Re: [Marxism] Greta Thonburg at UN

2019-09-23 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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Yes John even the rich and the powerful will choke. I am reminded of these
lines from Brecht's great poem *A worker questions history*

Even in fabled Atlantis, the night that the ocean engulfed it,
The drowning still cried out for their slaves.



On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 12:44 PM John Reimann via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Here is Greta Thonburg speaking at UN. It is more than worth listening to.
> Note how the very same delegates that she rips into applaud her
> condemnation of them. Clearly, the capitalist politicians want to seduce
> her into  becoming "realistic", but I find it difficult to see how they
> will succeed. For one, this is not a matter of political or social
> analysis; it's a matter of scientific fact, and she clearly knows the
> facts, and the facts are simply too stark. Nature will not allow room for
> some to benefit in this disaster. This means that a new and radical youth
> movement is coming.
> --
> *“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
> Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
> Check out:https: also on Facebook
> _
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[Marxism] Greta Thonburg at UN

2019-09-23 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Here is Greta Thonburg speaking at UN. It is more than worth listening to.
Note how the very same delegates that she rips into applaud her
condemnation of them. Clearly, the capitalist politicians want to seduce
her into  becoming "realistic", but I find it difficult to see how they
will succeed. For one, this is not a matter of political or social
analysis; it's a matter of scientific fact, and she clearly knows the
facts, and the facts are simply too stark. Nature will not allow room for
some to benefit in this disaster. This means that a new and radical youth
movement is coming.

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Muhammad Idrees Ahmad on Blumenthal & Assad, "junket journalism"

2019-09-23 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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I don't think this has been shared on marxmail.

Junket journalism in the shadow of genocide
What a visit of a group of journalists and activists to Damascus can
tell us about 'laundering' genocidal regimes.
by Muhammad Idrees Ahmad
Al Jazeera, 15 Sept 2019
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[Marxism] When he led Burlington, Vt., as a socialist, the Democratic presidential contender worked with Republicans and business

2019-09-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Sept. 21, 2019
When he led Burlington, Vt., as a socialist, the Democratic presidential 
contender worked with Republicans and business

By Eliza Collins

BURLINGTON, Vt. -- Bernie Sanders says that if he is elected president, 
he will convince skeptics to support his agenda by building a movement 
so powerful that they will have no choice but to join him.

It is the same thing he says happened when he was mayor here in the 
1980s, his only experience as a chief executive to date. "Democrats, 
Republicans were not stupid," Mr. Sanders said in an interview in his 
campaign office. "And they looked around and they said, 'Oh my God, we 
thought this guy was a fluke, he'd come and he'd go, [instead he] is 
further transforming politics in this city.' . . . So they started 
working with us in a much more constructive way."

Mr. Sanders says his opponents came to their senses and joined him. But 
a close examination of the Vermont lawmaker's record as mayor shows that 
at times he also went to them, working with Republicans, police and 
business on key issues facing the community -- sometimes to the 
frustration of his liberal allies.

"The city was run in the 1980s as a coalition between what you would now 
call the progressives and the Republicans," said John Franco, assistant 
city attorney in the Sanders administration. "Bernie is a fiscal 
conservative. The saying in Vermont is he's tighter than the bark on a 

The Wall Street Journal interviewed more than a dozen people who lived 
and worked in Burlington from 1981 to 1989, including Mr. Sanders and 
his wife, Jane Sanders, at the time the director of the Youth Office. 
What emerges is a picture of an executive who had the same goals for 
governance as he does today, but won favor with Republicans when his 
administration audited the city's finances, joined with the business 
community on a controversial development project, and once sided with 
the police and factory workers over protesters.

"He'll listen to the points of the other person. And as long as the goal 
is not just to, you know, feather the nests of the wealthy," he will 
work with people, Mrs. Sanders said.

It is a period that the senator doesn't often discuss on the campaign 
trail. His deal-making past could help him reach out to centrist voters 
but could also alienate supporters who are looking for an uncompromising 
candidate to upend the system.

Louie Manno, a radio host here in the 1980s, said Mr. Sanders did a 
"pretty good job" as mayor because his governing was less radical than 
his campaigns.

Mr. Manno is a supporter of President Trump, but he said he isn't 
worried about a Sanders presidency upending the country: "If he became 
the president of the United States, we'd still be a free-market economy, 
we would still have an army, we'd still have a Second Amendment."

Shortly after Mr. Sanders, an independent who identified as a Democratic 
socialist, was first elected mayor, by just 10 votes, Mr. Franco and 
Sandy Baird, a progressive activist and lawyer who later became a state 
representative, were standing in the city's courthouse. Ms. Baird 
remembers Mr. Franco turning to her and proclaiming: "Welcome to the 

But in his first term in office, one key initiative of Mr. Sanders's 
administration was more quotidian: Cleaning up the city's finances, a 
move that earned trust from some Republicans. Mr. Franco said they 
wanted to prove to skeptics they knew how to govern.

The Sanders administration audited the city's finances and found a 
surplus of nearly $2 million, which it invested into capital improvements.

Mr. Sanders also formed some alliances with the business community over 
the Burlington waterfront, which local developers wanted to revamp. Mr. 
Sanders said during his campaign that the city wasn't for sale. But once 
in office, he decided to back a commercial development plan.

After that idea fell apart amid progressive resistance, the Sanders 
administration pivoted to a development vision focused on public access, 
the basis for the current waterfront, which includes a bike path and dog 

Mr. Sanders considers the waterfront a significant piece of his legacy 
and held his 2016 presidential kickoff rally in a spot framed by Lake 
Champlain and the mountains.

Peter Clavelle, who succeeded Mr. Sanders as mayor and oversaw the final 
stages of waterfront development, said Mr. Sanders's involvement with 
the business community helped make it happen.

"Bernie was not just the rabble rouser," said Mr. Clavelle, who was the 
first director of the Community and Economic Development Office under 

[Marxism] NY Times: Ascensión Mendieta, 93, Dies; Symbol of Justice for Franco Victims

2019-09-23 Thread Alan Ginsberg via Marxism
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She fought for decades to recover the remains of her father, who had been
executed by a firing squad in 1939. Finally, when she was 92, she found him.

By Katharine Q. Seelye
Published Sept. 22, 2019
Updated Sept. 23, 2019

Ascensión Mendieta was just 13 in 1939 when her father was lined up against
a wall in Spain and shot by a firing squad of soldiers loyal to Gen.
Francisco Franco. His body was then dumped into a mass grave.

Ascensión would devote her entire life to finding her father and giving him
a proper burial. Only recently, at age 92, did she fulfill that ambition.

After decades of agony and searching, she located him in 2017, in the
cemetery at Guadalajara. She had his remains exhumed and buried him in
Madrid at a ceremony attended by  hundreds of mourners.

“Now I can rest in peace,” she said at the time.

On Sept. 16, Ms. Mendieta died in Madrid at 93, her family reported on
social media. Her last wish was carried out when her own coffin was placed
in the same tomb as her father and she was buried with him.

She had come to personify the struggle for justice shared by the families
of perhaps as many as 200,000 victims of Franco-era executions, whose
bodies were tossed in unmarked graves or along the side of roadways
throughout Spain.

Her simple demand for justice made Ms. Mendieta, a modest small-town woman
who did not seek the spotlight, a hero to many.

As the BBC reported: “This most personal of struggles had inadvertently
made humble Ascensión into a public figure in her final years. She bore her
celebrity status with smiling bewilderment, but she always had a
crystal-clear view on the injustice her family and thousands more had to
stomach during the Franco regime and the failure of the modern Spanish
state to come to terms with the country’s bloody legacy.”

Ascensión Mendieta Ibarra was born on Nov. 29, 1925, and grew up in
Sacédon, east of Madrid, with six siblings. As a teenager she worked as a
seamstress. She eventually had four children. Complete information on
survivors was not immediately available.

Her mother, Maria Ibarra, raised the children while her father, Timoteo
Mendieta Alcala, was the village butcher in Sacédon, in the province of
Guadalajara. More important, he was an officer of the General Workers
Union, a socialist union, which made him a target for Franco.

Ascensión was 13 when a group of men came to the door looking for her
father. She thought they were “well spoken” and let them in.

He was taken and shot against the wall of a Guadalajara cemetery on Nov.
16, 1939. His body was dumped in a mass grave there, along with those of
more than 20 others; more than 800 others who had been executed would
eventually fill the pits in the cemetery.

After Franco’s death in 1975, Ms. Mendieta and other relatives petitioned
the Spanish government for help in locating his remains. The authorities
refused to help.

Family members were  not allowed to visit the mass grave where they
believed he had been tossed. They were left to throw flowers over the
cemetery wall.

In 2010, a group of victims’ families, together with prominent humanitarian
organizations, filed a lawsuit in Argentina seeking an investigation into
Franco’s crimes against humanity. A judge there, María Romilda Servini de
Cubría, had begun an investigation and was compiling a growing file of
people seeking help in finding relatives who had been executed.

In 2013, at age 88, Ms. Mendieta flew to Argentina to add her case to the
file. The judge proceeded under a legal principle called universal
jurisdiction, in which a court in one country can sometimes prosecute
someone elsewhere for crimes believed to have harmed the world. She
eventually gained the cooperation of a Spanish judge, who complied with her
request to dig up some of the graves. (The lawsuit was the subject of a
2018 documentary, “The Silence of Others.”)

A team of archaeologists and volunteers from the Association for the
Recovery of Historical Memory, a human rights group that in 2000 uncovered
the first mass grave of Franco victims, undertook the exhumation, with no
financial support from the Spanish government. After two unsuccessful
attempts, they found Timoteo Mendieta Alcala’s remains in 2017 in what was
 called Pit No. 1 of the cemetery.

The unearthing of those remains marked the first time a Franco-era victim’s
body had been recovered through the courts, according to the BBC. The next
year, the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory delivered to
families the identified remains of nearly two dozen others who had been
executed in 1939 and dumped in that same cemetery.

Ms. Mendieta buried her father in a nonreligious 

[Marxism] Protests break out against Egypt's Sisi

2019-09-23 Thread David Walsh via Marxism
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Protests break out against Sisi in Tahrir Square and across Egypt

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Protests break out against Sisi in Tahrir Square and across Egypt

Crowds in Cairo violently dispersed by security forces, with protests against 
president also taking place in oth...



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[Marxism] Internationalism and GM strike

2019-09-23 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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"Now here’s a novel thought regarding the GM strike: That the strikers
reach out to their fellow GM workers around the world with the idea of
organizing a global strike against GM.

"Why not? After all, according to Wikipedia GM operates almost as many
plants in other countries (28) as it does in the US (30). And the number is
even higher when you take into account the fact that according to GM itself
it has eleven joint ventures and two wholly owned enterprises in China.

"In other words, like almost every single other manufacturer worth
anything, GM is operating internationally. How do you bring a company like
this to heel, if you don’t match them stride for stride?"

There is every reason to suspect that this strike will be extended and no
reason why striking workers cannot reach out to their fellow workers around
the world for joint labor action.

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Clarence Thomas’s “Black nationalism”: a reply to Corey Robin | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-09-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-CivWar]: Verhayden on Silkenat, 'Raising the White Flag: How Surrender Defined the American Civil War'

2019-09-23 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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Begin forwarded message:

> From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW 
> Date: September 23, 2019 at 10:08:01 AM EDT
> To:
> Cc: H-Net Staff 
> Subject: H-Net Review [H-CivWar]:  Verhayden on Silkenat, 'Raising the White 
> Flag: How Surrender Defined the American Civil War'
> Reply-To:
> David Silkenat.  Raising the White Flag: How Surrender Defined the 
> American Civil War.  Chapel Hill  University of North Carolina Press, 
> 2019.  368 pp.  $39.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-4696-4972-6.
> Reviewed by Jack R. Verhayden (Mississippi State University)
> Published on H-CivWar (September, 2019)
> Commissioned by G. David Schieffler
> Twenty-first-century Americans have valorized the image of the 
> defiant American soldier refusing to surrender. Books, movies, and 
> video games have glorified the efforts of soldiers fighting on 
> despite seemingly insurmountable odds and governments refusing to 
> allow "any man left behind." However, while today's popular image of 
> submitting to the enemy is often associated with cowardice or even 
> immorality, nineteenth-century Americans had a different 
> understanding of surrender. David Silkenat's _Raising the White Flag_ 
> shows how common the act of surrender was during the Civil War, when 
> Americans did not see surrender as a "sign of weakness but as a 
> hallmark of humanity" (p. 297). Silkenat argues that surrender was 
> one of the war's "most common military experiences," as more than 
> 673,000 soldiers, or one out of every four soldiers, surrendered 
> during the war (p. 2). Over the course of ten chapters, Silkenat 
> contends that surrendering was not only a common experience, but 
> "that American ideas of surrender at the beginning of the Civil War 
> grew out of inherited notions that surrender helped distinguish 
> civilized warfare from barbarism" (p. 3). Surrender was a 
> prerequisite for civilized warfare, and without the ability to 
> surrender, war devolved into atrocities. During the Civil War, both 
> the Union and Confederacy challenged this understanding of surrender 
> as the Union enlisted black soldiers, Southerners used guerilla 
> warfare, and commanders demanded "unconditional surrender." Like Drew 
> Faust's work on death during the war, Silkenat shows how imperative 
> studying surrender is to our understanding of the Civil War and its 
> legacy. Surrender was a common experience that deeply impacted the 
> lives and mindsets of many Americans. Silkenat shows that mass 
> surrender, just like the war's mass death, challenged American 
> conceptions of warfare and civility.[1] 
> Silkenat argues that Civil War generals like Winfield Scott inherited 
> their ideas of surrender and proper conduct during previous American 
> conflicts. The act of submitting to the enemy was common but not 
> always honorable or acceptable. During the War of 1812, for example, 
> General William Hull surrendered Detroit without firing a shot. 
> British forces marched continuously through an open clearing in sight 
> of the American forces and tricked Hull into believing he faced a 
> much larger enemy. Hull's force of two thousand men held a 
> defendable, fortified position but did not resist the British 
> assault. General Hull's surrender horrified Scott, who observed that 
> "the disgrace of Hull's recent surrender was deeply felt by 
> Americans" (p. 6). Surrender was acceptable after fighting honorably 
> but not usually before then. After Hull's defeat, Scott's force 
> attacked Queenstown Heights. His men fought bravely but became pinned 
> down between enemy fire and the Niagara River after British 
> reinforcements arrived. Scott surrendered his force to the British 
> and they spent the next five weeks as prisoners of war. During these 
> weeks the British forces kept Scott and his men well fed, clothed, 
> and housed while also protecting them from Native Americans. Silkenat 
> points to Scott and his fellow Americans' experiences during the War 
> of 1812 as key to understanding their preconceived notions of 
> surrender during the Civil War. Surrender was honorable if, after 
> bravely fighting, the odds were too high and raising the white flag 
> would save lives. After surrender, the enemy was expected to accept 
> his opponent's submission and properly care for his prisoners. For 
> Silkenat, this coexistence is what made surrender so unique and 
> humane. Surrender was a two-way street, as honor mandated an opposing 
> force to both accept 

[Marxism] Amilcar Cabral and the Black Radical Tradition | Washington Babylon

2019-09-23 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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[Marxism] NYC:, Mon. Sept 23: An Intergenerational Conversation with Dr. Angela Y. Davis

2019-09-23 Thread Alan Ginsberg via Marxism
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Monday, September 23, 2019 7:00pm
Riverside Church
490 Riverside Drive
(120th Street & Riverside Drive)
New York, NY

hosted by the National Conference of Black Lawyers

Derecka Purnell, attorney, writer, and organizer, and Vincent Warren,
executive director of the Center for Constitutional Rights, will be joining
Dr. Davis in a discussion about the future direction of the Movement for
Black Liberation and the challenges for Black lawyers. The conversation
will be moderated by Amanda Alexander, executive director of the Detroit
Justice Center.
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[Marxism] Is this the Beginning of the Second Egypt Revolution?

2019-09-23 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Egypt: Bring Down the Tyrant Sisi!

Spontaneous mass protests shatter the military dictatorship of General Sisi

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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[Marxism] The People's Forum | Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz Book Launch: An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States for Young People | The People's Forum

2019-09-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Friday, Sept. 27th
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2019-09-23 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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*We have discussed the invasion of the Indian army into Kashmir on this
email list. There has been some defense of this invasion on the grounds
that it is a matter for Indians to resolve. The real meaning of this can be
seen in the attacks on Muslims in Assam, where a campaign to round them up
is under way. This is being done under the pretext of making people prove
their citizenship by producing birth certificates. However, many people of
all religions there don't have those certificates. According to this
article, now a detention camp is being built to house those who "aren't
citizens". In reality, it's being built to hold Muslims, as this article
makes clear.*

"Officials said the government may pass legislation to protect legitimate

"The government is already in the process of bringing legislation to grant
citizenship to Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist immigrants from neighbouring

"Muslim immigrants are not included in the law.

"The nationalist, hardline Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) group also
called for genuine citizens to be included in the list after it emerged
that Hindus had been affected. The RSS and BJP are closely affiliated."

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] We Need Biodiversity-Based Agriculture to Solve the Climate Crisis

2019-09-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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