[Marxism] Argentina: The Left and Workers’ Front with another strong electoral showing

2015-04-27 Thread Celeste Murillo via Marxism
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After coming in third place in Mendoza the previous weekend, the Left and
Workers’ Front finished in fourth place in Sunday's primary elections in
Buenos Aires City and won two provincial legislator seats in the province
of Neuquen. Zanon ceramics worker, Raul Godoy, was elected for the second
time to the Neuquen Legislature.

Buenos Aires held its primary elections Sunday, while in Neuquen, which
does not have primaries, yesterday’s results were final.

Buenos Aires City Mayor Mauricio Macri’s PRO party (center-right) won 47.34
percent of the votes (Horacio Rodriguez Larreta was elected as Mayor
candidate); The ECO party (center-right) achieved second place with 22.26
percent (choosing Martin Lousteau); Frente para la Victoria (the party of
President Cristina Kirchner) came in third place with 18.72 percent of the
votes (Martin Recalde was the winning candidate). The Left and Workers’
Front came in fourth place and was the only left slate that will reach the
general election.

*​​The Left and Workers’ Front will be the left alternative in July’s
general election*

The slate headed by candidate for Mayor, Myriam Bregman, a human rights
lawyer representing the workers of Zanon and Madygraf (both occupied
factories) and a militant of the Socialist Workers Party (PTS), won 2.30
percent of the votes (the established minimum is 1.5 percent; any candidate
below that percentage won’t move on to the general elections). The fifth
election ballot will be the one headed by Luis Zamora, an independent
candidate from Autodeterminación y Libertad (a coalition organized
exclusively for elections).

Sunday night, the Left and Workers’ Front addressed the press at the Bauen
Hotel (occupied and run by its workers), a few blocks from Congress, and
later they spoke to militants, activists and supporters gathering in front
of the hotel. Myriam Bregman shared the press conference with Marcelo Ramal
from the Workers Party (PO) and Patricio del Corro from the PTS, both
candidates for legislator. Bregman noted that the Left and Workers’ Front
wasn’t a local movement, but a national political force: “We are a national
political force; we will have two legislators in Neuquen, where Raul Godoy
from the Zanon factory has been elected again. We have also achieved great
results in Mendoza and Salta; we came in third place in the governor’s
races in both provinces’ ” Also, national Congressman Nicolas Del Caño came
in second place in Mendoza City’s primary election for city Mayor.

Compared to its 2011 results, last Sunday’s election has showed a step
forward for the Left and Workers’ Front. In July of 2011, the left
coalition reached just 0.78 percent for Mayor and 1.01 percent for City
legislators. This year, the Left and Workers’ Front received three times
that figure for Mayor, and doubled its previous number of votes for

*​​Neuquen: new left and workers’ deputies*

Elections in Neuquen came after the eruption of the Calbuco volcano in
Chile last week. All of Patagonia, including the province of Neuquen, has
been greatly affected. The current administration party (MPN, right-wing)
got 37 percent of the votes. In second place was for Frente para la
Victoria (Kirchnerist party).

The Left and Workers’ Front had a strong showing in both the governor’s
race (3.4 percent) and legislator’s race (4.7 percent), earning two seats
in the legislature. Thanks to this electoral success, Left and Workers’
Front will have now two provincial deputies: Raul Godoy, Zanon worker and
PTS militant, and Patricia Jure from the PO.

*​​Left and Workers’ Front grows as the Left alternative*

After coming in third place in Mendoza’s governor race the previous
weekend, Left and Workers’ Front ended in fourth place in Buenos Aires City
primary elections and got two provincial deputies in Neuquen. Zanon
ceramics’ worker, Raul Godoy, got elected for the second time in Neuquen’s
Legislature. Now, the left coalition prepares to get a wider support for
the future local general elections in several provinces, and in
presidential elections in August and October.
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[Marxism] The Left's Crime Against Humanity

2015-04-27 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism

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New from Linux Beach:

 The Left's Crime Against Humanity

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Re: [Marxism] How to Attract Female Engineers

2015-04-27 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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Computer programming in its earlier days was a much more female-oriented 
profession than it is today. That was primarily because back during the Second 
World War, US government defense labs hired many recent female college 
graduates with math or science degrees to perform the laborious computations 
that were required for such things a compiling artillery tables and such. Back 
in those days the people who performed such computations were called 
computers.  During the war the first electronic digital computers were built 
and so some of these young women were then redeployed to program the newfangled 
,machines, so many of the earliest computer programmers were women. Thus, some 
of the most notables in computer science, for example, Admiral Grace Hopper,  
who invented the first compiler, was a developer of early programming languages 
and headed the committee that developed COBOL,  and there were other people 
like Ruth Teitelbaum and Marlyn Meltzer, who were among the first programmers 
 for the ENIAC, which was the first electronic digital computer.

For a long time thereafter, women continued to play a leading role with 
programming. On the other hand, computer programming was not a particularly 
high status profession. Scientists and engineers, amongst others, tended to 
look down upon programming as glorified clerical work. Eventually, attitudes 
changed, and computer programming was re-conceptualized as an engineering 
discipline. Starting in the late 1960s, it started to become fashionable to 
call programmers, software engineers (the term having been coined by another 
female pioneer in computer science, Margaret Hamilton). With this 
reconcptualization of the discipline, the status (and pay) for programmers 
gradually went up. It was now seen as a field that was eminently suitable for 
men, so the numbers of women in the field declined. After all, in the popular 
imagination at least, engineers are supposed to be men.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

-- Original Message --
From: Andrew Pollack via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
Subject: [Marxism] How to Attract Female Engineers
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:34:23 -0400

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Makes sense to me.

It would be interesting to also look at how women are drawn to economics
when their programs prioritize equally social-value oriented research
projects (i.e. to analyze how capitalism fucks up work and family, and how
that could be overcome).
  The Opinion Pages http://www.nytimes.com/pages/opinion/index.html |
Op-Ed Contributor How to Attract Female Engineers

 THE figures are well known: At Apple 20 percent of tech jobs are held by
women and at Google, only 17 percent. A report by the Congressional Joint
Economic Committee estimates that nationwide about 14 percent of engineers
in the work force are women.


Sushi Safe to Eat?
Learn Which 4 Fish to NEVER Eat #40;avoid these like the plague!#41;

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Re: [Marxism] How to Attract Female Engineers

2015-04-27 Thread Jon Flanders via Marxism

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On 04/27/2015 07:46 PM, Jim Farmelant via Marxism wrote:

US government defense labs hired many recent female college graduates with math or 
science degrees to perform the laborious computations that were required for such 
things a compiling artillery tables and such. Back in those days the people who 
performed such computations were called computers.
Yes, exactly. My great-uncle Donald was the mathematician in charge of 
the computing group for the theoretical division of the Manhattan 
Project. Under him were a group of women who did the grunt work. Some of 
them were scientists wives, according to the book cited, among other 
things,they work better and are cheaper.

Today of course this work can be done in India and other places that are 
 cheaper. Some things never change under capitalism.

Jon Flanders


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[Marxism] Writers withdraw from PEN gala, cite honor for Charlie Hebdo

2015-04-27 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Capitalism, slavery and primitive accumulation | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-04-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On Saturday morning I attended a panel discussion on Mike Zmolek’s newly 
published “Rethinking the Industrial Revolution” at the Historical 
Materialism conference at NYU. This is a 1000-page work based on his 
dissertation that he began 20 years ago on the suggestion of his adviser 
George Comninel that the Brenner thesis should be extended forward 
historically to account for the industrial revolution. While I am sure 
that the book has a lot of interesting research based on a cursory 
glance at the dissertation in Proquest, my reaction is to wonder why the 
Political Marxism tendency, to which Comninel and Zmolek belong, has so 
little interest in another kind of extension, namely geographical. How 
in the world can you continue to ignore economic and social developments 
in the colonial world in the period of early modernity? In some ways it 
reminds me of that famous New Yorker cartoon where you see a map of the 
USA in which all the states recede in size increasingly as you move 
westward from Manhattan with California finally the size of a postage 
stamp. Substitute the British Isles for Manhattan and you get the 
Political Marxism perspective.


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[Marxism] Euclid Tsakalotos Re: reshuffle in Greece's economic team: speculation Tsipras wants a deal

2015-04-27 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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Syriza’s reshuffle: step forward a non-erratic Marxist
by Paul Mason
Channel 4 News, April 27

After a frantic weekend the Greek government sought to break the
deadlock in its talks with lenders today by reshuffling its
negotiating team.

Yanis Varoufakis, the finance minister who made the global headlines
in the aftermath of Syriza’s election victory will take a back seat,
while the lesser known economic specialist in the foreign ministry
Euclid Tsakalotos will lead the talks.

Though both men are western educated, fluent English speaking
economists, their styles – and politics – are different.

Mr Tsakalotos is a classic Marxist of the New Left who, when he
addressed a meeting in the British parliament last month, brushed
aside calls by left Labour MPs for Greece to ditch the Euro on the
grounds that “national” economic programmes do not work. Mr Varoufakis
once described himself as an “erratic Marxist”; Mr Tsakalotos comes
from that school of Marxism which learned from the 1970s onwards to
make compromises with capitalist reality.

He is not only softer spoken; he is very attached to the idea of
Syriza as a reforming left-social government and existentially
committed to the Euro. What is more, he is a longstanding member of
Syriza, with a surer feel for what the party’s members will accept in
the compromise that he’ll have to craft.

But the issue is urgent. Those who’ve seen the books in Greece say the
country will be able to pay salaries and pensions this week, but that
the cash flow of the government looks bleak in May. By draining the
cash reserves of public bodies – local councils for example – Mr
Varoufakis has been able to keep Greece afloat, but in a way that saps
the resilience of such bodies – councils, hospitals etc – should
Greece break decisively with the ECB.

To be clear, Mr Varoufakis remains in charge of the finance ministry,
and of the government’s economic strategy. But by placing Mr
Tsakalotos – who’s been involved from the start – at the head of the
negotiating team, Greek PM Alexis Tsipras is sending the strongest
possible signal that he wants a compromise to keep Greece inside the

A sense of the frustration on the Greek side can be got from a
briefing document, originating inside Mr Tsipras’ office, which
Channel 4 News has seen.

It speaks of “memorandum inertia”, complaining that Eurogroup
negotiators have continually tried to unpick the agreement Mr
Varoufakis signed on 20 February.
. . .
In a further concession to its lenders, Greece will facilitate the
work of EU and IMF teams in Athens: it had insisted all discussions go
via politicians rather than officials and it is this – procedural
rather than substantial – spat that lay behind the fractious end to
Friday’s Eurogroup meeting in Riga.
. . .
This misses a vital point: Mr Tsakalotos has decades of political
capital with the inner core of a couple of thousands Syriza activists
who will have to take the decision on whether to stomach the
compromise Greece will need to do.

He’ll have to face down the party’s left, which on the last count had
41 per cent of the votes for rejecting any deal with the Eurogroup.
Given his non-party background, that was always going to be Mr
Varoufakis biggest hurdle; now it will be jumped by someone else.
   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
Inside Syriza’s economic brain [more on Tsakalotos]
Paul Mason
Channel 4 News, January 20, 2015

Varoufakis Downsized as Tsipras Forms New Greek Negotiating Team
by Philip Chrysopoulos
The Greek Reporter, April 27

Despite his expressed trust to Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis,
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras proceeded with forming a new
political negotiating team putting Varoufakis at the helm but
appointing Deputy Finance Minister Euclides Tsakalotos as coordinator
of the group.

The setting up of a political negotiating group was decided on Sunday
at a meeting at the Maximos Mansion, chaired by Tsipras. General
Secretary of the Greek Government Spyros Sagias and General Secretary
of Fiscal Policy Nikos Theocharakis complete the group. The latter was
appointed to draft a plan for growth of the Greek economy. The plan
will be the basis of negotiations for the June agreement, when the
bailout program extension expires.

Government Vice President and responsible for the government’s council
of economic policy Yiannis Dragasakis, Economy Minister George
Stathakis, State