[Marxism] What is the Green Party missing?

2017-12-29 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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You are correct about the left liberal bit to a point. The problem is that
the Cobb faction from 2003-04 is still deeply entrenched within the
leadership positions that end up being the determination for every
political matter of true importance within the party's national
organization. They are deeply delusional, egotistical, and disconnected
from reality. This is because the structure of the party nationally is such
that it is all smoke and mirrors, just a collection of about 50 state
parties with wildly different and varied statuses in terms of everything
from membership qualifications to ballot status to outreach and political
impact in the wider landscape. The RI party can fit its meetings into a
telephone booth and New York has the ability to register as a Green in the

I wouldn't dismiss them all as left liberals or even suggest that the Green
Party has no further uses.  The problem is that, in the end, the leadership
of the Greens seem to invariably defer to the worst among them.

That said, the Greens remain the best available option until those who want
something better decide to get together and build it.

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner

2017-12-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Review of Books, JANUARY 18, 2018 ISSUE
The Nuclear Worrier
by Thomas Powers

The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner
by Daniel Ellsberg
Bloomsbury, 420 pp. $30.00

Daniel Ellsberg in his youth and Daniel Ellsberg in his age are the same 
man—a born worrier quick to spot trouble, take alarm, and issue warning. 
He is best known for worrying about the American war in Vietnam, which 
time in the war zone convinced him was a crime, and for doing what he 
could to bring it to an end. In that case he copied and illegally 
released a huge collection of secret documents about the war, first 
published in June 1971 by The New York Times, which came to be known as 
the Pentagon Papers.

But Vietnam was not the first or the biggest thing that worried Ellsberg 
after he went to work in his late twenties as an analyst for the RAND 
Corporation in 1959. His first and biggest worry was the American effort 
to defend itself with nuclear weapons. When Ellsberg finally got a look 
at the plans for such a war he realized immediately that the Strategic 
Air Command had built a military instrument that not only could but in 
his view probably would break the back of human civilization.

It was Vietnam that got in the way of his plan to do something about the 
nuclear war plans. In his new memoir, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions 
of a Nuclear War Planner, the second about the big things that obsessed 
Ellsberg in his youth,1 he does not try to explain why he set aside 
worry about the bomb to tackle America’s hopeless war in Southeast Asia, 
then in its sixth year. The probable answer is that he had gone to see 
it. Arguing about nuclear weapons with other supersmart young analysts 
and Air Force colonels was dismaying but not horrifying in the way of 
war itself. In Vietnam hundreds of Americans and thousands of Vietnamese 
were dying every month, and sometimes every week, with no end in sight. 
The commitment of American policymakers to go on killing peasants rather 
than confess failure was the crime that Ellsberg felt impelled to expose 
and denounce.

But he never stopped worrying about nuclear weapons. He was far from 
alone, of course. The horror of the bombs dropped on the Japanese cities 
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was immediately apparent to all who did not 
refuse to see. What separated Ellsberg from ordinary civilian worriers 
was his access to the actual war plans for doing it again. By the time 
he received his first clearances to know official secrets about types 
and numbers of weapons, the handful of first-generation bombs, assembled 
one by one by hand at Los Alamos, New Mexico, had been replaced by more 
and better devices. Fat Man, the fission bomb that destroyed Nagasaki, 
was blimplike in shape, weighed about 10,000 pounds, and exploded with 
the energy of 20,000 tons of TNT. By the late 1950s the first few 
fission bombs had been replaced by ever-expanding numbers (soon to be 
thousands) of thermonuclear fusion weapons, small enough to fit in the 
nose cone of a missile or under a jet fighter, and roughly a thousand 
times more powerful than Fat Man. RAND did many studies for the Pentagon 
on the best way to defend America with these superweapons, and the best 
way to fight a war with them.

Ellsberg’s initiation into the secrets did not happen in a day, and it 
took him awhile to realize that there were many levels of clearances, 
each more secret, more tightly held, and shared with fewer people than 
the last. Beyond Top Secret, the highest clearance known to exist by the 
general public, were the code-word clearances for what is now called 
“sensitive compartmented information.” These permitted an individual to 
know certain specific secrets, like the fact that the United States had 
developed tools—spy planes and reconnaissance satellites—to photograph 
the Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) that could carry 
thermonuclear warheads. The number of Soviet missiles was not the one 
hundred argued by Air Force alarmists in the Pentagon or the fifty 
claimed in a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) in June 1961.

In September of that year Ellsberg learned that the United States would 
not find it hard to destroy the Soviet missile force. Only four ICBMs 
were ready to go and they were all at the missile-testing site in 
Plesetsk, about five hundred miles north of Moscow and a hundred miles 
south of the White Sea. The four missiles were liquid-fueled and took a 
long time to prepare for launch. They were standing up in the open and 
were close enough together to get all four with a single nearby hit. To 
know this you had to have code-word 

[Marxism] Fwd: Damage Bigly | by James Mann | The New York Review of Books

2017-12-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The tax legislation that was just rammed through Congress makes it quite 
clear that Donald Trump’s first year in the White House has been much 
more damaging to the nation than that of any other president in modern 
times. Before this bill, it might have been possible, though wrong, to 
argue that as president, Trump had brought to his office more sound and 
fury than action. The notion took hold for much of 2017 that his 
failures in Congress, along with a series of court rulings, had limited 
his impact; the failure to repeal Obamacare and the courts’ blocking of 
the early versions of his travel ban were cited as examples of the 
supposedly constrained Trump presidency.

No more. The sweeping tax bill gives a huge tax cut to corporations and 
to wealthy individuals, and will add roughly $1 trillion over the next 
ten years to the federal deficit. It will widen further the already 
enormous gulf between the very wealthy and the rest of America. And it 
sets the stage for an attempt by Republicans in Congress in 2018 to 
shrink the federal deficit by cutting benefits to a large number of 
Americans through reductions in Social Security, Medicare, and other 
social programs.

full: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/2018/01/18/donald-trump-damage-bigly/
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Re: [Marxism] What is the Green Party missing?

2017-12-29 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I wouldn't dismiss them all as left liberals or even suggest that the Green
Party has no further uses.  The problem is that, in the end, the leadership
of the Greens seem to invariably defer to the worst among them.

That said, the Greens remain the best available option until those who want
something better decide to get together and build it.

On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 4:54 PM, Andrew Stewart via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> Correct on all points. It comes down to the fact that there are a lot of
> left liberals who are not interested in getting into the streets and
> joining with the poor and marginalized communities of color in their
> battles against the system. Part of it is overt racism and indifference,
> part of it is being scared of their own shadows, part of it is plain
> stupidity bred by decades of suburban malaise. In Providence we have three
> or four different organizations that serve as the locations for struggle by
> the urban minority community and the white liberals wouldn't know how to
> say hello if they were given cue cards.
> --
> Best regards,
> Andrew Stewart
> The Green party doesn't have members in most places.  I don't think I've
> every pointed anyone their direction without the movers and shakers
> chucking rocks at them.  :-)  There are some states better off than others,
> but the vast majority consist of tiny cliques organized around the
> principle of keeping control of the organization.
> Recent discussions about adopting a membership-based
> organization--analogous to the swallow reflex for any viable body--has
> apparently been treated to a fearful letting alone.
> ML
> _
> Full posting guidelines at: http://www.marxmail.org/sub.htm
> Set your options at: http://lists.csbs.utah.edu/
> options/marxism/markalause%40gmail.com
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Re: [Marxism] What is the Green Party missing?

2017-12-29 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Correct on all points. It comes down to the fact that there are a lot of
left liberals who are not interested in getting into the streets and
joining with the poor and marginalized communities of color in their
battles against the system. Part of it is overt racism and indifference,
part of it is being scared of their own shadows, part of it is plain
stupidity bred by decades of suburban malaise. In Providence we have three
or four different organizations that serve as the locations for struggle by
the urban minority community and the white liberals wouldn't know how to
say hello if they were given cue cards.

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart

The Green party doesn't have members in most places.  I don't think I've
every pointed anyone their direction without the movers and shakers
chucking rocks at them.  :-)  There are some states better off than others,
but the vast majority consist of tiny cliques organized around the
principle of keeping control of the organization.

Recent discussions about adopting a membership-based
organization--analogous to the swallow reflex for any viable body--has
apparently been treated to a fearful letting alone.

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Re: [Marxism] What is the Green Party missing?

2017-12-29 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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The Green party doesn't have members in most places.  I don't think I've
every pointed anyone their direction without the movers and shakers
chucking rocks at them.  :-)  There are some states better off than others,
but the vast majority consist of tiny cliques organized around the
principle of keeping control of the organization.

Recent discussions about adopting a membership-based
organization--analogous to the swallow reflex for any viable body--has
apparently been treated to a fearful letting alone.


On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 2:20 PM, Andrew Stewart via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> I'd like to just push back on this sentence in particular, "Andrew's
> article overlooked this important aspect.   The CPUSA was also not a
> democratic decision making group, or welcomed members holding different
> views and being critical thinkers - just "loyal followers"."
> The record is quite clear in recent scholarship and demonstrative of quite
> the opposite. Since the 1960s and the New Left's 'social history' prism was
> developed it has been beyond dispute that things were not as simple as that
> statement would suggest. Most of the material I have seen is emphatic that
> the mass membership base either paid the mildest lip service to or just
> blatantly ignored the dictates of the leadership superstructure, be it in
> America or Moscow. This claim is fundamentally one that is derived from the
> Theodore Draper line of historiography on the party, which is a very right
> wing discourse and devoted to viewing the party as a homogeneous grouping
> rather than heterogeneous. Draper did not differentiate between the New
> York and California parties, though they were extremely different in style
> due to their proximity to the national leadership, or articulate the fact
> that Wm. Z Foster brought to the party from the beginning a syndicalist
> vision that was different from the praxis of other national parties.
> -Andrew Stewart
> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2017 13:24:45 +
> From: John Obrien 
> To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
> Subject: [Marxism] What is the Green Party missing?
> Message-ID:
>  namprd17.prod.outlook.com>
> The main thing the Green Party in the United States is missing - is a
> democratic decision making membership structure
> instead of presently many states structures based on small cliques and
> opposed to a mass membership.
> Andrew's article overlooked this important aspect.   The CPUSA was also not
> a democratic decision making group,
> or welcomed members holding different views and being critical thinkers -
> just "loyal followers".
> This article's focus was more on opportunist tactical strategy and not the
> core problem of building a needed mass based
> democratic decision making party of our Class.  Not just a few seeking
> personal power control and "making some political
> points over their opponents in political Left currents", that historically
> are meaningless.
> We have seen opportunism and tailism often.  We have seen numerous small
> arrogant elitist vanguard groups representing
> a small leadership clique and substituting loyalty to them and how to
> "serve them", instead of the difficult but needed
> task of organizing our Class (not just deciding what is politically
> acceptable to the "recognized leaders" who aspire to be
> Lenin )   The 2017 United States is not 1917 Russia, or 1917 Untied States.
> A mass based labor party is needed in the United States and the current
> Green Party "leaders" appear incapable of that,
> in part because they are made up of religious pacifists, middle class
> artisans and professionals not wage laborers and a
> mixture of old Stalinists from the CPUSA and COC.  The Green Party leaders
> are mainly older in age and not focused on
> welcoming youth and allowing them to provide leadership.   Also the Rhode
> Island Green Party seems not representative
> of most of the other Green Party state organizations that are self-electing
> small cliques.
> _
> Full posting guidelines at: http://www.marxmail.org/sub.htm
> Set your options at: 

Re: [Marxism] What is the Green Party missing?

2017-12-29 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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I'd like to just push back on this sentence in particular, "Andrew's
article overlooked this important aspect.   The CPUSA was also not a
democratic decision making group, or welcomed members holding different
views and being critical thinkers - just "loyal followers"."

The record is quite clear in recent scholarship and demonstrative of quite
the opposite. Since the 1960s and the New Left's 'social history' prism was
developed it has been beyond dispute that things were not as simple as that
statement would suggest. Most of the material I have seen is emphatic that
the mass membership base either paid the mildest lip service to or just
blatantly ignored the dictates of the leadership superstructure, be it in
America or Moscow. This claim is fundamentally one that is derived from the
Theodore Draper line of historiography on the party, which is a very right
wing discourse and devoted to viewing the party as a homogeneous grouping
rather than heterogeneous. Draper did not differentiate between the New
York and California parties, though they were extremely different in style
due to their proximity to the national leadership, or articulate the fact
that Wm. Z Foster brought to the party from the beginning a syndicalist
vision that was different from the praxis of other national parties.

-Andrew Stewart

Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2017 13:24:45 +
From: John Obrien 
To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition

Subject: [Marxism] What is the Green Party missing?

The main thing the Green Party in the United States is missing - is a
democratic decision making membership structure

instead of presently many states structures based on small cliques and
opposed to a mass membership.

Andrew's article overlooked this important aspect.   The CPUSA was also not
a democratic decision making group,

or welcomed members holding different views and being critical thinkers -
just "loyal followers".

This article's focus was more on opportunist tactical strategy and not the
core problem of building a needed mass based

democratic decision making party of our Class.  Not just a few seeking
personal power control and "making some political

points over their opponents in political Left currents", that historically
are meaningless.

We have seen opportunism and tailism often.  We have seen numerous small
arrogant elitist vanguard groups representing

a small leadership clique and substituting loyalty to them and how to
"serve them", instead of the difficult but needed

task of organizing our Class (not just deciding what is politically
acceptable to the "recognized leaders" who aspire to be

Lenin )   The 2017 United States is not 1917 Russia, or 1917 Untied States.

A mass based labor party is needed in the United States and the current
Green Party "leaders" appear incapable of that,

in part because they are made up of religious pacifists, middle class
artisans and professionals not wage laborers and a

mixture of old Stalinists from the CPUSA and COC.  The Green Party leaders
are mainly older in age and not focused on

welcoming youth and allowing them to provide leadership.   Also the Rhode
Island Green Party seems not representative

of most of the other Green Party state organizations that are self-electing
small cliques.
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[Marxism] “Books aren’t going away, but bookstores are”

2017-12-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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“The internet is killing retail. Bookstores are just the first to go.”

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Re: [Marxism] Johnny Appleseed Gets a Comic Book

2017-12-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 12/29/17 11:16 AM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:


Interesting that this review appears the same day as mine of Rediker's 
book on Benjamin Lay. Johnny Appleseed and the 18th century Quaker 
abolitionist would have been best of pals if their paths crossed.

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[Marxism] Johnny Appleseed Gets a Comic Book

2017-12-29 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Check out my newest books ,* Capitalism
, Daydream
Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s
 and Can We Escape the Eternal Flame?
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[Marxism] Fwd: Breaking: Berkeley's KPFA Radio Facing Ruin as New York Real Estate Corporation Considers Seizing Station's Assets to Settle Lawsuit | East Bay Express

2017-12-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: The Fearless Benjamin Lay | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-12-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A decade ago I reviewed “Amazing Grace”, a hagiographic biopic about 
William Wilberforce, the parliamentary opponent of the slave trade in 
Great Britain. Since I am far more interested in a film’s politics than 
tracking shots, I saw it as an opportunity to cut Wilberforce down to size:

	The film was meant to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the passing 
of the bill that banned the slave trade in the British Empire, an event 
that constitutes the climactic scene.

	What it does not make clear is that the bill did not abolish slavery 
itself, which would persist in Jamaica and other British colonies for 
another 30 years. When younger and more militant abolitionists pressed 
Wilberforce to enter legislation to that effect, he replied that because 
of the effect “which long continuance of abject slavery produces on the 
human mind…I look to the improvement of their minds, and to the 
diffusion among them of those domestic charities which will render them 
more fit, than I fear they now are, to bear emancipation.” In other 
words, the slaves were not ready for their freedom.

If my goal was to cut Wilberforce down to size, this article seeks to 
demonstrate that Benjamin Lay, a working-class hunchback dwarf born 72 
years before, was a giant when it came to abolitionism. Unlike 
Wilberforce, Lay was a radical who demanded that the Quaker elite free 
their slaves and take a principled stand against slavery when the 
peculiar institution was far more in the interests of a rising empire 
than during Wilberforce’s years in Parliament when free trade was being 
adopted during the rise of economic liberalism.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2017/12/29/the-fearless-benjamin-lay/
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[Marxism] Fwd: Franklin D Roosevelt: A Political Life by Robert Dallek – a stark reminder of strong leadership | Books | The Guardian

2017-12-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Greg Grandin reviews FDR bio.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Lone Wolf Antifa in New Anti-Neo-Nazi German Film

2017-12-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NYFCO's pick for best foreign-language film of 2017.

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[Marxism] What is the Green Party missing?

2017-12-29 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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The main thing the Green Party in the United States is missing - is a 
democratic decision making membership structure

instead of presently many states structures based on small cliques and opposed 
to a mass membership.

Andrew's article overlooked this important aspect.   The CPUSA was also not a 
democratic decision making group,

or welcomed members holding different views and being critical thinkers - just 
"loyal followers".

This article's focus was more on opportunist tactical strategy and not the core 
problem of building a needed mass based

democratic decision making party of our Class.  Not just a few seeking personal 
power control and "making some political

points over their opponents in political Left currents", that historically are 

We have seen opportunism and tailism often.  We have seen numerous small 
arrogant elitist vanguard groups representing

a small leadership clique and substituting loyalty to them and how to "serve 
them", instead of the difficult but needed

task of organizing our Class (not just deciding what is politically acceptable 
to the "recognized leaders" who aspire to be

Lenin )   The 2017 United States is not 1917 Russia, or 1917 Untied States.

A mass based labor party is needed in the United States and the current Green 
Party "leaders" appear incapable of that,

in part because they are made up of religious pacifists, middle class artisans 
and professionals not wage laborers and a

mixture of old Stalinists from the CPUSA and COC.  The Green Party leaders are 
mainly older in age and not focused on

welcoming youth and allowing them to provide leadership.   Also the Rhode 
Island Green Party seems not representative

of most of the other Green Party state organizations that are self-electing 
small cliques.


Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Fwd: Milo Yiannopoulos's draft and the role of editors in dealing with the far-right | Jeff Sparrow | Opinion | The Guardian

2017-12-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Jeff Sparrow

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[Marxism] Fwd: The New Hysteria on Kremlin Trolls

2017-12-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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