[Marxism] NYC top cop: machine guns necessary in future against police killings protests!

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Jan. 30 2015
N.Y.P.D. Plans Initiatives to Fight Terrorism and Improve Community 


The future of the New York Police Department will include patrol 
officers with more time to visit with community members and learn their 

It will also include more high-powered weapons for a new unit of 
specially trained officers focused on patrolling terrorist targets and 

The twin initiatives, announced by Commissioner William J. Bratton in a 
speech on Thursday, highlighted the tensions in New York City between 
the desire of officials to put a friendlier face on officers’ day-to-day 
interactions with the public, and a rising fear of terrorism by lone actors.

The speech, an annual State of the N.Y.P.D. address to the nonprofit 
Police Foundation, outlined Mr. Bratton’s vision of a police force 
better equipped to respond to big events, and also more understanding of 
local issues in high-crime areas where distrust of officers persists.

“A new patrol model,” he called it during the speech, which also touched 
on a wide range of earlier proposals, from putting stun guns into the 
hands of more officers to replacing aging bulletproof vests and, 
eventually, outfitting the entire patrol force with body cameras.

Improving frayed police-community relations has been Mr. Bratton’s 
mandate since returning last year to lead the department. Small efforts 
to that end have been underway since, even as the death of Eric Garner 
after an arrest on Staten Island in July deepened the divide. Rookie 
officers in the 47th Precinct in the Bronx, for example, have been 
tasked with making — and tracking — their local contacts. In other parts 
of the city, officers this week gave out movie tickets to young people 
for a showing of “Selma.”

Among the most specific changes detailed by Mr. Bratton on Thursday, 
however, was the creation of a heavily armed unit to patrol areas of the 
city and respond to large-scale events, such as protests or terrorist 
attacks. Those duties are now often performed by officers drawn from 
precincts across the city who are temporarily assigned to terrorist 
targets, such as Times Square.

The new unit, to be made up of roughly 350 officers and to be called the 
Strategic Response Group, will be created in the coming months, Mr. 
Bratton said. Officers assigned to it would be equipped with heavy 
protective gear and machine guns, and receive advanced training in 
counterterrorism tactics and “advanced disorder control,” he said.

“It is designed for dealing with events like our recent protests or 
incidents like Mumbai or what just happened in Paris,” Mr. Bratton said, 
referring to the terrorist attacks in India in 2008 and in France this 
month, both carried out by small groups of men wielding assault rifles.

The Police Department’s Emergency Service Unit has long handled many 
assignments requiring special weapons and tactics, but after the Sept. 
11 attacks, the department also created heavily armed units known as 
Hercules teams.

Plans for the new unit drew immediate criticism from some police reform 

It is “the opposite of progress,” Priscilla Gonzalez, organizing 
director of Communities United for Police Reform, said in a statement, 
to have “a more militarized police force that would use counterterrorism 
tactics against protesters.”

In his speech, Mr. Bratton also said the department would test out a 
“highly localized neighborhood policing plan” in four precincts — two in 
Manhattan, two in Queens — in which officers focus on small sections of 
neighborhoods and are given more time to do so, without having to worry 
about responding to emergency calls.

Mr. Bratton said he would reduce the number of patrol officers who 
currently find themselves either in specialty roles or “running from 
call to call” in a department that, he said, “does not have enough 
police officers.” Instead, he said, officers would have about a third of 
their day mostly free from the “tyranny” of the radio to focus on local 
crime concerns.

A new challenge for the department will be tracking what officers do 
during that time.

“There needs to be a way to measure effective community policing 
practices,” said Susan Shah of the Vera Institute of Justice, who has 
studied community policing policies nationally.

As an example of what the new patrol model might look like on the 
street, Mr. Bratton drew from his own experience the day before: As he 
was getting his shoes shined, he observed a group of men, with “their 
booze stuffed in the two phone booths,” who were harassing people 
outside the shop, he told 

[Marxism] A useful op-ed piece on Greek debt by Paul Krugman

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times Op-Ed, Jan. 30 2015
Europe’s Greek Test
by Paul Krugman

In the five years (!) that have passed since the euro crisis began, 
clear thinking has been in notably short supply. But that fuzziness must 
now end. Recent events in Greece pose a fundamental challenge for 
Europe: Can it get past the myths and the moralizing, and deal with 
reality in a way that respects the Continent’s core values? If not, the 
whole European project — the attempt to build peace and democracy 
through shared prosperity — will suffer a terrible, perhaps mortal blow.

First, about those myths: Many people seem to believe that the loans 
Athens has received since the crisis broke have been subsidizing Greek 

The truth, however, is that the great bulk of the money lent to Greece 
has been used simply to pay interest and principal on debt. In fact, for 
the past two years, more than all of the money going to Greece has been 
recycled in this way: the Greek government is taking in more revenue 
than it spends on things other than interest, and handing the extra 
funds over to its creditors.

Or to oversimplify things a bit, you can think of European policy as 
involving a bailout, not of Greece, but of creditor-country banks, with 
the Greek government simply acting as the middleman — and with the Greek 
public, which has seen a catastrophic fall in living standards, required 
to make further sacrifices so that it, too, can contribute funds to that 

One way to think about the demands of the newly elected Greek government 
is that it wants a reduction in the size of that contribution. Nobody is 
talking about Greece spending more than it takes in; all that might be 
on the table would be spending less on interest and more on things like 
health care and aid to the destitute. And doing so would have the side 
effect of greatly reducing Greece’s 25 percent rate of unemployment.

But doesn’t Greece have an obligation to pay the debts its own 
government chose to run up? That’s where the moralizing comes in.

It’s true that Greece (or more precisely the center-right government 
that ruled the nation from 2004-9) voluntarily borrowed vast sums. It’s 
also true, however, that banks in Germany and elsewhere voluntarily lent 
Greece all that money. We would ordinarily expect both sides of that 
misjudgment to pay a price. But the private lenders have been largely 
bailed out (despite a “haircut” on their claims in 2012). Meanwhile, 
Greece is expected to keep on paying.

Now, the truth is that nobody believes that Greece can fully repay. So 
why not recognize that reality and reduce the payments to a level that 
doesn’t impose endless suffering? Is the goal to make Greece an example 
for other borrowers? If so, how is that consistent with the values of 
what is supposed to be an association of sovereign, democratic nations?

The question of values becomes even starker once we consider why 
Greece’s creditors still have power. If it were just a matter of 
government finance, Greece could simply declare bankruptcy; it would be 
cut off from new loans, but it would also stop paying off existing 
debts, and its cash flow would actually improve.

The problem for Greece, however, is the fragility of its banks, which 
currently (like banks throughout the euro area) have access to credit 
from the European Central Bank. Cut off that credit, and the Greek 
banking system would probably melt down amid huge bank runs. As long as 
it stays on the euro, then, Greece needs the good will of the central 
bank, which may, in turn, depend on the attitude of Germany and other 
creditor nations.

But think about how that plays into debt negotiations. Is Germany really 
prepared, in effect, to say to a fellow European democracy, “Pay up or 
we’ll destroy your banking system?”

And think about what happens if the new Greek government — which was, 
after all, elected on a promise to end austerity — refuses to give in? 
That way, all too easily, lies a forced exit of Greece from the euro, 
with potentially disastrous economic and political consequences for 
Europe as a whole.

Objectively, resolving this situation shouldn’t be hard. Although nobody 
knows it, Greece has actually made great progress in regaining 
competitiveness; wages and costs have fallen dramatically, so that, at 
this point, austerity is the main thing holding the economy back. So 
what’s needed is simple: Let Greece run smaller but still positive 
surpluses, which would relieve Greek suffering, and let the new 
government claim success, defusing the anti-democratic forces waiting in 
the wings. Meanwhile, the cost to creditor-nation 

[Marxism] Fwd: Strange Times in Greece » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Syriza now has to govern, they are the party of government — not of 
revolution. The euphoria of the election was quickly tempered by the 
pragmatism of governance and the task at hand. They have yet to propose 
anything radical, instead they talk of minimum wage, eased debt 
payments, and social programs. These are important programs that may 
improve social conditions for many in Greece. There is no program of 
mass nationalizations or land appropriations. If one is looking for a 
party that will sweep away the state into a classless society, he is 
looking in the wrong place.

In forming a coalition with ANEL, Tsipras is perhaps hearkening the 
advice of J.K. Galbraith when he told President Kennedy, “(p)olitics is 
not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the 
disastrous and the unpalatable.” Tsipras must determine if governance is 
more palatable that principle.

To forego the unpalatable, to take any kind of leap to the possible, 
Syriza needs to display a stronger mandate than it earned in the elections.

Here it’s instructive that the Greeks remember their history. They last 
faced tyranny during the period of the military junta of 1967-1974. It 
was the student-led uprising at Athens Polytechnic that notably defied 
the dictatorship. The uprising was not itself successful at restoring 
democracy, but many believe it precipitated the falling of the 
dictatorship nine months later.

full: http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/01/30/strange-times-in-greece/
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[Marxism] GIGO

2015-01-30 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Evgeny Morozov, fresh from his plagiarism of Eden Medina's work, has a
lengthy interview in the current NLR, in which he proves yet again his
inability to think independently. That is, whereas Medina had explained
very clearly and simply how primitive computing could aid democratic
socialist planning, Morozov blathers on and on about the hyper-advanced
computing techniques of contemporary capitalism with not a word that I can
see about what they could mean for a socialist society, i.e. what, to use
his title, a real socialization of data centers would provide.
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Cinema of Cruelty » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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As the Academy Awards draw near, it seems appropriate to write about 
three films light years removed from the Hollywood film industry that 
are united by the theme of cruelty to animals and that wear their art 
film credentials proudly (even though one film subverts pulp genres).

One is “The Turin Horse”, the final film made by auteur extraordinaire 
Béla Tarr over a thirty-seven year career and that is inspired by an 
anecdote about Nietzsche coming to the aid of a horse being beaten by 
its livery cab owner. In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, he 
was asked to name a film that had real quality. His answer was Aki 
Kaurismaki’s “Le Havre”, a film he “really loved”, as did I. ( When the 
Hollywood Reporter began mentioning that it might receive an Oscar for 
best foreign language film, Tarr interrupted him:

	Who cares about this stupidity? You know what I mean. This kind of 
quality is not for the Academy Awards. This kind of quality and 
sensibility is for you and the other people – for personal use. The 
others are just part of a fucked-up business, which is not my business.

Béla Tarr came to mind after seeing “White God” at a press screening a 
while back. Directed by fellow Hungarian Kornél Mundruczó, it about the 
mistreatment of a teen girl’s beloved dog Hagen by various people and 
institutions. As such, I decided to write about the two films as well as 
about Robert Bresson’s “Au Hasard Balthazar”, a 1966 film about the 
abuse of a donkey—a work that I had somehow ignored despite Godard’s 
comment: “Everyone who sees this film will be absolutely 
astonished…because this film is really the world in an hour and a half.”

full: http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/01/30/the-cinema-of-cruelty/
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Re: [Marxism] Further on Greece and Ukraine

2015-01-30 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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I wonder how Tsiparas' views on the Ukraine will inform his approach to Cyprus 
and Macedonia.
ken h


Greece to gain from Cyprus solution: Turkish Cypriot FM 

Tsipras says Barbaros must leave for talks to resume  
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[Marxism] West Virginia’s Coal Miners and Their Battle for Freedom

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Jan. 30 2015
A Deep, Dark Fight for Dignity
James Green’s ‘The Devil Is Here in These Hills’

West Virginia’s Coal Miners and Their Battle for Freedom
By James Green
Illustrated. 440 pages. Atlantic Monthly Press. $28.

The story James Green has to tell in “The Devil Is Here in These Hills: 
West Virginia’s Coal Miners and Their Battle for Freedom” is among the 
best and largely forgotten American stories. It’s about property rights 
versus human rights, about hard men and women and about violent 
conflict. It’s a tale about a working-class insurgency that’s as piney 
as an Appalachian ballad.

One of those ballads, by Blind Alfred Reed, who lived in West Virginia, 
posed this question in 1929: “How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live?”

Mr. Green is a professor of history emeritus at the University of 
Massachusetts, Boston, who specializes in American labor. His best-known 
book is “Death in the Haymarket: A Story of Chicago, the First Labor 
Movement, and the Bombing that Divided Gilded Age America” (2006). He’s 
not a stylist. This book, like that one, is a bit pokey. But his 
dead-ahead sentences get a dirty job done.

In “The Devil Is Here in These Hills,” Mr. Green opens the aperture 
wide. He lays down a brief history of coal mania in America, one that 
dates to before Thomas Jefferson, who wrote about the fuel in “Notes on 
the State of Virginia.” Capitalists from outside West Virginia, he 
notes, really began to exploit the state’s coal when trains cut through 
its hills in the 1870s.

Mr. Green soon tightens that aperture. The bulk of his book is about two 
mine wars that took place in West Virginia in the early 20th century, 
stories rich with strikes and evictions, blacklists and machine guns, 
armed marches and aerial bombardment and blood on frozen ground.

If you you’ve seen John Sayles’s evocative film “Matewan” (1987), you 
know a bit of this material. Mr. Green fills you in on the rest of what 
he terms “the largest working-class uprising in the nation’s history.”

Almost from the start, there was fundamentally a master-slave 
relationship between the coal-mine owners and the miners, a substantial 
number of whom were black or recent immigrants from Italy and other 
countries. Most miners were forced to live in company towns, to shop in 
company stores, to use company scrip. Few coal towns had elected 
officials; private police forces kept crude order.

Mine safety was an afterthought; an eight-hour workday was a distant 
dream; wage theft was frequent. Many West Virginia men went abroad to 
fight in World War I and returned to wonder why the freedoms they had 
fought for, including the right to speak freely and to congregate, 
weren’t available at home.

Union men began to filter in. Mine owners, and the local government 
officials in their sway, dealt with them harshly and accused them of 
being Bolsheviks and anarchists.

One of the best things about “The Devil is Here in These Hills” is that 
it brings to life many of the great, gruff, leonine union leaders, 
including John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America 
from 1920 to 1960, and Samuel Gompers, the first president of the 
American Federation of Labor.

Eugene V. Debs, a founder of the Wobblies (the Industrial Workers of the 
World) and a five-time Socialist Party candidate for president, also 
comes alive in these pages, as do many lesser-known union leaders. The 
most outsize presence is that of Mary Harris Jones, known as Mother 
Jones, who spent more than two decades, off and on, agitating in West 
Virginia mine country. She told miners to act like men, “not like 
cringing serfs.”

She did not bring the kumbaya. After the murder of one striking miner, 
she told a crowd of mourners to get their guns, find the perpetrators 
and “shoot them to hell.” She spent time in prison for her fiery 
exhortations in West Virginia. “If she was the miner’s angel,” the 
novelist Mary Lee Settle has written, “she was the owner’s devil.” 
Owners called her the Old Hag.

Mother Jones brought press attention to West Virginia. About her, Mr. 
Green writes: “Acting largely on her own, one woman had done more than 
the nation’s top union leaders to alert reformers to the suppression of 
civil liberties in industrial America.”

“The Devil Is Here in These Hills” builds to its great set piece, the 
second of this book’s two mine wars, which played out in part in Mingo 
County, including Matewan, where there was a shootout in 1920 between 
miners and the hired men of the Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency.

The next year, in Logan County, some 

[Marxism] Syriza and Europe: a palpable feeling on the continent that a tide is turning

2015-01-30 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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The Greek Earthquake
Syriza will not easily sweep the policies of austerity aside, but
there is a palpable feeling on the continent that a tide is turning.
by Conn Hallinan, January 29, 2015.
. . .
Syriza is closely aligned with Podemos, the new anti-austerity party
that’s now polling ahead of the conservative ruling People’s Party in
Spain. “2015 will be the year of change in Spain and Europe,” tweeted
Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias in the aftermath of the election. “Let’s
go Alexis, let’s go!” Unemployment in Spain is 24 percent, and over 50
percent for young people.

Gerry Adams of Sinn Fein — now the third largest party in the Irish
Republic — hailed the vote as opening “up the real prospect of
democratic change, not just for the people of Greece, but for citizens
right across the EU.” Unemployment in Ireland is 10.7 percent, and
tens of thousands of jobless young people have been forced to

Germany’s center-left Social Democrats are generally supportive of the
troika. But the Green Party hailed the Syriza victory, and Der Linke
Party members marched with signs reading, “We start with Greece. We
change Europe.”

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi — who has his own issues with the
EU’s rigid approach to debt — also hailed the Greek elections, and top
aide Sandro Gozi said that Rome was ready to work with Syriza. The
jobless rate in Italy is 13.4 percent, but 40 percent among youth.

The French Communist Party hailed the Greek elections as “Good news
for the French people,” and Jean-Luc Melenchon of the Left Party
called for a left-wing alliance similar to Syriza. French President
Francois Hollande made a careful statement about “growth and
stability,” but the Socialist leader is trying to quell a revolt by
the left flank of his own party over austerity, and Paris is closer to
Rome than it is to Berlin on the debt issue.

While the conservative government of Portugal was largely silent,
Marisa Matias — who represents the Left Bloc in Portugal’s delegation
to the European Parliament — told a rally, “A victory for Syriza is a
victory for all of Europe.”

Time to Deliver

In short, there are a number of currents in the EU. And there’s a
growing recognition even among supporters of the troika that the
prevailing approach to debt is not sustainable.

One should have no illusions that Syriza will easily sweep the
policies of austerity aside, but there is a palpable feeling on the
continent that a tide is turning.

It didn’t start with the Greek elections, but with last May’s European
Parliament elections, where anti-austerity parties made solid gains.
While some right-wing parties that opportunistically donned a populist
mantle also increased their vote, voters tended to go left when given
a viable choice. For instance, the right did well in Denmark, France,
and Britain, but largely because there were no anti-austerity voices
on the left in those races. Elsewhere, despite the headlines of the
time, the left generally defeated its rightist opponents.
. . .

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[Marxism] City Watch radio Show on Mass Incarceration; Randy Martin died.

2015-01-30 Thread George Snedeker via Marxism
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One of the editors of the special issue of Socialism and Democracy on mass 
incarceration will be interviewed on WBAI.
I am sorry to report that the Marxist scholar and  activist, Randy Martin has 
died after a long illness. Some of you have known Randy personally. His recent 
work on financialization has broken new ground.Randy had published a dozen 
books on a range of important topics. He will be remembered by many as a 
special human being. I will miss him greatly.. Randy died Wednesday night. 


We are very Sorry about the passing of activist, dancer, scholar and friend 
Randy Martin.
  Bill's CityWATCH Jan. 31, 2015 10-11AM WBAI 99.5FM

Host: Bill
DiFazio 718-389-1018 (show)
917-750-8653 (Emergency)

Johanna Fernandez Phone: 

 Opening music:Sonny Rollins. East 
   Broadway Rundown
Station Break 10:30
Guest: Michael Pelias, Syriza, New York.  Syriza Takes Power in 
Greece,and leads the battle against global austerity
Closing: Illinois Jacquet, Leo Parker, Bottoms Up!. 


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Re: [Marxism] Further on Greece and Ukraine

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/30/15 5:18 PM, ioannis aposperites via Marxism wrote:

And this is the case, for almost the whole political spectrum in greece
(except some minor organizations mainly from the trotskyiste tradition)
are standing by their own bourgeoisie. For all of them Barbaros is
(turkish) aggressivity while the greek bourgeoisie's claims are national
interest, and no ecological problem exists whatever.

I have no idea why you and Roger, for reasons of your own and having 
little in common with each other, are harping on secondary issues as if 
what Tsipras says about Ukraine or disputes over drilling rights is more 
important than the confrontation over debt. Is this what Antarsya is 
about? Scoring points? You should focus more on getting a broader base 
rather than exposing Syriza.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Against Manichaeism | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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For the past few years, and largely as a result of the wars in the 
Middle East and the Ukraine, there has been a tendency to view everybody 
fighting as proxies of Washington or Moscow. For most of the left, this 
means taking a position on those fighting based on where they stand in 
relationship to the rival powers. Like a chess game in which the black 
pieces are pure evil and the white pure good, geopolitics matters much 
more than the individual pieces. If a pawn is forced to align itself 
with the West, it matters little whether its cause is just.

Ironically, Manichaeism was born in Persia, a country seen by most of 
the left as certainly pale in hue and pure as the driven snow. After 
all, how could a country be bad if it is hated so much by the USA? This, 
of course, is the same logic that drove so many new leftists into Maoist 
sects in the 60s and 70s. If Mao was such a universally despised figure, 
didn’t it make sense to follow Bob Avakian or Mike Klonsky? For some, 
Nixon’s trip to China complicated things to the point that these sects 
began to disintegrate in the 1980s.

Manicheanism got its name from its founder—Mani. Mani is not a name like 
Louis but an honorific like “Sri” or “Bey”. Scholars view the religion 
as an offshoot of Gnosticism, a religion that fascinated me when I was a 
religion major at Bard. For the Gnostics, the world was divided between 
good and evil. You tended to dwell in the evil until you learned the 
truth about the world’s dualism. You can easily understand how 
Gnosticism was traceable back to Neo-Platonism, a philosophical cult and 
semi-religion that was inspired by Plato’s notion that philosophical 
reflections by philosopher-kings was a precondition for understanding 
the world. If you trace back the modern chess game left to its Platonic 
roots, you can see how little has changed. Instead of reading Plato’s 
Republic, the key to enlightenment is Robert Parry’s ConsortiumNews or 

full: http://louisproyect.org/2015/01/30/against-manichaeism/
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[Marxism] Fwd: Dijsselbloem: “You just killed Troika” – Varoufakis “WOW!” (video, pics)

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Further on Greece and Ukraine

2015-01-30 Thread ioannis aposperites via Marxism

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The first link is a chart of Cypriot EOZ


while the second is a chart of the claimed EOZ by the greek bourgeoisie


It is very funny to realize that according to the greek bourgeoisie the 
Turks, by the international law , could hardly swim in their sea!

The two rival Aegean bourgeoisies are disputing the privatization of the 
sea and the hydro-carbonates under it. Greeks are leading the score 
based on the Israel-Cyprus-Greece axis reinforced by all the 
multinational corporations of the sector.Those hydro-carbonates are the 
new holly grail of the greek bourgeoisie: Attention ca pique! Nobody is 
allowed to talk about the ecocide they are putting forward.

And this is the case, for almost the whole political spectrum in greece 
(except some minor organizations mainly from the trotskyiste tradition) 
are standing by their own bourgeoisie. For all of them Barbaros is 
(turkish) aggressivity while the greek bourgeoisie's claims are national 
interest, and no ecological problem exists whatever.

This kind of chauvinism is mainly defended by SYRIZA and KKE by the 
remnants of the peaceful coexistence Stalinist dogma.


On 30/01/2015 06:48 μμ, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:

Tsipras says Barbaros must leave for talks to resume

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: A Short History of Sniper Cinema » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2015-01-30 Thread Jon Flanders via Marxism

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How about Jules Feiffer's Little Murders.?The CP author fails to 
mention one of the best of this genre
I think, given the Eastwood film's popularity. The protagonists 
literally go mad and become random snipers

in the city.

Jon Flanders


On 01/30/2015 11:53 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: A Short History of Sniper Cinema » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2015-01-30 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
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ah, yes. credibility. comparing military snipers with criminal snipers in a 
city and suggesting that there is contradiction in praising the former and 
vilifying the latter. how silly. 

all of the targets in this piece are vulnerable without stretching credulity. 

- Original Message -

From: Louis Proyect via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu 
To: Charles Faulkner lacena...@comcast.net 
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 8:53:33 AM 
Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: A Short History of Sniper Cinema » CounterPunch: Tells 
the Facts, Names the Names 

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[Marxism] Conscripts' Relatives Fear They'll Be Sent to Ukraine Amid Alleged Coercion

2015-01-30 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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ST. PETERSBURG  — Russian army conscripts are being tricked or pressured into 
signing up to become contract soldiers, human rights groups say — and their 
relatives fear that once they turn professional, they run the risk of being 
secretly dispatched to fight in eastern Ukraine.
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[Marxism] The Libyan Revolution and Its Aftermath

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Review of Books, February 19, 2015 issue
Libya Against Itself
by Nicolas Pelham

The Libyan Revolution and Its Aftermath
edited by Peter Cole and Brian McQuinn
Oxford University Press, 416 pp., $49.95

Gentle Islamism?

Mahdi al-Herati is sipping his lemon tea in the open-air café beneath 
the grand Italian porticos of Algiers Square in Tripoli. He seems a 
little too casual to be either an international jihadi or the elected 
mayor of the capital city of a country supposedly rescued from Colonel 
Muammar Qaddafi and sliding into civil war. Still, Herati is both, 
although he prefers to call himself a Libyan revolutionary. Since 
becoming mayor last year, he tells me, he has invited his counterparts 
in Dublin and Rome to “twin” with Tripoli under its new rulers, the 
group called Libya Dawn. He has taken other steps to counter Libya 
Dawn’s reputation for Islamism. He speaks of his efforts to drum up 
support from local writers and actors for an arts festival he has 
planned promoting Tripoli as a cosmopolitan Mediterranean capital of 

Herati plans to reopen the movie houses that Qaddafi closed in an 
earlier revolution. His men protect the national museum, he says, which 
is crammed full of ancient pagan statues. A new spa for women is 
opening. And yes, he tells me, his festival will include female as well 
as male performers and spectators. The capital, he says with only an 
occasional look over his shoulder and at his two security guards, is safe.

The Libya Dawn coalition Herati belongs to overran the capital after six 
weeks of bombardment last summer. Many of its leaders are former 
militiamen from the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, the jihadi movement 
that after fighting the unbelievers in alliance with Osama bin Laden in 
Afghanistan turned their guns on Qaddafi and his army. But allied with 
them are such unlikely bedfellows as merchants from Misrata, a 
Mediterranean port dependent on trade with Europe, and the Imazighen, or 
Berber revivalists, whose leaders are either secularists or adherents of 
a small reformist sect, Ibadiyya, dating back to the first decades of 
Islam, that opposed the supremacy of the Prophet Muhammad’s Arabian 
tribe and elected its own leaders.

As in the time of Qaddafi, words and reality in postrevolutionary Libya 
often seem to inhabit separate spheres. Twenty minutes before landing in 
Tripoli, women returning from Egypt drape their highlighted hair and 
designer jeans in black cloth. The women at passport control have gone, 
and the man in charge of immigration is the one with the bushiest beard. 
Inside the city, Muslim iconoclasts are purging the capital of its 
colonial-era images. Soon after capturing the capital in August, they 
fired a shell through the belly of the Bride of the Sea, a sculpture of 
a bare-breasted mermaid entwined with a tender gazelle, which since 
Italian times had served as a backdrop for wedding photos. And last 
month they stole the sculpture itself. Herati only got it back because 
the thieves could be traced by the cameras Qaddafi hid in the capital’s 
roadside trees. For now, though, he says, it is safer for it to remain 
under wraps.

Other monuments in the capital are disappearing too. The three tombs of 
Ottoman mystics that graced the entrance of the eighteenth-century Ahmed 
Pasha Qaramanli mosque at the entrance of the souk have been smashed, 
and replaced with an already overgrown patch of grass. Islamists have 
snapped off the antique Koranic inscriptions in the souk’s other old 
mosques, lest believers be led astray into polytheism by venerating the 
ornaments instead of God alone.

Libya Dawn’s officials blame the attacks on the local followers of a 
Saudi scholar, Rabi’ al-Mudkhali. He works, says an official, with Saudi 
intelligence, seeking to tarnish the name of Islamist groups that do not 
follow Saudi’s puritanical doctrines or more importantly their politics. 
Others suggest that acolytes of Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Islamic 
State, or ISIS, are finding a foothold thanks to Libya Dawn’s relaxed 
approach to Islamic extremists. I failed to find evidence of the Islamic 
State cadres that had been reported in Tripoli, but cafés frequented by 
couples have been torched and embassies car-bombed. A couple of days 
after I left Tripoli, a gunman shot dead an unveiled woman driving home 
near the city center. Lest anyone be tempted to investigate, in 
mid-November Libya Dawn raided the National Commission for Human Rights, 
seized its database, and padlocked its doors.

Tripoli’s distraught population might have welcomed anyone bringing a 
semblance of order, including the ghost of 

[Marxism] Fwd: How British universities helped mould Syriza’s political elite | World news | The Guardian

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Steven Salaita's long-anticipated lawsuit against the U. of Illinois includes a twist. @insidehighered

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: A government of the Left in Greece: the coalition of SYRIZA with ANEL and what lies ahead | LeftEast

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Anton Shekhovtsov's blog: Whither the Ukrainian Far Right?

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The problematic relationship between the Ministry of Inferior and the 
neo-Nazis is undermining the credibility of the newly formed Ukrainian 
government both internationally and domestically. It was most likely 
Avakov who suggested to Poroshenko to grant Ukrainian citizenship to 
Belarusian fighter of the Azov battalion Sergey Korotkikh who had been 
involved in the neo-Nazi movements in Belarus and Russia since the late 
1990s. Furthermore, under Avakov, the police in Kyiv have already proved 
unable or unwilling to investigate a number of hate crimes. In July, far 
right thugs – not necessarily associated with the PU – attacked four 
black people in the underground, a gay club and a Jewish student by a 
synagogue. The police initiated two criminal cases, but so far nobody 
has been prosecuted. In September, the head of the Visual Culture 
Research Centre Vasyl Cherepanyn was beaten apparently by far right 
activists, but the police failed to investigate this attack too. The 
police is also unwilling to address the issue with the tortures of 
political opponents inflicted by the neo-Nazi C14 group during the 
revolution in winter 2013-2014. There is no ground to believe that the 
infiltration of the far right into the police will contribute to the 
efficiency of its investigations in general and of the hate crimes in 


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[Marxism] Fwd: Russia Update: Court Upholds Definition of Soldiers’ Mothers of St. Petersburg as ‘Foreign Agent’

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Yannis Milios: It is necessary to restructure the Eurozone’s sovereign debt” | European LEFT

2015-01-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Two films at Sundance - Eastern Europe and USSR

2015-01-30 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Sundance: Russian Woodpecker, Chuck Norris vs. Communism debut


“Almost everyone in Ukraine believes Chernobyl was not an accident. Almost 
everyone believed it was the Americans who blew up Chernobyl. In fact, Fedor 
thought that might be true,” says Gracia.

* * * * * *
The first documentary feature from Romanian director Ilinca Calugareanu, Chuck 
Norris vs. Communism takes a look at the effect pirated western movies had on a 
captive audience behind the Iron Curtain.

Hundreds of films, from Rocky to Last Tango in Paris, circulated through the 
country via a black market network, opening a window on an entirely different 

“These movies gave people hope,” says Calugareanu, sitting in a Park City 
condo. “When you see Chuck Norris resist authority without fear, it makes you 
think you can do the same,” she says.

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[Marxism] The US Presidency—Who Does It Serve? An Exchange With the Authors of The Unsustainable Presidency

2015-01-30 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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[Marxism] Syriza Russia

2015-01-30 Thread jay rothermel via Marxism
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...And whereas attention on Tsipras' Syriza party focussed during the
election campaign on the party's opposition to the terms of Greece's EU
€270bn bailout, the Greek protest on January 27 has now focused attention
on Syriza's and its allies' ties to Moscow.

BBC correspondent in Athens Gabriel Gatehouse was the first to sound the
alarm, tweeting that the first foreign diplomat to meet Tsipras after he
assumed the post of prime minister was Andrei Maslov, Russia's ambassador
to Athens.

This foregrounded Syriza's track record of support for Russia over the
Ukraine crisis, including for Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea
region in March 2014. Tsipras voiced support for the Crimean 'referendum'
that paved the way for the annexation and a first round of Western
sanctions on Russia: he said that the EU 'is shooting itself in the foot'
by imposing sanctions and that Ukraine's pro-EU government contains
'neo-Nazis', as quoted by New Europe.

Post-Crimean annexation, in May 2014, Tsipras visited Moscow to meet with
Putin allies, such as Valentina Matvienko, chairwoman of Russia's
Federation Council, and Aleksei Pushkov, chairman of the Duma's foreign
affairs committee, both of whom were already under EU sanctions after
Russia's annexation of Crimea.

Only days after the visit, Syriza made its political breakthrough, winning
first place in Greece in elections to the European Parliament on May 25,
2014. Since entering the European Parliament, Syriza's MEPs have
consistently voted a pro-Moscow line, including voting against the European
Parliament's ratification of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement on
September 16, 2014.

A Syriza foreign affairs spokesman openly called sanctions on Russia
'neocolonial bulimia', as quoted by the Financial Times, and has praised
the military campaign waged in East Ukraine by Russian-backed rebels.

Concerns over Greece are not restricted to Syriza, but also to the
leftwing party's choice as coalition partner: nationalist party Independent
Greeks (Anel), a party that has also taken a pro-Russian line, according to
Ukrainian researcher Anton Shekhovtsov.

Panos Kammenos, founder of Anel and Greece's new defence minister, was
quoted in Greek media as saying in May 2014, in the aftermath of the
annexation of Crimea, that 'we publicly support President Putin and the
Russian government who have protected our Orthodox brothers in Crimea.'

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[Marxism] Russian Conscripts' Relatives Fear They'll Be Sent to Ukraine Amid Alleged Coercion

2015-01-30 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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Conscripts' Relatives Fear They'll Be Sent to Ukraine Amid Alleged Coercion
By Sergei Chernov
Jan. 29 2015
The Moscow Times

ST. PETERSBURG  — Russian army conscripts are being tricked or pressured
into signing up to become contract soldiers, human rights groups say — and
their relatives fear that once they turn professional, they run the risk of
being secretly dispatched to fight in eastern Ukraine.

Soldiers' Mothers of St. Petersburg, an NGO that battles to uphold the
rights of Russian military personnel and their relatives, said it had
received a number of complaints regarding a military unit in Kamenka, a
village in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region, around 100
kilometers northwest of St. Petersburg. Soldiers' relatives called the
organization's hotline, submitted complaints by e-mail and also came to its
offices to file written reports, the NGO said. No state agency has either
confirmed or denied the reported information, and the Western Military
District's press service declined to comment immediately on the matter when
called Thursday.

When you see the news [about the conflict in eastern Ukraine] these days,
it breaks your heart, said Irina, who asked to be identified only by her
first name to protect her identity and that of her nephew, who is serving
in Kamenka and who she said refused to sign a contract when ordered to
earlier this month.

They were assembled together in a room and told to sign contracts, Irina
told The Moscow Times by phone on Tuesday.

No physical force was used against them, of course, but there was
psychological pressure. […] They were told, 'If you sign the contract,
you'll be paid more.' Obviously, they were not told it had anything to do
with events in Ukraine.

Another soldier's father, who asked to be referred to only by his first
name, Alexei, said his son, who was called up in June to perform his
military service in Kamenka, signed up for the professional army in

No explanation was given; he was told 'You must sign it,' Alexei told The
Moscow Times by phone on Tuesday.

He was on assignment in the Tver region for three months, and when they
came back, that same day or the next, their squadron was assembled in a
room, handed out contracts and told to sign them. They were promised that
the contracts would only be valid for the same duration as their national

According to Alexei, no pressure was exerted on the soldiers in his son's
case. He just bought it, [they were obedient] like a flock of sheep, and
signed everything.

Under Duress

A written report from one of the parents of a soldier named Vladimir
serving in Kamenka and submitted to the Soldiers' Mothers of St. Petersburg
— which was added to the foreign agent list of NGOs by the Justice
Ministry on Aug. 28 — says that he was forced to sign a contract by means
of threats and insults.

Several e-mails from soldiers' relatives sent to Soldiers' Mothers of St.
Petersburg and seen by The Moscow Times this week, with the senders' names
redacted, describe similar situations in Kamenka.

One says that a conscript who had signed an army contract found that his
military ID contained no record that he was now serving on contract, while
he and his fellow soldiers who had signed the contracts were told they
would be sent on Feb. 9 for military exercises for three months to the
Rostov region, which borders Ukraine.

Numerous reports have claimed that Russian soldiers have been sent across
the border into eastern Ukraine to bolster the efforts of pro-Russian
separatists fighting government troops there. The Kremlin has repeatedly
denied the allegations, insisting that any Russian troops fighting in
Ukraine are there as volunteers.

Another e-mail alleges that an officer blackmailed soldiers into signing

We were told that we would be labeled traitors of the motherland and shot
if war breaks out. That they would alter our military records so that we
would never be able to get a job, the letter said. Another message,
apparently concerning the same person, said that 10 other soldiers had
signed contracts following the threats.

False Pretenses

According to Soldiers' Mothers of St. Petersburg spokesperson Alexander
Peredruk, the shortest term for a service contract under Russian
legislation is two years, so the soldiers were apparently deceived when
they were told that they would not have to serve as professional soldiers
any longer than they would have as draftees. Compulsory military service in
Russia lasts for one year.

Aside from pressure, soldiers are also lured into signing contracts by
promises of higher wages: at least 20,000 rubles ($295) a month for