Re: [Marxism] Cuban Doctors Revolt: ‘You Get Tired of Being a Slave’

2017-09-29 Thread Jon Flanders via Marxism

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On 09/29/2017 08:47 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

(I take anything written about Cuba in the NY Times with a grain of 
salt but still find this disturbing. With the growing dynamic toward 
market solutions in Cuba, is it any surprise that some of its citizens 
would want to exploit their labor power as a free market commodity?)

NY Times, Sept. 29 2017
Cuban Doctors Revolt: ‘You Get Tired of Being a Slave’

If you google Cuban Doctors you will find lots of articles like this. 
It's a real phenomenon and reflects tensions in Cuba that do exist. The 
Cuban government doubled health workers salaries in response to the 
disparity of pay between them and those working in the tourist industry. 
I certainly saw plenty of hustling going on with tourism in Cuba while I 
was there.
But I think the NYT runs this article now because the issue of Cuban aid 
to Puerto Rico is staring them in the face. Puerto Rican's will be 
asking why Haiti got Cuban medical help and they don't. Not to mention 
asking why they can't have Venezuelan oil that has been offered.

Jon Flanders

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[Marxism] Cuban Doctors Revolt: ‘You Get Tired of Being a Slave’

2017-09-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(I take anything written about Cuba in the NY Times with a grain of salt 
but still find this disturbing. With the growing dynamic toward market 
solutions in Cuba, is it any surprise that some of its citizens would 
want to exploit their labor power as a free market commodity?)

NY Times, Sept. 29 2017
Cuban Doctors Revolt: ‘You Get Tired of Being a Slave’

RIO DE JANEIRO — In a rare act of collective defiance, scores of Cuban 
doctors working overseas to make money for their families and their 
country are suing to break ranks with the Cuban government, demanding to 
be released from what one judge called a “form of slave labor.”

Thousands of Cuban doctors work abroad under contracts with the Cuban 
authorities. Countries like Brazil pay the island’s Communist government 
millions of dollars every month to provide the medical services, 
effectively making the doctors Cuba’s most valuable export.

But the doctors get a small cut of that money, and a growing number of 
them in Brazil have begun to rebel. In the last year, at least 150 Cuban 
doctors have filed lawsuits in Brazilian courts to challenge the 
arrangement, demanding to be treated as independent contractors who earn 
full salaries, not agents of the Cuban state.

“When you leave Cuba for the first time, you discover many things that 
you had been blind to,” said Yaili Jiménez Gutierrez, one of the doctors 
who filed suit. “There comes a time when you get tired of being a slave.”

Cuban artists and athletes have defected during overseas trips for 
decades, most of them winding up in the United States. But the lawsuits 
in Brazil represent an unusual rebellion that takes aim at one of Cuba’s 
signature efforts. Sending doctors overseas is not only a way for Cuba 
to earn much-needed income, but it also helps promote the nation’s image 
as a medical powerhouse that routinely comes to the world’s aid.

The legal challenges are all the more important because the doctors have 
lost a common backup plan: going to the United States. The American 
government, which has long tried to undermine Cuba’s leaders, 
established a program in 2006 to welcome Cuban doctors, with the aim of 
exacerbating the island’s brain drain.

But in one of his final attempts to normalize relations with Cuba, 
President Barack Obama in January ended the program, which had allowed 
Cuban doctors stationed in other countries to get permanent residency 
visas for the United States.

“The end of the program was a huge blow to us,” said Maireilys Álvarez 
Rodríguez, another of the doctors who sued in Brazil. “That was our way 

The end of the visa program means that the future of these doctors now 
rests in the hands of the Brazilian courts. They have mostly ruled 
against the doctors, but some judges have sided with them, allowing the 
doctors to work on their own and get paid directly.

The doctors’ defiance puts them at risk of serious repercussions by the 
Cuban government, including being barred from the island and their 
families for years.

The seeds of the rebellion were planted a year ago in a conversation 
between a Cuban doctor and a clergyman in a remote village in 
northeastern Brazil.

Anis Deli Grana de Carvalho, a doctor from Cuba, was coming to the end 
of her three-year medical assignment. But having married a Brazilian 
man, she wanted to stay and keep working.

The pastor was outraged to learn that, under the terms of their 
employment, Cuban doctors earn only about a quarter of the amount the 
Brazilian government pays Cuba for their services.

He quickly put her in touch with a lawyer in Brasília, the Brazilian 
capital. In late September of last year, she sued in federal court to 
work as an independent contractor.

Within weeks, scores of other Cuban doctors followed Dr. Grana’s lead 
and filed suits in Brazilian courts. The Brazilian government, which 
struck the deal with Cuba in 2013 to provide doctors in underserved 
parts of the country, is appealing the cases that doctors have won and 
thinks it will prevail.

“There is no injustice,” said Brazil’s health minister, Ricardo Barros. 
“When they signed up they agreed to the terms.”

Dr. Álvarez said that the stipend offered by the Cuban government to 
work for a few years in Brazil seemed appealing to her and her husband, 
Arnulfo Castanet Batista, also a doctor, when they signed up in 2013.

It meant leaving behind their two children in the care of relatives, but 
each of them would earn 2,900 Brazilian reais a month — then worth about 
$1,400, and now worth $908 — an amount that seemed enormous compared 
with the roughly $30 a month Cuban