[Marxism] Remembering Che, executed October 9

2018-10-07 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Articles on Redline blog re Che.

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[Marxism] Major Climate Report Describes a Strong Risk of Crisis as Early as 2040

2018-10-07 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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> INCHEON, South Korea — A landmark report from the United Nations’
> scientific panel on climate change paints a far more dire picture of the
> immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought and says
> that avoiding the damage requires transforming the world economy at a speed
> and scale that has “no documented historic precedent.”
> The report , issued on Monday by the
> Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of scientists convened
> by the United Nations to guide world leaders, describes a world of
> worsening food shortages and wildfires, and a mass die-off of coral reefs
> as soon as 2040 — a period well within the lifetime of much of the global
> population.
> The report “is quite a shock, and quite concerning,” said Bill Hare, an
> author of previous I.P.C.C. reports and a physicist with Climate Analytics,
> a nonprofit organization. “We were not aware of this just a few years
> ago.” The report was the first to be commissioned by world leaders under
> the Paris agreement, *the 2015 pact by nations to fight global warming*
> .
> https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/07/climate/ipcc-climate-report-2040.html
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[Marxism] The New York City DSA's infantile, sectarian criticism of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

2018-10-07 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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I must disagree with comrade Bustelo on this.

Seems to me the NewYork DSA, did the correct thing on issuing what was a needed 
public statement, to disagree

with the recent public political statements of AOC's support, for some awful 
politician candidates for public office.

It seems a compromise in with what was written and what was not.

I was taken back with AOC's comments made around the war criminal and 
reactionary Arizona U. S. John McCain's deat,

in describing him with words that were offensive and promoted thus U. S 
militarism.  He was not a humanitarian!

The DSA New York City Statement made clear that no member was above the 
political principles of that organzization.

This was an important statement reflecting the changes that have occured in the 
DSA, since breaking with the Second

International, over such opportunism and  collusion with capitalism.  She was 
not expelled that also reflects the difference

the DSA is from the groups, that claim they welcome different views among its 
members and never do.

But OAC is a public figure and what she says publicly does matter when 
discussing key DSA and socialist principles.

 From my blog:

The most troubling thing is that this statement reeks of factionalism,
of people being lined up in some private little group built around an
important “principle” like we must “name our enemy,” or that DSA members
“who seek to speak on behalf of working people” must defend X, Y, or Z
position. And it is a very transparent attempt to drive AOC out of the

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[Marxism] (53) Jacobin: Joanna Misnik talks with Micah Uetricht - YouTube

2018-10-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Joanna was my YSA organizer in NYC back in 1969. Not your typical 
Trotskyist back then, nor was I. Micah Uetricht is Jacobin editor and 
DSA member.

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Re: [Marxism] The New York City DSA's infantile, sectarian criticism of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

2018-10-07 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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 From the blog:

"A party, a genuine party represents a class, section of a class or some other 
social force. In the case of parties based on working people, ideally it is 
defined by its base, not what it says on some paper, but what its adherents 
believe and want. You can tell the DSA is the beginning of a party from the way 
people are joining – on pure class instinct and identification.

A faction is defined by its ideas. It’s borders are not set by class interest 
but by agreement with a whole litany of positions. No matter how big it is, a 
faction that sets itself up as a separate, independent organization with a 
position on everything under the sun that you have to accept is not a party but 
a sect."

And representing a class, working class that is, and its interests , requires a 
break with the Democratic party and its hacks and henchmen like Cuomo.
Moreover, as you say, "Alexandria was entirely within her rights to speak as 
she spoke. Even if the organization had adopted a position to not vote for "all 
Democratic nominees," an anti-endorsement, so to speak, she would still have 
been entirely within her rights to express her own views."
And so are every member of NY DSA who said what she said about rallying behind 
Cuomo was rubbish.
This is the reality of a real debate, argument, and organization...Leninist or 
not. It is not factional. All the best,

On Sunday, October 7, 2018, 7:12:39 PM CDT, Joaquin Bustelo via Marxism 
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 From my blog:

The most troubling thing is that this statement reeks of factionalism, 
of people being lined up in some private little group built around an 
important “principle” like we must “name our enemy,” or that DSA members 
“who seek to speak on behalf of working people” must defend X, Y, or Z 
position. And it is a very transparent attempt to drive AOC out of the 


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[Marxism] The New York City DSA's infantile, sectarian criticism of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

2018-10-07 Thread Joaquin Bustelo via Marxism

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From my blog:

The most troubling thing is that this statement reeks of factionalism, 
of people being lined up in some private little group built around an 
important “principle” like we must “name our enemy,” or that DSA members 
“who seek to speak on behalf of working people” must defend X, Y, or Z 
position. And it is a very transparent attempt to drive AOC out of the 


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Re: [Marxism] Attn. WA. Post Subscribers

2018-10-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 10/7/18 7:35 PM, DW via Marxism wrote:

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So...my subs to both the WP and the NYT ran out quite a long time ago. The
way to get around this, and for any popular newspaper that charges to see
their stuff, is to use news.google.com. Many papers and newsources
syndicate the articles from both newspapers and present it for free. You
just have to find the right one. You post the exact title into the google
search engine and there you have it.

I have access to the Washington Post through Columbia but it is always 
from a day old edition. I think the paper is important to keep up with 
so I signed up for a digital subscription. Comrades might notice that 
recently I have been crossposting Washington Post articles in their 
entirety so you won't run into paywall issues.

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Re: [Marxism] Attn. WA. Post Subscribers

2018-10-07 Thread DW via Marxism
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So...my subs to both the WP and the NYT ran out quite a long time ago. The
way to get around this, and for any popular newspaper that charges to see
their stuff, is to use news.google.com. Many papers and newsources
syndicate the articles from both newspapers and present it for free. You
just have to find the right one. You post the exact title into the google
search engine and there you have it.

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Re: [Marxism] Attn. WA. Post Subscribers

2018-10-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 10/7/18 5:46 PM, John Reimann via Marxism wrote:

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If somebody on this list subscribes to the Washington Post, would you
please copy and paste this article and either send it to me personally or
post it to the list. Thanks.


John Reimann

The Washington Post,  October 6 at 7:01 PM
‘Rock bottom’: Supreme Court fight reveals a country on the brink
Trump: Women ‘extremely happy’ about Kavanaugh confirmation

President Trump on Oct. 6 said he is “100 percent” certain that 
Christine Blasey Ford named the wrong person in accusing Brett M. 
Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

By Michael Scherer and Robert Costa

When Christine Blasey Ford accused Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh of sexual 
assault last month, she did more than open herself up to unwanted 
scrutiny. She held up a mirror to a country in crisis, revealing its 
political players and embattled institutions not for what they claimed 
to be but for what they really are.

The painful 20-day passion play that followed — staged in committee 
rooms, Senate floor debates, hallway protests and millions of private 
conversations — did little to alter the future makeup of the Supreme 
Court. Now-Justice Kavanaugh was narrowly confirmed Saturday by the 
Senate, 50-48, in a vote that tracked expectations from the summer, with 
only one Democrat and one Republican defecting from the party line.

But few of the players emerged from the process unchanged or 
unblemished, underscoring the uncharted territory of deepening distrust 
and polarization that now defines the American system. The events 
further distanced the Senate Judiciary Committee from its nearly 
forgotten bipartisan traditions and raised new questions about the 
potential for the Supreme Court to maintain an independent authority 
outside the maelstrom of politics.

Public denunciations of the continuing slide were frequent and 
bipartisan, while political strategists and lawmakers raised new alarms 
about the ominous implications. Even top Republicans were downbeat on 
Saturday afternoon as the vote neared, cognizant of the cost of the 
political and cultural reckoning that had been sparked alongside the 
confirmation process.

“There is a split culturally, spiritually and socially,” said Sen. John 
Neely Kennedy (R-La.), who served on the Judiciary Committee and 
supported Kavanaugh. “It has to do with the pace of change more than 
anything else. There are some Americans who would like to see our 
country change quickly.”

Sen. John Cornyn (Tex.), the second ranking Republican, attributed the 
divisions in Washington to wounds inflicted by Trump’s election in 2016, 
which he said “half the population can’t seem to get over.”

Should Democrats win the House majority, as now appears likely, there 
will be a major push among some members to impeach both Kavanaugh from 
the high court and Trump from the presidency, all as special counsel 
Robert S. Mueller III is expected to finish parts of his work on the 
federal probe into Russian interference in the 2016 campaign.

That whirlwind on the horizon has leaders in both parties anxious about 
how bitter national fights could escalate as Trump lashes out at his 
opponents and the 2020 presidential race heats up later this year.

“The scar tissue will be thicker, the poison stronger, and the well of 
distrust deeper,” said Republican strategist Michael Steel, a former 
adviser to Speaker John A. Boehner.

Other Republicans see more fundamental cracks with historic connotations.

“This is the second most divided time in our history, and I’m worried 
about the legitimacy of the court,” conservative commentator William J. 
Bennett said, comparing the current moment to the breakdowns that 
preceded the Civil War.

Protestors chant ‘chug!’ outside McConnell’s home
Protesters gathered outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s 
home with cans of beer, chanting, “Chug!” to protest Supreme Court 
nominee Brett Kavanaugh. (Blair Guild, Rhonda Colvin/The Washington Post)

“You have a growing number of liberal critics saying that Kavanaugh 
would give the court two people credibly accused of sexual harassment,” 
he continued, “and they’re now 

[Marxism] Attn. WA. Post Subscribers

2018-10-07 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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If somebody on this list subscribes to the Washington Post, would you
please copy and paste this article and either send it to me personally or
post it to the list. Thanks.


John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Culture and Capitalism...

2018-10-07 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Check out my newest books *Still Tripping in the Dark

*,* Capitalism
and Daydream Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s
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[Marxism] Howard Zinn from 2005 - "Don't despair over the Supreme Court"

2018-10-07 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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excerpt -

There is enormous hypocrisy surrounding the pious veneration of the
Constitution and “the rule of law.” The Constitution, like the Bible, is
infinitely flexible and is used to serve the political needs of the moment.
When the country was in economic crisis and turmoil in the Thirties and
capitalism needed to be saved from the anger of the poor and hungry and
unemployed, the Supreme Court was willing to stretch to infinity the
constitutional right of Congress to regulate interstate commerce. It
decided that the national government, desperate to regulate farm
production, could tell a family farmer what to grow on his tiny piece of

When the Constitution gets in the way of a war, it is ignored. When the
Supreme Court was faced, during Vietnam, with a suit by soldiers refusing
to go, claiming that there had been no declaration of war by Congress, as
the Constitution required, the soldiers could not get four Supreme Court
justices to agree to even hear the case. When, during World War I, Congress
ignored the First Amendment’s right to free speech by passing legislation
to prohibit criticism of the war, the imprisonment of dissenters under this
law was upheld unanimously by the Supreme Court, which included two
presumably liberal and learned justices: Oliver Wendell Holmes and Louis

It would be naive to depend on the Supreme Court to defend the rights of
poor people, women, people of color, dissenters of all kinds. Those rights
only come alive when citizens organize, protest, demonstrate, strike,
boycott, rebel, and violate the law in order to uphold justice.

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[Marxism] Sex crimes repudiated at John Jay

2018-10-07 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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[Marxism] Armenia’s “Revolution” Faces Its Biggest Test Yet – LobeLog

2018-10-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Regulation does not work | Michael Roberts Blog

2018-10-07 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The legacy of Che

2018-10-07 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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[Marxism] Interviews with Syrians in Idlib about the Sochi Deal

2018-10-07 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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