[Marxism] From a Rwandan Dump to the Halls of Harvard

2014-10-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Back in 1967 when I joined the Trotskyist movement I was struck by an 
observation some leader made in a speech, it could have been Fred 
Halstead who was running for president. One of the biggest problems with 
capitalism is that it not only punishes the poor by making them live a 
life of misery. It also robs the human race of the contributions that 
can be made by such people whose children might be a potential scientist 
who could find a cure for cancer or some other life-saving breakthrough. 
Under socialism every Justus Uwayesu would be given such an opportunity.)

NY Times, Oct. 23 2014
From a Rwandan Dump to the Halls of Harvard

BOSTON — Nine years old and orphaned by ethnic genocide, he was living 
in a burned-out car in a Rwandan garbage dump where he scavenged for 
food and clothes. Daytimes, he was a street beggar. He had not bathed in 
more than a year.

When an American charity worker, Clare Effiong, visited the dump one 
Sunday, other children scattered. Filthy and hungry, Justus Uwayesu 
stayed put, and she asked him why.

“I want to go to school,” he replied.

Well, he got his wish.

This autumn, Mr. Uwayesu enrolled as a freshman at Harvard University on 
a full-scholarship, studying math, economics and human rights, and 
aiming for an advanced science degree. Now about 22 — his birthday is 
unknown — he could be, in jeans, a sweater and sneakers, just another of 
the 1,667 first-year students here.

But of course, he is not. He is an example of the potential buried even 
in humanity’s most hopeless haunts, and a sobering reminder of how 
seldom it is mined.

Over the 13 years since his escape from the smoldering trash heap that 
was his home, Mr. Uwayesu did not simply rise through his nation’s top 
academic ranks. As a student in Rwanda, he learned English, French, 
Swahili and Lingala. He oversaw his high school’s student tutoring 
program. And he helped found a youth charity that spread to high schools 
nationwide, buying health insurance for poor students and giving medical 
and scholastic aid to others.

He is nonetheless amazed and amused by the habits and quirks of a 
strange land.

“I tried lobster, and I thought it was a big fight,” he said. “You have 
to work for it to get to the meat.” And the taste? “I’m not sure I like 
it,” he said.

Fresh from a land dominated by two ethnic groups — the majority Hutu and 
the Tutsi, who died en masse with some moderate Hutu in the 1994 
conflict — he says he is delighted by Harvard’s stew of nationalities 
and lifestyles. He was pleasantly taken aback by the blasé acceptance of 
openly gay students — “that’s not something we hear about in Rwanda”— 
and disturbed to find homeless beggars in a nation otherwise so wealthy 
that “you can’t tell who is rich and who isn’t.”

He says his four suitemates, hailing from Connecticut, Hawaii and spots 
in between, have helped him adjust to Boston life. But he is still 
trying to figure out an American culture that is more frenetic and 
obstreperous than in his homeland.

“People work hard for everything,” he said. “They do things fast, and 
they move fast. They tell you the truth; they tell you their experiences 
and their reservations. In Rwanda, we have a different way of talking to 
adults. We don’t shout. We don’t be rowdy. But here, you think 

Born in rural eastern Rwanda, Mr. Uwayesu was only 3 when his parents, 
both illiterate farmers, died in a politically driven slaughter that 
killed some 800,000 people in 100 days. Red Cross workers rescued him 
with a brother and two sisters — four other children survived elsewhere 
— and cared for them until 1998, when the growing tide of parentless 
children forced workers to return them to their village.

They arrived as a drought, and then famine, began to grip their home 
province. “I was malnourished,” Mr. Uwayesu said. “My brother would tell 
me, ‘I’m going out to look for food,’ and then he would come back 
without it. There were times we did not cook the whole day.”

In 2000, young Justus and his brother walked to Kigali, Rwanda’s capital 
and a city of about one million, in search of food and help. Instead, 
they wound up at Ruviri, a sprawling garbage dump on the city’s 
outskirts that was home to hundreds of orphans and herds of pigs.

Justus found a home with two other children in an abandoned car, its 
smashed-out windows and floor covered with cardboard. For the next year 
and a half, he said, all but the search for food and shelter fell by the 
wayside. “There was no shower, no bathing at all,” he said. “The only 
thing was to keep something warm for the night, something 

[Marxism] In These Times looks at the growing labor support for Hawkins in NY Governor's race

2014-10-23 Thread Jon Flanders via Marxism

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[Marxism] RALLY THIS SATURDAY; As signatories to our Open Letter mount, we call on you to join us

2014-10-23 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Despite strong rains and the cold, a number of students, community members,
and others, braved the elements to register their dissent Wednesday night
against anti-Muslim bigot Ayaan Hirsi Ali at the NYU Law FOLCS forum.



We hope you will join us in demonstration again this Saturday
https://www.facebook.com/events/555481251251132/?ref=22 and sign our open
letter. Details below.
Join student groups, faculty, and community groups to register your
concerns about NYU's affiliation with the Forum on Law, Culture, and


Sign here!



*NOT IN OUR NAME: Rally against “Stop  Frisk” police commissioner,
pro-torture Bush attorney general at NYU-affiliated film screening of
CIA-vetted torture film *


Where: Outside NYU Law’s Vanderbilt Hall, 40 Washington Sq. South

When: 6:30PM, Saturday, 25 October

NYU Law’s newly acquired -- and grotesquely named -- Forum on Law, Culture,
and Society, is inviting former NYPD police commissioner Ray Kelly and
former attorney General Michael Mukasey to screen CIA-vetted
 film* Zero Dark Thirty*, widely interpreted as promoting torture

Ray Kelly spent several years engaging in
warrantless spying of Muslim students
communities around the East Coast -- including Muslim students at NYU.

Kelly is also responsible for the “Stop  Frisk”
http://www.nyclu.org/node/1598 program, rife with racial discrimination
and widely condemned as means of harassing people of color in New York.

Despite Kelly’s history of mistreating NYU community members, NYU Law is
nonetheless placing its stamp of approval on his visit through its
affiliation with the Forum.

The Forum will also bring former US attorney general Michael Mukasey, who
defended Bush administration officials from being held accountable for
potential war crimes http://www.hrweb.org/legal/cat.html, namely torture

*Zero Dark Thirty*, produced in close consultation with the CIA
presents the audience with a stream of demeaning caricatures of Muslims
while alleging -- falsely
that torture was necessary and justified to capture Osama Bin Laden. It is
difficult to see how having individuals complicit in torture and
warrantless spying that reached NYU itself deserve such a warm welcome as
they screen thinly-veiled government propaganda.

The Forum was enthusiastically embraced
NYU Law Dean Trevor Morrison this summer. Its director and host of
Wednesday’s event, Thane Rosenbaum, opined during Israel’s indiscriminate
bombardment of Gaza last summer that virtually all Palestinian civilians
forfeited their “right[s] to be called civilians” due to how some voted in
a 2006 election. As a slew of critics noted, Mr. Rosenbaum’s commentary
mimicked terrorist propaganda
to justify massacring innocent people -- including Americans and Israelis.

The Forum is also separately hosting anti-Muslim bigot Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who
has called Islam a “nihilistic cult of death” and has called for the US
constitution to be amended to exclude Muslims from legal rights.

A coalition of student and community groups has called for this protest as
part of a growing campaign to get NYU Law to reassess its relationship with
the Forum.

Meet outside NYU Law’s Vanderbilt Hall, 40 Washington Sq. South, at 6:30PM
on Saturday, 25 October. You are encouraged to bring banners and materials.
E-mail arg...@nyu.edu to add your endorsement. 

[Marxism] From my Swedish correspondent on the Russian submarine scare

2014-10-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Hi Louis,

The false-flag operation/exercise seems to be over now. A thoroughly 
planned and well executed propaganda operation in order to feed the ever 
hungrier Swedish military-media-industrial-complex. As well as a fine 
way to introduce the brand new stealthy cool of HMS Visby.

For some reason all photos of (obviously Russian) submarines are blurry. 
[Sorry, quick duck-go-search, but the headline sums up the mission 
objective pretty good: A Mysterious Submarine Is Lurking in Sweden, and 
Fingers Point to Russia]

My feeling is that this has been planned for a long time. This is the 
answer of the Swedish military–industrial–media complex to the threats 
of a Social Democratically lead government. Not that they fear that the 
Social Democrats in any way would oppose the awesome job-creating sector 
know as MIMAK (former prime minister Göran Persson(S) is the chief 
lobbyist of big Gun), but the possible inclusion of the Left Party in 
the government was troubling.

Everybody in Sweden, including the leader of the Left Party Jonas 
Sjöstedt [a fellow comrade of mine, but even back then destined to take 
up the mantle of the old-school social democracy] was sure that the Left 
Party [formerly The Left Party the Communists/Communist Youth] would be 
part of the new government. Jonas Sjöstedt and the Left Party took many 
steps to the right in order to prove their allegiance to the system and 
thereby ensuring a spot in the new government.

To the shock of almost everybody [me included] it was announced the day 
after the election by (S) that the Left Party would NOT be included in 
the new government. Jonas Sjöstedt must have felt mighty betrayed.

Anyway, the Swedish MIMAK feared that the notorious crypto-communists in 
the Left Party would be both in the government, as well as, for the 
first time ever, in the [not sure how to translate this] foreign affairs 
committee; i.e. the communists would be able to influence matters of 
national security. Above all, they might want to limit the large weapons 
industry that is nowadays, much like the US, the backbone of the Swedish 

The timing was perfect. When to strike? When you'll encounter the least 
opposition and can push your agenda to the max. When the government is 
new, weak and unlikely to intervene. And even though Göran Persson 
(former prime minister (S)) is the leading lobbyist for the MIMAK, even 
the most modest inclination towards peace by liberals(US) or social 
democrats(EU) is a challenge. The Military felt compelled to assert its 
power and put pressure on the new government to increase military 
spending in the new budget.

[Didn't operation Cast Lead happen just after Obama was elected?]

Neither the right wing alliance nor the left wing (including the Left 
Party) received a majority of the votes in the election since the 
neofascist Sverigedemokraterna got 13%. It's still unclear if the newly 
formed SD-MP(Miljöpartiet-the (center) Green Party) can get their new 
budget through. It might it be blocked by Sverigedemokraterna, and if 
so, there could be a new election.

I tweeted a while ago about the Russian scare in Swedish media. The 
weird thing is that all media, including the social democratic 
Aftonbladet present it this way: 

In all frankness: I'm fucking terrified. No one here seems to gives a 
damn. So what if they couldn't catch the sub, we still need to 
strengthen our defense.

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Re: [Marxism] From my Swedish correspondent on the Russian submarine scare

2014-10-23 Thread Jesse Lemisch via Marxism

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Maybe HMS Visby will locate the Loch Ness Monster, which is clearly visible 
in the photographs.

Jesse Lemisch 

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[Marxism] Fwd: [Critical-Syria] Winning Kobane, Losing Syria

2014-10-23 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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MICHAEL WEISS https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/Author/Michael.Weiss
Published: 23/10/2014 01:35 PM

Winning Kobane, Losing SyriaObama has shown that he can make a difference —
when he wants to.
[image: Kobane explosion. (AFP/Bulent Kilic)]
An explosion rips through Kobane. (AFP/Bulent Kilic)

Within the space of a week, Kobane, the Syrian-Kurdish city on the lip of
the Turkey that has been besieged for weeks by the Islamic State, has gone
from being “not strategically vital” to “symbolically important,” to give
the *Wall Street Journal**’**s* paraphrase
official U.S. government thinking on the subject. The number of airstrikes
there has now far outstripped that of any other target in either Syria or
Iraq. This includes Mount Sinjar, the site of ISIS’ first aspirational
genocide of an ethnic minority population from which ISIS was temporarily
expelled last August. Unfortunately, however, the jihadists are back there
http://www.haaretz.com/news/middle-east/1.622061 again, having completely
encircled the barren mountain where tens of thousands of Yazidis were left
stranded without food and water in August. Yazidi villages have been
retaken, although this time US aerial interference seems far less exigent,
in light of Kobane’s plight.

The about-face is extraordinary. Earlier in the month, both the Pentagon
and Ankara announced that Kobane’s fall was imminent. US Secretary of State
John Kerry was all torn up but coldly realistic: “As horrific as it is to
watch in real time what’s happening in Kobani,” he said
October 8, “you have to step back and understand the strategic objective.”
Now Kerry says
“We cannot take our eyes off the prize here. It would be irresponsible of
us, as well as morally very difficult, to turn your back on a community
fighting [ISIS], as hard as it is, at this particular moment.”

Except that, as other US officials continue to insist, the “prize” isn’t
Syria at all; it’s Iraq. ISIS is just so stupid that it has decided to
throw the bulk of its manpower and its US-purloined heavy equipment at
Kobane, which has thus become flypaper for terrorists. Some 400 ISIS
fighters http://www.theguardian.com/world/20have been killed thus far,
with serious losses in armaments and vehicles. US Central Command has
dropped about 24 tons of medicine and weaponry onto the Kurdish
citadel-city’s defenders, principally the People’s Protection Units (YPG),
a militia run exclusively by the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which is the
Syrian branch of the Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK). It was these fighters
who fought “valiantly,” according to Kerry, not just in Kobane but around
Mount Sinjar last August, rescuing the Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga who couldn’t
hold out against the IS onslaught.

Here things got a little tricky for Washington because the PKK is a
US-designated terrorist organization. Not to worry: White House and State
Department lawyers cast a quick juridical eye over the problem and decided
that the PYD is a legally distinct entity and therefore not subject to the
same proscriptions on gun-running and military cooperation as the PKK, a
fact which must have made PYD officials wiping their damp brows and
laughing simultaneously given that they don’t deny being the Syrian branch
of the PKK, and they openly consider Abdullah Öcalan, the imprisoned PKK
commander, their ideological godfather and hero — an assessment shared by
Ankara for some 30 years.

Kobane’s transformation from an unworthy sideshow to the Dunkirk of
Operation Inherent Resolve was remarkably swift, easy and rather creative
for a normally languorous and analytically cautious commander-in-chief.
True, US officials, beginning with former State Department Syria policy
coordinator Robert Ford, had been holding indirect or quiet talks with the
PYD since 2013, but in reality, Obama didn’t hesitate to arm the affiliate
of a US-blacklisted organization to stop another, far more brutal one.
“[O]fficials were desperate for partners on the ground on the Syrian side
of the border,” the *Journal*noted. “In recent days, the Kurdish fighters
had made gains.”

First, CentCom Commander General Lloyd Austin showed the president a
proposal for saving the city, which couldn’t be 

[Marxism] De-industrialisation and the prospects for socialism

2014-10-23 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Another excellent piece by Michael Roberts.  I've stuck it up on Redline,

But do go and look at Mike's excellent site, thenextrecession.  It's
absolutely required reading for anyone wanting to be well-informed about
trends in the global capitalist economy.  There's also quite a lot there
about the British economy and the US economy.

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