[Marxism] Iran: Class struggle and neo-liberal capital accumulation | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2019-03-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Craig Hodges: 'Jordan didn't speak out because he didn't know what to say' | Sport | The Guardian

2019-03-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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He was one of the NBA’s finest sharpshooters and a two-time champion 
alongside Michael Jordan, but was run out of the league for his 
outspoken views. A quarter of a century on, Craig Hodges is still 
fighting the good fight

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[Marxism] Democratic oversight is 'bullshit': Trump goes off-script at CPAC | US news | The Guardian

2019-03-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Cedric Johnson and the Other Sixties’ Nostalgia – New Politics

2019-03-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In the last couple of years, the unexpected, unprecedented campaign of 
Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination, the growth of 
DSA, and the election of democratic socialists Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 
(AOC) and Rashida Tlaib to the House of Representatives along with a 
number of like-minded leftists to lesser offices all as Democrats have 
helped to revive the effort to move the Democratic Party to places it 
has never been. Among those places where it once was under pressure of a 
massive labor upsurge now revived with a Green prefix, of course, was 
the other major source of social democratic nostalgia, the New Deal—the 
severe class and racial limits of which Dan La Botz and Mia White point 
out in their articles (New Politics No.66, Winter 2019). This recent 
resurrection of “boring within” the Democratic Party, without the 
anachronistic “realignment” branding to be sure, has been given even 
further encouragement by the apparent adoption of some left demands such 
a Medicare for All, Federal Job Guarantees, the Green New Deal, etc. by 
some of the candidates for Democratic presidential nomination besides 
Bernie. The genuine threat and practice of the Trump Administration adds 
fuel to this fire.

With this renewed hope has come a demotion of race as a subject of 
socio-economic analysis in the name of class that is, in reality, a 
return to America’s quintessential business-funded, 
neoliberal-dominated, undemocratic, cross-class social construction: the 
Democratic Party. As a Marxist who has put class at the center of my 
analyses over the years I naturally believe it will take more than the 
efforts of black Americans, or even blacks and Latinos combined to end 
economic and racial inequality. It will take a class-based movement and 
politics, with socialist politics at its center. But I also have seen 
both first hand through involvement in the civil rights and labor 
movements as well as through study and research that embedded racism 
requires the self-organization of the oppressed to shape or supplement 
the broader programs in such a way that that they do not simply 
reproduce racial inequality in new, sometimes less visible forms as they 
often have in the past; e.g., in the New Deal and the post-WWII GI Bill, 

full: https://newpol.org/cedric-johnson-and-the-other-sixties-nostalgia/
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[Marxism] When American Small Towns Loved Socialism by Noah Van Sciver, Paul Buhle, Steve Max and Dave Nance — YES! Magazine

2019-03-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A graphic biography about Eugene V. Debs, folk hero and presidential 
candidate, reminds us of a time when support for socialism was strong in 
places like Kansas, Oklahoma, and Ohio.

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[Marxism] Saltwater intrusion: Rising seas are poisoning North Carolina's farmland - The Washington Post

2019-03-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Undoubtedly, the farmers suffering financial setbacks because of 
climate-change induced salinization voted for Trump and will continue to 
vote for such scumbags until they are utterly ruined.

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[Marxism] The Case for Green Realism by Jean Pisani-Ferry - Project Syndicate

2019-03-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Furthermore, the distributional effects of the green transition are 
unfortunately adverse. The poor and the suburban middle class spend more 
of their income on energy than the rich and the urban professionals do, 
and often lack the means to buy a new, efficient heating system or to 
insulate their house. And, because working-class jobs tend to be more 
carbon-intensive, factory workers and truck drivers will be hurt more 
than designers and bankers.

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[Marxism] MMT for Dummies

2019-03-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Outsourcing Exploitation to Europe’s Periphery - RLS

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Madlen Nikolova discusses a new study on subcontracting, inequality, and 
worker resistance in Bulgaria

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[Marxism] Anarchy in the USA

2019-03-02 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Check out my newest books *Still Tripping in the Dark

*,* Capitalism
and Daydream Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s
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[Marxism] He Took Down the Elite at Davos. Then He Came for Fox News.

2019-03-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times March 2, 2019
He Took Down the Elite at Davos. Then He Came for Fox News.
By Patrick Kingsley

AMSTERDAM — First, Rutger Bregman came for the globalists.

In late January at Davos, the Swiss resort where the world’s political 
and financial elites gather each winter, Mr. Bregman bluntly asked why 
his hosts do not pay more tax.

“It feels like I’m at a firefighters’ conference and no one is allowed 
to speak about water,” he said. “We’ve got to be talking about taxes,” 
he added. “Taxes, taxes, taxes.”

Three weeks later, the young Dutch historian came for the nationalists.

Invited on Fox News by Tucker Carlson, who described his earlier 
outburst as “one of the great moments in Davos history,” Mr. Bregman 
quickly questioned his host’s sincerity and accused him of being a 
mouthpiece for the billionaire class.

“You’re all like: ‘Oh, I’m against the globalist elite, blah, blah, 
blah,’” Mr. Bregman, 30, told Mr. Carlson, who responded with a 
foul-mouthed rant. “It’s not very convincing.”

To the extent that bookish economic historians can rampage, Mr. Bregman 
is on one. And the world has taken notice: Videos of the two incidents 
have been watched millions of times across dozens of websites, and Mr. 
Bregman has been inundated with hundreds of interview requests. (In a 
statement, Mr. Carlson said no one has ever told him what to say on the 

On a cloudy recent day in Amsterdam, Mr. Bregman was bashful about the 
reasons for his newfound celebrity.

“It’s entertainment, right?” Mr. Bregman said. “Someone taking down 
Tucker Carlson is just good fun, let’s be honest.”

Then again, Mr. Bregman has been saying these kinds of things for years 
— calling for higher taxes, a shorter working week and a universal basic 
income — and never captured the global imagination the way he has this 
past month.

That, he said, is because “of something bigger that is happening.”

Mr. Bregman is part of a wider wave of young activists, thinkers and 
politicians that includes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 29-year-old new 
Democratic congresswoman, and Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old climate 
protester, whose radical alternatives have, crucially, begun to garner 
mainstream acceptance.

“The success of these kind of things, and the extraordinary rise of 
someone like A.O.C., are all symptoms of the times,” Mr. Bregman said. 
“The whole zeitgeist is shifting.”

Mr. Bregman is part of a wider wave of young activists, thinkers and 
politicians that includes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, center, the 
29-year-old new Democratic congresswoman, whose radical alternatives 
have begun to garner mainstream acceptance.CreditErin Schaff for The New 
York Times
But what is specific to thinkers like Mr. Bregman is the ideological 
context, or lack thereof, in which they came of age.

He grew up in the decades either side of the millennium, in which grand 
ideological battles were considered to be a thing of the past.

Centrist politicians like Bill Clinton and Tony Blair — and here in the 
Netherlands, Wim Kok — instead sought to triangulate between Left and 
Right, and to tinker here and there with the status quo rather than 
articulating bold visions of the future.

But when the economic crisis struck in 2008, revealing how that status 
quo was not nearly as inevitable as previously assumed, it left an 
ideological vacuum. The far right has filled part of it, but so have 
parties and thinkers on the left, among them Mr. Bregman, who combines a 
detailed approach to economic policy with a utopian vision of a better 

“He is a very practical person,” said Bas Heijne, a leading Dutch 
essayist and commentator. But “he wants to reinvigorate idealism, and in 
that sense he’s very much part of his generation.”

His prominence over the past month is, nevertheless, something of an 
accident. His fiery performance at Davos was a last-minute decision. He 
didn’t initially intend to talk about tax.

His Fox appearance also almost never saw the light of day. Mr. Carlson 
refused to broadcast it, and Mr. Bregman was ambivalent about releasing 
his own recording on social media, wary of endorsing a kind of 
confrontational public discourse that leaves little room for dialogue.

At the same time, his piercing of the global consciousness has been a 
long time in the making.

Mr. Bregman is already the author of four books — most notably, “Utopia 
for Realists,” which was published in the Netherlands in 2014, reached 
the United States two years ago, and has been translated into 32 languages.

In the book, which careens between anecdote, academic research and 
statistics in the manner of a more