[Marxism] Roger Plumb, 1937 - 2016

2016-06-14 Thread Wayne M. Collins via Marxism
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Roger Plumb, once a member of the Spartacist League, though not for many years, 
and earlier, I believe, a member of the Young Socialist League, passed away 
early on the morning of June 8th. A member of the National Maritime Union, 
Roger sailed in earlier years, devoting himself ashore to politics, then to the 
art of craft printing, working at Berkeley Free Press back in the ancient days, 
and using the hand press at St. Hieronymus Press where he printed classical 
poetry in the original Italian, distributing the finished product to his 
friends.  As a socialist he was no stranger to poverty, living on the margins 
of the economy - and old age is no friend to those not well-fixed with cash. He 
spent his declining years reading on linguistics and physics and studying 
languages, living on Social Security. At the beginning of the year he was able 
to get into Strawberry Creek Lodge, elder housing in Berkeley. He fell during a 
power blackout a few months ago, was hospitalized and never recover
 ed his strength.

He was a man of good humor and dry wit, and without a sectarian cell in his 
body. Comrade, friend and companion.


A memorial for Roger will be held at St. Hieronymus Press, 1703 Martin Luther 
King Jr. Way, Berkeley, California, on Roger's birthday, July 27th at 3:PM.

Wayne Collins
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2016-01-28 Thread Wayne M. Collins via Marxism
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Louis' comments on this event seem a bit unleavened for a list that holds to a 
principle Marxist coherence. I say "unleavened" rather than "intemperate" 
because genuine ire hardly appals me and is hard to avoid on the left anyway. 
Let me put it in the context of some of Louis' own language, using his own 
phrases -out of context perhaps, but not out of humor with the rest of his note.

It would go something like this:

Taxpayer ruminates on ranchers with "crappy politics." 

Declares: "It was about time these fuckheads got straightened out."

Makes an (un?)intended obeisance to "the men and women we pay our taxes 
for," who have just offed a ... nut.

With all respect, the whole thing has a scent of respect for capitalist police 
that is out of proportion to the event and underscores the tendency that swells 
up now and then on the left of "being attracted too much to the administrative 
side of things." This is a quality as readily found within liberalism as well 
which once again is becoming enamoured of a "strong presidency," use of 
"executive power," and overstress on "leadership" rather than as tools fraught 
with danger instead of ends themselves.

But perhaps I'm reading too much into it. 

Wayne Collins

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Oregon Militia Spokesman Has Been Killed and Its Leaders Detained After FBI Confrontation | VICE News

2016-01-27 Thread Wayne M. Collins via Marxism
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That the SWP endorsed an occupation by right wing nuts is trivial. But that the 
law killed someone is not. Not knowing the details so far, it still could be 
lawless enforcement again - as it was at Waco.
-Original Message-
From: Louis Proyect via Marxism 
To: Wayne M. Collins 
Sent: Wed, Jan 27, 2016 4:28 am
Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: The Oregon Militia Spokesman Has Been Killed and Its 
Leaders Detained After FBI Confrontation | VICE News

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I hate to bring up trivia on Marxmail but I must mention that the 
American SWP found reasons to back the occupation.

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Re: [Marxism] Why is the Spanish-language media boycotting Bernie Sanders?

2015-09-15 Thread Wayne M. Collins via Marxism
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The fact is that no matter how committed we are to Third Party politics, we 
have a duty at this time to support Sanders. It is hard to say this after more 
than forty years in the Peace and Freedom Party. But it is a fact. We may know 
that this campaign could lead its newly activated followers into the support of 
Clinton of Biden as the Democratic Party nominee. But disgust at the machine 
assured nomination of one of them in lieu of Sanders can equally well lead to 
revulsion and recognition that the Democratic is, as it always has been, a 
roadblock, not a path to independent political action.
-Original Message-
From: Joaquín Bustelo via Marxism 
To: Wayne M. Collins 
Sent: Mon, Sep 14, 2015 5:16 pm
Subject: [Marxism] Why is the Spanish-language media boycotting Bernie Sanders?

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From my blog, Hatuey's Ashes

Major Spanish language media in the United
States are extensively 
covering Hillary Clinton and other mainstream political
figures but 
almost completely ignoring news about Bernie Sanders.

underfinanced, crotchety old Senator from a tiny, virtually all-white 
with no national organization or a single significant 
endorsement, who (in the
United States!) proclaims himself a socialist, 
no less, mounts his horse,
picks up his lance, and rides off to tilt at 
windmills, thinking they are

And the giants start to fall.

Ignored by the mainstream media and
even the "progressive" outlets, his 
message spreads nonetheless. People come
out by the thousands to hear 
and cheer him. The campaign raises millions from
donations that average 
less than $50.

Yet a study of the web sites of the
five most important Spanish-language 
news outlets in the United States --two
TV networks and three daily 
newspapers-- reveals a lopsidedness that is
impossible to justify except 
as an expression of systematic and generalized
bias on the part of 
journalists and

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[Marxism] Farewell to Leninism Revisited

2014-11-18 Thread Wayne M. Collins via Marxism
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As an approach to Marxism or socialist revolution Lenin stood for one thing. 
Adherence to a class struggle viewpoint. To put it more broadly, to a 
revolutionary perspective, not a bourgeois one. In short  a socialist approach 
to the world. That's it. Period.

All this vanguard party stuff is beside the point. Even the German Social 
Democracy had democratic centralism and invoked party discipline to compel 
Liebknecht Ruehle and others to vote the war credits on the first vote. When 
Liebknecht broke party discipline on the second vote on war credits then he was 
acting in a Leninist fashion, as a Bolshevik, taking the class perspective. 
Nothing to do with vanguardism.

This discussion that rambles from Anibale Escalante to Batista's first 
dictatorship to Shawki to Barnes to an interesting but irrelevant disquisition 
to the deepening of the revolution after 1960 in Cuba replete with paens to 
working class and Afro-Cuban participation  in workers management - if such it 
was - as evidence that Cuba became a working class revolution without or 
without a workers state, degenerated, regenerated or whatever is absolutely off 
the mark, off the agenda, a dead end. The Russian Revolution was 97 years ago. 
The Cuban Revolution was 57 years ago. 

A fundamental restructuring of the capitalist world order has occurred. A world 
war has come and gone. A dozen colonialist wars. The U.S. working class has 
gone through vast structural changes. The ideological forms of Americans false 
conscious thought has changed over the years as it must. Colonial wars and 
liberation movements, compromised, reactionary or progressive have changed the 
political face of the globe and changed the nature of geo-political power in 
the world.

Socialists have to do with these new realities. As well as the old reality that 
there is no socialist movement in the U.S. We had our Pop Front, social 
democratic period - that's what the New Deal was. And that's not a model for 
the future and it is a mistake to cry for a new Roosevelt. Unfortunately too 
many self-styled progressives and academics want to and than can.

We have to  bring socialist principles into existing movements. We don't even 
have to call them socialist principles. We just have to stand for a class 
perspective in those movements - and we can do it without even shouting about 
the proletariat, much less demanding a vanguard party now. That is what such 
movements as Syzria are doing. That is the reason that we support such 
movements and work in or for such formations that can lead to such 
developments. The last thing we want to go near is something that remotely 
smells of sectarian dogmatism.

And we don't want to live in the past, as entertaining as that may be.  I think 
its great that Mark Louse should point to Victoria Woodhull. Interesting 
character. Destructive of Section XII of the American Section of the First 
International, founder of the Equal Rights Party, ran for president with 
Frederick Douglas as her running mate, published the first full length edition 
of The Communist Manifesto in Woodhull and Claffin's Weekly. I guess that's why 
Mark mentioned her in connection with approaching the problems of organization. 
And that's cool. She was also a nut, unstable, a bohemian petty-bourgeois with 
guts enough to con Vanderbilt, start a all women's stock brokerage house, bring 
down Harry Ward Beecher by breading his sexual scandals in her magazine then on 
to other adventures. In other words one of those comets of intellectual energy 
and instability that inflict the margins of the left on various occasions. But, 
honestly, Mark, not a model to follow, nor a Marxist, nor a 
 Leninist. Just entertainment.

And we've got plenty of these on the left, too, post modernists, Hegelianists, 
well intentioned and all a waste of time and energy.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: An extraordinary state of ‘managed depression’ - FT.com

2014-10-15 Thread Wayne M. Collins via Marxism
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Check out Thorstein Veblen The theory of Business Enterprise - prolonged 
moderate depression is the ordinary state of capitalism in a market economy.
Is there anything new in Picketty?
-Original Message-
From: Louis Proyect via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
To: Wayne M. Collins sha...@aol.com
Sent: Sun, Oct 12, 2014 6:10 am
Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: An extraordinary state of ‘managed depression’ - FT.com

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Re: [Marxism] Spleenful obit on Mike Banda

2014-10-02 Thread Wayne M. Collins via Marxism
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If Sean Matgamna and Michael Banda met in a pub in after years the man must 
have had some saving graces!
-Original Message-
From: Louis Proyect via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
To: Wayne M. Collins sha...@aol.com
Sent: Wed, Oct 1, 2014 1:20 pm
Subject: [Marxism] Spleenful obit on Mike Banda

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Re: [Marxism] Michael Hudson on the IMF loan to Ukraine

2014-09-10 Thread Wayne M. Collins via Marxism
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Pretty appalling. And this from Carlos Hudson's son, at that.
-Original Message-
From: Louis Proyect via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
To: Wayne M. Collins sha...@aol.com
Sent: Wed, Sep 10, 2014 5:35 pm
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Michael Hudson on the IMF loan to Ukraine

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On 9/10/14 5:52 PM, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:
 Below, a link to probing article from the economist Michael Hudson

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2014-08-13 Thread Wayne M. Collins via Marxism
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Perhaps the most beautiful passage from Diary in Exile. And a wonderful human 
gesture from Natalya, as well.
A remarkable work by Trotsky, which evidenced the growth of wisdom as the walls 
of malignity and life closed in.
On the other hand, don't think you haven't attained the wisdom of years also. 
Concluding a speech with that quotation is exactly what the movement needed 
then, and now.

As they used to say to the faithful many years ago when I was an altar boy in 
the Swedenborgian Church, Many Happy Returns.

Wayne Collins
-Original Message-
From: Gary MacLennan via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
To: Wayne M. Collins sha...@aol.com
Sent: Tue, Aug 12, 2014 11:46 pm
Subject: [Marxism] THOUGHTS ON A 72nd BIRTHDAY

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Natasha has just come up to the window 


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