[Marxism] Dog bites man

2019-06-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Dog bites man department

2017-08-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Justice Dept. to Take On Affirmative Action in College Admissions

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[Marxism] Dog bites man

2016-09-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Sept. 6 2016
Obama Unlikely to Vow No First Use of Nuclear Weapons

President Obama, who has weighed ruling out a first use of a nuclear 
weapon in a conflict, appears likely to abandon the proposal after top 
national security advisers argued that it could undermine allies and 
embolden Russia and China, according to several senior administration 

Mr. Obama considers a reduction in the role of nuclear weapons as 
critical to his legacy. But he has been chagrined to hear critics, 
including some former senior aides, argue that the administration’s 
second-term nuclear modernization plans, costing up to $1 trillion in 
coming decades, undermine commitments he made in 2009.

For months, arms control advocates have argued for a series of steps to 
advance the pledge he made to pursue “a world without nuclear weapons.” 
An unequivocal no-first-use pledge would have been the boldest of those 
measures. They contend that as a practical matter no American president 
would use a nuclear weapon when so many other options are available.

Former Defense Secretary William J. Perry said in a recent interview, 
“It’s the right time,” noting that the pledge would formalize what has 
been America’s unspoken policy for decades.

But in the end, Mr. Obama seems to have sided with his current advisers, 
who warned in meetings culminating this summer that a no-first-use 
declaration would rattle allies like Japan and South Korea. Those 
nations are concerned about discussion of an American pullback from Asia 
prompted by comments made by the Republican presidential nominee, Donald 
J. Trump.

Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and Secretary of State John Kerry 
also expressed concern that new moves by Russia and China, from the 
Baltic to the South China Sea, made it the wrong time to issue the 
declaration, according to senior aides in the Defense and State 
Departments. Secretary of Energy Ernest J. Moniz, whose department 
oversees the nuclear arsenal, joined in the objections, administration 
officials confirmed.

The New York Times interviewed more than a half-dozen administration 
officials involved in or briefed on the nuclear debate. All insisted on 
anonymity to describe internal administration deliberations on nuclear 

The United States dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 
Japan at the end of World War II in 1945 — the only example in history 
of a first use, or any use, of nuclear weapons in warfare. Almost every 
president since Harry S. Truman has made it clear that nuclear weapons 
would be used only as a last resort, so the pledge would have largely 
ratified unwritten policy.

Administration officials confirmed that the question of changing the 
policy on first use had come up repeatedly this summer as a way for Mr. 
Obama to show that his commitment to reducing the role of nuclear 
weapons in American strategy — and thus the risk of nuclear exchanges — 
was more than rhetorical.

But the arguments in front of the president himself were relatively 
brief, officials said, apparently because so many senior aides objected. 
Mr. Carter argued that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and Kim 
Jong-un, the North Korean leader, could interpret a promise of no first 
use as a sign of American weakness, even though that was not the intent.

The defense secretary’s position was supported by Mr. Kerry and Mr. 
Moniz, two architects of the Iran nuclear deal, who cautioned that such 
a declaration could unnerve American allies already fearful that 
America’s nuclear umbrella cannot be relied upon. Mr. Trump talked 
explicitly in interviews about withdrawing military forces from Asia 
unless Tokyo and Seoul paid more for their presence, and said in March 
that he was willing to see them build their own nuclear arsenals rather 
than depend on Washington.

According to one senior administration official, Mr. Kerry told Mr. 
Obama that a no-first-use pledge would also weaken the nuclear deterrent 
while Russia is running practice bombing runs over Europe and China is 
expanding its reach in the South China Sea.

Mr. Obama and his national security team have rejected a second option: 
“de-alerting” nuclear missiles ready to fire on short notice. The fear 
is that in a crisis, “re-alerting” the weapons could escalate a conflict.

Earlier, Mr. Obama and his aides also decided against eliminating one 
element of the “triad” of land-, air- and submarine-launched weapons. 
The idea was to remove the missiles based in silos across the American 
West, which are considered outdated and vulnerable to a first strike. 

[Marxism] Dog bites man

2016-04-13 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Apr. 13 2016
Chicago Police Dept. Plagued by Systemic Racism, Task Force Finds

CHICAGO — Racism has contributed to a long, systemic pattern of 
institutional failures by this city’s police department in which police 
officers have mistreated people, operated without sufficient oversight, 
and lost the trust of residents, a task force assigned by Mayor Rahm 
Emanuel has found.

The report, issued on Wednesday, was blistering, blunt and backed up by 
devastating statistics. Coincidentally, it was released as city leaders 
were installing a new, permanent superintendent for the Chicago Police 

“The community’s lack of trust in CPD is justified,” the task force 
wrote. “There is substantial evidence that people of color — 
particularly African-Americans — have had disproportionately negative 
experiences with the police over an extended period of time.”

The report gives validation to complaints made for years by 
African-American residents here who have said they were unfairly 
targeted by officers without justification on a regular basis. It raises 
the pressure on Mr. Emanuel and other Chicago leaders to make 
significant changes at a pivotal time for the nation’s second largest 
municipal police force, which has been under intense fire from residents 
and under scrutiny from the federal authorities. It includes more than 
100 recommendations for change.

The task force amassed data that shows the extent to which 
African-Americans appear to have been targeted. In a city where whites, 
blacks and Hispanics each make up about one-third of the population, 74 
percent of the 404 people shot by the Chicago police between 2008 and 
2015 were black, the report said. Black people were targeted in 72 
percent of thousands of investigative street stops that did not lead to 
arrests during a recent summer.

Three out of four — 76 percent — of people on whom Chicago police 
officers used Taser guns between 2012 and 2015 were black. And black 
people made up 46 percent of police traffic stops in 2013.

“CPD’s own data gives validity to the widely held belief the police have 
no regard for the sanctity of life when it comes to people of color,” 
according to the report, a draft summary of which was first reported in 
The Chicago Tribune on Tuesday afternoon. “Stopped without 
justification, verbally and physically abused, and in some instances 
arrested, and then detained without counsel — that is what we heard 
about over and over again,” the task force wrote.

The stinging findings come at a particularly troublesome time here, as 
violent crimes have increased this year and as police morale is reported 
to have sunk.

The task force was given its assignment late last year, after the 
release of a graphic dashcam video showing a white Chicago police 
officer, Jason Van Dyke, fatally shooting a black teenager, Laquan 
McDonald, along a Chicago street. Widespread protests followed, and Mr. 
Emanuel fired the city’s police superintendent, who was officially 
replaced on Wednesday by his choice, Eddie Johnson, a longtime officer 
who is black. The Justice Department has since announced an 
investigation into the department’s patterns and practices, which is 
still underway.

The task force members — chosen by Mr. Emanuel — were racially diverse, 
with professional backgrounds in social work, law and government. Lori 
Lightfoot, the president of the Chicago Police Board, was chairwoman of 
the group, and the panel was advised by Deval Patrick, the former 
Massachusetts governor who spent part of his childhood in Chicago.

The other members were Randolph Stone, a clinical professor of law at 
the University of Chicago; Sergio E. Acosta, a former federal 
prosecutor; Victor Dickson, who leads an organization that helps former 
inmates; Joseph Ferguson, Chicago’s inspector general; Maurice Classen, 
a former prosecutor; Alexa James, a licensed clinical social worker; and 
Sybil Madison-Boyd, a psychologist who works with urban youth.

On Wednesday, before the report was released, Mr. Emanuel said he had 
not yet seen it, but that his “general attitude” was to be “open to look 
at everything they say.”

Mr. Emanuel said he was not surprised by the suggestion of racism, and 
that he wanted to work through those issues.

“I don’t really think you need a task force to know that we have racism 
in America, we have racism in Illinois or that there’s racism that 
exists in the city of Chicago and obviously could be in our department,” 
Mr. Emanuel said.

He added: “The question is: ‘what are we going to do to confront it and 
make the changes in 

[Marxism] Dog bites man

2014-12-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Dec. 22 2014
Former Milwaukee Police Officer Won’t Be Charged in Death of Black Man 
in Park


A former Milwaukee police officer will not face charges in the fatal 
shooting of a black man he encountered in a park earlier this year, a 
prosecutor announced on Monday. In recent demonstrations there, 
protesters asserted that the shooting was another example of needless 
force against black men by police officers.

John T. Chisholm, the Milwaukee County district attorney, said the 
officer, Christopher Manney, who is white, was justified on April 30 
when he shot at Dontre Hamilton, who, the prosecutor said, had grabbed 
the officer’s baton and was swinging it at him. The officer fired 
numerous times, killing Mr. Hamilton.

“The use of deadly force against Dontre Hamilton was not a choice P.O. 
Manney made voluntarily, but was instead a defensive action forced upon 
him by Dontre Hamilton’s deadly attack with a police baton,” Mr. 
Chisholm wrote in a 25-page report released on Monday and quoting an 
independent “use of force” expert who reviewed the case for the prosecutor.

For months, supporters in Milwaukee had called for charges against 
Officer Manney, who was fired from the city police force after the 
shooting. Anger over the case gained momentum in Milwaukee after the 
mounting protests that followed the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, 
Mo., and Eric Garner in New York City. Officials in Wisconsin have said 
the state’s National Guard have been alerted to the possibility of 
larger protests after more than 70 people were arrested during a weekend 
demonstration that blocked an Interstate highway.

In the April shooting, Mr. Chisholm said that the officer appeared to 
have fired 13 or 14 shots in about three or four seconds, a point that 
many demonstrators decried as unnecessary. To that, Mr. Chisholm wrote 
in his report, again quoting from the independent expert, “The more 
difficult issue is whether P.O. Manney fired more shots than necessary, 
or continued firing after he could reasonably perceive that Hamilton was 
clearly no longer a threat.”

Mr. Chisholm had turned to Emanuel Kapelsohn, of the Peregrine 
Corporation, who he described as a leading national expert in use of 
force reviews.

According to Mr. Kapelsohn’s findings, “The wound locations and wound 
paths through the deceased’s body are consistent with shots fired at an 
attacker who is first advancing toward the officer, then turning and 
falling. While, as can be expected, the many witnesses to this event 
give varying accounts of what they saw and heard, several witnesses with 
the best, closest views of what occurred have stated that P.O. Manney 
stopped firing when Hamilton fell to the ground, and Manney did not 
continue firing after that point.”

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[Marxism] Dog bites man

2014-12-03 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Dog bites man

2014-12-03 Thread Jon Flanders via Marxism

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On 12/03/2014 03:37 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

U Albany students here are out blocking traffic. Big protest in Albany 
tomorrow. It strikes me that the ruling class
may be approaching an Enron moment. They will have to make an example 
out some cop, hoping to quiet

this growing movement.

Jon Flanders


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[Marxism] Dog bites man

2014-12-03 Thread michael yates via Marxism
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Another grand jury, this on in New York City, and another murderer goes 
uncharged. It doesn't matter what place, big city or small town, liberal town 
like Portland, OR or conservative town like Pittsburgh, whether a black person 
has a good job or a bad one, whether you are a criminal or not, whether you are 
young or old, the insidious white disease of racism goes on and on and on and 
on. Just like war. How can we expect this to end through the kinds of marginal 
changes the politicians and media keep recommending. It's all blah, blah, blah. 
But I have a feeling that the horrible heartbreak engendered by these killings 
is generating more and more rage, that we are seeing the resurgence of a black 
liberation struggle. One that will combine many different but connected 
tactics, build a cohesive strategy, encourage alliances with kindred spirits 
while maintaining its independence, learn from the successes and failures of 
the past, develop programs that benefit people in the here and now, 
 including collective self-help economic programs, challenge the police 
forcefully, and many other things as well. And as this movement is built, I 
think we will see eyes opening to the connections between it and the sickening 
system of warmaking, imperialism, and profit obsession that is intimately 
connected to the oppression of black, Hispanic, and other minority peoples. 
Something to embrace and support as best we can.
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Re: [Marxism] Dog bites man

2014-12-03 Thread Steven L. Robinson via Marxism
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- Original Message -From: michael yates via Marxism 

But I have a feeling that the horrible heartbreak engendered by these killings 
is generating more and more rage, that we are seeing the resurgence of a black 
liberation struggle. One that will combine many different but connected 
tactics, build a cohesive strategy, encourage alliances with kindred spirits 
while maintaining its independence, learn from the successes and failures of 
the past, 

Sure hope so, but see this:


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