Re: [Marxism] Greece’s new government halts sale of Piraeus port

2015-01-29 Thread ioannis aposperites via Marxism

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There is no question on condemning SYRIZA here. It would be irrelevant. 
After all condemning SYRIZA is copyrighted by KKE.
When ANTARSYA were fighting with the movements against Samaras and Co 
the last 5 years, they knew that they were favouring SYRIZA's electoral 
success. KKE knew it as well, and that's why they have been regularly 
condemned too as SYRIZA's tail. The question is to put the facts in 
their real dimensions in order to act upon them.
My point is, that the elections -the defeat of ND  PASOK- was a moment 
of detonation of all the explosives that the general strikes, the 
occupations, the stubborn struggles of the working class, in spite of 
the efforts of the yellow confederations, even in spite of the betrayals 
of KKE and SYRIZA who were constantly calling to retreat, have gathered 
around Samaras' government.
One the other hand this same victory for SYRIZA reflects the 
petit-bourgeois fantasy of a return to sweet 2009.

And SYRIZA is looking for a way to that direction
So the first point is that SYRIZA's government is not a left (let alone 
worker's) government. Neither objectively nor by their own claim. PM 
Tsipras has not yet pronounced the words left government and no one 
could blame him for that.
The second point would be that of locating the pawns on the chessboard. 
Who is where. If the Eurasianist Kotzias and the Turk-eater Toskas are 
in charge of greece's foreign affairs we must expect a certain tendency 
on that subject. etc etc
A concrete analysis is needed to sustain the main general target that 
this government should become a *hostage of the movement*. And that does 
concern and includes anyone who inside or outside syriza stands for the 
workers' cause.
It may be a mess but, as you have reminded by Lenin's words on the irish 
cause, this is always the case. Including an hilarious aspect from 
which, since now KKE will probably be more willing to promote strikes 
against its main enemy (third period after all), i am afraid that 
ANTARSYA wouldn't  be this time condemned by SYRIZA's government as 
KKE's tail!!

Damn! Have we stepped on devils tail?

On 28/01/2015 11:37 μμ, Louis Proyect wrote:

On 1/28/15 4:25 PM, ioannis aposperites via Marxism wrote:

In the photo (link below) the new greek minister of foreign affairs
Nikos Kotzias, a former Stalinist, on the left in front of the Pireaus
University where he teaches, is receiving Dugin: selective affinities

I don't think there's anybody on Marxmail who detests people like Dugin
more than me. That being said, I am not ready to condemn Syriza because
of this, no more so than I would condemn Venezuela or Cuba for its
support for Gaddafi and al-Assad.

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Re: [Marxism] Greece’s new government halts sale of Piraeus port

2015-01-28 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Also, people can condemn SYRIZA all they want, it doesn;t deal with the
actual situation. SYRIZA didn't win a majority. THey wanted to, they very
nearly did, and they didn't. The KKE won't deal with them. The KKE's
sectarianismk in this regard is to blame. The strangest is seeing some
eople say this deal proves the KKE was right to not deal with SYRIZA,
missing the blindingly obvious fact that it is the KKE that have left
SYRIZA with little choice.

Without the KKE, the only other force opposied to the austerity is the
Independent Greeks. It owuld be far better oif SYRIZA won a majoroity. It
would be far better if there was a left government headed by SYRIZA with
the KKE as its partner. Neither were possible.

SYRIZA ran on the basis of forming an anti-austerity government with which
to confront the forces destroying Greece. It is unlikely that many of the
millions who voted for SYRIZA explicitely on this basis, because SYRIZA
said it was willing to form fsuch a basis and theey believed it owuld be
possible if they gave SYRIZA a vote, it is unlikely many of those millions
who voted SYRIZA for the first time ever would have been happy if SYRIZA
turned around and said well we nearly got there, we fell short by two
seats to have an outright majority, oh well, we can't form government and
then forced another election. It is unlikely people would understand or
forgive and be prepared to give SYRIZA its vote again, leaving government
in the hands of the pro-austerity forces.

The far left is too used to being on the sidelines analysing, critcising
and condemning. Yes, this situation is far from the ideal one, but that is
how, after the campaign to win government, after that phase of the truggle
played out, the cards have fallen. We don't have to pretend it is ideal to
understand our tasks -- solidarity with the people of Greece in their
struggle to halt and reverse the brutal class war against them -- have not

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Re: [Marxism] Greece’s new government halts sale of Piraeus port

2015-01-28 Thread ioannis aposperites via Marxism

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In the photo (link below) the new greek minister of foreign affairs 
Nikos Kotzias, a former Stalinist, on the left in front of the Pireaus 
University where he teaches, is receiving Dugin: selective affinities


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Re: [Marxism] Greece’s new government halts sale of Piraeus port

2015-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/28/15 4:25 PM, ioannis aposperites via Marxism wrote:

In the photo (link below) the new greek minister of foreign affairs
Nikos Kotzias, a former Stalinist, on the left in front of the Pireaus
University where he teaches, is receiving Dugin: selective affinities

I don't think there's anybody on Marxmail who detests people like Dugin 
more than me. That being said, I am not ready to condemn Syriza because 
of this, no more so than I would condemn Venezuela or Cuba for its 
support for Gaddafi and al-Assad.

Whenever I run into contradictions such as these, I like to remind 
myself what Lenin wrote about the Easter Rebellion:

On May 9, 1916, there appeared, in Berner Tagwacht, the organ of the 
Zimmerwald group, including some of the Leftists, an article on the 
Irish rebellion entitled Their Song is Over and signed with the 
initials K.R. [Karl Radek]. It described the Irish rebellion as being 
nothing more nor less than a putsch, for, as the author argued, the 
Irish question was an agrarian one, the peasants had been pacified by 
reforms, and the nationalist movement remained only a purely urban, 
petty-bourgeois movement, which, notwithstanding the sensation it 
caused, had not much social backing...

To imagine that social revolution is conceivable without revolts by 
small nations in the colonies and in Europe, without revolutionary 
outbursts by a section of the petty bourgeoisie WITHOUT ALL ITS 
PREJUDICES [italics in original], without a movement of the politically 
non-conscious proletarian and semi-proletarian masses against oppression 
by the landowners, the church, and the monarchy, against national 
oppression, etc.--to imagine all this is to REPUDIATE SOCIAL REVOLUTION. 
So one army lines up in one place and says, We are for socialism, and 
another, somewhere else and says, We are for imperialism, and that 
will be a social revolution! Only those who hold such a ridiculously 
pedantic view would vilify the Irish rebellion by calling it a putsch.

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