Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Conference Manifesto -

2015-05-10 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Yeah, well, personal attacks seem to be part of the territory when you 
try to say something meaningful or controversial out there in public. My 
daughter is a self-acknowledged alcoholic, disarmingly so if you read 
her books. And she has grossly falsified and exaggerated my part in her 
life. It's what you do, often, especially if your field is fiction, to 
sell your commodity. My take on parenting is perform the act if you 
can't refrain, do your best but expect nothing and then you are less 
likely to be disappointed. We adopted my spouse's gifted 10-year old 
autistic granddaughter a few years ago, so I'm having another chance at 
it. When my wife showed me the review of this book in Book Forum I 
drafted a letter demanding that this be expunged. But then I found that 
her publisher was part of the Bertellsmann publishing empire, with their 
formidable battery of lawyers, and the book was already in print. And so 
yes I was seventeen back then, 91 now, and still somewhat sentient. I 
wish the same to you, and when will I learn to shut up.

On 5/10/15 1:11 PM, Ralph Johansen via Marxism wrote:

   But maybe forward to another form of dialectical clarity, if a more
   effective such relationship to one another can be visualized? I recall
   that when I was about seventeen, in the late 1930s in the depths of the
   depression, I accompanied a friend to a party in a badly run-down house
   in the poorest part of my home town. It was one of the first times I had
   ever gotten smashed.

Holy mackerel. Someone older than me (and Gary McLennan and Hans 
Ehrbar). Ralph, were you *really* seventeen in the late 1930s?

Also, is this you?

Ralph Johansen, Christensen’s father, was charismatic but distant, a 
ponytailed Marxist lawyer who defended draft dodgers and Black Panthers. 
His hold on the daughter he named Laurie Kate Johansen continued long 
after her mother bravely left him and moved with her three daughters to 
Arizona to pursue her education. (When Christensen’s first stepfather, 
Jim Christensen, adopted the girls, their father’s name was removed from 
their birth certificates. She dropped the name Laurie at 14.)


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Conference Manifesto -

2015-05-10 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 5/10/15 2:09 PM, Ralph Johansen via Marxism wrote:

And so yes I was seventeen back then, 91 now, and still somewhat
sentient. I wish the same to you, and when will I learn to shut up.

Well, I'll be fucked. I always thought you were a young'un like 
me--seventy or so.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Conference Manifesto -

2015-05-10 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Louis Proyect wrote

An article that begins with We are weary of academic conferences. 
Worth reading for those who are presenting at the Left Forum, because it 
describes all too many left conferences that I have attended.

There has to be a way to do this effectively. Maybe back to platonic 
method as one of the best forms of discourse, for those who may not 
fully remember, a form of inquiry and discussion between individuals, 
based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical [exchange] 
and to illuminate ideas. It is a dialectical  method, often involving a 
discussion in which the defense of one point of view is questioned; one 
participant may lead another to contradict themselves in some way, thus 
strengthening the inquirer's own point. (Wikipedia)

But maybe forward to another form of dialectical clarity, if a more 
effective such relationship to one another can be visualized? I recall 
that when I was about seventeen, in the late 1930s in the depths of the 
depression, I accompanied a friend to a party in a badly run-down house 
in the poorest part of my home town. It was one of the first times I had 
ever gotten smashed. I found myself off in a corner of the room, talking 
with a couple, our hosts, who had just been through a long, agonizing 
wildcat strike, which they had lost. As I remember that party, they 
described in detail to me and a few others their rage, piling up over 
years, at the appallingly bad conditions of work that had caused them to 
act together to try to change things, their radical vision of a better 
world, the months of facing off against every resource that their 
powerful employer threw at them - strike-breaking, beatings and scabs, 
being sacked, cops interfering with picket lines, false accusations 
causing repeated arrests - all of the tactics that a corporation has at 
their disposal including the backing of the law and the state. They 
recounted how they were left, after prolonged, unsuccessful resistance, 
with months of unpaid rent, irate landlord and threats of eviction, 
running out of food, sending children off to school with no breakfast or 
lunch, efforts at solidarity and sharing of dwindling resources, illness 
and fatigue and bitterness and ultimately abject failure. All they had 
at the end was each other, sharing their defeat and their impoverished 
condition, and a lot of unanswered questions.

I have never forgotten that party. It's indescribable, really, as a 
vicarious event. It left its mark on me for life. Unanswered questions. 
Point is, to me being there and being part of that struggle can be 
conveyed effectively, but it can't be done either on a narrative, or an 
abstract, level alone - at least not without placing the abstractions as 
explanatory, clarifying (historical and materialist) theory in a solid 
framework of relevant, vivid painful experience, struggle, the ground 
bass if you will which a great many of us have never personally shared. 
And it's the most important function we can perform for the time being - 
along with acting on it, because we find ourselves in a period largely 
without a program. The suits don't have one, certainly, but neither do we.

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[Marxism] Fwd: The Conference Manifesto -

2015-05-09 Thread michael yates via Marxism
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This is a funny essay. I hate conferences, academic or otherwise. I stopped 
giving presentations some time ago. My last one, at the Left Forum, lasted 
about six minutes. Most presenters are horrible, without even the rudiments of 
skill necessary to address an audience. Academic types are usually horrible, 
boring us just as they must bore their students. And those who are not 
academics are often awful too, though for other reasons. I'd rather sell books 
at the Monthly Review table than either attend a session or be a participant in 
one. The most fun I had at that last conference was chatting with the bartender 
at the hotel in which I was staying. 
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Conference Manifesto -

2015-05-09 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Conferences aren't supposed to be fun.  They're supposed to be work.  And
work requires us to tolerate being bored and not falling asleep.  If you
have a strong record of attending conferences, employers and potential
employers know that you will survive three years as the Humanities rep on
the Blackboard development committee.
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Conference Manifesto -

2015-05-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Sometimes I think that the chairpeople and panelists at HM conferences 
have the same expectations.)

We have listened for the first five minutes of the talk, just long 
enough to seize upon a word around which we’ll construct a 
pseudo-question in the Q. and A.

We have asked a panelist if they could “talk a little bit more about 
that” or “unpack this a little more” or “tease that out some.”
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Conference Manifesto -

2015-05-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 5/9/15 7:50 PM, Mark Lause via Marxism wrote:

Conferences aren't supposed to be fun.  They're supposed to be work.  And
work requires us to tolerate being bored and not falling asleep.  If you
have a strong record of attending conferences, employers and potential
employers know that you will survive three years as the Humanities rep on
the Blackboard development committee.

When I told my lovely wife that I was going to the second day of the 
left elect conference in Chicago on Sunday, she demanded that I spend 
the day with her instead. I tried unsuccessfully to explain to her that 
I was *really* interested in the proceedings to no avail. She put it 
this way. She never spends any time at an academic conference except to 
give her paper and then that's it. Why would anybody spend all day at a 
conference let alone two days as is my normal procedure for HM or Left 
Forum conferences? So I ended up walking around downtown Chicago instead 
with her. I might blog about my impressions of Chicago at some point. To 
me it was astounding that I could walk around the heart of a city for 4 
hours and not find a single newsstand to buy the NY Times, let alone the 
Chicago Tribune. Book stores? Just one BN. But what an impressive 
display of CVS's and Starbucks. Nearly as ubiquitous as NYC's.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Conference Manifesto -

2015-05-09 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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When the conference ended, I had promised to award myself with a trip to
some Chicago bookstores.  I located a few on the map, but couldn't get near
them because of the dense traffic, and parking spaces seemed to have been
hunted to extinction in Chicago.

It's not been the city I enjoyed so much for eleven years.

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