Re: [Marxism] How to (do) ranching right

2018-10-29 Thread DW via Marxism
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 John doesn't know where John is going, how could you possibly know?

Seriously, both my article and the video (you didn't watch it either, I
note) were addressing primarily soil fertility. As an aspect of this is the
sequestration of carbon on the soil. As the number of ruminants (cows,
sheep, deer, bison, etc) in the world is only about the same or some more
than it was 400 years ago, clearly the amount of methane burped off by such
animals (yes, mostly from their mouths, not flatulence from their asses)
was "digested" and metabolized by the ecosystem without much problem (the
"life" of methane is about half that of CO2 in the atmosphere). But the CO2
levels were far less, or about half, of what they are today. Methane is
absorbed by *healthy* soil, Bill. It is consumed by methanotrophs, a kind
of bacteria most of which exists in the soil...if the soil hasn't be
poisoned by exposure to the sun and killed off chemically by the
insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and pesticides farmers seem to employ
(and cut large checks too the big ag chemical companies for their
privilege) . Oh...and chemically produced nitrogen fertilizer.

The science on the *rate* at which methanotroph absorption and breakdown
(they basically derive all their energy and carbon from methane) takes
place is something that is relatively knew. I don't know the rates of
absorption (% of absorption per total emission of methane per animal). I
simply don't have that number. But if the amount of CO2 is absorbed (as per
the video and other sources) is as high as claimed, it doesn't matter how
much methane is output per head of cattle. The amount of carbon
sequestration is so high that it off sets the methane production.

But none of that occurs with the way we farm, and the way meat is produced
now. And that is my point...YOUR point is at least valid.

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[Marxism] Brazil's left promises unity against Bolsonario

2018-10-29 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] How to (do) ranching right,

2018-10-29 Thread Ratbag Media via Marxism
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I get mightily peeved about anti-cattle rhetoric  in regard to climate
change.It is warping the climate change movement's cutting edge and
perverting its focus.
If you actually do your homework, the story is very different .
Here's a very good summary of why the spin/shibboleth is based on
inaccurate information:

"A healthy portion of meat’s bad rap centers on the assertion that
livestock is the largest source of greenhouse gases worldwide[In the
US]All of agriculture accounted for a total of 9 percent. All of animal
agriculture contributes less than half of this amount, representing 3.9
percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. That’s very different from
claiming livestock represents as much or more than transportationWhy
the misconception? In 2006 the United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization published a study titled “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” which
received widespread international attention. It stated that livestock
produced a staggering 18 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
The agency drew a startling conclusion: Livestock was doing more to harm
the climate than all modes of transportation combined.This latter claim was
wrong, and has since been corrected by Henning Steinfeld, the report’s
senior author... To its credit, the FAO immediately owned up to its error.
Unfortunately, the agency’s initial claim that livestock was responsible
for the lion’s share of world greenhouse gas emissions had already received
wide coverage. To this day, we struggle to “unring” the bell..."

As for the cynical attack on sequence farming/regenerative grazing  --
aside from the drought proofing and soil fertility gains, the whole concept
is , I think, the ONLY way to restore rangeland landscapes so that they
recover some role in mitigating climate change effects. The research folder
is building up that registers how much carbon -- and methane -- this
approach can sequester. If you want to read more about this, here's good
place to start6:
Much better than relying on 'The Guardian'
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[Marxism] Australians Must Reject a Nationalist Push Into Our Universities

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times Op-Ed, Oct. 29, 2018
Australians Must Reject a Nationalist Push Into Our Universities
Politicians and activists are shaping nationalist sentiment into pride 
in artificial and ahistoric notions of civilization.

By David Brophy

(Mr. Brophy is a senior lecturer in the Department of History at the 
University of Sydney.)

SYDNEY, Australia — In 1985, the Australian entrepreneur Paul Ramsay 
took a tour of Nottoway Plantation in Louisiana. So impressed was he 
with the luxurious “white castle” mansion and its grounds that he 
decided to buy it right there and then. In Mr. Ramsay’s hands, the 
property became a popular tourist attraction and resort. The resort’s 
website continues to revel in Nottoway’s antebellum glory days, while 
neglecting to make any mention of the slave labor from which it was built.

A similar desire to whitewash the past informs the institution that Paul 
Ramsay has left Australians as his legacy: the Ramsay Center for Western 
Civilization in Sydney.

In the 1990s, Prime Minister John Howard accelerated the privatization 
of Australian health care, introducing a tax rebate for those who took 
out private insurance. During the sell-off of state assets, Mr. Ramsay 
specialized in turning veterans’ hospitals into profit-making 
enterprises, before expanding his interests across the sector. By the 
time he died in 2014, his net worth was likely upward of $2 billion.

Mr. Ramsay’s health care fortune is now being plowed into a second 
sector facing a dire erosion of public funding: higher education. With 
Mr. Howard as chairman of its board of directors, the Ramsay Center is 
in negotiations with multiple Australian universities to fund a new 
program of courses in Western Civilization.

There’s no denying the benefits that philanthropy can bring to a public 
university, but the Ramsay Center is no ordinary donor. Its board 
members have been frank about their political goals: to redress what 
they see as excessive criticism of the West in Australian universities, 
and to cultivate a “new generation of leaders” who will “defend and 
promote” Western civilization, which the chief executive of the center, 
Simon Haines, believes is “arguably the richest of all civilizations.”

The Ramsay Center wants to establish its program alongside, and separate 
from, existing offerings in disciplines like history and philosophy — 
disciplines already heavily weighted toward the West. And it intends to 
privilege “Western civilization” by providing its budding “cadre of 
leaders” with scholarships and learning conditions that outstrip those 
available to their peers.

Ramsay’s push onto campuses marks the next step in a wider campaign to 
roll back the more pluralistic definition of national identity that is 
emerging in today’s multicultural Australia. In the 1990s, Prime 
Minister Howard voiced his hostility to a “black armband view of 
history,” which in his view gave excessive weight to the indigenous 
viewpoint on Australia’s colonization.

Speaking in 2010 at the launch of the Foundations of Western 
Civilization Program, an initiative of the free-market Institute of 
Public Affairs, Mr. Howard railed against the Australian Labor Party’s 
new high-school history curriculum, which he felt belittled European and 
British influences on Australia.

But it is not only Australia’s history wars in which “Western 
civilization” serves as a rallying cry for conservatives. In a 2011 
address entitled “Western civilization must be defended,” Mr. Howard 
argued that same-sex marriage was “an exercise in de-authorizing the 
Judeo-Christian influence in our society.” Another former prime 
minister, and Ramsay Center board member, Tony Abbott, has justified the 
invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq in terms of “defending Western 
civilization against the forces of chaos.”

The myth of an embattled “Western civilization” has also been featured 
in a recent series of alarming interventions into the politics of race 
and immigration in Australia. In August, Senator Fraser Anning referred 
to his harsh policy ideas as the “final solution to the immigration 
problem,” arguing that we must not “concede the field to enemies of 
Western civilization.” Earlier this month, the governing 
Liberal-National coalition endorsed Senator Pauline Hanson’s motion 
echoing the alt-right slogan “It’s O.K. to be white,” and deploring 
“attacks on Western civilization.”

Efforts to re-center the university curriculum on more celebratory 
notions of “Western civilization” feed off, and in turn give scholarly 
legitimacy to, interventions such as these. The Ramsay Center’s rhetoric 
may sound more 

[Marxism] I run afoul of Facebook Community Standards | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] What it means to ask if Bolsonaro is a fascist | lives; running

2018-10-29 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Louis Proyect wrote

So now it's Bolsonaro, the putative fascist. For years now, Brazil has 
had rife corruption under all versions of party government, they have 
had runaway inflation, declining competitiveness in the world market, 
falling rate of profit, and worsening conditions for labor.

So what historically happens under those circumstances? As Lewis Latham 
has said, some form of arrangement for a share of the spoils to pacify 
the poor has been part of the theory of government beginning with Plato, 
Aristotle, on to Hume, Hobbes, Machiavelli, and I would add Lord Keynes. 
Anyhow, long before Hitler, Mussolini, fascism or Bolsonaro - or even 
Trump or even capitalism.

That attempt at pacifying the deprived mass came to be called "liberal 
democracy" under the rule of capitalism. It's a very malleable pact with 
the working class that entails a flexible version of sharing of 
government, a pact subject to convenient constitutional escape clauses 
and recognition of force majeure (in law, "unforeseeable circumstances 
that prevent someone from fulfilling a contract"), when governments are 
unable to right the ship (even in hurricanes, earthquakes or natural 
disasters for which they are usually woefully unprepared), under a 
number of conditions in which that social contract is vitiated.

When things are going badly for the ruling class, and in the case of 
capitalism when things are getting so out of hand that profitable return 
on investment, competitive market position and uninterrupted expansion 
of capital are threatened by events sliding out of control and a 
"restive" working classthreatens the established order, then 
authoritarian governments, along with the military, take over power from 
the liberal regimes, and drastic repression ensues.

When the last workers have been forced back into their row houses and 
after a suitable period of calm and restoration, the ruling class and 
their military brass with a sigh of relief quaff a cup of good old 
Spanish sack, march the militia back into the barracks, declare the 
whole murderous episode to have been a regrettable one-off, which will 
certainly never happen again, and a new, suitable version of "liberal 
democracy" is restored.

Of course that democracy is welcome to workers, because otherwise, 
without some built-in protection such as a bill of rights there would be 
no latitude or breathing room for speech, press, assembly, or the right 
to organize, against the era's historic antagonist, capital.

At present nearly one-half of the world's population, more than three 
billion people, live on less than $2.50 a day, More than one and a third 
billion people live on less than $1.25 a day. One billion children are 
living in poverty. UNICEF reports that 22,000 children die daily from 
malnutrition due to poverty.

Trump is declaring before the midterms that under his brief period of 
administration America has restored jobs, the stock market is surging, 
the economy is great and in fact America itself is becoming great again. 
This overlooks the fact that trade restrictions, immigration restriction 
and rejection of multilateralism are not creating the prospect of 
sustained growth, while redistribution of income from workers to capital 
will of course drive the stock markets up, which is declared a success, 
but that's a measure of just the opposite. The same with huge tax cuts 
to corporations.

As Nobel Prize winner Edmund Phelps says, "There's no basis for thinking 
that Trump has opened up a basis for more rapid growth. There's no 
evidence so far for anything like that...employment is at unsustainable 
levels, and I think investment, after being buoyed up by a rush of 
confidence, is at levels that will not be sustained. " The benefits of 
what economic growth we see have gone overwhelmingly to shareholders and 
senior corporate managers, not to the poor and middle class.

As Financial Times columnist Rana Faroohar says, the temporarily tight 
working class and its effect on wages cannot last, as the Trumpists up 
the length of the working day, a lot of very big firms are producing 
fewer numbers of jobs, the most labor-heavy part of the economy, 
manufacturing, healthcare, education, lag way behind productivity gains, 
and there is no adequate investment in education and worker training. 
Instead of undertaking private and public expenditure which would not 
immediately, but over time, arguably allow industries to become more 
competitive and, 

Re: [Marxism] How to (do) ranching right

2018-10-29 Thread William Quimby via Marxism

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David, neither your spluttering bluster,  nor the article you cite, 
address the METHANE

issue - which I took to be where John was going.

- Bill

On 10/29/18 02:36 PM, DW via Marxism wrote:

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  That cattle raised in CAFO style of farming is a contributor and a big one
to climate change is not in doubt. If you listened to the video it's right
there. Which is the POINT of the video. It's now that cows produce GHG
emissions or not, it is how they are raised with a focus on the soil. Your
link dump is irrelevant to the discussion since not a single link actually
addresses the issue of carbon sequestration in the soil. None of them which
is unfortunate. And, I should note, did you...who flippantly and arrogantly
dumped your links on the list without a single answer to the points raised
in the video. You simply don't know what you are talking about.

Secondly, one of the sponsors if "Belcompo" a local ranching and purveyor
of meat raised as show in the video. It in not simply a "meat company" with
images of Harris Ranch and the large CAFO owners that come to mind. All
ranchers and farmers, like Belcompo, are *small business*, bar none.
However, this form of restorative agriculture is directly *counterpoised*
to that factory form of agriculture and you ought to pay attention to this
and the other issues around soil that you are so oblivious too but
seemingly have no interest to learn about. Here is an essay I penned a few
weeks ago on this issue to further enlighten you. Good luck with your diet.

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[Marxism] Corporate Concentration, Intellectual Property Rights, and US Public Policy | Martin Hart-Landsberg | Reports from the Economic Front

2018-10-29 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] How to (do) ranching right

2018-10-29 Thread DW via Marxism
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 That cattle raised in CAFO style of farming is a contributor and a big one
to climate change is not in doubt. If you listened to the video it's right
there. Which is the POINT of the video. It's now that cows produce GHG
emissions or not, it is how they are raised with a focus on the soil. Your
link dump is irrelevant to the discussion since not a single link actually
addresses the issue of carbon sequestration in the soil. None of them which
is unfortunate. And, I should note, did you...who flippantly and arrogantly
dumped your links on the list without a single answer to the points raised
in the video. You simply don't know what you are talking about.

Secondly, one of the sponsors if "Belcompo" a local ranching and purveyor
of meat raised as show in the video. It in not simply a "meat company" with
images of Harris Ranch and the large CAFO owners that come to mind. All
ranchers and farmers, like Belcompo, are *small business*, bar none.
However, this form of restorative agriculture is directly *counterpoised*
to that factory form of agriculture and you ought to pay attention to this
and the other issues around soil that you are so oblivious too but
seemingly have no interest to learn about. Here is an essay I penned a few
weeks ago on this issue to further enlighten you. Good luck with your diet.

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[Marxism] President Xi tells military to ‘concentrate preparation for fighting a war’

2018-10-29 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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[Marxism] Sartre: Anti-Semite and Jew

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The impotence of parliamentarianism

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The impotence of parliamentarianism in the conditions of the crisis of 
the whole capitalist system is so obvious that the vulgar democrats in 
the camp of the workers (Renaudel, Frossard and their imitators) do not 
find a single argument to defend their petrified prejudices. All the 
more readily do they seize upon every defeat and every failure suffered 
along the revolutionary road. The development of their thought is this: 
if pure parliamentarianism offers no way out, armed struggle does no 
better. The defeats of the proletarian insurrections in Austria and in 
Spain are now, of course, their choice argument. In fact, in their 
criticism of the revolutionary method the theoretical and political 
bankruptcy of the vulgar democrats appears still more clearly than in 
their defence of the methods of rotting bourgeois democracy.

No one has said that the revolutionary method automatically assures 
victory. What is decisive is not the method in itself but its correct 
application, the Marxist orientation in events, powerful organization, 
the confidence of the masses won through long experience, a 
perspicacious and bold leadership. The issue of every struggle depends 
upon the moment and conditions of the conflict and the relation of 
forces. Marxism is quite far from the thought that armed conflict is the 
only revolutionary method, or a panacea good under all conditions. 
Marxism in general knows no fetishes, neither parliamentary nor 
insurrectional. There is a time and place for everything. There is one 
thing that one can say at the beginning:

On the parliamentary road the socialist proletariat nowhere and never 
conquered power nor ever even as yet has drawn close to it.
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[Marxism] A Critical Look at China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative | Reports from the Economic Front

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Martin Hart-Landsberg
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[Marxism] Daniel Gaido on Brazil (From FB)

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In my opinion, we should clarify the historical analogies between 
Bolsonaro and fascism in two ways.

First, both Mussolini and Hitler came to power due to the absence of a 
united front policy on the left, which divided the working class (the 
split of Livorno in full rise of fascism and the refusal of the PCI to 
integrate the Arditi del Popolo in Italy, the characterization of social 
democracy as "social fascism", the "united front from below" and the 
creation of "red unions" in Germany). None of that existed in the case 
of Brazil; in fact, with the exception of the PSTU (which has a marginal 
weight in Brazilian labor policy, particularly after its split) all the 
left organizations, and in particular the PSOL, went to the tail of the 
PT, and in any case that It did not help electorally. Then we have an 
original phenomenon: the rise of a protofascism that is a direct product 
of the putrefaction of the popular front, the depth of the crisis 
(favelization, unemployment, violent deaths) and the absence of a left 
alternative. It is on this last point that we should insist: the urgency 
of proposing an alternative to the PT, because evidently the Brazilian 
working class repudiates it.

Second, Bolsonaro has neither the black shirts of Mussolini, nor the SA 
and SS of Hitler, or anything like it. Still Franco, who was not a 
fascist in the strict sense of the term but a coup general, was 
supported by the Falange, which was integrated into the FET and the 
JONS. In that sense, it seems to me that the first stage of Bolsonaro's 
government, rather than fascist, is going to be a right-wing 
Bonapartism, like the third Peronist government, probably with the 
emergence of a Triple-A parapolice wing to repress the labor movement 
and the activists. political and social Nor should we exclude 
Bonapartist moves in foreign policy and economic policy; Although he has 
a Chicago Boy as finance minister, he says he is an admirer of Trump, so 
protectionist policies, etc. should not be ruled out.

We will have to be very precise in the characterization of each of these 
stages in the consolidation or disintegration of the regime, and above 
all insist that nothing is lost, that the working class enters this 
stage after staging a gigantic general strike and with its forces 
intact, and that if it adopts a policy of consistent class struggle 
against the Bolsonaro regime and manages to forge a new class-oriented 
political leadership in the heat of that struggle, it can prevent the 
consolidation of its government as a fascist regime and even overthrow 
it. That is to say, it is not simply a "rise of the right" but a much 
more complex and contradictory process, of a continental nature, that 
even opens revolutionary possibilities - that is why we are just raising 
the slogan of the sovereign Constituent Assembly in Argentina. This is 
what should be stressed to combat the demoralization of some colleagues.

Bolsonaro: 38%
Haddad: 32%
Brancos e Nulos: 9%
Abstention: 21%
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[Marxism] Settler-colonialism

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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  Global Studies Lecture

  Settler-Colonialism, Immigration, and White Nationalism in the US:
  Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

The New School
6:00 - 8:00 PM
NEW YORK, NY 10011

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[Marxism] "Jews Will Not Replace Us": Ten Meditations on a Week of Violence — Red Wedge

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] "The communist league of Negro women voters"

2018-10-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Richard Nixon was an aggressive political campaigner. At one point his
allies conjured a group labeled "The Communist League of Negro Women
Voters" to associate with and thus taint his opponent:

"It was during [his 1950 Senate race against Helen Gahagan Douglas] that
Americans first heard of 'Tricky Dick' Nixon. His campaign manager was
[Murray] Chotiner, an early practitioner of negative campaigning who
subsequently worked in every one of Nixon's campaigns until 1968. His
Democratic opponent, a former singer and ac­tress, was a liberal whom the *Book
of Knowledge *ranked as one of the twelve smartest women in the world.
Although a critic of HUAC and anticom­munism, Douglas had moved toward the
center of her party in recent years. Yet communism became the chief issue
for the Nixon camp. This focus was not exceptional, as the 1950 campaign
coincided with Senator Joseph McCarthy's (R-Wisc.) emergence on the
national scene and his charges of 'Communists in the State
Department.' McCarthy campaigned in Califor­nia for Nixon. McCarthy's
charges received further impetus following the outbreak of the Korean War
in June.
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[Marxism] Degrowth: A Call for Radical Abundance - Resilience

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] demonizing immigrants wears thin in Iowa

2018-10-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] don't forget those BRICS Re: How Obama’s Normalization of the Brazil Coup Prefigured Trumpism

2018-10-29 Thread Patrick Bond via Marxism

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On 2018/10/29 17:06, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote: 

He was joined in that normalisation process by Xi, Putin, Modi and even 

There were various strange theories floated on the left - even at the 
top of the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement - about why these coup 
processes in Brazil and also South Africa emanated primarily from 
Washington... some we included in a (quite balanced) educational booklet 
downloadable here: - specifically, by 
Gayton Mckenzie and Andile Mngxitama here:

Now with this tragic turn, for many of us interested in geopolitics, we 
might return to the kind of analysis of Brazilian sub-imperialism made 
famous by Ruy Mauro Marini:

To be sure, until Bolsonaro there was reason for the highly-regarded 
Argentine Marxist Claudio Katz to dispute a contemporary application of 
Marini's sub-imperialism label:

But there's also room to disagree with him:

Most important is solidarity, and today's best Joburg newspaper 
suggested we prepare for activism in alliance with the Brazilians about 
to suffer repression, and provide exile:

While the Pretoria regime will have no qualms about attending the next 
BRICS summit in Brazil (assuming Bolsonaro doesn't just quit as part of 
his Sinophobic populism), there are indeed concerns at the base, 
especially in organised labour. About ten weeks ago, our largest union - 
the metalworkers - ran a picket at the Brazilian embassy in Pretoria:

We'll need to be doing much more of that, when the MST and other 
progressives call for solidarity in the form of protests, sanctions or 
other pressure points. I saw reports of this sort of solidarity in 
protests yesterday in Warsaw and Mexico City. Elsewhere too?

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[Marxism] Apropos Those Bombs: Netanyahu Says He Had Nothing to Do with Rabin's Assassination

2018-10-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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*The more a leader stokes the hate, the less he can claim that he couldn't
have imagined the results.*

By a coincidence of timing, in the midst of this debate news came (from the
US) of bombs being sent to precisely the people whom Trump most demonizes.
Trump isn't guilty in the legal sense. *Prima facie*, he is responsible in
the political sense.

He will learn nothing from this, but will continue calling himself the
victim. His lackeys will immediately begin trying to edit memory to erase
his role. I've seen the earlier version of this movie. The remake in
English is no less terrifying than the Hebrew original.
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Re: [Marxism] How to ranching right

2018-10-29 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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Like "Clean Coal", "Good Nuclear Power" and "Sports Hunting"

this "Regenerative Ranching" is a similar promoted concept by the industry that 
benefits financially from.

Did David notice who sponsored this corporate propaganda - a meat company!

It is scientific fact -  not conjecture - that the CO2 emissions by cattle and 
hogs, are a major contributor to Climate Change.

I unfortunately remain a meat eater but have reduced my consumption and 
eliminated many forms of meat from my diet.

Here are some of the sites that came up in my internet search for  CO2 
emissions by cattle.

Cow 'emissions' more damaging to planet than CO2 from cars 
... › Environment 
› Climate 

Environment > Climate Change Cow 'emissions' more damaging to planet than CO2 
from cars ... the world's rapidly growing herds of cattle as the greatest 
threat to the climate, forests and wildlife ...

Are cows the cause of global warming? | Time for 

A cow does on overage release between 70 and 120 kg of Methane per year. 
Methane is a greenhouse gas like carbon dioxide (CO2). But the negative effect 
on the climate of Methane is 23 times higher than the effect of CO2.

Overview of Greenhouse Gases | Greenhouse Gas (GHG 

Carbon dioxide (CO 2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human 
activities.In 2016, CO 2 accounted for about 81.6% of all U.S. greenhouse gas 
emissions from human activities. Carbon dioxide is naturally present in the 
atmosphere as part of the Earth's carbon cycle (the natural circulation of 
carbon among the atmosphere, oceans, soil, plants, and animals).

Methane emissions from cattle are 11% higher than 

“Cows belching less methane may not be as eye-catching as wind turbines and 
solar panels, but they are just as vital for addressing climate change.” Global 
carbon emissions stood still in 2016

“A Regenerative Secret” is a powerful mini-documentary that breaks the
thinking that cows are the problem. Contrasting the catastrophe of the
current cattle industry with the hopeful and inspiring paradigm of
Regenerative Ranching. This emerging form of ranching is not only restoring
ecosystems but also reversing global warming and helping ranchers across
the world become more prosperous.

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[Marxism] How Obama’s Normalization of the Brazil Coup Prefigured Trumpism

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Refugees, A Hog wallow.....

2018-10-29 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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This is not a suggestion to vote for democrats or anyone elseIt is
merely a look at the situationI do believe that if the GOP keeps
control of the government, our fight is considerably more difficult.
-ron jacobs
Check out my newest books *Still Tripping in the Dark

*,* Capitalism
and Daydream Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s
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[Marxism] How to ranching right

2018-10-29 Thread DW via Marxism
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“A Regenerative Secret” is a powerful mini-documentary that breaks the
thinking that cows are the problem. Contrasting the catastrophe of the
current cattle industry with the hopeful and inspiring paradigm of
Regenerative Ranching. This emerging form of ranching is not only restoring
ecosystems but also reversing global warming and helping ranchers across
the world become more prosperous.
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[Marxism] Perry Anderson · Crisis in Brazil · LRB 21 April 2016

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(HT to Sebastian Budgen for this and the other Brazil links today.)
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[Marxism] The Parachutist Lands in Brasilia • Commune

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Torturer - Los Angeles Review of Books

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Bolsonaro: Fascism or Bonapartism?

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] What it means to ask if Bolsonaro is a fascist | lives; running

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Jair Bolsonaro and the threat to democracy in Brazil

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Brazil, Fascism and the Left Wing of Neoliberalism

2018-10-29 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Rob Urie offers a stellar column on Brazil in particular and fascism in 
general. Key paragraph:

The ideological premises behind the logic that claims fascists as the 
explanation of fascism emerge from liberalism. The term here is meant as 
description. Liberalism proceeds from specific ontological assumptions. Within 
this temporal frame, a bit of social logic: If fascists already existed, why 
didn’t fascism?  The question of whether to fight fascists or fascism depends 
on the answer. The essentialist view is that characteristics intrinsic to 
fascists make them fascists. This is the basis of scientific racism. And it 
underlies fascist race theory

Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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[Marxism] Rare genetic sequences illuminate early humans' history in Africa

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Brazil’s Tropical Trump | Michael Roberts Blog

2018-10-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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