[Marxism] Corbyn spineless in face of zionist onslaught

2018-09-19 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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As the Zionist campaign against Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and alleged
anti-Semitism in the Labour Party reached fever pitch in July, the passage
of the racist Nation-State of the Jewish People Bill through the Israeli
Knesset exposes the fundamental truth that Israel is a racist, apartheid
state. Yet to say this, according to the Zionist press and the overwhelming
majority of Labour MPs, is to be anti-Semitic, and they want to enshrine
this in the Labour Party’s anti-Semitism code of conduct. Outrageously,
Corbyn has not publicly condemned this censorship attempt at a time when
the Palestinian people are suffering accelerated ethnic cleansing on the
West Bank and in East Jerusalem. By his silence, Corbyn has allowed the
Zionists both inside and outside the Labour Party to get away with their
lies, and has hung the Palestinian people out to dry. . . .

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[Marxism] Hurricane Florence - a preview of our climate future?

2018-09-19 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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> The report reminded us of what science had been showing for years
> :
> A warmer atmosphere and warmer ocean waters fuel hurricanes, making them
> larger and stronger and causing them to occur more frequently.
> With carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and warming continuing unabated —
> coupled with multiple climate feedback loops
>  intensifying
> the warming effect — some scientists
>  are
> now warning that areas typically impacted by hurricanes might ultimately
> become uninhabitable.
> Cornell University astrobiologist Jack O’Malley-James told Wired Magazine
> recently
> ,
> “The negative part is that what we’re doing to the planet is making it less
> suitable for our own survival. Human civilization has depended upon
> millennia of fairly stable and predictable climate conditions.”
> https://truthout.org/articles/florence-a-preview-of-our-climate-future/
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[Marxism] Ocasio-Cortez endorses Cuomo while he flips her off | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Blumenthal letter

2018-09-19 Thread Jason Hicks via Marxism
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This makes no sense. If someone were a sexist and wrote sexist things, it 
wouldn't be "censorship" for a left press to not publish them and it would be 
wrong to dismiss that as a "political debate".
If you think Syria is confusing because of misinformation, then frankly you 
need better research and better critical thinking skills because it's three 
most documented "debate" one could look for. 

> On Sep 19, 2018, at 2:44 PM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> Sorry, this letter is calling for out and out censorship because of a
> political debate on the left.

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[Marxism] OECD report shows carbon pricing a failure

2018-09-19 Thread Richard Fidler via Marxism
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The OECD's 2018 survey of effective carbon rates (the sum of taxes and
cap-and-trade permits that price carbon emissions) implicitly admits that carbon
pricing is a failure as an effective mechanism to fight climate change. Based on
the record in 42 OECD and G20 countries, the "carbon pricing gap" between actual
prices and the Paris summit benchmarks for limiting emission increases to 2% is
"decreasing, but at a snail's pace."

"If the decrease were to continue by 1 percentage point a year, the gap would
close by 2095. Carbon prices need to increase considerably more quickly than
they have done in recent years in order to ensure a cost-effective low carbon

"The carbon pricing gap varies considerably across countries. The higher the
gap, the more likely it is that mitigation efforts are not cost-effective or
remain limited" and the country "will face higher transition costs." The lowest
gap is Switzerland's (27), the highest is Russia's (100). Canada's carbon
pricing gap is tallied at 65, just a bit better than the USA's 75.



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[Marxism] The Real Cost of the 2008 Financial Crisis

2018-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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New Yorker, September 17, 2018 Issue
The Real Cost of the 2008 Financial Crisis
The aftermath produced a lost decade for European economies and helped 
lead to the rise of anti-establishment political movements here and abroad.

By John Cassidy

September 15th marks the tenth anniversary of the demise of the 
investment bank Lehman Brothers, which presaged the biggest financial 
crisis and deepest economic recession since the nineteen-thirties. After 
Lehman filed for bankruptcy, and great swaths of the markets froze, it 
looked as if many other major financial institutions would also 
collapse. On September 18, 2008, Hank Paulson, the Secretary of the 
Treasury, and Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, went to 
Capitol Hill and told congressional leaders that if they didn’t 
authorize a seven-hundred-billion-dollar bank bailout the financial 
system would implode. Some Republicans reluctantly set aside their 
reservations. The bailout bill passed. The panic on Wall Street abated. 
And then what?

The standard narrative is that the rescue operation succeeded in 
stabilizing the financial system. The U.S. economy rebounded, spurred by 
a fiscal stimulus that the Obama Administration pushed through Congress 
in February, 2009. When the stimulus started to run down, the Fed gave 
the economy another boost by buying vast quantities of bonds, a policy 
known as quantitative easing. Eventually, the big banks, prodded by the 
regulators and by Congress, reformed themselves to prevent a recurrence 
of what happened in 2008, notably by increasing the amount of capital 
they hold in reserve to deal with unexpected contingencies. This is the 
basic story that Paulson, Bernanke, and Tim Geithner, who was the 
Treasury Secretary during the Obama Administration, told in their 
respective memoirs. It was given an academic imprimatur by books like 
Daniel Drezner’s “The System Worked: How the World Stopped Another Great 
Depression,” which came out in 2014.

This history is, on its own terms, perfectly accurate. In the early 
nineteen-thirties, when the authorities allowed thousands of banks to 
collapse, the unemployment rate soared to almost twenty-five per cent, 
and soup kitchens and shantytowns sprang up across the country. The 
aftermath of the 2008 crisis saw plenty of hardship—millions of 
Americans lost their homes to mortgage foreclosures, and by the summer 
of 2010 the jobless rate had risen to almost ten per cent—but nothing of 
comparable scale. Today, the unemployment rate has fallen all the way to 
3.9 per cent.

There is much more to the story, though, than this uplifting 
Washington-based narrative. In “Crashed: How a Decade of Financial 
Crises Changed the World,” the Columbia economic historian Adam Tooze 
points out that we are still living with the consequences of 2008, 
including the political ones. Using taxpayers’ money to bail out greedy 
and incompetent bankers was intrinsically political. So was quantitative 
easing, a tactic that other central banks also adopted, following the 
Fed’s lead. It worked primarily by boosting the price of financial 
assets that were mostly owned by rich people.

As wages and incomes continued to languish, the rescue effort generated 
a populist backlash on both sides of the Atlantic. Austerity policies, 
especially in Europe, added another dark twist to the process of 
political polarization. As a result, Tooze writes, the “financial and 
economic crisis of 2007-2012 morphed between 2013 and 2017 into a 
comprehensive political and geopolitical crisis of the post–cold war 
order”—one that helped put Donald Trump in the White House and brought 
right-wing nationalist parties to positions of power in many parts of 
Europe. “Things could be worse, of course,” Tooze notes. “A ten-year 
anniversary of 1929 would have been published in 1939. We are not there, 
at least not yet. But this is undoubtedly a moment more uncomfortable 
and disconcerting than could have been imagined before the crisis began.”

In the years leading up to September, 2008, Tooze reminds us, many U.S. 
policymakers and pundits were focussed on the wrong global danger: the 
possibility that China, by reducing its huge holdings of U.S. Treasury 
bills, would crash the value of the dollar. Meanwhile, American 
authorities all but ignored the madness developing in the housing 
market, and on Wall Street, where bankers were slicing and dicing 
millions of garbage-quality housing loans and selling them on to 
investors in the form of mortgage-backed securities. By 2006, this was 
the case for seven out of every ten new mortgages.

Tooze does a competent job of guiding 

[Marxism] Merkel Emerges Weaker, and the Far Right Stronger, After Latest Bout

2018-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Sept. 19, 2018
Merkel Emerges Weaker, and the Far Right Stronger, After Latest Bout
By Katrin Bennhold

BERLIN — For nearly two weeks Chancellor Angela Merkel tried to find a 
way to fire her own domestic intelligence chief, a man who had publicly 
contradicted her and become the darling of the far right for questioning 
the authenticity of a video showing angry white men chasing an immigrant.

But she couldn’t — not without risking the collapse of her fragile 

Hans-Georg Maassen, the rebellious spy, has powerful friends, among them 
his immediate boss, Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, the leader of the 
Bavarian conservatives and one of Ms. Merkel’s pricklier coalition partners.

Instead of firing Mr. Maassen, Ms. Merkel had to allow Mr. Seehofer to 
promote him. Mr. Maassen will get a pay raise of about 2,500 euros a month.

“You couldn’t make it up,” said Andrea Römmele, a professor of political 
science at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.

If the episode shows anything, analysts said in the aftermath, it is 
that Ms. Merkel is growing more feeble even as the far right — in 
Parliament, online and on the streets — is getting stronger.

The chancellor’s inability to act decisively has exposed the spectacular 
weakening of a leader who not long ago was seen as a key defender of the 
liberal order. That view was cemented by her decision in 2015 to welcome 
to Germany hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Middle East, 
Africa and elsewhere who were not wanted by neighboring European countries.

Three years later, as a nationalist and populist backlash is spreading, 
Ms. Merkel has so little authority left that many here wonder how much 
longer she can last.

“Merkel was an authority at home and abroad,” Ms. Römmele said. “She 
stood up to Trump, negotiated peace deals and passed the laws she wanted 
to pass. She was the queen of consensus.”

“Now she can’t even fire the head of an agency,” Ms. Römmele added. Six 
months into her fourth term, “she has become a lame duck.”

Ever since an inconclusive election last September, Ms. Merkel has 
stumbled from one political crisis to another. In the election, her 
party saw a significant decline in voter support and a far-right party, 
the Alternative for Germany, entered Parliament for the first time in 
more than 60 years.

In the end it took six months to form a government, an unwieldy one 
straddling left and right, with Ms. Merkel perched precariously at its 

That government almost fell apart in the summer, when Mr. Seehofer, the 
interior minister, challenged the chancellor over her immigration 
policies and demanded the reintroduction of border controls with Austria.

That earlier episode was just a foretaste of how the Alternative for 
Germany, or AfD, has been using its toehold in Parliament — where it now 
has the megaphone of being the leading opposition party — to reorder 
German politics.

Mr. Seehofer’s party, the Christian Social Union, has been veering 
sharply to the right ahead of state elections in Bavaria next month, 
trying to fend off a challenge from the AfD, which is on course to 
deprive it of its absolute majority.

But there was also the larger and more important question for Germany of 
Mr. Maassen’s own political sympathies, and whether they were 
undermining his agency’s ability to assess links between far-right 
politicians and dangerous neo-Nazi groups.

“There is no evidence that the video circulating on the internet about 
this purported event is authentic,” he told Bild, adding that there were 
“good reasons to believe that this was a case of targeted misinformation.”

He later walked back on his claims, saying he had been “misunderstood.”

But Mr. Maassen, who has met several times with AfD politicians in 
recent years, had vetted and authorized the initial comments before 
publication. Reports that he had spoken to Mr. Seehofer before the 
interview intensified speculation that the two men, both longtime 
critics of Ms. Merkel’s migration policy, were trying to undermine the 
chancellor’s authority.

If Ms. Merkel thought she could quell the turmoil inside her government 
by moving Mr. Maassen out of his post, she was wrong.

On Wednesday, Mr. Seehofer publicly defended Mr. Maassen, saying he had 
his “full trust” and calling him “competent and loyal.”

Mr. Maassen, who has been promoted to under secretary in the interior 
ministry, will remain in place as president of the domestic intelligence 
agency — the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, as it is 
known here — until a successor is named.

Despite Mr. Maassen’s recent comments 

Re: [Marxism] Blumenthal letter

2018-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 9/19/18 2:44 PM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:

Sorry, this letter is calling for out and out censorship because of a
political debate on the left.

This is an old story. Rania Khalek lost her job with Electronic Intifada 
because of her Assadism. Grayzone got the boot from Alternet probably 
because they wanted to clean house after they fired their editor. 
Meanwhile, Tim Hayward, a British Assadist, complained to the 
administration where Idrees Ahmad teaches because he supposedly tried to 
intimidate an Assadist grad student. Considering the depths of the 
differences over these issues, I am surprised there haven't been fist 

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Re: [Marxism] Blumenthal letter

2018-09-19 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Me, for one.

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018, 3:24 PM Dennis Brasky  wrote:

> Kindly name some of those on the Left "who hate Assad more than they
> oppose US imperialism."
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 2:54 PM Ron Jacobs via Marxism <
> marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
>> Sorry, this letter is calling for out and out censorship because of a
>> political debate on the left.  It is a vitriolic debate full of
>> misinformation and subject to influences with motivations known and
>> unknown.   Blumenthal did step over a line with this tweet and I often do
>> not agree with his writing or approach.  However, there is comparable
>> vitriol coming from those who seem to hate Assad more than they oppose US
>> imperialism.  I hope Verso tells the signers of this letter to go to hell
>> in the name of spirited disagreement  Blumenthal is no more a fascist than
>> the writer of this letter.
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Re: [Marxism] Blumenthal letter

2018-09-19 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Kindly name some of those on the Left "who hate Assad more than they oppose
US imperialism."

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 2:54 PM Ron Jacobs via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> Sorry, this letter is calling for out and out censorship because of a
> political debate on the left.  It is a vitriolic debate full of
> misinformation and subject to influences with motivations known and
> unknown.   Blumenthal did step over a line with this tweet and I often do
> not agree with his writing or approach.  However, there is comparable
> vitriol coming from those who seem to hate Assad more than they oppose US
> imperialism.  I hope Verso tells the signers of this letter to go to hell
> in the name of spirited disagreement  Blumenthal is no more a fascist than
> the writer of this letter.
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Re: [Marxism] Blumenthal letter

2018-09-19 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Sorry, this letter is calling for out and out censorship because of a
political debate on the left.  It is a vitriolic debate full of
misinformation and subject to influences with motivations known and
unknown.   Blumenthal did step over a line with this tweet and I often do
not agree with his writing or approach.  However, there is comparable
vitriol coming from those who seem to hate Assad more than they oppose US
imperialism.  I hope Verso tells the signers of this letter to go to hell
in the name of spirited disagreement  Blumenthal is no more a fascist than
the writer of this letter.

Censorship and threats are not the way to deal with political differences
in the Left I know.  Arguments and debate and a refusal to respond to those
one cannot find fit to argue with, yes.

Check out my newest books *Still Tripping in the Dark

*,* Capitalism
and Daydream Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s
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[Marxism] REGISTER NOW: Green Power Project Nat'l Conf. Call, October 18: Militarism and War

2018-09-19 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Green Power Project National Conference Call

Militarism, Antiwar Autumn and the Women’s March on the Pentagon


Ajamu Baraka, 2016 VP Nominee and National Organizer, Black Alliance for
Peace & Cindy Sheehan, Peace Activist and Host, Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox
Radio Show

Thursday, October 18, 8 PM
Register via the Green Power Project Facebook

Help publicize this event using this graphic <
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ivusxqtof2luz8t/National%20Call%20Ad.jpg?dl=0> on
social media, blogs, podcasts, and other venues!
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[Marxism] A letter to Verso about Max Blumenthal

2018-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The author asked me not to use his name. I agree with every single word.

Dear Verso editors.

It has been clear for some years now that Max Blumenthal is an apologist 
for the genocidal Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad and the Putin regime 
in Russia which maintains Assad's rule and assists him in killing 
thousands of Syrian civilians and democratic oppositionists. Just now I 
was made aware that Blumenthal made a particularly horrific, racist 
attempt at humor on Twitter:


As Joey Ayoub says in reponse, Blumenthal is mocking a terrified father 
desperate to save his children in Idlib from Assad's chemical weapons. A 
radical left publisher with a distinguished history such as Verso should 
not publish anything by such a disgusting far-right propagandist even if 
he poses as a leftist. Please, I ask you, do not publish his book slated 
for release in March 2019. Cancel its release. If you do not, efforts 
will be made towards a boycott of Verso publications until you issue an 
apology for publishing the book and recall it.

Please be principled leftists and decent human beings and do the right 
thing. Do not publish an author who is advancing a fascist agenda in 
"left" clothing.

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2018-09-19 Thread David Berger via Marxism
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CHARLES LENCHNER: I came of age believing in MarxismLeninism. 
DAVID BERGER: I assume you’re talking about the Israeli CommunistParty. 
CHARLES LENCHNER: My views have certainly changed,
DAVID BERGER: It’s a long, long way from Stalin to Salazr. 
CHARLES LENCHNER: but in almost every job I've had, Iwas the 'left-most' person 
DAVID BERGER: You must have been in a lot of right-wing worklocations. 
CHARLES LENCHNER: This has changed. It's less mymoderation with age, and more 
that the ground has shifted. 
DAVID BERGER: Trust me, it’s both. You’ve moved to the right and youngpeople 
have moved to the left. Once this fad for the Democratic Party haspassed, you 
can comfortably become a liberal.
CHARLES LENCHNER: What seemed like a pipe dream justa few years ago is reality.
DAVID BERGER: This is true, unless you’ve been watching politicaltrends for 
about ten years.
CHARLES LENCHNER: An open socialist
DAVID BERGER: Do you really think Cynthia Nixon is a socialist?
CHARLES LENCHNER: winning a third of the vote in astatewide primary? 
DAVID BERGER: A Democratic Party primary.
CHARLES LENCHNER: Multiple people with similar politicswinning state senate 
seats against entrenched, well funded opponents?
DAVID BERGER: So, basically, your brand of socialism is “similar” toliberalism.
CHARLES LENCHNER: A Jewish socialist winning in myBrooklyn neighborhood?
DAVID BERGER: Not clear if she’s Jewish or socialist.
CHARLES LENCHNER: What a time to be alive. Now to focus all ofour New York 
energy on productive political action to press our advantage.
DAVID BERGER: We will see how much progress will be made.
DAVID BERGER: As a Jewish socialist of many, many years vintage, I'mnot 
impressed by social democrats running as Democrats.
And Charles Lenchner, you still haven't answered the question asto why you 
won't support Howie Hawkins. Or why others shouldn't support thisgenuine 
Let's hear it.
CHARLES LENCHNER: I oppose the clean/dirty breakmindset
DAVID BERGER: In other words, you are totally committed to workinginside a 
ruling class party.
CHARLES LENCHNER: and seek to undermine it 
DAVID BERGER: You CP origins are showing.
CHARLES LENCHNER: and it's proponents when and wherepossible,
DAVID BERGER: So personal attacks are okay.
CHARLES LENCHNER: with the same emotional register asHowie Hawkins speaking to 
his buddies about 'Democrats' at a poorly attendedLeft Forum panel.
DAVID BERGER: Rots of ruck.
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[Marxism] The Global Trade War is Escalating

2018-09-19 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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*The Global Trade War is Escalating*

*/Trump’s new Tariffs /**/on about $200bn worth of Chinese Imports 
Reflect the Accelerating Rivalry between the Great Powers/*

/by Michael Pröbsting, 19 September 2018


Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net)
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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[Marxism] 'Get on the road and in the streets': interview with David Rovics | Reuben Bard-Rosenberg | Culture Matters

2018-09-19 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Colombia Struck a Peace Deal With Guerrillas, but Many Return to Arms

2018-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Sept. 19, 2018
Colombia Struck a Peace Deal With Guerrillas, but Many Return to Arms
By Nicholas Casey and Federico Rios Escobar

Under a torn Colombian flag on a windy hilltop, a ragtag guerrilla 
militia gathers. One fighter is missing an arm. Another, a leg. A 
commander who can barely read but goes by the alias “the Poet” tells of 
a recent firefight with a paramilitary squad in the hills nearby.

It might be just another scene from Colombia’s decades of guerrilla 
warfare were it not for a puzzling fact: The group the fighters say they 
belong to, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, laid 
down its arms after it signed a peace deal meant to end the longest war 
in the Americas.

The peace accords signed in 2016 by then-President Juan Manuel Santos 
and the rebels were meant to bring an end to five decades of fighting 
that left at least 220,000 dead and nearly 6 million people displaced 
from their homes.

Behind the agreement, though, loomed a fear: That many of the thousands 
of fighters granted amnesty under the pact might sour on civilian life 
and pick up arms again.

It has already happened.

“We doing the same work, we have the same ideals — and we’ll charge 
ahead, God willing,” said one of the commanders, who is 25 and goes by 
the alias Maicol.

These dissident guerrillas invited The New York Times to their camp, 
hidden among mountains north of Medellín, to tell the story of why they 
abandoned the peace deal. But well before the visit, the agreement was 
already fraying.

The government, which had promised to sweep into rebel lands behind the 
FARC, bringing health and education services and potable water, is 
barely seen in much of the country. President Iván Duque of Colombia 
campaigned against the accords and now says he will revise them. One of 
the FARC peace negotiators was arrested for trafficking 10 tons of 
cocaine this year — while preparing to take a senate seat.

And then there are groups like the one The Times visited, which present 
a particularly grave threat to the accords. There can be no peace in 
Colombia if the rebels rearm.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of FARC fighters have resisted the deal. 
Insight Crime, a foundation that tracks organized crime groups, 
estimates that there may be up to 2,800 dissident FARC fighters — about 
40 percent of the number that fought before the peace deal.

One theme connected the fighters’ narratives here in the FARC camp: 
While the government had promised them a new civilian life under the 
accords, they soon found themselves under threat by a range of 
paramilitary groups that rushed to take control of territory the rebels 
left behind. The dissidents asked The Times not to reveal the location 
of their camp out of fear the government or paramilitaries might attack.

“They were shooting up my companions, and I decided to go up to the 
mountains,” said Maicol. At least 75 former guerrillas have been killed 
since 2016, according to the political party founded by the demobilized 

While FARC leaders claimed they had handed all of their weapons to the 
United Nations, that was not entirely accurate. “There were still some 
weapons, old ones,” said the commander known as the Poet, who like many 
of the rebels interviewed, uses his alias so as not to endanger his family.

Perhaps as troubling as the resurgence of dissident groups are new 
alliances they are forming in these mountains. Some of the rebels now 
wear the insignia of the Virgilio Peralta Arenas Bloc, a mafia group 
accused by the authorities of killing civilians and trafficking drugs.

The group once fought the FARC, but rebels said they now work together 
for mutual protection. It could one day mean that the rebels look more 
like an organized crime gang than the Marxist revolutionary army they 
were founded as in the early 1960s.

“This is just part of the tragic history of Colombia — one form of 
violence morphing into another in the absence of a legitimate state,” 
said Cynthia J. Arnson, the Latin America director at the Woodrow Wilson 
Center. “Peace accords offer opportunities that can be grasped or not, 
and this one is being lost day by day.”

Among the former FARC leaders now unaccounted for is Iván Márquez, 
FARC’s second-in-command, who went missing more than a month ago, 
leaving many fearing he will rearm.

“If Iván Márquez leaves the peace process and joins the dissidents, then 
the entire process could fail,” said Jeremy McDermott, the co-director 
of Insight Crime. He estimates that as many as 10 other commanders could 
take up arms again, enough to possibly create “the nucleus of a new 

[Marxism] Hill.TV INTERVIEW EXCLUSIVE: Trump eviscerates Sessions: ‘I don’t have an attorney general’ | TheHill

2018-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] China's digital dictatorship - "Leave no dark corner" - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

2018-09-19 Thread MM via Marxism
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"China is building a digital dictatorship to exert control over its 1.4 billion 
citizens. For some, “social credit” will bring privileges — for others, 


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[Marxism] Wages Are Growing: Should Investors Worry? | Charles Schwab

2018-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Just received this because I have a Schwab IRA account. Charles Schwab 
is a big-time libertarian fuckwit.

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[Marxism] Follow the money

2018-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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What did they say in "All the President's Men"? Follow the money, 
something like that? Hmm. That might explain Norman Finkelstein being 
okay with being listed as a columnist on a neo-Nazi website.


A comment just posted to my article on UNZ Review:

Unz has also underwritten Finkelstein financially; $4,000 to be an “Unz 
Research Fellow” in 2014 according to the Unz Foundation’s tax forms


$32,000 in 2013

$3,000 in 2009

No wonder Finkelstein is so tolerant of Unz’s “silliness.”
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[Marxism] Professor cites boycott of Israeli universities in declining to write recommendation letter for student

2018-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Hurricane Florence is turning North Carolina into a toxic stew of pig poop, sewage, and coal ash – VICE News

2018-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] It’s greed and fear | Michael Roberts Blog

2018-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On Larry Summers and behavioral economics.

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[Marxism] From ROTC to Revolution

2018-09-19 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Check out my newest books *Still Tripping in the Dark

*,* Capitalism
and Daydream Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s
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[Marxism] When Bernie Sold Out His Hero, Anti-Authoritarians Paid

2018-09-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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That hero was Eugene V. Debs

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