Re: [Marxism] victims of Trumpette violence?

2016-03-19 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism

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On 3/15/2016 10:51 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
Nonsense. I can recognize when people are repeating themselves. If 
there is anything I have learned after moderating Marxmail for 18 
years on May first, it is that. 
You certainly do. Every time you write a blog you post it here twice, 
once in rich html format, only you can post rich format to Marxmail, and 
once in plain text, like the rest of us. But that doesn't bother me. 
People repeat themselves all the time on Marxmail and you rarely point 
it out. I think Manuel was right that you chimed in with that critique 
this time to shutdown a thread in which there was apparently great 
interest because it enjoyed something like 20 contributions before your 
dismissive one word contribution signaling that it should end.

In point of fact, I think you and Kevin were wrong. I may have repeated 
my assertion that Trump setup the confrontation in the face of charges 
that I was bashing the protesters, but the subject of both paragraphs in 
that post was localism - and that certainly wasn't repetitive in this 
discussion, it was taking it in a new direction.

So I think Manuel was right that it was an example of while chauvinism 
and a rather crass effort to shut down this thread.  That bothers me.

But what really bothers me the most is that you have dismissed Manuel's 
extremely important point 'about the "Whiteness" of these kinds of 
discussions' by calling it "Nonsense."

Given our position in the class structure and our relationship to 
imperialism as national minorities, its not surprising to find that 
people of color are, on the whole, more class conscious and more in 
favor of progressive revolutionary change than their white brothers and 
sisters. That's just they way it is in my experience. By the same token, 
one should expect us to be over represented, as compared to our 
percentage in the population, in Left organizations.

Clearly we are not, but I predict there will never be a revolution in 
the US until we are.

And why is the Left in this country so dominated by white activists that 
it can be fairly called the white Left? The answer is white chauvinism 
in the Left. Now someone dares to raise this issue on this list and your 
response is "Nonsense?"

Houston, we have a problem here.

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Re: [Marxism] One verdict:Those Chicago Protesters really showed Donald Trump, didn’t they?

2016-03-19 Thread Manuel Barrera via Marxism
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Clay: "There seems to me to be a big disconnect where a section of the Left 
livesin an alternate reality in which they don't even have to consider whether 
this on that militant tactic might actually help Donald Trump get elected 
president. . ."

You do know that it does not matter whether Trump or Clinton (or Sanders) get 
elected, right?
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Re: [Marxism] SWP denounces Chicago protests against Trump

2016-03-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 3/16/16 10:05 AM, Mark Lause via Marxism wrote:

This is really very consistent with the SWP position in the past on this.
I well remember its dogmatic rigidity over this during the Nazi marches in
Skokie and downtown.   And that was uniformed Nazis not just a media

When I joined the SWP, it was a time of militancy often colored by 
ultraleft adventurism. As such, it was not surprising that an SWP-led 
demonstration at a fascist rally in Madison Square Garden in 1939 was 
depicted as an attempt to shut it down.

But this article departs somewhat from that interpretation and makes the 
case that there was a confrontation with the cops over the right to 
picket outside MSG. It makes for an interesting sidebar on the Chicago 
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[Marxism] Fwd: There Must Be Something to Shoot - The Awl

2016-03-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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About Theodore Roosevelt, hunting and the early 20th century efforts at 
conservation. It covers the same terrain as Jedediah Purdy's 
questionable attack on the movement but with more nuance.

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[Marxism] Women of the Easter Rising

2016-03-19 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Thanks for the link Andy.

Interesting the number of these women who may well have been lesbians too:

There are some very good books about republican women of the early 1900s.
But avoid the disgusting Ann Matthews' work.  She is on a one-woman crusade
to attack the republican women of that era, complete with suppressing
evidence, distorting stuff, double standards, making stuff up and all kinds
of smears and slanders.

Just hundreds and hundreds of pages of poison pen bile against
republicanism in general, the Rising etc, and republican women in

I didn't know anything abut her and bought two of her books on line.  I got
a few pages into the first one and realised how she has a personal line in
bile against republican women and then simply cherry-picks 'evidence',
including very questionable 'evidence' and suppresses far more reliable and
authoritative evidence that doesn't suit her narrative.

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[Marxism] Maybe it wasn't such an odd choice....

2016-03-19 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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"You step back now and take a look, you say, that was an odd choice of
venue for Trump unless he was ready to risk that possibility," Democratic
U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin said Saturday. "It was pretty obvious to anyone
looking at that campus, you think, why would Donald Trump not be at some
conservative, suburban venue rather than coming right into the heart of
Chicago's diversity?" 
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Re: [Marxism] Letter to George W. Bush.

2016-03-19 Thread Prashad, Vijay via Marxism
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He might not be a member of the list per se, but I'm sure the FBI/NSA plants on 
the list would be kind enough to forward it to him and his cronies.
Warmly, Vijay.

From: "A.R. G" >
Date: Saturday, March 19, 2016 at 4:02 PM
To: vijay prashad 
>, Activists and 
scholars in Marxist tradition 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Letter to George W. Bush.

Great letter, but unfortunately I do not think Mr. Bush is a member of this 
list and his neocon advisors abandoned the list at some point in the 1970s.

Disclaimer: Fuck George W. Bush

- Amith

On Sat, Mar 19, 2016 at 2:27 PM, Prashad, Vijay via Marxism 
> wrote:
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19 March 2016.

Dear George W. Bush,

I will never forget this day. It is the day you decided to send in your armies 
to destroy an Iraq already on life-support thanks to the sanctions regime and 
to the massive bombardment of the Gulf War 1 pushed by your dad, and then the 
man who followed him - Big Bill Clinton. Fragile Iraq was destroyed in 2003. I 
remember the Iraqi people who suffered the bombardment and then the occupation 
- the families in Baghdad, the farmers in rural Diyala, the old lefties hiding 
as they had already hidden in one or another friend's house. These are the 
Iraqi people, GWB, that you claimed to speak for but did not care about.

There is spiritual decadence in the prosecution of that war, and in the 
toxicity that it has spawned inside the United States. Iraq was a courteous 
civilization, now so grievously injured by your injuries.

Yours etc.,
Vijay Prashad.

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[Marxism] Assad and Israeli drones?

2016-03-19 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] "BDS - a Jewish Civil War on American campuses"

2016-03-19 Thread Juan Fajardo via Marxism

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"[...] However I have just picked up on an unusually excellent article 
in Israel's Ha'aretz by a liberal Zionist Peter Beinart, who makes a 
habit of saying what his fellow Zionists prefer not to hear.  I've 
copied it below because of Ha'aretz's pay wall but it bears close 
scrutiny because it admits what the Zionist's claque of propagandists 
dare not admit, which is that the BDS campaign in the United States 
isn't being driven by 'anti-Semites'.  It isn't even being driven by 
Palestinian or Arabs.  It's motor is Jewish students who have fallen out 
of love with a racist and murderous 'Jewish' state [...], it is Jewish 
students who are the motor of the BDS campaign in the USA and to a 
lesser extent in Britain too. [...]"

- Juan F
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[Marxism] Fwd: Fireworks Wednesday | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-03-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Opening today at the Film Forum in New York, “Fireworks Wednesday” is 
now the fourth film I have seen by Asghar Farhadi, an Iranian director I 
hold in the highest esteem. Unlike the persecuted Jafar Panahi whose 
works take up broad social and political questions, Farhadi’s films are 
domestic dramas having much in common with the Turkish director Nuri 
Bilge Ceylan’s work. What Farhadi and Ceylan share is the ability to 
communicate the psychic ills of their respective countries through the 
microcosm of stories that confirm the observation made in the first 
sentence of Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina”: “Happy families are all alike; 
every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

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Re: [Marxism] SWP denounces Chicago protests against Trump

2016-03-19 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Louis is right about the focus in the 1939 article being about the battle
with the cops over whether a counterdemonstration was to be allowed, not
whether to "deny fascists free speech."
See also:
Note the emphasis on seeking union involvement. Note also the careful
demarcation of the Smith movement from the Bund (the openly Nazi group
which was being protested at MSG).

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 12:23 PM, DW via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> The article concludes with: "Meanwhile, the answer to the bigger
> question—How to fight Fascism?—was given in thunderous tones by the
> magnificent demonstration which reached its highest note on the cry:
> Workers Defense Guards to crush the fascist danger!". That is pretty clear.
> I've talked, as I'm sure Louis has, with old timers who were there. The
> idea was not just to "protest" but *drive them out of NYC*. And they were
> prepared to do that, to make what happened last week in Chicago look pale
> by comparison.
> I've had some fruitful discussions with some current supporters of the SWP
> over this issue (not Chicago, but over 'free speech for Fascists'). The
> line you and I, Louis, were educated in was best exemplified by the Malik
> Miah document from 1975 that Andy P. posted earlier yesterday. In fact
> there is a *Socialist Appeal* article that directly takes on the issue of
> free speech for Fascists and attack the concept of it in the opposite
> direction Malik supposes in his document. The entire demeanor of the SWP
> from the early 30s onward was to drive Fascist groups out of any city the
> party had a branch in, and by any means necessary. Those 'means' included
> everything but *always*, and here Malik is correct: though united front
> *mass* actions when ever possible.
> Until 1950, you never saw anyone express concern of the "right" of Fascists
> to hold meetings. This was raised beginning in 1950 by Dobbs who, under
> vastly different conditions, addressed, in a somewhat revisionist way, this
> issue of denying the Fascists a right to platform. Subsequently Cannon
> wrote a letter in 1960 with a huge emphasis on defending the Bill of Rights
> against those that would deny that right to Fascists. This perspective more
> or less represented the times of defending the Party against bans and other
> far-right activity directly assaulting the Party's right to exist.
> The "revisionism" I noted about Dobb's 1950 position (and reflected in all
> the Education for Socialists bulletins) reflected being a socialist party
> under McCarthyism and it legislative equivalents from the Taft-Hartly Act
> to the McCarren Anti-Communist Act. The SWP's actual *policy on the ground
> appeared*, across the board prior for this period, was the use of
> "defensive formulations" but with the clear intent of smashing the Fascists
> when ever and where ever possible.
> David Walters
> _
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[Marxism] Fwd: The ‘Little Fuehrer’ vs. student furor in Boyle Heights | Los Angeles | Jewish Journal

2016-03-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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An article below about how a 17 year old Trotskyist named Leo Frumkin 
joined with 500 Jewish high school students to protest fascist Gerald 
L.K. Smith in 1945. Peer Vinther, my YSA organizer in 1969, told me that 
Frumkin was involved with another anti-fascist action a few years later 
that I believed at the time but now write off either as a cock-and-bull 
story or--if it happened--a really stupid move. Supposedly Frumkin who 
had become a steelworker organized a crew of comrades to grab one of 
Smith's followers and then took him to the outskirts of LA where they 
beat the crap out of him. They told him to get out of town if he knew 
what was good for him or something like that. This obviously was not a 
good idea, although it impressed me at the time--like something out of a 
gangster movie.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Robert Reich: America’s problem isn’t free trade — it’s the demise of an entire economic system -

2016-03-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] A Comic Strip Analogy of US-Cuba Relations

2016-03-19 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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In 1959, just months after the triumph of the Cuban revolution, Rene Goscinny 
and Albert Uderzo created Asterix, a comic-book saga telling the story of a 
small, Gaul village that Rome was never able to conquer, not even at a time 
when it had subjugated all of Europe and the Mediterranean.
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[Marxism] Fwd: E.J. Dionne Jr.: The Party of Trump v. Merrick Garland - Truthdig

2016-03-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(What a joke. As if Obama would have nominated someone like Thurgood 
Marshall if he wasn't facing a hostile Republican Party. The truth is 
that Garland = Obama = Goldman-Sachs.)

In a span of about 12 hours, Americans were given definitive evidence 
that the Republican Party is now in thrall to its most ideologically and 
tactically extreme forces while the Democrats still look to the center 
ground and to compromise.


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[Marxism] Red Flag: A revolution that will not die

2016-03-19 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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A revolution that will not die

Corey Oakley
14 March 2016
Over the last four years, the Syrian people have paid a horrendous price 
for having the audacity to rise up against dictatorship and demand their 
freedom. Liberated cities have been reduced to rubble, pulverised by 
relentless waves of barrel bombs, chemical weapons, and most recently 
attacks by the Russian air force. Rebel held areas have been besieged 
and starved. Millions have been forced to flee their homes. Tens of 
thousands have been tortured and killed in the prison cells of the 
regime. The death toll is now estimated to be in excess of half a 
It is hard to recall a revolutionary movement that has been opposed with 
such brutal, industrial scale destruction. But this is not all the 
Syrian revolution has had to endure. From its beginning in March 2011 
the uprising has been vilified, slandered, ignored and betrayed by 
almost all to whom it looked for support and solidarity. Predictable 
enough has been the response of Western governments, who have mouthed 
opposition to the excesses of the Assad regime but done nothing to 
assist the struggle against the regime.
Worse has been the response from much of the international left, which 
has joined in the slanders against the revolution, declaring it a 
Western-backed plot to destroy an “independent” regime, or a movement of 
reactionary Islamists which deserves no support. Even many who initially 
supported the protest movement have since declared its democratic and 
progressive content exhausted, and the revolution finished.
“Death but not humiliation” read a huge banner in Aleppo, the city which 
has borne the brunt of the Russian blitzkrieg over the last two months.
And yet despite the bombs and the torture cells and the mass 
displacement and the starvation and the slander, the revolution lives.
Over the last two weeks, as a ceasefire has granted a partial and 
temporary reprieve from endless bombing, thousands of Syrians have 
flooded onto the streets in protests reminiscent of the beginnings of 
the uprising in 2011. From the rebel controlled south to the suburbs of 
Damascus to Idlib and Aleppo in the north, people vilified as “jihadis” 
and “terrorists” by a cynical Western media have sung and danced as they 
waved the green flag of the revolution, chanting the slogans made iconic 
in 2011 and declaring “Our revolution continues”.
Internally-displaced Syrians in the Bab al-Salameh camp carried the flag 
of the revolution between tents, chanting, “the people want the fall of 
the regime,” and “One, one, one, the Syrian people are one”.
In Saraqeb, Idlib, protesters’ faces were etched with emotion as they 
finally got a chance to come together again and assert the call for 
liberation so long buried by the ravages of war.
“Death but not humiliation” read a huge banner in Aleppo, the city which 
has borne the brunt of the Russian blitzkrieg over the last two months.
In Azaz, the town north of Aleppo which is surrounded on all sides by 
ISIS, Assad and the Kurdish YPG, children join their parents as they 
hold up the flag of the revolution and defy the cruel lie that they are 
terrorists, not people fighting for their freedom.
Kenan Rahmani describes the scene in Douma: “These Syrians live under 
siege, deprived of food and medicine for years. They have been bombed 
hundreds of times by Assad and Russia. Yet when a ceasefire reduces the 
violence enough they come out to the streets to make themselves clear – 
‘He who kills his own people is a traitor’.”
The window of opportunity for peaceful protests is unlikely to last 
long. The Syrian revolution remains besieged on all sides, and the road 
ahead will be incredibly difficult. But the fact that the revolution 
survives at all is an extraordinary feat. It demands our solidarity 

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