Re: [Marxism] Reflections on Xmas

2016-12-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 12/23/16 7:45 PM, Philip Ferguson via Marxism wrote:

Our fake traditions are retail or war mongering or sycophantic celebrity
worship.  This is all symptomatic of abdicating control elsewhere.

Our culture is sanitised of. . .

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[Marxism] Reflections on Xmas

2016-12-23 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Quite revolting really.

We really are well and truly sucked into a quite revolting and alienating
dubious tradition.

What is draining is seeing a mall full of people desperately fulfilling the
implicit expectations of an officially-dictated happy season when same
system doesn’t give the steam off a turd about suffering for the rest of
the year.

Our fake traditions are retail or war mongering or sycophantic celebrity
worship.  This is all symptomatic of abdicating control elsewhere.

Our culture is sanitised of. . .

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[Marxism] Marxism for Christmas

2016-12-23 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Trump, Assad and the US Left

2016-12-23 Thread Carl G. Estabrook via Marxism
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Members of the US political class (in Max Weber’s sense) who are horrified at 
Trump (largely because he isn’t PLU) and aghast at his comments "that the US 
should greatly expand its nuclear arsenal” seem not to have noticed that Obama 
announced a trillion [sic] dollar program for that last spring:

Nuclear weapons (“defense” spending) are a leading example of Obama’s 
“fake-left-drive-right” politics. After stirring speeches about reducing the 
arms race with Russia, he expands it. Trump’s suggestion is far short of 
Obama’s in scope and specificity. And the practical effect of Obama’s policies 
is clear: in November 2012 he canceled a conference in Helsinki that had 
intended to establish “nuclear-free zones” in the Middle East; of course he has 
rejected calls for Israel’s nuclear facilities to be placed under international 

American liberals who reject Brexit voters as racists, Trump voters as 
deplorables, and Le Pen voters as neo-Nazis will probably continue to be 
surprised at the political establishment's inability to make the croppies lie 
down. The plague of American interventionism - US presidents have killed more 
than 20 million people in 37 nations since WWII - is being rejected around the 
world. But the US remains during the Obama administration what M. L. King 
called it long ago: “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.” 
Under the direction of Obama's National Security Council, US ’special forces,’ 
with 70,000 members, are active in more than 130 countries around the world: 
their activities include kidnapping ("rendition"), murder, and torture.  

If Trump brings ‘moderation’ to Obama’s appalling record - ignored by US media 
but not elsewhere - it will be a consummation devoutly to be wished.   


> On Dec 23, 2016, at 2:21 PM, MM  wrote:
>> On Dec 19, 2016, at 4:40 PM, Carl G. Estabrook via Marxism 
>> > wrote:
>> I’d rather have Trump talking to Putin than HRC provoking him.
> How about the worst of both worlds:

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Re: [Marxism] Trump, Assad and the US Left

2016-12-23 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Dec 19, 2016, at 4:40 PM, Carl G. Estabrook via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> I’d rather have Trump talking to Putin than HRC provoking him.

How about the worst of both worlds:

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Re: [Marxism] [UCE] When Bill Clinton Put His Thumb on the Scale for Yeltsin

2016-12-23 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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"This page no longer exists"

On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 12:39 PM, Andrew Stewart via Marxism
> Very good material here.
> put-his-thumb-on-the-scale-for-yeltsin/
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[Marxism] Fwd: Chomsky at MIT: Between the war scientists and the anti-war students

2016-12-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] [UCE] When Bill Clinton Put His Thumb on the Scale for Yeltsin

2016-12-23 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Very good material here.

Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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[Marxism] Fwd: Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract By

2016-12-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Barack Obama, Reparations, and America's Wealth Gap - The Atlantic

2016-12-23 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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> “I worried that it was possible for the symbolic and inspirational aspects
> of having a black president more than offset by the damages that could be
> done by the messages delivered by a black president. And it has been
> damaging to have Barack Obama, a black man speaking from the authoritative
> platform of the presidency, reinforce the widely held belief that racial
> inequality in the United States is, in large measure, the direct
> responsibility of black folk. This has been the deal breaker for me: not
> merely a silence on white physical and emotional violence directed against
> black Americans, *but the denial of the centrality of American racism in
> explaining sustained black-white disparity.”*

> This is precisely the value of Obama to the ruling class. As only the
> anti-communist witch-hunter Nixon could have politically disarmed
> opposition from the right to his recognizing China, only a Black President
> could shift the blame of racism away from American society and its sordid
> history and onto the victims of that history without being attacked by the
> liberal Left.

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[Marxism] Fwd: FDR and the Little Steel Strike

2016-12-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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But the gauzy, halcyon portrait of the New Deal does not stand up to the 
reality of the Little Steel Strike of 1937 that is the subject of Ahmed 
White’s magisterial The Last Great Strike: Little Steel, the CIO, and 
the Struggle for Labor Rights in New Deal America that I discussed in a 
previous CounterPunch article focused on identity politics and the 
racism endured by Black steelworkers. For those new to the topic, 
“little” refers to the group of companies that blocked the CIO from 
organizing its workers, as opposed to US Steel, the “big” company that 
had they had come to terms with in March 1937. Little Steel consisted of 
Republic Steel Corporation, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Youngstown 
Sheet & Tube Company and Inland Steel Company. Despite being called 
“little” in comparison to US Steel, each ranked among the hundred 
largest firms in America.


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[Marxism] After Decades Out of View, Navy Deserter Hopes to Rally a New Antiwar Generation

2016-12-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Dec. 23 2016
After Decades Out of View, Navy Deserter Hopes to Rally a New Antiwar 


Craig W. Anderson at home in Las Vegas last month. Mr. Anderson was one 
of the “Intrepid Four,” a group of seamen who deserted in Japan during 
the Vietnam War. Credit Isaac Brekken for The New York Times
LAS VEGAS — Nearly a half-century ago, Craig W. Anderson took a highly 
visible stand against what he considered an unjust war.

In 1967, he and three other Navy seamen walked away from their ship, the 
aircraft carrier Intrepid, when it docked in Japan after a bombing 
mission in the Gulf of Tonkin, off the coast of Vietnam. Calling 
themselves “patriotic deserters,” they set off an unrelenting 
international manhunt.

Aided by a local pacifist group and hounded by United States and 
Japanese military police, the fugitives sneaked aboard a Siberia-bound 
Russian freighter and were later taken to Moscow by hard-drinking K.G.B. 

Called the “Intrepid Four,” they were both hailed as heroes and 
condemned as cowards. Mr. Anderson didn’t see himself as a 
rabble-rouser, just a sincere, blue-collar kid who had made a 
conscientious act against the continuing deaths of innocent Vietnamese 

He was eventually arrested by the F.B.I. and served for several months 
in a military prison before being released in November 1972 with a bad 
conduct discharge.

For more than four decades, Mr. Anderson went into his own personal 

He bounced around North America, produced a movie, wrote country music 
and wrote mystery books under the pen name Will Hart while living in Mexico.

He wasn’t running, he said.

“It was my past; it was private,” he said. “I’d just decided to set it 

Like many veterans who have survived tours of duty in Iraq and 
Afghanistan, he had returned from war emotionally damaged. And he still 
struggles to confront the consequences of that chapter of his life.

Now Mr. Anderson, 69, has decided to speak out about his experience, in 
part to promote a memoir he is writing. He wants other veterans to know 
what he went through, and hopes to rally a new generation of Americans 
to take a more vocal stand against the nation’s current military campaigns.

Mr. Anderson said he sees today none of the organized public protests 
against American war efforts so common on college campuses in his youth.

Writing has unleashed some personal ghosts.

“It was torture,” he said of the process. “It was like bleeding.”

A ‘Patriotic’ Desertion
On the night of Oct. 23, 1967, the four Navy seamen stood on a busy 
Tokyo street, approaching the end of a daylong shore leave.

“I’m not going back,” Mr. Anderson said. None of them were.

They destroyed their ID cards and uniforms. In the eyes of the military, 
they had committed the unforgivable sin.

Mr. Anderson and John Barilla were 20, Richard Bailey and Michael 
Lindner 19.

Mr. Anderson’s family’s military roots dated to the Civil War, but he 
had attended Berkeley peace rallies and believed that the Vietnam War 
was wrong. Yet he felt a duty to his mother and his grandmother to 
continue the tradition and serve.

The four spent their first AWOL night in civilian clothes, sleeping in a 
subway station and expecting the shore patrol to tap their shoulders at 
any moment.

“They were conscious of the fact this was a big thing they were doing,” 
said Ernest Young, a professor emeritus of Chinese history at the 
University of Michigan who met with them soon after they deserted.

In the days that followed, the deserters gave a taped interview to a 
Japanese television producer and Mr. Anderson read a statement.

“You are looking at four deserters, four patriotic deserters from the 
United States Armed Forces,” he began. “Throughout history, the term 
‘deserter’ has applied to cowards, traitors and misfits. We are not 
concerned with categories or labels. We have reached the point where we 
must stand up for what we believe to be the truth.”

By the time the video aired, the four men had left Japan. Seeking safety 
in a foreign country, they were aided by an unlikely ally.

With the assistance of Russian officials, the men stowed away aboard the 
freighter Baikal, using visitor’s passes supplied by the Soviet Embassy. 
They hid in the men’s room until the ship was out to sea, then presented 
themselves to a surprised captain.

Arriving at the Siberian port of Nahodka, they were met by K.G.B. 
agents, who poured them shots of vodka on the long trip to Moscow. For 
six weeks after arriving in Moscow, they were hailed as heroes, awarded 
the Lenin Peace Prize as a theater full 

Re: [Marxism] [marxism-thaxis] Alexander Bogdanov and Russian Machism

2016-12-23 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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 An exchange with McKenzie Wark on my FB 
 Wark:   The post above frames Bogdanov's argument in Lenin's terms, which 
distorts it. What Bogdanov thought he was doing is providing a Marxist 
explanation for where the categories of 'materialism' and 'idealism' come from 
in the first place. This necessarily entails a refusal of the dogmatic 
'materialism' of Plekhanov and Lenin. One need not agree with Bogdanov on this, 
but one cannot even think it without some distance from the polemical 
distortions of Plekhanov and Lenin. Jim Farmelant: Bogdanov also took Ernst 
Mach to task for not fully overcoming the dualism between subjective and 
objective perspectives. So for Bogdanov, Mach's empiriocriticism, tended to be 
oriented towards contemplation rather than action. It sought a pure description 
of the world as it is, rather than attempting to change the world. To m mind, 
Bogdanov's proposed revisions of 
 Machism, brought his own philosophical perspective closer to American 
pragmatism.  Jim Farmelant: And yes, for Bogdanov, the emergence of the 
distinction between the physical and mental realms was to be understood 
historically. McKenzie Wark:   Jim Farmelant the parallel to pragmatism is 
indeed an interesting one.Jim 
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-- Original Message --
From: "Jim Farmelant" 
To: , "Marxmail" 
Subject: [marxism-thaxis] Alexander Bogdanov and Russian Machism
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 05:23:37 -0500

 In the early 20th century, the Russian Machists were mostly (though not 
exclusively) Bolsheviks like Alexander Bogdanov, Vladimir Bazrov, and Anatoli 
Lunacharsky. Bogdanov was a very interesting figure who wrote prolifically on a 
wide variety of subjects. I think its too bad that he was expelled from the 
Bolshevik faction in 1908, since he was a lively and interesting thinker, who 
instance, created what he called 'tektology' which was an early version of 
general systems theory. In the years after the October Revolution, he was a 
founder of the Proletkult which had an influential role in the cultural life of 
the Soviet Union during the 1920's (lots of people who became leading cultural 
figures like film maker Sergei Eisenstein, passed through that organization 
during those years).
Concerning the Lenin/Bogdanov debate, much can be said. Lenin was, I think 
correct, in linking the Machists's positions to Berkeleyian idealism. Indeed, 
the British logical positivist, A.J. Ayer, (logical positivism being 
essentially an updated version of Machism) in his book Language, Truth and 
Logic emphasized that the positivists were intellectual descendants of 
Berkeley. And indeed, in one of his autobiographies, Ayer explicitly conceded 
that Lenin was correct in seeing Machism as rooted directly in Berkeleyian 
I think that Lenin was correct in making the case for realism, but on the other 
hand, I think that the Russian Machists were on to something too. They 
perceived correctly, IMO, the inadequacies of dialectical materialism as it had 
been handed down by Engels and Plekhanov. And most of the most important and 
innovative work that was done in the philosophy of science during the 20th 
century was rooted either directly or indirectly in Machism. The expulsion of 
Machist thinking from Bolshevik and hence later Soviet philosophy was 
ultimately, IMO, quite detrimental to the development of Soviet philosophical 
thought, since that largely cut off Soviet philosophy from philosophical 
developments in the West.
Another interesting debate was the debate in the Soviet Union between the 
so-called Mechanists and the Deborinists which took place during the 1920s. To 
some extent some of the issues from the earlier debate between Lenin and the 
Machists got revisited, except that this time around both sides insisted that 
they were orthodox Leninists.
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Re: [Marxism] Alexander Bogdanov and Russian Machism

2016-12-23 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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McKenzie Wark:   The post above frames Bogdanov's argument in Lenin's terms, 
which distorts it. What Bogdanov thought he was doing is providing a Marxist 
explanation for where the categories of 'materialism' and 'idealism' come from 
in the first place. This necessarily entails a refusal of the dogmatic 
'materialism' of Plekhanov and Lenin. One need not agree with Bogdanov on this, 
but one cannot even think it without some distance from the polemical 
distortions of Plekhanov and Lenin.
Jim Farmelant: Bogdanov also took Ernst Mach to task for not fully 
overcoming the dualism between subjective and objective perspectives. So for 
Bogdanov, Mach's empiriocriticism, tended to be oriented towards contemplation 
rather than action. It sought a pure description of the world as it is, rather 
than attempting to change the world. To m mind, Bogdanov's proposed revisions 
of Machism, brought his own philosophical perspective closer to American 
Jim Farmelant: And yes, for Bogdanov, the emergence of the distinction 
between the physical and mental realms was to be understood historically.
McKenzie Wark:   Jim Farmelant the parallel to pragmatism is indeed an 
interesting one.

Jim Farmelant 
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-- Original Message --
From: Fred Murphy via Marxism 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Alexander Bogdanov and Russian Machism
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 10:23:53 -0500

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Can you expand the "See more"s and repost? Thanks!

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[Marxism] Fwd: Exposing the Apologetics for Assad and Putin – Areo Magazine

2016-12-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Alexander Bogdanov and Russian Machism

2016-12-23 Thread Fred Murphy via Marxism
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Can you expand the "See more"s and repost? Thanks!

On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 9:08 AM Jim Farmelant  wrote:

> We had the following exchange on my FB wall.
> ​...
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: George Orwell was a reactionary snitch =?utf-8?q?_who_made_a_blacklist_of_leftists_for_the_British_government_ ?= – Medium

2016-12-23 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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and why is al-jazeera interviewing him anyway?
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[Marxism] Badiou and Saint Mao

2016-12-23 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Chinoiresie reprints a Telos article by Christian Sorace in which he
refutes Alain Badiou's claim that his version of democracy is secular, not
IMO Badiou may really believe his analysis is not theological, but it might
as well be given his complete ignorance of socialist democracy and the
structures and practice it requires.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Barack Obama, Reparations, and America's Wealth Gap - The Atlantic

2016-12-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] [UCE] Democracy is Gone in the USA--A Review of Douglas Valentine's latest

2016-12-23 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Alexander Bogdanov and Russian Machism

2016-12-23 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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We had the following exchange on my FB wall.

McKenzie Wark:  The post above frames Bogdanov's argument in Lenin's terms, 
which distorts it. What Bogdanov thought he was doing is providing a Marxist 
explanation for where the categories of 'materialism' and 'idealism' come from 
in the first place. This necessarily...See More

Jim Farmelant:Bogdanov also took Ernst Mach to task for not fully 
overcoming the dualism between subjective and objective perspectives. So for 
Bogdanov, Mach's empiriocriticism, tended to be oriented towards contemplation 
rather than action. It sought a pure descri...See More

Jim Farmelant:And yes, for Bogdanov, the emergence of the distinction 
between the physical and mental realms was to be understood historically.
McKenzie Wark :   Jim Farmelant the parallel to pragmatism is indeed an 
interesting one.

Jim Farmelant 
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-- Original Message --
From: Fred Murphy via Marxism 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Alexander Bogdanov and Russian Machism
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 08:41:01 -0500


Jim, are you familiar with McKenzie Wark's *Molecular Red*? Good intro to

Also, Karen Barad -


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Re: [Marxism] Alexander Bogdanov and Russian Machism

2016-12-23 Thread Fred Murphy via Marxism
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Jim, are you familiar with McKenzie Wark's *Molecular Red*? Good intro to

Also, Karen Barad -

On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 5:23 AM, Jim Farmelant via Marxism <> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> In the early 20th century, the Russian Machists were mostly (though not
> exclusively) Bolsheviks like Alexander Bogdanov
> ​...
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[Marxism] Fwd: President Duterte of the Philippines for Dummies

2016-12-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Andre Vltchek's 7700 word article making the case that Duterte is a 
leftwing revolutionary.

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[Marxism] Alexander Bogdanov and Russian Machism

2016-12-23 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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In the early 20th century, the Russian Machists were mostly (though not 
exclusively) Bolsheviks like Alexander Bogdanov, Vladimir Bazrov, and Anatoli 
Lunacharsky. Bogdanov was a very interesting figure who wrote prolifically on a 
wide variety of subjects. I think its too bad that he was expelled from the 
Bolshevik faction in 1908, since he was a lively and interesting thinker, who 
instance, created what he called 'tektology' which was an early version of 
general systems theory. In the years after the October Revolution, he was a 
founder of the Proletkult which had an influential role in the cultural life of 
the Soviet Union during the 1920's (lots of people who became leading cultural 
figures like film maker Sergei Eisenstein, passed through that organization 
during those years).

Concerning the Lenin/Bogdanov debate, much can be said. Lenin was, I think 
correct, in linking the Machists's positions to Berkeleyian idealism. Indeed, 
the British logical positivist, A.J. Ayer, (logical positivism being 
essentially an updated version of Machism) in his book Language, Truth and 
Logic emphasized that the positivists were intellectual descendants of 
Berkeley. And indeed, in one of his autobiographies, Ayer explicitly conceded 
that Lenin was correct in seeing Machism as rooted directly in Berkeleyian 

I think that Lenin was correct in making the case for realism, but on the other 
hand, I think that the Russian Machists were on to something too. They 
perceived correctly, IMO, the inadequacies of dialectical materialism as it had 
been handed down by Engels and Plekhanov. And most of the most important and 
innovative work that was done in the philosophy of science during the 20th 
century was rooted either directly or indirectly in Machism. The expulsion of 
Machist thinking from Bolshevik and hence later Soviet philosophy was 
ultimately, IMO, quite detrimental to the development of Soviet philosophical 
thought, since that largely cut off Soviet philosophy from philosophical 
developments in the West.

Another interesting debate was the debate in the Soviet Union between the 
so-called Mechanists and the Deborinists which took place during the 1920s. To 
some extent some of the issues from the earlier debate between Lenin and the 
Machists got revisited, except that this time around both sides insisted that 
they were orthodox Leninists.

Jim Farmelant 
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