Re: [Marxism] Hayek and Trotsky

2014-09-19 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Below is a selection of comments that wee posted to my Facebook wall on Hayek 
and Trotsky

Jim Farmelant 
Learn or Review Basic Math

Wojtek Sokolowski:
   I am pretty much with Lange on this. As far as business decision making is 
concerned, it can be done based on prices in both capitalist and socialist 
societies, because it is the same kind of people - business managers - who make 
those decisions in each system. The main difference between socialism and 
'capitalism is the accumulation of surplus. In socialism it is broadly 
distributed, in capitalism it is concentrated in a few hands. According to 
Lange, the latter is less efficient in achieving optimum distribution - the 
main purported goal of the market system - because it prioritizes the 
preferences of a few wealthy individuals over those of many less wealthy 

Lange was pretty much opposed to command economy as were most EEuropean 
economists. AFAIK, command economy never existed - it was invented by Western 
propagandists to discredit socialism. What did exist was policies of import 
substitution and prioritizing investments over consumption (aka austerity 
measures) to accelerate industrial development combined with price controls to 
avoid negative impact of industrialization on the prices of food (i.e. an 
anti-poverty measure). 

This brings me to the main point that socialism was far more successful 
economically than capitalism, because it managed to achieve two contradicting 
economic objectives at the same time: (i) rapid economic development and 
industrialization and (ii) prevent pauperization of large segments of society 
that such development brings (at least initially). Capitalism could only 
achieve the first objective, but miserably fails on the second.

Néstor Gorojovsky:
 You should have added Lenin, and so should have done Hayek.

Jim Farmelant:
I agree with all that Wotjek. The question in my mind is that Trotsky in 
his 1932 article. The Soviet Economy in Danger presented an argument that was 
strikingly similar to Hayek's ideas concerning economic calculation under 
socialism. Was Trotsky familiar with Hayek in 1932? Possibly, although I kind 
of think that Hayek was probably too obscure a figure back then. Trotsky might 
have known about Ludwig von Mises, since Bukharin had cited him in articles 
that he wrote in the 1920s in defense of the NEP. I'm wondering if the 
direction of causality might have been in the opposite direction. That is Hayek 
might have been influenced here by Trotsky. Stranger things have been known to 

Wojtek Sokolowski:

Jim Farmelant Possible, but really a non-issue for me. I do not believe in 
ownership of ideas. ideas circulate in society in response to events and 
historical developments, and many people entertain and embellish them. 
Attributing them to one person makes no sense at all. It is an ideological 
statement of the primacy of private property over socialized property. It is my 
understanding that there was a lot of cross-border influencing going during 
industrialization - Gerschenkron has a nice piece on that titled economic 
backwardness in a historical perspective.' There is also more recent research 
on organizational isomorphism showing high levels of mimicry in organizational 
behavior. It thus does not surprise me that many people could arrive at similar 
conclusions or solutions of emerging problems - but only few managed to patent 
their ownership of these conclusions or solutions. 

Creativity is grossly overrated because it legitimates private property 
relations. As Corey Robin recently argued, the purported scarcity of creativity 
and innovation is the basis of the defenses of the capitalist social order by 
hayek  Co. In reality, creativity is far more common than Mr. Hayek Co I 
would say 3 in every five people are innovative and creative as opposed to 1 in 
a 100 as the neoliberal gang wants us to believe. What makes difference is 
official recognition of that creativity in the forms of patents and other types 
of intellectual property rights - only a few get that recognition, which 
creates an illusion that it is rare. In fact it as common as water - it is much 
harder to find people who are NOT innovative and creative in one way or another 
than those who are.

Marv Gandall:
Jim quoted Trotsky: If a universal mind existed, of the kind that 
projected itself into the scientific fancy of Laplace – a mind that could 
register simultaneously all the processes of nature and society, that could 
measure the dynamics of their motion, that could forecast the results of their 
inter-reactions – 

[Marxism] Hayek and Trotsky

2014-09-18 Thread Jim Farmelant via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I was looking at two famous pieces on economics: one by Hayek and one by 
Trotsky.  The Hayek piece that I was looking at, The Use of Knowledge in 
Society is best remembered not only as an exposition of Hayek's arguments 
concerning the socialist calculation debate but also because there he presented 
his notion of markets and the price system as functioning as information 
processing systems, whereby information that is dispersed among many different 
individuals and organizations is coordinated to make possible a rational 
allocation of resources.  In that article, Hayek makes a reference to Trotsky, 

It is in many ways fortunate that the dispute about the indispensability of 
the price system for any rational calculation in a complex society is now no 
longer conducted entirely between camps holding different political views. The 
thesis that without the price system we could not preserve a society based on 
such extensive division of labor as ours was greeted with a howl of derision 
when it was first advanced by von Mises twenty-five years ago. Today the 
difficulties which some still find in accepting it are no longer mainly 
political, and this makes for an atmosphere much more conducive to reasonable 
discussion. When we find Leon Trotsky arguing that economic accounting is 
unthinkable without market relations; when Professor Oscar Lange promises 
Professor von Mises a statue in the marble halls of the future Central Planning 
Board; and when Professor Abba P. Lerner rediscovers Adam Smith and emphasizes 
that the essential utility of the price system consists in inducing the 
individual, while seeking his own interest, to do what is in the general 
interest, the differences can indeed no longer be ascribed to political 
prejudice. The remaining dissent seems clearly to be due to purely 
intellectual, and more particularly methodological, differences.

Hayek was presumably referring to the Trotsky piece that I was referring too:  
The Soviet Economy in Danger. There, as Hayek correctly noted, Trotsky argued 
for the indispensability of market relations under socialism, at least for the 
transition phase. Trotsky presented one argument that has always struck me as 
being rather Hayekian in tone.

In this connection three systems must be subjected to a brief analysis: (1) 
special state departments, that is, the hierarchical system of plan 
commissions, in the centre and locally; (2) trade, as a system of market 
regulation; (3) Soviet democracy, as a system for the living regulation by the 
masses of the structure of the economy.

If a universal mind existed, of the kind that projected itself into the 
scientific fancy of Laplace – a mind that could register simultaneously all the 
processes of nature and society, that could measure the dynamics of their 
motion, that could forecast the results of their inter-reactions – such a mind, 
of course, could a priori draw up a faultless and exhaustive economic plan, 
beginning with the number of acres of wheat down to the last button for a vest. 
The bureaucracy often imagines that just such a mind is at its disposal; that 
is why it so easily frees itself from the control of the market and of Soviet 
democracy. But, in reality, the bureaucracy errs frightfully in its estimate of 
its spiritual resources. In its projections it is necessarily obliged, in 
actual performance, to depend upon the proportions (and with equal justice one 
may say the disproportions) it has inherited from capitalist Russia, upon the 
data of the economic structure of contemporary capitalist nations, and finally 
upon the experience of successes and mistakes of the Soviet economy itself. But 
even the most correct combination of all these elements will allow only a most 
imperfect framework of a plan, not more.


This has led me to wonder what influence each guy may have had on the other. 
I'm not sure if Trotsky was ever aware of Hayek, but was certainly aware of 
Trotsky. I wonder if some of his own thinking on the workings of the price 
system and market relations may have been influenced, even if only to a small 
extent,  by Trotsky.  

Jim Farmelant 
Learn or Review Basic Math

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