[Marxism] Fwd: The graffiti kids: How an act of teenage rebellion sparked the Syrian war - The Globe and Mail

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[Marxism] Fwd: Whitewashing Assad and his allies must be challenged - Al Jazeera English

2016-12-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-War]: Beall on Richie, 'Warsaw 1944: Hitler, Himmler, and the Warsaw Uprising'

2016-12-25 Thread Thomas via Marxism
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Kanal, a magnificent film I saw as a boy when it came out, available here:



-Original Message-
>From: Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>Sent: Dec 25, 2016 8:40 PM
>To: Thomas F Barton 
>Subject: Re: [Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-War]: Beall on Richie, 'Warsaw 
>1944: Hitler, Himmler, and the Warsaw Uprising'
>For comrades information, Andrzej Wajda, the Polish director who died in 
>October, made a film titled "Kanal" in 1956 based on the Warsaw Uprising 
>(not to be confused with the Jewish revolt a year earlier). It is a 
>great film that is a bit hard to get a hold of unless you go to a 
>research library. If you are motivated, you might want to look into 
>Filmstruck, the new VOD website launched by TCM and the Criterion 
>collection that has "Kanal".
>Support Louis Proyect biography project
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-War]: Beall on Richie, 'Warsaw 1944: Hitler, Himmler, and the Warsaw Uprising'

2016-12-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 12/25/16 7:55 PM, Andrew Stewart via Marxism wrote:

Western audiences often interpret the Warsaw Uprising of August and
September 1944 as Joseph Stalin's attempt to kill off a Polish
independence movement by having the Germans do his dirty work.

For comrades information, Andrzej Wajda, the Polish director who died in 
October, made a film titled "Kanal" in 1956 based on the Warsaw Uprising 
(not to be confused with the Jewish revolt a year earlier). It is a 
great film that is a bit hard to get a hold of unless you go to a 
research library. If you are motivated, you might want to look into 
Filmstruck, the new VOD website launched by TCM and the Criterion 
collection that has "Kanal".

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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-War]: Beall on Richie, 'Warsaw 1944: Hitler, Himmler, and the Warsaw Uprising'

2016-12-25 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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-- Forwarded message --
From: H-Net Staff 
Date: Sun, Dec 25, 2016 at 12:51 PM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-War]: Beall on Richie, 'Warsaw 1944: Hitler,
Himmler, and the Warsaw Uprising'
To: h-rev...@h-net.msu.edu

Alexandra Richie.  Warsaw 1944: Hitler, Himmler, and the Warsaw
Uprising.  New York  Farrar, Straus  Giroux, 2013.
Illustrations. 738 pp.  $40.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-374-28655-2.

Reviewed by Jonathan Beall (University of North Georgia)
Published on H-War (December, 2016)
Commissioned by Margaret Sankey

Western audiences often interpret the Warsaw Uprising of August and
September 1944 as Joseph Stalin's attempt to kill off a Polish
independence movement by having the Germans do his dirty work. For
other Westerners, it is a mere anecdote to the otherwise inexorable
march of the Allies' victory over Nazi Germany. As Alexandra Richie
shows in her _Warsaw 1944_, it was more than that to the Poles, the
Germans, and the Grand Alliance. Richie places the uprising within
the larger scope of World War II and reveals the calculus of forces
that influenced the decisions to launch the uprising, the Germans'
reaction, and the uprising's eventual defeat.

Richie argues that three events influenced the course of the Warsaw
Uprising. The first was the widespread, but mistaken, Polish belief
that the Germans were on their last legs by mid-1944 after the
Soviets' successful Operation BAGRATION, which heavily influenced the
decisions to launch the uprising. Secondly, the plot to kill Adolf
Hitler by the Wehrmacht led to the elevation of Heinrich Himmler,
head of the SS, to handle the Warsaw Uprising. Third, Richie argues
that Field Marshal Walter Model's counteroffensive, which began hours
before the uprising, wholly prevented the Soviets from assisting the
Poles and allowed the Germans to quell the uprising.

As a whole, she deftly mixes macro-level events of leaders in London,
Moscow, Berlin, and Warsaw with the ground-level events in Warsaw and
throughout Belorussia. In the first fifth of the book, Richie
convincingly lays out how these decisions, experiences, and
perceptions strongly influenced the course of the Warsaw Uprising.

Although it is clear that Richie is fond of Poland, she is critical
of the senior leadership of the Armia Krajowa (AK). Richie portrays
the AK commander, General Tadeusz Komorowski, known simply as "Bór,"
as a good man but not the right man to lead the AK. She describes
other AK commanders, such as General Antoni Chruściel as a
misinformed, poor leader more interested in his place in history than
actual leadership. Richie also describes the nearly impossible
situation that Bór faced in late July. Polish leaders were aware
that the Soviets disapproved of an independent, democratic Poland,
but the Poles' failure to launch an uprising might have signaled to
the Soviets that the AK was "ineffectual--or worse, had even
collaborated with the Germans" (p. 165). Knowing the political
reality of Soviet suspicions toward Poland, realizing that the AK
could not do anything, understanding that the AK would not receive
any outside help, and influenced by a mistaken belief of imminent
German defeat, a reluctant Bór decided to roll the dice and order
the uprising.

The uprising takes up the rest of the book. From a faulty starting
point, the AK launched the uprising on August 1. Richie shows the
AK's early successes but demonstrates that it was doomed to fail from
the beginning. As the German garrison stopped the AK attacks, Himmler
deployed his SS units to suppress the uprising. Hitler ordered
Himmler to end the uprising, so Himmler relied on units that had
previously used brutality against Soviet partisans now against the AK
and civilians. In great detail, Richie records the mass murders in a
western Warsaw suburb as SS units slaughtered men, women, and
children regardless of their involvement in the uprising.

As these mass murders slowed down the Germans' progress, the Russian
_osttruppen_ deployed as well. In the Ochota suburb, these Russians
who fought for the Germans looted and raped their way through the
area. Richie recounts these terrifying tragedies in unsparing detail.
In the end, Wehrmacht forces were used to flush out the AK troops and
force the AK's surrender by the end of September. The book does not
detail the street-by-street movement of the urban combat between the
AK and the Germans. Rather, it emphasizes the civilians' brutalizing

Throughout her work, it is clear that the author has a deep love for
Poland. To Richie, Poland was clearly a victim of Nazi occupation
wherein she observes "there were no quislings 

[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-War]: McDonough on Janin and Carlson, 'The California Campaigns of the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848'

2016-12-25 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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-- Forwarded message --
From: H-Net Staff 
Date: Sun, Dec 25, 2016 at 12:51 PM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-War]: McDonough on Janin and Carlson, 'The
California Campaigns of the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848'
To: h-rev...@h-net.msu.edu

Hunt Janin, Ursula Carlson.  The California Campaigns of the
U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.  Jefferson  McFarland, 2015.  224 pp.
$39.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-7864-9420-0.

Reviewed by Matthew McDonough (Coastal Carolina University)
Published on H-War (December, 2016)
Commissioned by Margaret Sankey

Hunt Janin and Ursula Carlson's latest work, The California Campaigns
of the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848, sheds some needed light on a
relatively unknown part of Manifest Destiny. While the
Mexican-American War itself is often overshadowed by the American
Civil War, the conquest of California is also commonly seen as simply
a minor sideshow within the context of the larger Mexican-American
War. In contrast, Janin and Carlson argue that California was the
main prize up for grabs and the story of its conquest is just as
significant as the more well-known campaigns in the South.

_The California Campaigns of the U.S.-Mexican War_ is a concise and
easy to digest introduction to the topic. The authors provide an
excellent and helpful chronology that details all the important
events as well as a handy outline on the contents of each chapter.
They ultimately conclude that American designs on California were the
primary catalysts of the war and that Mexico, woefully unprepared for
conflict in the region, would have been better served to avoid the
fight entirely. Janin and Carlson argue that "two things stand out in
the historical record: a profound forgetfulness on the American side
and a profound humiliation on the Mexican side" (p. 178). In the end,
the history of the Golden State was shaped in equal measure by
Americans, Mexicans, and native Californios.

Janin and Carlson are at their best when describing the incredible
cast of historical actors that helped shape California. Many of the
best depictions come from some of the authors' many primary sources,
such as the portrayal of native Californian Chief Solano and his
warriors whose "looks inspired fear in everyone" and appeared to be
"devils from hell" (p. 30). More well-known figures also make
appearances, such as the famed author of _Two Years before the Mast_
(1840) and inspiration for Dana Point, Richard Henry Dana Jr., as
well as the long-suffering Johann Augustes Sutter. The latter's
depiction in particular is fascinating as Sutter's attempt to find
fame and fortune in California was ultimately thwarted when gold was
discovered on his land and his workers deserted almost immediately,
leaving him destitute.

Readers will also be drawn to the authors' fascinating coverage of
the often bizarre events that preceded the outbreak of hostilities,
such as the 1842 incident during which the American naval commander
assumed that war had been declared, landed his marines, and occupied
Monterrey without meeting any resistance. Upon learning that his
actions were premature he apologized to the local Mexican garrison
and withdrew. Janin and Carlson use this as well as other examples to
argue that Mexico was so woefully unprepared for war that resisting
during the Mexican-American War was doomed to failure. In addition to
discussing the well-known Bear Flag Revolt, the authors also cover
several lesser-known altercations. Most significant was the siege of
Los Angeles in which local Californios rose in rebellion and forced
the American occupiers to retreat to San Pedro. These skirmishes
ultimately culminated in the largest fight in California, the Battle
of San Pascual. While the Americans were actually defeated here, due
to a lethal combination of wet powder and overconfidence, it
ultimately was an inconsequential win as the larger battles in the
South would dictate the cessation of hostilities.

Methodologically, the book is an excellent mix of pertinent primary
and secondary sources. In particular, the authors' tendency to
utilize block quotations is a strength as it gives the reader more
context than just a brief snippet. Unfortunately, the book does not
include any maps, pictures, or drawings. Campaign maps in particular
would have been useful to pinpoint exactly where each of the battles
took place. Janin and Carlson's work is filled with colorful and
interesting characters and the work would have benefited from some
pictures or even drawings of the main actors. Just a few visual aids
would have breathed additional life into a fascinating topic.
Historiographically, the book focuses 

Re: [Marxism] WWII "evacuations"

2016-12-25 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Excellent! Never Forget!

On Sun, Dec 25, 2016 at 3:59 PM, Thomas via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> California
> >On 12/25/16 10:12 AM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:
> >> Where else were whole populations "evacuated" in or around WWII?
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[Marxism] Fwd: In American Towns, Private Profits From Public Works - The New York Times

2016-12-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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When Trump speaks of huge infrastructure projects, he has this in mind 
not the New Deal.


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[Marxism] Cancer and Climate Change

2016-12-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(This was written almost a year ago. The author just died. He was 
interviewed in Leonardo DiCaprio's very fine documentary on climate 
change "Before the Flood" that can be seen on-demand on the National 
Geographic Channel and on Amazon.)

NY Times Op-Ed, January 16 2016
Cancer and Climate Change

I’M a climate scientist who has just been told I have Stage 4 pancreatic 

This diagnosis puts me in an interesting position. I’ve spent much of my 
professional life thinking about the science of climate change, which is 
best viewed through a multidecadal lens. At some level I was sure that, 
even at my present age of 60, I would live to see the most critical part 
of the problem, and its possible solutions, play out in my lifetime. Now 
that my personal horizon has been steeply foreshortened, I was forced to 
decide how to spend my remaining time. Was continuing to think about 
climate change worth the bother?

After handling the immediate business associated with the medical news — 
informing family, friends, work; tidying up some finances; putting out 
stacks of unread New York Times Book Reviews to recycle; and throwing a 
large “Limited Edition” holiday party, complete with butlers, I had some 
time to sit at my kitchen table and draw up the bucket list.

Very quickly, I found out that I had no desire to jostle with wealthy 
tourists on Mount Everest, or fight for some yardage on a beautiful and 
exclusive beach, or all those other things one toys with on a boring 
January afternoon. Instead, I concluded that all I really wanted to do 
was spend more time with the people I know and love, and get back to my 
office as quickly as possible.

I work for NASA, managing a large group of expert scientists doing 
research on the whole Earth system (I should mention that the views in 
this article are my own, not NASA’s). This involves studies of climate 
and weather using space-based observations and powerful computer models. 
These models describe how the planet works, and what can happen as we 
pump carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The work is complex, exacting, 
highly relevant and fascinating.

Last year was the warmest year on record, by far. I think that future 
generations will look back on 2015 as an important but not decisive year 
in the struggle to align politics and policy with science. This is an 
incredibly hard thing to do. On the science side, there has been a 
steady accumulation of evidence over the last 15 years that climate 
change is real and that its trajectory could lead us to a very 
uncomfortable, if not dangerous, place. On the policy side, the 
just-concluded climate conference in Paris set a goal of holding the 
increase in the global average temperature to 2 degrees Celsius, or 3.6 
degrees Fahrenheit, above preindustrial levels.

While many have mocked this accord as being toothless and unenforceable, 
it is noteworthy that the policy makers settled on a number that is 
based on the best science available and is within the predictive 
capability of our computer models.

It’s doubtful that we’ll hold the line at 2 degrees Celsius, but we need 
to give it our best shot. With scenarios that exceed that target, we are 
talking about enormous changes in global precipitation and temperature 
patterns, huge impacts on water and food security, and significant sea 
level rise. As the predicted temperature rises, model uncertainty grows, 
increasing the likelihood of unforeseen, disastrous events.

All this as the world’s population is expected to crest at around 9.5 
billion by 2050 from the current seven billion. Pope Francis and a think 
tank of retired military officers have drawn roughly the same conclusion 
from computer model predictions: The worst impacts will be felt by the 
world’s poorest, who are already under immense stress and have meager 
resources to help them adapt to the changes. They will see themselves as 
innocent victims of the developed world’s excesses. Looking back, the 
causes of the 1789 French Revolution are not a mystery to historians; 
looking forward, the pressure cooker for increased radicalism, of all 
flavors, and conflict could get hotter along with the global temperature.

Last year may also be seen in hindsight as the year of the Death of 
Denial. Globally speaking, most policy makers now trust the scientific 
evidence and predictions, even as they grapple with ways to respond to 
the problem. And most Americans — 70 percent, according to a recent 
Monmouth University poll — believe that the climate is changing. So 
perhaps now we can move on to the really hard part of this whole business.


Re: [Marxism] WWII "evacuations"

2016-12-25 Thread Thomas via Marxism
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-Original Message-
>From: Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>Sent: Dec 25, 2016 10:59 AM
>To: Thomas F Barton 
>Subject: Re: [Marxism] WWII "evacuations"

>On 12/25/16 10:12 AM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:
>> Where else were whole populations "evacuated" in or around WWII?
>Crimean Tatars.

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Re: [Marxism] WWII "evacuations"

2016-12-25 Thread Alan Ginsberg via Marxism
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"Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans After the Second World
War" by R.H. Douglas describes the harrowing expulsion of the
German-speaking populations of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland.

During World War II, the Volga Germans were deported from their autonomous
area of the USSR.

Other deportations in the USSR included Chechens and, as Louis mentioned,
Crimean Tatars.
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[Marxism] Song for the Luddites

2016-12-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Song For The Luddites
by George Gordon Byron

As the Liberty lads o'er the sea
Bought their freedom, and cheaply, with blood,
So we, boys, we
Will die fighting, or live free,
And down with all kings but King Ludd!

When the web that we weave is complete,
And the shuttle exchanged for the sword,
We will fling the winding sheet
O'er the despot at our feet,
And dye it deep in the gore he has pour'd.

Though black as his heart its hue,
Since his veins are corrupted to mud,
Yet this is the dew
Which the tree shall renew
Of Liberty, planted by Ludd!

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[Marxism] Fwd: Julian Assange gives guarded praise of Trump and blasts Clinton in interview | Media | The Guardian

2016-12-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(What a horse's ass)

Assange, who briefly hosted his own talkshow on the state-owned 
television network Russia Today, has long had a close relationship with 
the Putin regime. In his interview with la Repubblica, he said there was 
no need for WikiLeaks to undertake a whistleblowing role in Russia 
because of the open and competitive debate he claimed exists there.

“In Russia, there are many vibrant publications, online blogs and 
Kremlin critics, such as [Alexey] Navalny, are part of that spectrum,” 
he said. “There are also newspapers like Novaya Gazeta, in which 
different parts of society in Moscow are permitted to critique each 
other and it is tolerated, generally, because it isn’t a big TV channel 
that might have a mass popular effect, its audience is educated people 
in Moscow. So my interpretation is that in Russia there are competitors 
to WikiLeaks.”


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[Marxism] Socialist Writing vs. Capitalist Writing

2016-12-25 Thread Prashad, Vijay via Marxism
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For your files, a conversation that Mark Now and I had on the idea of 
'socialist writing': 

Warm regards for the new year,

Vijay Prashad
Professor of International Studies
Author: The Death of the Nation and the Future of the Arab Revolution 
Co-Editor (with Karim Makdisi): Land of Blue Helmets: The United Nations and 
the Arab World (2016).
Columnist: Frontline, Alternet and BirGün.

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[Marxism] algorithms

2016-12-25 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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On the responsibility of journalists - and all of us - to understand
algorithms so as to not let our rulers use them against us.
The flip side of that responsibility is understanding how algorithms might
be useful in building an economy and society of "articulated
self-management" (Mandel's term for democratic socialist planning from
local to global levels).
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Re: [Marxism] WWII "evacuations"

2016-12-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 12/25/16 10:12 AM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

Where else were whole populations "evacuated" in or around WWII?

Crimean Tatars.

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[Marxism] WWII "evacuations"

2016-12-25 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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looking for WWII parallels to the forced displacement ("evacuations") from
Aleppo and other Syrian cities/towns
i.e. not just masses fleeing the Nazi onslaught, but entire (or
substantial) organized expulsion after Nazi conquest
Obviously the Palestinian Nakba fits the pattern. (in fact is rationalized
as a postscript to Nazi "evacuations" of European Jews.
Where else were whole populations "evacuated" in or around WWII?
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[Marxism] Fwd: The system is broken | Michael Roberts Blog

2016-12-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In an end of the year piece, the biographer of John Maynard Keynes, 
economist Lord Robert Skidelsky writes that “Let’s be honest: no one 
knows what is happening in the world economy today. Recovery from the 
collapse of 2008 has been unexpectedly slow. Are we on the road to full 
health or mired in “secular stagnation”? Is globalization coming or going?”

He goes on: “Policymakers don’t know what to do. They press the usual 
(and unusual) levers and nothing happens. Quantitative easing was 
supposed to bring inflation “back to target.” It didn’t. Fiscal 
contraction was supposed to restore confidence. It didn’t.”


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[Marxism] The Hammer and Cross | Rajeev Ravisankar | Jacobin

2016-12-25 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Further on the UN resolution

2016-12-25 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Jeff Halper is active in the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions

Jeff Halper6 hrs · Wow, a Christmas present from the UN! 14 of the 15 members 
of the Security Council passed a pretty strong resolution against settlement 
construction -- and against the demolition of Palestinian homes. The US was the 
odd-man out as usual, but at least it abstained, thus allowing the resolution 
to pass.The vote has no immediate repercussions. It doesn't contain sanctions 
on Israel for ignoring and violating it -- which the Israeli government has 
already says it will. The only genuinely effective way to end settlement 
construction and all other Israeli attempts to make the Occupation permanent is 
to enforce the the Geneva Convention, which would dismantle Israeli 
settlements. But that won't happen (the US is DEFINITELY against that). So the 
UN Resolution is symbolic -- strongly symbolic, perhaps paving the way for 
appeals to international courts and certainly affecting public opinion -- but 
it will not end the political reality that the two-state solution is dead and 
gone (Trump will only bury it officially, which will serve the useful purpose 
of clearing the air so we can get on with finding a REAL solution).More than 
anything, the UN Resolution points up the fundamental flaw and failing of us, 
Palestinians and Israelis who seek a truly just peace. The UN vote shows how 
much support for Palestinian have. Russia (despite its closeness to Israel and 
Trump), the UK (despite its extreme right-wing government), China (despite its 
growing military ties to Israel), Spain, Senegal and Angola (despite 
Netanyahu's courting of African countries, using military arms as inducements), 
Japan and others -- they all all voted for the resolution. So, too, did Egypt 
in the end, Israeli and Trump pressures notwithstanding. And the US abstained. 
Israel has already accused Obama of "collusion" and "abandoning it. Apparently 
giving Israel $40 billion in military aid over the next 10 years is not enough 
to prove "loyalty."The vote shows how mobilizable the international community 
is in support of the Palestinians, and in fact how weak Israel's position is. 
Yet it also shows how impotent and "symbolic" that support is without an 
end-game to give it direction and teeth.This is a setback for Israel, to be 
sure, but governments will not come up with a JUST solution. Human rights, 
international law, justice -- these are values they support in symbolic 
resolutions like that of the Security Council, but they are certainly not the 
bases of foreign policy. (Jimmy Carter got laughed out of office and is still a 
persona non-grata in the Democratic Party because he tried to introduce human 
rights into American foreign policy). Governments will only manage conflicts, 
usually to the benefit of the strong side, like Israel. If we, the people, 
civil society, led by Palestinians and Israeli stakeholders, want a genuine and 
just solution, we have to decide what it is. People and governments are 
mobilizable, that is clear from yesterday's vote. But they will not move to 
actually end the Occupation and achieve a just peace unless we, Palestinians 
and their Israeli partners, lead the way.This is our wake-up call. We can win, 
but we have to be smart, strategic and pro-active. Yala!   

See: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.761049

See also
Netanyahu Cancels Ukrainian PM's Visit to Israel Over Security Council Vote
The decision was made in light of Ukraine's vote in favor of a resolution 
condemning Israeli settlements, senior official says.

read more: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.761122

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