[Marxism] Fwd: Let down by Obama, some black voters ask: Is it even worth backing Clinton? - The Washington Post

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 During those two electric Novembers, the chance to elect a black 
president, and then keep him in office, seized Regenia Motley’s 

Nightclubs were registering voters. Churches held fish fries after 
loading buses that ferried parishioners to the polls. A truck hoisted a 
big sign that said “Obama.” And residents waited in long lines at 
precincts across the community.

But as Motley and some friends sought shade recently under a mulberry 
tree and looked across the landscape of empty lots and abandoned houses 
that has persisted here, they wondered whether they would ever bother 
voting again.

“What was the point?” asked Motley, 23, a grocery store clerk. “We made 
history, but I don’t see change.


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[Marxism] Fwd: The War on Thugs - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2015-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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ow did the United States go from a country that incarcerated roughly 
500,000 citizens in 1980 to one that incarcerates roughly 2.3 million 
today? Civil unrest and rising crime were used to focus public debate on 
ideals of law and order. Those ideals were then employed to justify a 
criminal-justice system that, given social conditions, runs counter to 
race-neutral, fair ideals of law and order. But absent an account of how 
the misapplication of these ideals was overlooked, the story is only 

Sylvia Wynter, a Stanford scholar of African-American studies, began a 
1994 article, ‘No Humans Involved’: An Open Letter to My Colleagues, 
with the news that public officials of the judicial system of Los 
Angeles regularly used the acronym NHI to refer to any case involving a 
breach of the rights of young Black males who belong to the jobless 
category of the inner city ghettoes. NHI means ‘no humans involved.’ 
Wynter’s article links the method of dehumanization of American citizens 
of African descent to the dehumanization of Armenians by Turkish 
pan-nationalists in the First World War period, and of Jews by Nazis.

Dehumanizing propaganda — thug, predator, gang member — is 
employed to hinder any attempt to explore the root causes of disorder. 
When blacks protest in response to social injustice, it creates 
disorder. When crime rates rise, it creates disorder. Propaganda mixed 
with fear leads to tolerance of injustice. The use of propaganda allows 
us to overlook gross inequities in the treatment of those to whom the 
propagandistic vocabulary is applied, inequities that are inconsistent 
with political equality.

full: http://chronicle.com/article/The-War-on-Thugs/230787
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[Marxism] Fwd: To confront structural racism - bookforum.com / omnivore

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[Marxism] Fwd: Tomgram: Gottesdiener and Garcia, How to Dismantle This Country | TomDispatch

2015-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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One State’s Attempt to Destroy Democracy and the Environment
By Laura Gottesdiener, with photos and reporting by Eduardo García

Something is rotten in the state of Michigan.

One city neglected to inform its residents that its water supply was 
laced with cancerous chemicals. Another dissolved its public school 
district and replaced it with a charter school system, only to witness 
the for-profit management company it hired flee the scene after 
determining it couldn’t turn a profit. Numerous cities and school 
districts in the state are now run by single, state-appointed 
technocrats, as permitted under an emergency financial manager law 
pushed through by Rick Snyder, Michigan’s austerity-promoting governor. 
This legislation not only strips residents of their local voting rights, 
but gives Snyder’s appointee the power to do just about anything, 
including dissolving the city itself -- all (no matter how disastrous) 
in the name of “fiscal responsibility.”


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[Marxism] Iraqi City of Mosul Transformed a Year After Islamic State Capture, Beneath a veneer of order, residents live in fear

2015-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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WSJ, June 10 2015
Iraqi City of Mosul Transformed a Year After Islamic State Capture
Beneath a veneer of order, residents live in fear

BAGHDAD—In Islamic State’s stronghold of Mosul, the extremist group is 
working day and night to repair roads, manicure gardens and refurbish 
hotels. Iraq’s second-largest city has never looked so good thanks to 
strict laws enforced by the Sunni militants.

But beneath that veneer, the group metes out deadly punishments to those 
who don’t comply with a long list of prohibitions imposed over the year 
since it took control of Mosul on June 10, 2014, according to interviews 
with more than a dozen current and former city residents, refugees and 
Iraqi officials.

Gone are the illegal kiosks that crowded sidewalks and the tangled web 
of electrical wires once connecting rooftops. New lamps light up streets 
unusually clear of cigarette butts.

“I have not in 30 years seen Mosul this clean, its streets and markets 
this orderly,” said Omar, a resident. He said Islamic State has shown an 
unusual focus on civil works in recent weeks, which he and others 
described as part of efforts to win popular support.

A luxury hotel stamped with Islamic State logos. Rifle-wielding fighters 
chaperoning kids at an amusement park. Such is life through the lens of 
ISIS propaganda in the besieged Iraqi city of Mosul.
Mosul and its population are changed in other ways, too. Gone are the 
iconic shrines and mosques that towered over the city center. The 
radical fighters blew many of them up because they believe the 
veneration of shrines is unholy.

Ancient churches host garage sales where Islamic State members sell war 
booty or display wares available to members only. The native Christian 
population, a minority in the Sunni-majority city once peppered with 
other religious and ethnic groups, was driven out last year under threat 
of death.

When women step outside, they are fully cloaked with their faces 
covered. Men have grown mandatory beards.

Islamic State has gone unchallenged because residents from Iraq’s 
aggrieved Sunni minority are too scared of a military campaign that 
could bring massive destruction and an uncertain future under the 
Shiite-led government and allied forces who would retake the city, said 
current and former residents.

Such is the dissonance of life for the more than one million people in 
the most populous city controlled by Islamic State across the 
territories it holds in Iraq and Syria.

In the past year, the group has tightened its grip on Mosul mostly 
uncontested, building out its administrative and security apparatus. It 
has cut the city off from the rest of Iraq and the world beyond by 
shutting off cellphone towers and the Internet.

A year after Mosul fell, Islamic State’s grip on the city stands as its 
biggest strategic and symbolic victory.

The campaign to retake Mosul is a linchpin of the U.S.-led coalition’s 
military strategy against Islamic State. But plans for the 
counteroffensive have been delayed—something the militants appear to be 
capitalizing on to persuade the population they are better off under the 
group’s control.


Kurds Say Iraq’s Oil Payments Coming Up Short
U.S. Plans to Send Hundreds More Advisers to Iraq
“Islamic State is doing everything to keep Mosul. It’s the capital of 
their caliphate here,” said Fuad Hussein, chief of staff to the 
president of the semiautonomous Kurdistan region of Iraq, which borders 
Mosul. “It will be a disaster if it stays in their hands.”

Airstrikes have hammered areas around the northern city since a U.S.-led 
air campaign began in August. This year, Kurdish forces backed by the 
U.S.-led air attacks cut off a key Islamic State supply line from Syria 
into the city and now surround it from the east, west and north.

The plans for a counteroffensive have been put off because Iraq and the 
U.S. have shifted their priority to driving Islamic State out of Anbar 
province and its capital Ramadi, which are closer to the capital Baghdad.

Mosul is still almost fully inhabited—a contrast to cities where Iraqi 
and coalition forces have pushed Islamic State out. U.S. officials say 
it has about a million residents. Iraqi officials say the population is 
closer to 1.5 million, including people displaced from Tikrit and Beiji.

“Every prisoner in this oppressed city wants salvation from Daesh and a 
return to normal life,” said Omar, using an Arabic acronym for Islamic 
State. “But everyone agrees if liberation happens like in Tikrit and 
Anbar, with destruction and barrel bombs, random shelling and looting, 
we do not want that kind of 

[Marxism] Fwd: Inside an undercover network trying to expose Islamic State’s atrocities - The Washington Post

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The man’s voice was brisk and low as he called in his report from the 
dark heart of the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed capital, the 
north-central Syrian city of Raqqa.

Islamic State police are out in force in the city’s central square, he 
said. They are stopping ­passersby at random and scrutinizing their 
mobile phones. Two people have been detained. Islamic State fighters 
have also set up extra checkpoints on roads approaching the city and 
seem in an unusually jumpy mood.

“Don’t call me back unless I call you,” said the man, who also seemed 
nervous, before he hung up.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Woman Charged with Murder After Terminating Pregnancy with 'Abortion Pill' | VICE News

2015-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] ‘Paperology’ continues, but mood darkens in Greece talks

2015-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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FT, June 9, 2015 6:28 pm
‘Paperology’ continues, but mood darkens in Greece talks
Peter Spiegel in Brussels

Eurozone finance ministers gave a green light to extend the European 
share of Greece's bailout by four months, but the International Monetary 
Fund (IMF) expressed doubt about the reforms pledged by Athens in return 
for continued loans. Fears had been rife that without a European bailout 
extension, Greece would run out of money and be forced to leave the 
eurozone. But even with the extra time, Athens must still meet reform 
targets in the coming months to keep receiving funds from its European 
creditors and the IMF.

The back-and-forth was the latest document exchange between Athens and 
Brussels as Greece tries to break a months-long impasse and gain access 
to desperately needed bailout cash. The process has become numbingly 
familiar in recent weeks — so much so that the European Commission has 
even given it a name: “paperology”.

But the most recent exchange differed in one vital respect: the mood of 
cautious optimism that has surrounded the talks in recent weeks is 
rapidly giving way to fear and suspicion. Gone this time were the 
private reassurances that a deal would ultimately be concluded, allowing 
the Greek government to receive an infusion of euros before its bailout 
expires at the end of the month.

Instead, officials from various institutions involved in the talks now 
worry that Greece’s hard-left government is dangerously miscalculating. 
Athens, they believe, is intentionally prolonging the negotiations to 
the last minute in a belief that its creditors will eventually “blink” 
and agree to grant wholesale debt relief and new bailout cash with few 
strings attached.

“They do not want a deal with us; they just want debt relief,” a senior 
official with one of Athens’ bailout monitors said after reviewing 
Greece’s latest offer.

“I don’t think they will move. I think they’re waiting for us to blink, 
and we won’t,” the official added. “They don’t understand we’re not back 
in 2012 where the Europeans were willing to just throw money at the 

The darkening mood was evident at the European Commission, which has 
long been viewed as Athens’ best ally in the stand-off. According to 
officials briefed on Tuesday’s meeting of 29 commissioners in 
Strasbourg, Jean-Claude Juncker lit into the Greek government, saying 
Athens had “lost the European Commission”.

“They failed to see the best friend of the small and medium-sized member 
states is the European Commission,” said one official, recounting the EU 
president’s remarks to his fellow commissioners.

In depth

Greek officials insist that is not the case. One senior official said 
the proposal they submitted on Monday night had halved the difference 
between the budget surplus targets laid out by creditors in a proposal 
last week, and a counterproposal made by Athens. “The creditors should 
do the same,” the Greek official said.

But creditor officials who have seen the document said that while there 
was a narrowing of the gap on the surplus targets, there was no 
discussion of how Athens intended to make up the difference — 
particularly in the disputed areas of raising value added tax on energy 
or on pension cuts.

Instead, Athens submitted a second paper on debt relief. Creditors have 
repeatedly insisted the matter was off the table until an agreement on 
economic reforms that Greece would adopt to release the remaining €7.2bn 
in the bailout programme.

In one sign of the pessimism surrounding the negotiations, several 
officials suggested that a meeting due to be held on Wednesday between 
Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, and his German and French 
counterparts — all of whom are scheduled to be in Brussels for a 
gathering of EU and Latin American leaders — might not take place.
Mr Juncker told the commission he would not attend if Mr Tsipras “came 
with the same kind of attitude as he had last week”, officials said, and 
Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Dutch finance minister who heads Greek 
negotiations on behalf of his fellow eurozone finance ministers, also 
suggested the meeting might be scrapped.

Greek officials insisted they, too, did not want Mr Tsipras to 
participate in a meeting unless there were signs creditors were 

“My take is that [the Greeks] are marking time until the drop dead 
moment has arrived, and then [they believe] we should blink,” said 
another senior eurozone official involved in the talks. “I am worried 
that they have still not understood [when] the real drop dead moment is.”


[Marxism] The Magna Carta 800 years on - taking liberties with history

2015-06-10 Thread John Passant via Marxism

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The Magna Carta 800 years on - taking liberties with history

Ken Olende in Socialist Worker UK cuts through our rulers’ attempts to 
spin the Magna Carta as the basis of democratic rights in Britain.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Review of Edna Greene Medford, Lincoln and Emancipation | InsideHigherEd

2015-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Florida Imam With Past FBI Links Accused of Terrorism

2015-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Political Marxism and the New Historiography of Capitalism and Slavery: Invitation to an open discussion | s-usih.org

2015-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Political Marxism is a term that causes a good deal of confusion. I was 
lucky to study, in undergrad, with an excellent representative of the 
Political Marxist tendency––the political scientist and comparative 
historian George Comninel––and to receive a pretty good education in its 
worldview. I think that this experience may still be usefully drawn upon 
to talk about contemporary Political Marxism.

To study the history of capitalism with a Political Marxist is to take 
on a concern with the fundamental distinction between “capitalism” as a 
very specific mode of exploitation and “capitalism” as a sort of 
placeholder word that encompasses modernity, progress, the 
disenchantment of the world, technological revolutions, consumerism, 
reification and alienation, etc. A student of Political Marxism learns 
that for “capitalism” to be “capitalism,” three features must be 
present: market-driven labor compulsion (that is, hunger, rather than 
some feudal bully, makes sure that you go out and find a job); a regime 
of accumulation based on surplus labor extraction (not robbery, nor 
discovery of some cave full of precious metals, nor the profits from 
unpaid slave labor); and the presence of a liberal state muscular enough 
to maintain the “rule of law,” thereby ensuring the protection of 
private property.


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: New FBI files show wide range of Black Panther informant’s activities | Reveal

2015-06-10 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
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thanks louis. if only it had been david horowitz ... 

I got static from Mike Ely from the Kasama Project for stating the 
obvious, namely that Aoki was an FBI informant. 

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[Marxism] Reform Is Not in Syriza’s Nature

2015-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Alex Callinicos should get in touch with the author of this op-ed piece 
to wise him up.)

WSJ, June 10 2015
Reform Is Not in Syriza’s Nature
Asking Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to liberalize Greece would be like 
asking David Cameron to collectivize Britain.


Greece’s negotiations with its creditors may finally come to a head this 
week. Last week Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was presented with what 
creditors say is their best offer on revised terms for the bailout 
program, and Mr. Tsipras will soon meet with Germany’s Chancellor Angela 
Merkel and France’s President François Hollande. The hope is that Mr. 
Tsipras will face the reality that further concessions are unlikely to 
be forthcoming, and will accept somewhat lower targets for fiscal 
discipline in exchange for politically difficult pension reforms and 
other measures.

Mr. Tsipras may indeed be willing to strike such a bargain—for now. But 
no one should think that will be the end of the matter. Even if Greece’s 
governing Syriza party gives in to pressure and signs up for the 
demanded reforms, this doesn’t mean that they are going to be implemented.

The most likely outcome is that the reforms will be undermined by the 
ministers who are supposed to apply them. Then, after three or four 
months, the situation will once again reach crisis proportions, with 
Athens arguing that the program is not working and the creditors 
complaining that Syriza is not serious about implementing it.

That outcome would be an inevitable result of Syriza’s ideological 
commitments, about which Greece’s creditors have displayed a striking 
lack of understanding. The creditors seem to think that Syriza is just 
another eccentric left-wing party. They hope that, given time, patience 
and the right goading from European Commission President Jean-Claude 
Juncker, Syriza will eventually embrace free markets, globalization and 
competition. They expect another Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva—the former 
president of Brazil who abandoned extreme leftism in office and 
delivered strong economic growth.

What creditors miss is that Syriza is a special case. The party is 
fervent in its visceral hate of all the government attitudes and 
policies one usually associates with today’s open, knowledge-based 
economies. For Syriza activists, open markets are anathema, as are 
concepts like competitiveness, productivity and outsourcing.

Syriza’s two main economic convictions are an absolute dedication to the 
principle that government tax, borrow and spend policies are the best 
way to manage the economy, and an admiration of communist-style 
five-year plans and the principle that the economy must be actively 
commanded from the top.

These ideological commitments are at odds with the creditors’ bailout 
program, which aims to deregulate Greece’s red-tape-bound economy so 
that private-sector entrepreneurship can replace government as the 
primary generator of growth and job creation. That fact alone raises 
questions about whether a Syriza-led government would ever implement 
whatever reform program Mr. Tsipras might agree to this week. For Mr. 
Tsipras to liberalize Greek labor and product markets would be like 
Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron introducing Soviet-style 
collectivization to British agriculture.

Creditors also misunderstand the intraparty dynamics within Syriza. A 
common view is that the party is split in two. On the one hand a good 
Syriza, represented by Mr. Tsipras, is supposedly capable of accepting 
and implementing a reform program. Meanwhile, a bad Syriza, represented 
by the Minister of Development Panagiotis Lafazanis, who leads the Left 
Platform, hews closely to the party’s far-left antireform roots. Some 
European politicians believe a reform program can succeed if they can 
convince Mr. Tsipras to get rid of the Left Platform and enter into a 
coalition with more sensible types like Stavros Theodorakis of the 
centrist party To Potami.

This is wishful thinking. One would be hard pressed to find a single 
instance where the two purported adversaries within Syriza disagreed on 
an ideological or political issue of any importance. In fact, it’s worth 
noting that Mr. Lafazanis was among those who endorsed the proposals 
Athens recently sent to its creditors, a sign that any “disagreements” 
within the coalition are merely theatrics.

Against all of today’s wishful thinking is the fact that significant 
reforms weren’t implemented even under the previous, purportedly 
pro-reform government of the center-right New Democracy party. They 
failed not for ideological reasons but because the 

[Marxism] Fwd: New FBI files show wide range of Black Panther informant’s activities | Reveal

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I got static from Mike Ely from the Kasama Project for stating the 
obvious, namely that Aoki was an FBI informant.

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[Marxism] Fwd: The Geopolitics of American Global Decline | Alfred W. McCoy

2015-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Shades of A.G. Frank's Re-Orient)

In a decade or two, should the need arise, China will be ready to 
surgically slice through Washington’s continental encirclement at a few 
strategic points without having to confront the full global might of the 
U.S. military, potentially rendering the vast American armada of 
carriers, cruisers, drones, fighters, and submarines redundant.

Lacking the geopolitical vision of Mackinder and his generation of 
British imperialists, America’s current leadership has failed to grasp 
the significance of a radical global change underway inside the Eurasian 
land mass. If China succeeds in linking its rising industries to the 
vast natural resources of the Eurasian heartland, then quite possibly, 
as Sir Halford Mackinder predicted on that cold London night in 1904, 
“the empire of the world would be in sight.”


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[Marxism] Storming Heaven or Blowing Hot Air? A critique of ŒThe steam and the piston box: is autonomism an alternative?¹

2015-06-10 Thread Dave Eden via Marxism
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[Marxism] Richard Aoki - FBI informant in Black Panther Party

2015-06-10 Thread Red arnie via Marxism
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More documents about former Black Panther leader Richard Aoki have been 
released by the FBI under a new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.


As a former friend (and perhaps a reported subject) of the late Aoki, I do 
not think these documents are FBI fabrications as some of his other and closer 
friends will be claiming. Perhaps they do not know about Roman Malinovsky? It 
is important to study police practices if we are serious about studying history 
and building a movement.

In Solidarity,
Red Arnie
Bay Area, California

Educate yourselves because we will need all your intelligence.
  Rouse yourselves because we will need all your enthusiasm.
  Organize yourselves because we will need all your strength. Slogan of 
L'Ordine Nuovo (The New Order) newspaper, 1919, Antonio Gramsci, managing 

In Solidarity,

Educate yourselves because we will need all your intelligence.
  Rouse yourselves because we will need all your enthusiasm.
  Organize yourselves because we will need all your strength.  
Slogan of L'Ordine Nuovo (The New Order) newspaper, 1919, A. Gramsci, managing 

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[Marxism] A Palestinian PhD student studying at UniSA faces missing his first child's birth

2015-06-10 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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A small act of Israeli assholeism to add to an endless list of Zionist crimes.

Mohammed Sulaiman, from Gaza, won a UniSA scholarship to do a PhD,
but says Israelis won't let his pregnant wife leave Gaza to join him
despite having a visa.


Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure
mægen lytlað.

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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Left gains in Turkey/Kurdistan, FIFA Africa, Ukraine attacks workers' rights; Putin, West do deal on east Ukraine? Scotland

2015-06-10 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Left gains in Turkey/Kurdistan, FIFA  Africa, 
Ukraine attacks workers' rights; Putin, West do deal on east Ukraine? 

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   Turkey's left party leader Selahattin Demirtaş' call for 'new way of
   life': radical democracy http://links.org.au/node/4458

June 8, 2015 -- /Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/  -- 
The June 7, 2015, general election in Turkey saw the radical left 
People's Democratic Party (HDP) win almost 13% of the vote and around 80 
parliamentary seats.

It passed the 10% threshold for parliamentary representation for the 
first time, with a total of almost 6 million votes. The HDP won all the 
seats in the following Kurdish cities: Batman four, Agri four, Dersim 
two, Hakari three, Sirnak four, Igdir two. The party won 1 million votes 
and 11 seats in Istanbul -– a city with a huge Kurdish population 
although the party also won significant non-Kurdish support there. 
Thirty-one of the HDP’s 80 new MPs are women, the highest proportion of 
any party. HDP candidates included Armenians, Yezidis and Assyrians 
alongside Kurds. The HDP had the only openly gay candidate.

On the other hand, the ruling AKP has lost its parliamentary majority 
and recieved 3 million fewer votes than in 2010. The AKP lost many votes 
to the HDP in areas where it has had a big Kurdish following. Turkey's 
parliament consists of 550 seats; 276 seats are required for a 
single-party majority government. The ruling AKP has only secured 258 
with which to try and form a coalition.

The HDP’s historic gains make the success of the peace process with the 
Kurds within Turkey more likely, and will restrict Turkey’s dubious 
relations with ISIS.

The speech below from HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş' 2014 
presidential bid outlines the HDP's vision for a new Turkey.

 * Read more http://links.org.au/node/4458

   World soccer corruption, Africa’s ‘illicit financial flows’ and
   elite silences http://links.org.au/node/4452

By *Patrick Bond*, Durban
June 3, 2015 -- The last week has provided extraordinary examples of how 
corruption erodes the resources and morals of an entire continent – 
Africa – in part because villains in South Africa made alliances with 
wicked brothers in Switzerland, Latin America, the Caribbean and, 
especially, the United States. We now know more about offshore centres 
of both reactionary finance and corrupt-corporate soccer. It’s long 
overdue they are exposed to a spotlight, /even if those pointing that 
light want to leave certain features in the shadows/.

 * Read more http://links.org.au/node/4452

   Turkey: Kurds, the working class and the new left -- interview with
   Erdem Yörük http://links.org.au/node/4457

June 6, 2015 -- With Turkey’s June 7 parliamentary elections fast 
approaching, all eyes are on the Peoples’ Democracy Party (HDP) 
contesting its first ever election as a party, rather than a coalition 
of nominally independent candidates: a momentous decision on the part of 
the party leadership, which stands to gain clout in parliament and 
solidify its position as the electoral standard-bearer of the radical 
Left—or fall below the constitutionally mandated 10% barrier and be 
excluded from parliament entirely.

 * Read more http://links.org.au/node/4457

   Neoliberal Ukraine’s labour 'reforms' threaten workers' rights

By*Vitaly Dudin*
June 4, 2015 -- Neoliberal modernisation in Ukraine is nothing new. The 
processes and forces pushing it forward long predate the ousting of 
Viktor Yanukovych last February. But since the events of 2014, this 
process has been expedited and has arrived at a key issue: the laws 
governing the way people work.//

 * Read more http://links.org.au/node/4456

   Scottish politics after May 7 Westminster general election

By *Murray Smith*
June 4, 2015 – The day after the May 7 Westminster [British] general 
election, George Kerevan, newly elected Scottish National Party MP for 
East Lothian, was walking through his constituency. 

Re: [Marxism] Reform Is Not in Syriza’s Nature

2015-06-10 Thread ioannis aposperites via Marxism

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On 10/06/2015 03:31 μμ, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

(Alex Callinicos should get in touch with the author of this op-ed piece
to wise him up.)

WSJ, June 10 2015
Reform Is Not in Syriza’s Nature
Asking Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to liberalize Greece would be like
asking David Cameron to collectivize Britain.

Mr. Michas is a political analyst for the website protagon.gr.

Takis Michas has been for the last 30 years a proponent of extreme 
neoliberalism, a kind of neoliberal fundamentalist. He has since the 
80's publicly wrote uncountable bullshit of monumental dimensions. To 
mention just one of them, in his Why not national-socialists? 
(2013)(http://www.protagon.gr/?i=protagon.el.articleid=26057) he claims 
that the  greek national-Bolshevist (his own word) left, have 
maliciously characterized golden dawn as nazi instead of 
national-socialists in order to hide its apparent ideological affinity 
to it, as it is clearly indicated by their common reference to 
socialism. No one can tell the difference between Golden Dawn's 
socialism and SYRIZA's or KKE's socialism, he exclaims!

Getting in touch with Michas, can hardly wise anyone up ...

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[Marxism] Greece/EU negotiation news today: compromise, memorandum extension ahead

2015-06-10 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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Greece bailout talks: markets surge on rumours of German compromise
Apparent softening of Berlin’s stance towards Athens cheers investors
keen to see sustainable rescue after months of wrangling
by Phillip Inman, Economics correspondent
The Guardian, June 10

Stock markets surged on Wednesday after reports of a German proposal
to allow Greece to receive a drip-feed of loans in return for a
staggered reform programme.

The softening of the German stance towards Athens cheered investors
keen to see a sustainable rescue of the debt-stricken country after
more than four months of wrangling.

According to the reports, the chancellor Angela Merkel is prepared to
accept a much-reduced reform programme, slimmed down to just one or
two areas as part of an initial package, to salvage a deal with Greece
and prevent it exiting the eurozone.
. . .
The European commission, the International Monetary Fund and the
European Central Bank, which have lent Greece €240bn (£175bn) between
them, had until recently demanded all-encompassing reforms in return
for the last tranche of bailout funds worth €7.6bn.

News agency Bloomberg said it spoke to at least two German officials
close to the bailout talks who described the compromise deal as a
possible way to end the impasse between the radical leftist Greek
government and its creditors.

The report, later denied by the German government as official policy,
followed statements by Merkel and the French president, François
Hollande, that they were ready to meet Greece’s embattled prime
minister, Alexis Tsipras, at a summit in Brussels.

Merkel said a solution was possible as she arrived for a summit of EU
and Latin American leaders, just hours after the European commission
dismissed the latest Athens plan, saying it failed to address the need
for deep changes.

“The goal is to keep Greece in the eurozone. I always approach these
things with the attitude, if there is a will there is a way,” Merkel
said as she arrived in Brussels.

Europe’s most powerful leader said she was available to meet the
radical leftist Greek leader on the sidelines of the summit as he had
earlier requested, and Hollande said he was willing to do the same.

There had been doubt earlier about whether a meeting would take place,
after the European commission rejected the latest Greek proposals as
inadequate as a basis for new talks.
. . .

Germans May Have Found Way to Break Greek Deadlock
by Katerina Papathanasiou
The Greek Reporter, June 10

Although Germans remain persistent regarding Greek reforms on taxes,
state asset sales and retirement benefits, German Chancellor Angela
Merkel appears to be more flexible in unlocking further financial aid
to Greece if the country decides to initiate at least one major
overhaul, two anonymous sources close to the German government told

If Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is willing to take immediate
action, liquidity could be released in early July, the sources said,
without giving further clues though about which measure should Greece
take in order to convince its international creditors.
. . .

ECB Increases Greek Banks’ ELA by a Hefty 2.3 Billion Euros
by A. Makris
The Greek Reporter, June 10

The European Central Bank (ECB) is said to have significantly
increased the ceiling of emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) provided
to Greek banks on Wednesday by 2.3 billion euros.

According to Greek media, during a teleconference of the central
bank’s board, it was decided to raise liquidity to 83 billion euros
from 80.7 billion. The situation will be re-evaluated next week.

Head of Parliament’s Budget Office Testifies in Bailouts Probe, Sees
‘Memorandums’ Until 2018
by A. Makris
The Greek Reporter, June 10

Greece will most likely remain under “memorandum” regimes until at
least 2018 unless there is an “honest agreement” with its creditors,
the head of the Greek Parliament‘s Budget Office Panagiotis Liargovas
said on Tuesday. He was testifying in an ongoing Parliamentary inquiry
examining the conditions that led Greece to accept bailout memorandums
in 2010.

“Perhaps a different honest agreement with our partners could create
the conditions that allow us to gradually — because these things
cannot be done in 

Re: [Marxism] Against All Odds: Voices of Popular Struggle in Iraq.

2015-06-10 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Ali's book is absolutely essential. In addition to the incredible detail on
the activities of heroic grassroots groups, his conclusion argues for
listening to those voices - including in the face of media accounts which
deny their existences - and for the need to look at the multiplicity of
players involved.
(sound familiar?)

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 3:03 PM, Prashad, Vijay via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 Today,Tadween and War Resisters League present Ali Issa's Against All
 Odds: voices of popular struggle in Iraq. When the tide seems to run
 between the ISIS expansion and the al-Abadi government in Baghdad, what is
 often forgotten is the upsurge during the US Occupation, sharply in 2011,
 to forge a new Iraqi sensibility and foundation for politics. Ali collects
 the voices of important political actors from across Iraq - people such as
 Hashmeya Muhsin al-Saadawi (Electrical Utility Workers Union of Iraq) and
 Yanar Mohammed (Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq), Nadia al-Baghdadi
 (Save the Tigris and Marshes Campaign) and Akram Nadir (Kurdish
 Construction Workers' Organisation). These are brave people in brave
 organisations who fought hard to create a new kind of Iraq, and who
 continue to work hard to define the future of their country.
 Disclaimer: I wrote the foreword to the book.

 The book is available here:

 Alongside the book, I strongly recommend a long essay (in two parts) at
 Jadaliyya by Sara Pursley that provides the intellectual defense for the
 kind of work that these brave Iraqis pursue. They do not believe that Iraq
 is a false idea, a creature of Sykes-Picot. Matters are more complex, as
 this important intervention shows:

 Essential reading.

 Warmly, Vijay.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Smearing the Syrian uprising | SocialistWorker.org

2015-06-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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ISO publishes Michael Karadjis. Hurrah.

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[Marxism] Review of Patrick Cockburn on Rise of Islamic State

2015-06-10 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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