Re: [Marxism] Eric Olin Wright's farewell

2019-01-19 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Thanks for posting. This is an exquisitely beautiful and insightful farewell 

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[Marxism] How the Assad regime has exploited “evacuation deals” to redirect Isis against the rebels

2019-01-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The flow of Isis fighters into rebel-held areas begins with the 
evacuation deals. The first one to be agreed between the regime and Isis 
was publicly recognised to have taken place in August 2017, with the 
involvement of the Lebanese militia Hezbollah. A month later, another 
deal would be announced for the evacuation of ISIS fighters trapped in a 
pocket of territory in the countryside of Hama in north-west Syria, 
surrounded by regime-held territory. Late that month, the regime 
announced it had reached an agreement in which the besieged fighters 
would surrender.
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[Marxism] Eric Olin Wright's farewell

2019-01-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Impeach Trump

2019-01-19 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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Two things.

First, why the Atlantic and other organs of liberal ruling class opinion
finally feel that they need to impeach Trump should not be that hard to

Trump almost certainly committed textbook treason in pursuit of a few
dollars. They don't care about the money as long as he is not robbing them
personally, but they do care about his project of wrecking the long term
global project of NATO, the European Union, and American military power
parked on bases all over the world so that his handlers in Russia can
recover some of Russia's own dissolving power.

Second, WE (Marxists and revolutionaries) should be happy that THEY (the
liberals) want to impeach Trump for our own entirely different reasons. Put
simply, we want to see the ruling class's political chumminess blow up. We
want them to hate each other, fight each other, destroy each other's power,
and in the process and MOST IMPORTANTLY, radically weaken the legitimacy of
the bourgeois state in the eyes of the working class and the oppress.

We should be happy when Trump wants to close a US military base because we
want to destroy US impoerialism, but not in order to support the military
designs of Assad, Putin, or some other capitalist despot. Our agenda is not
to replace US imperialism with Russian, Chinese or any other imperialism,
but to help foment world-wide socialist revolution (as improbably as that
may sound to those who have given up on this great project).

There are any number of little issues that follow, like the disgusting and
evil Mikhail Pence. A Pence presidency will be one of crisis, whether or
not the bourgeoisie can use it to patch up the palace or not after Humpty
Trumpty's great fall will depend on what the masses do outside the palace.
I am not talking about revolution here, I am talking about LA teacher's
strikes. It will also depend on other factors outside of the palace like
war and the world economy.

Best, Anthony
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[Marxism] [UCE] great new book

2019-01-19 Thread george.snedeker via Marxism
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Martha Gimenez has just published a very important new book on Marxist Feminist 
Theory. Here is the first review of the book:

You will find a shorter version of this review on the Marxist Philosophy link.


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[Marxism] Video of Spenser Rapone's talk at the James Connolly Forum

2019-01-19 Thread Jon Flanders via Marxism

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Spenser Rapone enlisted as an infantryman out of high school in 2010, 
and deployed to Afghanistan in 2011 in the Army Rangers. After returning 
from his combat tour, he applied and was accepted into the United States 
Military Academy at West Point, NY in 2012, graduating and receiving his 
commission in May 2016. Deciding he could no longer stomach the 
immorality of US imperialism, he spoke out against the reprehensible 
actions of the military in September 2017. He ultimately resigned his 
commission, and was separated from the Army in June 2018 with an Other 
Than Honorable discharge.

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[Marxism] A history of the Communist party of China

2019-01-19 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Red at Heart. How Chinese Communists Fell in Love with the Russian Revolution;
A cultural chronicle of the rich Chinese-Russian interplay and exchange from 
the 1920s to the 1950s.

McGuire (History/California State Univ., East Bay), who has lived and worked in 
both Moscow and Beijing, tells the stories of the many pioneering Chinese who 
became passionate students of Russian language and revolutionary thought and 
participated in exchange programs over the decades. She focuses on two waves of 
Chinese travelers: those politically active in the 1920s who were excited by 
the Bolshevik Revolution as having gone further than the overthrow of the Qing 
dynasty in China in 1911 and were eager to learn more; and those committed 
Communists who wanted to deepen the Sino-Soviet “friendship” of the 1950s.
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[Marxism] Verne Olson and the Cuban Revolution | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-01-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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What follows is chapter fifteen from volume one of Ernest Tate’s memoir, 
“Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s and 1960s”, published by Resistance 
Books, London. In this chapter, using archival sources, he describes in 
detail how a small group of Canadian revolutionary socialists in the 
Socialist Educational League, S.E.L., later to become the League for 
Socialist Action, L.S.A., of which he was a leader, organized in 1960 to 
defend the early Cuban Revolution against a right-wing propaganda 
offensive inspired by American imperialism, designed to quarantine it 
from the Canadian people. Their campaign in defense of Cuba, he writes, 
was one of the most successful of its kind in the English-speaking world.

Ernie Tate and Jess McKenzie, who is referenced in the chapter, will be 
attending a conference on Trotskyism in Cuba between May 6-8. By making 
this chapter available to the public inside and outside of Cuba, it 
should help provide some background on how Canadian Trotskyists related 
to this historic development.


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[Marxism] ‘Reeducating’ Xinjiang’s Muslims | by James Millward | The New York Review of Books

2019-01-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Turning the Women’s March Into a Mass Movement Was Never Going to Be Simple

2019-01-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Jewish Leaders Sign Letter Defending Linda Sarsour – The Forward

2019-01-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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