
attracts more than 3,000 daily readers to his blog is considered a de facto
journalist and must register. (In a largely symbolic gesture, LiveJournal
has already stopped reporting blog subscribers beyond the 2,500 mark.)
Registration entails turning over your personal details to the
government—including, of course, your name, meaning anonymous blogging is
now illegal for many. (By the way, the law applies to any blog written in
Russian for Russians; a post you write from a Brooklyn cafe could face
censorship from Moscow.) Bloggers will also be held liable for any alleged
misinformation they publish, even in comments written by