[Marxism] 30 years ago: The Chinese Stalinist's Tiananmen Square Massacre

2019-06-01 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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[Marxism] A suffragette in America: inside the brilliant mind of Sylvia Pankhurst | Louise Raw | The Morning Star

2019-06-01 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Remembering lesbians in the lesbian and gay liberation movement

2019-06-01 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Excellent piece by veteran lesbian, trade union and socialist activist Ann
Menasche.  Also sets the record straight re Stonewall riots.

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[Marxism] The Ongoing Persecution of China’s Uyghurs

2019-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The State of the Sudanese and Algerian Uprisings

2019-06-01 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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This forum took place today.  It is two hours long.
ken h


Today in Sudan and Algeria, people's uprisings that broke out this past winter 
have won momentous victories for the first time since the start of the 2011 
Revolutions, overthrowing the heads of the regimes in both countries. But the 
people have vowed to go beyond the overthrow of their dictators, to take down 
the entire structure of the old regimes and replace them with governments that 
represent the people. They have also been working diligently to avoid the same 
mistakes as in Egypt and Syria, where the counterrevolution came to dominate by 
2013 through the fracturing of peaceful protest and the large-scale acceptance 
of a military coup in Egypt. 
What sparked these latest uprisings, and what has made them so successful thus 
far? What are the balance of forces today in Algeria and Sudan? And what has 
changed since 2011 that may allow for a different outcome than the bleak 
reality we have seen across the Middle East for the past 6 years? What has been 
the role of women fighting patriarchy? What is the anti-racist dimension of 
these struggles,  especially concerning solidarity with the victims of genocide 
in Darfur? How are labor unions involved? What role does the opposition to 
capitalism play in these uprisings? What kind of international solidarity is 
Four speakers--two Algerian activists, and two Sudanese--will be tuning into 
Facebook Livestream on June 1st to answer these questions and more. 

Dr. Hamza Hamouchene is a London-based Algerian scholar-activist, commentator, 
researcher, and a founding member of Algeria Solidarity Campaign (ASC), and 
Environmental Justice North Africa (EJNA). He is the author/editor of two 
books: “The Struggle for Energy Democracy in the Maghreb” (2017) and The Coming 
Revolution to North Africa: The Struggle for Climate Justice (2015).

Sara Abbas is a doctoral candidate in political science and a feminist who 
researches social movements in Sudan. She has written for Transition magazine, 
OpenDemocracy and The Nation. The views expressed are her own and do not 
represent those of insitutions she is affiliated with. 

Adam Baher is a Sudanese human rights activist based in Berlin, Germany. He is 
a member of Justice Equality Movement Sudan (JEM). 

Selma Oumari is a member of the New Anticapitalist Party in France, involved in 
antiracist struggles as well as international solidarity.
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[Marxism] Was the Douma chlorine gas attack a “false flag”? | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Starting in May 2013, I have written 84 articles about sarin gas attacks 
in Syria, with another 9 dealing with the chlorine gas attack in Douma. 
So, whether you agree with my analysis or not, you’d have to accept that 
I have spent more time than the average person looking closely at one of 
the major issues dividing the left: whether all these attacks were 
“false flags” intended to justify an American regime change operation in 
the same vein that WMD’s were used by Bush, Cheney and Powell to drag us 
into Iraq. For people like Max Blumenthal, Jonathan Cook, Seymour Hersh, 
Robert Fisk, Theodore Postol, Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett, Gareth 
Porter, and dozens of others, time has stood still. In 8 years of 
asymmetric warfare in which aerial bombardment has virtually annihilated 
the opposition to Assad, nothing has changed. We are still in the same 
situation as we were in 2013 when Obama was making empty threats about 
“red lines”. The “false flag” brigades are still at it, with the latest 
flare-up occurring over a leaked OPCW document that tries to make the 
case that the death of dozens of men, women and children in Douma on 
April 7, 2018 was not a result of a helicopter dropping weaponized 
chlorine tanks on a tenement but being placed there by jihadists who 
hoped to persuade Donald Trump to go to war because some working-class 
Sunnis were gassed to death. Yes, I know, this is an idiotic proposition 
but it is necessary to debunk it.


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[Marxism] Superbugs in the Anthropocene

2019-06-01 Thread Ian Angus via Marxism
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Excuse me for bragging, but I’m very proud of this. My new article, "Superbugs
in the Anthropocene," is the lead article in this month’s issue of Monthly


Ian Angus
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[Marxism] [UCE] No value, but necessary?

2019-06-01 Thread Barry Brooks via Marxism
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Air has the ultimate value; it is necessary. Air's value goes beyond usefulness 
or desirability. However, if the value of air is measured by its price, or by 
the labor expended in its production, air has no value. 

Usefulness is somewhat disconnected from price. Some of the most useful things, 
like air, are free. We don't pay nature for what we take, so if a resource is 
not scarce and is easy to harvest it will have a low price even if it is much 
more than  just useful and desirable. Some free things are necessary, even 

Simple formulas can not replace good judgment, but they can avoid making hard 
choices.  Reliance on expected money profit to make investment decisions avoids 
any need to make judgments about final usefulness or desirability. "Value" 
defined as price, labor, or rate of return will lead to the same results. 
Numbers can be assigned to those kinds of value. False-precision accounting is 
possible, although no consideration will be given to valueless items, like air, 
that are merely necessary. 
The most important things can not be measured. Doing the right thing is only 
possible without exclusive reliance on numerical accounting. Any system, like 
the capitalist market, that relies on vulgar non-normative values to make 
decisions must fail to plan for the future of life on Earth.


 Being able to quantify things, to measure things, to compare and analyse can 
make it easy to miss the underlying issues. Focusing on the price makes it easy 
to miss the real value – and can turn what should be complex decisions based on 
combinations of ethics, morals, culture, empathy, philosophy and understanding 
of society into much simpler games based on numbers and calculations.

That word game is the key – when all the values are removed, these things just 
become games. Mathematical games – where the key is to maximise your results. 
In the 1980s, when I began my working life, this attitude seemed to pervade 
almost everything – the growth of the use of spreadsheets mirrored what felt to 
me like a hardening of attitudes. The idea of ‘efficiency’ was king – and 
efficiency was intended in a very narrow sense. Cutting costs, maximising 
income, improving the bottom line… and this was seen as the key to almost 
everything in life.  I remember friends who didn’t just record their mileage in 
their cars for business purposes, but who kept little books with exactly when 
they bought petrol, where from, at what price, and what mileage their cars had 
done, so that they could enter them onto spreadsheets and work out exactly how 
efficient their cars had been, so they could make better, more efficient 
decisions about purchases in the future.

So what’s the problem with this? It seems sensible, doesn’t it? You can save 
money. You can make sure that you live an efficient, practical life – and 
maximize your results. In fact, you’d be stupid not to do it, wouldn’t you? 
Ultimately, it becomes a ...




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[Marxism] Lutz Bacher, Conceptual Artist Who Hid Much About Herself, Dies at 75

2019-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, June 1, 2019
Lutz Bacher, Conceptual Artist Who Hid Much About Herself, Dies at 75
By Holland Cotter

Lutz Bacher, an American Conceptual artist who, early in her career, 
adopted that fictional, masculine-sounding name, and who thereafter 
refused to reveal personal details about her life, died on May 14 in 
Manhattan. She was 75.

Galerie Buchholz, which represents her work in Germany, said the cause 
was a heart attack.

Ms. Bacher gave out a variety of birth dates over the years (the real 
one was Sept. 21, 1943), but she did not say where she was born or 
provide any information about her family or educational background. All 
that was generally known was that she began making art in the San 
Francisco Bay Area in the 1970s, when Conceptualism had succeeded 
Minimalism as the influential new art movement.

One of its champions, the art historian Lucy Lippard, defined 
Conceptualism as art “in which the idea is paramount and the material 
form is secondary, lightweight, ephemeral, cheap, unpretentious and/or 
‘dematerialized.’ ” Ms. Bacher’s work fit this model, and added to it 
distinctive degrees of political commentary and personal emotion.

She worked primarily with everyday found materials — objects (snapshots, 
baseballs), words (interviews, men’s-room graffiti), sounds (film clips, 
rock songs) — from which she drew resonance by editing them, combining 
them or uncovering half-hidden details.

An early work, “Men at War,” from 1975, consisted of a series of 
photographs, derived from a single found negative, of American sailors 
relaxing together on a beach in Vietnam. What’s striking at first is the 
convivial, mildly eroticized mood of the gathering. But when, in a 
close-up, you catch sight of a swastika drawn on one man’s chest, a 
homosocial idyll becomes an image of incipient male violence.

Much of her work points to the arbitrary nature of historical “truth.” 
For a 1976 installation called “The Lee Harvey Oswald Interview,” she 
created a set of nine increasingly fractured collages by splicing 
together photographs of Oswald and her own musings, handwritten and 
typed, about conspiracy theories related to Oswald and the assassination 
of President John F. Kennedy. (The work is in the collection of the 
Metropolitan Museum of Art and was exhibited there last year.)

Beginning in the 1990s, for a kind of video self-portrait, Ms. Bacher 
asked several people, including family members and artists (some of whom 
she barely knew), to sit in front of a camera and talk about her as she 
listened out of sight and pitched questions.

The tapes go on for hours (she published the transcripts as a book) and, 
in the end, leave only a diffuse and contradictory sense of who she is 
as a personality and an artist. They suggest that her insistent 
anonymity — fake name, concealed life — was part of a careerlong 
strategy to present herself as a Conceptual work.

This not to say that her art felt remote or hermetic. It was notable for 
its humor, but also for its emotional intimacy. When her charismatic New 
York art dealer Pat Hearn learned she had liver cancer in the 1990s, Ms. 
Bacher set up a stationary camera to film her working in her gallery 
office. When Ms. Hearn died in 2000 at 45, Ms. Bacher edited down 
hundreds of hours of tape to create a moving 40-minute memorial to her 

Ms. Bacher made this image of herself lying on a beach her official 
portrait, and allowed it to be circulated.CreditGalerie Buchholz
And her contribution to the 2012 Whitney Biennial was memorably poetic. 
It was conceived in several evocative but enigmatic units.

One, called “The Celestial Handbook,” comprised 84 framed book pages 
illustrating galaxies, nebulae, comets and other astronomical 
formations. There was a sculptural piece in the form of a church organ.

And there was a gallery installation consisting of hundreds of old 
baseballs strewn across the floor and a video, imageless but with a 
dialogue clip from the 1988 film “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” as 
a soundtrack.

In the clip, two lovers speak. A woman asks, “What are you thinking?”; 
the man answers, “I’m thinking how happy I am.” Some people read the 
work as a tribute to Ms. Bacher’s husband, Donald C. Backer, an 
astrophysicist and professor at the University of California, Berkeley, 
who had died of a heart attack two years earlier. They had been married 
almost 40 years.

Ms. Bacher is survived by her son, David A. Backer; a granddaughter, 
Annika Backer; a sister, Jo-Anna Lutz Jones; and a brother, Patrick B. Lutz.

In 2009, Ms. Bacher had a retrospective, titled “My Secret Life” and 

[Marxism] New Orleans: When the Levees Break Again

2019-06-01 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Note: "When", not "if"


NEW ORLEANS — Saturday is the official start of hurricane season. And the
Army Corps of Engineers recently predicted that our levee system may soon
be obsolete.

The corps announced in April that, because of global sea level rise and
because Louisiana is sinking, “risk to life and property in the greater New
Orleans area will progressively increase” without substantial improvements.
As early as 2023, the levee system may no longer protect New Orleans and
its suburbs against a so-called 100-year storm, or a hurricane with a 1
percent chance of happening here each year.

We might expect such a storm soon. But we may feel the effects of the levee
system’s decline evens sooner. That’s because our flood protections must be
certified to the 100-year standard in order for us to participate in the
National Flood Insurance Program.

The Corps of Engineers did not respond to my inquiries about what would
happen if the New Orleans system lost its certification. In fairness, the
corps is busy with what it calls a “flood fight that is historic and
unprecedented” on the Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers. But the likely
scenario is that many people here would lose their discounted federal flood
insurance rates, making coverage more expensive, in some cases
prohibitively so.

Meanwhile, Congress has struggled to pass even short-term extensions to the
troubled flood insurance program itself, making a worst-case scenario more
possible: Louisianans trapped in homes that they cannot insure, cannot sell
and cannot safely live in.

It’s a reminder that a warming world has many hazards. A surging wall of
water might announce the climate apocalypse in your town, but rising seas
also can cause insurance premiums to skyrocket or property values to
collapse. Your mortgage can go underwater even while your house remains dry.

The plan is to do the bare minimum. The corps is studying how to strengthen
the levees just enough to keep the system certified, at an estimated cost
of $820 million. But even if the funding is forthcoming, piecemeal fixes
like that are what got us to this point, and they won’t get us much further.

The crisis looming in New Orleans already reflects what one reporter here
described as a “devil’s bargain” that Louisiana made after Hurricane
Katrina in 2005.

After the storm, the one thing that nearly everybody in the state agreed on
was that New Orleans needed strong levees. Louisianans lobbied the George
W. Bush administration for projects that could protect the region from a
Category 5 hurricane, which the Corps of Engineers estimated to be a
400-year event. But the White House balked at the cost.

Instead, the Bush administration supported only the 100-year protection
necessary for the city to qualify for the flood insurance program, and it
offered, as both carrot and stick, to let New Orleans remain eligible for
coverage as the corps rebuilt the broken levees.

Louisiana was forced to accept flood insurance at the expense of meaningful
flood protection. The recent announcement suggests that we could end up
with neither.

Louisiana’s levee system stands, for now, as a sinking monument to
America’s dangerously shortsighted climate policies.

The corps acknowledged as much from the start. While it had called its
pre-Katrina levees a “hurricane protection system,” it described the
post-Katrina project as only a “risk reduction system.” A 2011 corps report
estimated that if a storm surge overtopped the levees, it could kill nearly
a thousand people. The Association of State Floodplain Managers recommends
a 500-year standard as a minimum for urban areas.

In a better world, the systemic response to the climate crisis that New
Orleans needs, like the one backed by proponents of the Green New Deal,
would not seem revolutionary. New Orleans needs substantial investments to
survive in a warming world. It’s not just hurricanes we have to worry
about, either, with streets that flood when it rains, and the Mississippi
River so high.

Just as important as levees, though, New Orleanians need substantial
investments in jobs, education and health care in order to thrive. All
Americans do. We need to rebuild the country’s public works so that they
offer robust protection for all of us.

The same goes for our public programs and institutions, because good
infrastructure makes life possible, but it does not make life worth living.
Louisiana’s levees stand, too, as an emblem of our dangerously precarious
social contract. Engineering alone cannot resolve the problems the climate

[Marxism] Michael Harrington and his afterlives

2019-06-01 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
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Michael Harrington (1928-1989) was the most important advocate for democratic 
socialism in the United States in the latter half of the twentieth century. He 
is widely, and deservedly, recognized for writing The Other America, a seminal 
expose of poverty in the United States. However, Michael Harrington was not 
simply a public intellectual but a political activist who developed a vision to 
make democratic socialism into a major force in American life. His strategy was 
to realign the Democratic Party by driving out the business interests and 
transform it into a social democratic party. This new party of the people would 
then not only represent the interests of the vast majority and pass genuine 
reforms, but begin the transition to democratic socialism. Michael Harrington's 
politics and vision have outlived him and they remain the "common sense" of 
much of the American left, shaping debates in the organization he founded, the 
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).
(more at:  

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

US MD: "I Beg Americans To Throw Out This Veg Now"

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[Marxism] Walt Whitman’s Boys | Boston Review

2019-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Long article on Whitman's sexual preference for young boys.


Just by coincidence, I heard this guy being interviewed last night on NPR:

Last spring quarter, Northwestern University music student Timothy 
McNair, a master's candidate in voice, had a problem with an assignment 
in Professor Donald Nally's chorale class. Among the pieces the class 
was required to learn and perform in concert was "Song of Democracy," 
which sets 19th-century poetry by Walt Whitman to mid-20th-century music 
by Howard Hanson.

McNair, who's a bass, a scholarship student at Northwestern's Bienen 
School of Music, and an African-American, isn't fond of Whitman. In the 
course of researching him as an undergrad, he'd learned that the poet so 
widely admired as the soul of democracy was also a racist.

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[Marxism] [UCE] The Conspiracy of Capital

2019-06-01 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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[Marxism] The Left Group GUE/NGL Will Not Split: MEP Helmut Scholz on Elections in the EU and Ukraine | Lefteast

2019-06-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] A general strike in Argentina paralyses the country (ANF)

2019-06-01 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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[Marxism] Gustave Courbet: the working class becomes the subject of art | Jenny Farrell | Culture Matters

2019-06-01 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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