[Marxism] HRC Releases Report on Epidemic of Anti-Transgender Violence | Human Rights Campaign

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HRC Releases Annual Report on Epidemic of Anti-Transgender Violence

• By Sarah McBride
• November 18, 2019

HRC Foundation released A National Epidemic: Fatal Anti-Transgender Violence in 
the United States in 2019, a distressing report honoring the at least 22 
transgender people and gender non-conforming people killed in 2019 and 
detailing the contributing factors that lead to this tragic violence. The 
report comes two days ahead of Transgender Day of Remembrance, which, this 
year, marks the 20th annual commemoration of transgender people killed during 
the preceding year.

“Transgender women of color are living in crisis, especially Black transgender 
women,” said HRC President Alphonso David. “While the details of the cases 
documented in this report differ, the toxic intersection of racism, sexism, 
transphobia and easy access to guns conspire to deny so many members of the 
transgender and gender non-conforming community access to housing, employment 
and other necessities to survive and thrive. Every one of these lives cut 
tragically short reinforces the urgent need for action on all fronts to end 
this epidemic — from lawmakers and law enforcement, to the media and our 

A National Epidemic:Fatal Anti-Transgender Violence in the United States in 
2019 explores many of the factors that can contribute to or facilitate fatal 
violence. In many instances, systemic discrimination at the intersection of 
gender identity and race lead to significant barriers to employment and 
housing. This pushes many transgender and gender non-conforming people into 
underground economies, including sex work, to survive and into circumstances 
where they may be more likely to encounter violence.

The report also calls for the expansion of community-based resources and 
programs to address the epidemic. Earlier this year, HRC announced it is 
significantly expanding its work dedicated to justice for the transgender 
community. The organization will advance new initiatives working alongside 
community advocates to focus on economic empowerment; capacity-building 
programs; targeted task forces in communities hardest hit by the epidemic of 
anti-trans violence; and expanded public education campaigns.

There are a number of actions outlined in the report that lawmakers can take to 
address the violence, including passing non-discrimination protections; 
enhancing law enforcement response and training; improving data collection and 
reporting; reforming laws that have the impact of criminalizing marginalized 
communities and undermining public health; and adopting common-sense gun 
violence protections.

This year’s annual report found that since the start of the year, at least 22 
transgender and gender non-conforming people have been killed in the U.S., all 
but one were Black. Since January 2013, HRC has documented more than 150 
transgender and gender non-conforming people who were victims of fatal 
violence; at least 127 were transgender and gender non-conforming people of 
color. Nearly nine in every 10 victims were transgender women and 58 percent of 
all domestic deaths occurred in the U.S. South. These disturbing numbers likely 
underreport deadly violence targeting transgender and gender non-confirming 
people, who may not be properly identified as transgender or gender 

In addition to the 22 transgender and gender non-conforming people killed by 
fatal violence, the report also profiles two other cases of transgender women, 
Johana ‘Joa’ Medina and Layleen Polanco, whose deaths remain under 
investigation. Both were likely impacted by circumstances fostered by hate, 
indifference and dehumanization. Medina, 25, died at a hospital in El Paso, 
Texas, just hours after being released from ICE custody. She suffered severe 
health complications that went untreated while she was in detention, according 
to Diversidad Sin Fronteras. Her family filed a wrongful death and personal 
injury claim against ICE and the Department of Homeland Security. Polanco, 27, 
was found dead in solitary confinement at Rikers Island on June 7. Her family 
says authorities knew she had epilepsy and failed to provide her proper 
treatment despite her condition.

The report comes just days after the Federal Bureau of Investigation released 
2018’s hate crimes data, which found an alarming 34 percent increase in violent 
hate-based attacks on transgender people between 2017 and 2018. 

Last week, HRC commemorated the annual Transgender Awareness Week, which is 
dedicated to illuminating both the progress and unfinished work in the fight 
for transgender equality. Throughout 

Re: [Marxism] ‘No evidence’ that men are using trans identity for sexual violence | Scotland | The Times

2019-12-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 12/19/19 7:33 PM, MM via Marxism wrote:

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If anyone has a sub to the Times, I’d be interested to read the full article:

"There is no evidence men identify as transgender to access female-only spaces 
to commit sexual violence, the Scottish government has said.

"Draft legislation to reform and streamline the process for obtaining a Gender 
Recognition Certificate was published yesterday.

"It would remove the requirement for applicants to provide medical evidence of their 
diagnosis of gender dysphoria, while retaining a condition that applicants must make a 
solemn statutory declaration that they have been living in their acquired gender and 
intend to do so permanently."


There is no evidence men identify as transgender to access female-only 
spaces to commit sexual violence, the Scottish government has said.

Draft legislation to reform and streamline the process for obtaining a 
Gender Recognition Certificate was published yesterday.

It would remove the requirement for applicants to provide medical 
evidence of their diagnosis of gender dysphoria, while retaining a 
condition that applicants must make a solemn statutory declaration that 
they have been living in their acquired gender and intend to do so 

A minimum three-month period of reflection between applying for a Gender 
Recognition Certificate and confirming the application would also be 
introduced as part of the bill. This would mean applicants must have 
lived in their acquired gender for a minimum of six months before a 
certificate is granted.

The legislation would also retain the position that a false statutory 
declaration is a criminal offence and introduce a new offence of false 
application - each with a potential punishment of up to two years' 

The minimum age of potential applicants would be reduced from 18 to 16 
as part of the proposals, which will attempt to build greater consensus 
on a hugely controversial issue that has polarised opinion and divided 
the SNP.

Shirley-Anne Somerville, the social security secretary, acknowledged 
that some organisations have made women feel "uncomfortable and less 
safe" in their attempts to be inclusive to transgender people.

However, the consultation stated: "The Scottish government has not 
identified any evidence supporting a link between women-only spaces 
being inclusive of transgender women and non-trans men falsely claiming 
a trans identity to access these spaces and commit sexual violence."

Other sources reiterated their view that there was a lack of any 
evidence to support this claim.

Ms Somerville said: "Women's rights and protections will be as strong 
under this bill as they are today, as we remain committed to protect, 
respect, and advance the rights of women and girls. We are not proposing 
to change the Equality Act or the exceptions within it that protect 
single sex spaces and services."

For Women Scotland, a feminist group, suggested that voices opposed to 
the proposals had so far been ignored.

A spokeswoman said the group would consider the consultation paper 
thoroughly before formulating a full response, adding: "It is of great 
concern that since the consultation announcement in June the Scottish 
government has not met with any women's groups, other than those it 
funds and who are broadly in agreement with the proposals. Alternative 
viewpoints and concerns on the issue of self-identification of sex have 
not been heard and brings into question the cabinet secretary's wish to 
reach consensus."

Lynn Welsh, head of legal at the Equality and Human Rights Commission 
Scotland, welcomed the consultation, which will close in March, stating: 
"This bill offers a welcome opportunity to remove unnecessary practical 
barriers trans people face in securing legal recognition of their gender 

"Nothing in the bill will threaten the continued operation of the 
Equality Act provisions protecting women-only services and spaces, which 
recognise the particular needs of women and the need for protection from 
sex-based violence."

Patrick Harvie, the Scottish Greens co-leader, said: "The proposals will 
simply make life easier for trans people who want to get their 

[Marxism] ‘No evidence’ that men are using trans identity for sexual violence | Scotland | The Times

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If anyone has a sub to the Times, I’d be interested to read the full article:

"There is no evidence men identify as transgender to access female-only spaces 
to commit sexual violence, the Scottish government has said.

"Draft legislation to reform and streamline the process for obtaining a Gender 
Recognition Certificate was published yesterday.

"It would remove the requirement for applicants to provide medical evidence of 
their diagnosis of gender dysphoria, while retaining a condition that 
applicants must make a solemn statutory declaration that they have been living 
in their acquired gender and intend to do so permanently."


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Re: [Marxism] Rich Nations Block All Progress at U.N. Climate Talks

2019-12-19 Thread John Edmundson via Marxism
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Dog bites man . . .

Interesting article though.

On Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 2:37 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <
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The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from the goose
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[Marxism] The Long, Dark History of Russia’s Murder, Inc. | by Michael Weiss | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books

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Re: [Marxism] Fear and Fumbling: Brexit, Trump and the Nationalist Surge

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On 12/19/19 11:43 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

The Politics of Pain: Postwar England and the Rise of Nationalism
By Fintan O’Toole
232 pages. Liveright Publishing. $27.95.

More from Fintan O'Toole:

NY Review of Books
The Ham of Fate
Fintan O’Toole

In his only novel, Seventy-Two Virgins, published in 2004, Boris Johnson 
uses a strange word. The hero, like Johnson himself at the time, is a 
backbench Conservative member of the House of Commons. Roger Barlow is, 
indeed, a somewhat unflattering self-portrait—he bicycles to 
Westminster, he is unfaithful to his wife, he is flippantly racist and 
politically opportunistic, and he is famously disheveled:

		In the fond imagination of one Commons secretary who crossed his path 
he had the air of a man who had just burst through a hedge after running 
through a garden having climbed down a drainpipe on being surprised in 
the wrong marital bed.1

Barlow, throughout the novel, is in constant fear that his political 
career is about to be ended by a tabloid scandal. In a moment of 
introspection, he reflects on this anxiety:

There was something prurient about the way he wanted to read about his 
own destruction, just as there was something weird about the way he had 
been impelled down the course he had followed. Maybe he wasn’t a genuine 
akratic. Maybe it would be more accurate to say he had a thanatos urge. 
[Emphases added]

The novel is a mass-market comic thriller about a terrorist plot to 
capture the US president while he is addressing Parliament in London. 
The Greek terms stand out. In part, they function as signifiers of 
social class within a long-established code of linguistic manners: a 
sprinkling of classical phrases marks one out as a product of an elite 
private school (in Johnson’s case, Eton) and therefore a proper toff. 
(Asked in June during the contest to replace Theresa May as Tory leader 
to name his political hero, Johnson chose Pericles of Athens.) The 
choice of thanatos is interesting, and the thought that he might have a 
death wish will ring bells for those who have followed the breathtaking 
recklessness of Johnson’s career. But it is akratic that intrigues.

The Leave campaign that Johnson led to a stunning victory in the Brexit 
referendum of June 2016 owed much of its success to its carefully 
calibrated slogan “Take Back Control.” Akrasia, which is discussed in 
depth by Socrates, Plato, and especially Aristotle in the Nicomachean 
Ethics, is the contrary of control. It means literally “not being in 
command of oneself” and is translated variously as “weakness of will,” 
“incontinence,” and “loss of self-control.” To Aristotle, an akratic is 
a person who knows the right thing to do but can’t help doing the 
opposite. This is not just, as he himself seems to have intuited, Boris 
Johnson to a tee. It is also the reason why he embodies more than anyone 
else a Brexit project in which the very people who promised to take back 
control are utterly incapable of exercising it, even over themselves. 
“Oh God, oh Gawd,” asks Barlow in a question that now echoes through 
much of the British establishment, “why had he done it? Why had he put 
himself in this ludicrous position?”

To grasp how Johnson’s akratic character has brought his country to a 
state approaching anarchy, it is necessary to return to the days 
immediately before February 21, 2016, when he announced to an expectant 
throng of journalists that he would support the Leave campaign. This was 
a crucial moment—polls have since shown that, in what turned out to be a 
very close-run referendum, Boris, as the mayor of London had branded 
himself,2 had a greater influence on voters than anyone else. “Character 
is destiny, said the Greeks, and I agree,” writes Johnson in The 
Churchill Factor, his 2014 book about Winston Churchill, which carries 
the telling subtitle “How One Man Made History.”3 While the book shows 
Johnson to be a true believer in the Great Man theory of history, his 
own moment of destiny plays it out as farce, the fate of a nation 
turning not on Churchillian resolution but on Johnsonian indecision. For 
Johnson was, in his own words, “veering all over the place like a 
shopping trolley.” On Saturday, February 20, he texted Prime Minister 
David Cameron to say he was going to advocate for Brexit. A few hours 
later, he texted again to say that he might change his mind and back Remain.

Sometime between then and the following day, he wrote at least two 
different columns for the Daily Telegraph—his deadline was looming, so 
he wrote one passionately arguing for Leave and one arguing that the 

[Marxism] Fear and Fumbling: Brexit, Trump and the Nationalist Surge

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(The first book sounds really interesting.)

NY Times, Dec. 19, 2019
Fear and Fumbling: Brexit, Trump and the Nationalist Surge
By Jennifer Szalai

The Politics of Pain: Postwar England and the Rise of Nationalism
By Fintan O’Toole
232 pages. Liveright Publishing. $27.95.

The Case for Nationalism: How It Made Us Powerful, United, and Free
By Rich Lowry
280 pages. Broadside Books. $26.99.

“May all your teeth fall out except the one that gives you pain”: It’s 
an old Yiddish curse, but as Fintan O’Toole explains in his slyly 
brilliant new book, it could turn out to be an apt description of the 
“English nationalist project” known as Brexit. An unsettled sense of 
national identity is like having a sore tooth, and Brexit is like taking 
a sledgehammer to the wrong side of your face. Once the “radically 
invasive” procedure of extracting Britain from the European Union begins 
in earnest, O’Toole writes in “The Politics of Pain,” the original 
toothache will persist — only this time amid the wreckage of a bloody mouth.

O’Toole, an Irish journalist, is aware of the political and economic 
upheavals that have buoyed pro-Brexit forces, but with this book he 
explores what the critic Raymond Williams called a “structure of 
feeling” — in this case, a mentality that likens the staid bureaucracy 
in Brussels to a monstrous occupying force. O’Toole dissects a number of 
myths peddled over the years by Britain’s most extreme Euroskeptics, 
including the specter of an overweening continent determined to outlaw 
prawn cocktail-flavored potato chips.

Brexit and President Trump represent both sides of the Anglo-American 
nationalist coin — on this minimal observation, O’Toole and Rich Lowry, 
the editor of National Review magazine and the author of another new 
book about nationalism, would seem to agree. But where O’Toole warns of 
the dangers posed by indiscriminate eruptions of nationalist fervor, 
Lowry’s “The Case for Nationalism” exudes an untroubled sanguinity. 
Nationalism’s biggest problem, Lowry says repeatedly, has been the 
“smear” against it.

ImageFintan O’Toole, author of “The Politics of Pain.”
Fintan O’Toole, author of “The Politics of Pain.”
Credit...Benson Russell
“The Politics of Pain” is searching and elegantly argued. O’Toole isn’t 
unsympathetic to those who voted in favor of Brexit, but makes 
abundantly clear that he believes they were suckered into a raw deal. 
Being Irish, he knows “the worst agonies that zero-sum nationalism can 
inflict.” His tone is charmingly wry but never gleeful. He reserves his 
most withering indictments for elite politicians like Nigel Farage and 
Boris Johnson — the “Brexit ultras” who successfully deployed the 
language of autonomy and wounded pride to cast Brexit “simultaneously as 
a reconstitution of Empire and as an anti-imperial national liberation 

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This toggling between grandiosity and self-pity is a neat trick, and 
O’Toole says the absurd rhetoric has been so successful because England 
has never grappled properly with its experience of winning a world war 
while also losing an empire. The English have been unprepared to think 
of their country as just another among many, one that is relatively 
privileged but ultimately ordinary. (Seeing Brexit as primarily an 
English phenomenon, O’Toole takes care to focus on England, rather than 
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.) “In the imperial imagination, 
there are only two states: dominant and submissive, colonizer and 
colonized,” O’Toole writes, making a funny and surprisingly fitting 
analogy with the sadomasochism, tedious rules and fantasy of absolute 
powerlessness on offer in E L James’s “Fifty Shades of Grey.”

“The Politics of Pain” is not a celebration of the E.U. — a deeply 
flawed institution, O’Toole concedes, which has settled into an 
“arrogant, complacent” technocracy since the end of the Cold War, when 
it mostly gave up trying to encourage the “reasonable expectation that 
life will get better for ordinary people.” But he says that Johnson and 
the other reactionary members of the ruling class have abdicated their 
own responsibility to the very people they purport to serve.

“A nation state is, first and foremost, a shelter,” O’Toole writes, 
likening it to an umbrella “in the hard rain of neoliberal 
globalization.” Brexit, he says, offers a garish but empty nationalism 
shorn of any protections. Promising to dismantle the environmental and 
labor regulations they denounce as “red 

[Marxism] Those Who Search for Dawn Don’t Fear the Night; Nor the Hand that Holds the Dagger

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Jeanine Áñez, the ‘president’ of Bolivia, walked into the Burned Palace 
(Palacio Quemado) with an enormous Bible in her hand. ‘The Bible has 
returned to the Palace’, she said as she seized power. Áñez’s Party – 
Movimiento Demócrata Social – won only 4% of the vote in the 2019 
presidential election, and she is not in the direct line of succession. 
The Movement to Socialism (MAS) controlled the majority in parliament, 
and its speaker – first Adriana Salvatierra and then Mónica Eva Copa – 
stood ahead of her in the queue. Nonetheless, as MAS officials stayed 
home for fear of their lives, a parliamentary vote that excluded the 
majority party took place in which Áñez took power. The military backed 
her. Very soon thereafter, the United States and Brazil sanctified this 
Christian fundamentalist right-wing politician as the president.

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[Marxism] Confronting the agents of capital: a Corbynista’s dilemma | People and Nature

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A very powerful analysis.

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[Marxism] A New Brexit Settlement? - CounterPunch.org

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Most fundamentally, thanks to Farage’s strategic decision, Johnson won 
by taking constituencies hardest hit by Britain’s industrial decline 
through joblessness, cuts to services and general hopelessness. Though 
circumstances have forced Tory leaders into a rhetorical centrism and 
Johnson claims to be a ‘One Nation Tory’, little in their policies 
substantiates these claims and soon there will be less. Johnson wishes 
to replace EU relations with a new closeness to the US. The resulting 
economic pain for the British public can only make it harder for the 
Conservatives to win elections, prompting them into wilder and more 
disruptive stratagems.

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[Marxism] Biosphere Collapse? - CounterPunch.org

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Five years ago: Nations of the world met in Paris to draft a climate 
agreement that was subsequently accepted by nearly every country in the 
world, stating that global temperatures must not exceed +2C 
pre-industrial. Global emissions must be cut! Fossil fuel usage must be cut!

Today: Following Paris ’15, global banks have invested $1.9 trillion in 
fossil fuel projects.

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[Marxism] To Court a Secretive Donor, Law Deans at George Mason Blasted Climate Scientists and Their Own Accreditor

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Chronicle of Higher Education
To Court a Secretive Donor, Law Deans at George Mason Blasted Climate 
Scientists and Their Own Accreditor

By Nell Gluckman and Jack Stripling DECEMBER 18, 2019  PREMIUM

Leaders of George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School, which 
has been criticized for its ties to conservative donors, have spent 
years courting a wealthy Chicago philanthropist who has steered money 
toward organizations that promote skepticism of climate change or 
finance conservative and libertarian journalism on college campuses.

Newly released documents show the extent to which Barre Seid, the 
philanthropist, sought to engage law-school deans on hot-button 
political topics. On several occasions he raised alarms about political 
activism by climate scientists at George Mason, prompting assurances 
from the dean that “some of our friends on the board” were “all over it 
(behind the scenes).”

The documents, which include more than 800 pages of emails and other 
communications, were obtained through a public-records request filed by 
UnKoch My Campus, a national group that seeks to expose the Charles Koch 
Foundation’s influence on higher education.

In 2016, George Mason announced that it had received a $10 million grant 
from the Koch Foundation, along with $20 million from an anonymous 
donor, who asked that the law school be named in honor of Scalia, the 
late Supreme Court justice and a conservative icon. In a news release on 
Thursday, Allison Pienta, a lawyer working with UnKoch My Campus, argued 
that the documents she had obtained “prove that Mr. Seid is the Scalia 
Law donor.”

“Taxpayers, students, Virginia citizens, we have a right to know who is 
donating to a public law school and asking the law school in return to 
serve their interest.”
Pienta, who had requested records that contained the anonymous donor’s 
name, suspected that Seid had been the benefactor in part because people 
associated with him are referred to in a number of exchanges. She 
concluded that he was the donor after cross-referencing those emails 
with others that mention Seid by name.

Anne Holton, George Mason’s interim president, said in a letter to 
Pienta that the university could not “confirm or deny your conclusion” 
that Seid is the anonymous donor, “as universities have an obligation to 
respect a donor’s right to anonymity.”

After reviewing the records, which contained numerous redactions to 
protect donor privacy, The Chronicle could not independently verify the 
identity of the donor. What the records do show, however, is a 
yearslong, politically tinged dialogue between Seid and two successive 
deans of George Mason’s law school.

People who are concerned about undue donor influence often envision 
clear-cut quid pro quos or prescriptive gift agreements that grant 
wealthy people too much control over the academic enterprise. These 
documents imply a subtler form of influence, one in which a donor 
elevates concerns about a professor or a regulatory body just by passing 
information along to university decision makers.

An Activist Donor

As told through the documents, the story of Seid’s relationships with 
Daniel D. Polsby, former dean of the law school, and his successor, 
Henry N. Butler, begins at least nine years ago. By that time, Seid had 
already been working to transform a tiny part of the higher-education 
landscape. Through the Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation, he gave 
$825,000 to Shimer College, an institution that enrolled about 100 
students and followed the Great Books curriculum. After the donation, 
several people with financial ties to Seid joined the college’s Board of 
Trustees, and a fierce battle over governance of the college followed.

(In 2017, Shimer was absorbed by North Central College, which added the 
Shimer Great Books School as an academic program).

Between 2011 and 2016, Seid had or had scheduled at least seven meetings 
with one or both of George Mason’s law deans.

The deans found in Seid an inquisitive communicator, particularly when 
it came to conservative causes. In 2012, for example, he wrote to Polsby 
asking for “any insight” into a new program, housed at George Mason, 
that was established by the former Republican Congressman Bob Inglis. 
The question was notable given Seid’s apparent interest in the politics 
of climate science. Inglis had been voted out of office two years 
earlier during his primary, largely because he supported a tax on 
carbon. Now he was being embraced by George Mason.

Inglis’s program, the Energy and Enterprise Initiative, was meant to 
“promote conservative solutions to America’s energy and 

[Marxism] Rich Nations Block All Progress at U.N. Climate Talks

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[Marxism] Facebook Is a Right-Wing Company, Part One Million | The New Republic

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[Marxism] “We were never this united, and now we must succeed!”- The Self-Organized Strike of Serbia’s Postal Workers | Lefteast

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[Marxism] Israeli Jews are ‘equivalent of Seminoles deciding to take over Florida’ and Palestinians are the cowboys — Jeffrey Goldberg reemerges – Mondoweiss

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