Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Who Would You Vote for in 1840? And Who Will You Vote for on Nov. 8? | New Politics

2016-10-27 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Democrats in NYC successfully squelched the Liberty vote in 1840 and, four
years later, they beat up the stovemaker John H. Keyser for throwing his
vote away by voting liberty in 1844.

At least, now, the Tammany cudgels are just rhetorical.

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 9:09 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Imagine that it is 1840 and someone approaches you on the street and hands
> you a flyer for James G. Birney, the presidential candidate of the new
> Liberty Party. The flyer says that the Liberty Party opposes slavery. It is
> the only party that does.
> The Democrats and the Whigs--the two parties of the two-party system of
> that time--supported slavery, not to the same degree perhaps, but neither
> party opposed slavery. The Liberty Party is new and small, tiny. It’s
> candidate Birney has absolutely no chance to win the election. But he
> stands opposed to slavery. Who will you vote for on voting day in 1840?
> Will you argue that voting for the Liberty Party would be wasting your
> vote, and that instead you would vote for the Whig or Democratic parties,
> both of which accepted slavery?
> Of course, if you vote for the Liberty Party, the Whigs or the Democrats
> will take power. They will appoint the Supreme Court. So what will you do?
> Vote the Whig Party because it is perhaps a little less a slave party than
> the Democrats?
> full:
> ll-you-vote-nov-8
> _
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[Marxism] Providence public school teacher union president on charter school expansion

2016-10-27 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Fwd: Who Would You Vote for in 1840? And Who Will You Vote for on Nov. 8? | New Politics

2016-10-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Imagine that it is 1840 and someone approaches you on the street and 
hands you a flyer for James G. Birney, the presidential candidate of the 
new Liberty Party. The flyer says that the Liberty Party opposes 
slavery. It is the only party that does.

The Democrats and the Whigs--the two parties of the two-party system of 
that time--supported slavery, not to the same degree perhaps, but 
neither party opposed slavery. The Liberty Party is new and small, tiny. 
It’s candidate Birney has absolutely no chance to win the election. But 
he stands opposed to slavery. Who will you vote for on voting day in 1840?

Will you argue that voting for the Liberty Party would be wasting your 
vote, and that instead you would vote for the Whig or Democratic 
parties, both of which accepted slavery?

Of course, if you vote for the Liberty Party, the Whigs or the Democrats 
will take power. They will appoint the Supreme Court. So what will you 
do? Vote the Whig Party because it is perhaps a little less a slave 
party than the Democrats?


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[Marxism] Fwd: Peter Higgs: I wouldn't be productive enough for today's academic system | Science | The Guardian

2016-10-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Higgs revealed that his career had also been jeopardised by his 
disagreements in the 1960s and 70s with the then principal, Michael 
Swann, who went on to chair the BBC. Higgs objected to Swann's handling 
of student protests and to the university's shareholdings in South 
African companies during the apartheid regime. "[Swann] didn't 
understand the issues, and denounced the student leaders."

He regrets that the particle he identified in 1964 became known as the 
"God particle".

He said: "Some people get confused between the science and the theology. 
They claim that what happened at Cern proves the existence of God."

An atheist since the age of 10, he fears the nickname "reinforces 
confused thinking in the heads of people who are already thinking in a 
confused way. If they believe that story about creation in seven days, 
are they being intelligent?"

He also revealed that he turned down a knighthood in 1999. "I'm rather 
cynical about the way the honours system is used, frankly. A whole lot 
of the honours system is used for political purposes by the government 
in power."

He has not yet decided which way he will vote in the referendum on 
Scottish independence. "My attitude would depend a little bit on how 
much progress the lunatic right of the Conservative party makes in 
trying to get us out of Europe. If the UK were threatening to withdraw 
from Europe, I would certainly want Scotland to be out of that."

He has never been tempted to buy a television, but was persuaded to 
watch The Big Bang Theory last year, and said he wasn't impressed.


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[Marxism] Syria and the Western Left

2016-10-27 Thread Omar Hassan via Marxism
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An excellent piece, critiquing both liberal interventionism and 'hands off
syria' positions, as well as some of the moralistic sectarianism that has
developed around the issue.

Subscribe to Socialist Alternative's fortnightly newspaper - *The Red Flag*

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Re: [Marxism] Spain refuses access to Russian ships

2016-10-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 10/27/16 1:43 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

Jill Stein has come under criticism for Putin apologia, warning that the 
election of Hilary Clinton could spark "World War III" with Russia.

Before it was picked up by a journalist, Sein [sic] had a statement on 
her website saying that the United States should end any military role 
in Syria, impose an arms embargo, and work "with Syria, Russia, and Iran 
to restore all of Syria to control by the government."


I have no idea which journalist "picked up" what Stein had said but it 
was likely that she backed off from this ridiculous claim after I took 
her to task for it on my Muftah article that did still endorsed her 
candidacy. I posted a link to my article on a number of Green Party FB 
pages and it likely came to her attention since she deleted that 
reference a day later. That is what happens when Syrian solidarity 
activists refuse to engage with the Green Party that they have trouble 
distinguishing from Donald Trump.

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Re: [Marxism] Spain refuses access to Russian ships

2016-10-27 Thread DW via Marxism
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There is interestingly a lot more to this. The German energy 'transition'
is called *Energiewende* and was voted into being in 2010. However, the
origin of this goes back to the reign of SPD Chancellor Gerhard Schröder
and his Green Party Foreign Minister and Vice-Chancellor, Joschka Fischer.

During their office tenure, they both supported the massive new gas
pipeline expansions for Gazprom and the rival Turkish consortium running a
similar line from the Caspian. Schröder lobbied heavily for the projects
from Gazprom, and Fischer for the Turkish project. ince Germany did need to
import this gas and plans for dozens of gas turbines were being organized
(all of which were built) with an eye toward their wind and solar power
development (which was only just getting underway then). The controversy
arises is that when both Schröder and Fisher left office they immediately
went to work for the two, now competing, gas line projects. Schröder's
salary topped 200,000 Euros per year.

What was the reference to Jill Stein on the pipeline issue about?

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Re: [Marxism] Spain refuses access to Russian ships

2016-10-27 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Thanks, David, extremely useful. And a far cry from the rubbish about
pipelines being parroted by Jill Stein.
Every comrade should have a sector or industry which they follow so
religiously for our mutual benefit.

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 1:05 PM, DW via Marxism  wrote:
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Re: [Marxism] Spain refuses access to Russian ships

2016-10-27 Thread DW via Marxism
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Andy asked/commented:

1. Tell us more about this:
" (in case you were wondering what all that revenue for the massive amount
of natural gas being sold to Germany was for)"

The significant increase in military spending (like finishing, updating and
deploying) for Soviet era navy expansion coincides with the generalized
increase in gas prices and higher oil prices when the Putin regime came to
power. The gas industry exports have increased for the last 20 years but
got a real go ahead in the early 2000s when the major pipeline upgrades
(including bypassing Ukraine) occured. There were actually two pipelines,
one through Turkey for non-Russian Caspian gas and one from the Baltic
right to Germany from mainland Russia.

Russia earns approx. $40 billion a year from gas exports alone which have
increase relative to the much larger (historically) oil exports to Europe
because of the stability of gas prices vs that of the fall in oil prices.
My comment was somewhat snarky since it and remains the bed rock to the
Germany's renewable energy project...that is the massive back up of wind
and solar for German's renewable plan. The overall increase, anyway, is
what allowed for the massive professionalization of Russia's armed forces,
financed the latest and greatest jet fighter-bombers now on display in
Syria and on the one aircraft carrier I mentioned previously.

However, Russia has spent far more rubles on infrastructure upgrades (rail,
Vladivostok commercial port facilities, now, also, an increase in the
military port in Sevastopol as well.). Even Russia's nuclear energy
expansion, proceeding with few if any hiccups, is designed to allow Russia
to sell more natural gas to Europe rather than an altruistic climate
benefit. But, indeed...Euro sales of gas (and oil) have allowed for Russia
to go gang-busters on high-tech navy ships. It is Russia, not the U.S. that
has the most advanced navy anti-ship missiles in the world. The US isn't
even close on this score.

2. Agreed, in strictly military terms this is probably no setback.
But in political terms it's still highly significant

I agree...politically it was a set back for the Russians.

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Re: [Marxism] Spain refuses access to Russian ships

2016-10-27 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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1. Tell us more about this:
" (in case you were wondering what all that revenue for the massive amount
of natural gas being sold to Germany was for)"

2. Agreed, in strictly military terms this is probably no setback.
But in political terms it's still highly significant

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 11:40 AM, DW via Marxism <> wrote:
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[Marxism] new at MIA

2016-10-27 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Also just uploaded, full sets of two UK IMG/FI publications, and full sets
of YSA (US) convention/leadership body documents for late '60s and early
All of which will be useful for those tracking the trajectory of the
The UK pieces should be read alongside Ernest Tate's memoirs where he
describes the birth, evolution and demise of publications and groups.
The US pieces should be read alongside Halstead's "Out Now" (which is now
out (yuk yuk) at the Intercontinental Press website.
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[Marxism] especially for Aussie comrades

2016-10-27 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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New at MIA is an archive for writings of the recently-deceased Lynn Beaton:
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Noam Chomsky on Syria: A "Grim" Set of Alternatives

2016-10-27 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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The whole pathetic interview is worth reading, both for other defeatist
Chomskyisms, and for the Assadist pleading of the interviewers. (Who ARE
these jerks anyway?)

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

> ia-a-grim-set-of-alternatives
> _
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[Marxism] Fwd: Sweet ’16: Notes on the US Election | Salvage

2016-10-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(From the final paragraph of an elephantine article by Benjamin Kunkel 
in the magazine that Richard Seymour et al launched. Kunkel was the 
founder of n+1, a Marxist magazine that is closer in spirit to Salvage 
than Jacobin. All three of these high-profile Young Turks magazines 
advocate work in the Democratic Party apparently. No thanks.)

"Logically, however, if US radicals are to have anything to do with 
contests for national office under a system innocent of proportional 
representation, then occupying and redirecting the Democratic Party as 
far as possible looks more promising than launching a new party onto the 
margins of American politics. My somewhat embarrassed conjecture is that 
the failure of social democrats in office to effect the transformation 
that only revolution can achieve will do more to hasten the break with 
capitalism than their continued exclusion from power. In the face of 
reactionaries, reform seems adequate – in the face of reformists, only 
revolution will do. I hope the thesis isn’t too dubious to debate with 
comrades come 9 November, the day after the election, and, by the 
revolutionary calendar, the 18th Brumaire. Until then, liberalism has us 
where it wants us, desperate not to lose and with no hope of winning."
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[Marxism] Spain refuses access to Russian ships

2016-10-27 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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re the debate on military intervention:
Can anyone deny that this setback for Moscow's intentions to ramp up its
military intervention in Syria is a good thing?
Can they deny that the Spanish government - without any mobilization (at
least that I'm aware of) on the part of the Spanish people - determined
that mass sentiment at home and abroad is overwhelmingly against helping
Russia massacre civilians?
And can anyone doubt that groups like Stop Some Wars and Russia Hands on
Syria could all along have been amplifying that mass sentiment against ALL
imperialist interventions?
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[Marxism] Fwd: World on track to lose two-thirds of wild animals by 2020, major report warns | Environment | The Guardian

2016-10-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Noam Chomsky on Syria: A "Grim" Set of Alternatives

2016-10-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Well, that's a relief.)

Q: Do you believe that Syria and Assad are being demonized as well by 
the press? Do you believe barrel bombs, for example, are dropped by Assad?

A: There's strong evidence for that. He's pretty horrible. In this case, 
I don't think he's really being demonized. It's pretty awful.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Hydrogen map of the sky shows the Sun's motion in the galaxy.

2016-10-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Even after all this time — 13.8 billion years, give or take — hydrogen 
still dominates the Universe. It’s the simplest element, and the most 
abundant. It fuels the stars, which convert it into heavier elements 
like helium, iron, calcium, and more. It’s strewn between the stars and 
even between the galaxies themselves.

To know hydrogen is to know the Universe.
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[Marxism] Donations to Foundation Vexed Hillary Clinton’s Aides, Emails Show

2016-10-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(The next four years promises to be stormy. This article reflects a 
political tin ear that will lead to stormy confrontations not only with 
the ultraright but the left as well, at least that part of the left that 
has not conned itself into thinking that Clinton has some kind of 
progressive credentials.)

NY Times, Oct. 27 2016
Donations to Foundation Vexed Hillary Clinton’s Aides, Emails Show

In the years before Hillary Clinton announced she would run again for 
president, her top aides expressed profound concerns in internal emails 
about how foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton’s 
own moneymaking ventures would affect Mrs. Clinton’s political future.

The emails, obtained by hackers and being gradually released by 
WikiLeaks this month, also are revealing how efforts to minimize 
potential conflicts at the foundation led to power struggles and 
infighting among aides and Mrs. Clinton’s family.

One top aide to Mr. Clinton, Douglas J. Band, noted in an email that the 
former president had received personal income from some foundation 
donors and “gets many expensive gifts from them.”

Chelsea Clinton accused her father’s aides of taking “significant sums 
of money from my parents personally,” of “hustling” during foundation 
events to win clients for their own business, and of even installing 
spyware on her chief of staff’s computer.

Hillary Clinton, another email showed, had promised to attend a Clinton 
Foundation gathering in Morocco at the behest of its king, who had 
pledged $12 million to the charity. Her advisers worried that would look 
unseemly just as she was beginning her presidential campaign in earnest.

“She created this mess and she knows it,” a close aide, Huma Abedin, 
wrote of Mrs. Clinton in a January 2015 email.

For months, the Clintons have defended their foundation, making public 
proclamations that it went above and beyond what the law required in 
terms of transparency while Mrs. Clinton was at the State Department.

The emails, which came from the account of John D. Podesta, who had a 
leadership role at the foundation and is now Mrs. Clinton’s campaign 
chairman, have not contained evidence to support Republican contentions 
that Mrs. Clinton performed any favors for foundation donors.

But they do show pronounced worries among the Clintons’ closest advisers 
about the millions of dollars coming into the foundation, and to Mr. 
Clinton personally, and how they could inoculate Mrs. Clinton from 
criticism over it.

“Do they plan to do big events next year?” her campaign manager, Robby 
Mook, asked about the foundation last year, shortly after Mrs. Clinton 
kicked off her presidential campaign. “Possible for those to be smaller 
and lower key in 16?”

Founded in 1997, when Mr. Clinton was still president, the foundation 
has raised roughly $2 billion to fund projects around the world, helping 
African farmers improve their yields, Haitians recover from a 
devastating 2010 earthquake and millions of people gain access to 
cheaper H.I.V./AIDS medication, among other accomplishments.

Some of the former president’s staff members followed him from the White 
House to the foundation, and the emails provide an extraordinary look at 
the soap opera that unfolded years later as people close to the couple 
felt their power threatened.

“This is the 3rd time this week where she has gone to daddy to change a 
decision or interject herself,” Mr. Band, the longtime aide to Mr. 
Clinton, wrote about Chelsea Clinton in 2011.

At the time, she was beginning to exert influence at the foundation, 
expressing concerns that Mr. Band and others were trying to use the 
charity to make money for themselves, and accusing another aide in her 
father’s personal office of installing spyware.

Emails released on Tuesday contained a memo from Mr. Band essentially 
defending his work for the foundation, and for Mr. Clinton personally, 
even as Mr. Band was building up his corporate consulting firm, Teneo. 
The memo noted that some foundation donors had indeed been clients of 
Teneo, but also that Mr. Band and Teneo had helped raise tens of 
millions of dollars for the foundation from individual, foreign and 
corporate donors, without taking a commission.

Mr. Band also noted how some of those donors he had cultivated were 
paying Mr. Clinton privately to make speeches or to do other work. One 
such donor, Laureate International Universities, a for-profit education 
company based in Baltimore, was paying Mr. Clinton $3.5 million annually 
“to provide advice” and serve as its honorary chairman, Mr. Band wrote.


[Marxism] Techniques used by Russian hackers revealed

2016-10-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Bellingcat, the project initiated by Brown Moses's Elliot Higgins, was 
featured on the CBS Evening News for its being a target of Russian 
state-sponsored hacking.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Stopping Hillary’s Coming War on Syria

2016-10-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I neglected to mention that New Politics has been very good on Syria.

On 10/27/16 9:49 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

This is not to speak of Marxist publications like Monthly Review and
Canadian Dimension that are openly pro-Assad.

And those conspicuous by their silence: New Left Review, Socialist
Register, Science and Society and Socialism and Democracy.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Millennials and “unnatural” deaths under Stalin | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-10-27 Thread Fred Murphy via Marxism
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Minor quibble re "Isaac Babel, arguably the finest novelist to have emerged
out of the Russian Revolution" - Babel wrote short stories; the finest
novelist was Victor Serge, and the finest novel his Case of Comrade Tulayev

On Wednesday, October 26, 2016, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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Fred Murphy  |  12 Dongan Place #206  |  New York, NY  |  212-304-9106
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[Marxism] Fwd: Tom Hayden’s Haunting

2016-10-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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As an old SDS-er, I found it hard to see Tom Hayden go. However 
meandering his path, he was at the heart of radical history in the 60s, 
an erstwhile companion, if not always a comrade, on the route of every 
boomer lefty.

One of his finer moments for me, which I’ve never seen mentioned 
(including among this week’s encomia) since he wrote it, was his 2006 
article, published on CounterPunch with an introduction by Alexander 
Cockburn, in which he apologized for a “descent into moral ambiguity and 
realpolitick that still haunts me today.” It would be respectful of 
Hayden’s admirers and critics, on the occasion of his passing, to 
remember which of his actions “haunted” him the most.

The title of the article says it clearly: “I Was Israel’s Dupe.” In the 
essay, Hayden apologizes for his support of the Israeli invasion of 
Lebanon in 1982, which was for him that “descent into moral ambiguity” 
More importantly, he explains why he did it, in a detailed narrative 
that everyone should read.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Western left and the Syrian war | Red Flag

2016-10-27 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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An extremely useful article, please share.

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 9:01 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism

> _
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Western left and the Syrian war | Red Flag

2016-10-27 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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