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Two interesting pieces below from the Guardian on how immigration could help 
ease Europe's problems with declining population:

Silent blight in a countryside of empty homes and shut shops



Get rid of the immigrants? No, we can’t get enough of them, says German mayor


The liberals writing these pieces think they are being creative, enlightened, 
and/or even "rational", but under capitalism - especially capitalism in crisis 
- this policy always creates new contradictions and tensions, which need to be 
acknowledged and addressed in these discussions. It's not that I think the 
liberals are wrong, it's just that they are willfully naive about the dynamics 
of immigration within a capitalist world system divided into "nation states" 
that bestow a certain status on outsiders which places firm constraints on the 
demands that those outsiders can make on said nation-states. The immigrants 
have an unstable status, which makes them vulnerable to superexploitation. 
Meanwhile, 30 years of creeping neoliberalism has served to erode social 
support systems and increase the reserve army of unemployed among "native" 
workers, hence heightening tensions among "natives" and newcomers. 
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