[Marxism] Fwd: Accident at Indian Point | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-07-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In May 2015 I wrote about Indian Point and Ivy Meeropol's documentary 
about it that premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in NYC. The film 
has now been released at the Film Society of Lincoln Center and very 
much worth seeing despite the crappy little review in the NY Times that 
faults Ivy (Michael's daughter) for offering a balance of opinions on 
the plant. If you see the film, you will understand that the pro-nuclear 
spokesmen hoist themselves on their own petards, a point lost on the 
Times reviewer.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Accident at Indian Point | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-05-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 5/10/15 5:26 PM, John Obrien wrote:

Ethel Rosenberg was totally innocent - but you just implied/stated she
took part?

I am not interested in splitting hairs but it is likely that Ethel 
Rosenberg was aware of what her husband was up to even if it was her 
husband who was the transmission belt. From the standpoint of bourgeois 
law, that makes her an accessory after the fact. That, of course, makes 
no difference to me. It was not a crime to save Russia from nuclear 

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[Marxism] Fwd: Accident at Indian Point | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-05-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Just by coincidence, I got an email this morning from Michael Meeropol 
at the very minute I was watching a TV news report on an accident at 
Indian Point nuclear power plant. His email had nothing to do with the 
accident but it reminded me that I had planned to say a word or two 
about his daughter Ivy Meeropol’s documentary on Indian Point that I saw 
at the Tribeca Film Festival last month.

I should mention that this is not one of my favorite film festivals 
because a few years ago I was prevented from seeing a documentary about 
herring—of all things—by the festival staff because I had neglected to 
register for that showing but one later in the week. Even when the 
publicist intervened to tell them I was okay, I still could not get past 
them—as if I had a suicide bomb under my shirt or something.

There’s a certain irony, of course, in Ivy Meeropol making such a film 
since her grandparents were none other than Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, 
the subject of her first documentary in 2004. As the “atom spies”, they 
were charged with giving Russia “the secret” of how to make a nuclear 
weapon. For the longest time the left upheld the analysis of Walter and 
Miriam Schneir that they were wrongly accused. When it was revealed that 
they were passing information to the Soviets, the left had a feeling of 
being had. I always felt that the best tack would have been for them to 
admit it and defend it as necessary for the survival of the USSR. My 
strong suspicion is that if the Soviets lacked such a self-defense, 
WWIII would have taken place in the mid-50s with genocidal results.

full: http://louisproyect.org/2015/05/10/accident-at-indian-point/
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